Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Inastran on September 19, 2018, 07:58:25 PM

Title: I am slowly becoming paranoid
Post by: Inastran on September 19, 2018, 07:58:25 PM
I think thatch am slowly becoming a paranoid person. There are so many sites and articles, different magazines, information is coming from everywhere. From friends, from people on this forum, from my own head sometimes. And the more time passes the more I feel that can not cope with it any more.
From time to time I notice that the stream of this information is too fast and too wide and the facts are usually opposite ones that were told about lately. Magazines usually write contraversary articles and people... everyone is telling something that is opposite the opinion you believe. How do 6ou manage to keep a balance in this? How to filter information if it all seems to come from a reliable source, but pieces cannot click together. Stop reading and listening to everyone is not an option, you can miss something important. Continue listening will make me a sick person :) What do tounusually do in such situations?

Title: Re: I am slowly becoming paranoid
Post by: Cryptodiscuss on September 19, 2018, 08:16:50 PM
How do 6ou manage to keep a balance in this? How to filter information if it all seems to come from a reliable source

Why do you think all big market traders/investors meditate? When you relax everything is gonna come to its place! Stop chasing news in hope to find next big thing!