Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: olsn on March 06, 2014, 01:43:54 PM

Title: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 06, 2014, 01:43:54 PM

I want to announce the Beta of our little game: BTC Tombs
BTC Tombs is a simple but fun game where the player can either solve interactive mazes(tombs) to find a treasure and win real Bitcoin or create own tombs to earn Bitcoins from other players trying to solve the tomb.

Website: (

Playing for free:
If a tomb was solved by a player and the stash was looted, it will become free to play for any player, of couse in this case no cash-price can be awarded to the player.

Playing a cash-price tomb:
For each try to solve a tomb the player pays a small fee to the tomb-owner for a chance to win the pot if he finds the stash before everyone else.

Creating a tomb:
Anyone create a tomb for other players to solve and earn money that way. The stash to win is paid by the creator of course. So the ultimate goal for the creator is it to make the tomb challenging enough that he earns more fees than he originally put into the stash.
Of couse before you publish a tomb you have to prove that it is indeed solvable.

Please note that the game is currently in BETA, so NO real Bitcoins are being currently used.
Deposit and withdrawal is currently not possible. Anyone signing up will receive a balance of 10000 micro Testnet Coins to play with.
This phase is for balancing and other refinements of the game.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: maxuser on March 06, 2014, 03:23:20 PM
Pretty Cool! I like the concept. :)  The graphics are nice but the color for the top of the walls is a bit confusing with the floor at first sight, and add an explanation for how the cash-price work on your website.

Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 07, 2014, 03:10:00 PM
Thanks for your feedback.
There sure is some work left to do, that's why there is no real money involved yet.
But I've noted your points and we're thankful for any feedback! :)

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: gogodr on March 07, 2014, 06:53:23 PM
I just made a maze :D
really neat thing you got going there. gratz

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 10, 2014, 03:09:40 PM
I just made a maze :D
really neat thing you got going there. gratz

Thanks! :)
And good luck with your creation!

We've just published an updated with an updated interface and put a little more information on the landing-page.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: gogodr on March 10, 2014, 03:15:05 PM
Just a little feedback, I think we should be able to set the treasure size and have your current amount be the minimum treasure for the maze.
I made my maze like a mini puzzle game so it should be extra difficult. I feel that the treasure is too little.

Name: Gogo Maze   
Treasure Size: 1613.23µ฿   
Fee: 120.25µ฿   
# Tries: 9   
Total earned Fees: 1082.25µ฿

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 10, 2014, 04:09:34 PM
Okay, what would you say that a more reasonable amount would be?

As a tomb-creator you want the treasure to be as low as possible. If someone solves your tomb after 3-4 tries the treasure will be gone and you have not earned enough fees.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: gogodr on March 10, 2014, 04:48:06 PM
yeah, but setting the example:
I feel that my maze is really challenging and giving it a better bounty should be a good incentive for people to give it a try or more tries making me earn more fees.
I think the current bounty is ok for plain mazes with no complex mechanisms or clever logic tricks, but it should be a minimum set and not a fixed amount. it shouldn't be hard to implement it.
To properly set a bounty of a maze you should make an algorithm that explores all the possible moves and solutions and evaluate how many paths bring you to losing and how many to win and the branches in the path.
It is a quite complex algorithm, so I think you might be better by letting the creator set the bounty.

its just a suggestion though.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 10, 2014, 08:18:07 PM
Okay, a minimum bounty could work - I didn't think anyone would want to up the bounty for the tomb - it would have to be a reaally difficult tomb.
Right now the bounty also increases with every try - a small amount of the play-fee goes into the treasure and the rest goes to the creator, so if the tomb is difficult, the bounty will go up on its own as well, because many people will try and not succeed at first.

Unfortunately an algorithm to determin all the paths to the goal won't work, with 30x30 tiles there is practically an infinite number of possible paths :(

But your input is appreciated, we'll definitely consider the "minimum-bounty"
One question: Did you just wanted to up the bounty or also the fee according to the bounty?

*edit: You could make the tomb more expensive by placing expensive irrelevant items - like golden statues - what do you think of that?

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: gogodr on March 11, 2014, 09:42:31 PM
say, if I'm confident enough of my maze I want to be able to make a maze with a 0.1 BTC bounty and 0.001 fee

daww.. someone solved my maze. Gratz whoever did it :D

Gogo Maze   
29 tries until solved
Total Earned Fees: 3487.25µ฿

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 13, 2014, 12:37:26 PM
We've just released an update:
- Now you can place decorative/expensive statues in the tomb, they have no real effect but if you are confident about your tomb you can increase the bounty that way.
- Also I've implemented a small check to filter out 'boring', 'pure gambling' tombs where the mummy follows you right from the start.

Feedback is welcome :)

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: gogodr on March 13, 2014, 05:17:47 PM
nice :D

one more thing, you should remove the solved tombs from the public list or at least give the option to filter them out.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 14, 2014, 08:04:05 AM
nice :D

one more thing, you should remove the solved tombs from the public list or at least give the option to filter them out.

Yes, that's already on the list and I'll do that next! :)

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: TheUntitled on March 14, 2014, 11:42:41 AM
Interesting concept. The wall graphics are too similar to the ground texture, though, which can get confusing and I find myself often bumping into walls thinking they're the floor.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: olsn on March 14, 2014, 02:53:05 PM
The latest update now includes filtering and sorting of the tomb-list, the walls should better distinguish now from the floor and various bug-fixes.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: pineapples on March 14, 2014, 11:07:40 PM
great :)

i tried the demo level last night and couldn't work out where the walls /floor were
your update helps a lot . but possibly another tiny bit more difference even would be helpful.

mainly i think because of the limited view you have, makes some areas very confusing.

Title: Re: [BETA] - Solve or create interactive mazes to win or earn Bitcoin
Post by: monsterer on March 17, 2014, 06:43:37 PM
Great to see some innovation in the bitcoin gaming scene; there are so many dice clones these days, this is really refreshing. Good job!