Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: SirWilliam on March 06, 2014, 05:25:39 PM

Title: EDIT: Dorian Nakamoto DOES speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: SirWilliam on March 06, 2014, 05:25:39 PM

Read that, WTF?? Have any of you read Satoshi's posts? The is NOT THE SAME PERSON.

This could also explain the quote in the article. He probably didn't even understand what they were asking him, screaming at his door while the police were dragging them away. Then the editors "cleaned up" the English in the quote from Dorian.

Newsweek cover "scoop"=tabloid journalism hoax to try to bring their flailing "online only" rag back into print with a bang.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on March 06, 2014, 05:29:59 PM
yep, but we will have something we can talk about  ;)

the real "satoshi guys" probably laugh about this.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: rmines on March 06, 2014, 05:32:06 PM
I also do not believe he is the real Satoshi.
The real one would be smart enough not to reveal his identity and also like said before, his level of English doesn't match up what we have been reading in the past.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: eldentyrell on March 06, 2014, 05:41:10 PM
He probably didn't even understand what they were asking him,

Or thought they were asking about the decade of classified government work he said he did.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: pbj sammich on March 06, 2014, 05:44:28 PM
He probably didn't even understand what they were asking him,

Or thought they were asking about the decade of classified government work he did.

This is exactly what i thought as well

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: rat on March 06, 2014, 06:08:31 PM

it's him.

stop the butthurt.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: Vitamin on March 06, 2014, 06:16:05 PM
I agree it's probably him.  It's kinda sad, this was funner when we all could dream up our own Satoshi Nakamoto.  I'd say boycott Newsweek, but I'm pretty sure nobody read it before this story anyway.


Title: Dorian==Satoshi?
Post by: amspir on March 06, 2014, 06:25:34 PM
One method to answer the question of Dorian==Satoshi?  is for independent analysis comparing the known writings of Dorian and Satoshi.  

The reporter apparently used forensic analyst for the article as evidence of the link, perhaps more analysis would demonstrate more or less confidence in that link.

Title: Re: Dorian==Satoshi?
Post by: HorseCoin on March 06, 2014, 06:26:31 PM

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: JoeyD on March 06, 2014, 06:27:01 PM
Well he is Satoshi Nakamoto and he has to be the inventor of bitcoin, because he builds his own model trains. What more evidence do you need? The reporter even published his personal details, that is the best evidence you could ever get. Even his family say "things" about him.

What is a little issue like not being able to speak or write English correctly, what does that have to do with good journalism? Next thing you say and journalist should actually base their stories on facts.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: wobber on March 06, 2014, 06:27:17 PM
Can anyone please start a new post with some proofs of the anonimity measures Satoshi took? I know he mentioned Tor but... that's not evidence he wanted to be that really anonymous. Maybe it's that train collector that started the project only as concept but it really took off.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: Celeris on March 06, 2014, 06:50:22 PM
Haha. This unequivocally proves Dorian Sakamoto is NOT the founder of Bitcoin. Here's why:

1. Dorian's English is terrible, and the founder of Bitcoin's command of English is far superior to Dorian's.

2. According to the Newsweek article, Dorian "was pretty intolerant to incompetence." People that are fluent in English and intolerant to incompetence do not write public comments in broken, barely legible English. Especially if it is a complaint to a municipal government.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: snaxion on March 06, 2014, 07:17:55 PM
Obfuscating one's digital tracks by changing one's writing style is done all the time. He even went overboard by starting sentences with lower case. Seems fishy.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: bitfreak! on March 06, 2014, 07:43:16 PM
This is fairly conclusive evidence imo. I doubt he would have used such bad english on purpose knowing that this letter would be dug up at some point in the future. Plus why would he call the cops and then go outside and essentially admit to the reporter that he created Bitcoin? Makes zero sense...

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: bananas on March 06, 2014, 07:47:12 PM
Obviously fake Satoshi. News Weekk got in trouble.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: SirWilliam on March 06, 2014, 07:48:54 PM
Wait, your saying he was obfuscating his tracks by writing letters to the editor about new railway lines in California and reviews of buttery cookies on Amazon, with his real name, while, and after, he was developing bitcoin? That is a pretty sophisticated strategy. Maybe he even got into the model trains and wore the cute hat so later when his identity was discovered then he could go back and point to those pictures to make himself look like an unsuspecting hobbyist who nobody would believe could be involved in bitcoin. The guy's a master ::)

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: amspir on March 06, 2014, 08:03:29 PM
Obfuscating one's digital tracks by changing one's writing style is done all the time. He even went overboard by starting sentences with lower case. Seems fishy.

That's only one writing sample from Dorian.  It could be a fraud or an outlier.   A much bigger dataset would be required to increase confidence in the conclusion.  I'd be much more interested in the results from an algorithm designed to compare writing samples, rather than human analysis, which could be put up against control samples and other  suspected Satoshis.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: bananas on March 06, 2014, 08:08:35 PM
Wait, your saying he was obfuscating his tracks by writing letters to the editor about new railway lines in California and reviews of buttery cookies on Amazon, with his real name, while, and after, he was developing bitcoin? That is a pretty sophisticated strategy. Maybe he even got into the model trains and wore the cute hat so later when his identity was discovered then he could go back and point to those pictures to make himself look like an unsuspecting hobbyist who nobody would believe could be involved in bitcoin. The guy's a master ::)

That's possible. It also hard to believe that someone with a higher education degree obtained in the USA and being so many decades in the country writes so badly. But we have to consider that the japanese really has an issue with foreign languages.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: Raize on March 06, 2014, 08:09:14 PM
Even his family say "things" about him.

I caught a relative telling friends that I created Bitcoin once. I had to explain a few things could never be said about myself and Bitcoin, and that was one of them.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: on March 06, 2014, 08:15:04 PM
Do you really believe "Satoshi Nakamoto" is his real name when Bitcoin is pseudonymous.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: whtchocla7e on March 06, 2014, 08:17:53 PM

That's possible. It also hard to believe that someone with a higher education degree obtained in the USA and being so many decades in the country writes so badly. But we have to consider that the japanese really has an issue with foreign languages.

Maybe the write badly on purpose to turn the attention away from themselves... naw, that'd be too clever..

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: SirWilliam on March 06, 2014, 08:42:04 PM
It ain't hard to believe that people who lived in the US for DECADES don't speak English all that well. Geez, have you guys ever been to California??? I lived there for 15 years (oops there goes my future anonymity, luckily I will never be a reclusive billionaire genius) and if you want to go to Little Tokyo in LA or even Sawtelle you can find lots of older Japanese-Americans who don't speak very good English. And never mind Hispanic Americans. There is basically multiculturalism and there are enclaves where people speak mostly their own language. Plus I went to a major University in Cali and I knew lots of people with advanced degrees that can barely write English and needed to have all their work proofread and corrected for this reason. I also worked with people who had been there most of their lives and whose written English was terrible. It also depends on the person, I saw a lecture by Chomsky where he said that he is horrible at languages and can't learn foreign languages no matter how long he stays in a foreign country or how long he studies it. I myself have been living in a foreign country for the last 7 years and when I write in the local language it is FULL of basic errors of grammar and spelling.

Obviously it is possible that Satoshi, when he posted here, had someone correct every line of his posts so they were in almost-perfect colloquial American. But that is not a very credible explanation given the complex and conversational nature of his posts.

Personally I find this idea--that Satoshi wrote letters on local issues and wrote Amazon reviews in rather atrocious English DELIBERATELY as a "back up plan" to be used in the future after bitcoin became successful and he was found out--to be a rather absurd conspiracy theory.

I mean let's try to use Ockham's Razor here. Isn't it more likely, and a far simpler explanation, to think that perhaps NewsWeek, desperate for a HUGE scoop to re-launch it's first print issue after being online-only, carried out their investigation in a manner that would AVOID DISPROVING that this Dorian Nakamoto is Satoshi while presenting a list of reasons that he COULD THEORETICALLY be Satoshi without actually proving anything???

I must point out that, though WE can not be sure of the quality of Dorian Nakamoto's English, there ARE MANY PEOPLE who are very sure of how exactly he speaks and writes English. Those being his friends, former colleagues, fellow hobbyists and family. Those people KNOW at this moment whether he is capable of writing Satoshi's posts. Another person who probably knows is the journalist, but I wouldn't expect her to be extremely forthcoming on this point at this stage.

In any case, my point is that it is almost guaranteed that the truth will come out quite soon. I expect it will be proven that this is not Satoshi. But I would be amused and happy to be wrong. What a great story it would be for a normal person like Dorian Nakamoto to invent a disruptive technology that would disturb and fascinate the global private and gov't financial order, while providing hope of an alternative to their system to millions of other normal people. As for fears about the effect on Bitcoin's acceptance or value, Bitcoin is and will remain what we know it to be: an open source, transparent, distributed currency and store of value with a public ledger.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: cdog on March 06, 2014, 09:37:56 PM

Read that, WTF?? Have any of you read Satoshi's posts? The is NOT THE SAME PERSON.

This could also explain the quote in the article. He probably didn't even understand what they were asking him, screaming at his door while the police were dragging them away. Then the editors "cleaned up" the English in the quote from Dorian.

Newsweek cover "scoop"=tabloid journalism hoax to try to bring their flailing "online only" rag back into print with a bang.

Anyone who has lived in the US for so long and works for major US companies surely speaks and writes fine English. The idea that hes not a native speaker is preposterous.

If a note you found online seemed sloppily written, that doesnt mean anything. Ive written plenty of emails or notes in shorthand or without proper grammar.

I think part of us wants to believe he couldnt be hiding in plain sight. No way. But it makes sense. Its clearly him. Everything makes sense.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: xDan on March 06, 2014, 10:10:37 PM
Even his family say "things" about him.

I caught a relative telling friends that I created Bitcoin once. I had to explain a few things could never be said about myself and Bitcoin, and that was one of them.

It's funny why family do that. Any time I show some family member some cool new tech their first question is "Did YOU make that?" and then I have to disappoint them. :(

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: SirWilliam on March 06, 2014, 10:18:10 PM

Read that, WTF?? Have any of you read Satoshi's posts? The is NOT THE SAME PERSON.

This could also explain the quote in the article. He probably didn't even understand what they were asking him, screaming at his door while the police were dragging them away. Then the editors "cleaned up" the English in the quote from Dorian.

Newsweek cover "scoop"=tabloid journalism hoax to try to bring their flailing "online only" rag back into print with a bang.

Anyone who has lived in the US for so long and works for major US companies surely speaks and writes fine English. The idea that hes not a native speaker is preposterous.

If a note you found online seemed sloppily written, that doesnt mean anything. Ive written plenty of emails or notes in shorthand or without proper grammar.

I think part of us wants to believe he couldnt be hiding in plain sight. No way. But it makes sense. Its clearly him. Everything makes sense.

I wouldn't be so sure. The evidence is barely there. Still, I am starting to LOVE the idea that it is him, "I want my free lunch!" That is one cool cat!

twitter accounts of reporters following him around as he does his interview with AP:

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: Lauda on March 06, 2014, 10:21:00 PM
Obfuscating one's digital tracks by changing one's writing style is done all the time. He even went overboard by starting sentences with lower case. Seems fishy.
Yeah and use your real name.
This makes perfect sense, smart.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: finder_keeper on March 06, 2014, 10:23:20 PM

Read that, WTF?? Have any of you read Satoshi's posts? The is NOT THE SAME PERSON.

This could also explain the quote in the article. He probably didn't even understand what they were asking him, screaming at his door while the police were dragging them away. Then the editors "cleaned up" the English in the quote from Dorian.

Newsweek cover "scoop"=tabloid journalism hoax to try to bring their flailing "online only" rag back into print with a bang.

In early/mid 2009 Dorian Nakamoto was quite involved in his model train hobby. See

I don't think that's a guy running a 60-node cpu mining cluster.

Title: Re: Dorian Nakamoto does NOT speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: corebob on March 06, 2014, 10:29:32 PM
Obfuscating one's digital tracks by changing one's writing style is done all the time. He even went overboard by starting sentences with lower case. Seems fishy.

Then again, obfuscating one's identity by using your true name is not  :D

Title: Re: EDIT: Dorian Nakamoto DOES speak English well and he ain't Satoshi, see article:
Post by: SirWilliam on March 07, 2014, 05:14:52 AM
Umm, see what I mean folks?  ;D