Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on October 05, 2018, 03:33:39 AM

Title: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on October 05, 2018, 03:33:39 AM
Many individuals get attracted to Bitcoin because of the potential ROI they see in the investment instead of using bitcoin as a day to day currency. Those individuals (investors) do every right until a dip in price of Bitcoin occurs then they panic sell (most times selling at a loss just to prevent more losses) but not all are that smart to play the market, making the most out of it.
Some individuals try the Hodling strategy but get catch off guard once they run out of cash are in need of urgent fiat currency then they cash out making them to miss on any potential ROI their investment would had given them.
Some even try the day to day, weekly or monthly trading but not all succeeds.

For any investor that have experiences any of situations mentioned above no worry because you can try the strategy in used below or take advice from other users replies.
My investment strategy, : (budget $20,000)
 Note: this strategy can work for any budget ratio 85:15 and was deployed based on the reason crypto is my only source of income
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.
In a situation where I'm in need of urgent  cash, that's where the altcoins come into play. They would be sold and that way I won't have to touch my capital investment in Bitcoin. This enables me to HODL for as long as I want.

2. I participate in airdrops. who doesn't like free money? Till date I have participated in over 150 airdrop, one of the best was hydrogen token cashing out about $3000 cool right :o?.  The point I'm making here, is I participate in these airdrops to have altcoins I can turn to, if I find myself in need of urgent cash that way I don't get tempted to cash out my Bitcoin investment.

3. Join signature campaign, now this I was not doing until I stated spending more time in forum so decided to earn while I learn too. And so far, that have been going great and I haven't touched my initial investment in Bitcoin.

Now I know this might not be the best strategy you must have heard of, but it works for me and ever since i bought Bitcoin (late 2016) I haven't touched my bitcoin investment) in fact most times I even forget I own Bitcoins. Feel free to drop your strategy below, you might
just help a soul (potential investor) by so doing.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: pooya87 on October 05, 2018, 04:46:44 AM
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.
In a situation where I'm in need of urgent  cash, that's where the altcoins come into play. They would be sold and that way I won't have to touch my capital investment in Bitcoin. This enables me to HODL for as long as I want.
that doesn't make any sense!
first of all you should never invest the "cash" that you need in bitcoin. if you think you might need that $3000 then don't invest it at all. invest $17k in bitcoin.
not to mention that investing in 6 altcoins is not going to do you any good. it is not diversification. you just bought riskier assets that drop that much harder and have a higher risk. so you didn't help yourself at all. and on top of that it is always easier to sell bitcoin for fiat all around the world than it is to sell altcoins for fiat!

2. I participate in airdrops. who doesn't like free money? Till date I have participated in over 150 airdrop, one of the best was hydrogen token cashing out about $3000 cool right :o?.  The point I'm making here, is I participate in these airdrops to have altcoins I can turn to, if I find myself in need of urgent cash that way I don't get tempted to cash out my Bitcoin investment.

3. Join signature campaign, now this I was not doing until I stated spending more time in forum so decided to earn while I learn too. And so far, that have been going great and I haven't touched my initial investment in Bitcoin.
both of these require free time. and nowadays airdrops have turned into  a series of tasks which makes them practically the same as signature campaigns and they need a lot of time to waste!
and this will be some sort of additional income, it still has nothing to do with investment and whether or not you sell bitcoin in my opinion. i believe that if you invest the money you don't need in bitcoin then you will never feel the "urge" to sell it.

Now I know this might not be the best strategy you must have heard of, but it works for me and ever since i bought Bitcoin (late 2016) I haven't touched my bitcoin investment) in fact most times I even forget I own Bitcoins. Feel free to drop your strategy below, you might
just help a soul (potential investor) by so doing.
the bold part is the important part. as long as it works for you, that is fine.
i don't exactly have a strategy but i only sell if the price has gone up too fast and has set a record. like $20k for instance. and then i end up buying back even more after the dip.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: St4yInTh3D4rk on October 05, 2018, 05:38:18 AM
It is not the best strategy though since we need to work here to maintain our capitals levels but in regular form of investment there is no need to work like in signature campaigns or aridrops which have no related to your investment.I also don't suggest you to invest in altcoins because those value might turn into very low soon so just keep that $3000 as cash and use them whenever you need in emergency situation.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Marcel666 on October 05, 2018, 06:14:21 AM

In a situation where I'm in need of urgent  cash, that's where the altcoins come into play. They would be sold and that way I won't have to touch my capital investment in Bitcoin. This enables me to HODL for as long as I want.

That us of course assuming that you made or have acquired profits from your alternative investments, which is not always the case, and with changing market situation, you should not have to be in a situation where you depend on you investment before it matures. Always invest spare money.

2. I participate in airdrops. who doesn't like free money? Till date I have participated in over 150 airdrop, one of the best was hydrogen token cashing out about $3000 cool right :o?.  The point I'm making here, is I participate in these airdrops to have altcoins I can turn to, if I find myself in need of urgent cash that way I don't get tempted to cash out my Bitcoin investment.

3. Join signature campaign, now this I was not doing until I stated spending more time in forum so decided to earn while I learn too. And so far, that have been going great and I haven't touched my initial investment in Bitcoin.

You can only do this if you take cryptocurrencies as your primary source of income. And have ample time to do the tasks.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: davis196 on October 05, 2018, 06:21:03 AM
'HODLers run out of cash,so they eventually have to sell a part of their bitcoins to cover their expenses.'
This is the most stupid theory I've ever heard.99% of the HODLers generate enough cash to cover their daily expenses,while they keep hoarding bitcoins in the long run.
You made 3000 USD from a single airdrop?Congrats.I can't believe that most of the airdrops are legit. 

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: carter34 on October 05, 2018, 06:35:43 AM
You made 3000 USD from a single airdrop?Congrats.I can't believe that most of the airdrops are legit. 

He also got my attention at this point too. It is the point where I believe can sustain an investment. Buying directly into altcoin to hodl a bitcoin investment won't work. Altcoins have a way of collapsing while you are still in bed sleeping. For instance, ONT was doing well but has dropped below 50% and above.

I believe in being prudent with my income and bitcoin. I can sell a fraction and buy back in. I don't depend on altcoin.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: rodalutor on October 05, 2018, 12:01:43 PM

My investment strategy: (budget $20,000)
 Note: this strategy can work for any budget ratio 70:30
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.

That's an 85:15 ratio. A sensible idea is always to save some fiat to invest later if the price falls for example, you can't always time a buy point perfectly. Having spare fiat allows you to take advantage of any dips.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: zhelis74 on October 05, 2018, 12:25:39 PM

My investment strategy: (budget $20,000)
 Note: this strategy can work for any budget ratio 70:30
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.

That's an 85:15 ratio. A sensible idea is always to save some fiat to invest later if the price falls for example, you can't always time a buy point perfectly. Having spare fiat allows you to take advantage of any dips.
Investment value will all depends on our faith and belief in crypto currency but in the first place granting that we have money for it because if we force to use money that tend for other purpose then the most possible happen is that we have to sell our coin prematurely because we badly need money.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: btcluisdiki on October 05, 2018, 12:38:37 PM
I believe that  every person in this community has it's own different strategies and I respect that and in my case, as a newcomer in this field I am just purely into investment and not involved in day trading which I want to do someday. For me, the only strategy is just simply invest into btc for a long term period and hodl until such time btc could spike up where that could be the time for you to decide if you wish to sell your btc or just have to leave it that way.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: royaljack200 on October 05, 2018, 12:43:45 PM
I like this strat. It's pretty much what I like to do. Put my major investment into bitcoin and the rest on altcoins so I have something in case bitcoin doesn't work out. But you just gotta be careful with these altcoins. Too many scam coins/projects.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: NeuroticFish on October 05, 2018, 12:48:17 PM
Feel free to drop your strategy below

The strategy I know is simple:
1. Earn more (from job, paid in fiat) in a year than you (or your family) spend in a (that) year.
2. Don't invest into crypto all your extra, since emergencies do happen now and then.
3. Chill, believe in crypto and don't panic for all the FUD.

This allows you to HODL without worries.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: glowing10 on October 06, 2018, 05:28:06 AM
I like this strat. It's pretty much what I like to do. Put my major investment into bitcoin and the rest on altcoins so I have something in case bitcoin doesn't work out. But you just gotta be careful with these altcoins. Too many scam coins/projects.

Only I prefer to invest in best of the altcoins and with some money you have made it then put back in other ICO coins which you prefer is worth investing in the future of that coin. As some of the ICO if goes successful can become your next NEO or ETH etc and it means that with smaller investment you have actually got is the jackpot. So in such scenarios always use your strategy of short and long term and plan accordingly.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Pursuer on October 06, 2018, 06:07:46 AM
I like the idea of having additional sources of bitcoin income to have more bitcoin at your disposal so that if some day you wanted to sell you have enough bitcoin to sell some of it and then still hold more bitcoin in your wallet.
although I don't personally like the airdrop kinds of methods of earning bitcoin but it is one of the ways. I personally prefer trading altcoins to earn profit on my bitcoins in addition to other micro jobs and passive income.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Teawhalee on October 06, 2018, 06:46:29 AM
you might be right with this but personally i don't see this as a strategy for investment. your other engagement like airdrop and signatures gave you extra cash and this doesn't seem like an investment but you just tried to spell investment diversification indirectly.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Assface16678 on October 06, 2018, 06:56:09 AM
I like this strat. It's pretty much what I like to do. Put my major investment into bitcoin and the rest on altcoins so I have something in case bitcoin doesn't work out. But you just gotta be careful with these altcoins. Too many scam coins/projects.

This is true. That is why people need to be smart enough in picking what projects to choose. And also choosing when to sell is a big problem. We can sell and when the market goes down buy and sell and buy and repeat. This will probably help you to create profit. And also trust and patience.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: adzino on October 06, 2018, 08:13:32 AM
These are not strategies to hold bitcoin you have stated, rather some ways to get something out of your holdings. First of all, people trade to make some quick money. This is called active trading investment and is different from long term investments. It has risks but the profits gained from it is totally worth taking those risks. And how did you come up with that 85:15 ratio? I though we were talking about holding for long term.How is it any different when you are selling your altcoins for money? Altcoins are more unstable and high chances of making huge loss with altcoins. With air drops you need to be extremely lucky or else you will only be collecting dusts.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: pixie85 on October 06, 2018, 08:59:42 PM
If you're afraid of losing money, putting some of it into altcoins instead of bitcoin is stupid. Altcoins are even more volatile than bitcoin and on top of that they depend on bitcoin. If bitcoin is in a bear market altcoins are too, but if bitcoin is in a bull market, not all altcoins have to be. This means that if you have $20000 to invest and put 3 into altcoins to be safer you will in fact be even less safe than if you put it all in Bitcoin!

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Cajor on October 07, 2018, 07:04:50 AM
It might be dangerous dealing with so many coins. It is fine as long as it working for you. You should be prepared with some more strategies just in case.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Cajor on October 07, 2018, 07:32:11 AM
Perhaps you are right. But, there are some problems like the additional cash you are earning from airdrop and signature doe snot look like an investment, and the investments on Altcoin can turn out to be a reason of a huge loss since they are highly unstable.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Ale75Opus on October 07, 2018, 08:31:17 AM
Not a bad strategy, you need to take note of it. I like to read these posts, you can find many useful things in them.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: ambisyon on October 07, 2018, 09:09:21 AM
There are several ways in which you could prevent selling your btc prematurely in the event where there is a great dip in the market trend or bearish market that take too long to recover. I would suggest that investors should not react negatively in cases like this and it should be better to observed the market and hold your btc. As far as I had observed in the crypto market, after the bearish mode btc will surely make a comeback and regain the previous price it was before it undergo bearish market or sometimes it will spike more even reaching an increase of $1k after the adjustment.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Crypto Girl on October 07, 2018, 09:31:23 AM
So in more sensible thought, invest more in bitcoin and less than altcoin since bitcoin is more established coin and somehow we can anticipate its movement.

Also don't diversify too much coins that you think you can't handle to avoid further losses.

And so I thought there's something strategical in OP but it's just for bounty and airdrops which is just a total rubbish.
And he's damn lucky for earning $3000 for an airdrop, I wonder what was that. ???

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: spadaccino on October 07, 2018, 09:39:20 AM
You just have to not look at the chart and you're fine. Believe in long term instead quicks bucks in short time and never believe in the media even if it's a good news. Invest only what you can lose and be ready to take advatages in the future. Nobody knows what we're dealing with so you're in the avartage stadium, and onlyh those with so many money can control the whole market right now, but they are fewer and fewer so I can only suggest you to reguard your privacy and choose anonymity. Privacy matter.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Bittalk12 on October 07, 2018, 09:49:12 AM
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.
In a situation where I'm in need of urgent  cash, that's where the altcoins come into play. They would be sold and that way I won't have to touch my capital investment in Bitcoin. This enables me to HODL for as long as I want.

This is somehow effective to multiply your bitcoin. Investing 15% of your funds to altcoins is a great idea if you trading those for a daily profit. If you are a day trader, handling 6 different altcoins to a single trading platform is a hard task but can be profitable because it supports each other or cover each losses.

2. I participate in airdrops. who doesn't like free money? Till date I have participated in over 150 airdrop, one of the best was hydrogen token cashing out about $3000 cool right :o?.  The point I'm making here, is I participate in these airdrops to have altcoins I can turn to, if I find myself in need of urgent cash that way I don't get tempted to cash out my Bitcoin investment.

Joining aidrops is also one of the best thing to do to gain extra profit specially if the market is unstable or bleeding. Unfortunately, the chances of getting a profitable airdrops is below 10% based on my experience so you better join multiple airdrops so that a passive income will be surprising.

3. Join signature campaign, now this I was not doing until I stated spending more time in forum so decided to earn while I learn too. And so far, that have been going great and I haven't touched my initial investment in Bitcoin.

I also prefer joining signature because it is one of the best profitable part of the bounty campaign. Honestly, I learned a lot from this forum and most of the members here are always willing to share their ideas and knowledge. You earn while you learn in this signature campaign.

Over all, these advises are helpful specially to newbies or who wanted to earn in cryptocurrency. I might say that these strategies are effective to earn passively and will give you a better idea how multitask or multiply your income.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: quocsi on October 07, 2018, 09:52:31 AM
Thank you for sharing this investment strategy. The strategy is very smart and effective. We should not focus our entire investment on bitcoin. And in case you need money to pay for your daily expenses, you have to sell bitcoin at a cheap price. You should invest more than half of your capital into bitcoin. The remaining capital should be subdivided and invested in potential altcoins. You can use the altcoin that trades daily to make a profit.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Thirdspace on October 07, 2018, 01:30:39 PM
the notion of "selling your bitcoin prematurely" hints me to situation of cashing out too early :D
I thought OP is going to share technique on maximizing profit in bitcoin trading
but it looks like just a usual strategy of investment portfolio diversification  

Now I know this might not be the best strategy you must have heard of, but it works for me and ever since i bought Bitcoin (late 2016) I haven't touched my bitcoin investment) ...
I would say you missed the opportunity to double your bitcoin amount or investment value  
if you bought late 2016, should be less than $1,000/BTC, you should've sold it sometime late 2017
you could've made 1500%+ profit (15x) if you've sold it for at least $15,000/BTC early dec 2017
then you could've bought back in feb or april 2018 for ~$7,000/BTC

if you started with 1 BTC (value was $1,000) and now you would have 2 BTC (value $13,000 at $6,500 rate)
compared to HODL 1 BTC (value was $1,000) and now still HODL 1 BTC (value $6,500)

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Simsonie on October 07, 2018, 01:45:30 PM
it seems to me that your strategy is clear enough for everyone to understand. Thank you for you useful sharing

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Dudeperfect on October 07, 2018, 02:10:12 PM
Panic selling takes place when there is a less confidence in the research behind taking any particular investment decision. I have always believed that diversification based on investment options as well as systematic investment plan (that emphasizes on buying a smaller unit at a certain frequency of time). However, to do research before taking an investment decision is a crucial factor in building trading/investment strategies.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Aidenpeters on October 07, 2018, 02:37:39 PM
You should not invest in altcoins because those value might turn into very low soon though every person in this community has it's own different strategies. For me the only strategy is just invest into btc for a long term period.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: RileyPeterson on October 07, 2018, 03:03:10 PM
the most important thing in a moment like this is to stay calm, use your wits and think carefully as a rash decision could end up turning a good investment into a bad one. Being calm and patient is key.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: KassandrHicks on October 07, 2018, 03:24:16 PM
It's all on the business strategy of the investor. If he thinks selling it would be good, then there should be no problem. But if he wants to really suppress himself from selling, then he should think about the future benefit he would get and also invest from his spare and reserved money.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: rodalutor on October 07, 2018, 08:24:44 PM

My investment strategy: (budget $20,000)
 Note: this strategy can work for any budget ratio 70:30
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.

That's an 85:15 ratio. A sensible idea is always to save some fiat to invest later if the price falls for example, you can't always time a buy point perfectly. Having spare fiat allows you to take advantage of any dips.
Investment value will all depends on our faith and belief in crypto currency but in the first place granting that we have money for it because if we force to use money that tend for other purpose then the most possible happen is that we have to sell our coin prematurely because we badly need money.

Yeah, one bad decision always leads to even more bad decisions. One of the first decisions is how much to invest and investing too much only leads to being forced in to unwanted financial situations like you spoke of.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Harrow30 on October 07, 2018, 09:29:31 PM
I did used to participate in airdrops until now when the market really dipped and I stopped; missed out on the hydrogen freebie too. Good advice you have here and wish people won't need to sell unnecessarily after reading this and wait for the future when their acquired tokens  will really count.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: cizatext on October 07, 2018, 09:38:13 PM
Many individuals get attracted to Bitcoin because of the potential ROI they see in the investment instead of using bitcoin as a day to day currency. Those individuals (investors) do every right until a dip in price of Bitcoin occurs then they panic sell (most times selling at a loss just to prevent more losses) but not all are that smart to play the market, making the most out of it.
Some individuals try the Hodling strategy but get catch off guard once they run out of cash are in need of urgent fiat currency then they cash out making them to miss on any potential ROI their investment would had given them.
Some even try the day to day, weekly or monthly trading but not all succeeds.

For any investor that have experiences any of situations mentioned above no worry because you can try the strategy in used below or take advice from other users replies.
My investment strategy, : (budget $20,000)
 Note: this strategy can work for any budget ratio 85:15 and was deployed based on the reason crypto is my only source of income
1: instead of investing all my capital into bitcoin, i invest $17000 in bitcoin, the remaining $3000 goes into 6 different altcoin (I.e $500 in each).you can draft out yours.
In a situation where I'm in need of urgent  cash, that's where the altcoins come into play. They would be sold and that way I won't have to touch my capital investment in Bitcoin. This enables me to HODL for as long as I want.

2. I participate in airdrops. who doesn't like free money? Till date I have participated in over 150 airdrop, one of the best was hydrogen token cashing out about $3000 cool right :o?.  The point I'm making here, is I participate in these airdrops to have altcoins I can turn to, if I find myself in need of urgent cash that way I don't get tempted to cash out my Bitcoin investment.

3. Join signature campaign, now this I was not doing until I stated spending more time in forum so decided to earn while I learn too. And so far, that have been going great and I haven't touched my initial investment in Bitcoin.

Now I know this might not be the best strategy you must have heard of, but it works for me and ever since i bought Bitcoin (late 2016) I haven't touched my bitcoin investment) in fact most times I even forget I own Bitcoins. Feel free to drop your strategy below, you might
just help a soul (potential investor) by so doing.
Nice investment plans there but you know because it worked for you does not mean it will work for others, as everyone has it own skill and luck some other persons will investment all their capital in bitcoin and still earn a good amount of profits. While others invested huge on altcoins that never made it to exchange.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: ratatat bangbang on October 07, 2018, 10:04:03 PM
Simple, always have monitoring on the value of bitcoin and give your 100% patience and trust. It is good also while waiting or monitoring, you will join some bounty campaign or airdrop which gives you profit in a form of tokens.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Al-e_x on October 07, 2018, 10:14:38 PM
good strategy, and that is amazing. bitcoin is a priority, but you also don't forget to choose another altcoin to invest your assets. in a bearish market condition, I advise you to buy the best 10 crypto. but you can also choose FLXX, Odem, and others.

I don't like airdrop, I give up, because I always get free coins but garbage.

signatures are very promising, signatures always have a large allocation in each bounty.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: coolcoinz on October 07, 2018, 10:56:51 PM
Simple, always have monitoring on the value of bitcoin and give your 100% patience and trust. It is good also while waiting or monitoring, you will join some bounty campaign or airdrop which gives you profit in a form of tokens.

It's so motivating, especially when that signature money you were earning become worth 10% less before the end of the month.
Monitoring the price is good only if you can control yourself. I don't like to do it all every day because in a bear market it brings me down. Watching the price reaching lower points every day will only lead you to a state of depression.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Shimmiry on October 07, 2018, 11:01:23 PM
It is not the best strategy though since we need to work here to maintain our capitals levels but in regular form of investment there is no need to work like in signature campaigns or aridrops which have no related to your investment.I also don't suggest you to invest in altcoins because those value might turn into very low soon so just keep that $3000 as cash and use them whenever you need in emergency situation.

Well we have different strategies and its for us to adopt someon strategy. Therefore all strategy can generate profit, because making strategy or thinking about it has the goal of to make or generate profit. But then it differ on how we work for it, how much money we have or how long can we allocate to it.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: BitcoinHunt3r on October 07, 2018, 11:20:56 PM
It is not the best strategy though since we need to work here to maintain our capitals levels but in regular form of investment there is no need to work like in signature campaigns or aridrops which have no related to your investment.I also don't suggest you to invest in altcoins because those value might turn into very low soon so just keep that $3000 as cash and use them whenever you need in emergency situation.

Well we have different strategies and its for us to adopt someon strategy. Therefore all strategy can generate profit, because making strategy or thinking about it has the goal of to make or generate profit. But then it differ on how we work for it, how much money we have or how long can we allocate to it.
Any strategy, any capital. As long we can manage our mental and analyze what we invest, we will good at that investment. If we not really good at our mental, we will easy to get panic and then loss our investment.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Nhor1011 on October 07, 2018, 11:35:36 PM
Remember I said this is what I used and it works fine for me. Also Crypto is my primary source of income, I'm still dependent (a student) so I'm investing my way to my financial freedom. My country Nigeria don't even have enough job for graduates, if you're suggesting I should get an alternative job. When you say spare I laugh because most people that give that advice don't even follow it.
Investment is more of a money game, the higher you invest the bigger your profit.

   You are right,the more you invest,the more profit you will gain ,you just need patience,knowledge and time. Everyone has it's own and different strategy  and braveness to take sime risk.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: thankyoulord on October 11, 2018, 03:56:31 AM
Nice strategy you have, but remember what worked/works for you might not work for everyone. I will personally suggest that you take calculated risks. Even if you decide to sell your bitcoin today, let the decision really be worth it, let it really be what you want, not done out of a shaky emotional heart or influence of your peer group or any other thing unrelated to absolute market drive. So be watchful when you're beginning to make moves that don't seem logical enough or moves based on mere emotional ground.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Kakmakr on October 11, 2018, 05:24:52 AM
My strategy is even easier, because I follow the 80/20 method. You buy 100% Bitcoin, but you spend only 20% of it and the other 80% goes directly into cold storage. <Preferably paper wallets, because they are more difficult to access, when you quickly need some money>

We have to spend some bitcoins and I think 20% is more than enough. If we do not spend any bitcoins, merchants will stop accepting it as a payment option.  :P

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: oginiimaoyani on October 11, 2018, 07:54:29 PM
Yes joining signature bounty earn you money and setting up strategies prevent you from running into financial loss, most a time your strategies saves as a guide for your investment.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: Zeque02 on October 11, 2018, 08:46:01 PM
In order to prevent selling bitcoin prematurely is by joining different bounty campaign because you can earn profit by joining that.While waiting for the right time you earn income which which will give you additional money.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: BCTalkaccountforsale on October 11, 2018, 09:08:44 PM
Choosing the investment time is important but more important is the trust in your decision. I do not think that long-term hold is best for a penny because there are so many factors that will affect you holding it later. Opportunities come to us not so much so cherish and make the right decision.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: ShowOff on October 11, 2018, 09:20:52 PM
I don't have any strategies, only think if price is good,or when on urgent situation i will sell my bitcoin. But if not really good and i still safe to keep it, so i keep it. And i never look on exchanges, only price in google.

Title: Re: How to prevent selling your bitcoin prematurely, use this strategy
Post by: lazygin006 on October 11, 2018, 09:24:55 PM
Just don't follow the market all the time and give yourself a little break from it from time to time. I find it very helpful as you will just end up beating yourself up all the time if you keep staring at the prices going up and down.