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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Thekool1s on October 05, 2018, 04:12:43 PM

Title: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thekool1s on October 05, 2018, 04:12:43 PM
Title: What If the Earth Does Not Exist?

What do you make of this video? Before watching grab something to eat/drink. Its 20 minutes long.

I truly believe that we are living in a simulation but I am still trying to figure out the purpose of this simulation. What might be the aim behind a simulation like ours? Is it why we don't see aliens roaming around in the galaxies cuz this simulation was programmed to be of humans only? How do religions play into this theory? Were they actually introduced by the being or beings running this simulation? But most importantly Does this indirectly mean that "God"/"Gods" exists? This is a very interesting topic for me. So many things come to my mind but I Would love to hear from you guys. Do you think we are living a virtual reality after watching that video? What makes you think this is a reality itself while guys like Elon say otherwise. Leave your thoughts below.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Goldentoken on October 06, 2018, 03:20:36 AM
I will rather say, this World is basically Virtual. We were meant to believe this, men has to rule men. Animal has to be under man. Virtually everything is reality.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thai19 on October 06, 2018, 07:32:24 AM
Yes, we are developing a lot of things in the virtual world. What does it really help us? I have seen children who skip school to go gaming, even worse than they killed and robbed the property just because of the game. a virtual world when the children are embodied in the characters. Virtual worlds also have good and bad things. Perhaps what we are developing will harm our relatives in the future. I think we are defying everything to make money. Destroy the habitat in exchange for money. Our earth does not have eternal life, maybe we are wrong. We are looking for a new planet, maybe our planet does not last long. That's what I'm thinking about when watching your video.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: TheBiochemist on October 06, 2018, 10:49:19 AM
I also think this is a very interesting / important aspect of nature, since physics have never proven anything to be solid and quantum physics stumbled upon natural laws that seem to point to a reality that essentially is a hologram or illusion. We use to think that the brain was responsible for the hallucination of reality or illusion but we now understand that the brain is simply a part of the hallucination, we cold be anything, what is it really that which is hallucinating the reality in which we have a brain?  Logically the hallucination must come first, and contain the brain, which is backed up by quantum physics where observation comes prior to the observer, since the observer is the observation of something, but what!

If there where a wast universe in existence, the odds of life spawning( if it can ) on many places is high, and some might have started such an simulation, in which we exists. The problem with simulation theory is that any proof of its non existence could be simulated, and so could proof of its existence, making it impossible to prove or disprove, sadly.

As for god / creator, yes, nothing exists without reason or creator that is fundamentally impossible. Physics blame "nothing" but cant mentally grasp this nothing. The brightest minds in physics talks about nothing containing quantum rules and fluctuations... How is that nothing? That is indeed something, where did it come form, why did it spawn us to as that question? There is no rationality behind saying nothing created everything, there is no nothing, by definition. In case of simulation we have creators obviously, god not so much i guess, but our creators might :)

I do believe that we expect our reality and it is such as we expect if there is a way the probability waves can collapse into that expectation. We are conditioned to see reality in a certain way and we expect it to be like that every time when we wake up, so it is. This is done by our brain, but what observes our brain? I think that pure consciousness is observing everything and that we simply got lost in a illusion where we do everything to survive, which prevents us from realizing we cant die, we are eternal and we are the creator of this world.

The next question is who created our higher consciousness and that would be god I guess :) a concept we mentally cant grasp, a source of truth and altruism waiting for us to, by free will to return to him/her, through altruism!


Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: on October 06, 2018, 11:17:17 AM
Apparently we are living in a holographic universe ( From my old university.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: ripthesystem on October 06, 2018, 01:15:15 PM
As for the reason why we are living in the presumable simulation, the Matrix immediately comes to mind.
We may be in a simulation because machines (aliens, etc.) need us for some important reason - say, producing electricity.
Or, which is more startling, WE need these higher beings to preserve humans? Imagine the Earth being so polluted and devastated by humanity that the only way to save human life is to create well-protected virtual simulation stations with machines maintaining the system.

It was said, we are NPCs in this simulation. In this case, who are the players? Higher beings participating in the process just for fun? For control?

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: BitPotus on October 06, 2018, 02:40:55 PM (

We are being farmed for loosh.....hence ze "matrix"....

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thekool1s on October 06, 2018, 04:18:40 PM (

We are being farmed for loosh.....hence ze "matrix"....

No references to the Vedas, Nice!

It was said, we are NPCs in this simulation. In this case, who are the players? Higher beings participating in the process just for fun? For control?

That's what I am wondering. Whether this universe is a simulation or a game. There is a difference in two.

@TheBiochemist I like your way of thinking and kind of agree with you.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: criza on October 07, 2018, 03:37:37 PM
Before I've seen this topic here in the forum, I've already heard and read articles about this "virtual reality" stuff. It is believed that the universe is very likely unreal as we are only projection or hologram. And of course, there are believers and the non-believers. But as for me, whether it is true or not, questions about it will be raised. One of those question is how come that we are only in virtual reality? If we are really into this, then there will always be tge acrual reality that controls us and facilitates everything and who are they or whom it may be? Lastly, what is their primary purpose of doing this? Is it really worth it? Is it significant? Well, the bottomline here is that, if we are living in a virtual reality, then this reality really is perfectly constructed.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: FilesFM_Announcements on October 08, 2018, 10:39:01 AM
Ive been thinking about this subject a lot lately and came to the conclusion we 'could be' living in a artificial reality...

1.) Why is it we can never achieve perfection in anything we do? - is it hardcoded into us to fail, human error, probabilities of error.

Perhaps this is something underlining within our artificial reality code..success isn't perfection.. why do we even have a word for something which is completely impossible.

2.) We can find an abundance of life all around us.. yet we look out into space and we can't find any other intelligent lifeforms..

Im too tired to think in depth about the subject this morning!

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thekool1s on October 08, 2018, 11:21:49 AM
@FilesFM_Announcements Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

1) Yes exactly, What seems to be 'Perfect' is actually isn't. Like even the chair we sit on, we aren't actually sitting on it. We are actually floating.

2) The Great Filter theory is BS IMHO. It was made to distract us from theories like these which would cause mayhem in the world if proved true. We should have come in contact with a type 4 civilization already. Even if the probability of intelligent life spawning somewhere else in the universe is around 0.000000000000000000000000000001%

Also, The 'visible' universe is only around 14 billion years old. While Scientists say the whole size should be around at 90-95 billion and it's still expanding. What if the universe is still getting rendered/compiled.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Green_Bulb on October 08, 2018, 11:35:54 AM
Also, The 'visible' universe is only around 14 billion years old. While Scientists say the whole size should be around at 90-95 billion years old and it's still expanding. What if the universe is still getting rendered.  Shocked

Oh. That hit me hard. What if it`s not going to be completely rendered because humans are hardcoded not to reach it?
Or, to that matter, never leave Earth? Suppose our presumed "devs" just coined the info about the size of the visible Universe to keep us busy and hide the truth?

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Spendulus on October 08, 2018, 11:39:04 AM
I truly believe that we are living in a simulation....

An examination of granularity of our universe pretty much destroys these concepts.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: SanduniLakshika on October 08, 2018, 11:39:49 AM
If you are following buddhism,you can find that the world is virtual and how these things are happening

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thekool1s on October 08, 2018, 01:24:24 PM
I truly believe that we are living in a simulation....

An examination of granularity of our universe pretty much destroys these concepts.

How Exactly? any video sources or article links will be appreciated. Also, did you watch the video?

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: IndigoRed on October 09, 2018, 12:46:40 AM
Before I've seen this topic here in the forum, I've already heard and read articles about this "virtual reality" stuff. It is believed that the universe is very likely unreal as we are only projection or hologram. And of course, there are believers and the non-believers. But as for me, whether it is true or not, questions about it will be raised. One of those question is how come that we are only in virtual reality? If we are really into this, then there will always be tge acrual reality that controls us and facilitates everything and who are they or whom it may be? Lastly, what is their primary purpose of doing this? Is it really worth it? Is it significant? Well, the bottomline here is that, if we are living in a virtual reality, then this reality really is perfectly constructed.

Are we really in a perfectly constructed reality though? If this was all a simulation –why are we dealing with natural disasters, depletion of resources, climate change, wars, etc. Perhaps we’re still on our way to living in that simulation. Word on the street is, there could be a virtual world where we could live in. A world, that would save us from all of today’s problems.

What do you think about that possibility?

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: FilesFM_Announcements on October 09, 2018, 11:36:01 AM
I was reading something interesting last night about the fact of if we are 'indeed' a simulation.. and eventually we run a simulation as powerful as the one we live in, it will require so much power it would cause our simulation to crash / glitch due to the exponential power required to run our simulation within our simulated world.

Anybody heard this..?

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thekool1s on October 09, 2018, 02:51:51 PM
I was reading something interesting last night about the fact of if we are 'indeed' a simulation.. and eventually we run a simulation as powerful as the one we live in, it will require so much power it would cause our simulation to crash / glitch due to the exponential power required to run our simulation within our simulated world.

Anybody heard this..?

Nope, I am hearing this for the first time. Can you link the articles? This is interesting. You can call quantum entanglement a glitch does that mean the 'thing' which is powering this/our simulation can't run it optimally and is causing 'glitches' in our simulation. Like Blackholes, they are basically deleting 'objects' to free up the 'memory' to ensure that the 'expansion' can go out smoothly. Fuck! it is making sense now.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: ripthesystem on October 10, 2018, 04:32:23 AM
It was said, we are NPCs in this simulation. In this case, who are the players? Higher beings participating in the process just for fun? For control?

That's what I am wondering. Whether this universe is a simulation or a game. There is a difference in two.

Mind to share how do you differentiate? I guess a game should have a certain winning conditions and, perhaps, stricter set of rules while simulation`s sole point is to reproduce/create reality without letting subjects inside  the simulation know what is actually going on.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: FilesFM_Announcements on October 10, 2018, 10:53:04 AM
I was reading something interesting last night about the fact of if we are 'indeed' a simulation.. and eventually we run a simulation as powerful as the one we live in, it will require so much power it would cause our simulation to crash / glitch due to the exponential power required to run our simulation within our simulated world.

Anybody heard this..?

Nope, I am hearing this for the first time. Can you link the articles? This is interesting. You can call quantum entanglement a glitch does that mean the 'thing' which is powering this/our simulation can't run it optimally and is causing 'glitches' in our simulation. Like Blackholes, they are basically deleting 'objects' to free up the 'memory' to ensure that the 'expansion' can go out smoothly. Fuck! it is making sense now.

Dude, I've been looking for the articles since joining this topic..  sadly I was looking at it from in bed from my iPhone.. its interesting you talk about quantum physics, unfortunately that's something I will have to do my homework on because I know nothing on the subject. but, it did discuss how quantum particles only act in a certain way when they are 'observed'... I think that's rather interesting...

I think it would be also interesting for you to look into FREE WILL and the opinion of neuroscientists who apparently at the moment don't believe FREE WILL exists..

its really interesting a lot of these ideas on a small scale might mean nothing but if you put all the pieces together maybe it makes the whole simulation theory idea.. pretty interesting...

the old comment 'if a tree falls in a forrest and nobody is around to hear it.. does it make a sound' in the opinion of simulation theory supporters.. id say NO!

Keep up the research!!

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: ripthesystem on October 11, 2018, 04:55:24 AM
I was reading something interesting last night about the fact of if we are 'indeed' a simulation.. and eventually we run a simulation as powerful as the one we live in, it will require so much power it would cause our simulation to crash / glitch due to the exponential power required to run our simulation within our simulated world.

Anybody heard this..?

Nope, I am hearing this for the first time. Can you link the articles? This is interesting. You can call quantum entanglement a glitch does that mean the 'thing' which is powering this/our simulation can't run it optimally and is causing 'glitches' in our simulation. Like Blackholes, they are basically deleting 'objects' to free up the 'memory' to ensure that the 'expansion' can go out smoothly. Fuck! it is making sense now.

I found this article:

To cut it short - some physical phenomena may be impossible to simulate. The article deals with quantum physics and briefly describes issues with computational power problem during simulation of problems involving quantum Monte Carlo methods. Computational power required to calculate a simulation with an anomaly (such as the quantum Hall effect) will be impossible to obtain. In the article it was said:

"The researchers calculated that just storing information about a couple of hundred electrons would require a computer memory that would physically require more atoms than exist in the universe."

Thus simulation seems technically impossible. For our civilization, at least. If we indeed live in a simulation, I can`t even begin to imagine the power of the equipment needed to generate it.

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: Thekool1s on October 11, 2018, 02:39:56 PM
Dude, I've been looking for the articles since joining this topic..  sadly I was looking at it from in bed from my iPhone.. it's interesting you talk about quantum physics, unfortunately, that's something I will have to do my homework on because I know nothing on the subject.

No worries... Take your time.

I think it would be also interesting for you to look into FREE WILL and the opinion of neuroscientists who apparently at the moment don't believe FREE WILL exists..

I watched a couple of videos on the subject yesterday. I am not fully convinced yet but looks like hard determinism is winning the battle.

- Do you have free will by life noggin:

- Determinism vs Free Will: Crash Course Philosophy #24 by CrashCourse:

- Why we don't have Free Will & Why that's OK by WhatI'veLearned:

- Are You In A Simulation? by vsauce3:

- Is Reality Real? The Simulation Argument by Kurzgesagt:

The most interesting video was this one.

The Simulation Theory - Hacking Reality (Must See):

The gist of the video is that we are just mere shadows of objects in the 8th dimension. This simulation theory is different from the computational one.

Mind to share how do you differentiate? I guess a game should have a certain winning conditions and, perhaps, stricter set of rules while simulation`s sole point is to reproduce/create reality without letting subjects inside  the simulation know what is actually going on.

You got it right. But there is no conclusive evidence of it being a game instead of a simulation and vice versa. You can argue it is a game. All these 'gods' were bored beings, they entered our server introduced themselves and left the server after having some fun. They may return or they may not at all. The possibilities are endless and we are clueless about what's actually going on.

I found this article:

Lol, was this article written by a troll?

"There is a caveat to this conclusion: if our universe is a simulation, there is no reason that the laws of physics should apply outside it. In the words of Zohar Ringel, the lead author of the paper, “Who knows what are the computing capabilities of whatever simulates us?” "

Title: Re: Are we living in a virtual reality?
Post by: FilesFM_Announcements on October 12, 2018, 10:59:49 AM
Ill check those links out! I must state though I can't stand the Vsauce guy, he pulls too many weird and wonderful facial expressions for me.. to take anything he says seriously.. I always picture him in a jester suit.. also his tempo is a little too fast for my phonological dyslexic mind..

I think simulation theory doesn't just explore the idea of us being a simulation for the sake of being a game, but maybe an ancestral history of what we humans were as a society maybe 100 years ago. Perhaps this simulation is only a few days old but in our time millions of years have past by...

Maybe god made earth in 7 days due to it being a simulation.. Jesus walking on water, feeding the 5000 with a loaf of bread.. etc etc..

maybe our 'guests' have on occasions logged in to immerse themselves in our reality and been 'god like'

who knows... maybe we are just a fancy ornament above the fire place of an eccentric alien or human being, which they can see what's happening at any time by zooming in..