Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: pizza_lord on March 06, 2014, 11:23:01 PM

Title: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: pizza_lord on March 06, 2014, 11:23:01 PM
The threads / info that I have seen seems to be out of date and refers to mt.gox and transferwise (who stopped dealing with bitcoin merchants ages ago).

Right now what is the easiest, quickest way to do UK Sterling -> BTC -> UK Sterling buying and selling (preferably without going through a 3rd currency like euro or USD)?

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: backtrackit on March 06, 2014, 11:25:13 PM
Can recommend

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: pizza_lord on March 06, 2014, 11:31:04 PM
Can recommend

Never seems to be near spot rate as quoted by

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: LMGTFY on March 06, 2014, 11:37:40 PM
Can recommend


I used Localbitcoins for the first time recently - couple of purchases (online, rather than in person), both went very smoothly (hooray for <2 hour bank transfers in the UK!). Localbitcoins handles escrow. I did my deals by picking from the "Buy bitcoins..." list; next time I'd maybe create a "Sell bitcoins..." advert, if I had the patience to wait for a seller (the prices tend to be slightly better that way, but obviously you then need to wait for a willing counterparty).

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: backtrackit on March 06, 2014, 11:42:13 PM
Can recommend

Never seems to be near spot rate as quoted by

But it does do everything you asked for, I sold 0.0258 earlier and had money in my account withing 10 minutes.

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: LMGTFY on March 06, 2014, 11:47:48 PM
Never seems to be near spot rate as quoted by

localbtcUSD, at least, seems to spike well above and below USD exchanges. You get a better deal, I assume, by being a party rather than a counterparty, i.e. by advertising your bid (instead of clicking on a "Buy bitcoins..." offer, you create a "Sell bitcoins [to me]" advertisement).

Edit: (I assume localbitcoinGBP spikes as well, but I don't tend to follow GBP and there aren't that many GBP options at my usual haunt ( (!)

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: bananas on March 06, 2014, 11:49:03 PM
localbtc never worked for me, it seems it works if you are looking for no more than 1 btc

their site and system is also very confuse

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: grifferz on March 07, 2014, 12:24:46 AM
Right now what is the easiest, quickest way to do UK Sterling -> BTC -> UK Sterling buying and selling (preferably without going through a 3rd currency like euro or USD)?
If you want easy, I agree with others that it's going to need to be

If you want cheap then it's going to have to be by sending a significant sum (to minimise loss to SEPA transfer fees) in EUR to an exchange and buying there. You're paying more at because the sellers there mostly did that bit for you.

One day we hope that UK banks won't have such a hatred for bitcoin and then we might get a local exchange in GBP and run by someone competent.

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: ozzymax on March 07, 2014, 12:31:17 AM
The threads / info that I have seen seems to be out of date and refers to mt.gox and transferwise (who stopped dealing with bitcoin merchants ages ago).

Right now what is the easiest, quickest way to do UK Sterling -> BTC -> UK Sterling buying and selling (preferably without going through a 3rd currency like euro or USD)? Uk Based

Title: Re: Easiest and most cost effective way of buying bitcoin in UK pounds sterling?
Post by: pizza_lord on March 07, 2014, 01:59:18 AM
Can recommend

Just tried them. Fast and easy. Took no more than 5 mins but, as has been commented, they don't sell at spot price.

It's more like spot price + 3%

If you want to sell, sell price seems about 4 or 5 percent below spot.

Basically you would have to see a 10 percent upswing in the price of BTC to bearly break even on a trade here.