Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Bouli on October 15, 2018, 08:09:53 PM

Title: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: Bouli on October 15, 2018, 08:09:53 PM


The name "ZENZO" is Japanese and translates roughly to "gradual growth". This is the precise philosophy that ZENZO embodies and seeks to share. It is how we look at everything in life, it should be natural and organic. The reason why much of the world partakes in unnecessary suffering is because our minds have shifted towards a state of instant gratification, especially in the cryptocurrency space. You do not plant seeds in a garden and expect to eat the fruits later that day, nature does not work this way. Our intentions are to build a sustainable ecosystem that is able to adapt, work well with other ecosystems, and gradually grow together.

• Gaming • Blockchain • Cryptocurrency

ZENZO was born on February 22, 2018 project with no ICO and no pre-sale of any sorts. The ZENZO Blockchain was live on October 2, 2018. All official ZENZO wallets and addresses have been transparent and public, since the beginning of the project and will remain that way. In Japan specifically, ZENZO is often referred to as the phoenix, as it is a powerful symbol that encapsulates the spirit of ZENZO and being born again from the ashes. Thanks to the determination and dedication of the ZENZO community, a new life has begun...

• No ICO/Presale • Transparent Premine • Coin Swap

What is ZENZO Ecosystem?

ZENZO is an all-encompassing ecosystem created specifically for gamers and game developers. The foundation is the ZENZO Blockchain and the multi-faceted driving force is the ZENZO Coin, known as ZNZ. The primary vision is to facilitate adoption and awareness of both blockchain and cryptocurrency in the gaming industry, with a strong emphasis on community. Within the Ecosystem, there are primarily 4 different elements: ZENZO Core (Blockchain, Coin, Wallet), ZENZO Arcade, ZENZO Forge, and the ZENZO Hatchery. Each one of these elements offers a unique and separate approach to solve specific problems, while all working together. (

ZENZO Arcade Alpha, Live! (

Phase 1 - Marketplace

The ZENZO Arcade unites gaming and cryptocurrency together by offering a free-market platform with multiple currency payment gateways. The marketplace offers discounted games, increased privacy, and almost instant digital product delivery. The Arcade also plans to be a safe and secure platform for players to be able to buy, sell, and trade in-game items that are backed by the ZENZO Blockchain and/or directly on the ZENZO Blockchain. Along with having a simple and easy to use platform for purchasing games and game-related goods with cryptocurrency, the frontend of the ZENZO Forge will be accessible through the ZENZO Arcade. This means that there will be a simple user interface for people to buy, sell, and trade their ZENZO Forge Items (ZENZO Blockchain-based Transferrable Assets). The overall objective of the ZENZO Arcade is to provide an all-inclusive marketplace for all all the gamer's needs. Additionally, the marketplace portion plans to include listings of physical gaming goods, to provide more utility and benefits for gamers world-wide.


ZENZO Arcade will initially support uni-directional marketplace purchasing of games directly from the store and approved vendors (allies). Other benefits include one-click instant purchases (with their products delivered both via email and directly within the Arcade's account interface). The ZENZO Arcade uses a multi-platform account system to remove excess transactions and further simplify the process. A Discord account acts as the medium of authentication and account ownership and the Arcade also includes a simple 2-factor authentication pin code system. The current accepted forms of payment are ZNZ, BTC, and PIVX. Initial gaming platforms capable of being listed on the arcade include Steam, Xbox, Playstation, and Microsoft Windows.


ZENZO Arcade will become bi-directional, allowing any and all users to buy and sell games via the arcade's escrow system. This includes safety measures and reputation (identity systems to encourage fair and seamless trades) and guarantees penalties to unfair or intentionally-malevolent actors on the platform. Fiat options will be enabled and will promote market thickness by utilizing a portion of fiat fees to buy ZNZ, which will then be parceled between the ZENZO Hatchery for future use and the burn pile for combating inflation. Additional payment methods will also be integrated.

Test out the ZENZO Forge SDK, here! (

The ZENZO Forge offers a unique approach to help solve major issues for games in the realms of transparency, asset ownership, interoperability, and scalability. This tool was created for game developers to be able to utilize the ZENZO Blockchain as a fast, reliable, and secure database for the in-game assets they create. By using the ZENZO Blockchain as a reliable database, players will not have to to pay enormous network fees and fall asleep behind the keyboard, while waiting for confirmations on the blockchain. This benefits all parties, game developers and gamers. The ZENZO Forge is a service for providing multi-platform, secure, and valuable items and content within, but not limited to games. Using the Forge, you can create in-game items that are worth real monetary value. All Forge items are backed by a specified amount of ZNZ, locked away until the item is either smelted or re-crafted.

ZENZO Blockchain-Based Transferable Assets

ZENZO has created on-chain, in-game items that have been deemed as ZENZO Blockchain-based Transferable Assets (similar to Ethereum's NFTs). Game developers can create their own assets in their game that the users can have 100% ownership of and they can buy, sell, and trade them. On top of that, each item is pegged with a ZNZ value that can also be smelted or destroyed to receive the value back in ZNZ. For example, when creating a new "Grandmaster Sword" you back with 10,000 ZNZ, you can now smelt this item, destroying it, and receive 10,000 ZNZ back into your wallet.

Craft: Users can craft items, which means you can create a transferable asset on the ZENZO Blockchain, that is backed by a ZNZ value. Similar to NFTs, ZENZO uses “Transferrable Assets” that are ever-evolving. Currently, you can craft items that have a unique name, image, creator ID, item ID, and ZNZ value.

Smelt: If at some point, for whatever reason, you want to smelt your item or destroy your item to receive its ZNZ value, you can smelt the item within the ZENZO Forge. The item is then permanently destroyed and the ZNZ is instantly transferred to your registered ZNZ Address/Wallet.

Trade: You can now trade your transferrable assets on the ZENZO Blockchain. This means you can buy and sell your items and assets that you have created, collected, or bought.

The ZENZO Hatchery can be viewed as the gaming incubator within the ZENZO Ecosystem that will allow of community members to take part, contribute, and also vote on the direction of game development, dependent upon the game developers working with ZENZO. This is a platform intended to bridge the gap between gamers and game developers. One of the most challenging things for indie game developers is having an understanding of the market and most importantly, their future players. Furthermore, gamer's voices and feedback often falls upon deaf ears for a long list of reasons, but by utilizing the Hatchery players can be more involved and help contribute to the games and get access to early testing and potentially rewarded by the game developers along with ZENZO. ZENZO intends to solve both of these issues by creating a means for gamers to work directly with game developers to help create the games that they wish to play.

ZENZO Governance

ZENZO is currently developing a new governance model that will allow for just about anyone to vote and take part. The basis of this governance system, in the first iteration, will be 1 ZNZ equals 1 Vote. Please note this governance model is still in the research and development stage and subject to substantial changes. (

ZENZO is releasing a series of "scrolls" and within each scroll will contain detailed information about different elements and aspects of the ZENZO Ecosystem. These could also be referred to in a traditional context as organization or ecosystem documents, but that wasn't exciting enough for us. The first scroll is deemed the "GrandMaster Scroll", which is the first ZENZO Ecosystem Whitepaper (v1.0). The ZENZO GrandMaster Scroll v1.0 was officially released on May 8, 2019. The next version is currently being developed...

Read the ZENZO GrandMaster Scroll (Whitepaper) (

• Completed ○ In Progress

• ZENZO Blockchain Mainnet Launch (v1.0.0)
• ZENZO GrandMaster Scroll (Whitepaper) Release
• ZENZO Arcade (Alpha) Release
• PIVX Alliance (Partnership)
• ZENZO Chan Discord Bot Release (Custodial WebWallet + Games)
• NazoBot Release (Discord-based Games)
• ZENZO Forge SDK Release
• ZENZO Core v1.2.1 Release (with DVM - Decentralized Version Manager)
• ZENZO Forge FPS Game Demo Release
• ZENZO Core v1.3.0 + v1.3.1 Release
• ZENZO (ZNZ) on Mobile Wallets (Harcomia & Flits)
• ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori Release + v2.0.1 (

• ZENZO Forge + KOTA Demo Release (
○ ZENZO Forge v1.0 Release
○ King of the Apocalypse (KOTA) Early Access Release
○ 2.0 Website Release
○ ZENZO Arcade v2 Release + ZENZO Forge Item Integration
○ ZENZO Arcade (Beta) Release
○ ZENZO Mobile Wallet Release
○ Game Developer Partnerships & Utilization of ZENZO Forge & Blockchain
○ ZENZO Governance Implementation & Release
○ ZENZO Hatchery (Alpha) Release
○ ZENZO Eternal (Alpha) Release

For more information, please visit:  • GitHub (.pdf) ( • GitHub ( (

• Ticker: ZNZ
• Maximum Coin Supply: 83,000,000
• Consensus Algorithm: Proof of Stake (PoS)
• Hashing Algorithm: Xevan
• Masternode Collateral: 15,000 ZNZ
• Premine: 16,800,000 ZNZ
• Block Time: 1 Minute
• Block Size: 2 MB
• Block Maturity: 50 Blocks
• Block Confirmation: 10
• PoS Minimum Age: 3 Hours
• PoS Maximum Age: Ψ
• Block Rewards (Staking): 35%
• Block Rewards (Masternodes): 65% (

(All links are directly from GitHub ( Never download a ZENZO wallet from anywhere but the Official ZENZO GitHub and Website.

SHA256 Checksums
• Checksums (

Windows Wallet
• Windows (64 bit) (

Mac Wallet
• Mac (

Linux Wallets
• Linux (64 bit) (
• Arch (64 bit) (
• RISC-V (64 bit) (

ARM Wallet (Raspberry Pi, etc.)
• ARM (

Source Code
• Source Code (zip) (
• Source Code (tar.gz) (

Paper Wallets
• Paper Wallet (Android) (
• Paper Wallet (
• More Wallets Coming Soon!

Mobile Wallets (Third Party)
• Harcomia (Android) (
• Flits (Android) (
• Flits (iOS/Apple) (

Disclaimer: Understand that the third-party services are solely listed for informational purposes only and that ZENZO has no control or influence over these applications or companies. Please do your own research and exercise caution when using any third-party service. It is also recommended not to store all of your funds on any mobile wallet, but to view them similarly to a physical wallet.

For more information, please visit the ZENZO Discord (

Products & Platforms
• Website (
• ZENZO Arcade (
• ZENZO Forge SDK (

Merchants, Stores, & Payment Processors
• CryptocurrencyCheckout (
• CC Gift Card Marketplace (

Block Explorers
• Official Block Explorer 1 (
• Official Block Explorer 2 (
• Official Block Explorer 3 (Blockbook) (
• Llama's ZNZ Explorer (
• Community Block Explorer (

Exchange Listings
• Graviex ( (BTC (, ETH (, USDC (
• StakeCube ( (BTC (, ETH (, SCC (, LTC (, DASH (, DOGE (
• Crex24 ( (BTC (
• TxBit ( (BTC (, ETH (
• AltMarkets (
• Social SEND (
• Swiftex (

• GitHub (
• CoinMarketCap (
• CoinGecko (
• MasterNodes.Online (
• MasterNodes.Pro ( (

The ZENZO Team and Community are world-wide and active during all hours of the day. The most efficient way to reach the ZENZO Team is through either Discord ( or Telegram ( Discord is the preferred outlet for ZENZO, as it was created for gamers and ZENZO has implemented custom games, features, and a ZNZ wallet within the official server. Come join the community and hangout with the team and make some new friends!

• Discord (
• Telegram (
• Twitter (
• Medium (
• Facebook (
• LinkedIn (
• Reddit (
• (
• (
• Instagram (

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: YuurinBee on October 15, 2018, 08:48:30 PM
Great work everyone! It has been such a long time coming... and such an honor and pleasure for us to still be here and make things happen. We are really excited to begin developing the ZUI Platform and share with you all the plans for how it will work and also the idea for the first App/dApp that will use the ZUI. To any new members, please join our Discord to chat with us directly for the best form of contact. We will also be active on Bitcointalk to answer any questions.

Thank you everyone!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: Tendo on October 15, 2018, 10:52:12 PM
Welcome to our project! I personally would like to thank everyone for believing in us to turn this into something great! Really exited for the upcoming months as we at Zenzo are steaming ahead and have great plans for the remainder of this quarter.

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come!

Luke "Tendo" Wootton

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: tuthienloc92bk on October 16, 2018, 03:49:25 AM
You can move this thread to Announcement ( section. I think that is the right place rather than here.

By the way, your project aims to create an identity information platform, right? I think there should be the existing problems and your solutions to solve these problems, what make your project be special. Good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: Bouli on October 16, 2018, 07:55:37 AM
You can move this thread to Announcement ( section. I think that is the right place rather than here.

By the way, your project aims to create an identity information platform, right? I think there should be the existing problems and your solutions to solve these problems, what make your project be special. Good luck!

Topic has been moved, thanks for the heads up :)

There are a few projects that are aiming on indentity, that is true. We are doing this with a 0 budget, no ico. We will release the whitepaper in some time, there you can find why our project is different from the other projects, if there are any differences. I think that the world is large enough for multiple solutions offered by different projects :)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: YuurinBee on October 16, 2018, 10:44:13 AM
You can move this thread to Announcement ( section. I think that is the right place rather than here.

By the way, your project aims to create an identity information platform, right? I think there should be the existing problems and your solutions to solve these problems, what make your project be special. Good luck!

This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing this suggestion. We actually intended to put problems and solutions, but are currently refining our model and intend to cover that in our next One Pager & Whitepaper, with updated problems and solutions. Appreciate the suggestion and feedback! Cảm ơn bạn nhiều!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: petushka on October 19, 2018, 09:53:07 AM
You can move this thread to Announcement ( section. I think that is the right place rather than here.

By the way, your project aims to create an identity information platform, right? I think there should be the existing problems and your solutions to solve these problems, what make your project be special. Good luck!

This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing this suggestion. We actually intended to put problems and solutions, but are currently refining our model and intend to cover that in our next One Pager & Whitepaper, with updated problems and solutions. Appreciate the suggestion and feedback! Cảm ơn bạn nhiều!
Hey guys)) Nice to see you back being very much alive. Lots of updates have been recently posted, looking forward for hearing more about your plans and future products. Good luck ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: kantonamola on October 19, 2018, 09:53:49 AM
turkish translation reserved

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: Tendo on October 19, 2018, 01:11:31 PM
You can move this thread to Announcement ( section. I think that is the right place rather than here.

By the way, your project aims to create an identity information platform, right? I think there should be the existing problems and your solutions to solve these problems, what make your project be special. Good luck!

This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing this suggestion. We actually intended to put problems and solutions, but are currently refining our model and intend to cover that in our next One Pager & Whitepaper, with updated problems and solutions. Appreciate the suggestion and feedback! Cảm ơn bạn nhiều!
Hey guys)) Nice to see you back being very much alive. Lots of updates have been recently posted, looking forward for hearing more about your plans and future products. Good luck ;)

Thanks a bunch petushka! I personally am really glad to see you here as we make this happen. But, after everything I feel that Zenzo will tower over anything we had planned before.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: YuurinBee on October 19, 2018, 03:47:37 PM
You can move this thread to Announcement ( section. I think that is the right place rather than here.

By the way, your project aims to create an identity information platform, right? I think there should be the existing problems and your solutions to solve these problems, what make your project be special. Good luck!

This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing this suggestion. We actually intended to put problems and solutions, but are currently refining our model and intend to cover that in our next One Pager & Whitepaper, with updated problems and solutions. Appreciate the suggestion and feedback! Cảm ơn bạn nhiều!
Hey guys)) Nice to see you back being very much alive. Lots of updates have been recently posted, looking forward for hearing more about your plans and future products. Good luck ;)

>> Thank you so much Petushka for all of the support up until this point!  ;D You have been an incredible help and a great contributor in the ZENZO Community. We will be in touch with you very soon...

turkish translation reserved

>> Hey kantonamola, we are currently creating a new One Pager and Whitepaper and in the future be looking for translations in different languages, but we have not decided 100% on which languages will be necessary for ZENZO in the beginning. Thank you for your willingness to help, we have everything documented in this official ann thread.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Bouli on October 20, 2018, 08:35:02 PM
We are incredibly pleased to announce that we have completed the application process to be listed on CryptoBridge and it has been approved! We have really enjoyed working with their staff and look forward to a great relationship...

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on October 26, 2018, 03:55:05 AM
Announcement - October, 26 2018

ZENZO is hosting its first official giveaway of 2,500 ZNZ !

The contest is hosted on and you can enter in many different ways.

Check out the link below to enter!

>   >   >   ZENZO 2,500 ZNZ Giveaway Contest (   <   <   < (

Good Luck Everyone!

If you have any questions, please join the ZENZO Discord (

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: AmoreJaz on October 26, 2018, 04:36:42 AM
can you post the link of the original thread, if theres any? you said that it's community take-over. why is that so? i know im missing something here..

though you are not running ico here but common, the supply is infinite. so high likelihood that it will fall to 1-5 sat range once it hit the exchanges

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on October 26, 2018, 05:00:33 AM
can you post the link of the original thread, if theres any? you said that it's community take-over. why is that so? i know im missing something here..

though you are not running ico here but common, the supply is infinite. so high likelihood that it will fall to 1-5 sat range once it hit the exchanges

Hey AmoreJaz,

Thank you for your questions and valid concerns.

Starting from the top, I will have to look for the old ANN Thread. It may have been deleted by now, but I will double check. It was a completely different project, different coin, different "platform", etc. The reason why it is a community takeover (starting over fresh with a brand new project, ecosystem, vision, team, platforms, dApp, etc.) is because the "ex-developer" stole all of the funds and deleted all of the accounts (twitter, website, discord, etc.). I am not sure what is left remaining at this point. I have written medium articles I can share with you if you would like to see them that gave exact updates at the time. You can visit my Medium account under the same username.

Most people have this common misconception that PoS coins have a "maximum/total coin supply"... which is fairly inaccurate. In order to operate with PoS/Masternodes, how is their supply limited or does it cut off? It will go on forever unless they change the consensus algorithm or fork the blockchain... or burn their own coins to maintain that rate (which is unreasonable).

Our Team does not discuss prices for moral reasons and legal reasons. Therefore, I won't respond to your last comment. The only thing I can say is, join the community or keep an eye on the project and you will see what all we are planning to do and how our team and community operates. You are fully entitled to your opinion, as it is probably based off of experiences with other projects you felt were similar, but I do suggest you to look more into ZENZO in the upcoming weeks and months and you will see why that comment does not bother me :)

You can look at our Community Block Explorer (Beta) ( for now and get a better understanding.

We have labeled two of the wallets (Administrative and "Locked"). The Administrative wallet is not locked per se, but it might as well be for the time period. Then there are about 3,340,000 ZNZ that is locked for co-founders until 2020 and 2022. So, really there are only about less than 8 million coins in circulation. The supply was planned for 10-15 years and where most projects would put "Max Supply", you could said 83,000,000 ZNZ for ZENZO. Though, I mentioned this is a common misconception. The wallets 3 & 4 are the Coin Swap wallet combined (not sure why they are split, but we are still developing the official ZENZO Block Explorer).

If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to comment below or message me (preferably join our discord as we are active on there 24/7 almost).


Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Mihawk on October 26, 2018, 05:13:37 AM
How will the premine be distributed? The classic Japanese coins are usually PoW. :P

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on October 26, 2018, 05:26:27 AM
How will the premine be distributed? The classic Japanese coins are usually PoW. :P

Great question Mihawk!

Here is how the ZNZ Premine will be distributed, we have it in English and Japanese...

ZNZ Distribution - English (

ZNZ Distribution - Japanese (日本人) (

If you have any further questions, please let me know. I would be happy to answer them, along with the ZENZO Team... :)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on October 26, 2018, 12:38:28 PM
Well, we would have replied if we where awake lol. Glad you guys found us, and if there is anything we can do just let us know.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Mt. Dempo on October 26, 2018, 12:52:51 PM
Japanese culture and way of life are very impressive, all of them have been very disciplined and responsible. indeed this is not related to crypto or blockchain, but you can make it an inspiration and motivation to be able to give or create a great product, Zenzo.

do you plan to provide a allocation of bounties to your community?

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on October 26, 2018, 02:14:23 PM
Japanese culture and way of life are very impressive, all of them have been very disciplined and responsible. indeed this is not related to crypto or blockchain, but you can make it an inspiration and motivation to be able to give or create a great product, Zenzo.

do you plan to provide a allocation of bounties to your community?

Japanese culture dose have a huge influence of how we do things here at Zenzo. Our Japanese community is the best in the world in my eyes and we have no intention of letting them down or dishonoring them in any way. We have discussed bounties and we may do them in future depending on what we decide. Please stay tuned, the best is yet to come!

Great work everyone! It has been such a long time coming... and such an honor and pleasure for us to still be here and make things happen. We are really excited to begin developing the ZUI Platform and share with you all the plans for how it will work and also the idea for the first App/dApp that will use the ZUI. To any new members, please join our Discord to chat with us directly for the best form of contact. We will also be active on Bitcointalk to answer any questions.

Thank you everyone!!!
No premined, looks good.
Will the Zenzo project have bounties in the future?
I saw you worn the signature of Zenzo, is it official signature codes from Zenzo team?
Has it paid signature for supporters who wear it?

We actually did have a transparent premine, but we did not have a ICO. At this time, we do not have any signature bounties active, but maybe something we can consider in the future. Glad you are interested in our project and keep the suggestions coming! There is information about the allocation of premine coins on the website and here on the Ann thread. Happy Friday everyone! ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: YuurinBee on October 26, 2018, 09:14:07 PM
Great work everyone! It has been such a long time coming... and such an honor and pleasure for us to still be here and make things happen. We are really excited to begin developing the ZUI Platform and share with you all the plans for how it will work and also the idea for the first App/dApp that will use the ZUI. To any new members, please join our Discord to chat with us directly for the best form of contact. We will also be active on Bitcointalk to answer any questions.

Thank you everyone!!!
No premined, looks good.
Will the Zenzo project have bounties in the future?
I saw you worn the signature of Zenzo, is it official signature codes from Zenzo team?
Has it paid signature for supporters who wear it?

Hey tranquynhtien,

We did have a premine as Tendo mentioned above, but we shared where all of it goes towards and will go towards.

In the upcoming weeks and months, ZENZO will have several bounty programs... we will also be posting here to update everyone :)

We do not have a signature for ZENZO yet, we only have an avatar picture.

We intend to create BCT ZENZO Signatures at some point very soon. We might even be able to have a bounty for that, too.

Japanese culture and way of life are very impressive, all of them have been very disciplined and responsible. indeed this is not related to crypto or blockchain, but you can make it an inspiration and motivation to be able to give or create a great product, Zenzo.

do you plan to provide a allocation of bounties to your community?

Hi Mt. Dempo,

Please watch this thread and the official ZENZO Social Media (Discord and Twitter especially) for bounty updates. :) There will be some very soon..

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Mt. Dempo on October 27, 2018, 06:09:59 AM
Japanese culture and way of life are very impressive, all of them have been very disciplined and responsible. indeed this is not related to crypto or blockchain, but you can make it an inspiration and motivation to be able to give or create a great product, Zenzo.

do you plan to provide a allocation of bounties to your community?

Japanese culture dose have a huge influence of how we do things here at Zenzo. Our Japanese community is the best in the world in my eyes and we have no intention of letting them down or dishonoring them in any way. We have discussed bounties and we may do them in future depending on what we decide. Please stay tuned, the best is yet to come!
no doubt your loyalty and the Japanese community has a major influence and contribution in the crypto market. I am excited and happy to be able to participate in this project, we are waiting for you.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: wallstreet3333 on October 27, 2018, 06:33:16 PM
One of the best project of the Winter! POS coins are the best! Good luck with you project mate!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Bouli on October 27, 2018, 07:42:46 PM
Japanese culture and way of life are very impressive, all of them have been very disciplined and responsible. indeed this is not related to crypto or blockchain, but you can make it an inspiration and motivation to be able to give or create a great product, Zenzo.

do you plan to provide a allocation of bounties to your community?

Japanese culture dose have a huge influence of how we do things here at Zenzo. Our Japanese community is the best in the world in my eyes and we have no intention of letting them down or dishonoring them in any way. We have discussed bounties and we may do them in future depending on what we decide. Please stay tuned, the best is yet to come!
no doubt your loyalty and the Japanese community has a major influence and contribution in the crypto market. I am excited and happy to be able to participate in this project, we are waiting for you.

Thanks for your postive feedback, we will do everything to make Zenzo a succes!  :D

One of the best project of the Winter! POS coins are the best! Good luck with you project mate!

Thanks a lot! We appreciate it!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on October 28, 2018, 02:09:18 AM
Japanese culture and way of life are very impressive, all of them have been very disciplined and responsible. indeed this is not related to crypto or blockchain, but you can make it an inspiration and motivation to be able to give or create a great product, Zenzo.

do you plan to provide a allocation of bounties to your community?

Japanese culture dose have a huge influence of how we do things here at Zenzo. Our Japanese community is the best in the world in my eyes and we have no intention of letting them down or dishonoring them in any way. We have discussed bounties and we may do them in future depending on what we decide. Please stay tuned, the best is yet to come!
no doubt your loyalty and the Japanese community has a major influence and contribution in the crypto market. I am excited and happy to be able to participate in this project, we are waiting for you.

Mt. Dempo Thank you for your kind words and support. You are exactly right about contribution and influence in the crypto market... We are very happy with where we are and where we are headed :)

One of the best project of the Winter! POS coins are the best! Good luck with you project mate!

Woooooo! We really appreciate that - Hope you're right ;)

Hey tranquynhtien,

We did have a premine as Tendo mentioned above, but we shared where all of it goes towards and will go towards.

In the upcoming weeks and months, ZENZO will have several bounty programs... we will also be posting here to update everyone :)

We do not have a signature for ZENZO yet, we only have an avatar picture.

We intend to create BCT ZENZO Signatures at some point very soon. We might even be able to have a bounty for that, too.
Thank you, @YuurinBee.
You made very kindly detailed explanation.
I highly appreciated it, and hope that the team will finish design of signature soon, then open bounty later.

:) You are very welcome and thank you as well...

We will be sure to post as many updates as possible in this BCT Ann Thread and we will deeply consider the BCT Signature Design and Bounty ;) (

ZENZO (ZNZ) is officially listed on CryptoBridge (!

You can now buy and sell $ZNZ!

This is the first official listing and the only exchange at the moment that ZNZ is on.

Happy Trading Everyone! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Bouli on November 01, 2018, 03:21:06 PM
After many months of planning, research, and development… ZENZO Ecosystem officially launched in the month of October!

Read more in our Monthly report

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: AltcoinWire on November 08, 2018, 10:37:20 AM
We invite you to bring your project to our exchange, Altmarkets is a Cryptocurrency 6,000 members and over 100 coins listed. Focusing on lower-tier altcoins we push each coin listing with social media announcements as well as to our growing social channels.

Our BCT Announce: (
Discord Channel: (

Request a listing with us via the above thread / announce post or visit ( - We aim to reply within 24 - 48 hours.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on November 10, 2018, 02:10:42 PM
Update & Announcement

ZENZO has now officially been listed on the following apps and websites:

Applications (Mobile Apps):
Delta App, Blockfolio, & Cryptofolio

Coin Gecko (

CoinCodex (

MyCryptoStats (

CryptoProber (

and more to come!

*Please consider voting on CryptoProber's website to help vote for ZENZO (ZNZ) and get it some exposure. Feel free to do the same on the other websites if applicable as well. Thanks everyone!*

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Bouli on November 23, 2018, 11:44:58 PM
We've just released our new and fresh roadmap!

More info:
GitHub(Mobile Version):

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on December 03, 2018, 01:51:37 PM
Thanks bud! Will go give it a look here in just a moment!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on February 10, 2019, 04:10:38 PM

ZENZO Arcade (Phase 1 - The Marketplace) Alpha Release is now live!!!

Check it out here:

We have just released the first phase of the ZENZO Arcade, which is the marketplace. In this marketplace, you can use your ZNZ to purchase video game serial keys on platforms such as Steam, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, and more! For those that are running ZNZ Masternodes, you can now use your ZNZ rewards for new games every week, month, etc. :)

This is just the beginning and we intend to roll out some features and functions to improve your experience... not to mention, Phase 2 will be a game changer.

Read more about the ZENZO Arcade (Phase 1) here ( on Medium.

Want to share your feedback and experience?

Come join the ZENZO Discord Server (!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: MasternodeCap on March 28, 2019, 09:50:54 AM
Hello there, ( has enabled Zenzo!
Nodes monitoring and stats for $ZNZ (

You can especially be warned when :
  • the status of a node changes
  • your nodes get rewarded
  • an upgrade of your wallet is available

Come say hi in our discord (

Happy masternoding!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on March 28, 2019, 01:57:18 PM
 ;D Thanks bud! Really glad to be spreading the good word and appreciate all the help!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Attractor on April 02, 2019, 05:08:58 PM
ZNZ just has been listed on (!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: l3pox on April 05, 2019, 01:11:20 PM
interesting, I like your graphics.

just to let you know.
Luke Wootton Co-Founder linkedin link doesn't work on the website.

where can I find more info on the community takeover?
was this started as a swap from LOL?

total block reward is 9 ZNZ, right?
emission curve stays the same over time?

this would give us an influx of 12960 new ZNZ everyday
12 960 * 0,00000478 = 0.0619488 btc at current prices.

not so high inflation,nice.

are you considering coinmarketcap listing?

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on April 20, 2019, 04:14:56 PM
interesting, I like your graphics.

just to let you know.
Luke Wootton Co-Founder linkedin link doesn't work on the website.

where can I find more info on the community takeover?
was this started as a swap from LOL?

total block reward is 9 ZNZ, right?
emission curve stays the same over time?

this would give us an influx of 12960 new ZNZ everyday
12 960 * 0,00000478 = 0.0619488 btc at current prices.

not so high inflation,nice.

are you considering coinmarketcap listing?

Great Questions. And Since I am Luke I will make sure that link gets fixed Lol!
We have a Medium article that explains how the swap worked, which was capped by the way to make sure people did not abuse the system. (

And yes this started as a swap from LOL.

We have also discussed the last block reward and may revisit it in the future if it causes too much inflation.

We have already submitted our application and have been told everything looks great, but need a more volume.

Hope that answers your questions and have a great one!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: suryanirwana16 on April 20, 2019, 09:46:47 PM
I gotta take a deeper look at the crypto exchanges now that I’m home and off potato internet.
Time to start my deeper dive down the zenzo rabbit hole

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on April 21, 2019, 03:00:38 PM
We are currently on Crypto Bridge, Crex 24, and TXbit. Hope that helps! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: l3pox on April 24, 2019, 07:57:27 PM

Great Questions. And Since I am Luke I will make sure that link gets fixed Lol!
We have a Medium article that explains how the swap worked, which was capped by the way to make sure people did not abuse the system. (

And yes this started as a swap from LOL.

We have also discussed the last block reward and may revisit it in the future if it causes too much inflation.

We have already submitted our application and have been told everything looks great, but need a more volume.

Hope that answers your questions and have a great one!

awesome, thank you so much for the link, will definitely check it out!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on April 24, 2019, 08:17:14 PM
Nice project, try to get it listed on, they have zero listing fee.

I will give them a look over and see what the rest of the team thinks. Thanks for sharing that with us!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on May 05, 2019, 02:16:51 AM

We have just released a full article on the Decentralized Version Manager (DVM). For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, it's a new feature that we released in the ZENZO Core Wallet v.1.2.1. It will automatically notify you when there is a later version, for you to update your wallet (directly from your local wallet).

How Does It Work?

Once 25% of connected peers are a higher subversion than your node, an automated update is suggested within the local wallet.

Official seednodes help boost the DVM's efficiency and also further prevent consensus from being hijacked by a malicious party broadcasting fake version information.

Read the Full Article (

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: RivAngE on May 06, 2019, 06:54:56 AM
The Decentralised Version Manager is going to be very helpful for those who don't follow the announcements in Discord, avoiding possible fragmentation of the versions on the network.
That was a great idea guys, good job thinking of it and implementing it!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Tendo on May 06, 2019, 05:28:57 PM
The Decentralised Version Manager is going to be very helpful for those who don't follow the announcements in Discord, avoiding possible fragmentation of the versions on the network.
That was a great idea guys, good job thinking of it and implementing it!

Special thanks to JSKitty, who really made it happen on this one.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: RivAngE on May 07, 2019, 07:23:08 AM
The Decentralised Version Manager is going to be very helpful for those who don't follow the announcements in Discord, avoiding possible fragmentation of the versions on the network.
That was a great idea guys, good job thinking of it and implementing it!

Special thanks to JSKitty, who really made it happen on this one.

 ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: l3pox on May 07, 2019, 08:53:33 PM
The Decentralised Version Manager is going to be very helpful for those who don't follow the announcements in Discord, avoiding possible fragmentation of the versions on the network.
That was a great idea guys, good job thinking of it and implementing it!

super innovative
don't know of any other projects that uses it
great idea!
congrats for the team!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: RivAngE on May 08, 2019, 10:21:14 PM
We got a white-scroll!! ;D

I'm sure that if you capitalise on your userbase and sell game developers a place to advertise their games, Zenzo will do great in this harsh environment!
All you need is a solid goal for what will be your financial inflow.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Artemsv on May 20, 2019, 09:59:59 AM
ZENZO Arcade Development Update — PIVX Integration

The PIVX and ZENZO Alliance has been off to a phenomenal start! Yesterday (May 5th, 2019), ZENZO successfully added and released PIVX as the third payment option on the ZENZO Arcade, alongside ZNZ and BTC. This means that anyone can now purchase any game (officially listed from the ZENZO Arcade account) and pay with ZNZ, BTC, and now PIVX.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: on May 30, 2019, 06:12:37 AM
Zenzo (ZNZ) has been added on (

Monitoring and Statistic Services    
Accurate data from Markets
Estimated Revenue
Notifications on Email & Android App.

Zenzo on

Download Our Android app and Check Masternode Status from Pocket.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem
Post by: RivAngE on May 30, 2019, 02:13:44 PM
Zenzo (ZNZ) has been added on (

Monitoring and Statistic Services    
Accurate data from Markets
Estimated Revenue
Notifications on Email & Android App.

Zenzo on

Download Our Android app and Check Masternode Status from Pocket.

I like the flashing "NEW" icon next to Zenzo's name! ;D
So far I feel good with my investment on Zenzo, the team is passionate about their software and platform which makes me want to support them.
It's also good that I can hold the MN rewards and buy games from , the rewards of 1 masternode are enough to buy a new game every 1 to 2 months using ZNZ, depending on the title!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: l3pox on June 05, 2019, 08:28:10 PM
just posted a really nice article about ZNZ with some extensive information!

you may want to check it out!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: RivAngE on June 06, 2019, 08:12:02 AM
just posted a really nice article about ZNZ with some extensive information!

you may want to check it out!

wow such a huge and well written article! Thanks for your time mate.

The Zenzo Forge is especially a cool feature. A developer can create NFT tokens and lock ZNZ coins inside them, then the players can either use the items (NFT tokens) as-is or smelt them into ZNZ coins!
You guys have very clever ideas. I'm intrigued to develop something on the forge.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: l3pox on June 16, 2019, 03:51:11 PM
just posted a really nice article about ZNZ with some extensive information!

you may want to check it out!

wow such a huge and well written article! Thanks for your time mate.

The Zenzo Forge is especially a cool feature. A developer can create NFT tokens and lock ZNZ coins inside them, then the players can either use the items (NFT tokens) as-is or smelt them into ZNZ coins!
You guys have very clever ideas. I'm intrigued to develop something on the forge.

glad you enjoyed it!
The team was really supportive as well, it was amazing to work with them!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: YuurinBee on July 12, 2019, 04:26:52 AM

New Bounty!

ZENZO (ZNZ) is looking to be listed on!

What is CryptocurrencyCheckout?

Cryptocurrency Checkout Payment Gateway gives your customers multiple ways to pay, such as 1-click payments for desktop wallets, Scannable QR codes for mobile devices, and manual input so you can even be paid directly from Exchanges.

Checkout Integrations

- BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, HTML5, WHMOS, Magneto, WordPress

Donation Integrations

-Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Join the Bounty!

Join the ZENZO Discord and go to the #bounty channel to see the rules. (

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: RivAngE on July 12, 2019, 07:17:41 AM

New Bounty!

ZENZO (ZNZ) is looking to be listed on!

What is CryptocurrencyCheckout?

Cryptocurrency Checkout Payment Gateway gives your customers multiple ways to pay, such as 1-click payments for desktop wallets, Scannable QR codes for mobile devices, and manual input so you can even be paid directly from Exchanges.

Checkout Integrations

- BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, HTML5, WHMOS, Magneto, WordPress

Donation Integrations

-Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Join the Bounty!

Join the ZENZO Discord and go to the #bounty channel to see the rules. (

Whooohooo ! Zenzo is leading!!
This is the direct link for the vote btw:

Creating an account is very easy and it doesn't require a KYC, just an email verification. It's just a 2 min procedure guys!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Altmarkets on August 06, 2019, 03:27:26 PM
ZNZ Zenzo is live on Altmarkets Exchange

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: RivAngE on August 24, 2019, 10:19:49 AM
The team has announced details about the Phase 2 for the ZENZO + PIVX Alliance. Learn more about what Phase 2 will entail and if you know any PIVX Masternode Holders, please encourage them to vote YES for ZENZO_Phase2!

Phase 2
- PIVX + ZENZO eSports Tournament
    - To be decided & voted on by PIVX Community
- Streaming (Twitch, Dlive)
- Includes Partner Shoutouts, PIVX Logo on Stream Overlay, & Brief Mentions
- Ads (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Giveaways (Gleam, Twitter, CoinDreams, etc.)
- Video Walkthrough how to purchase games with PIVX (Mobile & Desktop)
- Written Guide / Walkthrough how to purchase games with PIVX (Mobile & Desktop)

 * PIVX Forum:

 * PIVX Central:

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: Mang Li on August 26, 2019, 11:09:26 PM
congrats!! now Zenzo already listed on coinmarketap

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — Universal Identity-Driven Ecosystem |MasterNodes|PoS
Post by: frogpoet on August 27, 2019, 06:56:52 AM
Congratulations on getting listed on CoinMarketCap :)

I'm writing a book called Altcoin Investigation 2019-08 and I've included a "slot" for ZNZ on the voting page for the book.  The way the book works is that people vote on which coins they want to be included in the book, and the ones that get the most votes will get info about the project added.  You can vote as often as you like.  I try to update the book every day, and it is currently free.

To vote for ZNZ to be included, go here : ( and then click the button for the coin. You can click on the download link to download the book in its current form. There will be a slider for the cost of the book - you can slide it all the way to the left to get it for free.

Congratulations on getting listed on CoinMarketCap :)

I'm writing a book called Altcoin Investigation 2019-08 and I've included a "slot" for ZNZ on the voting page for the book.  The way the book works is that people vote on which coins they want to be included in the book, and the ones that get the most votes will get info about the project added.  You can vote as often as you like.  I try to update the book every day, and it is currently free.

To vote for ZNZ to be included, go here : ( and then click the button for the coin. You can click on the download link to download the book in its current form. There will be a slider for the cost of the book - you can slide it all the way to the left to get it for free.

thanks for voting! there were enough votes such that I went ahead and updated the book with info about the coin.  The book is no longer free though - I started charging for it on September 1st and started working on the next month's volume. Hopefully someone on the team managed to download the book while it was still free. If so, you should be able to get a free update - once you download or pay for the book you get free updates for life. So, if you could, go back to the link I quoted above and click the link again, then change the current month to August and click the download link.  That should take you to the page which will recognize that you have already downloaded the book and can download the update for free. Then download the update and review what I have written about the coin. Please let me know if I have gotten anything wrong - I would be happy to make the required changes and reupload it again. thanks :)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: Bouli on September 15, 2019, 01:14:46 PM
1st post has been updated completely  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: YuurinBee on September 15, 2019, 01:25:05 PM
Yes!!! Finally a new and improved ZENZO Bitcointalk Ann Thread! Thanks Bouli for updating this... going to make an official announcement and share this around some more.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to comment on this thread or join our Discord or Telegram (Discord preferred)!

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: mrniv on September 15, 2019, 06:23:29 PM
seems like a really cool project. glad i stumbled upon this thread.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: j_gonfer on September 15, 2019, 09:39:53 PM
Congratulations team and great on updating the first post! Can't wait to see next steps of ZENZO ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: RivAngE on September 16, 2019, 07:01:41 AM
Whooohooo! (☞゚ヮ゚) Nice structure on the 1st post!

I also just noticed there's a max supply, I feel ashamed for not having noticed earlier as a ZNZ investor! (⊙_⊙')
But there won't be any halvings? I didn't notice anything about halvings in the Grandmaster Scroll (aka Whitepaper.....)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: YuurinBee on September 16, 2019, 10:26:03 AM
Whooohooo! (☞゚ヮ゚) Nice structure on the 1st post!

I also just noticed there's a max supply, I feel ashamed for not having noticed earlier as a ZNZ investor! (⊙_⊙')
But there won't be any halvings? I didn't notice anything about halvings in the Grandmaster Scroll (aka Whitepaper.....)

ヽ(  ˵╹◡╹˶  )ノ ヽ(  ˵╹◡╹˶  )ノ ヽ(  ˵╹◡╹˶  )ノ

yes! much better now. That is correct RivAnge, we are planning to stick with these blockchain specs for quite a while... there are no plans for any halvenings. We have the blockchain specs documented here:

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: Guapic on September 19, 2019, 11:17:02 AM
Great work with the new update. Promising things are happening within ZENZO :)

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: Tendo on September 19, 2019, 02:01:36 PM
1st post has been updated completely  8)

I think this is quite a long time to look forward to something from this project. maybe is this just a feeling or what?

If you are in our Discord community and follow us on Twitter you would know what we have been cooking up! If you like, feel free to watch us a while and see what we are up to. In the upcoming weeks, we will have some exciting releases and I hope to see everyone with us.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: RivAngE on September 20, 2019, 07:31:19 AM
I feel like the game industry is moving away from the "purchase a game" to "pay for a monthly subscription and access everything without owning anything".

Personally I'm happy with Ubi+, which is something I never expected to say since I'm hating all this Denuvo thing... but... with just $15/month I can play Anno, Ghost Recon, Assassin's Creed and hopefully they'll continue my favorite: Splinter Cell
... I... I think I'll give in! ( *︾▽︾)

This trend is not so big yet, but if it'll continue to grow it'll affect Zenzo's business of key selling as well.
Maybe you could add NFT trading like where trading happens with ETH or ZNZ?

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: TimeTeller on September 20, 2019, 11:41:28 PM
1st post has been updated completely  8)

I think this is quite a long time to look forward to something from this project. maybe is this just a feeling or what?

If you are in our Discord community and follow us on Twitter you would know what we have been cooking up! If you like, feel free to watch us a while and see what we are up to. In the upcoming weeks, we will have some exciting releases and I hope to see everyone with us.

That might change something to improve the current trading volume in CB and Crex.
Your arcade has long list of games, if I may ask, are you generating income from your arcade business already?
This is actually a nice platform for gamers, they can just buy zenzo coins from the exchanges and buy some from your arcade.

Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
Post by: YuurinBee on October 01, 2019, 07:52:53 PM
We have just published the ZENZO Monthly Report for September 2019!

Feel free to check out the past few Monthly Reports to get an idea of what ZENZO is working on and where we are headed:

    September 2019 (
    August 2019 (
    July 2019 (

    1st post has been updated completely  8)

    I think this is quite a long time to look forward to something from this project. maybe is this just a feeling or what?

    If you are in our Discord community and follow us on Twitter you would know what we have been cooking up! If you like, feel free to watch us a while and see what we are up to. In the upcoming weeks, we will have some exciting releases and I hope to see everyone with us.

    That might change something to improve the current trading volume in CB and Crex.
    Your arcade has long list of games, if I may ask, are you generating income from your arcade business already?
    This is actually a nice platform for gamers, they can just buy zenzo coins from the exchanges and buy some from your arcade.

    Thanks for asking and yes, feel free to ask anything. We do our best to be as transparent as possible with everything.

    We have been working on a marketing plan to help propel both blockchain and cryptocurrency awareness and adoption through ZENZO & ZNZ. A large majority of that plan includes streaming and esports. We have been focused on internal organization, development, and testing of our latest products... which is the reason why you haven't seen a strong marketing presence from us, yet. Things are just now heating up and we intend to follow up with bigger and better updates.

    To answer your question regarding the ZENZO Arcade, things have been very slow with it as of late for reasons mentioned above and also covered in the past 2 monthly reports. We are working on a completely new ZENZO Arcade (still Alpha), that includes both frontend and backend development. The plan is also to integrate ZENZO Forge Items (blockchain-based transferable assets) as the next digital assets on the Arcade that users can buy, sell, and trade... a taste of the bi-directional marketplace. We also have several options to include access to more popular and diverse games to help populate the marketplace as well.

    Thanks for the nice comments and if you like what you see now in the first iteration, we will be very pleased to present what we have been working on with you very soon. As always, any games you all would like to see on the ZENZO Arcade (which you can purchase with ZNZ, BTC, & PIVX), please let us know in this thread, Discord, Telegram, or Twitter!


    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on October 25, 2019, 03:11:36 PM

    ZENZO Streaming & The ZENZO Knights

    We are happy to announce that ZENZO has entered the world of streaming in order to help the gaming industry adopt both blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Alongside that, our goal is to help streamers be able to monetize their time, efforts, and creativity that allows them to continue doing what they love. ZENZO would also like to welcome LTZonda as a ZENZO Knight and to celebrate this new knighting, we are doing a giveaway of 1 copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (released today) and 2,500 ZNZ! Be sure to join the LTZonda stream ( for your chance to win!

    "Many of us share the vision to see the complete adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency in the gaming industry, an industry that grosses over $43 billion yearly and an industry many of us have been contributing to since we were children. Some of the biggest challenges with a new technology are being able to simplify it so that anyone can understand its benefits, but most importantly the focus needs to be on an easy user experience and application. With players that are already familiar with in-game economies and topping up game credits, they are ready to have complete ownership of both their currencies and in-game items. ZENZO intends to deliver both aspects of this and bring the power back to the player!"

    Read the full article here: (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Guapic on October 25, 2019, 07:31:18 PM
    Great work on the partnership with the new streamer! :D Looking forward to what the future holds for ZENZO

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: RivAngE on October 25, 2019, 07:33:11 PM
    Lovely art as always! I'm sure that's your doing Yuurin! :D
    And LTZonda is a cool guy too, congratz on your new collaboration
    o( ̄▽ ̄)d

    Too bad I missed the stream, I wish there was at least 1 day of prior announcement about it.

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on October 30, 2019, 02:22:17 AM
    Lovely art as always! I'm sure that's your doing Yuurin! :D
    And LTZonda is a cool guy too, congratz on your new collaboration
    o( ̄▽ ̄)d

    Too bad I missed the stream, I wish there was at least 1 day of prior announcement about it.

    Thanks so much man! I appreciate it... I've just started dabbling in 3D Modeling and such with Blender, which is a lot of fun. Surely enough, I will be pushed to also learn Unity. (  ˵╹◡╹˶  )

    Yes, LTZonda is awesome! We are pretty excited to start the ZENZO Streaming Takeover and help bridge the gap and give players out there the benefits of the blockchain.


    ZENZO Ecosystem is looking for developers (C++ familiar with PIVX/BTC codebases & Node.js)!

    We are also looking for local Japanese ambassadors, directors, and translators.

    If you are interested, please contact YuurinBee in the ZENZO Discord (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on November 16, 2019, 12:12:07 PM

    ZENZO (ZNZ) has now been listed on Graviex!

    3 New Pairs Have Been Added:

    BTC (

    ETH (

    USDC (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: cacalillos on February 04, 2020, 08:02:20 PM
    Hey guys this is the ZENZO Monthly Report from January 2020: (

    Hope you enjoy  ;D

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: cacalillos on February 10, 2020, 09:32:40 PM
             ZENZO Forge v0.3 (Alpha) Release   

    Greetings, ZENZOnites!

    We have just released ZENZO Forge! v0.3 (Alpha) and published the entire codebase on the Official ZENZO Github (visit link below). Each version and release of the ZENZO Forge is making monumental improvements.

    This update brings two major additions and features to the GUI that include: a built-in ZNZ Wallet interface, the first edition of the decentralized identity system—a unique and native name service that allows anybody (or anything) to choose their own username on the ZENZO Forge network. This allows users to send and receive payments via their usernames (without requiring a ZNZ Public Address).

    • ZENZO Forge Profiles: A completely decentralized name service that links a username to an address for name-based transactions, without requiring a full 34 character ZNZ Public Address.
    • Profile Payments: You can send (or receive) ZNZ to human-readable usernames. E.g: Send 10 ZNZ to JSKitty.
    • Trustless ZENZO Forge Protocol: The ZENZO Forge now has 0 centralized components. All synchronization, validations, and protocol-level functionalities are done within the software itself on the P2P network.
    • Built-in Wallet Interface: You can now send and receive ZNZ within the ZENZO Forge's "Wallet" interface.

    ZENZO Forge GitHub:
    Please like, comment, RT:

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on February 10, 2020, 09:39:25 PM
    Thanks for the update and release info of the ZENZO Forge, Cacalillos!

    Everyone stay tuned for the ZENZO Forge v0.4 (Alpha) Release. We will be improving the UX/UI, so that it is easier to operate and more intuitive. With that being said, around the time of that release, we will also be releasing an article explaining the ZENZO Forge in depth. This will explain what the ZENZO Forge is, it's purpose, what problems it solves, and the benefits to both the gamer and game developer. Stay tuned for more information. As always, I recommend following ZENZO on social media and especially being in the ZENZO Discord ( This is where the ZENZO Team is active daily and you will be the first one to get updates, sometimes even before they are officially announced.

    Some of the latest design concepts we have been working on...

    Let us know what you think, we are always open to feedback and suggestions....

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: negomarkett on February 10, 2020, 09:48:00 PM
    Thanks for the update and release info of the ZENZO Forge, Cacalillos!

    Everyone stay tuned for the ZENZO Forge v0.4 (Alpha) Release. We will be improving the UX/UI, so that it is easier to operate and more intuitive. With that being said, around the time of that release, we will also be releasing an article explaining the ZENZO Forge in depth. This will explain what the ZENZO Forge is, it's purpose, what problems it solves, and the benefits to both the gamer and game developer. Stay tuned for more information. As always, I recommend following ZENZO on social media and especially being in the ZENZO Discord ( This is where the ZENZO Team is active daily and you will be the first one to get updates, sometimes even before they are officially announced.

    Some of the latest design concepts we have been working on...

    Let us know what you think, we are always open to feedback and suggestions....

    ZENZO is a fork of PIVX, that gives it an advantage over other new currencies, but if they don't give it more diffusion they won't grow.

    For now I will try it and I will do MN ... how many coins for masternode?

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: cacalillos on February 10, 2020, 10:02:42 PM
    Hi negomarkett,

    Glad to see you here.

    You need 15000 ZNZ to build a masternode.

    Please check this links for more info:

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on February 10, 2020, 10:04:14 PM
    ZENZO is also in an alliance with PIVX and we love a lot of the breakthroughs that they have made. Read more, here. (

    Though ZENZO is a fork of PIVX (which focuses on privacy), we have custom-tailored it to fit the needs specifically for gaming. The ZENZO Blockchain specifications are different. There are also original ZENZO contributions to the codebase, thanks to the lead developer, JSKitty.

    Any blockchain should be able to adapt and most importantly, be able to solve the issues it has set out to achieve. In the case of ZENZO, it is entirely focused on Gaming (Gamers and Game Developers). The ZENZO Forge takes that to a whole new level. If you don't understand why, it will become much more clear in the coming weeks/months.

    ZENZO Masternode Collateral: 15,000 ZNZ

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: negomarkett on February 10, 2020, 10:07:37 PM
    Hi negomarkett,

    Glad to see you here.

    You need 15000 ZNZ to build a masternode.

    Please check this links for more info:

    thanks  ;D ;D

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: negomarkett on February 10, 2020, 10:09:41 PM
    ZENZO is also in an alliance with PIVX and we love a lot of the breakthroughs that they have made. Read more, here. (

    Though ZENZO is a fork of PIVX (which focuses on privacy), we have custom-tailored it to fit the needs specifically for gaming. The ZENZO Blockchain specifications are different. There are also original ZENZO contributions to the codebase, thanks to the lead developer, JSKitty.

    Any blockchain should be able to adapt and most importantly, be able to solve the issues it has set out to achieve. In the case of ZENZO, it is entirely focused on Gaming (Gamers and Game Developers). The ZENZO Forge takes that to a whole new level. If you don't understand why, it will become much more clear in the coming weeks/months.

    ZENZO Masternode Collateral: 15,000 ZNZ

    thanks for clearing up any doubts

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: MNRank on April 04, 2020, 11:02:25 PM
    ZENZO (ZNZ) has been listed on #MNRank


    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on April 05, 2020, 05:47:22 AM
    Thanks for putting ZENZO (ZNZ) on MNRank!

    We also just released the first ZENZO Puzzle, you can read more here:

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on April 13, 2020, 10:43:07 AM

    Congratulations, ZENZO (ZNZ) now has over 250 Masternodes on the network!

    Alongside this good news, we also just released a new site (ZENZO Rewards Calculator) to help you understand more clearly about the ZNZ Supply Breakdown, Distribution, and Rewards.

    You can check it out here: (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on April 25, 2020, 06:44:37 AM
    Hey, everyone! 8)

    I just wanted to share some of the recent developments with ZENZO...

    As many of you know, we are working on the latest release for ZENZO Core v2.0 (hardfork - mandatory update for all wallet users), among many additions and new features that you can check on the Official Github (

    Some of the latest additions to the ZENZO Core 2.0 codebase are that which will allow for you to view your ZENZO Forge Items (ZFIs) from the RPC Console in your core wallet. You can execute the command by typing listforgeitems.

    > View the commit on the ZENZO GitHub (

    What are ZENZO Forge Items?

    > They are unique, transferable blockchain-backed items that are locked in your core wallet with a specific ZNZ value (created by the user), which you have 100% ownership of at all times, unless you smelt (destroy) or transfer.

    Do ZFIs have to be only for game assets?

    > No, but they are intended for that purpose.

    The ZENZO Forge is progressing daily and being optimized, both on the frontend and backend. Since the beginning, the ZENZO Forge has been open-source and available on GitHub. Although it is technically public now, this is really an experimental build and version 0.4 will be considered the first "Alpha" public release. The team will be launching a test net soon to be able to stress-test the network at extreme levels with 0 threat to the mainnet. For any game developers that are interested in learning more about this, feel free to contact the core team in the ZENZO Discord (

    Learn more about the  ⚒ ZENZO Forge (

    Alongside all of this, ZENZO is still hosting The Checkpoint (our monthly live streaming event), where we bring on people from all different types of projects in the realms of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and gaming. Today on April 25, 2020, we will be joined by Jeremy Choo (CEO of Ammobox Studios) to talk about game development and the release of their game Eximius: Seize the Frontline. The event is open for anyone to join, come in and learn about the game, possibly participate in group plays, and an open AMA. There will be giveaways throughout the event, including chances to win ZNZ and 10 lucky winners will be going home with 1 copy of Eximius: Seize the Frontline ( Join us on Twitch, Dlive, Mixer, Youtube, and Periscope. The times are available on the ZENZO Twitter ( and Discord. Hope to see you all there!

    There is a lot going on in many different fields with ZENZO and we are doing our best to keep everyone up to date on all fronts.

    If you really want to stay up to date with everything, I suggest joining the ZENZO Discord ( and/or Telegram (

    We welcome anyone and everyone to come in and learn what ZENZO is all about and if you have questions, suggestions, or want to get involved, don't be a stranger!

    Best Regards,
    YuurinBee & ZENZO Team

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: WolvensWard on April 30, 2020, 03:13:08 PM
    The Checkpoint - Level 6 really was a great event  ;D Always great to see folks getting together like that and can't wait till next months. Also, yay! Whoop whoop to seeing forged ZFI's from the console! Handy little addition.

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on May 18, 2020, 07:00:37 PM

    ZENZO (ZNZ) on Mobile!

    ZENZO (ZNZ) has now been listed on the Harcomia Digital Assets Mobile Wallet, currently only available for Android.
    Not only can you send and receive ZNZ from your mobile device, but you are also able to track/monitor the condition of your masternode(s)!

    >> Download Mobile Wallet (

    For any questions you may have, feel free to message Willy | Harcomia or ping him in the ZENZO Discord server, but there is also an instruction video here:

    *Please be advised and aware of the potential risks of third-party wallets before using them.
    It is not recommended to keep large sums of any cryptocurrency on any mobile wallet, just as you wouldn't carry thousands of dollars in your pocket wallet.
    ZENZO is not responsible for the management or potential loss of any of your funds.

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: negomarkett on July 03, 2020, 02:15:24 AM
    people don't stop updating this thread ... ??? ???

    I have seen many news on twitter but they reflect it here.

      And newcomers who want to participate I would recommend going to the ZENZO channel on twitch where they give away #ZNZ through games on Sundays.

    I am an enthusiast of your # ZNZ project. ;D ;D

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on July 03, 2020, 08:13:01 AM

    Everyone, please check out the latest ZENZO Monthly Report for June 2020!
    Read the full report, here (

    We have just published many new updates and there are a lot of great things happening at ZENZO. We are doing our best to clearly communicate with everything that is happening, especially on the backend and with development. For everyone that is running the ZENZO Core Wallet, please make sure you have upgraded to the latest v1.3.1 Release, which you can find here ( You can also read about the full release, here (

    Some key highlights from June 2020:
    • ZENZO Core v1.3.1 Release
    • ZENZO Core Development 2.0
    • ZENZO Forge Frontend Development
    • New Team Members + New Alliance
    • ZNZ Listing on a Cross-Exchange Platform (including Fiat purchases)
    • ZNZ on Second Mobile App
    • The Checkpoint Level 7

    We look forward to sharing more great news with you all and as always, feel free to comment and share your feedback. We are happy to hear what the community has to say!

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: negomarkett on July 03, 2020, 05:41:55 PM

    Everyone, please check out the latest ZENZO Monthly Report for June 2020!
    Read the full report, here (

    We have just published many new updates and there are a lot of great things happening at ZENZO. We are doing our best to clearly communicate with everything that is happening, especially on the backend and with development. For everyone that is running the ZENZO Core Wallet, please make sure you have upgraded to the latest v1.3.1 Release, which you can find here ( You can also read about the full release, here (

    Some key highlights from June 2020:
    • ZENZO Core v1.3.1 Release
    • ZENZO Core Development 2.0
    • ZENZO Forge Frontend Development
    • New Team Members + New Alliance
    • ZNZ Listing on a Cross-Exchange Platform (including Fiat purchases)
    • ZNZ on Second Mobile App
    • The Checkpoint Level 7

    We look forward to sharing more great news with you all and as always, feel free to comment and share your feedback. We are happy to hear what the community has to say!

    Excellent!!  8) 8)

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on July 14, 2020, 03:08:31 AM

    ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori


    We are happy to present you all with the latest in ZENZO Core development, something that we have spent more than 6 months building. This is a Mandatory Update that every single ZENZO Core Wallet user will have to download, install, and run. We are preparing for a hardfork at block 935,333 and we need to ensure that everyone is on the correct chain at that time and we meet consensus. Tell all of your friends and everyone you know using a ZENZO Core wallet about this mandatory update.

    Read the Full Release Article (+ Install Guide):

    DOWNLOAD ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori (

    > Windows (
    > Mac (
    > Linux (
    > ARM (Rasp Pi) (

    *Never trust any downloads that are not directly approved by ZENZO and either on the official ZENZO GitHub or

    For any questions or comments you have, feel free to comment on this thread or join the ZENZO Discord or Telegram.

    ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori Feedback Form (
    (Share your feedback on the latest release here)

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: WolvensWard on July 14, 2020, 03:11:07 AM
     :o This wallet looks beautiful! So excited for people to try it out! Been a long time coming but worth the wait!  ;D

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: WolvensWard on July 18, 2020, 09:27:11 PM
    ZENZO/$ZNZ MasterNodes.Online Listing

    ZENZO ($ZNZ) has now been officially added to the MasterNodes Online Platform.
    This includes:

    • Accurate Stats on MNO & Masternode Buzz
    • Masternode Explorer Activated
    • Monitoring Enabled
    • MNOtify Email & Telegram Notifications

    Be sure to check out the listing here:

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on July 25, 2020, 03:47:56 PM

    ZENZO Core v2.0.1 | Kiyori Patch #1

    > Download on GitHub ( <

    Greetings, ZENZOnites!

    We have released the latest update for ZENZO Core (v2.0.1). This is a non-mandatory update, but highly recommended. With this latest release, it fixed and patched many minor bugs that were in the original v2.0 release. Most of these minor bugs were related to the GUI and purely on the frontend, so it will be a much smoother experience for you now. Like every update, we release them for a reason (if not a long list of reasons) and once again strongly encourage you all to download and run this latest client for your benefit.

    How do I run this latest version? Easy.

    1. Download the latest version (
    2. Delete your old client
    3. Run the new client

    It literally is that simple. If you have any questions about the release or have issues with the wallet, the best way to get support is on the official ZENZO Discord ( and ZENZO Telegram (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Bouli on July 27, 2020, 12:50:02 PM
    Hello, everyone!

    I just wanted to share that we have officially updated the ZENZO Bitcointalk Announcement thread here with correct information, updates, added wallets, platforms, and more!

    If there is anything you see out of place, incorrect, or have questions about... please share with us below in a comment.

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Tendo on August 01, 2020, 01:07:44 PM

    The ZENZO Monthly report for July is out! Give it a read here (

    Stay safe out there ZENZONITES!

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: WolvensWard on September 07, 2020, 12:14:51 PM
    ZENZO Advisor Addition

    Greetings, ZENZOnites!

    We are honored to announce the newest advisor for ZENZO...

    Please give a warm welcome to Hans Koning

    Hans will specifically be helping with governance and overall community engagement. Hans is quite well-known for his contributions to Digibyte and as a founding member and current Chair of the Digibyte Foundation. I personally have had the pleasure of getting to know Hans over the past few months and it is refreshing to meet people that are involved in this space for the right reasons. We see so many poorly designed models that are intended to benefit just a few and that is never what the ethos and intention of this tech was all about. We intend to deliver the best of our abilities and continue to work with some of the best people in this space. Hans, it is our pleasure to welcome you to this community and family... 

    Hans has been in the forefront of nascent and emerging technologies for more than 25 years, wearing a various assortment of hats and wide-ranging expertise. His focus on technology is how it can make our lives better, what drives it socially and economically, and how we need to work and interact with it for optimal results. Also, he is the Chair of the DigiByte Foundation and is constantly reaching out to kindred spirited projects to help further develop the blockchain space, boost adaptation, and most importantly engage with and empower the community.

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: YuurinBee on September 07, 2020, 12:59:31 PM
    ZENZO Advisor Addition

    Greetings, ZENZOnites!

    We are honored to announce the newest advisor for ZENZO...

    Please give a warm welcome to Hans Koning!  

    Hans will specifically be helping with governance and overall community engagement. Hans is quite well-known for his contributions to Digibyte and as a founding member and current Chair of the Digibyte Foundation. I personally have had the pleasure of getting to know Hans over the past few months and it is refreshing to meet people that are involved in this space for the right reasons. We see so many poorly designed models that are intended to benefit just a few and that is never what the ethos and intention of this tech was all about. We intend to deliver the best of our abilities and continue to work with some of the best people in this space. Hans, it is our pleasure to welcome you to this community and family...  

    Hans has been in the forefront of nascent and emerging technologies for more than 25 years, wearing a various assortment of hats and wide-ranging expertise. His focus on technology is how it can make our lives better, what drives it socially and economically, and how we need to work and interact with it for optimal results. Also, he is the Chair of the DigiByte Foundation and is constantly reaching out to kindred spirited projects to help further develop the blockchain space, boost adaptation, and most importantly engage with and empower the community.

    Welcome to ZENZO Ecosystem, Hans! We are honored to have you with us, brother!

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Bouli on November 04, 2020, 07:13:13 PM

    Hey ZENZOnites!

    We have just released the latest ZENZO Core v2.1.0 | Kiyori Wallet! This is a non-mandatory, but highlight recommended update. This updates includes many improvements to the network, as well as the frontend and user experience. For more information, read the full release article on Medium below...

    Key Features & Updates

    - Decentralized Price Display (USD)
    - Masternode.conf Hot-Reloading (No Restart Needed)
    - ZNZ Burning & On-Chain Messaging
    - ZENZO Wall ( (Displays ZNZ Burn Messages in Real-time)
    - Scam Protection Warnings (Debug Console)
    - Improved Performance & Interaction with the ZENZO Forge
    - Increased Security & Stability
    - Patch CVE-2018–17145 (INVDoS exploit)

    Download the latest release, here (

    Read the full release article, here (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Bouli on February 01, 2021, 12:08:24 PM

    ZENZO Forge & KOTA Demo are now live!

    Greetings, ZENZOnites!

    The moment has finally come that many of you have waited for! We have just released public demos for both the ZENZO Forge and KOTA.  We highly encourage @everyone to test them out. Right now in their early stages, it is crucial that we receive as much testing and feedback as possible (whether suggestions, experience, features, or bugs). There are so many great things in store for 2021 and we are working on more ways to have our great community involved and being able to contribute to both the development and success of ZENZO.

    For those of you that already are using the ZENZO Core Wallet, then head over to ( to download the latest version of the ZENZO Forge. Any questions you have, feedback, etc. can be shared in the #🔥-forge channel ( There are also a bunch of cool commands to pull information and statistics on the Forge, thanks to ZENZO Chan.

    Those looking to play and test KOTA, make sure you have the ZENZO Core Wallet and the ZENZO Forge installed. You can download KOTA directly from the in-app "Game Manager". Be sure to visit #💀-kota ( and share with us your feedback!

    Read the full guide, here (

    Bouli & ZENZO Team

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Bouli on March 07, 2021, 03:25:11 PM

    A New NFT Standard Emerges: ZFI-1

    What is the ZENZO Forge?
    The ZENZO Forge is a peer-to-peer metadata network that runs alongside the ZENZO Blockchain as a Layer 1 solution. This decentralized application utilizes the benefits of blockchain, without encountering the same bottlenecks — high transaction fees and slow confirmation times. This technology is entirely open-source and users are not subject to any third-party fees from ZENZO.

    ZENZO Forge Items (ZFIs)
    Crafting: 0.001 ZNZ (Blockchain Network Fee)
    Transferring: 0.001 ZNZ (Blockchain Network Fee)
    Smelting: Free
    ZNZ Reserve Value: Amount of ZNZ infused into the item

    What is the ZFI-1 Standard?
    The ZFI-1 is the first NFT standard created by ZENZO Ecosystem core developers. This first standard is for unique, immalleable, indivisible tokens that proposes a stable, universal protocol for items with traits that cannot be copied. These ZENZO NFTs were coined “ZENZO Forge Items” or a “ZFI”, as they directly relate to the ZENZO Forge and the concept of an item is easier for a gamer to grasp, rather than the term “non-fungible token”.

    Read the full article, here. (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: wELLy on April 12, 2021, 08:55:40 PM
         Vote ZENZO
     ☕️ (

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Bouli on May 13, 2021, 06:28:55 PM

    ZENZO Chan Art Contest - Spring Theme

    10 ZNZ: Every participant

    Grand Prizes:
    Gold: 1,000 ZNZ
    Silver: 600 ZNZ
    Bronze: 300 ZNZ

    Contest Ends June 21st (6/21/2021)

    We have just launched a "Spring Theme" Art Contest for our mascot character "ZENZO Chan". This event is is now live until June 23rd! Every participant can earn 10 ZNZ just for entering and the grand prizes will be distributed for the top 3 entries, picked by the ZENZO Team. Winners will also have their art entries created as ZFIs (ZENZO NFTs), which will be distributed to the community and immortalized on the blockchain! We have posted clear rules on the release articles below...

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    Check out one of the latest submissions by Kasomaneeeeeee

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Hermes Mercury on October 28, 2022, 12:39:09 PM
    Any development currently for ZNZ? Are there faucets?

    Title: Re: [ANN] ZENZO 漸増 [ZNZ] — For the Gamer, By the Gamer, Through Blockchain
    Post by: Slex Listing on December 27, 2023, 10:19:33 AM
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