Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 08:23:41 PM

Title: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 08:23:41 PM
Your whole trust feedback system and merit system is a big horse shit being controlled by a small group where part of it is abusing it to the max and you are just watching it which is the worst.

I'm tagged with false accusations like being an alt of QS ,scamming people,account farming and everything else even there has been no proof provided and noone gives a shit if somebody gets abused.

It becomes first an affair when a fuckin legandary is being neg tagged with a false claim.

Your board is clearly out of control where legit people are being abused by a small group of known punks for so long and you do nothing against it

Blazed posted openly that he knows that some legit people have been wrongly tagged.

You accept this kind of behavior ?
I thought based on the forum ethics its not you to jude and here you got an statement that he knowingly leaved negative feedbacks to members who didn't deserved it?

Seriously ?

Where the relation between blazed and lauda is clearly also business wise ? NO CONFLICT OF INTERREST ?

Who is going to defend my reputation against false accusations i got on your board and which is defaming me since i use that nick everywhere ?

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Vod on October 20, 2018, 08:29:02 PM
Seriously ?

Why are you complaining?  You do the same thing!

Your feedback for The Pharmacist:
Exchanging merit and trust with Lauda and their group like actmyname , vod etc

I don't exchange merit with anyone.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 08:31:16 PM
I guess thats why so many people posted about it and showed the poor posts where merit has been given

But it was clear that Laudas gang is going to join this thread as its getting ugly

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 20, 2018, 08:32:40 PM
So do you have any suggestions as to how the trust system could be improved?  This has been discussed before, and there hasn't yet been any ideas that would make the existing system any better.

If DT or any other members weren't allowed to leave feedback however they like, there wouldn't be a way to warn people about scammers and every other shady member here--and there are a LOT of them.  Yes, some people get tagged with questionable accuracy, but overall the trust system does serve a valuable purpose the way it was designed.

I would also add that just because you feel you've been wrongly tagged by DT members (including me) doesn't mean Theymos needs to overhaul the system.  The fact is that you've engaged in some unsavory behavior and there's a few members who don't trust you.  Accept it and move on.

Your feedback for The Pharmacist:
Exchanging merit and trust with Lauda and their group like actmyname , vod etc
And then there's this.  What you wrote is just retaliatory feedback (and you've left 3 of them), and it's a complete lie.  If you take a look, I've left very few merits for either Vod or Lauda, and I'm not in a gang with Lutpin.  In fact, I left a neg on Lutpin recently (since removed) when he hadn't paid his campaign participants in over 10 weeks.  You're a hypocrite.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 08:36:55 PM
Since i'm accused of being a scammer by 4 high ranked people (only Lauda's gang)

Show me the proof i scammed someone.
Else you are a fucking defamer

Show me a single fuckin complaint that i scammed someone,
cause i can show you dozens of comments telling me i look like a scammer because of my trust feedback from you assholes

I would also add that just because you feel you've been wrongly tagged by DT members (including me) doesn't mean Theymos needs to overhaul the system.  The fact is that you've engaged in some unsavory behavior and there's a few members who don't trust you.  Accept it and move on.

There is a whole subreddit talking about the abuse of Lauda and her gang (including you)

You wanna tell i'm a minority who may be falsly accused and thats ok ?

@theymos your forum rules clearly says that buying accounts is being allowed.I even asked a global mod if its ok to buy an account since a friend needs it to post imageson his service thread and he confirmed it's ok to go ahead.And for doing so i got tagged and being called a scammer ?

Seriously ?Who did i scammed?

Info people see when checking my account

encourage scams, spam, and account farming.
by lauda
where did i encourage scams,spam and account farming ?

Dealing in accounts contributes to the continued shittiness of bitcointalk.
by thepharmacist
Where do i deal with accounts  ?Accounts means multiple ones ?How often do you give meneg feedback for that or is that because i start questoning that feedback demanding proof and there was no other accusation you could make?

Probably an alt of Quickseller
by timelord2067
His proof i'm an alt of QS is him sending me 1 fucking merit.
Thats proof enough calling me an alt of QS and giving negativ feedback

Account sales, Retaliatory feedback and so on.
By theUltraelite 7 months after i bought the account

people reading these comments must think i'm a proffessional scammer who is trying to scam each week somebody based on these feedbacks.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: S_Therapist on October 20, 2018, 08:49:27 PM
The fact is account buyer/seller is not someone whom people can trust and thus who encourages account buying/selling is not also be trusted.
There are several reasons for which I personally will not trust any accounts buyer or seller.
1. Accounts maybe hacked.
2. You can easily scam someone using the identity of previous user.
3. You may claim later that your sold account is hacked and try to get back that accout.

And where such kind of issue may happen, how we can trust such person? That's why who help accounts buyer/seller is also not to be trusted, IMO.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Vod on October 20, 2018, 08:55:30 PM
Show me the proof i scammed someone.
Else you are a fucking defamer

Show me the proof I exchange merit.
Else you are a fucking defamer


Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 08:55:55 PM
I have no issue with you not trusting me.I have an issue being called publicly a scammer.A scammer means someone who cheated other people.
Now show me who did i scammed?

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 08:56:57 PM
Show me the proof I exchange merit.
Else you are a fucking defamer

Smartass you know exectly the history is limited so now you act as a smartass .Funny you didn't questioned it at the time given

and again 4 comments where 3 are from Laudas gang trying to defame.

As always!!!

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: S_Therapist on October 20, 2018, 08:58:26 PM
Smartass you know exectly the history is limited so now you act as a smartass .Funny you didn't questioned it at the time given
History is not limited. It has been made public by Vod.
Go and learn more and prove that Vod has abused exchanged merit. In bpip, you can have all the merit history of every user from the beginning.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 09:04:54 PM
Smartass you know exectly the history is limited so now you act as a smartass .Funny you didn't questioned it at the time given
History is not limited. It has been made public by Vod.
Go and learn more and prove that Vod has abused exchanged merit. In bpip, you can have all the merit history of every user from the beginning.

The fact is account buyer/seller is not someone whom people can trust and thus who encourages account buying/selling is not also be trusted.
There are several reasons for which I personally will not trust any accounts buyer or seller.
1. Accounts maybe hacked.
2. You can easily scam someone using the identity of previous user.
3. You may claim later that your sold account is hacked and try to get back that accout.

Show me any public offical statement that buying or selling accounts lead to negative trust feedback

Show me a single offical statement about it which users should see so they know about it.

You wanna execute something ?Then show me where it says its forbidden or will lead to that.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: S_Therapist on October 20, 2018, 09:13:32 PM
I request you to read the ANN about trust from theymos. Here I'm gonna quote 2 lines which indicates clearly that I can give you negative trust if I think you are doing some shits here.

On feedback pages, you can leave trade feedback. There are no rules for this

It's OK to post a rating about the person in general, not tied to a specific trade.
As per the rules, I don't see any problem with your rating. You got what you deserve, simple.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: The Cryptovator on October 20, 2018, 09:14:25 PM
Who is going to defend my reputation against false accusations i got on your board and which is defaming me since i use that nick everywhere ?

No one will defend your reputaion due you are encourage to buy account. Usually people's will think you also bought this account.

I have no issue with you not trusting me.I have an issue being called publicly a scammer.A scammer means someone who cheated other people.
Now show me who did i scammed?

I can't find on your trusted feedback who called you scammers. They mentioned what you did. Both trusted feedback about encourage buy account. I don't care about untrusted feedback. Your claim is they are involved with merit exchange. Personally I will not believe The Pharmacist involved with any merit trading.

Show me any public offical statement that buying or selling accounts lead to negative trust feedback

Show me a single offical statement about it which users should see so they know about it.

You wanna execute something ?Then show me where it says its forbidden or will lead to that.

You should know account sales are discourage by forum.

Having multiple accounts and account sales are allowed, but account sales are discouraged  

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 09:25:19 PM
Q: I saw a guy selling Bitcointalk accounts. Why is that allowed?
A: Since we can't effectively prevent these sales (proxies, TOR, sales in other forums), we don't because otherwise we would be giving the users a false sense of security.

It clearly says its allowed.So some DT punks are calling me a scammer for something which is clearly allowed where i even asked a global mod for permission?

Now look what even blazed wrote

My goal when adding people to the Default Trust network was to help clean up the garbage posting on this forum. I understand people are all worked up over sea of red that ensued after my adding The Pharmacist and actmyname to DT2

ho ho

Most of the red users I have seen are guilty of shit posting for pay

Ho ho we have judges here ....some fucking gang who is going to play judicativ and executiv.And the wording most......what about the rest which are not guilty ?To how many members have you knowingly abused your power?

at least one smart comment from a higher ranked

irst of all, you can remove the DefaultTrust group from your trust network settings by putting a "~" in front of "DefaultTrust" in your trust settings.

Second and most important, the trust system is abused by most people on this forum. So if you're going to complain, don't isolate your complaint to a few members. People have given negative trust for shit as petty as not liking words that a person wrote in a action or offense committed, just words.

The trust system is a joke...ignore it!

another one

Life is so hard. I was wondering why people like to be in DT network. the trust system i dont know why it exist in this forum. You tagged a scammer and the same scammer still scamm people . With one click Theymos can resolve everything, theymos always choose the last option and leave the first option. Added 3 or 5 evil in the trust system ruined the forum. The forum should be decentralized and give everyone the same posibility to leave a red or a green. it should not stay in the hand of 2 or 3 abusers.

They only cared about red because it prevents them from joining campaigns. All the spammers only post here for the pay they do not care about the forum just the coins they earn...

But lauda and you cares right?By miliking the community with your services heh ?

Thanks for stepping up, I can't deny it made me smile a bit seeing so many accounts with zero post quality suddenly complain about a trust rating they received months ago.

So you start cleaning up blazed with no announcement and give negativ feedback to people for something which was posted months ago ?
Just shows how poor your understanding of justice is.
And a third time.Your avatar is a joke based on your actions

Having multiple accounts and account sales are allowed, but account sales are discouraged

You understand the meaning discouraged ?
Or you wanna tell me its allowed but you will be called a scammer which is a paradox since it can't be both at the same time or do you understand it as permisson for scammers to buy acconts ?

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 20, 2018, 09:31:00 PM
It's OK to post a rating about the person in general, not tied to a specific trade.
As per the rules, I don't see any problem with your rating. You got what you deserve, simple.

Based on your comment i just gave you a negativ feedback calling you a scammer and alt of quickseller.

Of course i have no proof but who cares......noone cares if my ratings are legit so why should someone care if your's are legit and based on your comment its completly fine.

You are now marked as scammer and an alt of Quickseller let's see how it will benefit in your future on bitcointalk

If you wish i can ask some friends to add you some more like Laudas gang is doing it to discredit someone to death /irony

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: suchmoon on October 21, 2018, 12:41:22 AM
Based on your comment i just gave you a negativ feedback calling you a scammer and alt of quickseller.

I'm sure theymos will be happy to see that, and also your 3 posts in a row. You're such an virtuous member of the forum - it's a shame how everyone is misunderstanding you.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: actmyname on October 21, 2018, 01:20:47 AM
I'm not sure why you remain fixated on the whole point of "I'm being called a scammer" and "Account trading is allowed by the rules" even though these were already refuted multiple times.

And I even made a post that mentioned this a few days ago:

I got tagged claiming i'm a confirmed scammer
Where? You got tagged for account trading.

I also sent proof that i read the board rules before buying that account which clearly says its allowed to buy accounts and more important i even asked a global moderator for permission.
Even now, you still don't understand that forum rules don't dictate what people use the trust system for. Did you know that scamming is allowed by forum rules?

Funny you demand proof of somebody but don't care that you or your gang provide any proof of your own false claims ?
You posted that you'd take the account? That's proof.

Just tagg him for that.Its not important if its true or not.You don't need any evidence.
He has clearly also no issues his people tagging other members with false claims without having even the smallest proof
Here's your claim, then.
"Because P did X, now I can do X because they set a precedent."
Let's use a real-life case.

"Because Ted Bundy raped, now I can rape because they set a precedent."
Even if you were right about the absence of evidence, that doesn't mean you can have the same absence of evidence with your trust.

When you start picking apart words like you do in this thread, it means that you're scrounging for a point. You have nothing substantial so you're trying to nitpick.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Initscri on October 21, 2018, 03:24:07 AM
The whole point of a uncontrolled trust system is that ANYBODY and can leave ANY trust for ANY reason.

It's unfortunate at some times I do admit, but the benefits of a uncontrolled/unmoderated system far outweigh a moderated system.

If you got negged and you believe it's in bad taste, make good trades, continue to be a good member, and perhaps a DT member will provide you positive trust to rectify/balance the negative on your account.

Posting threads like this however, will not help your cause.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Thule on October 21, 2018, 03:38:14 AM
It's unfortunate at some times I do admit, but the benefits of a uncontrolled/unmoderated system far outweigh a moderated system.

I would agree on that if there would be no DT1 and DT2 members on the trust feedback which makes everyone else feedback not important

Posting threads like this however, will not help your cause.

Being defamed here as scammer is not something i will accept.Like i posted ealier i use that nick also on other message boards and people firstly see only see the trust feedback score.

If they check they will see i'm a scammer ,spammer ,account farmer etc.

You think when running a serious business you could accept this kind of defame ?

Even now, you still don't understand that forum rules don't dictate what people use the trust system for. Did you know that scamming is allowed by forum rules?

show me where its says its allowed to scam ?Its saying they won't jude which is something totaly diffrent then saying you are allowed to scam.

You just offended theymos claiming he allowed officaly to scam people

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: on October 21, 2018, 06:55:14 AM
It was good before but from last few years this whole trust system turned into a big joke.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: suchmoon on October 21, 2018, 03:22:08 PM
It was good before but from last few years this whole trust system turned into a big joke.

Let me guess. This event coincided with you being kicked out of DT?

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Ardavan2150 on October 21, 2018, 06:14:23 PM
Wow a lot of hostility. I think the moderators of the forum are trying their best and I appreciate their work.

To be honest, for a "senior member" like you, you shouldn't even care. Just start a new alt account and get merited by being helpful. And you can start doing your shitposting in no time by another "senior member" account.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: S_Therapist on October 21, 2018, 06:36:01 PM
To be honest, for a "senior member" like you, you shouldn't even care. Just start a new alt account and get merited by being helpful.
You are wrong at some point and also encouraging someone to do the same with new identity. Why he would create a new account?
Isn't it better to do something trusted from this account and get trust back from DT. I personally believe in admitting my faults and try to do some better in next and that's how everyone should be. Why do I need to act with a new identity?

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Quickseller on October 21, 2018, 06:50:52 PM
It was good before but from last few years this whole trust system turned into a big joke.
theymos said around the time trust exclusions ( were implemented that those who give negative ratings to those who are not scammers will not be in the Default Trust network.

Today, users who regularly give out negative ratings to their enemies who are clearly not scammers, and who otherwise regularly give negative trust who can in no reasonable way be described as a scammer, are regularly not only added to the DT network, but will receive additional inclusions by those on DT1 when others exclude them.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: marlboroza on October 21, 2018, 09:21:55 PM
Tell me, what is purpose of buying forum accounts:

1) to scam
2) to spam
3) to run legit business which you can't do with :
   a) new account
   b) new account and cooper membership
   c) already existing account

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: suchmoon on October 21, 2018, 09:36:19 PM
theymos said around the time trust exclusions ( were implemented that those who give negative ratings to those who are not scammers will not be in the Default Trust network.

Wrong link? Doesn't say anything of the sort.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: S_Therapist on October 21, 2018, 09:49:23 PM
Wrong link? Doesn't say anything of the sort.
Trust me, I thought I could not see anything related because I am drunk and that's why I didn't make any comment, lol.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 21, 2018, 10:27:51 PM
Dealing in accounts contributes to the continued shittiness of bitcointalk.
by thepharmacist
Where do i deal with accounts  ?Accounts means multiple ones ?
Are you seriously using some insignificant semantics to try to bolster your arugment?  The above quote by me is equivalent to stating: "When a person deals in accounts, they contribute to the continued shittiness of bitcointalk".  I did not accuse you of buying or selling multiple accounts.

You seem to fail to grasp that there are written bitcointalk rules, and then there are the community standards which differ from what Theymos has decreed.  It became sort of the general consensus back in 2016 or so that account sales were leading to people getting scammed, since a purchased account with a good trust history could fool someone into thinking they were dealing with an honest member--and that it was allowing garbage shitposters to increase their earnings through signature campaigns. 

Being defamed here as scammer is not something i will accept.
I'd be interested to know what you think your options are here, other than accepting the feedback you've been given.  You can leave all the retaliatory feedback you like, but since you're not on DT it won't get taken seriously.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: Quickseller on October 22, 2018, 12:26:04 AM
theymos said around the time trust exclusions ( were implemented that those who give negative ratings to those who are not scammers will not be in the Default Trust network.

Wrong link? Doesn't say anything of the sort.
If you read my post, you would see that I said it was around that time....

I think the main problem is that the trust system has given members that haven't proven themselves responsible enough the ability to mark someone's account with negative trust, and essentially ruin the account.

Any inaccuracies will eventually be fixed. I'm not going to allow the default trust network to contain inaccurate ratings for long.

Being defamed here as scammer is not something i will accept.
I'd be interested to know what you think your options are here, other than accepting the feedback you've been given. 
I think it is interesting to see you didn't pose publicly debating the rating as an option.

This is exactly what happens when many people are added to DT who don't have any serious amount of trading experience.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: suchmoon on October 22, 2018, 12:47:31 AM
If you read my post, you would see that I said it was around that time....

Like what, the same year?

That quote still doesn't say what you insinuated. You should probably leave it to theymos to explain what his current view of the trust system is as opposed to your interpretation of a 4-year-old message from a different context.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: hilariousetc on October 22, 2018, 07:25:44 AM
Tell me, what is purpose of buying forum accounts:

1) to scam
2) to spam
3) to run legit business which you can't do with :
   a) new account
   b) new account and cooper membership
   c) already existing account

I really don't get why we just don't let people buy higher donator titles that come with the benefits of ranks (like bigger signatures and avatars etc). The account market is just such a shady business now and only really causes scams and spam. Most people are either just selling non-existent accounts that they don't even have or hacked ones if they do. I'd bet that most of the people who even try buy accounts these days get scammed as there's no protection for them as most escrows wont want to get involved. If we're going to allow account sales then just let users buy the benefits of the rank from the forum and we essentially shut down the market in the process. It's win-win to me. We already have Copper Membership so Silver and Gold ones should be added. It would also shut up all the whiners who complain at merit because at least there's a legal fix for them to bypass ranks; they just have to cough up for it.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: LoyceMobile on October 22, 2018, 08:04:26 AM
You should probably leave it to theymos to explain what his current view of the trust system is
Although related to merit abuse, this is his most recent comment about trust:
If a DT member tags you for something stupid involving merit (ie. probably anything less than selling merit), then they're not going to be a DT member for much longer.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: suchmoon on October 22, 2018, 12:57:42 PM
You should probably leave it to theymos to explain what his current view of the trust system is
Although related to merit abuse, this is his most recent comment about trust:
If a DT member tags you for something stupid involving merit (ie. probably anything less than selling merit), then they're not going to be a DT member for much longer.

This was said to a merit source, which may or may not matter.

I really dislike this blunt statement as it's now going to be dragged around by Quicksy et al claiming that e.g. sending merits between alts is ok because theymos didn't explicitly name it.

Title: Re: @theymos
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 22, 2018, 03:14:22 PM
I think it is interesting to see you didn't pose publicly debating the rating as an option.

This is exactly what happens when many people are added to DT who don't have any serious amount of trading experience.
He's obviously already debating his trust rating, the removal of which is not something that's under his control.  He stated that he's not going to accept the negative feedback he received, and I don't see how he has many options here as far as that goes. 

It's like being arrested and telling the cop that wearing handcuffs is unacceptable to you.

As far as the part of your post that I've bolded above:  My trading experience has nothing to do with any of this, but since you brought it up I'd like to point out that at least I've never escrowed any of my own trades with people.  In addition, you have no knowledge of the extent of my trading experience anyway. 

If you have serious doubts as to whether I should be on DT, start a new thread.