Bitcoin Forum

Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: Upgrade00 on October 24, 2018, 01:34:56 PM

Title: The concept of originality ~ a muse
Post by: Upgrade00 on October 24, 2018, 01:34:56 PM
Originality could be of an idea, style, creation, piece (of art, music etc). It could as well be of an attitude and personality.

Original is gotten from the word origin, which means the source or beginning of something. To be a pace setter or pioneer. In simple terms, where it originates from. The degrees of uniqueness.

For a better view we should also consider what it means to be unoriginal or an imitation.
An imitation is a copy of an earlier model or idea. To imitate is to follow the steps and act or make something in the semblance and inspired by another

Imitation is frowned upon when abused, such as pliagarism, and it would earn you a ban in this forum.
But it can also be productive and show resourcefulness, like a fast-follower in business who quickly replicates a model which is working for someone else and utilize it for their own gain.

In the present era of social media and the internet which connects us all and exposes our lifes, edifying some and indignifying others, and presenting a certain model which all should aspire for, individual thought, opinion and attitude is slowly fading.

But, was there ever such a thing as true originality?

Trillions of humans have lived before us and billions are living in our era, each with ideas. So there is high probability that every facet of life has been touched and explored.

Of course we have had inventions attributed to people, technological and philosophical. But most of this has been attempted by people before hand with varying degrees of failures and success.
Bitcoin developed by Satoshi Nakamoto is an example. Bitcoin was not the first attempt at inventing a decentralized digital currency, but it was the most successful. And he would be seen as hmthe pioneer, but his model was no doubt inspires to an extent by previous attempts.

Does that make the creation less original?

I think not. We are all influenced by external factors, what we see, hear, watch and even through sub conscious and unconscious auto suggestions

But, True originality is not an attempt to be different from others, or deviate from the norm. but rather to open up yourself to others without fear of standing out, and without shutting out the areas you feel people wouldn't want to see or appreciate and being selective in what area of your personality, or art or idea or invention to show for fear of rejection.
And originality can not be forced.

True originality exists and always has for thousands of years, and is on its own now an imitation.

Title: Re: The concept of originality ~ a muse
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on October 27, 2018, 07:54:14 AM

Bitcoin developed by Satoshi Nakamoto is an example. Bitcoin was not the first attempt at inventing a decentralized digital currency, but it was the most successful.
Does that make the creation less original?

Yes in a way it does. i believe every invention has its inspiration from previous experience. For an idea to come into your mind it must have been gotten from your surrounding either consciously or subconsciously. Based on the Bible (as a Christian) I believe the last time something was original was in the time of noah and after the flood, every other thing invented are just imitation, taking already existing ideas and making it better. Not saying this is bad or it should stop but that's just my believe. And so far it has been good for humanity's existence.
Super market -- Amazon
Taxi -- Uber
Stock market -- very soon Crypto Market (lol)

Title: Re: The concept of originality ~ a muse
Post by: Strufmbae on November 03, 2018, 03:57:27 PM
A quality product has always been imitated year by year but only limited,  the original product gets the credit always.  Fake needs to hover in order for the original be recognized as quality.

Like bitcoin,  more somelike imitation but quality is in bitcoin itself. 
