Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: GGurol on October 30, 2018, 07:07:48 AM

Title: Generating Custom BTC Addresses[UNIX][GPU]
Post by: GGurol on October 30, 2018, 07:07:48 AM
Searched on the forum, found on windows but I've missed if there is a topic/post for the GPUs.
There are lot of online websites to offers the same, but most of use will never trust them because of private key storing.

I was tested on windows about 2 years ago (with a 2nd generation intel i7), but since I've using ubuntu for my rigs, these slow days, I had a time to test on my system.
I can confirm that, generating bitcoin addresses with my 1070s, It was 40x-50x faster than my i7.

I didnt test with ati cards yet but works perfect with nvidias adn I'm sure will work with ATIs too.
If you re using ubuntu(14.xx and later) or hiveOS, It will be easy for you, because almost all necessary components pre-installed by default.
You don't need to stop your rigs. Just during the generation, GPU0 hash will be down about 50% until you have finish the generation.

Let's start to generate.

1-) If not installed, we re gonna get the repo;
cd ~
git clone
cd vanitygen-plus
make all

2-) Probably you will get an error when you run "make all".  Our system have some missing components. Let's solve this with;
apt-get install opencl-headers libssl-dev libpcre3-dev ocl-icd-dev ocl-icd-dbg

3-) If its succesfull, we can call "make all" again.
make all

4-) It should be done without any problem. Now we are ready to generate.
Firstly, we will test for only one address with the command below;
./oclvanitygen -D 0:0 -o test.txt 1test
This command will generate one address with starts "1testXXXXXXXXX" and will stop to run.
Address and the key will be stored on test.txt file.

5-) Let's start to bulk generation with "-k" option.
./oclvanitygen -D 0:0 -k -o test.txt 1yourname
It will start to generate until you stop the program with "CTRL-C".

You can use mRemoteNG ( or putty for that with "screen". As unix users know, we have a great option to use long term command usages, screens!
If you run the program under a screen, you dont need to keep alive/open your ssh session.

Creating a new screen "screen -S myscreenmane"
De-attaching from a screen  press "CTRL-A" first, release the keys, than press "D".You will back you main screen.
Entering a screen back : "screen -r myscreenname"

(*) I know Its not really generating custom BTC address, code using regex(Regular Expressions) and just filtering your entry, but at the end of the day, you will get your want.