Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: artofwar on November 07, 2018, 12:56:52 PM

Title: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: artofwar on November 07, 2018, 12:56:52 PM
Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

But since 1 month ago, problem after problems arise, I cant seems to make it work.

First setting up full nodes. I use prune 5000, it took me 5 days to sync.

and then setting up wallet, After 3 days, painfully understanding bitcoin, the bip32 and bitcoin addresses, I understand that I need xpub to generate billions of addresses to receive payments. (3 days because clearly my bitcoin understanding solely from my friends are actually a fucked up, never ever listen to your friends, they dont know nothing, they only want to show how big their cock is)

and then after succeeding setting up deposit addresses, new problem arise, which is payment notification. I cant notify payments. using walletnotify (fuck you). using nbxplorer (also fuck you), api need to wait for application to approve (motherfucking fuck you), needs to pay (fuck you), lure you in and ask you pay later (pedophile style fuck you)

I am wondering, why the fuck is this so complicated like fuck? thousands of people are using bitcoin to accept payments, how do they do that? are they all are only using 3rd party merchant to accept payments?

I read on the internet, all people say running your own nodes are better, run your own machine better, buy your own mining machine better, fuck your own wife better, fuck your cat better.

are all these people are only parroting what others said and never do it themselves?

What I want to do is fucking simple.

I want to receive payments and I want to send payouts.

why the fuck is this so fucking hards?

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: ABCbits on November 07, 2018, 01:22:33 PM
First setting up full nodes. I use prune 5000, it took me 5 days to sync.

Pruning only reduce storage space used by only store x latest blocks, you still need to download (and verify) all blocks. That's why it took so long.

are all these people are only parroting what others said and never do it themselves?

Only running full nodes is easy, but configure it for specific usage (such as payment services) is tricky.

why the fuck is this so fucking hards?

Because you chose the hard way, there are some better alternatives which don't involve 3rd party such as :
  • (
  • (
  • (

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: artofwar on November 07, 2018, 01:43:01 PM
First setting up full nodes. I use prune 5000, it took me 5 days to sync.

Pruning only reduce storage space used by only store x latest blocks, you still need to download (and verify) all blocks. That's why it took so long.

are all these people are only parroting what others said and never do it themselves?

Only running full nodes is easy, but configure it for specific usage (such as payment services) is tricky.

why the fuck is this so fucking hards?

Because you chose the hard way, there are some better alternatives which don't involve 3rd party such as :
  • (
  • (
  • (

thank you, nbxplorer was from btcpayserver.
Im moving on to electrum daemon now.
will try also the payment-gateway later.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: artofwar on November 07, 2018, 02:39:18 PM
First setting up full nodes. I use prune 5000, it took me 5 days to sync.

Pruning only reduce storage space used by only store x latest blocks, you still need to download (and verify) all blocks. That's why it took so long.

are all these people are only parroting what others said and never do it themselves?

Only running full nodes is easy, but configure it for specific usage (such as payment services) is tricky.

why the fuck is this so fucking hards?

Because you chose the hard way, there are some better alternatives which don't involve 3rd party such as :
  • (
  • (
  • (

gap limit should be what? 100 maximum?

I cant see my latest transaction without changing it to 200

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 07, 2018, 03:31:40 PM
Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

A non-mining node makes little difference in the real scheme of things.

Pick a vendor that offers you that as a service and let them worry with the headaches of BTC IT Maintenance.

* The question for you to decide is do you want to run a node for free (for greedy miners)
or do you want your valuable time being spent directly on your business. *

Simple question to help you decide.  :)

As a Business owner you really don't want to be holding btc as a policy ,
what you want to do is convert from business earnings directly to fiat as quickly as possible,
so that btc price fluctuations don't destroy your profits or your business.
* The drop of btc from $20000 to ~$6000 in less than a year should make that apparent to all. *

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: HeRetiK on November 07, 2018, 03:46:53 PM
gap limit should be what? 100 maximum?

I cant see my latest transaction without changing it to 200

Electrum's default gap limit is 20, I'm not sure what a sane maximum gap limit is though. If you can't see transactions until you've changed the gap limit to 200 you should review your application logic. While increasing the gap limit is a quick temporary fix there may be a deeper underlying issue with how your application works (eg. needless generation of new addresses that are then left empty).

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: bob123 on November 08, 2018, 08:32:48 AM
There are several guides available online on how to accept payments (either via core or electrum).
Electrum probably is a bit easier.

If you don't explicitly want to have a validating full node (but still want to use it trustless and with being in full control over your funds), i'd choose electrum to accept payments.

Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

The hate is real  ;D

OP, don't listen to this moron. He is a known flamer on this forum, trying to speak the word of god btrash.

A non-mining node makes little difference in the real scheme of things.

Pick a vendor that offers you that as a service and let them worry with the headaches of BTC IT Maintenance.

That's a retarded statement.

Full node means that you have full control over the funds and can verify everything yourself (how BTC is intended to be).
Using a 'service' to accept payments means you do NOT have control over your funds and that you are trusting a 3rd party to give you correct information.

* The drop of btc from $20000 to ~$6000 in less than a year should make that apparent to all. *

Same as the rise from 1k to 20k within a year.. +1900% compared to -66%.
But hey.. everyone is free to decide it for himself.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: artofwar on November 08, 2018, 11:25:56 AM
There are several guides available online on how to accept payments (either via core or electrum).
Electrum probably is a bit easier.

If you don't explicitly want to have a validating full node (but still want to use it trustless and with being in full control over your funds), i'd choose electrum to accept payments.

Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

The hate is real  ;D

OP, don't listen to this moron. He is a known flamer on this forum, trying to speak the word of god btrash.

A non-mining node makes little difference in the real scheme of things.

Pick a vendor that offers you that as a service and let them worry with the headaches of BTC IT Maintenance.

That's a retarded statement.

Full node means that you have full control over the funds and can verify everything yourself (how BTC is intended to be).
Using a 'service' to accept payments means you do NOT have control over your funds and that you are trusting a 3rd party to give you correct information.

* The drop of btc from $20000 to ~$6000 in less than a year should make that apparent to all. *

Same as the rise from 1k to 20k within a year.. +1900% compared to -66%.
But hey.. everyone is free to decide it for himself.

I was whining about the truth of decentralization, the complication, the 3rd party, and he talk about fiat at the end. NO.

im not giving my money to the government or the fucking taliban.

*merchant who want to accept payment who process only fucking bitcoin needs a 3rd party?? WTF am a missing here.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 08, 2018, 06:29:19 PM
There are several guides available online on how to accept payments (either via core or electrum).
Electrum probably is a bit easier.

If you don't explicitly want to have a validating full node (but still want to use it trustless and with being in full control over your funds), i'd choose electrum to accept payments.

Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

The hate is real  ;D

OP, don't listen to this moron. He is a known flamer on this forum, trying to speak the word of god btrash.

So is the btc religious stupidity dum dum,

Btrash has the same energy failures and Centralization problems as btc, they only fixed the onchain transaction capacity, Nothing Else!
Thinking I support them makes you the moron.  :-*

Same as the rise from 1k to 20k within a year.. +1900% compared to -66%.
But hey.. everyone is free to decide it for himself.

I was whining about the truth of decentralization, the complication, the 3rd party, and he talk about fiat at the end. NO.

im not giving my money to the government or the fucking taliban.

*merchant who want to accept payment who process only fucking bitcoin needs a 3rd party?? WTF am a missing here.

If you only accept payment in btc and only process payment in bitcoin and only pay out your bills in btc.
Then that is the only time running your own btc node wallet makes sense , no other.
And if that is the Case , Run a Full Node as the lite or pruned wallets are shit and can be tricked.

However if you have to make payments out to anyone else in fiat to cover electricity / or items of any sort to continue your business,
running a btc node is a fool's errant. As immediately converting to fiat is all that protects you from market fluctuations.

* Hobbyist are waiting for btc rises to make money , (Hobbyist don't have major operating expenses like a real business.)
* Business are making money selling a product or service and holding payment that goes down can cause bankruptcy, when they need to pay out to cover operating expenses.  

* If you take btc as payment for a product or service in most countries, you still have to pay normal income tax on it like you received fiat.
* So your tax bill will be in fiat no matter what you are thinking. *
* A Real Business Owner should know that. *

So add some details , exactly what type of business do you run that requires only btc as inflow and outflow with no fiat ever to pay an outside service or source.
So far no one but hobbyist have met that standard , which is why I answer you the way I did, if you are running a legitimate business and don't need fiat conversion,
it be interesting to know exactly what your business is?

If you are a tax evader/criminal as one of your statement leans toward,
im not giving my money to the government or the fucking taliban.
btc is an open ledger so easy to track you, you be better off with one of the anon coins such as monero or zcash.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: bob123 on November 09, 2018, 04:41:36 AM
Run a Full Node as the lite or pruned wallets are shit and can be tricked.

Where do you get all these wrong information from ?

Do they come up in your dreams about how unfair BTC is because you didn't invest when it was at 10$ / or being mad buying it at 20k$ ?
Or did you read them on some kind of anti-everything forum ?

Your statement is rubbish. You are completely delusional.

Pruned nodes are validating full nodes - by definition. They just discard the old blocks which they don't need anymore (because they already have verified them).

Please explain how they can be tricked. I love hearing fantasy stories.  ::)

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Wind_FURY on November 09, 2018, 06:17:57 AM
Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

Running your own node to join that fortress of validation, and to validate your own transactions is "for idiots"? Why?

A non-mining node makes little difference in the real scheme of things.

Yes, the UASF made little difference in the "scheme of things".

Pick a vendor that offers you that as a service and let them worry with the headaches of BTC IT Maintenance.

For the OP who looks like a newbie, yes, he should make life easier.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 09, 2018, 05:17:10 PM
Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

Running your own node to join that fortress of validation, and to validate your own transactions is "for idiots"? Why?

You answered your own question:
For the OP who looks like a newbie, yes, he should make life easier.

Non-mining nodes Relay the blockchain , all you are doing is viewing a receipt of your transaction with your node.
You could just view a receipt by just confirming your transaction in a block explorer with zero costs of maintaining a node.

You are under the false impression a non-mining node gives you power, it does not , all it does is relay the blockchain.
If the miners 51% attack the blockchain and rewrite it excluding your transaction, it would also be excluded from your own node.  :D
Your so called validation is worthless if the miners rewrite that section of the blockchain.
ie: The Miners secure the chain and you are their puppet in a PoW coin.  ;)

Run a Full Node as the lite or pruned wallets are shit and can be tricked.

Where do you get all these wrong information from ?

Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, you learn a thing or two.  :-*
Potential Targets: Normal SPV wallets can be tricked
The major question is: who should take advantage of block pruning, and who should not? Individual users who do not operate a Bitcoin service.
 Because let's be honest , no one gives a shit about the hobbyist node operators in bitcoin as they are irrelevant non-mining nodes.  

With the recent issue surrounding invalid Bitcoin block validation, 550 blocks is not exactly a major buffer to prevent a potential Bitcoin fork.
And if the majority of mining pools end up on on a fork of the network for a lengthy period of time, all hell will break loose.

Companies providing a Bitcoin service are a different matter entirely.
Any financial platforms should stick to the full blockchain at all times, no matter what.

A “full” Bitcoin Node stores a copy of the entire Bitcoin blockchain on its storage device.
Full Bitcoin Nodes are a key factor to the Bitcoin network, as they can match incoming transactions against the entire history of the blockchain, rather than just the transactions of the previous 550 blocks. Especially in the event of a double-spend, Full bitcoin Nodes can prevent these transactions from being confirmed,
whereas “lite” nodes might not be able to distinguish between the first and subsequent spending of the same coins.

Class Dismissed Bob, hopefully you learned something.  :-*

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 09, 2018, 07:15:44 PM
Non-mining nodes Relay the blockchain , all you are doing is validating a receipt of your transaction with your node.
You could receive a better validation/receipt by just confirming your transaction in two different block explorers with zero costs of maintaining a node.

You are under the false impression a non-mining node gives you power, it does not , all it does is relay the blockchain.
If the miners 51% attack the blockchain and rewrite it excluding your transaction, it would also be excluded from your own node.  :D
Your so called validation is worthless if the miners rewrite that section of the blockchain.

Have your forget UASF/UAHF? It give nodes some power, even though it's less than most people expect

No it was a threat by the Developers to change the algorithm

Besides, there are few advantage of running full nodes :
1. Better privacy (Attacker have harder time find out user's IP/address, unless attacker can attack can find out which node broadcast the transaction first)
2. Remove most 3rd party dependency
Potential Targets: Normal SPV wallets can be tricked

While it's possible, solutions such as connect to multiple full-nodes & full-nodes which not on wallet's default list would make such attack scenario far harder.
The major question is: who should take advantage of block pruning, and who should not? Individual users who do not operate a Bitcoin service.
With the recent issue surrounding invalid Bitcoin block validation, 550 blocks is not exactly a major buffer to prevent a potential Bitcoin fork.
And if the majority of mining pools end up on on a fork of the network for a lengthy period of time, all hell will break loose.

Companies providing a Bitcoin service are a different matter entirely.
Any financial platforms should stick to the full blockchain at all times, no matter what.

I seriously doubt anyone don't take notice/action if "the majority of mining pools end up on on a fork of the network for a lengthy period of time" happen within 550 blocks (about 3 days).

UASF/UAHF was a threat by the Developers to change the algorithm excluding the ASICS.
The non-mining nodes were mere pawns, they had no power as many of them would have preferred to become mining nodes again and their desire was ignored.

Right now, if you like Poll every idiot running a bitcoin non-mining node about whether they want to be able to mine on their CPU and earn bitcoins,
the majority will say yes and their desires are ignored. (Non-Mining Nodes have No Power)
(In PoW the Miners have all of the Power and the Dev Team can threaten to change the rules and that is about it.)

Your own post above say Full Nodes are better and that while you can do extra work to try and secure a lite node, in the end , a Full Node security will always be more secure.
Using a weaker security when a stronger one is available shows you are not running a business.
Again the difference between a Business and hobbyist.

*Mining pools on a fork and you think any length of time over a few blocks is acceptable,  how long do you think a double spend takes?
Sorry unacceptable which is why the writer of the article said they should always run a full node.  :)

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Wind_FURY on November 10, 2018, 07:19:34 AM
Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

Running your own node to join that fortress of validation, and to validate your own transactions is "for idiots"? Why?

You answered your own question:
For the OP who looks like a newbie, yes, he should make life easier.

But he can run it if he wants to. Why should we stop him?

Non-mining nodes Relay the blockchain , all you are doing is viewing a receipt of your transaction with your node.

You could just view a receipt by just confirming your transaction in a block explorer with zero costs of maintaining a node.

Not "viewing", validating that my transaction was good, valid, and on the blockchain without trusting anyone.

You are under the false impression a non-mining node gives you power, it does not , all it does is relay the blockchain.

Explain the UASF.

Plus it does not merely relays, it validates transactions and blocks, if they are not valid the nodes will not relay them.

If the miners 51% attack the blockchain and rewrite it excluding your transaction, it would also be excluded from your own node.  :D

A miner can control 100% of all mining but it cannot "control" Bitcoin. It cannot turn invalid transactions into valid ones because the network of NON-MINING FULL NODES WILL NOT RELAY THEM.

Your so called validation is worthless if the miners rewrite that section of the blockchain.[/b]  8)
ie: The Miners secure the chain and you are their puppet in a PoW coin.  ;)

All that power spent to "rewrite" the blockchain would be wasted because the community would have already hard forked for a POW change if there is a serious threat such as that.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: bob123 on November 10, 2018, 02:49:11 PM
[...] rubbish [...]

So, first you claim running a pruned node is not secure because it can be 'tricked'.

Then your whole statement is based on "bla bla bla.. if all mining pools are on a fork 550 blocks are not enough.. bla bla bla"

I hope you don't really believe the shit you are talking.

So.. i'll ask again.. HOW do you believe pruned nodes (not every pruned node is storing 550 blocks) can be 'tricked' ?
I know that they can't. The majority of experienced bitcoin user know that this is not possible.

Now i am asking you.. how do you think they can be tricked ? You, as an completely unexperienced user, should be able to explain it with real proofs.. or not ? ::)

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 10, 2018, 05:53:53 PM

Tell you what ,  Seeing is Believing
Tell Everyone to not run a Full Node, Tell Everyone to run a Pruned Node,

That way you can find out how big a dumb ass you really are.   :-*

(It would also end the Lie , that a Pruned Node is a Full Node, because it is not!)
(Every big player running a Full Node will see you for the retard you are, when you tell them to drop their full node and switch to Prune Nodes Only.)
(In Fact, contact GMaxwell and ask him to vouch for you. That will be funny. His Lie coming home to roost.)

Hello guys,

Someone told me if im serious about my business I should run my full nodes.

The people that told you that , were idiots.
Their are btc religious fanatics with alot of stupid ideas.

Running your own node to join that fortress of validation, and to validate your own transactions is "for idiots"? Why?

You answered your own question:
For the OP who looks like a newbie, yes, he should make life easier.

But he can run it if he wants to. Why should we stop him?

No one is stopping him , if he wants to be stupid , it is his God Given right.
But he asked for information and information he received.
So he has the data to make a better choice than wasting his time on a node that does nothing more than give him a receipt.

Non-mining nodes Relay the blockchain , all you are doing is viewing a receipt of your transaction with your node.

You could just view a receipt by just confirming your transaction in a block explorer with zero costs of maintaining a node.

Not "viewing", validating that my transaction was good, valid, and on the blockchain without trusting anyone.

You are under the false impression a non-mining node gives you power, it does not , all it does is relay the blockchain.

Explain the UASF. :Nothing more than a threat by the btc dev team to exclude ASICS from mining.
Notice the cowardly devs failed to actually do it, because the odds were the majority would have followed the miners proving the dev team flaccid.
Many Morons in this forum claim bitcoin high price derives from it's extreme energy Waste, changing algo would have destroyed that ,
and possibility caused a market crash killing bitcoin, which is why the dev team pussed out and you still run nothing more than a Relay Node with no power.
Go ask the Dev Team to include a mining algo so your non-mining node can become a mining node and watch them totally ignore you.
(Because you have no power in the Bitcoin System and they don't care what you think.)

Plus it does not merely relays, it validates transactions and blocks, if they are not valid the nodes will not relay them.

You are confused, non-mining nodes do not Validate shit, they relay information nothing else.
Example: Turn off your non-mining node, send a transaction, use a block explorer to verify it when thru, (ie: a Receipt)
Now explain why your transaction was still valid without your non-mining node being turned on.
If your non-mining node actually did validate transactions, the fact it was off would have prevented your transaction from being included in the block chain.
But yet it made no difference, the reason is the Mining Node with ASICS is what added the transaction, and the additional blocks added by the miner increased the confirmation count, which validated the transactions once a perceived # of confirmations have passed.


If the miners 51% attack the blockchain and rewrite it excluding your transaction, it would also be excluded from your own node.  :D

A miner can control 100% of all mining but it cannot "control" Bitcoin. It cannot turn invalid transactions into valid ones because the network of NON-MINING FULL NODES WILL NOT RELAY THEM.

Dude , Take your meds.
Miners can control bitcoin by deciding which transactions they include or exclude, therefore deciding which transactions are in the blockchain , so yes they do control Bitcoin.
Miners can not change the rules in the code base, but it is the other Mining nodes that prevent random changes to the code.
It matters not, whether their is 1 or 1 million non-mining nodes, all they do is relay the blocks they receive from mining nodes, they have no power to modify anything.
* It is the other Mining Nodes that add blocks that refuse to add blocks outside of the program specs that make the difference, non-mining nodes are irrelevant. *

Your so called validation is worthless if the miners rewrite that section of the blockchain.[/b]  8)
ie: The Miners secure the chain and you are their puppet in a PoW coin.  ;)

All that power spent to "rewrite" the blockchain would be wasted because the community would have already hard forked for a POW change if there is a serious threat such as that.

BTC Community are sheep that think they are dangerous, the miners are wolves and you are their meal ,
as they feed off of your ignorance that they are not the ones in charge, When They Are IN Charge!

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: HeRetiK on November 10, 2018, 11:31:16 PM
Oh boy, this thread turned into a clusterfuck. artofwar, you ever got your payment processing logic up and running?

You are confused, non-mining nodes do not Validate shit, they relay information nothing else.

Of course non-mining nodes validate transactions and blocks before they relay them to their peers, everything else would be... not so smart.

Just check the code.

For example here:

bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, bool fCheckDuplicateInputs)

Or here:

bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)

You don't need to be a developer to guess what those functions do.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 11, 2018, 04:04:56 AM
Oh boy, this thread turned into a clusterfuck. artofwar, you ever got your payment processing logic up and running?

You are confused, non-mining nodes do not Validate shit, they relay information nothing else.

Of course non-mining nodes validate transactions and blocks before they relay them to their peers, everything else would be... not so smart.

Program Code word semantics that does not fulfill the function of the wording ,
is just another lie to fool the morons that think running a non-mining full node matters, it doesn't.

Turn off all of the non-mining nodes and watch how no one cares or activate 5 million more and same response , no one cares.  :)
They are irrelevant, if they can't enter transactions into the blockchain.

Useless code for a useless node and clueless node operators working for free for Nothing.

However turn off the mining nodes and that gets everyone's attention, when the network freezes.
Mining nodes matter, non-mining nodes don't.

FYI: ie: Program code word semantics
IF dumbass_IQ < 70 then
non-mining_node = essential_validators
non-mining_node = Irrelevant     :D :D :D

Interesting enough artofwar has not yet explained exactly what type of business he is running that does not ever need fiat conversion.
That is a curiosity. Looking forward to his business details.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: artofwar on November 11, 2018, 06:27:32 AM
Omg, you guys have gone deeper than blackholes.

Can we put a stop to this cock measurement?

So this is my final solution after doing some research.

1. I use electrum daemon in my server.
2. Using my wallet xpub for the daemon (later will use xpub from my ledger nano s, gona buy one)
3. Using to supply raw tx hash for notification.
4. no more own nodes, because the purpose of it was to get transaction notification, since we cant get it right and already found another solution. I guess im shutting it down.


There are several guides available online on how to accept payments (either via core or electrum).
Electrum probably is a bit easier.

If you don't explicitly want to have a validating full node (but still want to use it trustless and with being in full control over your funds), i'd choose electrum to accept payments.

Thank you for your suggestion. I found out electrum for server. and use it instead.
But I have problem in notifying payments. I cant get it with electrum.


Non-mining nodes Relay the blockchain , all you are doing is viewing a receipt of your transaction with your node.
You could just view a receipt by just confirming your transaction in a block explorer with zero costs of maintaining a node.

So I use this to solve my payment notification thing. Now I can get instant payment notification with 1,2,3 confirmation. I use explorer in a hacky way. (without applying from I mean. I dont know why they want people to apply for this, we only want the txhash)
And yes you are right, I only want raw txhash (receipt as you called it). But from what I read, to help the community I have to run my own nodes.
As per your question what is my business model, its a copycat of localbitcoin. p2p exchange service.


Electrum's default gap limit is 20, I'm not sure what a sane maximum gap limit is though. If you can't see transactions until you've changed the gap limit to 200 you should review your application logic. While increasing the gap limit is a quick temporary fix there may be a deeper underlying issue with how your application works (eg. needless generation of new addresses that are then left empty).

Apparently in the server we dont need to change the gap limit, all balance are appearing. I dont know why total balance wont show in electrum desktop without increasing gap.


Thank you everyone for helping. Your cock measurement competition are really helping me.  ;D
I cant believe I use both side of the argument to solve my problems. it saved me months of try and error.
Please help me whats wrong with my solution. (if any)

I thought by creating a paper wallet and receive private key and public key, I can use it to place in any wallet to generate million of deposit address.
My concept understanding was right but I was looking at the wrong thing.

Private key and public key are one thing.
MasterPrivate key and MasterPublic key are the main culprit here. My focus should be here from the beginning.
MasterPrivate key and MasterPublic key are "wallet technology", the purpose of it is to "zip" addreses/privatekeys.
This "zipping" can be in a few form which is, Seed word, Masterprivate key (xprv), or wallet.dat .
This wallet technology is called Bip32.

MastePublic key is the main source to generate addresses.
I think people was saying a wrong mantra like "if you dont own private key, you dont own bitcoin"
what they need to say instead is, "if you dont own XPRV, you dont own bitcoin"


*I cant give out merit, I would spend it all if I could.

** If it was this easy, why everyone wants to use 3rdparty merchant?? cant they use their own electrum? or is there any security reason? and what really charging fees on there? Im really confused, are they selling security? I saw 2,500 Wallet Addresses per Network, why I need to pay for this?

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: Zin-Zang on November 11, 2018, 06:45:32 AM
** If it was this easy, why everyone wants to use 3rdparty merchant?? cant they use their own electrum? or is there any security reason?


However since you are using a separate block explorer to confirm receipts, you should be ok,
just be sure to wait 3 to 6 confirmations to be sure it's valid and never trust the electrum wallet without verifying with the block explorer and you should be ok.

Good Luck.  :)

Most 3rd party services run full nodes and most businesses do require immediate conversion to fiat to avoid price fluctuations,
so that gives the 3rd party service an edge for most business.

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: artofwar on November 11, 2018, 06:49:27 AM
** If it was this easy, why everyone wants to use 3rdparty merchant?? cant they use their own electrum? or is there any security reason?


However since you are using a separate block explorer to confirm receipts, you should be ok,
just be sure to wait 3 to 6 confirmations to be sure it's valid and never trust the electrum wallet without verifying with the block explorer and you should be ok.

Good Luck.  :)

Oh I updated a question about what are they charging really? and why should I pay?
same with blockcypher. why we need to pay to use their api?

Title: Re: Someone says about "running your own full node" but..
Post by: achow101 on November 17, 2018, 08:32:24 PM
This thread got derailed, so it's being locked.