Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: polyminer1 on November 07, 2018, 08:37:07 PM

Title: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on November 07, 2018, 08:37:07 PM
Official Release
rhminer is an optimized miner for RandomHash2 POW algo used by PascalCoin

Support Intel/AMD 64 bit CPU.
Support stratum and solo mining
Provide simple api.
Works on Windows 7,10 and Ubuntu 18, MacOS.

Pool vs Solo mining
Since solo mining is 45% faster than pool mining, It is best to mine locally at the moment.
Pool mining is supported but no pool exists as of now.

Tested on
CPU: I3, I5, Core2, Xeon, Athlon

Documentation (
Download on github (
Download Windows binaries on Mega!DqpAjCJQ!Q12a_YRlu_CWA92kIglKug (!DqpAjCJQ!Q12a_YRlu_CWA92kIglKug)
Download Linux binaries on Mega!Dz4ElAwK!gbWbU4OpmEf6YnOCLIKfSQ (!Dz4ElAwK!gbWbU4OpmEf6YnOCLIKfSQ)

Version 2.3 - 3 Apr 2020
*General optimizations from 5% and up, depending on cpu and mem speed
*Default mining cpu count is *All CPU* instead of 1
*Remove requirement of command line options -cpu and -cputhreads
*Network stability improved !

Version 2.2 - Feb 6 2020
New optimizations up to 55% faster.
*Added major optimizations. (55% on Platinuim, 50% on i7 and i5)
*Tested on i5, i7, Epic and Xeon
*Added version in log and submit chrono
cheers Polyminer1

Version 2.2b - Removed from DevPool list
*Improved pool connection
*code cleanup and minor improvements (linux and macos)

Version 2.1c - Feb 3 2020
** Linux only **
*Fixed miner stalling after 24+ hours
*Fixed miner crashing when resizing terminal
*Fixed screen -r making miner stop
*Fixed terminal randomly closing
*Fixed linux caching error that give out litle more than 2% more speed.
Note: this is a temp version.
Validated by tclark70

Version 2.1 - 22 Jan 2020
* Optimized RandomHash2 with up to 80% more speed. (On some system rhminer 2.1 is up to 250% faster than official miner)
* Fixed linux binary where main thread was exiting after miner startup.
* Linux zip files now contain rhminer as an executable and not a simple file.
* FIxed windows packages and removed extra folders

Version 2.0 - Jan 17 2020
* Added support for RandomHash2
* Dropped support for GPU

Version 1.5.3 - Jul 8 2019
* Added MacOS support and binaries. (Tested on High Sierra and El Capitan)
* Added internal cpu throttling option to slow down mining.
* Fixed: Duplicate shares when pool mining.
* Fixed: EthMan API : sent config.txt was ignored when restarting miner on Linux.

Version 1.5.1 - 14 may 2019
* Support for CUDA 10.1 with drivers 419.x(Windows) and 418.x(Linux)
* Added support for Nvidia Turing architecture (GTX 20xx) Untested.
* Fixed : Cannot Disable gpu mining when using config.txt with gpu binaries.
* Now you can simply empty the value of "gpu" and "gputhreads" to disable gpu mining on gpu binaries. Ex: "gpu":"" and "gputhreads":""
* Little performance boost on linux binaries (CPU and GPU)
* Added missing screensaver source files
* change line ending in many files

Version 1.5 - 2 April 2019
* Added ETHman and AwesomeMiner support (miner_getstat1, miner_restart, miner_reboot, miner_file, control_gpu)
  It is strongly recommented to NOT put rhminer in a loop in a script if you intend to use EthMan or AwseomeMiner.
  The restart option will close the instance and restart a new one. So if rhminer is in a loop, it will start another new instance every time.
* Added Pascal Coin ScreenSaver V1.0 - Windows
* Now starting rhminer without parameters will automatically use config.txt.
* Added support Maxwell architecture 5.3 (Tegra Tegra (Jetson) TX1 / Tegra X1) on windows
* Re-added Pascal architecture 6.0 (Quadro GP100, Tesla P100, DGX-1) that was mistakenly removed in 1.4
* Re-added Pascal architecture 6.2 ( Integrated GPU on the NVIDIA Drive PX2, Tegra (Jetson) TX2) that was mistakenly removed in 1.4

Version 1.4 - 3 march 2019
*Major gpu optimizations:
    Gtx 1060 3gb 280 threads +196%
    Gtx 1070 8gb 384 threads +218%
    gtx 950 2gb 140 threads +226% [linux]
* Fix : On linux, rhminer stall for ever when network is lost (cable unplug or switch/router crashes).
* Fix : On very rare occasions, rhminer would stall at startup.
* Fix : Opensource pool bug where work-ID stuck to the same ID, creating many invalid shares.
* Fix : Duplicate/stale shares was high on cpu with with core count.
* Add -configfile option with a config.xml example
* Add extra option (+) to -cputhreads to enable mining on more threads that system's core/hyperthreads count (ex: on a i5 with 4 core -threadcount +7 will mine on 7 threads instead of 4)

Version 1.3 - 11 Jan 2019
*Major CPU optimizations. Up to 260% on some CPU
* +155% on Xeon E52665
* +260% on Intel i5 2th gen
* +195% on Intel i5 4th gen
* +250% on Intel Core 2
* New commandline option -sseboost. This option will give up to 10% on some cpu. BUT can also make it slower on other. TEST it before using it, to assert it gives a boost to your cpu.

Version 1.2 - 13 dec 2018
* Major optimization on cuda miner (+32% on gtx 1070 8gb, +37% on gtx 1060 3gb, +40% on gtx 950)
* Simple optimization on Linux. Up to 5% depending on the cpu

Version 1.0 - 30 Nov 2018
* Fixed network error with coinotron and f2pool where miner was in limbo after pool disconnected.
* Fixed miner not starting on cpu without SSe4.1
* Fixed error where miners was rejecting shares due to wrong work package data.
* Fixed 'Exit on too many rejected shares' that was not working properly
* Added SSe detection
* Fixed connection error when coinotron and f2pool randomly closing socket.
* Minor memory optimizations

Dev donations:
Default donation is 1%.
Donation is hard-coded in the binaries downloadable on gitgub.
To disable donation download and compile locally, then use the -disabledevfee option.

Discord channel :

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 07, 2018, 08:53:29 PM
Following the development.

This miner is already unbelievably fast already on certain systems.

Thank you for your hard work.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 07, 2018, 08:54:28 PM
Mining locally/Solo
To mine locally/solo you'll need the official PascalCoin wallet
In order to mine locally with rhminer, You need to set a miner name smaller than 26 characters and mine into a private key with encryption type secp256k1
The best way to assure you're mining in a secp256k1 private key is to create one and select it in the option "Always mine with this key".
Do not use the "Use random existing key" option because if one of your key is not a secp256k1 key, the miner will exit when. Plus when there is to much keys in the wallet it gives out errors, sometimes, when submiting nonces
To ensure your miner name is correct, go to Project menu, then Options and set a miner name smaller than 26 characters

Solo mining examples:

For Test net solo mining :  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s -cpu -cputhreads 1 -gpu 0 -gputhreads 100 -extrapayload HelloWorld
For Main net solo mining :  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s -cpu -cputhreads 1 -gpu 0 -gputhreads 100 -extrapayload HelloWorld

NOTE: remove -gpu 0 -gputhreads 100 if you dont have a gpu
Note2: It is not recommended to mine using a laptop.

Gpu mining
To mine using gpu you must provide the gpu numbers and the amount of threads for each gpu.
If you only have one gpu, use -gpu 0 and -gputhreads {amount of threads}
If you have more than one gpus, you can see their number by executing the miner with the list option :

C:>rhminer -list

  rhminer v0.9 beta for CPU and NVIDIA GPUs by polyminer1 (

  Donations : Pascal account 529692-23
  Donations : Bitcoin address 19GfXGpRJfwcHPx2Nf8wHgMps8Eat1o4Jp

List of gpus and cpus:
GPU0 : GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GPU1 : GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GPU2 : GeForce GTX 950 2GB
CPU  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Then select the ones you want to mine with like this :

rhminer -s http://localhost:4009 -gpu 1,2 -gputhreads 262,102

Ideal CUDA threads count
To find the ideal maximum amount of threads, start with 75% of the memory divided by 8.8.
For a GTX 1060 3GB that is 3000 * 0.75 / 8.8 = 255 threads.
Then run 2 minutes and if everything is stable, raise by say 32 until you get no crashes after 2 min.
To help you in that process, look for the log line that say "CUDA: Using " when the miner starts. It will indicate how much memory you take and how much is left depending on your selected thread count.
ALLWAYS let at lease 150 meg of free memory, for internal OS operations, or you have stability issues.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 08, 2018, 09:21:39 AM
I hope I didn't kill the TESTNET.

I ran few old computers overnight.  The AVG HR stabilised.

I use Linux, but those instructions are the same.  I just put the miner parameters in a small bash script.

Is there a way or need the remove the appended .rhminer. in an instance?  I don't mind it, just not sure if the miner name length has anything to do with it.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 08, 2018, 02:40:51 PM
I hope I didn't kill the TESTNET.

I ran few old computers overnight.  The AVG HR stabilised.

I use Linux, but those instructions are the same.  I just put the miner parameters in a small bash script.

Is there a way or need the remove the appended .rhminer. in an instance?  I don't mind it, just not sure if the miner name length has anything to do with it.


Yeah next release I will fix that, "rhminer" will be there if there is room after extrapayload :)

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 08, 2018, 04:00:49 PM
I hope I didn't kill the TESTNET.

I ran few old computers overnight.  The AVG HR stabilised.

I use Linux, but those instructions are the same.  I just put the miner parameters in a small bash script.

Is there a way or need the remove the appended .rhminer. in an instance?  I don't mind it, just not sure if the miner name length has anything to do with it.


Yeah next release I will fix that, "rhminer" will be there if there is room after extrapayload :)

Thanks.  It doesn't bother me.  It's just that the extra payload gets overwritten with stuff.
Other devs for miners had their names/nicks hardcoded.

I looked at the source code.  Didn't bother recompiling it with a different name.   8)



Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 11, 2018, 01:04:06 PM

Are those "Ryzen 1800X @ 4GHz, 3200MHz" HRs posted on your GitHub tested personally?

I have a Ryzen 2700x and it's a really odd CPU.  I get around the same HR as that 1800x, no matter what settings.

It seems to require special DDR4 RAM.  I pulled half the RAM from my Xeon workstation.  It works, but no way it will go to 3200.  1866 max.
Anything higher and it will not post.

The Ryzen is the worst tech/CPU I have dealt with in 18 years.  My opinion.  I don't get the point of marketing it as an unlocked chip when it will not go over 4.1 GH/z without melting down.  My old 4770ks hit 4.5 easily from stock of 3.5.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 11, 2018, 03:31:08 PM

Are those "Ryzen 1800X @ 4GHz, 3200MHz" HRs posted on your GitHub tested personally?

I have a Ryzen 2700x and it's a really odd CPU.  I get around the same HR as that 1800x, no matter what settings.

It seems to require special DDR4 RAM.  I pulled half the RAM from my Xeon workstation.  It works, but no way it will go to 3200.  1866 max.
Anything higher and it will not post.

The Ryzen is the worst tech/CPU I have dealt with in 18 years.  My opinion.  I don't get the point of marketing it as an unlocked chip when it will not go over 4.1 GH/z without melting down.  My old 4770ks hit 4.5 easily from stock of 3.5.


No these numbers where given by the community.
Best things is to wait for more of these and compare later on.
Ram speed is also limited by the mobo, so it may be that.
About Ryzens, they are "slower" than intel's when comparing with equal ram speed and cpu speed. I heard 30% slower. But their 40% cheaper, so in the end it's worth it.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 11, 2018, 03:58:39 PM

Are those "Ryzen 1800X @ 4GHz, 3200MHz" HRs posted on your GitHub tested personally?

I have a Ryzen 2700x and it's a really odd CPU.  I get around the same HR as that 1800x, no matter what settings.

It seems to require special DDR4 RAM.  I pulled half the RAM from my Xeon workstation.  It works, but no way it will go to 3200.  1866 max.
Anything higher and it will not post.

The Ryzen is the worst tech/CPU I have dealt with in 18 years.  My opinion.  I don't get the point of marketing it as an unlocked chip when it will not go over 4.1 GH/z without melting down.  My old 4770ks hit 4.5 easily from stock of 3.5.


No these numbers where given by the community.
Best things is to wait for more of these and compare later on.
Ram speed is also limited by the mobo, so it may be that.
About Ryzens, they are "slower" than intel's when comparing with equal ram speed and cpu speed. I heard 30% slower. But their 40% cheaper, so in the end it's worth it.

Thank you.

I have some numbers too.  Clock for clock, AMD is still way slower and less compatible, runs hot... (this is my first AMD CPU since the Athlon XP 1800+).
I have been using Intel CPUs only.  I thought I would give AMD another chance.

BTW.  I switched to Linux on that 2700x.  Still around the same HR.  ~1360 average @ 4.0GHz all cores.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 12, 2018, 06:30:28 PM

I got this error just today.  The miner ran fine for 3 days.

Net   13:09:18   Error: Error. Deamon/Wallet miner name is to long. Set a name under 26 caracters.
NOTE, if this error persist, just restart the demaon/wallet.

All my instances (2 or so) exited.

I did not change any settings.

I noticed a number of odd transaction on TESTNET.  Wrong miner rewards, etc...

It probably crashed, or maybe it's still buggy.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 12, 2018, 06:37:25 PM

I got this error just today.  The miner ran fine for 3 days.

Net   13:09:18   Error: Error. Deamon/Wallet miner name is to long. Set a name under 26 caracters.
NOTE, if this error persist, just restart the demaon/wallet.

All my instances (2 or so) exited.

I did not change any settings.

I noticed a number of odd transaction on TESTNET.  Wrong miner rewards, etc...

It probably crashed, or maybe it's still buggy.

See the guide for solomoning here (
Basicaly, you have to restart the wallet once you change the name of your miner.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 12, 2018, 07:50:03 PM

I got this error just today.  The miner ran fine for 3 days.

Net   13:09:18   Error: Error. Deamon/Wallet miner name is to long. Set a name under 26 caracters.
NOTE, if this error persist, just restart the demaon/wallet.

All my instances (2 or so) exited.

I did not change any settings.

I noticed a number of odd transaction on TESTNET.  Wrong miner rewards, etc...

It probably crashed, or maybe it's still buggy.

See the guide for solomoning here (
Basicaly, you have to restart the wallet once you change the name of your miner.

I restarted the wallet and it works again.
I do not recall changing the name of my node.  It's possible that I did couple days ago.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: chup on November 16, 2018, 08:19:43 AM
Official Release

Dev donations:
Default donation is 1%.
Donation is hard-coded in the binaries downloadable on gitgub.
To disable donation download and compile locally, then use the -disabledevfee option.

Can You explain this devfee duration:

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: thedreamer on November 16, 2018, 02:53:37 PM
Is it normal for rhminer running under windows to never have any accepted shares sent when mining locally?

I am running the latest Pascal Wallet on the same PC locally, up to date, run the RHminer, no errors, it gets the work as I see it in the logs, but
the miner always shows '0' accepted or rejected shares. The Server gets about 900h/s and is CPU only.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 16, 2018, 03:03:04 PM
Official Release

Dev donations:
Default donation is 1%.
Donation is hard-coded in the binaries downloadable on gitgub.
To disable donation download and compile locally, then use the -disabledevfee option.

Can You explain this devfee duration:

That is pretty fuckedup and scary. It's not normal at all. Do you had a log ? (-lofilename)
But so you knwo I was hit by an attack yesturday about 12H ago for 8h straight. May be due to that.
But this log scares me alot, i'll add awatchdog in the miner so this never happen again.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: Truthchanter on November 16, 2018, 10:04:53 PM
Mine keeps crashing after 20 minutes or so i think.. I have the error message in the log I will get it soon

EDIT: heres the crash error in the log

Net   10:42:45   Error. Assert '(m_fullHeader.size() == PascalHeaderSize)'

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on November 16, 2018, 10:23:00 PM
Mine keeps crashing after 20 minutes or so i think.. I have the error message in the log I will get it soon

I am mining in a pool.

Several times I got invalid response end of line character.
Every few hours, not 20 minutes.

I just restart it.  Polyminer did mention keep it running in a loop or increase the -r times.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: chup on November 17, 2018, 07:38:59 AM

That is pretty fuckedup and scary. It's not normal at all. Do you had a log ? (-lofilename)
But so you knwo I was hit by an attack yesturday about 12H ago for 8h straight. May be due to that.
But this log scares me alot, i'll add awatchdog in the miner so this never happen again.

Not scary at all. But memorable. If there is no auto logging, than I do not have logs. BTW I think my provider is changing the IP quite often. At my home twice a day.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: mrpcrp2 on November 17, 2018, 07:54:21 AM
Good day dev.
Try to use this miner some hours on diffrent rigs, unfortunately well working only on 750Ti and 1060 3Gb rigs .
On 1060 6gb and 1070 working only on a half of card memory - 262 threads max for 1060 6gb and 340 threads for 1070 , increasing amount of threads immediately crash miner after start with Cuda unknown error message
All rigs with latest nvidia drivers.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on November 17, 2018, 04:06:57 PM
miner not properly handle connection looses and stop working after few hours.
It stops to receive new jobs after ~3h on most rigs and works without any profit until manual restart. (windows and linux)

also it can not set cpu affinity and priority on linux. very bad. does not report cpu temp...
I tried it on gpus and as it was mentioned above - it sees only half memory on 1060 6gb.
also it completely hanged rig with 13 gpus. but if it works - it would give only 1,5kH. not too much

I think I will add someday randomhash to cpuminer-opt and be happy)

anyway - thank you for your work.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: thedreamer on November 18, 2018, 04:23:32 PM
So.. is there support for this miner?

I can be mining with over 800H/s averge with zero accepted/rejected or failed shares for hours.

This is an example of the running log of the local wallet :
18/11/2018 11:22:03.956 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 4 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TJSONRPCTcpIpClient> Sending JSON: {"id":null,"method":"miner-notify","params":[{"block":261436,"version":4,"part1":"3CFD0300CA0220001C5FE56423275B331354CBD977EDF0EAB6916AA52D1209034310023537B67F272000E4D96F47A8BF47AD55674F2DDB4CA14435C78A708FA74F0D8B66D2968DD1024920A107000000000004000400C2B3231D","payload_start":"486170707954726565467269656E6473","part3":"8040F16E6AE3725B1C6A300AB78B9DDCBC65D7759D456CD58B3269C3E9A067B6E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B85500000000","target":488879042,"target_pow":"000000077130F400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":1542558155}]}
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 5 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 20, 2018, 01:08:56 PM
So.. is there support for this miner?

I can be mining with over 800H/s averge with zero accepted/rejected or failed shares for hours.

This is an example of the running log of the local wallet :
18/11/2018 11:22:03.956 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 4 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TJSONRPCTcpIpClient> Sending JSON: {"id":null,"method":"miner-notify","params":[{"block":261436,"version":4,"part1":"3CFD0300CA0220001C5FE56423275B331354CBD977EDF0EAB6916AA52D1209034310023537B67F272000E4D96F47A8BF47AD55674F2DDB4CA14435C78A708FA74F0D8B66D2968DD1024920A107000000000004000400C2B3231D","payload_start":"486170707954726565467269656E6473","part3":"8040F16E6AE3725B1C6A300AB78B9DDCBC65D7759D456CD58B3269C3E9A067B6E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B85500000000","target":488879042,"target_pow":"000000077130F400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":1542558155}]}
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 5 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends

Yes, there is.
You mining solo, it can take days to find a block now. But when you find one, you get 40 coins + 4 account. So you have to be patient !

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: thedreamer on November 20, 2018, 05:00:40 PM
So.. is there support for this miner?

I can be mining with over 800H/s averge with zero accepted/rejected or failed shares for hours.

This is an example of the running log of the local wallet :
18/11/2018 11:22:03.956 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 4 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TJSONRPCTcpIpClient> Sending JSON: {"id":null,"method":"miner-notify","params":[{"block":261436,"version":4,"part1":"3CFD0300CA0220001C5FE56423275B331354CBD977EDF0EAB6916AA52D1209034310023537B67F272000E4D96F47A8BF47AD55674F2DDB4CA14435C78A708FA74F0D8B66D2968DD1024920A107000000000004000400C2B3231D","payload_start":"486170707954726565467269656E6473","part3":"8040F16E6AE3725B1C6A300AB78B9DDCBC65D7759D456CD58B3269C3E9A067B6E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B85500000000","target":488879042,"target_pow":"000000077130F400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":1542558155}]}
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 5 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends

Yes, there is.
You mining solo, it can take days to find a block now. But when you find one, you get 40 coins + 4 account. So you have to be patient !

I'm not concerned with finding a block, but the shares don't show as accepted/rejected or failed. Usually those should show as other than '0', no?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 20, 2018, 05:02:59 PM
So.. is there support for this miner?

I can be mining with over 800H/s averge with zero accepted/rejected or failed shares for hours.

This is an example of the running log of the local wallet :
18/11/2018 11:22:03.956 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 4 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TJSONRPCTcpIpClient> Sending JSON: {"id":null,"method":"miner-notify","params":[{"block":261436,"version":4,"part1":"3CFD0300CA0220001C5FE56423275B331354CBD977EDF0EAB6916AA52D1209034310023537B67F272000E4D96F47A8BF47AD55674F2DDB4CA14435C78A708FA74F0D8B66D2968DD1024920A107000000000004000400C2B3231D","payload_start":"486170707954726565467269656E6473","part3":"8040F16E6AE3725B1C6A300AB78B9DDCBC65D7759D456CD58B3269C3E9A067B6E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B85500000000","target":488879042,"target_pow":"000000077130F400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":1542558155}]}
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 5 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends

Yes, there is.
You mining solo, it can take days to find a block now. But when you find one, you get 40 coins + 4 account. So you have to be patient !

I'm not concerned with finding a block, but the shares don't show as accepted/rejected or failed. Usually those should show as other than '0', no?

If you're mining solo 'share' has been replaced with 'block' now (latest version is 0.9.3). So it's normal you see 0 cuz solomining has a high diff for small pc.
If you're pool mining, then the pool is wrong. dont go there :)

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: HobbyMining on November 20, 2018, 09:38:35 PM
Hi poly. Mine crash and exit by itself after mining several hours with this error :

Error. Assert '(m_fullHeader.size() == PascalHeaderSize)'

Pool mining at nanopool. Using 7 threads on my i7 4770K. And on my GTX1080 gets only 60h/s while my CPU gets 746h/s. Normal?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: thedreamer on November 20, 2018, 10:10:52 PM
So.. is there support for this miner?

I can be mining with over 800H/s averge with zero accepted/rejected or failed shares for hours.

This is an example of the running log of the local wallet :
18/11/2018 11:22:03.956 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 4 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TJSONRPCTcpIpClient> Sending JSON: {"id":null,"method":"miner-notify","params":[{"block":261436,"version":4,"part1":"3CFD0300CA0220001C5FE56423275B331354CBD977EDF0EAB6916AA52D1209034310023537B67F272000E4D96F47A8BF47AD55674F2DDB4CA14435C78A708FA74F0D8B66D2968DD1024920A107000000000004000400C2B3231D","payload_start":"486170707954726565467269656E6473","part3":"8040F16E6AE3725B1C6A300AB78B9DDCBC65D7759D456CD58B3269C3E9A067B6E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B85500000000","target":488879042,"target_pow":"000000077130F400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":1542558155}]}
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 5 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends

Yes, there is.
You mining solo, it can take days to find a block now. But when you find one, you get 40 coins + 4 account. So you have to be patient !

I'm not concerned with finding a block, but the shares don't show as accepted/rejected or failed. Usually those should show as other than '0', no?

If you're mining solo 'share' has been replaced with 'block' now (latest version is 0.9.3). So it's normal you see 0 cuz solomining has a high diff for small pc.
If you're pool mining, then the pool is wrong. dont go there :)

Ahh, so if I have 2 PCs mining to one wallet, combined about 2.3Kh/s, the share rate will be '0' but it is still submitting shares?
Otherwise it would be futile to solo mine with anything under 20Kh/s.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 20, 2018, 10:49:50 PM
Hi poly. Mine crash and exit by itself after mining several hours with this error :

Error. Assert '(m_fullHeader.size() == PascalHeaderSize)'

Pool mining at nanopool. Using 7 threads on my i7 4770K. And on my GTX1080 gets only 60h/s while my CPU gets 746h/s. Normal?

Update to latest version 0.9.1 at

As for the 1080, how much gputhreads you use and are you gaming at the same time (to avoid obviously)
But overall, GPU speed is substantially lower than cpu, by design of RandomHash.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 21, 2018, 12:01:23 AM
So.. is there support for this miner?

I can be mining with over 800H/s averge with zero accepted/rejected or failed shares for hours.

This is an example of the running log of the local wallet :
18/11/2018 11:22:03.956 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 4 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TJSONRPCTcpIpClient> Sending JSON: {"id":null,"method":"miner-notify","params":[{"block":261436,"version":4,"part1":"3CFD0300CA0220001C5FE56423275B331354CBD977EDF0EAB6916AA52D1209034310023537B67F272000E4D96F47A8BF47AD55674F2DDB4CA14435C78A708FA74F0D8B66D2968DD1024920A107000000000004000400C2B3231D","payload_start":"486170707954726565467269656E6473","part3":"8040F16E6AE3725B1C6A300AB78B9DDCBC65D7759D456CD58B3269C3E9A067B6E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B85500000000","target":488879042,"target_pow":"000000077130F400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":1542558155}]}
18/11/2018 11:22:34.939 TID:00002BB8 [Info] <TPoolMiningServer> Sending job 5 to miner - Block:261436 Ops:0 Target:1D23B3C2 PayloadStart:HappyTreeFriends

Yes, there is.
You mining solo, it can take days to find a block now. But when you find one, you get 40 coins + 4 account. So you have to be patient !

I'm not concerned with finding a block, but the shares don't show as accepted/rejected or failed. Usually those should show as other than '0', no?

If you're mining solo 'share' has been replaced with 'block' now (latest version is 0.9.3). So it's normal you see 0 cuz solomining has a high diff for small pc.
If you're pool mining, then the pool is wrong. dont go there :)

Ahh, so if I have 2 PCs mining to one wallet, combined about 2.3Kh/s, the share rate will be '0' but it is still submitting shares?
Otherwise it would be futile to solo mine with anything under 20Kh/s.

No the term share is a text error in the version your have, try latest version 0.9.3 this will display blocks instead (plus it has some connection issues fixed) see

When solomining there is no share, you mine for blocks. When you get a block, you win 40 coins and 4 accounts !
Last numbers I heard, for solomining, was about 2-3 days at ~2000 h/s to get a blocks. That is 40 coins in a couple of days.
Pool mining wont get you that.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on November 30, 2018, 02:16:27 PM
If you encounter coinotron and f2pool connection problems, please update to V1.,0 (


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on December 06, 2018, 11:22:00 AM
Using v1.1 now.

The speed is improved even on a core i3.  (~ 3% faster on a mobile POS dual core i3).


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on December 06, 2018, 06:26:46 PM
hm... aligned_malloc

did you try LARGE PAGES? on windows especially?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on December 06, 2018, 06:29:56 PM
hm... aligned_malloc

did you try LARGE PAGES? on windows especially?

Yes and it's slower. Large page gives out advantages if you access memory with great locality. RandomHash breaks all memory locality. Cant explain why it's slower toh. Should be non-affecting.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on December 06, 2018, 06:41:53 PM
hm... aligned_malloc

did you try LARGE PAGES? on windows especially?

What is Windows?

By definition:

a computer operating system with a graphical user interface.

Runs fine on Kali Linux without any messing around.

Old Xeon up to 1400 H/s from 1340 H/s.

I used to code for Windows.  Wrote a tonne of code for many VERSIONS of Windows.

You do realize it's a complete fuckery to get anything working properly on Windows?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on December 06, 2018, 09:43:17 PM
sorry, but on linux finminer is far faster. on windows only on some cpus. so I am using rhminer mostly on windows.
and for 6c/12t finminer is slower. only 1000. while rhminer 1380. 1420 with version 1.1. ~3% as advertised.

btw, I tried to build it with latest MSVS (15.9.3). I did it. but it is slow as hell - 20% less comparing to your build.
I want to play with different algo implementations. but with 20% loose it looks pointless.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on December 06, 2018, 10:06:22 PM
sorry, but on linux finminer is far faster. on windows only on some cpus. so I am using rhminer mostly on windows.
and for 6c/12t finminer is slower. only 1000. while rhminer 1380. 1420 with version 1.1. ~3% as advertised.

btw, I tried to build it with latest MSVS (15.9.3). I did it. but it is slow as hell - 20% less comparing to your build.
I want to play with different algo implementations. but with 20% loose it looks pointless.

Yes, I have had the pleasure to try out finminer.

On Linux.

Amazing how quickly the devs developed exact same SPEED as open source version of polyminer1's.

You know that they took his code without credit, right?

It's a virus.  And it's slow.  And it only supports dagger hashimo and randomhash few days later the fastest randomhash implementation was released.

Amazing coders or...

BTW.  I'm getting close to 1000 H/s on Linux on an Core i7 4770k.  That's quad core CPU from 2011.

Also, I compared rhminer on Windows and on Linux (dual boot) on exact same hardware.  It's the same speed.

all rigs have the same software & hardware except cards.
rigs of 13 GPUs each?  Let me guess, you get free electricity and have a free warehouse worth of free heat to heat up your house for the winter.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on December 06, 2018, 10:19:37 PM
900HS on i7 3770 without K on both linux and windows with finminer
800HS with rhminercpu 1.1 (windows) :-\

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on December 07, 2018, 08:58:57 AM
900HS on i7 3770 without K on both linux and windows with finminer
800HS with rhminercpu 1.1 (windows) :-\

Hashrate bug was fixed by polyminer1.

His miner displayed ~13% higher than actual rate on the pool.

With an older version I was apparently getting 1500 H/s, but after polyminer1 fixed it, the real HR was 1340.
12 core Xeon E5 v3.

I am not making this shit up, alright.

Take a hint yet?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on December 07, 2018, 02:11:03 PM

Yes, I have had the pleasure to try out finminer.

On Linux.

Amazing how quickly the devs developed exact same SPEED as open source version of polyminer1's.

You know that they took his code without credit, right?

It's a virus.  And it's slow.  And it only supports dagger hashimo and randomhash few days later the fastest randomhash implementation was released.

Amazing coders or...

I looked to their "Company" and yeah their business model is to take opensource code, optimize it and charge for it. Explicitly preventing rightful owners of retributions or/and representation.
They wont stop until someone have the time to mount a case against them.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on December 07, 2018, 02:39:12 PM
For Linux users : A critical fix has been released for Linux, please update. (

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on December 07, 2018, 03:21:59 PM
on i3 linux version is 25% slower than finminer... only 370HS vs 500HS ( 522HS 24h avg on pool )
I dont know how.  ???

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on December 07, 2018, 03:58:05 PM
on i3 linux version is 25% slower than finminer... only 370HS vs 500HS ( 522HS 24h avg on pool )
I dont know how.  ???

Some cpu are faster with rhminer, some slower. You have to experiment. But one thing reported so far, rhminer is generally faster on cpu with hyperthreads.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on December 07, 2018, 07:50:36 PM

Yes, I have had the pleasure to try out finminer.

On Linux.

Amazing how quickly the devs developed exact same SPEED as open source version of polyminer1's.

You know that they took his code without credit, right?

It's a virus.  And it's slow.  And it only supports dagger hashimo and randomhash few days later the fastest randomhash implementation was released.

Amazing coders or...

I looked to their "Company" and yeah their business model is to take opensource code, optimize it and charge for it. Explicitly preventing rightful owners of retributions or/and representation.
They wont stop until someone have the time to mount a case against them.

I sound like an asshole in my posts, but I am trying to defend your work here.
I imagine they took out the dev fee and "added their own".
You should be able to tell by looking at the global HR of randomhash.
That sort of shit should be illegal.  Nice looking website too with fake reviews (finminer).


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on December 07, 2018, 09:05:19 PM

I sound like an asshole in my posts, but I am trying to defend your work here.
I imagine they took out the dev fee and "added their own".
You should be able to tell by looking at the global HR of randomhash.
That sort of shit should be illegal.  Nice looking website too with fake reviews (finminer).


I know, tnx. And yes it it is illegal, it's just not really enforced. You need to mount a good case, then contact GPL foundation or CC0 foundation and they may appoint a lawyer to go further...

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: percy_tc on December 20, 2018, 05:27:47 AM
I have 450 hs/s on a Ryzen 1700x

any tips?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on December 20, 2018, 01:53:30 PM
I have 450 hs/s on a Ryzen 1700x

any tips?

I would invite you on the PascalCoin's rhminer channel, there is plenty of peoples that can guide you specifically for the ryzen processors.

join here :


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on January 11, 2019, 05:10:31 PM
rhminer V1.3 is out with major speed improvement (up to 260%).
If you want to enjoy competitive mining speed at low fee, with trusted and safe binaries, please download the latest rhminer on my github(or mega). ( (


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 11, 2019, 06:11:31 PM
rhminer V1.3 is out with major speed improvement (up to 260%).
If you want to enjoy competitive mining speed at low fee, with trusted and safe binaries, please download the latest rhminer on my github(or mega). ( (


For real?  I was on your discord and you promised a surprise for next week.

Will check it out.   8)


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on January 11, 2019, 06:54:11 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 11, 2019, 10:56:53 PM

I ran the miner for few hours.  It's somehow better than nanopool miner.  Same hashrate, but it doesn't kill the CPU and make it run as hot.

The displayed hashrate is lower only on one CPU, but my guess is the dev fee with the other miner has a lot to do with it.

4770k x 2 - same as the *other* miner.
Xeon ES v3 - same.
2700x is a bit slower, but it doesn't boil the chip.

POS core i3 mobile gets 320 H/s.

I have no idea what nanominer does, but it renders the system completely unusable.  With rhminer, I can still use the computers for normal tasks.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on January 11, 2019, 11:00:39 PM

I ran the miner for few hours.  It's somehow better than nanopool miner.  Same hashrate, but it doesn't kill the CPU and make it run as hot.

The displayed hashrate is lower only on one CPU, but my guess is the dev fee with the other miner has a lot to do with it.

4770k x 2 - same as the *other* miner.
Xeon ES v3 - same.
2700x is a bit slower, but it doesn't boil the chip.

POS core i3 mobile gets 320 H/s.

I have no idea what nanominer does, but it renders the system completely unusable.  With rhminer, I can still use the computers for normal tasks.


Great. I'm happy it it work for you.
Fox xeon, you can try -sseboost 1, most of the time it add something.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 12, 2019, 02:53:34 AM

I ran the miner for few hours.  It's somehow better than nanopool miner.  Same hashrate, but it doesn't kill the CPU and make it run as hot.

The displayed hashrate is lower only on one CPU, but my guess is the dev fee with the other miner has a lot to do with it.

4770k x 2 - same as the *other* miner.
Xeon ES v3 - same.
2700x is a bit slower, but it doesn't boil the chip.

POS core i3 mobile gets 320 H/s.

I have no idea what nanominer does, but it renders the system completely unusable.  With rhminer, I can still use the computers for normal tasks.


Great. I'm happy it it work for you.
Fox xeon, you can try -sseboost 1, most of the time it add something.

I get a steady 3400 H/s from that old Xeon w 24 threads (quad channel DDR4).  That's faster than the 2700x.

sseboost 1 forces sse2 from what I read in the help file?
I tried it on few CPUs.  It slowed down the miner.
My oldest CPU is from 2012.
memboost does make a pretty big difference - hyper-threading enabled.

Either way, it's better and faster in most cases than nanos**t closed source.  I'll run it for few weeks.

I even have it running on an Intel Atom x7 for the kicks.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on January 12, 2019, 11:19:08 PM

first of all, Happy new year!  ;D

second, you did it! on linux your faster 30% than *other* miner. on windows - about the same. (was 50% slower).
so something is wrong with windows binary. it can be much better. can you try to build it not with MSVC?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 13, 2019, 12:53:23 AM

first of all, Happy new year!  ;D

second, you did it! on linux your faster 30% than *other* miner. on windows - about the same. (was 50% slower).
so something is wrong with windows binary. it can be much better. can you try to build it not with MSVC?

The *other* miner was slower on Windows too.  It's not the miner.  Use Linux.
Windows is a disaster of an OS.  Bloated and uses your PC's resources in the background.

Look at the geekbench scores for any given CPU.  Linux is always on top of the list.  I compared it many times.  Same hardware, dual boot.
I only use Linux now.  Windows pissed me off few too many times.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on January 13, 2019, 02:49:00 PM

first of all, Happy new year!  ;D

second, you did it! on linux your faster 30% than *other* miner. on windows - about the same. (was 50% slower).
so something is wrong with windows binary. it can be much better. can you try to build it not with MSVC?

The *other* miner was slower on Windows too.  It's not the miner.  Use Linux.
Windows is a disaster of an OS.  Bloated and uses your PC's resources in the background.

Look at the geekbench scores for any given CPU.  Linux is always on top of the list.  I compared it many times.  Same hardware, dual boot.
I only use Linux now.  Windows pissed me off few too many times.


Happy new year to you to mate !

I'll look into it. VS compiler is somehow limited with regards of sse intrinsic optimizations.
I've been told you can install Windows Subsystem for Linux so you can run rhminer linux binaries on win10. It's said to be much faster.
I did not tried yet toh.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: biospb on January 13, 2019, 05:39:24 PM
yes, I know. but win 10 is rarely used.
some devs build win binaries on ubuntu with cross compile - example (

btw, there are simd asm implementations for some algos (sha2* from Intel! and etc).

and one more thing. in RandomHashCPUMiner.cpp there is check for diff
if (RH_swap_u32(*work) <= packageData->m_target)  
and so on with a lot of swaps

maybe it is better to swap target once and compare to non swapped work?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: eBit on January 19, 2019, 02:53:29 AM

CUDA call error in cudaSetDevice(m_deviceID) : CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version

Do I need to install the Cuda Toolkit for this on Windows 7?  Does it matter if it's v9.2 or v10?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: eBit on January 19, 2019, 04:00:26 AM
Never mind. I just noticed a GPU can't match a cpu on this algorithm.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 19, 2019, 12:46:21 PM
Never mind. I just noticed a GPU can't match a cpu on this algorithm.

Yes it can, but a lower end CPU.

300 H/s.  That's the same speed as a newer mobile almost anything dual core.  core i3 for example.

You need CUDA v 9.2 I believe.  I used it on Linux and the
root@mac-mini:~# apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
was required.

Hashcat uses CUDA/OpenCL.  The miner failed to start until I got hashcat to work.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 21, 2019, 02:08:37 AM
Here are some performance posted in discord - credit to tclarke.                                                               =================
CPU:ryzen threadripper 1950X @ 3.4 Ghz
OS: Ubuntu
Memory: Quad DDR4 3200
Option: sseboost 1
Hashrate:5378 h/s

CPU:ryzen 2700 @ 3.4 GHz   
Threads: 16
OS: Ubuntu   
Memory: Dual DDR4 3200
Option: sseboost 1
Hashrate: 2856 h/s

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 21, 2019, 06:55:51 AM
PascalCoin has 2 new open source mining pools.

Please consider supporting these two open source pools, 0% fee.

For update, PascalCoin is now using a new algo RandomHash - cpu friendly algo.

Happy mining!

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 21, 2019, 12:08:51 PM
Here are some performance posted in discord - credit to tclarke.                                                               =================
CPU:ryzen threadripper 1950X @ 3.4 Ghz
OS: Ubuntu
Memory: Quad DDR4 3200
Option: sseboost 1
Hashrate:5378 h/s

CPU:ryzen 2700 @ 3.4 GHz  
Threads: 16
OS: Ubuntu  
Memory: Dual DDR4 3200
Option: sseboost 1
Hashrate: 2856 h/s

The 16 real cores threadripper is a 1000$ CPU + the cost of the rest of the PC.  You would have to be out of your mind to buy it just for mining.
It's complete AMD garbage.  I have a Ryzen 7 2700x and it's complete garbage compared to any old Intel I have.  It will not post at advertised ram speeds of 3200.  I have 3200 DDR4.  AMD will only post at 2866 unless I pay for special AMD RAM.

Xeon E5 v3 ES cost me 400$ few years ago and it does:

3400 H/s.  Memory Dual/Quad/Single (DDR4 2133) - no difference.  sseboost 1 slows it down.

AMD CPUs are extremely dependent on the RAM type and speed.  DDR4 is not meant to run at 3200.  That's OC speeds which will boil it.

Socket WTF that's the biggest CPU I have seen in my life (4 glued together dies on one CPU).  The threadripper requires special cooling.  Big ass plate.  Needs water at that TDP to run it 24/7 at 100% load.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 21, 2019, 12:28:49 PM
Here are some results for Intel and some old gen AMDs - credit to tclarke from discord.

CPU                                                Hashrate         Threads          OS            RAM
I7-7700K @ 4.7 GHz                          2107 h/s             8                Ubuntu      dual ddr4 3200
I7-6700K @ 4.6 GHz                          1755 h/S             8                Ubuntu      dual ddr4 3200
Intel Pentium 4400 @3.3Ghz                504 h/s              2                Win10        dual ddr4 2400
Intel Celeron 3930 @2.9GHz                 447 h/s              2                Win10        mono ddr4 2400
AMD PHENOM-II-X6 @ 3.25Ghz             564 h/s              6                Win10        ddr3
AMD PHENOM-II-X4 @ 3.6 GHz             460  h/s             4                 Ubuntu      ddr3
Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz       393  h/d             4                 Win10        ddr3

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 21, 2019, 01:08:46 PM

There are believers of PascalCoin, who will support the coin in any way they can. : )

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 21, 2019, 10:45:01 PM

There are believers of PascalCoin, who will support the coin in any way they can. : )

I never said I'm not a believer.

Maybe I am a hypocrite and have 100 AMD Epyc 7601.  It's only a 5000$ CPU  ;)

Why settle for 16 real cores when you can have 32?  More is usually always better.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: NCarter84 on January 22, 2019, 01:13:04 AM
What coins is this miner for? Just Pascal?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 22, 2019, 02:44:59 AM
What coins is this miner for? Just Pascal?

Yes, the rhminer is just for the RandomHash algo used by PascalCoin.

No other coin is using the RandomHash algo - it was invented by one of the devs. It’s a cpu friendly algo, a mid range intel cpu can beat a gtx 1080ti.

You can give it a shot and mine here -

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 22, 2019, 03:50:50 PM
Here is a comparison of an intel cpu with nvidia gpu.

CPU                                   OS           Threads       Speed (h/s)
i5-2400 CPU @ 3.1 GHz        Win10         4                 791
Gtx 1080 11gb                    Ubuntu      400               400


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on January 22, 2019, 04:06:20 PM
Here is a comparison of an intel cpu with nvidia gpu.

CPU                                   OS           Threads       Speed (h/s)
i5-2400 CPU @ 3.1 GHz        Win10         4                 791
Gtx 1080 11gb                    Ubuntu      400               400


RandomHash was design to be much slower on GPU.
There is alot of rooms for optimizations toh, but it will never beat a cpu in term of $/hash.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 22, 2019, 10:10:25 PM
Here is a comparison of an intel cpu with nvidia gpu.

CPU                                   OS           Threads       Speed (h/s)
i5-2400 CPU @ 3.1 GHz        Win10         4                 791
Gtx 1080 11gb                    Ubuntu      400               400

That GPU HR is likely from me.

It's a 1080ti (there is no 1080 with 11GB of GDDR5) with ~ 400 threads.  Max Hr was 300 not 400 but a cheap CPU principle is true.

My i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz does:

Miner 17:07:07   Shares: Accepted 923  Rejected 1  Failed 0 Up for 07:32:22
Miner 17:07:07   Speed : 325 H/S (CPU 309 H/S).
Miner 17:07:17   Shares: Accepted 923  Rejected 1  Failed 0 Up for 07:32:32

Kali/Ubuntu.  Almost the same.  I use the first one.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 25, 2019, 04:28:59 PM
my mini pc running with rhminer 1.3 (no sseboost)

CPU                             OS                  Threads       Speed (h/s)
i7-8750h @ 3.3 GHz        Ubuntu 18.04       12               2,200

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 25, 2019, 11:34:02 PM
my mini pc running with rhminer 1.3 (no sseboost)

CPU                             OS                  Threads       Speed (h/s)
i7-8750h @ 3.3 GHz        Ubuntu 18.04       12               2,200

That sounds about right.  It's a high frequency 6 core CPU.  My mini PC has a low frequency dual core.

I use this command to watch how bad the CPU throttles or if it's speed stepping properly.

It will jump around a lot.  It's normal.

root@mac-mini:~# watch -n .1 "lscpu | grep MHz"

To monitor the temps
root@mac-mini:~# watch -n .1 sensors

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 28, 2019, 12:29:47 PM
For those who want to know RandomHash, below is taken from the website -

RandomHash - GPU & ASIC Resistant Hash Algorithm

PascalCoin adopts a low-memory, GPU- and ASIC-resistant hash algorithm called Random Hash - the first of its kind - that fully preserves mining decentralization. Random Hash is an innovative, "high-level cryptographic hash" algorithm that combines other well-known hash primitives in a highly serial manner. In addition to RandomHash’s serial nature, it is branch-heavy and recursive which makes PascalCoin optimal for CPU-only mining. RandomHash is designed to ensure PascalCoin remains a globally decentralized network that runs well on low-end hardware.

Technical specifications for Random Hash can be found in the whitepaper.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: jooj2 on January 28, 2019, 02:32:18 PM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 28, 2019, 02:52:04 PM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

Here's the Ann thread -
But you may want to check the discord, that is more updated with the current developments.
And RandomHash is the new algo, to move away from the dual mining ecosystem and make it more cpu friendly coin (hardfork was last November).

Besides Polo, there are also a number of exchanges that are now supporting PascalCoin, to check the list of exchanges.

And just recently - open source mining pools (we have now 2 in operation).

The project is progressing quite good my friend! Be sure also to check out the PascalCoin Improvement Proposals (PIPs) to see what's coming more in PascalCoin. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 28, 2019, 04:24:52 PM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

I am surprised too.  I'm glad I sold all mine.

Wait, if you know that it still exists, the ANN thread was where most people would find out about it.

Being funny is not tolerated in this forum. 

This is about rhminer and RandomHash.

You can read the specifications here (
and implement a super fast FPGA ASIC miner to make profits.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 28, 2019, 04:28:30 PM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

Here's the Ann thread -
But you may want to check the discord, that is more updated with the current developments.
And RandomHash is the new algo, to move away from the dual mining ecosystem and make it more cpu friendly coin (hardfork was last November).

Besides Polo, there are also a number of exchanges that are now supporting PascalCoin, to check the list of exchanges.

And just recently - open source mining pools (we have now 2 in operation).

The project is progressing quite good my friend! Be sure also to check out the PascalCoin Improvement Proposals (PIPs) to see what's coming more in PascalCoin. :)

HF happened around 5pm EST on November 14, 2018.  I have it on a sticky note.
I soloed 4 blocks an old CPU.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: jooj2 on January 29, 2019, 10:12:17 AM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

Here's the Ann thread -
But you may want to check the discord, that is more updated with the current developments.
And RandomHash is the new algo, to move away from the dual mining ecosystem and make it more cpu friendly coin (hardfork was last November).

Besides Polo, there are also a number of exchanges that are now supporting PascalCoin, to check the list of exchanges.

And just recently - open source mining pools (we have now 2 in operation).

The project is progressing quite good my friend! Be sure also to check out the PascalCoin Improvement Proposals (PIPs) to see what's coming more in PascalCoin. :)

Agree with you PascalCoin is promising project. I'll give it a try and mining PascalCoin and see its profit. thanks to you clear information you provide.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: jooj2 on January 29, 2019, 10:33:32 AM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

I am surprised too.  I'm glad I sold all mine.

Wait, if you know that it still exists, the ANN thread was where most people would find out about it.

Being funny is not tolerated in this forum. 

This is about rhminer and RandomHash.

You can read the specifications here (
and implement a super fast FPGA ASIC miner to make profits.

I'd like to ask why you are so glad to sold out all your PascalCoin?
as I know that the PascalCoin is ASIC -resistant hash algorithm.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 29, 2019, 02:44:28 PM
I'm surprised that the PascalCoin still exist, where's ann thread for PascalCoin, and which exchanges are supported PascalCoin nowadays?

I am surprised too.  I'm glad I sold all mine.

Wait, if you know that it still exists, the ANN thread was where most people would find out about it.

Being funny is not tolerated in this forum. 

This is about rhminer and RandomHash.

You can read the specifications here (
and implement a super fast FPGA ASIC miner to make profits.

I'd like to ask why you are so glad to sold out all your PascalCoin?
as I know that the PascalCoin is ASIC -resistant hash algorithm.

I probably didn't.

It is ASIC resistant for now.  Does not stop someone clever to figure out another way.

There is a long list of coins that were announced as ASIC + other resistance.  There are ASICs out there for all of them.  Including PascalCoin (before the HF).

It's not GPU resistant.  At least once a developer wrote his own miner that was extremely fast (I forgot which crypto coin) and made a nice profit.

That's why these algorithms are public information. 

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: brittonc on January 31, 2019, 08:48:13 AM

I'm new to all this but have got a a couple of old servers mining plus my desktop.  My problem is that rhminer is not finding my GPU.  I've checked it's supported and it is (GTX 770).

When I ran the rhminer -list command all I got was CPU information and when trying to run using the GPU I get a message something like -gpu is an invalid command.

Does the card require a specific driver version?  Any help would be much appreciated.  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 31, 2019, 12:08:12 PM

I'm new to all this but have got a a couple of old servers mining plus my desktop.  My problem is that rhminer is not finding my GPU.  I've checked it's supported and it is (GTX 770).

When I ran the rhminer -list command all I got was CPU information and when trying to run using the GPU I get a message something like -gpu is an invalid command.

Does the card require a specific driver version?  Any help would be much appreciated.  :)
What rhminer version are you using? rhminer 1.2 release works with gpu.You may want to check the discord for help on gpu mining. But don't expect too much hashrate from gpu, PascalCoin randomhash algorithm is designed to be cpu friendly. Even a midrange intel cpu beats a gtx 1080ti.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: brittonc on January 31, 2019, 12:15:17 PM

I'm new to all this but have got a a couple of old servers mining plus my desktop.  My problem is that rhminer is not finding my GPU.  I've checked it's supported and it is (GTX 770).

When I ran the rhminer -list command all I got was CPU information and when trying to run using the GPU I get a message something like -gpu is an invalid command.

Does the card require a specific driver version?  Any help would be much appreciated.  :)
What rhminer version are you using? rhminer 1.2 release works with gpu.You may want to check the discord for help on gpu mining.

I'm using v 1.3.

I'll take a look at the discord too.  Thanks.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 31, 2019, 12:31:18 PM

I'm new to all this but have got a a couple of old servers mining plus my desktop.  My problem is that rhminer is not finding my GPU.  I've checked it's supported and it is (GTX 770).

When I ran the rhminer -list command all I got was CPU information and when trying to run using the GPU I get a message something like -gpu is an invalid command.

Does the card require a specific driver version?  Any help would be much appreciated.  :)
What rhminer version are you using? rhminer 1.2 release works with gpu.You may want to check the discord for help on gpu mining.

I'm using v 1.3.

I'll take a look at the discord too.  Thanks.

1.3 is CPU only and you need the nvidia-cuda-toolkit installed under Linux for 1.2 to work.  I am not sure about Windows.  This is my old PC:

root@thebeast:~/rhminer# ./rhminer -list

  rhminer v1.3 beta for CPU by polyminer1 (
  Build CPU Jan 11 2019 16:11:50

  Donations : Pascal account 529692-23
  Donations : Bitcoin address 19GfXGpRJfwcHPx2Nf8wHgMps8Eat1o4Jp

List of gpus and cpus:
CPU  : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.40GHz
root@thebeast:~/rhminer# hashcat -I
hashcat (v5.1.0) starting...

OpenCL Info:

Platform ID #1
  Vendor  : NVIDIA Corporation
  Name    : NVIDIA CUDA
  Version : OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 9.1.84

  Device ID #1
    Type           : GPU
    Vendor ID      : 32
    Vendor         : NVIDIA Corporation
    Name           : GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    Version        : OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
    Processor(s)   : 28
    Clock          : 1670
    Memory         : 2793/11175 MB allocatable
    OpenCL Version : OpenCL C 1.2
    Driver Version : 390.87

Platform ID #2
  Vendor  : The pocl project
  Name    : Portable Computing Language
  Version : OpenCL 1.2 pocl 1.2 None+Asserts, LLVM 6.0.1, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG

  Device ID #2
    Type           : CPU
    Vendor ID      : 128
    Vendor         : GenuineIntel
    Name           : pthread-Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.40GHz
    Version        : OpenCL 1.2 pocl HSTR: pthread-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-haswell
    Processor(s)   : 24
    Clock          : 2700
    Memory         : 8192/30030 MB allocatable
    OpenCL Version : OpenCL C 1.2 pocl
    Driver Version : 1.2

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: 4ward on January 31, 2019, 01:12:40 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 31, 2019, 02:07:40 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)
rhminer is for nvidia devices only, no support yet for amd cards.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: 4ward on January 31, 2019, 02:24:54 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)
rhminer is for nvidia devices only, no support yet for amd cards.

Isn't 1.3 CPU only? So it should not care about a GPU and just run regardless?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 31, 2019, 02:38:56 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)
rhminer is for nvidia devices only, no support yet for amd cards.

Isn't 1.3 CPU only? So it should not care about a GPU and just run regardless?
your bat file looks like this?
  REM Mining on with four CPU thread
  rhminer.exe -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su ACCOUNT.0.WORKER/EMAIL -cpu -cputhreads 4
goto start

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: brittonc on January 31, 2019, 03:04:33 PM
OK, I see I need v1.2 for GPU.

I'll give that a go.  Thanks very much.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: 4ward on January 31, 2019, 03:29:43 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)
rhminer is for nvidia devices only, no support yet for amd cards.

Isn't 1.3 CPU only? So it should not care about a GPU and just run regardless?
your bat file looks like this?
  REM Mining on with four CPU thread
  rhminer.exe -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su ACCOUNT.0.WORKER/EMAIL -cpu -cputhreads 4
goto start

yup, the same, except it just exits without any message

rhminer -completelist
rhminer -list

also return nothing

1.2 runs fine, but its significantly slower

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: redmonski on January 31, 2019, 03:45:55 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)
rhminer is for nvidia devices only, no support yet for amd cards.

Isn't 1.3 CPU only? So it should not care about a GPU and just run regardless?
your bat file looks like this?
  REM Mining on with four CPU thread
  rhminer.exe -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su ACCOUNT.0.WORKER/EMAIL -cpu -cputhreads 4
goto start

yup, the same, except it just exits without any message

rhminer -completelist
rhminer -list

also return nothing

1.2 runs fine, but its significantly slower

Maybe someone from the discord mining channel can help you -

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: tlaskows on January 31, 2019, 06:23:04 PM
1.3 doesn't detect any devices on windows (system with amd card)
rhminer is for nvidia devices only, no support yet for amd cards.

Isn't 1.3 CPU only? So it should not care about a GPU and just run regardless?
your bat file looks like this?
  REM Mining on with four CPU thread
  rhminer.exe -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su ACCOUNT.0.WORKER/EMAIL -cpu -cputhreads 4
goto start

yup, the same, except it just exits without any message

rhminer -completelist
rhminer -list

also return nothing

1.2 runs fine, but its significantly slower

Mine is almost the same.  It looks exactly like this:

while true
./rhminer -r 40 -s -su 1300300-41.0.xeon/ -cpu -cputhreads 24
sleep 5s

It has been running for 1-2 months and it's still running without crashing once.

I will consider switching back to Windows if it crashes.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: brittonc on February 05, 2019, 02:33:41 PM
OK, ran v1.2 with GPU and it worked.  It picked up my GTX770 but there was no real benefit.  I was only getting an extra 40-50H/S more and my system was less stable.  When I'm getting around 1000H/S from the CPU it made more sense to go back to v1.3 and just use the CPU.

I have seen people reporting speeds of 600MH/s from a GPU ( so was a little surprised to only get about 50H/S.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: polyminer1 on February 05, 2019, 02:54:11 PM
This post is from 2017.
Now PascalCoin uses RandomHash since nov 2018.
Speed are much slower, and the algo is tuned to be much more slower on GPU.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: redmonski on February 08, 2019, 10:59:01 PM
reposted from Discord.

Hi community,

Every blockchain needs a proper explorer and we know we've been behind in that matter - well, apart from that the wallet is already a full featured explorer from day 1 ;-)

Therefore we are happy to announce the new PascalCoin web-explorer at !

This is a public beta release, so expect some hiccups throughout the beta phase. This beta-phase shouldn't take longer than 2 weeks and will then replace the old explorer at

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: redmonski on February 12, 2019, 12:16:53 PM
Here's a comparison of my Ryzen desktop pc and i7 mini pc. My mini pc is better on both metrics - hash/thread and hash/watt.

CPU                                       CORE     THREADS   CLOCK   TDP (WATTS)*         RAM               RAM SPEED       OS                   Miner            HASH/S     HASH/THREAD   HASH/WATT
Intel i7 8750h (Mini PC)          6         12           3,200        45                 Dual 16gb         2,400               Ubuntu 18.04   Rhminer 1.3     2,200         183                       49
AMD Ryzen 1950X                 16         18           3,600       180                 Dual 32gb         3,200               Ubuntu 18.04   Rhminer 1.3     3,100         172                       17
* CPU Power Consumption only (excluding other PC components)

The Ryzen desktop is actually quad channel, 2 more ram sticks should get me to 5,000 h/s. But still the i7 8750h is more power efficient.                                 

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: redmonski on March 12, 2019, 01:06:48 PM
rhminer v1.4 already released with major gpu optimizations.

gtx 1060 3gb 280 threads +196%
gtx 1070 8gb 384 threads +218%
gtx 950 2gb 140 threads +226% [linux]

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: HaloGenius on March 12, 2019, 08:06:54 PM
Hello there!

With update 0.6-22@190309 rhminer CPU version added to Hive OS

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for the RandomHash algorithm
Post by: maxfunky on March 13, 2019, 12:46:31 AM
I think I will add someday randomhash to cpuminer-opt and be happy)

I hope you do it and share my friend..  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: TableController on March 13, 2019, 09:43:11 PM
Any chance of compiling on ARM or macOS? I've tried both but not succeeded. Would love to see rhminer running on more platforms.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on March 14, 2019, 10:40:59 AM
Any chance of compiling on ARM or macOS? I've tried both but not succeeded. Would love to see rhminer running on more platforms.

Someone started it on the Discord forum, they did not updated me on it.
Someone else did it for Monero and realized it was completely pointless in term of hashrate, but was very fun to do anyways :)

MacOS will come at some point in the future.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: ep690d on March 19, 2019, 12:50:27 PM
Hi poliminer1,

your miner support API? I can use it with Awesome Miner?


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: sxemini on March 19, 2019, 01:17:05 PM
Hi poliminer1,

your miner support API? I can use it with Awesome Miner?


It has api, but awesomeminer don´t support this api for now. You must ask Patrike from Awesomeminer if he support rhminer. If many people ask, he add the software. I ask for this 2 month ago.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on March 19, 2019, 03:00:36 PM
Hi poliminer1,

your miner support API? I can use it with Awesome Miner?


It has api, but awesomeminer don´t support this api for now. You must ask Patrike from Awesomeminer if he support rhminer. If many people ask, he add the software. I ask for this 2 month ago.

I could extend the api. For now it's just a simple web query returning general mining status.

If enough peoples want it I'll do it.

I invite you both to the discord channel to discuss that and vote for it ! (


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: sxemini on March 20, 2019, 03:00:42 PM
Please polyminer1 extend your api that we can use ethman to monitor. When ethman can monitor it, then awesomeminer can do it also. PLEASE!!!!!  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on March 20, 2019, 03:19:30 PM
Please polyminer1 extend your api that we can use ethman to monitor. When ethman can monitor it, then awesomeminer can do it also. PLEASE!!!!!  :D

Will do.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: sxemini on March 21, 2019, 09:26:52 AM
Please polyminer1 extend your api that we can use ethman to monitor. When ethman can monitor it, then awesomeminer can do it also. PLEASE!!!!!  :D

Will do.

 ;D nice dude, i waiting for the new version.

Support at its best.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on April 02, 2019, 09:56:37 PM
@all The new version is out.
Version 1.5 - EthMan support and PascalCoin ScreenSaver

* Added ETHman and AwesomeMiner support (miner_getstat1, miner_restart, miner_reboot, miner_file, control_gpu)
  It is strongly recommented to NOT put rhminer in a loop in a script if you intend to use EthMan or AwseomeMiner.
  The restart option will close the instance and restart a new one. So if rhminer is in a loop, it will start another new instance everytime.
* Added Pascal Coin ScreenSaver V1.0 - Windows
* Now starting rhminer without parametres will automatically use config.txt.
* Added support Maxwell architecture 5.3 (Tegra Tegra (Jetson) TX1 / Tegra X1) on windows
* Re-added Pascal architecture 6.0 (Quadro GP100, Tesla P100, DGX-1) that was mistakenly removed in 1.4
* Re-added Pascal architecture 6.2 ( Integrated GPU on the NVIDIA Drive PX2, Tegra (Jetson) TX2) that was mistakenly removed in 1.4


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on April 08, 2019, 11:56:20 AM
If you did not know, I made a PascalCoin Screensaver that mine in the background while... saving the screen.
Here is a nice article about it, written by @joelagbo (

Download (


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: redmonski on May 12, 2019, 05:18:08 AM
PascalCoin has started trading in - an exchange that list original development coins.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on May 14, 2019, 07:30:30 PM
@all New version 1.5.1 is out

GTX 20xx support, Cuda 10.1 and some bug fixes

* Support for CUDA 10.1 with drivers 419.x(Windows) and 418.x(Linux)
* Added suppot for Nvidia Turing architecture (GTX 20xx) Untested.
* Fixed : Cannot Disable gpu mining when using config.txt with gpu binaries.
  Now you can simply empty the value of "gpu" and "gputhreads" to disable gpu mining on gpu binaries. Ex: "gpu":"" and "gputhreads":""
* Little performance boost on linux binaries (CPU and GPU)
* Added missing screensaver source files
* change line ending in many files


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on July 08, 2019, 08:18:58 PM
Version 1.5.3 - MacOS support and binaries, Reduced duplicate shares to zero, Cpu throttling option and remote api fixes
* Added MacOS support and binaries. (Tested on High Sierra and El Capitan)
* Added internal cpu throttling option to slow down mining.
* Fixed: Duplicate shares when pool mining.
* Fixed: EthMan API : sent config.txt was ignored when restarting miner on Linux.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on August 09, 2019, 08:55:40 AM
Version 1.5.3 - MacOS support and binaries, Reduced duplicate shares to zero, Cpu throttling option and remote api fixes
* Added MacOS support and binaries. (Tested on High Sierra and El Capitan)
* Added internal cpu throttling option to slow down mining.
* Fixed: Duplicate shares when pool mining.
* Fixed: EthMan API : sent config.txt was ignored when restarting miner on Linux.


Question.  Does this release [1.5.3] support randomhash2.  What I mean is it ready for the HF v5?


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: 2h4u on August 22, 2019, 03:17:33 AM
-processpriority      On windows only. Set miner's process priority.
                        0=Background Process, 1=Low Priority, 2=Normal Priority, 3=High Priority.
                        Default is 3.

I tried to run rhminer with -processpriority 1 and noted that Task Manager does list rhminer as "Below Normal" prio. I found my Core I3 desktop somewhat laggy at that prio. I had to change prio to Low--manually--and it was good. Like FullHD playback without a hitch.

Dear @polyminer1, would you like to change processpriority option to be more accurate? Like 1=REAL Low Priority, not that Below Normal?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on August 22, 2019, 02:45:57 PM
-processpriority      On windows only. Set miner's process priority.
                        0=Background Process, 1=Low Priority, 2=Normal Priority, 3=High Priority.
                        Default is 3.

I tried to run rhminer with -processpriority 1 and noted that Task Manager does list rhminer as "Below Normal" prio. I found my Core I3 desktop somewhat laggy at that prio. I had to change prio to Low--manually--and it was good. Like FullHD playback without a hitch.

Dear @polyminer1, would you like to change processpriority option to be more accurate? Like 1=REAL Low Priority, not that Below Normal?

The way Windows prioritizes programs is a mess.
My opinion.  @polyminer1 is probably aware of that.

No slowdowns on Linux here while using the computer.

Some debug info for dev:

username@Mac-Pro-Max:~/rhminer.1.5.3.Linux.CPU$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i "model name"
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
username@Mac-Pro-Max:~/rhminer.1.5.3.Linux.CPU$ ;nm-connection-editor
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
username@Mac-Pro-Max:~/rhminer.1.5.3.Linux.CPU$ uname -a
Linux Mac-Pro-Max 5.0.0-25-generic #26~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 1 13:51:02 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
username@Mac-Pro-Max:~/rhminer.1.5.3.Linux.CPU$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i "model name"
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz

Miner log (running 24/7):

Miner 10:41:03   Speed : 360 H/S (CPU 353 H/S). 
Miner 10:41:13   Shares: Accepted 1282  Rejected 1  Failed 1 Up for 10:11:43
Miner 10:41:13   Speed : 361 H/S (CPU 349 H/S).
Net   10:41:13   Received new Work 14d. Difficulty is 0.00000279
Miner 10:41:23   Shares: Accepted 1282  Rejected 1  Failed 1 Up for 10:11:53
Miner 10:41:23   Speed : 359 H/S (CPU 311 H/S).
Miner 10:41:33   Shares: Accepted 1282  Rejected 1  Failed 1 Up for 10:12:03
Miner 10:41:33   Speed : 358 H/S (CPU 355 H/S).
Miner 10:41:43   Shares: Accepted 1282  Rejected 1  Failed 1 Up for 10:12:13
Miner 10:41:43   Speed : 358 H/S (CPU 358 H/S).

HR drops when watching youtube in HD and using the computer, but no slowdowns.

I am running of off cellular data.  No high speed internet where I am.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: 2h4u on August 23, 2019, 04:20:28 AM
HR drops when watching youtube in HD and using the computer, but no slowdowns.

Youtube's HD has a ridiculously toy bitrate of 1.5-4Mbps. I have no prob with that. But FullHD I spoke of is a BDRemux with 50Mbps bitrate. Like 15-35 times bitrate of yours.

Anyway, it's not about youtube or linux. The question is: relevance. "Low" should be like IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, not like BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS. Idle thread is processed by the scheduler only when the system is idle and do not interfere with any upper priority threads. Below Normal thread, on the contrary, may interfere with Normal threads, especially when no user interaction is taken place.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: BoozyTalking on October 01, 2019, 09:18:50 PM
Add support for GTX1660.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: Gluk3000 on December 25, 2019, 11:27:40 AM
Could you explain how to run this miner on MacOS?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on December 25, 2019, 12:23:31 PM
Could you explain how to run this miner on MacOS?

I'm not the dev of this miner.

But I could not get it to run on macos.  I had an old MacBooks with old version.  Tiger, maybe Sierra.

The libraries were outdated.  Compiling from source was the only option, so I installed a different OS on that Mac then it ran fine.

You can use virtualization with hyperv extension enabled and run it in windows or Linux on top of macos.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on January 17, 2020, 04:27:32 PM

RandomHash2.0 - Up to 110% Faster than official miner.

RandomHash2 for CPU Only.
Tested on Windows7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16/18, MacOS.

Download on github


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 17, 2020, 05:15:01 PM

RandomHash2.0 - Up to 110% Faster than official miner.

RandomHash2 for CPU Only.
Tested on Windows7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16/18, MacOS.

Download on github


Will try it out.  Currently using nanominer.  It boils my CPUs and the fees are a bit high.


Kali Linux binaries?  (kernel 5.3).

* EDIT:  I changed over.  Running on the open pool.  No issues.  6 hours average rate will have to ramp up (different config file with different worker names).

I still had 1.5.3v backup one those CPUs. 

Thank you.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: 2h4u on January 18, 2020, 04:13:53 AM

Would you like to ignore SIGWINCH or handle the signal appropriately? There's a problem to run the miner inside the screen terminal multiplexer. I run miner with screen (screen -dmS yaddayadda), deattach screen, attach it back, then miner exits.

I found a workaround: run it with unbuffer command (man unbuffer).

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 18, 2020, 04:46:12 AM

Would you to handle SIGWINCH appropriately? There's a problem to run the miner inside the 'screen' tool.

I use  headless servers (on a budget).  I just SSH into them.

Does this affect me?  Seems to be running fine from remote terminal session.

~ Tom

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: 2h4u on January 18, 2020, 05:07:05 AM

Would you to handle SIGWINCH appropriately? There's a problem to run the miner inside the 'screen' tool.

I use  headless servers (on a budget).  I just SSH into them.

Does this affect me?  Seems to be running fine from remote terminal session.

~ Tom

How'd you run the miner--screen or tmux? Or just nohup?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 18, 2020, 05:45:54 AM

Would you to handle SIGWINCH appropriately? There's a problem to run the miner inside the 'screen' tool.

I use  headless servers (on a budget).  I just SSH into them.

Does this affect me?  Seems to be running fine from remote terminal session.

~ Tom

How'd you run the miner--screen or tmux? Or just nohup?

There is no miner--screen anywhere.  I use Linux.  Is this a Windows question?  Windows/Mac OS doesn't even come with a proper SSH server/daemon.

Sorry for the confusion.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: 2h4u on January 18, 2020, 06:36:29 AM
How'd you run the miner--screen or tmux? Or just nohup?

There is no miner--screen anywhere.  I use Linux.  Is this a Windows question?  Windows/Mac OS doesn't even come with a proper SSH server/daemon.

Sorry for the confusion.

Oh dear. At first, '--' is a punctuation mark, we call it an 'em dash'. At second, screen and tmux are commonly used Linux terminal multiplexers., for example.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 18, 2020, 11:21:16 AM
How'd you run the miner--screen or tmux? Or just nohup?

There is no miner--screen anywhere.  I use Linux.  Is this a Windows question?  Windows/Mac OS doesn't even come with a proper SSH server/daemon.

Sorry for the confusion.

Oh dear. At first, '--' is a punctuation mark, we call it an 'em dash'. At second, screen and tmux are commonly used Linux terminal multiplexers., for example.

My mobile phone got rick rolled.  Chrome popups.  I reinstalled Chrome and installed Ad Buster.


I ran ./rhminer from the terminal.  I didn't notice any issues. 

I am not new with Linux, just never heard of this out of millions of commands.

On Ubuntu, the unbuffer program (from the expect-dev) package did the trick for me. Just run:

unbuffer your_command

and it won't buffer it.

Found that online.  I guess that's the workaround for now.   ???

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on January 22, 2020, 02:26:19 PM
@all the linux issues are fixed now.
There is no exit from main thread anymore and the zip files contain an executable now (no need to chmod +x) anymore.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on January 22, 2020, 02:29:25 PM
Version 2.1 is out and much FASTER.

* Optimized RandomHash2 with up to 80% more speed. (On some system rhminer 2.1 is up to 250% faster than official miner)
* Fixed linux binary where main thread was exiting after miner startup.
* Linux zip files now contain rhminer as an executable and not a simple file.
* FIxed windows packages and removed extra folders

Download latest version here :


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 22, 2020, 03:19:50 PM
Version 2.1 is out and much FASTER.

* Optimized RandomHash2 with up to 80% more speed. (On some system rhminer 2.1 is up to 250% faster than official miner)
* Fixed linux binary where main thread was exiting after miner startup.
* Linux zip files now contain rhminer as an executable and not a simple file.
* FIxed windows packages and removed extra folders


Thank you.

I have been using v2.0 with unbuffer.

It is was reliable if ran correctly.

V2 very fast and very stable BTW on 3 different CPU architectures.



Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 24, 2020, 09:28:24 AM
Version 2.1 is out and much FASTER.

* Optimized RandomHash2 with up to 80% more speed. (On some system rhminer 2.1 is up to 250% faster than official miner)
* Fixed linux binary where main thread was exiting after miner startup.
* Linux zip files now contain rhminer as an executable and not a simple file.
* FIxed windows packages and removed extra folders

Download latest version here :



Here are my "average HRs".

4x Kali Linux.  1 Chrome OS (DEV) w/ Linux.

I have 1 more Chrome OS device, but (beta build for 7" GPD Pocket (Atom X7) the charger does not work while it's on.

4770k4.4GHz   107.37 kH/s   102.58 kH/s   91.37 kH/s   90.33 kH/s   less than a minute ago   31971474304
ChromeOS_DEV   10.86 kH/s   10.51 kH/s   10.51 kH/s   10.51 kH/s   about a minute ago   35331775
MacBookPro2012   53.87 kH/s   42.61 kH/s   30.30 kH/s   33.78 kH/s   less than a minute ago   13202009481  <-  There is no way to disable the integrated GPU.  It runs hot (105 degrees on the CPU 24/7).
Ryzen7   128.85 kH/s   167.18 kH/s   172.18 kH/s   175.09 kH/s   less than a minute ago   63805546720
xeon   250.54 kH/s   171.48 kH/s   153.02 kH/s   160.32 kH/s   less than a minute ago   64357203701

Posting this for reference to v2.0

Thank you,

BTW:  I have looked into ANY way to disable the GPU to use the Intel HD only - 650 GT Apple Edition including BGA rework removal.  It's impossible to bypass it.  Stupid PCB layout.

Kali Lite on the MBP.  No difference.  Can't drop into the terminal.  Xwindows uses the nvidia graphics no matter what.

~ Tom

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on January 24, 2020, 09:45:33 AM
Tnx for the report.
You should try 2.1 now, it's up to 80% faster !


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 24, 2020, 02:11:01 PM
Tnx for the report.
You should try 2.1 now, it's up to 80% faster !


I did.  I still have 1 issue. 

My MBP Retina 2012 keeps overheating.

Serious question.  I have few older spare water coolers (up to 200 Watts+ TDP).

Is there a way to attach them to the CPU and use it as a desktop?

It keeps throttling (in the Linux console log) every few seconds.

CPU throttle.  Slows it down to 1/2 the speed it should be.

I have a syringe of KPx thermal compound.  I have used it on everything and it works.

Ryzen 7x with stock cooler overclocked.  On air.  Never crashes and it never overheats.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on January 25, 2020, 12:56:07 AM
I redid the thermal again.

The new cheese grater design.

It runs much better.  No joke.

2012 MBP Retina 15".  CPU performance x2.

~ Tom

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on February 03, 2020, 06:49:38 AM
@here All linux bugs have been fixed in version 2.1c
Download here (


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on February 06, 2020, 08:21:25 PM
Version 2.2 - New optimizations up to 55% faster.
*Added major optimizations. (55% on Platinuim, 50% on i7 and i5)
*Tested on i5, i7, Epic and Xeon
*Added version in log and submit chrono (

cheers Polyminer1

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on February 06, 2020, 09:21:52 PM
Version 2.2 - New optimizations up to 55% faster.
*Added major optimizations. (55% on Platinuim, 50% on i7 and i5)
*Tested on i5, i7, Epic and Xeon
*Added version in log and submit chrono (

cheers Polyminer1

Thank you.

I do realize Ryzen 7 X is desktop - consumer version of the Epyc.

I have to keep it running below 60 degrees CPU die.

Will check for performance gains.  I paid around 300 Fiat for it.  Still fastest one even than a more powerful Xeon.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on February 12, 2020, 10:33:50 AM
@everyone New version that fixes the connections on openpool.

Version 2.2b - Removed from DevPool list
*Improved pool connection
*code cleanup and minor improvements (linux and macos)


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: dfish987 on February 14, 2020, 05:25:29 AM
Using on Linux get a segfault core dumped and it happens on 3 out of 4 machines

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on February 14, 2020, 08:35:29 AM
What version of linux and what version of rhminer ?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: dfish987 on February 14, 2020, 11:00:20 PM
Lubuntu 19.10 and both rhminer 2.2 and 2.2b

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: dfish987 on February 15, 2020, 12:41:49 AM
Seems to be fixed on a couple of my rigs I change the display speed timeout to like 85 or 90 seconds and that is helped on three out of the four rigs seem to be running fine now but I have a Xeon E5 2670 and that is still getting a segfault and I have 8 gigs of RAM on it and I've tried using RH miner 2.2 + RH miner 2.2 b would enable huge pages help?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: NR2A on February 29, 2020, 10:13:46 PM
Is it possible to mine solo, what settings are needed, or is it now only in the pool?

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on March 01, 2020, 07:37:31 AM
here's the guide for solo mining with rhminer.


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: dfish987 on March 26, 2020, 04:31:28 AM
still get ther seg fault error have tried a number of things dont seem to want to run for more than 1 day happens on older intel xeon i using ivy bridge cpus xeon 1230v2 and xeon 2670 im using xubuntu  and linux mint both do it

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: tlaskows on March 26, 2020, 07:50:12 AM
still get ther seg fault error have tried a number of things dont seem to want to run for more than 1 day happens on older intel xeon i using ivy bridge cpus xeon 1230v2 and xeon 2670 im using xubuntu  and linux mint both do it

I kept getting the same error on few different CPUs.

Kali Linux - the last few versions.  Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the operating system.

I looked and checked for seg fault "hard files" and there were none.

By default they are automatically dumped onto the storage device, unless my distro was configured otherwise.

This is a guess, but it seems to do something with IP/dns reallocation.  Got better with ipv6.

Can run for 3-4 days without a seg fault.

Try using ipv6 if your provider supports it.


I have a really old Haswell-Desktop.  4770k @ 4.4Ghz.  That CPU never seg faults, but it's way slower than server CPUs for computation.

It's for my gaming rig, 4 cores at high frequency.

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: dfish987 on March 26, 2020, 11:34:03 PM
Yeah I noticed that also my slower i3 I tested it on has been running for over 4 days now no errors but the faster Xeons do it sometimes within 6hrs sometimes takes a day or so yeah I've tried 3different distros and they all do it they are all based on Ubuntu 18.04

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: polyminer1 on April 03, 2020, 12:14:59 PM
@all new version 2.3, up to 10% faster. (



Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: mckodesh on March 31, 2021, 12:54:51 PM
this is what is in my rhminer zip folder.
can any help with the configured command line
so i can just add my wallet

the cofig file is already filled with command line
but after adding my wallet
and click start mining,
it says

rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// :333 then pool address is not recognisable as an internal or external command

can someone help, a configured file for pool or solo mining


Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: dalllas on March 31, 2021, 02:34:52 PM
rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// :333 then pool address is not recognisable as an internal or external command
can someone help, a configured file for pool or solo mining

That pool not exist or not working.

I used to mine PASCAL.

Settings for rhminer:

  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su PASCwallet.RIGname/x -cpu

Settings for SRBMiner:

  SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-gpu --algorithm randomhash2 --pool --wallet PASCwallet.RIGname

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: mckodesh on April 04, 2021, 08:59:10 AM
rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// :333 then pool address is not recognisable as an internal or external command
can someone help, a configured file for pool or solo mining

That pool not exist or not working.

I used to mine PASCAL.

Settings for rhminer:

  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su PASCwallet.RIGname/x -cpu

Settings for SRBMiner:

  SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-gpu --algorithm randomhash2 --pool --wallet PASCwallet.RIGname

thanks buddy i will try that, n give feed back appreciate your response,

Title: Re: [ANN] rhminer - an optimized CPU+GPU miner for PascalCoin
Post by: mckodesh on April 04, 2021, 10:09:13 AM
rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// :333 then pool address is not recognisable as an internal or external command
can someone help, a configured file for pool or solo mining

That pool not exist or not working.

I used to mine PASCAL.

Settings for rhminer:

  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su PASCwallet.RIGname/x -cpu

Settings for SRBMiner:

  SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-gpu --algorithm randomhash2 --pool --wallet PASCwallet.RIGname

thanks buddy i will try that, n give feed back appreciate your response,

this is how i set up and is running !))% though struggled to figure out, but managed the missing link

how i set up mine now and is running well

 rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su 529692-23.1.Donations -cpu -cputhreads 2
goto a

  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su (donation account number for fastpool).(donation a%).RIGname/x -cpu