Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining support => Topic started by: DaCryptoRaccoon on November 18, 2018, 12:39:05 PM

Title: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on November 18, 2018, 12:39:05 PM
Miners seem to be rejecting a high number of shares over 40%.

 [0] => SUMMARY
   [Elapsed] => 177508
   [GHS 5s] => 4052.96
   [GHS av] => 4048.40
   [Found Blocks] => 0
   [Getworks] => 3299
   [Accepted] => 45356
 [b]  [Rejected] => 36636[/b]
   [Hardware Errors] => 0
   [Utility] => 15.33
   [Discarded] => 41413
   [Stale] => 0
   [Get Failures] => 0
   [Local Work] => 289299115
   [Remote Failures] => 0
   [Network Blocks] => 303
   [Total MH] => 718623268684.0000
   [Work Utility] => 102965.92
   [Difficulty Accepted] => 168514180.00000000
   [Difficulty Rejected] => 136107012.00000000
   [Difficulty Stale] => 0.00000000
   [Best Share] => 0
   [Device Hardware%] => 0.0000
[b]   [Device Rejected%] => 44.6807[/b]
   [Pool Rejected%] => 44.6807
   [Pool Stale%] => 0.0000
   [Last getwork] => 1542544539

No HW error's showing on the hash boards though updated the firmware of them but still very high reject rates.

also note that the miner seems to never have its best share show on the hardware though the pool side detects this and shows.

Bitmain blame the pools,  (Which its not)
then ask for firmware update,
Now no reply from them.

Faulty hardware? Excuses?

Any ideas?

Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: BitMaxz on November 18, 2018, 03:57:20 PM
It looks like a pool problem have you tried to switch first to other pool?

You can try the kano pool first and let's see what will be the result, you can check their official thread from here

Also, if you can access the dashboard can you copy the whole kernel logs and paste it to and paste the url here to review.

You can find the kernel logs on the system tab.

Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on November 18, 2018, 05:23:59 PM
It looks like a pool problem have you tried to switch first to other pool?

You can try the kano pool first and let's see what will be the result, you can check their official thread from here

Also, if you can access the dashboard can you copy the whole kernel logs and paste it to and paste the url here to review.

You can find the kernel logs on the system tab.

Thanks BitMaxz

Tested on

Ck Pool
CK Solo

all have the same results here is the kernel logs.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: BitMaxz on November 18, 2018, 07:43:02 PM
I couldn't find any errors and failures from the kernel logs it seems that your miner is running fine.
Have you tried to check if you have internet ping lose?

It might be an unstable internet connection or your PSU is not giving enough power.

You can try to use the built-in Diagnostic tool from the network tab in the miner and also, try to reboot or restart your internet modem and test it again.

Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on November 18, 2018, 08:23:38 PM
I couldn't find any errors and failures from the kernel logs it seems that your miner is running fine.
Have you tried to check if you have internet ping lose?

It might be an unstable internet connection or your PSU is not giving enough power.

You can try to use the built-in Diagnostic tool from the network tab in the miner and also, try to reboot or restart your internet modem and test it again.

Thanks the ping seems fine I checked my networking and all seems fine I have a very low latency connection and limited run's on my networking My L3's all seems to be fine along with my D3's.

Spoke with CK about the miners I bought a bunch of them none of the dash boards seem to show best shares or even in cgminer-api via ssh they all say 0 with around 35/45% rejected ratio over 48 hrs.
Bitmain blamed the pools (I know this not to be the case) . then said I needed to install new firmware on them which I did since then they have been much worse than previous.

CK said something about mining to the power of 2 and the driver might be the issue I pressed bitmain on this but was left with no reply.

Has anyone a custom firmware for the bitmain asic's? Or is there a way to fix this driver issue?

I seem to recall someone fixing the firmware for older miners but can't think where or who it was now.


Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: BitMaxz on November 18, 2018, 09:41:48 PM
I couldn't find any custom firmware but I tried to dig more deeply here on the forum and I found this post similar to your case

It seems that it's a driver issue acccording to some post out there and they recommend to use the SDcard flashing than upgrading it with the stock firmware.

Since the link they gave from the thread above is dead you can find the new link from here

I don't know how to use it but according to them just extract it and paste it all inside the SDcard after that put the sd card to the miner. Make sure the miner is off and on the miner to start sdcard flashing and then wait for a couple of minutes.

I hope this time it would work.

Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on November 19, 2018, 11:05:04 PM
Thanks for the link to the topic I seem to have done most of what is here actually having a full blown email debate with bitmain over the issue.
No more bitmain for me this really was the last straw with them.

Seems there are lots of people with this issue on the V9's which tells me for sure this is 100% bitmain shoddy workings.
I noticed that the controller boards are completely different from any other machines I have had they do no have any beagle boards on them and seem to be of a new type.

I find it strange there is no reporting of HW errors on the device thought this could also be a dirty trick from bitmain to mask high error rates in the machines as this 45% reject ratio seems to be consistent from the reports.

Title: Re: High Reject Rate - V9's
Post by: fanatic26_ on November 19, 2018, 11:12:37 PM
They literally built the v9 out of left over crap from old s7 stock, you get what you pay for really. The yare a machine that was unprofitable from the day it went on sale, im really confused as to why you would even run them in the first place.

its like buying a crappy remanufactured alternator then swearing off of every delco product for life because you were too cheap to buy the part new.