Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: Darkdata on March 09, 2014, 05:48:38 AM

Title: $40 loan threw paypal
Post by: Darkdata on March 09, 2014, 05:48:38 AM
I'm looking for a $40 loan threw paypal..
I'm 15, don't have a job
I intend to use the money to try and do small whole sale stuff and sell around the school..

Earbuds specifically if i make enough money from this i could start doing iphone cases ..

i'd say it would be within a month (hopefully, also depending on the Wholesaler , and if its legit or not)

You might ask how will this work you'd need to go up to everyone and ask if they wanted to buy , But no the word of mouth is very friendly
Sell some nice earbuds to someone they show someone else and they ask where they got them and they lead them straight to me and i'll happily sell them some Then it should spread threw the school.

i was specifically looking at These (http://"") and i could sell them around $3.50 each or so
10 of each color for a start see if it went well...

If it doesn't work out and no one purchases (which i doubt , most people at my school want anything and everything electronic) i'd pay  back using Usb erupters ( currently have 13 or so at a value of $7 each)

Title: Re: $40 loan threw paypal
Post by: austin on March 09, 2014, 07:25:39 AM
I'm looking for a $40 loan threw paypal..
I'm 15, don't have a job
I intend to use the money to try and do small whole sale stuff and sell around the school..

Earbuds specifically if i make enough money from this i could start doing iphone cases ..

i'd say it would be within a month (hopefully, also depending on the Wholesaler , and if its legit or not)

You might ask how will this work you'd need to go up to everyone and ask if they wanted to buy , But no the word of mouth is very friendly
Sell some nice earbuds to someone they show someone else and they ask where they got them and they lead them straight to me and i'll happily sell them some Then it should spread threw the school.

i was specifically looking at These (http://"") and i could sell them around $3.50 each or so
10 of each color for a start see if it went well...

If it doesn't work out and no one purchases (which i doubt , most people at my school want anything and everything electronic) i'd pay  back using Usb erupters ( currently have 13 or so at a value of $7 each)
I can appreciate your wanting to be a young entrepreneur, but you might want to get the $40 somewhere else. It's probably more trouble for you to prove you can be trusted than to sell something or earn the money yourself. :)

Title: Re: $40 loan threw paypal
Post by: Darkdata on March 09, 2014, 07:32:03 AM
Personally an actual job scares me i guess, all i have done is crypto trading...
Currently looking though! ;D
Maby some programming or something someone might need

Title: Re: $40 loan threw paypal
Post by: Vod on March 09, 2014, 08:34:15 AM
Personally an actual job scares me i guess, all i have done is crypto trading...
Currently looking though! ;D
Maby some programming or something someone might need

How about working at McDonalds?

You'll gain social skills as well as money.  :)

Title: Re: $40 loan threw paypal
Post by: Darkdata on March 09, 2014, 08:43:17 AM
Ew , rather just do some internship or something