Bitcoin Forum

Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: AverageGlabella on December 03, 2018, 03:34:48 PM

Title: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: AverageGlabella on December 03, 2018, 03:34:48 PM
I'm going to be looking to write some what if threads which I'm going to be using to write research papers along for my degree. I thought it might be a good idea to look at the fascination that some people have with the identity of Bitcoin's creator. As far as I know there has only been two people on this forum which had contact with Satoshi. Gavin Andersen and theymos. I don't know the exact involvement or contact theymos has but he definitely has access to some of Satoshi's hidden posts on this forum and the whole history of the account. From password changes to ips logged. Yeah its certain that Satoshi used Tor or something similar. But theymos definitely knows a little more than the average person. I think Satoshi was active for around 2 years until one day he decided to up and leave. Theymos have you done any research on Satoshi's account data yourself or do respect his privacy and haven't really looked into it?

I can understand the fascination of solving one of Bitcoin's biggest mysteries but anyone thats interested in exposing the identity of someone who clearly wants to staya anonymous has to consider the pros and cons. You would shortly come to the conclusion that revealing the identity of the mysterious creator of Bitcoin would probably be detrimental to either Satoshi or Bitcoin.

First of all lets start off with the obvious and that Satoshi's health and well being could be put in harms way if his identity was revealed. He's an enemy to the banks and to the government. Probably why he remained security conscious when creating Bitcoin. Bitcoin has the potential to topple the control of the government and provide a decentralized way of trading goods. Most of the time anonymously. Therefore I think that the government and banks would not take it lightly into knowing the identity of Satoshi and could lead to assassination attempts and all sorts. Though the damage is done they would likely just pin some shit on him and lock him up for life preventing him from working on any other projects that may or may not be doing. Satoshi holds a great amount of coins which would also expose him to harm from the public.

Secondly the image of Bitcoin. What if Satoshi is criminal with very serious convictions? What if the government makes it seem that way? Would this not hurt the image of Bitcoin? Yes Bitcoin is completely independent from Satoshi but if he was involved in some serious crimes the news agencies around the world would lap this up and spin a story to negatively effect Bitcoin. Plus governments might actually have a legitimate reason for banning the cryptocurrency and imprisoning those that use it. Probably not and thats probably a over exaggeration. But its a possibly.

Now I'm obviously against the idea of exposing Satoshi's identity to the public. But what are the pros of doing so? I can't really think of any except for the satisfaction of being the guy that exposed it. There is no benefit and no reason why a Bitcoiner would want to expose it. Journalists, government and news agencies would want too of course to spin a story of Bitcoin to put it in a bad light.

So does anyone have any benefits of finding out the identity of Satoshi? Because all I see is cons to it.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: mdayonliner on December 03, 2018, 03:41:39 PM
Since the very beginning we are interested to know about Satoshi's identity. Does it really matters? IMO the legacy Satoshi left for us that only matters. Let's focus in Bitcoin (if we really understand and like decentralized technology and freedom), it's improvements and adoptions. Let's respect Satoshi's privacy by leaving it as it is.

So does anyone have any benefits of finding out the identity of Satoshi? Because all I see is cons to it.
Each full node is a Satoshi I guess. I am not a conman (at-least I believe) so my node is not a con as well.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Pmalek on December 03, 2018, 04:56:57 PM
If Satoshi wants to stay anonymous he should be allowed to do so. He gave us all these options and freedom with Bitcoin and the least we can do is allowing him the right to live his life in peace

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Last of the V8s on December 03, 2018, 06:57:03 PM
... There is no benefit and no reason why a Bitcoiner would want to expose it. Journalists, government and news agencies would want too of course to spin a story of Bitcoin to put it in a bad light.

So does anyone have any benefits of finding out the identity of Satoshi? Because all I see is cons to it.
Not all bitcoiners are perfect. There may well be idiots out there who, along with your journos and govts, would be quite happy to expose satoshi. Not that I believe that's possible in the sense of 'oh hey it was John Smith of 123 Partridge Way Birmingham all along.'
People are stupid and greedy. Expose satoshi, the price 'gotta' tank, buy a shed loads of coins. ?? Profit.

If it really did turn out to be John, he might well have plans for such an eventuality. Damn good plans, I'd bet.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: elastiman on December 04, 2018, 02:47:15 AM
I am starting to believe that Satoshi Nakamoto it is not a person it is a group of engineers and economist and brokers that came up with the idea of a digital currency and they need it a face for this

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: joniboini on December 04, 2018, 03:25:28 AM
But many people can't respect it, even though all they need to do is by do nothing

Humans always love to know more, especially if something is a big secret, regardless of what the results of their finding. Satoshi identity is a big mystery, just like one of those conspiracy theories that there is a small group of crazy rich people who can control every country with their 1 or 2 sentences. Or, something small such as "Why did my hair keep growing up? How come a "toe" is called a "toe"?" etc.

At this point, their curiosity is just way too big to handle, they fall for it and therefore "doing nothing" is basically something they find very hard to do.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: r1s2g3 on December 04, 2018, 04:19:22 PM
I guess instead of Gavin Anderson who got invite to CIA, Satoshi might got that invite.

I see lot of stupid people might be chasing satoshi for stupid reason like:

1. BTC price dropped, I lost saving.
2. Somebody stole my BTC.
3. I lost my private key.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: soulcancer on December 04, 2018, 10:38:28 PM
I guess instead of Gavin Anderson who got invite to CIA, Satoshi might got that invite.

I see lot of stupid people might be chasing satoshi for stupid reason like:

1. BTC price dropped, I lost saving.
2. Somebody stole my BTC.
3. I lost my private key.

speaking of the cia...i believe that satoshi was in fact the cia or some other such secret agency...he/they disappeared because the purpose was served...that being the introduction of a form of currency that is totally traceable...and better yet, it is believed to be to be anonymous by the avg retard...ask yourself how useful this can be in the not-so-distant dystopian future...i have a dollar bill in my pocket...can u tell me everywhere its ever been simply by running a piece of software...nope...some day ppl in the tech world will realize that anything that is "privacy" oriented is not only easily hackable by the powers-that-be (with an unlimited budget) but was probably developed by those same powers to give privacy seekers a false sense of security

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: eddie13 on December 04, 2018, 10:56:18 PM
One PRO of Satoshi's identity/story becoming known is that I would then know who really created BTC and that is good because I would like to know :)
The biggest PRO of that would be that I know that Satoshi is NOT the CIA and it would shut that whole theory down. It wouldn't be too bad to disprove that one.

I don't think Satoshi should be exposed against his will but I hope that one day he will come out and tell us everything from his inspiration to his motives, including his motives to have remained anonymous all this time.

Satoshi has crossed my mind lately actually.
IIRC Theymos (someone?) said some time ago that he has a bunch more Satoshi emails/PMs that he would release in a couple years and I think that time might be coming up relatively soon. Maybe 2019 but I'm not sure.
I will look and see if I can find some reference.

I've never read Satoshi's PMs.
Can't find it, maybe I remember something wrong.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: mdayonliner on December 05, 2018, 10:55:13 AM
I've never read Satoshi's PMs.
Can't find it, maybe I remember something wrong.
What if theymos is Satoshi  ;D

Satoshi started the forum and continued as satoshi (;u=3). Later he realized that he needs to hide (whatever the reason). He started to plan for it. He created the account theymos (;u=35) and established it (publicly trained the account). Once, Satoshi found the theymos account is good enough (publicly) to make it an admin then he retired from the satoshi account.   ;)

Would you make a complete stranger the admin of your site (?) no matter whatever level of excellence they have?

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Jet Cash on December 05, 2018, 12:22:32 PM
If it became general knowledge that Bitcoin was created as an experimental project by the Fed and the central banks, would it impact the creation of their new digital currencies?

Alternatively, is it another way to create a massive store of wealth to counter the gold reserves being built by China and Russia?

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: ibminer on December 05, 2018, 07:27:30 PM
Can't find it, maybe I remember something wrong.

It took a little digging, but:

I'll probably release Satoshi's PMs and logged IPs addresses in ~8 years. This'd probably be of great historical interest. (Though he always used Tor, as far as I can tell.)

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: eddie13 on December 05, 2018, 08:18:22 PM
Can't find it, maybe I remember something wrong.

It took a little digging, but:

I'll probably release Satoshi's PMs and logged IPs addresses in ~8 years. This'd probably be of great historical interest. (Though he always used Tor, as far as I can tell.)

Awesome man great job and thank you for renewing my confidence in my recollection!
I dug for a while too but didn't go that far back. When I came across his statement of never even reading his PMs I thought I must have been wrong.

So it isn't that close yet but a heck of a lot closer. About 2 years and 4 months left to look forward to possibly a greater understanding of what is Satoshi. Around 4-2021.
That is if the deal Theymos mentioned is still on. In all that time passed who knows what could have changed or what new dangers could have presented themselves.
I wouldn't blame him a bit if he had to rescind or further extend the offer but it is something we can look forward to some day legitimately finding out more about the great creator.

What if theymos is Satoshi  ;D
I really don't think so but I suppose it is a minute possibility. Not one of the best theories IMO.

Would you make a complete stranger the admin of your site (?) no matter whatever level of excellence they have?

Well, I have sent "strangers" on this site thousands of $ on faith in their reputations, and Theymos has handed members hundreds of BTC to old for the forum though I don't know how much of "strangers" they are or are not to him.

If it became general knowledge that Bitcoin was created as an experimental project by the Fed and the central banks, would it impact the creation of their new digital currencies?

Alternatively, is it another way to create a massive store of wealth to counter the gold reserves being built by China and Russia?

One of many plausible conspiracy hypotheses but if this is the case they surely went ALL OUT to make it look grassroots. Do you think they would have had the patience to let it slowly grow for so long vs pumping it to the public if that's what they ultimately wanted? All of the negative propaganda they spew from their outlets is just a facade?
Assuming you are speaking of the likes of the Rothschilds they surely have the patience to work toward a goal for a long time, generations, but their usual MO is more along the lines of usury and fractional reserve banking and BTC is quite a leap away from that.  

If it was done to counter China then why have they been allowed to dominate the POW aspect of BTC? They seem to stand just as much, if not more, to gain from mass adoption of BTC than any other entity. They also seem to be the most well set up to control their peoples use of crypto with their Orwellian grip of their subjects use of all things technological.

I prefer the (my) theory that Satoshi is just one person, a very intelligent ancap cypherpunk who had a great epiphany of how to give all people worldwide one of the greatest tools of individualistic liberty the world has ever seen. That he did it for the purpose of good for all humanity to decrease authoritarians ability to completely dominate and control their subject masses.
Optimistic fairy tale.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on December 05, 2018, 11:46:44 PM
There is a lot of interest behind the who was Satoshi.
I would have to agree that it would be best to leave it down to Satoshi himself to either come forth or to remain private that is his right and should be respected.

Thought many people would love to see more of the Satoshi content again this might not be a good idea to release private correspondence.

Food for though :
Do any of you believe that Satoshi may have worked on another project after leaving bitcoin?

Or do you think he went full-time AFTK?

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: chenille on December 06, 2018, 10:49:15 PM
It's possible that Satoshi's identity was public information some time ago but got deleted. This quote is from topic number 5 (, it's now the first one in this forum after topics 1, 2, 3 and 4 were archived or deleted:

Is this the first topic?
What happened with topic 1,2,3 and 4?

1, 2, and 4 exist in the staff forum. 3 was permanently deleted at some point (it must have contained Satoshi's real name and address).

Maybe theymos knows about this post, but "it must have contained" doesn't sound like this. It would be interesting to know who else read this topic but I'm sure if someone did and there was Satoshi's real name and address, there would be screenshots or at least stories about it.

And if someone is interested in the topics 1, 2 and 4: They are still available to the public, theymos has posted a link in 2012:

But it's only about configuration and testing of the new forum.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: BitcoinCurve~ on December 10, 2018, 10:59:55 PM
It's possible that Satoshi's identity was public information some time ago but got deleted. This quote is from topic number 5 (, it's now the first one in this forum after topics 1, 2, 3 and 4 were archived or deleted:

1, 2, and 4 exist in the staff forum. 3 was permanently deleted at some point (it must have contained Satoshi's real name and address).

But it's only about configuration and testing of the new forum.

This is complete speculation on theymos part and yours though. There is no real reason for us to think that posts contained his real name or address. That doesn't sound like Satoshi at all and its much more likely that the posts contained test posts such as "test" or "hello world" to test the forum software. I know people like to jump to exciting conclusions and discuss conspiracy theories but lets have a look at the facts here. Satoshi started the forum with the name Satoshi which he intended on keeping as his identity. Google search results show no usernames on other sites that are even close to it. We know this because experts in the field have already researched into this. Do you really think someone as privacy conscious as Satoshi would put his identity on the forum? I don't think so not even for a minute. It was far more probable that the first posts of the forum were of low content and for testing purposes. The current first post (number 4) makes sense as a introductory to the forum because current members will always be interested in the first post of the forum. Just look at the merit received by the first post and you will see that people do check these things.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: chenille on December 11, 2018, 10:06:09 PM
This is complete speculation on theymos part and yours though. There is no real reason for us to think that posts contained his real name or address.
Well, the name of the topic says it all. What if is a speculation and there will always be speculations about Satoshi's identity. There were and there are also many people claiming to be Satoshi. But actually, this was not the point of my comment, it was about theymos' quote 6 years back.
Of course, we don't know the reason why theymos said this and it looks like he was informed about it by third party (it must have). I also doubt that Satoshi who planned everything here very well, would leave informations to track his identity. But on the other hand the topic must have been deleted for a not trivial reason - otherwise it would be still available like number 1, 2 and 4.

That doesn't sound like Satoshi at all and its much more likely that the posts contained test posts such as "test" or "hello world" to test the forum software.
Agreed, that leaving his personal address doesn't sound like Satoshi but why topic number 3 was deleted? And theymos leaving this comment in 2012? Topic number 3 must have been an interesting one.

It was far more probable that the first posts of the forum were of low content and for testing purposes.
Then, the other topics would have deen deleted as well.

The current first post (number 4) makes sense as a introductory to the forum because current members will always be interested in the first post of the forum. Just look at the merit received by the first post and you will see that people do check these things.
It's topic number 5:

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Sali200 on December 11, 2018, 10:53:11 PM
i think Satoshi wants to stay anonymous, and we want it to, becouse this is BIG question, who is Satoshi Nakamoto?  and people are tolking about satoshi nakamoto, and if it will not question. i think it will not good.

but if satoshi nakamoto will make Updates on Github, with Satoshi nakamoto Reg, and update bitcoin for Fast transactions, i think it will be big gift for crypto market. and bitcoin owners to.

He Can Update Bitcoin with anonymous

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: OlegChernenkov on December 12, 2018, 03:37:37 AM
For example, I know who was the creator of Bitcoin.
And there are already a bunch of factors that confirm my guesses.

But, it makes no sense to write it, no one believes anyway.
And it makes no sense to prove, just like an atheist about the existence of religions.

Already many times it has been written about it in the media.
But when the information lies in front of people, they stubbornly do not see it.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: ibminer on December 12, 2018, 08:48:28 PM
Satoshi obviously wanted to remain anonymous, and knew the best ways available to do it. I don't believe Satoshi was a fan of governments or banks, in general. Someone like that, when bringing something like Bitcoin to the public as the main creator, would certainly want to be cautious, given all of the special interests involved. I believe Satoshi left on his own, to protect himself and/or the Bitcoin project.

Once "the hornet's nest" was kicked (2nd to the last Satoshi post on Dec 11, 2010 (, Satoshi had concerns over the vulnerabilities of Bitcoin, which he touches on the next day: Satoshi's last forum post on Dec 12, 2010 (, when releasing a version not fully complete yet, primarily involving DoS controls, and expresses his concern over the amount of vulnerabilities Bitcoin had (I would guess this release was a defensive measure to any attention which could be coming soon due to the article).

Satoshi had worries Bitcoin wasn't ready for this sort of attention, but this isn't something someone like Satoshi just walks away from because of potential attacks. He decided to be less public with communication and moved behind-the-scenes, but was still intending to remain active in development. It appears that changed in April when learning that Gavin was going to talk with the CIA (a.k.a the "hornet's").

Mike Hearn claims his last communication was April 23rd when Satoshi stated he was moving onto other things and the project would be in "good hands with Gavin and everyone (". Although, it appears Satoshi communicated 3 days later to Gavin expressing frustration as to how Gavin was portraying Satoshi in public, and stated he should make it more about the "open source project and give more credit to your dev contributors (". (<-Good advice Gavin did not seem to heed during consensus debates). Gavin's response was to let Satoshi know he was invited to visit the CIA, and Satoshi doesn't reply after that. :-\

I've always believed Satoshi was not happy with the CIA visit because 4 months prior he was calling them "hornet's", so I can't imagine him being comfortable with his lead developer walking into the "hornet's nest" at this time in its development. But it seems like he also generally wasn't happy with the fact that Satoshi's perception in the media was being portrayed as a "shadowy mysterious figure" which I believe hurt how he wanted others to perceive Bitcoin... so, maybe "Satoshi" had to go. It may have just been the safest decision for himself and Bitcoin.

He certainly didn't want his identity known back then, and it could have had a greater impact back then, although, will he care as much in the future? ... I'm not sure. IMO, if he is alive, I'd guess he has managed to still stay involved one way or the other.

Regardless of whoever he is or wherever he may be, Satoshi's virtual spirit lives on! :)  

And BTW, Satoshi != Craig Wright. I could go on for another page of text about CW, but I'm sure I'm past the TL;DR threshold. ;D

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: CristianOff on December 20, 2018, 12:32:12 AM
Guys you are not updated.

Satoshi Nakamoto is supposed to be dead. Yes, dead.
He had different bitcoin mining plants that were stolen
by another of the co-founders.

Oh, and if we estimate his net worth using Bitcoin's
good old days $20k value, he was worth $19

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: RussaX on December 20, 2018, 04:37:49 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto could be individual who had a great vision but I think that he probably didn't do it alone.
There is a good chance that Satoshi Nakamoto is anonymous name which kept real indentity hidden and in some sort of a way It is like a perfect fitting for the story. A great visionary person who made such a huge impact in monetary system. He did everything that had to be done and left which makes a perfect story on how Bitcoin and blockchain technology works completely transparent, decentralized without need of it's creator to continue it's adoption.

Wether Satoshi ever appears he would be bombarded by media, gov, banks or who knows what and it would just make his own life difficult without any benefit to himself or crypto community. Don't get me wrong, he would get a lot of love from true supporters and ton of business opportunitys but I think that he is settled with his life and just shared a great opensource technology with the world without ever trying to take profit of it.

Wherever he is I hope that he is happy how it progresses and that his vision will be world wide adopted.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: MULTIK888 on December 22, 2018, 03:09:55 PM
What is the point of wasting time to find the answer to the question who is Satoshi Nakamoto? I very much doubt that the price of bitcoin will change greatly if the identity of the author opens to the world.
More importantly, when a person is discovered, it is likely that his life will become much more difficult both in terms of security and in terms of publicity.

You have not thought about the fact that it may be a person who just does not like the public. After all, as you know, he is tortured with all sorts of conferences, meetings, interviews and the like. Why all this? If he has money for the rest of his life - it is much better to spend it in a quiet atmosphere on the shore of the lake or the sea in his own house and not think about anything, so he just does not need it.
And all who now try to call themselves Satoshi Nakamoto simply attract attention and try to earn on this authority.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: AverageGlabella on January 18, 2019, 02:58:20 AM
What is the point of wasting time to find the answer to the question who is Satoshi Nakamoto? I very much doubt that the price of bitcoin will change greatly if the identity of the author opens to the world.
More importantly, when a person is discovered, it is likely that his life will become much more difficult both in terms of security and in terms of publicity.
I disagree. The identity of Satoshi being known would definitely mean a price shift in one of two directions at least for the short term. Depending on the history of Satoshi it could either shift dramatically down or up. A lot of people would be looking for dirt of Satoshi and the government would probably come up with something to put a bad image on Bitcoin. If you found out that Bill Gates was into black hat hacking methods you would seriously consider using his software. Everything is about reputation and PR and Bitcoin is no different other than it doesn't have a identity of who made it unlike other businesses/projects.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Pmalek on January 18, 2019, 10:32:02 AM
@AverageGlabella I dont think it will make a big impact. Bitcoin is already here, created by Satoshi or someone else, the technology works and serves its purpose. Whether it was created by a guy called Satoshi, Bill Gates or Kim Jong-un will not make much difference since it is a technological revolution.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: MoonCrypt on January 18, 2019, 02:57:37 PM
Satoshi is a genius for playing the anonymous card, it makes him still sleep safely at night ;D

Imagine what will have happened if his identity was publicly declared!

The government might have tried to frame him for some evil practices
they might have made is life miserable by publicly attacking his whole image by those who are vexed by the creation
been anonymous gave the network some god image

if he was not anonymous his image will be used for lots of ICOs scam. LoL

Satoshi made decentralization possible  8)

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: bornforfreedom on January 24, 2019, 09:39:28 PM
I am starting to believe that Satoshi Nakamoto it is not a person it is a group of engineers and economist and brokers that came up with the idea of a digital currency and they need it a face for this

that's kind of what I have always thought too. my curiosity makes me think differently but in reality I imagine its more than just one person's doing

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: bitmedia on February 01, 2019, 03:17:35 PM
In my mind, if Satoshi Nakamoto was identified, nobody would HODL and crypto has not been survived and develop as it is happening now. Even the price of cryptocurrencies is on the dip, the amount of Bitcoin transactions is strongly increasing. Cryptomarket is emerging right now...
And sometimes, I think that crypto and religion are similar in some cases - if Jesus Christ was publicly identified, nobody would believe in God. So seems that idea of Bitcoin came from there ::)

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on February 01, 2019, 08:52:39 PM
Secondly the image of Bitcoin. What if Satoshi is criminal with very serious convictions? What if the government makes it seem that way? Would this not hurt the image of Bitcoin? Yes Bitcoin is completely independent from Satoshi but if he was involved in some serious crimes the news agencies around the world would lap this up and spin a story to negatively effect Bitcoin. Plus governments might actually have a legitimate reason for banning the cryptocurrency and imprisoning those that use it. Probably not and thats probably a over exaggeration. But its a possibly.
You do not need to be a criminal but if his real identity is know any government could frame a case against him and put them behind bars, we know some examples before, just see the case of Julian Assange, he started a revolution exposing the government and revealing the truth to everyone, look at his situation now, he is in asylum and there were many cases framed for him too to lock him up for good and make him silent.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Mr Airdrops on February 05, 2019, 01:21:01 PM
People need these minds to live a lovely life. Nakamoto is just like Mendel, adison and other scientists. They gave us hope.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: AverageGlabella on March 03, 2019, 05:47:34 PM
You do not need to be a criminal but if his real identity is know any government could frame a case against him and put them behind bars, we know some examples before, just see the case of Julian Assange, he started a revolution exposing the government and revealing the truth to everyone, look at his situation now, he is in asylum and there were many cases framed for him too to lock him up for good and make him silent.

Well that too. Though I think its worth noting that Satoshi's identity at this point will likely have a negative effect on Bitcoin for at least the short term. Though Bitcoin is much more than what Satoshi is and he isn't in control or tied to it unfortunately for members of the public that don't use Bitcoin Satoshi will always be the forefather and be linked with it. I would like to keep his identity private for two reasons. 1. To prevent Satoshi from becoming a target 2. Protect his own privacy. It's not beneficial to Bitcoin in any way if he were to be revealed.

@AverageGlabella I dont think it will make a big impact. Bitcoin is already here, created by Satoshi or someone else, the technology works and serves its purpose. Whether it was created by a guy called Satoshi, Bill Gates or Kim Jong-un will not make much difference since it is a technological revolution.

As I explained above. It would have short term effects for the very least. I'm talking about a few months. For an extreme example; If Satoshi was a pedophile. Do you think that becoming public knowledge and how the Bitcoin community kind of worship and put Satoshi on pedestal would be good for the community of Bitcoin?

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: shield132 on March 03, 2019, 07:09:21 PM
First of all lets start off with the obvious and that Satoshi's health and well being could be put in harms way if his identity was revealed. He's an enemy to the banks and to the government. Probably why he remained security conscious when creating Bitcoin. Bitcoin has the potential to topple the control of the government and provide a decentralized way of trading goods. Most of the time anonymously. Therefore I think that the government and banks would not take it lightly into knowing the identity of Satoshi and could lead to assassination attempts and all sorts. Though the damage is done they would likely just pin some shit on him and lock him up for life preventing him from working on any other projects that may or may not be doing. Satoshi holds a great amount of coins which would also expose him to harm from the public.
As you say and I agree you too, revealing his identity could put him in trouble because what he did was bad for government, his life could easily end up bad. Also what do Theymos and some other members know? I have one thing to think too: Since satoshi's identity would damage him, to leave open gates to reveal satoshi's identity could damage forum's staff. So to my mind Theymos would probably delete any kind of information that could link us to satoshi.
On another hand there is no doubt satoshi would return to this forum or crypto world but in a very different and innocent way. There is no doubt he knew how to protect his identity well. So from this reason, wonder if he was back to bitmixer? It was first mixer, yeah? So since he created bitcoin, would work on better ways of protecting anonymity because for himself and in general too, we know he owns bitcoin so he needs to find greatest ways to get them safely. Maybe he created mixer and wanted to test how well it could protect criminals getting caught.
Well, just my opinions... I believe he wouldn't stop by creating bitcoin.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Cryptotina on March 11, 2019, 09:55:30 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto could prove his identity by either:

1: He could use his PGP key or
2: He could move his bitcoin

But this guy wants to remain anonymous, and I think it's for good reason. At least, by maintaining anonymity, they/he will avoid adverse legal consequences, making their anonymity partially responsible for the currency's success alone)

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: Arian247 on May 11, 2019, 02:24:03 PM
Sometimes it's best to let the unknown be because knowing satoshi real identity might come with a whole lot of changes to the bitcoin world, but I agree to the fact that he should at least transfer his bitcoin to another wallet so he can shut these wannabe up for good

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 08:39:36 AM
I'm going to be looking to write some what if threads which I'm going to be using to write research papers along for my degree. I thought it might be a good idea to look at the fascination that some people have with the identity of Bitcoin's creator. As far as I know there has only been two people on this forum which had contact with Satoshi. Gavin Andersen and theymos. I don't know the exact involvement or contact theymos has but he definitely has access to some of Satoshi's hidden posts on this forum and the whole history of the account. From password changes to ips logged. Yeah its certain that Satoshi used Tor or something similar. But theymos definitely knows a little more than the average person. I think Satoshi was active for around 2 years until one day he decided to up and leave. Theymos have you done any research on Satoshi's account data yourself or do respect his privacy and haven't really looked into it?

I can understand the fascination of solving one of Bitcoin's biggest mysteries but anyone thats interested in exposing the identity of someone who clearly wants to staya anonymous has to consider the pros and cons. You would shortly come to the conclusion that revealing the identity of the mysterious creator of Bitcoin would probably be detrimental to either Satoshi or Bitcoin.

First of all lets start off with the obvious and that Satoshi's health and well being could be put in harms way if his identity was revealed. He's an enemy to the banks and to the government. Probably why he remained security conscious when creating Bitcoin. Bitcoin has the potential to topple the control of the government and provide a decentralized way of trading goods. Most of the time anonymously. Therefore I think that the government and banks would not take it lightly into knowing the identity of Satoshi and could lead to assassination attempts and all sorts. Though the damage is done they would likely just pin some shit on him and lock him up for life preventing him from working on any other projects that may or may not be doing. Satoshi holds a great amount of coins which would also expose him to harm from the public.

Secondly the image of Bitcoin. What if Satoshi is criminal with very serious convictions? What if the government makes it seem that way? Would this not hurt the image of Bitcoin? Yes Bitcoin is completely independent from Satoshi but if he was involved in some serious crimes the news agencies around the world would lap this up and spin a story to negatively effect Bitcoin. Plus governments might actually have a legitimate reason for banning the cryptocurrency and imprisoning those that use it. Probably not and thats probably a over exaggeration. But its a possibly.

Now I'm obviously against the idea of exposing Satoshi's identity to the public. But what are the pros of doing so? I can't really think of any except for the satisfaction of being the guy that exposed it. There is no benefit and no reason why a Bitcoiner would want to expose it. Journalists, government and news agencies would want too of course to spin a story of Bitcoin to put it in a bad light.

So does anyone have any benefits of finding out the identity of Satoshi? Because all I see is cons to it.

Knowing a good person did not get JFKED, We do not need a face or address just a sign with some coins moving or perhaps a forum post. I thought for the longest time they were dead, but I just got this gut feeling they are still alive, my gut feeling is never wrong.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: xvids on May 18, 2019, 09:08:46 AM
Since the very beginning we are interested to know about Satoshi's identity. Does it really matters? IMO the legacy Satoshi left for us that only matters. Let's focus in Bitcoin (if we really understand and like decentralized technology and freedom), it's improvements and adoptions. Let's respect Satoshi's privacy by leaving it as it is.

So does anyone have any benefits of finding out the identity of Satoshi? Because all I see is cons to it.
Each full node is a Satoshi I guess. I am not a conman (at-least I believe) so my node is not a con as well.
I agree why don't we just respect what Satoshi wants ?
Satoshi wants to stay anonymous and proves that the Bitcoin keeps our personal information safe.
Satoshi creates it for financial freedom for anonymity and it is what Satoshi shows us,
Satoshi just proves that we couldn't track the user unless the user would leave some information.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: TimeBits on May 18, 2019, 09:15:46 PM
Satoshi was anonymous on this forum while posting before, He/She could still remain anonymous and lead bitcoin in the right direction!

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: cok_elat on May 24, 2019, 12:54:11 AM
If Satoshi wants to stay anonymous he should be allowed to do so. He gave us all these options and freedom with Bitcoin and the least we can do is allowing him the right to live his life in peace
that's right, I'm afraid if Satoshi's identity is known, bitcoin will get affect from global elites

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: iamsheikhadil on February 15, 2020, 06:45:20 PM
Well, not everything should be known by all, indeed it's kind of curiosity triggering when it comes to Satoshi in every one of us as we try to put our own logic behind his mysterious disappearence, but all we know is Satoshi did exist, he's real, it can be he/she/they but he did exist and that past can't be deleted from the history of the universe and surely he lives/lives on this humble small planet Earth so maybe we won't know him but he lives close. That satisfaction is enough.

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: franky1 on February 23, 2020, 07:20:42 AM
out of box common sense here

satoshi nakamotos real identity (the person/human) actually is public information

just like the real identity of the human named on this forum franky1(me)
because the person has a birth certificate. pays bills. goes to the shops, eats and meets people.

what is not known is out of near 8billion people. which publicly available birth certified name is linked to the publicly available pseudonyms on this forum

(this post was made as sarcasm for the intention that the topic title seems to be a little middleschooler chosen topic.. not degree deserving topic title)

Title: Re: What if? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity was public information
Post by: icopress on September 27, 2020, 05:02:47 PM
My main goal is to keep things Bitcoin-related. How the place is cleaned shouldn't be notable especially when it comes to maintaining threads about maintaining things. I'm sorry but this is mad and a huge waste of energy on everybodys part.

Let's stop fretting over threads complaining about forum policy and start fretting more about Bitcoin.
To delete your account:
- Delete all of your posts you want deleted
- PM me with the name you want your remaining posts credited under

message sent
I went through a few old threads and saw some interesting posts. In addition to the fact that the author has quite ideological posts, it is also strange that he made a request to delete the account. (I first see the publication on behalf of the guest)