Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: forestx on December 09, 2018, 02:01:09 PM

Title: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: forestx on December 09, 2018, 02:01:09 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Upgrade00 on December 09, 2018, 02:08:15 PM
As I see it, those are two completing different strategies. Day trading targets daily profits, and it could be in the region of 1 or 2% growth on your capital.
On the other hand, you are going long and expecting profit over a longer time frame.

That said, there is no better or worse strategy, only what suits your skill set.
Trade according to your tools.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: butka on December 09, 2018, 02:37:03 PM
try and get 1-2% a day

1-2% a day? IMO, that's not realistic. Think about this: 6 percent a month, that's about doubling your account every year. That's huge. If we take Forex as an example, the best traders aim for 20 percent increase of their account every year. You cannot possibly have a realistic long term strategy and consistent profit with 1-2% gain per day. Even if you manage to get that profit a couple of months in a row, the next trade could be a huge loss that may wipe out the previous gains. Better to have a working strategy that gives you consistent profit, albeit much smaller than what you said.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: forestx on December 09, 2018, 02:42:47 PM
This inst Forex though one of the things that attracts people to crypto is the huge swings. I have seen 5 min candles go up and down 5%
I was doing some paper trading earlier and two coins went up 1% in 10 mins (today is a green day overall)
You cant do it long term unless you are really skilled but the opportunity is there

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: mk4 on December 09, 2018, 03:17:53 PM
I'm not saying that 20% per month is easier, but I think it'd be better if you base your targets on longer time frames, like every month or every quarter. Setting your profit targets per day can be quite inaccurate at times, as there's definitely going to be days that you won't even earn profit or even lose big percentages.

It really completely depends on you though. Why not try both for a few months, then go with what works best for you. It's not the same for everyone anyway. Best of luck.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: 3acaga on December 09, 2018, 03:19:56 PM
Look at your question from the other side - is it better to lose 1-2% per day or 20% per month?
Remember, it’s not always you will make a profit and there will be days when minus and disappointments will come to you ...

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: gabmen on December 09, 2018, 04:42:49 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

Perhaps 1-2% a day is more common than keeping your coins unmoving for a month. A lot of things can happen during that period and 10 to 20 percent may have been hit and then dumped before you check it after a month.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Tytanowy Janusz on December 09, 2018, 04:44:58 PM
Both are impossible to do it day by day or month by month. You can have one lucky month with 100% profit. 1 lucky day with 20% profit but it will never be repeatable. Market is different every day and every day you need to learn it.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: leowonderful on December 09, 2018, 04:45:33 PM
As others have suggested to already, the better choice is what you're better at yourself; short-term trading or trading for the longer term. The only way you can find out if you don't already know is to try trading for a while and finding what you're best at. Knowing yourself and what you're capable of is important for many activities in life, and trading's no different.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: enhu on December 09, 2018, 04:51:02 PM
Neither of it is easy unless you know exactly that the market will drop to 20% - 30% by the end of the month. If lets say you really know it will happen, I don't think you'd wait for it to happen, you'd really need to sell before that will happen and then see for yourself whether the market stabilize before buying back. If not then just hold on to your funds in stable coin.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: supermine on December 09, 2018, 05:04:40 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
You can make 1 or 2% everyday in the crypto trading but in the ext day you might loss 5% or more,so making profits on monthly basis is really unpredictable so you may have target of about 10% or lower per month and try to hit it with all the strategies implemented.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: izanagi narukami on December 09, 2018, 06:18:08 PM
It's depend on how good are you.

If you want to manage 1-2% per day, you need to work hard spend  spend more time for it.
Basically it's just same, let say if ordinary stock exchange, you're trade for 5 days (Monday ~ Friday ) and you win 1% each day , you're reaching 20% per month. I think every trader expecting this kind of profit.

Greater than 30% is more difficult to achieve so there will be less trader to achieve it either

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Xardasim on December 09, 2018, 09:48:45 PM
It depends on what skill you have. So you should look at which trade style is closer to you. It is not easy to make 2% profit every day. So you are going to discover that you can not do it some days because of reasons that are not caused by you and accordingly if we think of it as average, it seems easier to provide monthly earnings.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Question123 on December 09, 2018, 10:23:11 PM
For now it's hard to get profit with that percentage because the only possible is maybe 10% for this market per month. But once the market up again maybe your money become double and so on because the price somwday will up again.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: matteoricci on December 09, 2018, 10:28:46 PM
math-wise, it might look easier to go per month.. but in reality, it will still be based on how the market is.. there will be days when prices will shoot up but lately, it has been slow.. still, always look out for positive trends.  it's not really the percentage i think.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: 1Referee on December 09, 2018, 11:07:20 PM
Those who focus on % gains per whatever time frame are usually the losers, especially if you have to ask others for advice. On top of that, the far majority of the people don't even have a clue about how to properly trade or invest in a market ruled by panic. It's safe to say that if you end up trading or investing right now with the intention of booking short term gains, it's purely gambling.

Buy Bitcoin, hold it for a couple of years, and you will be rewarded for your patience with a solid return, and that without having to expose yourself to the short term market people should be ignoring instead of participating in.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: AAlex48 on December 10, 2018, 08:54:30 AM
This is a very high percentage.Better than 40-50% per year than trying 1-2% per day and losing more in the pursuit of profit.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nicster551 on December 10, 2018, 12:18:32 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

Of course it is more appropriate to get 20-30% a month rather than going for 1-2% day because it will not be that time consuming and will be less hard to do.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: shield132 on December 10, 2018, 07:45:23 PM
I have no idea how you divided trading stratrgy into this two way because that's very unpredictable you'll achieve any of that.
1-2% day? Yeah everyday we have that change but imagine you started it when price was 6K? Well you made 1-2% daily at best but then after one week price started to fall, you are in lose, now daily trading doesn't work and you have to hold or do other thing.
20-30% month? How? If price didn't change the way you want then? Imagine it's pretty stable between 6K and 7K. You can't plan profit strategy in bitcoin because of it's very changeable and unpredictable price.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: deandree on December 10, 2018, 07:53:36 PM
Some quick maths for you (starting with 1000$, 1% per day + reinvesting profits = exponential):

In 1 year you’ll get 1.01³⁶⁵ = 37x (3700%) = 37K. Well done, getting some nice profit for your hard work.
In 2 years you’ll get 1.01²*³⁶⁵ = 1427x = 1.4M. That Lambo is finally yours. I hope you went with yellow.
In 3 years you’ll get 1.01³*³⁶⁵= 53939x = 53M. You own boats and planes now. Ballin’ 24/7.
In 5 years you’ll get 1.01⁵*³⁶⁵= 77002912x = 77B. You own a country now.
In 10 years … The Universe is yours, congratulations.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: TopT3ns on December 10, 2018, 09:00:29 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
I will pick a month, at past i do daily trading, but it is very stressful. We forced to get profit everyday and pick which coin is good and can make fast profit, not only profit but fast profit because we can't stuck in a coin which we pick.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Bonsaiav on December 10, 2018, 09:58:35 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

If we compare the two, I think it would be very wise if we chose the option "20% more than a month", because with this option, maybe the level of risk and stress that we will face tends to be lower than "getting 1-2% a day".
But the above is not absolute, because everyone tends to hold on to their respective views in choosing the options they like.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Indrawan77 on December 10, 2018, 11:02:39 PM
Both of them are difficult, and both of them need a good experience and strategy to achieve, in my opinion day trading is more difficult than try to make profit in a month, day trading volatility is harder to predict than monthly volatility, day trading need bigger focus and analysis, so I think achieve daily profit with day trading is more difficult

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: aervin11 on December 11, 2018, 12:36:40 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

Long term strategy is hold for me. You could still look at the charts to anticipate bigger price actions to increase your positions, that way you could earn a better than 20% every trade, but that is not by value but of position.

To tell you also getting 1-2% profits everyday would only be enough for exchange fees unless you are trading on huge volume, also, the market is unlikely to fill your orders for the marketcap is lower compared last year. Also curious about your stop losses, how much down for you to get out of a trade?

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: bayu7adi on December 11, 2018, 01:26:22 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

1-2% per day will be easier and of course bigger results than you 30% in a month
every day your assets will increase, which causes 1-2% to increase every day, but all that will not happen if you can not be consistent and can not maintain lust or emotion in trading

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: mornabo on December 11, 2018, 01:50:36 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
I will pick a month, at past i do daily trading, but it is very stressful. We forced to get profit everyday and pick which coin is good and can make fast profit, not only profit but fast profit because we can't stuck in a coin which we pick.
agree with you because not every day the coins you buy are increasing price right, so don't force yourself to take profits every day,
because it will be stressful, this is just my opinion only maybe different from the others, who might prefer get profit daily

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: harizen on December 11, 2018, 03:29:59 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

Don't set a target on daily or montly basis but instead, focus on winnings. Trying to achieve a certain target in a given period sometimes leading into fail. If we know how the market will behave then no such thing as question like that will be raised.

Crypto market is unpredictable so obviously setting up a target profit wihtin a given period is not making sense to do. Try to take advantage on every trend we will encountered and maintain a good winning stats even with the bearish market.

And take note that you mentioned "couple of coins" so basically an altcoins which is more volatile than bitcoin.

Anyways if you still want to pushed that then go take the risks. See the result for yourself.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: pinoyden on December 11, 2018, 04:45:56 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

1-2% per day will be easier and of course bigger results than you 30% in a month
every day your assets will increase, which causes 1-2% to increase every day, but all that will not happen if you can not be consistent and can not maintain lust or emotion in trading

1 to 2 percent may seem to easy because you only see small numbers compared to 30 percent but the only problem is that the crypto market are not will always be your own favor .

 what i mean to say is that you cannot achieve a daily 1 to 2 percent of profit due to the effects of  price volatility  but im not saying that you can get a 30 percent profit per month   .   trading on cryptos are not just  guaranteed at all times , that is why we shouldnt calculate our potential profit because it will only cause us a depression .

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: yanto@1977 on December 11, 2018, 06:56:07 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

Their is no easy way, but the realistic target is 1% - 2%/ month, too low I'm afraid not. For beginner this is the right target and if you already found your best strategy you can play as whales, raise your fund to buy/ sell but not the target. Remember, not easy but it worth for you.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Infinixhot1996 on December 11, 2018, 07:19:00 AM
It depends on the specific trader and the goals set by yourself,as a day trader definitely you wouldn't be targeting 20% profits in a day, it'll crazy to imagine,thus a 1% profit is acceptable,iF you can make a 2,3% profit,then it's a good day
But a hodler for years sure isn't expecting that little profits considering how long he's held up, that being said a 10,20% profit is an acceptable ROI.
But take note that their happens to be no easy form of trading or means to make money

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: rickadone on December 11, 2018, 09:05:47 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
In my experience, both are not easier. Yes, you cannot be sure about making some percentage of returns for your capital on day to day basis from trading. At the same time, you may expect some good returns on monthly basis but that also not an assured one as no one could predict about how you will be performing for a month as producing consistent performance with trading is a very big challenge for any level of trader.

Your question should be "which is wiser" rather than asking about it is easier one. Because, targeting some profits on monthly basis will get you to actual what you are looking for. We all know that day trading is always profitable one as short-term predictions will not work all the times for any trading pairs. But, position based trading may get more chances to fetch big profits. As of now, I believe you cannot target for monthly profits but you may go for long term holding like holding for three or four months so that you can get more than 30% profits also.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: tosmartak on December 11, 2018, 09:58:26 AM
The truth is that all these depends on you as an individual and your style of trading which basically sums up with what you are comfortable with. If you want to day trade and you can cope, then you can manage to be hitting your 1 - 2% daily, but you should know that market is not a rosy thing you will just assume a  consistent 1 - 2% daily or 20-30% monthly, most especially when it is in a bear trend. However, the main thing is to be sure you have what it takes to trade with a strategy and a plan, not just gambling your position.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: DarkBullet on December 11, 2018, 10:01:42 AM
I prefer 1% to 2% a day because it is more realistic than 20% to 30% a month which is also hard to achieve in today's market. If you are a day trader, you can earn up to 5% depending on your strategy, familiarization and knowledge in trading. Besides, 2% rule is very effective in trading and will minimize your losses and gains at the same time. You can watch it on youtube or search it on investopedia website for you to get more information how this rule works.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: MFahad on December 11, 2018, 10:02:00 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
I will pick a month, at past i do daily trading, but it is very stressful. We forced to get profit everyday and pick which coin is good and can make fast profit, not only profit but fast profit because we can't stuck in a coin which we pick.

If you make a target of one to two percent daily, it will be hard to achieve on daily basis especially in the current bearish market. Even getting 20% to 30% is hard too in trading these days as you will be stuck in one or more coins for surely as we never know when the market moves further down.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Pursuer on December 11, 2018, 10:28:04 AM
it really depends on the strategy you are choosing and most important of all it depends on your experience in making profit. profit is not something that comes to you only if you buy random coins, it comes to you through hard work and lots of experience and a tiny bit of luck.

so when it comes to trading, you should stick to what you know. and as far as altcoins are concerned they are most profitable in short term. it doesn't have to be a day trading thing where you earn a fixed percentage per day but it should be short term where you dump the coins that are pumped before others dump.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: ethereumhunter on December 11, 2018, 10:33:23 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

I prefer to get 1-2% a day than 20% over a month because we can try to make that 1-2% with various coins and don't forget that we have a big option of the coins to make a profit. But this will only work well if you have the skills to analyze the coins so you can find the right coins to buy and sell at the high price. Getting 20% over a month could be work if you have the patience to wait for the price to increase higher especially if you trade bitcoin pair fiat. But I don't think that you will see the same percentage in the altcoin because I think once the altcoin increase, it can increase more than 20% but it's not for a long time, and after that, the price will be back to the price before.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: cryptorima on December 11, 2018, 06:46:50 PM
In my opinion it is totally depend on your techniques and skill. If you have enough skill then you can earn 1-2% daily by trading and if you have less knowledge and skill then go for 20-30% monthly profits.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: asyakashi on December 11, 2018, 11:59:19 PM
good idea but how to get 2% per day?
this is difficult because trade cannot be predicted. I don't think it's that easy, unless you have more capital and you focus on your trade, it's impossible with the current market situation.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on December 12, 2018, 12:23:13 AM
try and get 1-2% a day

1-2% a day? IMO, that's not realistic. Think about this: 6 percent a month, that's about doubling your account every year. That's huge. If we take Forex as an example, the best traders aim for 20 percent increase of their account every year. You cannot possibly have a realistic long term strategy and consistent profit with 1-2% gain per day. Even if you manage to get that profit a couple of months in a row, the next trade could be a huge loss that may wipe out the previous gains. Better to have a working strategy that gives you consistent profit, albeit much smaller than what you said.
It is realistic. Just look at the price of Bitcoin for example yesterday. The price of Bitcoin was traded from $3,300 to $3,500 all day. If you Buy at $3,300 and sell at $3,430 you earned 3%. There are altcoins also was traded with 2%-3% gains yesterday, so earning 1% - 2% per day is achievable and realistic and by doing the same strategy on a daily basis, 30% gain in a month from your starting capital is possible.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: cryptoblue77 on December 12, 2018, 06:11:45 AM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: deppil on December 12, 2018, 06:35:56 AM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.
Actually I don't really make a target one month for what percentage profit should I reach because that will only make me feel shit and maybe stress if the target is not reached. I just play according to the circumstances. when the price is time for sale then I will sell. I can for >10% profit in a few days. depending on market conditions

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: haroldtee on December 12, 2018, 10:52:03 AM
The thing with trading honestly is that no style of trading is easy. Some always think if they switch from day trade to short term, mid term or long term you will have it easier, but the truth is that if you approach the market as if you are gambling, the same fate will always await you as an individual.

What you make as profit depends on how you make it which is your strategy, and how you make it, depends on the knowledge you have to be able to make it. Profit does not come easily in trading, you just have to know what you are doing, and do it right to be able to get the best from it.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: panganib999 on December 12, 2018, 02:29:56 PM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.
Actually I don't really make a target one month for what percentage profit should I reach because that will only make me feel shit and maybe stress if the target is not reached. I just play according to the circumstances. when the price is time for sale then I will sell. I can for >10% profit in a few days. depending on market conditions
having 20-30% a month is like dreaming for a lambo just right after investing a hundreds on cryptocurrency, pretty ridiculous right ? Well it is possible though with proper strategy to use and market approach you'll get what you want or even more but then again there is a so called volatility and so i agree on this, play with the market on its circumstances don't just simply trade.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: MULTIK888 on December 12, 2018, 05:44:15 PM
If you try to catch small price fluctuations and earn 1-2% per day, then a lot of money will go to the exchange Commission and sometimes this type of trading is not profitable.
My opinion is optimal to get 20-30 % per month by issuing orders to sell at a higher price. There are always sharp UPS and candles during the month, so you can catch such price jumps.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Clark05 on December 12, 2018, 11:51:07 PM
Better 20 percent everymonth becayse market now is unpredictable and it's hard to get profit everyday because now the coins decrease everyday or everyweek. And the only way to earn money is longterm or maybe hold it for few weeks to earn some profit.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: DavidNiva on December 13, 2018, 01:54:02 AM
As I see it, those are two completing different strategies. Day trading targets daily profits, and it could be in the region of 1 or 2% growth on your capital.
On the other hand, you are going long and expecting profit over a longer time frame.

That said, there is no better or worse strategy, only what suits your skill set.
Trade according to your tools.
do not jump too quickly into trading if we are still uncertain, it is better to do a simulation in a different way, because by doing a simulation first, we will feel more stable in trading, try not to wander with all your money, because the large potential losses will always a real threat, we can do simulations of bitcoin trading without using real capital, so there is no potential loss.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: deppil on December 13, 2018, 03:01:40 AM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.
Actually I don't really make a target one month for what percentage profit should I reach because that will only make me feel shit and maybe stress if the target is not reached. I just play according to the circumstances. when the price is time for sale then I will sell. I can for >10% profit in a few days. depending on market conditions
having 20-30% a month is like dreaming for a lambo just right after investing a hundreds on cryptocurrency, pretty ridiculous right ? Well it is possible though with proper strategy to use and market approach you'll get what you want or even more but then again there is a so called volatility and so i agree on this, play with the market on its circumstances don't just simply trade.
20%-30% of profit is possible but you can't be sure you can profit by that target every month. you are right, use your strategy and take any profit before the market conditions on the coins you buy turnover.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: gamalzour on December 13, 2018, 06:52:52 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Everyone has their own strategy. If you decide to rely on the 1% daily profit, based on your skills, and it’s actually working for you, by the end of the month you will have accomplished about 30% or more. But a lot of people would prefer to go long term while investing, it usually works for those that are perfectly skilled in trading.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nasipadang on December 13, 2018, 07:34:06 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
For this year it is better to use a daily trade by producing 1-2% for each action, based on what I know and my analysis, the market decreases longer and I am not sure if we hold too long can produce 20% profit especially we are in bearish. Although the strategy taken depends on the skills of the traders themselves and the risks they take, but my advice is not to rush into the trade this month unless you are confident in your strategy and skills.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Whosdaddy on December 13, 2018, 03:11:54 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Everyone has their own strategy. If you decide to rely on the 1% daily profit, based on your skills, and it’s actually working for you, by the end of the month you will have accomplished about 30% or more. But a lot of people would prefer to go long term while investing, it usually works for those that are perfectly skilled in trading.
But I believe there will be no need of any special skill in trading if you go for long term investing. Yes, long term investing is the option for those who are NOT perfectly skilled in trading. With the option of long term holding, you will be able to eliminate all the risks associated with short-term trading and investing.

Making daily 1% or 2% is purely based on your skill set. If you are able to do so then definitely you can go for it. But before going for it you should understand that risks with it. If you do not want to take the risk then you should go for long term investing and not even for 30% target of monthly.

Most commonly, it would be much better to avoid daily trading. Because crypto markets are highly fluctuated  one and if you go for daily trading then the chances to making losses is more than making any profits.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Jahmal32 on December 13, 2018, 06:34:38 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
1-2% per day. As the little even for day trade. You can safely earn 10%, but only if it is suitable for you? You decide which method is more attractive for you.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: milewilda on December 13, 2018, 06:42:09 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Neither which way on what would you prefer but since you do day trade then small percentage profits would always do.As long you are making positive results in the end of the day, you might
either earn more than on what you have expected.

1-2% a day? IMO, that's not realistic. Think about this: 6 percent a month, that's about doubling your account every year. That's huge. If we take Forex as an example, the best traders aim for 20 percent increase of their account every year. You cannot possibly have a realistic long term strategy and consistent profit with 1-2% gain per day. Even if you manage to get that profit a couple of months in a row, the next trade could be a huge loss that may wipe out the previous gains. Better to have a working strategy that gives you consistent profit, albeit much smaller than what you said.
For Forex and Stocks talks then 1-2% gain is already huge but for crypto it would be a little different due to chances of earning more due to volatility but well in exchange
the loss would have the same ratio.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Slow death on December 13, 2018, 07:17:33 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

some things you need to keep in mind:

1- Choose good currency, in my opinion bitcoin is the best option

2 - have a good capital, and in my opinion is more profitable when you have more than 1 btc

3 - Do not set goals as if every day you would be forced to have profits from 1% to 2%, there will be days that you will not be able to trade for several reasons. The best would be you just make trade without estimating goals for your mind do not charge much of yourself (do not feel much pressure)

Some quick maths for you (starting with 1000$, 1% per day + reinvesting profits = exponential):

In 1 year you’ll get 1.01³⁶⁵ = 37x (3700%) = 37K. Well done, getting some nice profit for your hard work.
In 2 years you’ll get 1.01²*³⁶⁵ = 1427x = 1.4M. That Lambo is finally yours. I hope you went with yellow.
In 3 years you’ll get 1.01³*³⁶⁵= 53939x = 53M. You own boats and planes now. Ballin’ 24/7.
In 5 years you’ll get 1.01⁵*³⁶⁵= 77002912x = 77B. You own a country now.
In 10 years … The Universe is yours, congratulations.


if he does exactly so he will be the next richest man in the world

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: darkr on December 14, 2018, 12:31:52 PM
The thing with trading honestly is that no style of trading is easy. Some always think if they switch from day trade to short term, mid term or long term you will have it easier, but the truth is that if you approach the market as if you are gambling, the same fate will always await you as an individual.

What you make as profit depends on how you make it which is your strategy, and how you make it, depends on the knowledge you have to be able to make it. Profit does not come easily in trading, you just have to know what you are doing, and do it right to be able to get the best from it.

Yes, it is useless to make these targets. The crypto market can go up and down several times a day, and you can never guess if you make money today or lose everything. Just consider the current situation.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: LuvCyanide on December 14, 2018, 09:43:54 PM
I invest in currency every 2 or 3 days. During this time, the currency has time to grow. I'm afraid to invest for a month in a falling market.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Renaldi blackspadeteam on December 15, 2018, 02:13:04 AM
I prefer to trade crypto every day, maybe because I'm used to it, and sometimes I can't get 1-2% per day, because of the price down, but in monthly trading, I'm afraid the price keep down

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: The Cryptovator on December 15, 2018, 04:12:01 AM
Why should have you wait for one month? Is it not better daily 1-3% so it will become monthly 30-90%. Who know after one month your hold coin become 30% down. So why not trade daily. I mean just get few profit and exit from it then go another coin. You can choose few coin for day trade. I am not fan of monthly trade if in case coin price has not dropped much. However it's your money and you have to decide yourself. Take risk what you can afford.  Just don't be much greedy, it can make you loser.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: wuvdoll on December 15, 2018, 06:19:00 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Neither of them is easy to achieve however we are missing the point of the question, he is not asking if one of them is easy, he is not asking if we can achieve any of them. He is asking which one is easier compared to other that is all. Something could be %99 impossible to achieve but if the other is 100% than the other one is automatically easier. Hence, I think we should just choose one of the options as the easier option.

If you ask me making 20%-30% per month is easier, now there is a lot of difference between 20 and 30 but there is also a lot of difference between 30 and 60 which is what daily 1-2 is suggesting. Hence it is highly unlikely someone can make ANY profit at all during these days but making 20% is a lot easier than making 60% every month. Thats why my vote goes to 20%-30% per month option. Not that its easy but its at least easier.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: panganib999 on December 15, 2018, 01:47:22 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Both are easy to achieve however there are hindrances to do that like market fluctuation, price variation and market situations. Well we all want us to make profit in here but money ain't instant and so we have different strategies to use on this kind of industry and that is what we need to find while engaging on cryptocurrency. Everything is possible in here so find a way to make money.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: paper-eddy on December 15, 2018, 02:02:28 PM
Some quick maths for you (starting with 1000$, 1% per day + reinvesting profits = exponential):

In 1 year you’ll get 1.01³⁶⁵ = 37x (3700%) = 37K. Well done, getting some nice profit for your hard work.
In 2 years you’ll get 1.01²*³⁶⁵ = 1427x = 1.4M. That Lambo is finally yours. I hope you went with yellow.
In 3 years you’ll get 1.01³*³⁶⁵= 53939x = 53M. You own boats and planes now. Ballin’ 24/7.
In 5 years you’ll get 1.01⁵*³⁶⁵= 77002912x = 77B. You own a country now.
In 10 years … The Universe is yours, congratulations.

what better way to live life than to own it lol

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: QuadsPoker on December 15, 2018, 03:25:22 PM
My opinion is that 1% daily must be an achievable goal.
You only have to exclude losing trading as much as possible.

Me personally I chase my 1% goal every day but to achieve this I do as many trades as possible and take as many micro profits as possible. Its like value betting in sports betting by adding a huge volume in bets (trades) you can decrease the variance more or less.

For this huge volume of trades I mostly only use Bollinger bands and apply my dip strategy combined with the Bollinger bands.

But anyway I do not claim that you will be profitable every day but my personal experience learns me I m profitable 80% of my trading days. And the days I am not profitable losses are minimalistic. Putting only 1-5% of your total balance in 1 trade than you can minimise your losses if a trade goes wrong.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: noormcs5 on December 15, 2018, 05:02:43 PM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Yes, both of the targets are impossible to achieve in the current market conditions. We are seeing more and more dump each day and i am sure good traders have stopped trading for the time being, until the bitcoin bottom  is clear.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: QuadsPoker on December 15, 2018, 06:03:25 PM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Yes, both of the targets are impossible to achieve in the current market conditions. We are seeing more and more dump each day and i am sure good traders have stopped trading for the time being, until the bitcoin bottom  is clear.

why do people say it is impossible to trade? I made multiple profitable trades today like I do everyday. and I use the same simple strategy that can be used in bear and bull market

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Yusuf77 on December 15, 2018, 06:48:44 PM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Yes, both of the targets are impossible to achieve in the current market conditions. We are seeing more and more dump each day and i am sure good traders have stopped trading for the time being, until the bitcoin bottom  is clear.
maybe the trader must choose one of them and make a good plan in order to achieve it. but nowadays there are so many people who stop and look for new things that can make money. of course it all depends on you and the decision is in your hands.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Bobby park on December 15, 2018, 10:39:45 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
It is not hard to do when market is at the good condition. But 1% to 2% daily profit is impossible in a bearish season. Probably, it is achievable in 20% per month because we can make a long strategy dealing with our hold coins and etc. But, it is also difficult to make profits if time by time, we lose our capital. I do not have strategy in bear market than to hold or scalp.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: hermankoles on December 15, 2018, 10:56:52 PM
Crypto price fluctuations continue to occur almost every minute or hour, and I prefer daily trading to get 1-2% profit per transaction per day and that of course I am sharing a coin portfolio that maximizes profit and minimizes loss

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: adaseb on December 16, 2018, 01:37:05 AM
I've started trading in various markets over a decade ago, because I looked at the markets how they move hundreds of points everyday, I figured I am smart enough to make at least 1% daily. And let me tell you... its much easier to lose 1% daily than to make it... especially consistently.

I think you are better off trading the longer terms but you need to realize you won't make 20% unless you take significant risks. Trading now, especially in these bear markets is very difficult. The bull markets were easy but they don't last forever.

These markets are all zero-sum. For you to make money... someone has to lose it. And it will most likely be you.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Greed Dev on December 16, 2018, 06:21:28 AM
We will not be able to find a stable number in the crypto market and I advise you to give up that plan.
This is because a volatile market will never give investors a stable return. It can make us say 15% of today's property value, but tomorrow it will make us lose more than 30%. ;D

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: DarkBullet on December 16, 2018, 09:09:46 AM
We will not be able to find a stable number in the crypto market and I advise you to give up that plan.
This is because a volatile market will never give investors a stable return. It can make us say 15% of today's property value, but tomorrow it will make us lose more than 30%. ;D

I agree in a fact that there is no stable return in cryptocurrency and it actually depends on how the market runs. Sometimes we lose, sometimes we win and that also depends on your trading strategy plus applying your experiences will also give you better understanding where to sell or buy it back. Gaining and loosing can be controlled if you are a day trader and using the stop limit / stop loss tools properly. Controlling your emotions is always a must.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: shinharu10282016 on December 16, 2018, 02:26:17 PM
We will not be able to find a stable number in the crypto market and I advise you to give up that plan.
This is because a volatile market will never give investors a stable return. It can make us say 15% of today's property value, but tomorrow it will make us lose more than 30%. ;D

I agree in a fact that there is no stable return in cryptocurrency and it actually depends on how the market runs. Sometimes we lose, sometimes we win and that also depends on your trading strategy plus applying your experiences will also give you better understanding where to sell or buy it back. Gaining and loosing can be controlled if you are a day trader and using the stop limit / stop loss tools properly. Controlling your emotions is always a must.

Yea, crypto all runs on the how the market. Most of the time, especially this year, we lost it. :)

I guess controlling your emotions applies to all aspect of life, not just in crypto. :)

Anyways, about the topic, both of the options are quite the same. 1-2% per day is too good to be true.

20-30% per month is quite reasonable if you're experienced.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Kotone on December 16, 2018, 07:26:56 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

For a beginner in the market, it's better to start with 1-2% a day consistently and to learn more trades as possible to find your effective system that you can use to just trade a few times but can yield the same result when your trading more often. Efficiency wise it's better right and you can do this not just to one market, you can also try this to others that will give you more leverage.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nelsledma on December 18, 2018, 09:29:28 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
None of them are easy. It’s easy to say but it’s not easy to do. How do you plan on going for that? Through a short term trading or long term Hodl? If you Hodl to make 20% to 30%every month, you wouldn’t be sure it that’s going to work cause price can be something by the end of the month. Short term trading is even the most difficult.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nicolas1979 on December 18, 2018, 01:23:18 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

I think realistic target it will helpful and 1% - 2% a day is very great take profit point, in many reason this is the best one. To reach 1 - 2% is not easy but we all know take profit point has small range with stop loss. Because of that if you fail you can fix your strategy and test again, not too high or hard to reach as long you never repeat the same mistakes again, trust me.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: apityeh71 on March 05, 2019, 03:09:22 AM
Its more difficult to gain profit everyday so we should be have target profit by monthly.  20%-30%  of profit amonth is possible in this situation  of market. And by use coompound strategy we can make more profit.  The most important thing to get that profit is we should  use stop loss and trailling stop for each trade.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on March 05, 2019, 04:06:21 AM
1-2% is possible, but I will not say "easier" since we are still in the bear market condition. Don't expect 1-2% profits on a weekend since trading on Saturdays and Sundays are slow. Same with Friday, what I have observed is that on a Friday, price of coins starts to go down a bit then price will start to pick up again on a Monday and Tuesday. 

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Aivaryamal on March 05, 2019, 04:06:30 AM
In theory, both of these goals are quite feasible! The main thing is to correctly distribute your capital to divide it into several parts, even if you trade on one cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Pattart on March 05, 2019, 05:04:37 AM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Yes, both of the targets are impossible to achieve in the current market conditions. We are seeing more and more dump each day and i am sure good traders have stopped trading for the time being, until the bitcoin bottom  is clear.
you are right, we cannot dictate the condition of the price will always be the same as your expectations, so use a flexible strategy, do not use the fix target, because you may not be able to profit as much as that day or month ? adjust to market conditions. but for me 1% each day its much better

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: TopT3ns on March 05, 2019, 07:02:42 AM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Yes, both of the targets are impossible to achieve in the current market conditions. We are seeing more and more dump each day and i am sure good traders have stopped trading for the time being, until the bitcoin bottom  is clear.
you are right, we cannot dictate the condition of the price will always be the same as your expectations, so use a flexible strategy, do not use the fix target, because you may not be able to profit as much as that day or month ? adjust to market conditions. but for me 1% each day its much better
If me which one can give me profit, i will do it. But 1% each day actually will really affect if we have a lot of capital. And that thing always happen in anywhere, play safe with big capital and whoever have big capital might can get high profit.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: hardinero007 on March 05, 2019, 07:47:29 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

getting 1-2% is a lot easier than getting 20% over a month.  there will be days where you'll gain more than 2% a day as there will also be days where you'll lose more than 2% a day.  but getting 20% over a month means getting more gains daily than losing ones.  and to gain 1-2% daily for the majority of the days over the month requires more studies, research, analysis, tips and good luck.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Cosbycoin on March 06, 2019, 02:33:32 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
I don't think getting 2% everyday is very realistic because the market cannot be good all of the time, and if I do my maths well, getting 2% daily will give me a total of 60%  in a month which is double the 30% which I was supposed to get, so why will I like taking 30% in a month than taking 60%.

It is just like saying that I should choose from being paid $500 daily or I should get $5000 monthly, if it were to be you, which are you going to choose? Let us talk about things that are realistic.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: akram143 on March 06, 2019, 02:44:08 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
I think making the daily profit will be more difficult than getting the monthly profit because it will be more tougher to work for getting everyday profit so you need to be make hard work and change your lifestyle also for making this possible.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: conected on March 06, 2019, 02:49:28 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

getting 1-2% is a lot easier than getting 20% over a month.  there will be days where you'll gain more than 2% a day as there will also be days where you'll lose more than 2% a day.  but getting 20% over a month means getting more gains daily than losing ones.  and to gain 1-2% daily for the majority of the days over the month requires more studies, research, analysis, tips and good luck.

- I do not think we earn 1-2% in a day is an easy thing because the risks from this market are always mysterious and it will appear very unexpectedly, even if we have prepared psychology and coping methods, we are also hard to handle all situations. 20% per month is also not a story that can be easily done, and because of challenges with such a high level of difficulty and pressure, traders should probably stop thinking about the amount of money they can earn every day or every month in trading, they should be comfortable and make money with all the power they have, this thinking will not make them feel pressured

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: beerlover on March 06, 2019, 05:01:11 PM
In the present market situation, neither of these are easier, but 20-30% per month would be reasonable. If you are an experienced trader then you can get both of these without much difficulty.

Yes, both of the targets are impossible to achieve in the current market conditions. We are seeing more and more dump each day and i am sure good traders have stopped trading for the time being, until the bitcoin bottom  is clear.
you are right, we cannot dictate the condition of the price will always be the same as your expectations, so use a flexible strategy, do not use the fix target, because you may not be able to profit as much as that day or month ? adjust to market conditions. but for me 1% each day its much better
If me which one can give me profit, i will do it. But 1% each day actually will really affect if we have a lot of capital. And that thing always happen in anywhere, play safe with big capital and whoever have big capital might can get high profit.
Yeah, 1% profit trading with little capital actually is quite small but it is still much more better  if we consider the fact that it is better than it sitting down in our bank (FIAT) without yielding any interest. At least if the investor is sure of making profit out of it , it can continue to compound it till it grows bigger for bigger investment.

Imagine that I invest with 1000 usd and I keep growing it daily for the next 30 days, it means I will be able to get 1300 usd back at the end of the month which I can use again to invest for the next month, imagine how much that will be in a year.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: futile-resistance on March 06, 2019, 05:39:26 PM
Based on your write, if you are to day trade at 1 to 2% profit pays you more even when you take profit at 1 % though that is not what matters most in deciding, what matters is the coin you are trading with and how reliable the coin is, will the coin still be reliable for that long period of one month without anything shaking your investment, to me, aside the day trading profit that is more , I believe it has less risk, at least every day, you keep learning more about the project you investing in and thereby knowing their faith on a daily basis. There are lots of ICOs that has parked up within a month of coming into the business.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: xvids on March 06, 2019, 08:39:49 PM
For me I would prefer 1-2% per day ,
But it wouldn't always work in your favor,
I have done it before I manage to make about 10 trades with just a small percent of gain about 1-3%.
Then I would put it all back in ,then one day I manage to lose about 13% because the coin drop down,just imagine all of your spent time to gain profit just vanished in just a single trade.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: whirlcoin on March 06, 2019, 11:22:32 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
trading is always a difficult job to do so each and every situation we have a difficulty mostly day trading will be more difficult to get profit each and every day so I think more than long term trading and short term trading will be more risky for everyone

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: panjay on March 07, 2019, 04:47:06 AM
I tried for some time day trading, just scalping based on some indicator. Just to gain 1-2% each day.

That was frustrating as hell. I don't know maybe my risk management was off or something. So when I trade my eyes glued to the chart, it's consuming my time, energy and sanity. Maybe I just suck lol.

So i just stick to the longer time frame for trading.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: sidkz on May 19, 2019, 06:22:51 AM
It seems to me that daily trading is more stable in terms of income,
   but there is one drawback you need to spend more time trading,
unlike long-term, and no one will give you a guarantee that the token will bring you + 20%,

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: LogitechMouse on May 19, 2019, 08:15:42 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
1-2% is preferable compare to the other one but scalping is very stressful and since you don't know how the market moves, there is a chance that it will go below your buying price. If you are a good trader and not greedy then daily profit is better for you.

For me, I'd rather go buy and hold because its very stressful and I have to do some things in real life and not only trading.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Bagaji on May 19, 2019, 09:05:22 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
In my opinion, both of are easy to achieve only if you are good crypto currency trader but for those who are not good trading they should be contempted with what you can achieve within a day or month like 1-2 percent on a daily basis or monthly.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: viananda2525 on May 19, 2019, 10:22:51 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
In my opinion, both of are easy to achieve only if you are good crypto currency trader but for those who are not good trading they should be contempted with what you can achieve within a day or month like 1-2 percent on a daily basis or monthly.
i have different strategies on my trades.i never set how much i will earn profit in each of my trades.i just do my best effort to gain profits with minimun risk on it.i know its difficult to earn profit i have to avoid and manage the risk.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: ChrisPop on May 19, 2019, 10:59:37 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

There is no correct answer to this. It depends on your skills and knowledge about the markets. If you have mastered technical analysis and have proper risk management I'd go for day-trading. But there are more factors to take into consideration like how much time you have to allocate to trading each day. If you have another job and other activities it would be pretty hard to be an active day-trader.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: quarkfx on May 19, 2019, 11:29:36 AM
both are possible i do both day trading and longterm , but if you are new getting 1-2% in day trading is difficult getting correct entries and market conditions many factors in day trading will not make profits consistent but in long term its all different 

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Ucy on May 19, 2019, 05:29:13 PM
I will go for 1-2% a day.  The gains could even be more for day traders. 

The more time you spend holding a coin, the more risk you face.
Just stick to few established coins as a day trader ...and maybe try the less known ones once in a while

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: bitbunnny on May 19, 2019, 07:08:21 PM
both are possible i do both day trading and longterm , but if you are new getting 1-2% in day trading is difficult getting correct entries and market conditions many factors in day trading will not make profits consistent but in long term its all different 

Yes, both are possible but there is no guarantee you will be successful. Many such percentages sound humble but this is not easy to achieve at all. Day trading is extremly demanding  and not for everyone so I would choose monthly profits.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: timmydakolo2 on May 20, 2019, 04:54:01 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
The both strategy are both possible but there is no warrant that the both strategy will be successful in every day's schedule, because the market doesn't tell when it will go bad and how long it will take when it goes bad.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: emmybd on May 20, 2019, 05:11:43 AM
Day-trading is difficult, you have to spend a lot of time in front of your computer to buy the dip. On the other hand, 20% per month is reasonable not easy though, but achievable.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Aivaryamal on May 20, 2019, 05:53:20 AM
I have been trading for six months and came to the conclusion that it will be easier to do 20-30% per month, since digital assets can not change their rate by 1-2% every day, and within three to four days this necessarily happens)

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Muzika on May 20, 2019, 06:03:58 AM
I have been trading for six months and came to the conclusion that it will be easier to do 20-30% per month, since digital assets can not change their rate by 1-2% every day, and within three to four days this necessarily happens)

it will really depends on the market condition if the market moves upward and had a good numbers then that would be possible to earn more than what you are targeting per day and if that will continue you can earn more than 30% per month doing trade.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Whosdaddy on May 20, 2019, 08:19:18 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
In my opinion, both of are easy to achieve only if you are good crypto currency trader but for those who are not good trading they should be contempted with what you can achieve within a day or month like 1-2 percent on a daily basis or monthly.
I will support interest compounding too that arises from an intraday trade, I dint think there is any good volatile coin in the market that cannot increase at least by 1 to 10% in a day before dropping low again, but it will be quite difficult to get a coin that will give up to 30% at the end of the month for long term investment since it is not a fixed interest.

Although trading on a daily basis is quite not so easy comparing to trading once in a month, but if day trade is properly done well, it is worth it, there is so much guarantee that one can get upto 30% of ones investment by the end of the month.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: BlackFor3st on May 20, 2019, 08:25:15 AM
Both are good as either of them will give you a profit but if you are not that familiar in daily trading then it is better that you should do the monthly one.
You only have to wait and make sure that you have patient in order to obtain your 20% profit target.

But 20% is very little especially in today's market as the market is keep on increasing like 40-60% per month. Monthly trading also requires a little time as you are not going to monitor your investment daily, visiting it 1-2 times a month is enough.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 20, 2019, 03:03:10 PM
We are looking at the "cup is half full or half empty" kind of scenario here. But I will go with the 20-30% monthly because that seem to take off pressure from the trader and allow them do their stuff patiently. Also, remember that focusing on the daily target may cause a trader to get into premature trades for the sake of meeting daily targets. Long term targets are better than short term in every business venture.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Bagaji on May 20, 2019, 10:21:09 PM
We are looking at the "cup is half full or half empty" kind of scenario here. But I will go with the 20-30% monthly because that seem to take off pressure from the trader and allow them do their stuff patiently. Also, remember that focusing on the daily target may cause a trader to get into premature trades for the sake of meeting daily targets. Long term targets are better than short term in every business venture.
You should not be too optimistic about long term target because at some point it fail too. Not that long term hold cannot be generalize for all business venture because there are business that one can see the future from the beginning if you are sound economist and you are not try and engage the service of an economist.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: glendall on May 21, 2019, 03:58:35 AM
for beginner trading I suggest it's better to choose a target of 20% every month, because we don't have to bother looking at the chart every day,
if the target is 1-2% every day, it requires high knowledge about trading management, high and reward, etc.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: valta4065 on May 21, 2019, 04:58:07 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
If you invest in any project with a fixed number if profit in your mind then you may not have that profits. You should not invest intended to higher returns. Any amount we invest can give us profits if we invest them into a correct project. For long term, i think you should think about monthly benefits rather then calculating daily profits. Long term investments are much profitable and less riskier.

Short term investments are subject to market risk and we can loose our funds over there if we do not concentrate more deeply. If you have the skills then you will surely find good profit at the end of your trading.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: D3m1r4wanti on May 21, 2019, 07:07:07 AM
Current trading is not as easy as you think, 1 - 2% is not an easy thing to get. do not rule out the possibility you can get 10-20% in 1 trade but it cannot be equalized every day.
sometimes you will continue to suffer losses if you do CL or waste time waiting for prices to recover.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: redsun114 on May 22, 2019, 07:22:18 AM
Both of them can be possible you just have to make use of the right strategy and you will be able to make up to that amount in a day or a month. I have seen people that makes up to 1 to 2 percent every day and there are also people I have seen that earns up to 20 percent in a month and also those that claims to achieve more than that rate. Earning up to 1 to 2 percent in a day means that you're getting up to 30% to 60% in a month. But just like I said, it all depends on your strategy and whether you're doing the right thing to achieve that.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: idham29 on May 31, 2019, 03:59:10 AM
Current trading is not as easy as you think, 1 - 2% is not an easy thing to get. do not rule out the possibility you can get 10-20% in 1 trade but it cannot be equalized every day.
sometimes you will continue to suffer losses if you do CL or waste time waiting for prices to recover.

It is true that trade is not like science which is all clear. Trading is a combination of common sense and luck, because it is related to the time of purchase or sale.
I think it's easier to get 1% profit every day, if you diligently look at the numbers in the trading table because price movements always change at any time. In the morning try to invest and wait until the price breaks the target, after that, sell and close the transaction that day. The benefits may be small, but it's better because it can be a daily income

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: semobo on May 31, 2019, 04:40:42 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
I think trading for a month will be easier because if that time increased then we have the opportunity to get and achieve the goal very easily that's why making the percentage in monthly wise trading will be definitely is there for everyone to to get the target easily.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Aivaryamal on May 31, 2019, 04:52:29 AM
Every day I get more and more experience in trading and I want to say that it is very difficult to predict the percentage of profit for the month and it will constantly vary depending on the cryptocurrencies from which your portfolio is made

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: LimLims on May 31, 2019, 05:14:45 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

It's completely on you dude, how would you like to yield your investment.
But according to me daily profit will be more beneficial for you guys.
It will help to help you to recover you from losses also on daily basis.
Investment will also be very soon increase.
And you will get early profit ofc from this method.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: katerina5643 on August 08, 2019, 11:45:49 AM
both are possible i do both day trading and longterm , but if you are new getting 1-2% in day trading is difficult getting correct entries and market conditions many factors in day trading will not make profits consistent but in long term its all different 

Yes, both are possible but there is no guarantee you will be successful. Many such percentages sound humble but this is not easy to achieve at all. Day trading is extremly demanding  and not for everyone so I would choose monthly profits.

As a newbie trader i can state that for me it's too complicated to calculate the monthly reward. Price always change and it's too hard to predict where market will go. Also you shoyld consider curent market conditions.But if i'm not sure in my prediction and want to go long i usually check the charts and signals of Monfex. Their predictions are always right.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: numanoid on August 08, 2019, 12:04:08 PM
Both of that way are difficult. I don't know what's the reason people are too greedy to get profit asap they can. Even for a warren buffet, he only aiming for 20% profit annually, and you can look him right now,  He is one of richest people in the world. So why should we aiming too high goal? 1% daily it's mean 30% in a month, or 365% in a year.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: izanagi narukami on August 29, 2019, 02:07:16 PM
How about 1000% for few years ahead ?

For me to make  20-30% per month in consistent will be difficult because in crypto, they are totally unpredictable.
Yes, eventhough you have learn the TA and FA on stock exchange but they still different !

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on August 29, 2019, 11:09:36 PM
Unfortunately the 1% to 2% profits per day is sometimes not achievable. I mean you can get 1% to 2% profits per day including Sundays and Saturdays. But, I would rather go with 2% to 3% profits per day. 1% profits per day is kinda small considering that we pay 0.25% trading fee or even higher depending on what site you are using.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: bitcon on August 31, 2019, 08:26:25 PM
Unfortunately the 1% to 2% profits per day is sometimes not achievable. I mean you can get 1% to 2% profits per day including Sundays and Saturdays. But, I would rather go with 2% to 3% profits per day. 1% profits per day is kinda small considering that we pay 0.25% trading fee or even higher depending on what site you are using.

Gosh, you cannot plan either 1-2% or 20-30% profit as trading cryptocurrencies is the most unpredictable business. You cannot foresee when the market changes and how it will behave. Today, you plan to do 2% and start the deal, but in an hour or less, the market falls, and you lose.
Or, certainly, vice versa. Follow the market changes and be flexible - it is the best thing to prompt.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: rodel caling on August 31, 2019, 11:11:26 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

For me 1-2% a day lets compute if we can earn 1% aday in 30days we can earn 30% of profits if we can earn 2% aday is equal 60% earning profits in one month is abig different for 20-30% a month is that simple math analysis.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Barbut on September 01, 2019, 07:22:21 AM
1-2% per day is the same as 20-30% per month in terms of profit. What is easier, I think 20-30% with one trade is easier to make than to trade every day for that 1-2% profit. But it`s my opinion, based on my experience. I tried daily trading and overall I lost money like that. When I started with long term trading I started to make profit, and for me it`s easier to find a good coin, invest in that coin and wait some time for the price to rise and you can collect the profit.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Mehr Sher on September 01, 2019, 07:37:49 AM
As long as you are in green, I will take it in either way. But it’s not so simple to make 1% or even 20% a month. The obvious challenge is that you have to consistently make profits, which is often impossible. However, with good strategy we can reduce losses and increase profits for our self. I work with just keeping tracks on Crypto News (, which is enough to bring me good and consistent rewards. And I feel it should be good enough for all.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: maydna on September 01, 2019, 11:24:55 AM
It is better to get 1-2% a day than 20-30% per month because you will feel difficult to search for the profit. Besides that, for making 1-2% daily, you have so many coins that you can use to buy low and sell high, thus your chance to get the profit will bigger. And if you calculate in a month, perhaps your profit will bigger than 20-30% at the end of the month. So I suggest you make 1-2% in a day and keep doing that, and you will be surprised at how much money you can make.

You will not feel difficult to make 1-2% a day, especially if many coins can move together and you are buying at the right time so your profit will come to you.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: tungaqhd on September 01, 2019, 12:48:08 PM
It is better to get 1-2% a day than 20-30% per month because you will feel difficult to search for the profit. Besides that, for making 1-2% daily, you have so many coins that you can use to buy low and sell high, thus your chance to get the profit will bigger. And if you calculate in a month, perhaps your profit will bigger than 20-30% at the end of the month. So I suggest you make 1-2% in a day and keep doing that, and you will be surprised at how much money you can make.

You will not feel difficult to make 1-2% a day, especially if many coins can move together and you are buying at the right time so your profit will come to you.
Everything should still depend on our capital, if capital is large, 1%-2% per day is a good choice because there are so many altcoins that can fluctuate and grow every day, the profit is probably very small but with a large amount of capital, it is very significant, but with small capital, profit is probably not enough to pay fees, so 20-30% per month is probably the wiser choice. Besides, we may still not impose any criteria on this work, that will make us reduce anxiety and stress, the process we work in will be more efficient

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: pinkpanther03 on September 01, 2019, 01:34:19 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

1% profit a day on trading is realistic to be happen, if you will have a dedication, determination and passion to do it.
Just important is that don't focus in one coin only that you are going to invest in. If you maintain this you're capital will grow
for sure.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: princerepon on September 02, 2019, 06:39:35 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

None of them i think. Because both side have are too much complicated thing. Day trade is too much risk in trade. I prefer people to stay way for day trade specially which people are new in trade. And now days invest on a project is too much risk too because lot of scam projects. It's too much hard to find a good quality project. But if you find a great project which have a great team, good idea and good future i think this is the best side to choose than day trade.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: South Park on September 02, 2019, 04:34:15 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

1% profit a day on trading is realistic to be happen, if you will have a dedication, determination and passion to do it.
Just important is that don't focus in one coin only that you are going to invest in. If you maintain this you're capital will grow
for sure.

People do not really seem to understand compound interest, even if you were to get only 1% profits daily at the end of the year your capital will multiply many times over if you keep reinvesting your profits in your trading account, so anyone setting a goal of earning 1% profit per day is setting himself for failure, in the stock market anyone earning over 10% per year is considered to be really good, if we consider the volatility of this market if you can earn more than 30% per year I will say the same about you, so those thinking in reaching those huge gains are not creating realistic goals for themselves.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Reatim on September 02, 2019, 04:44:38 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Is that for reality?that neither of that are easy?or maybe you misspelled and that is “AREN'T EASY”?1-2% a day aren’t assurance because volatility of crypto hindered every currency to continuously grow so there is no way that we can consistently gain that percentage daily or even that 20% a month

Because if it’s true that it was easy then we can make our capital more than double a year!?if that’s the case so we can just sell all our asset and invest for assurance of doubling this in a year .or so!?no way mate this isn’t realistic just like what other says above me

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Golftech on September 02, 2019, 04:44:59 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

None of them i think. Because both side have are too much complicated thing. Day trade is too much risk in trade. I prefer people to stay way for day trade specially which people are new in trade. And now days invest on a project is too much risk too because lot of scam projects. It's too much hard to find a good quality project. But if you find a great project which have a great team, good idea and good future i think this is the best side to choose than day trade.
Both sides have a big risk behind, it's hard to find project who can provide such good outcomes, it's takes time before learning the right system and strategy to work with your knowledge, though there's traders who already find a comfort playing with either day trade strategy or medium type of
holdings to reach 20%-30% per month, it's still depends from how good you understand the market and how you will handle taking the risk of any possibilities of losing your investment.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on September 03, 2019, 03:01:24 AM
It is actually very difficult to get 1-2% per day for a long period of time. I would say this is impossible. Short-term trading is a casino. In such trading, it is difficult to count on stable results for a long time. Therefore, of course, it is better for a trader to wait for a good opportunity and make 30%.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: juperos on September 03, 2019, 06:51:14 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Yes, I have also tried to implement such trading strategies. It's quite reasonable, but it's not always easy for the market to move so you can earn so much.
it will have strong price cuts and our account will be greatly reduced as well.
To gain profit every day, we really need to have very profound knowledge to fight the market.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: ophyrim on September 03, 2019, 07:05:50 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

As a day trader, I can easily say that to get 1-2% in a day is easier than 20-30% per month. Because to gain 1% in a day you need a strategy that you can use every day. You don't need any fundamentals and market conditions. just hit and run.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: guoyu78 on September 03, 2019, 03:02:32 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

None of them i think. Because both side have are too much complicated thing. Day trade is too much risk in trade. I prefer people to stay way for day trade specially which people are new in trade. And now days invest on a project is too much risk too because lot of scam projects. It's too much hard to find a good quality project. But if you find a great project which have a great team, good idea and good future i think this is the best side to choose than day trade.
You cannot run away from your problem, you have to just face them, if you continue to run away from trading because of this and that, when then will you stop running. Both are good and we see people that has been making money trading both daily and monthly, with daily, you can at least know that you will still make what will help you pay for some bills the next day if you don’t want to compound, and as you are compounding, you are building more of your portfolio for more bitcoin.

I know that trading is very risky, but we have so many people that are taking the risk on a daily basis and are getting through it having cash they go to their portfolio with often. That type of trading is good, but to be done professionally with the accurate knowledge and strategy.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: carlfebz2 on September 03, 2019, 04:58:52 PM
It is very difficult to maintain a constant profit of 1-2% a day, You can make a profit 1-2% in a few days in a row, but then you will probably lose all that place. So I think it makes sense to set a monthly profit target.
Yes,theres no such thing for you not to take any loss on a particular trading day.Talking about constant its always be a non assurance for you to get profits on daily basis but having a goal or target is suggested but on my part I don't think too much on how much would I profit as long I can see green on my portfolio then it is already enough and can be considered good.It will only be total at the end of the month on how much you had made and you should not force up yourself to hit up a specific target.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: bitbunnny on September 03, 2019, 05:23:57 PM
It's not easy at all to get the profits you mentioned. Actually, it's rather hard to make continuous profit either on dayly or monthly level. If you stick only to certain percentage of profit you might get disappointed because there will be times when you will not achieve that.
Since there is no profit guarantee or easy way you should choose the strategy that suits you the most. But you have to also include some loss into your calculations.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: dark08 on September 05, 2019, 11:22:54 PM
There's no easy way to get a good profit in trading because losses are always there you cannot predict what will happen in the market it can be pump or dump anytime making a 1 to 2% a day is more realistic as long as you can handle your emotion plus managing your risk.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: dunfida on September 11, 2019, 10:43:43 PM
There's no easy way to get a good profit in trading because losses are always there you cannot predict what will happen in the market it can be pump or dump anytime making a 1 to 2% a day is more realistic as long as you can handle your emotion plus managing your risk.
If its just between 1% to 2% there's a chance that you can predict where the trend is going by using the right tools. RSI, Parabolic SAR and Bollinger Bands are the tools that I use for short trades specially Bollinger Bands which is used by day traders. if its a long term trade that's truly hard to predict.
Using these similar indicators too but we cant say that these are precise things to rely on but somehow i do able to get some profits on short term.
Scalping isnt really that easy and cant be attained by anyone.Its a good trading set-up but a more riskier than or compared on just simply holding.
Dont set out goals in terms of fix because this will just pressure us.Just do things without minding on how much you had made, just make it sure or try
your best to get greens.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Micerker on September 18, 2019, 08:48:58 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Trading-day is one of the high-level techniques of trading. You must be a trader with many years of experience in trading. You must choose potential Altcoins with large fluctuations in a short time, these are the weaknesses that you need to have if choosing trading-day. The risk of Trading-day is huge if you make the wrong choice, you have to accept losses.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: on September 19, 2019, 03:38:16 AM
when you have the ability to produce 1 to 2% every day from the funds you have, and the ability to produce 20 to 30% of the assets you have, I suggest doing both.

You can divide the funds you have into 50/50, so you can earn 2% every day, and 30% for each month. so you have daily and monthly income, and if the total is the result will be greater. You can even produce more than 50% of your assets every month if you succeed in doing that. Well, it's not easy, but this is just a parable.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: slashz9 on September 19, 2019, 05:18:27 AM
my opinoin is better to tryn 1-2% profit daily rather than taking 20-30% a month.
but yeah you need tou learn from pro trader,or take a trading learning course.
without anything you like gambling and really depend on luck.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: 1BTC EQUALS 1CAR on September 19, 2019, 07:35:27 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
You need to have a huge capital to make a good spread if you are aiming 1-2% with daytrading and there are also factors like having many altcoins can be so stressful because a lot of them coud go down more than 2%. So the safe strategy is 20%-30% per month and if you start monitoring Eth, it is the best pick to do the swing trades. Eth plunges down 20%-30% in some weeks but will manage to go back up again and it kept happening for months.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Bezobraznike on September 19, 2019, 07:45:33 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
You need to have a huge capital to make a good spread if you are aiming 1-2% with daytrading and there are also factors like having many altcoins can be so stressful because a lot of them coud go down more than 2%. So the safe strategy is 20%-30% per month and if you start monitoring Eth, it is the best pick to do the swing trades. Eth plunges down 20%-30% in some weeks but will manage to go back up again and it kept happening for months.

   People shouldn`t have time frame for making profit with trading. If you believe in some coin invest in it and be patient, price will rise more
then 20-30% after some time, month or two, or more, who knows, we need to be patient.
   It`s risk when you hurry to make profit, most likely you will make a mistake in that hurry. Do things slowly and safe, profit will come eventually.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Janation on September 19, 2019, 07:45:44 AM
It is possible to get 20-30% a month, not per month.

With the volatility of cryptocurrencies, you might not tell how much you can make a month, a day or even a year.

It varies how the market move but it is possible to get 1-2% a day, as long as you are wary of the movements that are happening. But the more cryptocurrencies you hold or have, that would be really hard since every movement of those cryptos, you should be able to monitor.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: silversurfer1958 on September 19, 2019, 08:40:09 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
It's a positive way of thinking, but it's hard for anyone to keep up that feat for a long time. There are legendary investors, 1 year they only made a growth of 28% - 35% of their total investment funds. so we should think smaller and more modest, I think 10% per month is already a great achievement and we will have a more relaxed mind.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: travwill on October 01, 2019, 10:42:47 PM
Perhaps scalping, one of the activities that can bring 1% -2% per day. Or trading without shorts, you can also with shorts if you are experienced.
In any case, for all these activities you need experience and knowledge. How to earn 20% per month from my income without any particular risks, I don’t know, all the options I know are quite risky.
Income of 20% - 30% per month is a fairly large amount. As a rule, such incomes, especially in the crypto sector, are fraught with high risks,
which means that in some of the months you can lose a significant amount of money from already earned ones.
I like the earnings of 1% -2% per day more, because every day the amount will increase and increase.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Rodeo02 on October 02, 2019, 06:21:52 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
It's a positive way of thinking, but it's hard for anyone to keep up that feat for a long time. There are legendary investors, 1 year they only made a growth of 28% - 35% of their total investment funds. so we should think smaller and more modest, I think 10% per month is already a great achievement and we will have a more relaxed mind.
That was more realistic than to get 28-35% monthly. Since there are no guaranteed that you can make profit every month might lost huge if you dont watch your trade.
But if OP can make 1% daily trade  thats better since they can watch the price always and cut loss if they see the price change.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: teosanru on October 02, 2019, 06:43:50 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Definitely 20% over a month. My answer might be different from everyone as everyone would say that 1-2% is always much easier to get as it just takes a small swing in your direction for you to reach your profit. But it doesn't works that way. As this 1-2% swing could go any way around which means it is as easy to lose money as it is to make money ending you with zero odds on your side. Moreover 1-2% a day involves day trading. Day trading is a very stringent mental exercise which involves you fighting with your own emotions when you are just about to press the buy button and sell button. Not everyone has the capacity to do this. So earning 20% per month with a good strategy is easier because you atleast have a control over your feelings and you can rethink about your decision a couple of times.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Rodeo02 on October 02, 2019, 07:52:22 AM
20-30% seems easier for me because when you limit yourself for 1-2% per day then that will give you a very low profit because there is fee that you need to pay for each trade and also the fee when you do some withdrawal. While, when you trade and target for at least 20-30% per month, it is easier for you since you have a larger room to work with and you don't feel that you are limited.
it will depend  actually how much is your capital is. If you earn 1% -2% from 2-3 BTC that was not bad and the transaction fee will not be a problem. If you still afraid of high transaction fee you can use other altcoin that much lower transaction fees.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: adroitful_one on October 02, 2019, 10:42:34 AM
1-2% per trade is fairly easy to accomplish. If you buy in at the right time, you can easily pick up 3%+ in just a few minutes. If you do one of these trades a day, then you're better off going that route. The reason is, that 1% gain you got adds onto the next trade you do. So, let's say you started with $10, now you have $10.10 to invest and will have $10.12 on the next trade. So, it's better to shoot for the 1-2%/day due to the compounding gains. At the end of the month, you will have made more than if you just held the coin to get to the 20-30%.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: jrrsparkles on October 02, 2019, 10:46:11 AM
Neither 1-2% everyday nor 30% every month is realistic target can be achieved so make it something under realistic like 5-6% per month will be a good choice.

But for the context of your idealogy better choose the monthly goal rather than having daily because we may not achieve daily goals in crypto trading and also we have to spend more effort but when we keep it in longer format no need to give much effort until our goal price reaches.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: SummerBliss on October 02, 2019, 12:24:18 PM
Neither 1-2% everyday nor 30% every month is realistic target can be achieved so make it something under realistic like 5-6% per month will be a good choice.

The OP's question is really like, Which one is easier winning daily at gambling or winning lottery at once!
In truth, both are impossible. No one is that skillful as well as lucky enough to make 1-2% daily, nor does anyone can make guaranteed 20-30% every month.

As suggested by you, 5-6% is quite achievable. All it takes is following some good signals and doing intra-day with short intervals. But for someone indulged completely in trading, is it really fruitful to make just 5-6% a month?

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: jrrsparkles on October 02, 2019, 12:49:02 PM
As suggested by you, 5-6% is quite achievable. All it takes is following some good signals and doing intra-day with short intervals. But for someone indulged completely in trading, is it really fruitful to make just 5-6% a month?
Certainly,I will not suggest anyone to go with short term interval trading unless you got the capital could be completely afford to lose.When someone is doing intra day trading then its possible to make 5-6% on that day but the thing is not possible to make everyday.When the days we are not making any profit we also might lose the profits from previous days so when we compound it then its not worth to make 20% of profit when we can make it possible with few trades every month.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: jakoylantern on October 02, 2019, 01:00:28 PM
20-30% seems easier for me because when you limit yourself for 1-2% per day then that will give you a very low profit because there is fee that you need to pay for each trade and also the fee when you do some withdrawal. While, when you trade and target for at least 20-30% per month, it is easier for you since you have a larger room to work with and you don't feel that you are limited.
it will depend  actually how much is your capital is. If you earn 1% -2% from 2-3 BTC that was not bad and the transaction fee will not be a problem. If you still afraid of high transaction fee you can use other altcoin that much lower transaction fees.

I agree with what you said. It depends on that capital you are trading at and earning 1%-2% from 2-3 BTC is not that bad. Also, it's good because making that money in daily trading is a massive profit at the end of the month. Also, the transaction fee is not that high, but 20-30% a month seems more comfortable, but in trading, we can't always say that you can reach your profits at that rate, compared to daily trading that if you reach your favorable rating, you can stop or continue until the price is affordable to you. :)

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Driggers95 on October 02, 2019, 01:22:02 PM
20-30% seems easier for me because when you limit yourself for 1-2% per day then that will give you a very low profit because there is fee that you need to pay for each trade and also the fee when you do some withdrawal. While, when you trade and target for at least 20-30% per month, it is easier for you since you have a larger room to work with and you don't feel that you are limited.
it will depend  actually how much is your capital is. If you earn 1% -2% from 2-3 BTC that was not bad and the transaction fee will not be a problem. If you still afraid of high transaction fee you can use other altcoin that much lower transaction fees.
Although this will depend on the amount of capital and method we use to minimize the amount of fees we will pay but overall, the goal per month is probably less stressful than every day when the capital is too large, sometimes it will create a lot of pressure for us, sometimes the liquidity is low, earn 1% -2% but if a loss appears, it will be larger numbers. While going back to the problem every month, we will have more time to think and choose, market sentiment is a very fast changing thing and a lot of time will give us the best opportunity

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Omega Weapon on October 02, 2019, 08:50:56 PM
Both of them are incredibly difficult, I do not think that people really realize how difficult it is to make that amount of money, even if your starting capital was small you could become a millionaire in just a few years with those kind of profits so before people think about how to get those kind of profits people need to really think if they are willing to accept the risks that comes from trying to get that kind of money because I can assure you that if someone tries to get those profits 99% of them will fail.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Polar91 on October 02, 2019, 09:18:54 PM
It's more feasible to acquire 1-2 % a day profit rather than 20% a month. The main factor is the volitality of the market. The market movement of crypto is very agressive thus it's a great opportunity for scalpers who are targetting to make profit a day. Market movement of crypto these previous months are moving sideways thus long term trading isn't that worth it.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: debuni on October 03, 2019, 12:44:02 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Profits depends on risk, for exemple you can either choose to lend your bitcoins on an exchange for a 10% annual rate but a pretty low risk (considering the exchange doesn't get hacked/scam), or you can choose to scalp/day trade, high risk high reward!

Perhaps scalping, one of the activities that can bring 1% -2% per day. Or trading without shorts, you can also with shorts if you are experienced.
In any case, for all these activities you need experience and knowledge. How to earn 20% per month from my income without any particular risks, I don’t know, all the options I know are quite risky.
Income of 20% - 30% per month is a fairly large amount. As a rule, such incomes, especially in the crypto sector, are fraught with high risks,
which means that in some of the months you can lose a significant amount of money from already earned ones.
I like the earnings of 1% -2% per day more, because every day the amount will increase and increase.

Statistics exist and it says that only 3-5% of traders that deal with cryptocurrencies get their profits regularly and reach success. Therefore, the main thing here is not to think of how much you can make and which of the strategies will be the best one for you. The main idea is to create a strategy where you will not lose or at least make these possible losses as small as possible.
It is true that very few traders succeed in the long run, so it's essential to distinguish yourself with your own strategy and to have a very good risk management

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: nambu on October 03, 2019, 04:30:15 AM
Every day I get more and more experience in trading and I want to say that it is very difficult to predict the percentage of profit for the month and it will constantly vary depending on the cryptocurrencies from which your portfolio is made

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Kencha77 on October 03, 2019, 05:45:03 AM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
Getting 1-2% a day is easier for me but I have been a trader too and what I experienced is that anytime I reach 1-2% profit daily, I became more greedy and try to trade again to get more profit. This is my mistake when I'm trading and that is the reason too why I stopped trading right now. Getting both of them are easy only if you know how to control yourself when trading.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: man22555 on October 03, 2019, 07:40:11 AM
For the brain it's probably easier to imagine 1% daily.
This will work best as it's achievable and will bring a cumulative effect.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: teosanru on October 03, 2019, 08:41:12 AM
1-2% per trade is fairly easy to accomplish. If you buy in at the right time, you can easily pick up 3%+ in just a few minutes. If you do one of these trades a day, then you're better off going that route. The reason is, that 1% gain you got adds onto the next trade you do. So, let's say you started with $10, now you have $10.10 to invest and will have $10.12 on the next trade. So, it's better to shoot for the 1-2%/day due to the compounding gains. At the end of the month, you will have made more than if you just held the coin to get to the 20-30%.
It's not easy as it looks like to gain 1-2% per trade. Actually these types of traders who trade for such small gains are called scalpers and generally scalpers don't make their trades manually instead they do it with the help of softwares. Reason here is that for such small time trades you need to be really quick even 10 seconds of delay can be a game changer. Moreover not all coins experience such volume to get these types of gain daily. Moreover as easy it is to have a 3% movement on your side equally easy it is to get a 3% movement on your opposite side. So most number of times you will end up hitting your stop losses because a simple large dumper can manipulate the market by 2% fairly easily and it happens numerous times daily.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Omega Weapon on October 09, 2019, 02:04:04 AM
Every day I get more and more experience in trading and I want to say that it is very difficult to predict the percentage of profit for the month and it will constantly vary depending on the cryptocurrencies from which your portfolio is made
And that is the main issue with trying to earn a specific amount of money each day or month, what if the market is not moving and you are not getting any signals that indicate a profitable trade? Most people instead of accepting a lower amount of profits will begin to take even greater risks and while this can work in the short term this will eventually end and you will suffer massive losses and by the time you realize your mistake it will be too late and it will be impossible to correct it.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: djselery on October 09, 2019, 02:24:12 PM
Both aren't guaranteed because the risk of losing is always high even if you are very experienced in trading cryptocurrencies. Maybe the short term trading seems a bit easier, but it is also not guaranteed to earn you a 1-2% daily. Earning 20-30% monthly is a bit harder especially on the actual market conditions.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: TriplexXx on October 09, 2019, 02:32:22 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month

No such coin. the market is fluctuating so if you make a profit today it easy to lose that money tomorrow. people only get 20% and more when the market is bullish that is why I suggest HODLing only during the market bull run because there is no profit HODLing a coin when the market is bearish.   

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Renampun on October 09, 2019, 03:27:02 PM
my personal experience, it's easier to produce 20-30% /month than 1-2% /day,
I have been trading for several years (forex and cryptocurrencies) and have tried various methods and time frames,
Daily trading does not make me comfortable. I am more suited to weekly or monthly trading.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: iMark on October 09, 2019, 04:27:45 PM
Ok neither of these are easy but as a long term strategy to do think its best to day trade and try and get 1-2% a day or invest in a couple of coins and try and get 20% over a month
every trader has different skills, so just adjust to your skills, but if you have a short-term strategy that can really profit 1-2%, of course it's better because in every month you will produce 30-60%, but if you can't, don't force it, 20% is also worth a lot if you have a large capital.
Not only depends on the skill, but depends on the coins you buy too. Not all coins you buy can have a high increase or even have a price increase that day. adjust the profit you will take from the market situation of these coins you buy, if the coin has the possibility to go higher it is not a problem to wait until the price rises to above 10%, that includes large profits in one day, many altcoins can go up more than that in just 1 day, once again it depends on the market conditions of each coin.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Artime on August 23, 2021, 06:03:53 AM
To avoid risk, it is best to choose a coin that already has a certain weight.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: checkmatesir on August 23, 2021, 09:40:22 AM
In day trading there will be more chances of loss, because it is risks on daily basis and you know really well having trading strategies, there must be some good fortune of every trader to make profits, you can easily make 1-2% daily in day trading but as i had already tell you that you have to be ready for the loss too.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: imstillthebest on August 23, 2021, 09:59:45 AM
To avoid risk, it is best to choose a coin that already has a certain weight.
yeah bro it all starts there before we can proceed on deciding if we will do daily trades or invest and harvest our profits monthly .
 choosing a good coin reduces our risk but theres no way of avoidig a risk like what you are saying .

In day trading there will be more chances of loss, because it is risks on daily basis and you know really well having trading strategies, there must be some good fortune of every trader to make profits, you can easily make 1-2% daily in day trading but as i had already tell you that you have to be ready for the loss too.
good skills plus luck and at the end we are only going to earn 1 to 2 percent?
 but investing and making profit for a month looks good at its kinda bit easy at the same time , no wonder many people chooses this path over the other one .

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: Pasa32 on August 23, 2021, 10:02:17 AM
For long term coins you need to have a big capital and for day trading or short term you need to start with a small capital, it doesn't matter. But there will be more risks of losing money, And another think i must tell you that 2-3% of profit you can get it easily by following the trading strategies.

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: awik p on August 23, 2021, 02:31:27 PM
In day trading there will be more chances of loss, because it is risks on daily basis and you know really well having trading strategies, there must be some good fortune of every trader to make profits, you can easily make 1-2% daily in day trading but as i had already tell you that you have to be ready for the loss too.
Daily trading is certainly more complex in terms of things that must be mastered, because of course it will be more difficult for us to pay attention to markets that have high fluctuations. For people who are experienced in trading, I think 1-2% profit is a logical number to achieve in trading. although sometimes we suffer losses, but in a month we can earn 20-30% is a successful achievement

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: TheListener on August 23, 2021, 03:07:21 PM
I think monthly base is best because when we do daily profit or loos also face so when we see loos we are overminded so that's why we are panic sell best way is monthly base profit is best and we can easily gain this

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: bamb on August 23, 2021, 03:45:02 PM
Targeting 1-2 percents daily is not the problem as these can be achieved very easily.  The concern here is missing the huge potential movement in price on your traded coin.  Cryptocurrency gains could be astronomical and the losses could be devastating as well!  The important thing however is to create a strategy that will make you richer instead of getting bye on your daily trade!

Title: Re: which is easier 1-2% a day or 20-30% per month
Post by: dezoel on August 23, 2021, 07:25:12 PM
Targeting 1-2 percents daily is not the problem as these can be achieved very easily.  The concern here is missing the huge potential movement in price on your traded coin.  Cryptocurrency gains could be astronomical and the losses could be devastating as well!  The important thing however is to create a strategy that will make you richer instead of getting bye on your daily trade!
I do not think that making 1-2% daily is easy, nobody can do that consistently without a problem, missing out on the future bigger profits is not the issue here at all. Can you make 1-2% daily sometimes? Of course you can, you can make even more, you can keep on making ton of profit, I know days I made 2x profit on my trades, it is definitely possible and it is definitely not an issue.

However the question here is not making it once in a while, the problem is that can you make it "daily"? And anyone who thinks that it is easy to make that every day is kidding themselves, it is not possible to make that daily at all, it is definitely a big problem whenever there is a bear market and that is why I believe that we should not be really considering this as an easy way to make money, we should be finding longer term profits more steady and reliable in these cases.