Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: kingpin4321 on December 11, 2018, 01:52:56 PM

Title: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: kingpin4321 on December 11, 2018, 01:52:56 PM
     I can understand that we have to seek for knowledge and asking questions is one good way to know more about what you don't understand

  Asking questions is a good and an acceptable character  in the forum not until one start to abuse the liberty of them being able to create new post any time they want by asking very trivial questions(sometimes they know the answers, it have been solved on previous thread) most time to complete post count or increase there activities.

It can be very annoying coming across such post. It's not compulsory to hit the new topic button anytime you just want this can cause the board to be flooded with spam post.

Before you ask a question first try to search about it do a good Google Search you will be sent so many options to choose from you will even be directed to a bitcointalk thread where such has be discussed before.

But after you must have done your research and you not satisfied then you can drop your question but let it be something worth discussing.

  Let experience count at least it's improper to be in the forum for more than four month and still asking rudimentary questions

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: Gloverwrt on December 11, 2018, 03:28:32 PM
It's an issue that is common with newbies (members who are new ro the forum), with little correction and research the enthusiastic members would conform to the standards.
Others yet who deliberately ask such irrelevant questions should have their posts reported, and other members should avoid replying as it would simply boost the post.

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: DdmrDdmr on December 11, 2018, 04:18:20 PM
More often than not, questions that one may place on the forum have already been answered to a large extent, so performing a search (be it a forum native search, a forum advanced google search, or a direct google search) can avoid cluttering the forum with redundant questions and answers.

Nevertheless, redundant/trivial questions are still going to take place, but one would appreciate it if a little digging has been done previously, to narrow down the question to some specifics not yet clear to the poster.

One more thing to consider is that a regular google search (which is what I use most) may sometimes include links to other unwanted sites (phishing sites such as the ".to" domain of Bitcointalk – which seems to have been offline for a couple of weeks now). You therefore need to be careful with the links you click, and better still, use the site delimiter on the google search: site: <string to search for>

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: nakamura12 on December 11, 2018, 04:32:27 PM
But still some newbies post questions without knowing that it's already been answered in previous thread. I'd prefer DdmrDdmr's suggestion as it's not safe to just click and click links that may be a malware that results in stolen information from victims especially phishing sites amd malwares.

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: [btc]YSG on December 11, 2018, 04:52:25 PM
But still some newbies post questions without knowing that it's already been answered in previous thread.

I'm sure a huge number of thread topic on the forum now must have been discussed about before at on point or the other, but stil some of those topics response are clearly outdated. With the pace at which technology is growing an answer or solution to problem as recent as yesterday could be less or not  effective to solve the same problem of today, what I think is if the questions are mainly for the purpose of seeking knowledge or an information then it shouldn't matter if it has been answered before, if not recently.

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: DdmrDdmr on December 11, 2018, 05:23:27 PM
But that is rather the point being expressed here. If people perform the search, then:

-   They can access information and gain knowledge on the matter at hand.

-   If there are still specifics that are unclear, then by all means one should go ahead and ask.

-   Some questions have answers that are very time sensitive, and will not be redundant if contextualized (I’m not talking about the typical will BTC reach X or Y value type spam question).

-   Others are techy-based, and as you say, may also require different updated answers due to the evolving context.

This forum is not a static BBS or knowledge base repository, where we self-serve the answers, but in order for it to be perhaps more efficient for all, it is a good practice to search to see if the question has already been asked/answered, in what context, and to what degree of detail. In the best case, it will resolve the question. In the worst (*), one may still need to ask, but having a better context to specify a clear more narrow question.

Note: (*) well, worst case really would be getting a wrong misleading answer and assuming it was correct, getting scammed, etc.

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: Dreamace7 on December 11, 2018, 05:42:48 PM
Well I wouldn't be in a haste to criticize all of them some might honestly don't know answers to there question despite that it might seem trivial to some or members of the forum

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: ATMD on December 11, 2018, 07:14:33 PM
Well I wouldn't be in a haste to criticize all of them some might honestly don't know answers to there question despite that it might seem trivial to some or members of the forum

I agree. In fact it could be seen as a win-win situation. The questioner gets the answers s/he is seeking, and the person who responds gets the opportunity to help newbies, thereby contributing positively to the forum. After all, we are not going to get many opportunities to help other members who have like 10,000+ posts

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: Hivalley on December 11, 2018, 08:39:50 PM
Well I wouldn't be in a haste to criticize all of them some might honestly don't know answers to there question despite that it might seem trivial to some or members of the forum
That's the exact reason and purpose for the search option,to assist one to find answers to questions(those that have been answered previously)
If everyone can go about this the right way,then the forum would surely be a better place in no time

Title: Use a meaningful thread title
Post by: Jet Cash on December 12, 2018, 08:35:37 AM
I suppose asking genuine questions to try to open discussions isn't too bad. What annoys me is meaningless or non-specific thread titles. Titles such as "Question" or "need help" or "have you seen this?" don't give away anything about the thread topic. I no longer open such threads.

Title: Re: Avoid asking trivial questions all for post count
Post by: Onuohakk on December 12, 2018, 08:36:24 PM
   Making post Asking questions that the answers can easily be gotten from by surfing the internet does not pass a good reputation for the member that made such post.

It's most times are ignored by learned or knowledge seeking member but the thread becomes a paradise for spammers you get to see tons of reply underneath the post.