Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: PharmEcis on December 11, 2018, 06:10:35 PM

Title: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: PharmEcis on December 11, 2018, 06:10:35 PM

============================================================================================================= ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


Welcome to Swap, where anything you can do, we can do better and for Free

These words were part of the birth of Free Haven Protocol, the trolling joke coin created to poke at the integrity of the dev’s of Haven Protocol. However, what ( started out as simply something for lulz has been transformed into a community project to build and bring a fair, efficient and stable blockchain to the crypto ecosystem. We feel that most projects out in the space today cannot successfully meet all three criteria above and it is our goal to do something about it, for free.

Fair. What does fair mean? If you were to define it as an adjective, it would be defined as “in accordance with the rules of standards; legitimate”. Defined as an adverb it is “without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage”. Both definitions play very much into what we are attempting to achieve with Swap.

Almost all coins in existence are commanded and their fates set by a select few who have the means and access to dictate the coin’s direction. This could include the developers themselves, exchanges, large farms and even eccentric personalities with the finances to support their view points. You see them leverage their unique positions by changing the codebase of their projects to suit their needs. Instead of allowing free market principles to reign along with the consensus mechanism built into the collection of software that makes up a coin’s environment, they checkpoint and write mechanisms to prevent democratic decision making in the blockchain’s development. That is to be blunt, literally rewriting the rules. What happens to rules of standards and legitimacy? It’s gone Jack, totally out the window.

When it comes to looking at the definition as an adverb, we also want to level this playing field. Everyone knows that (or should know!) that ultimately, profitability as a miner depends on one simple ratio which is cost per hash. Now there are several ways to improve your cost per hash but not all of us have access to all these paths.

The simplest way to improve your cost per hash is by paying less for your electricity. Large farms locate to areas of cheap power for exactly this reason. The average Joe doesn’t necessarily have the ability to do this. Hardware is typically the next easiest way to improve your cost per hash. You don’t really have to have any brains for this department, you just need money, lots of it. If you have the money to burn, you WILL find ways to purchase equipment that far exceeds the capability of what the average Joe has access to. There IS private hardware out there. Not only do manufacturers of mining equipment sell you their used no longer latest and greatest, but there are private companies out there who build their own equipment and write their own software who are vastly more efficient than the average Joe.

The last major piece for optimizing your cost per hash is in the mining software itself. Do you notice how each release of mining software yields greater and greater returns? There is always at least a single digit percent increase in mining speed over the last version. Do you think maybe it’s possible there are other mining programs out there who have unlocked the Gordian Knot’s of the increasingly complex algorithms used by coins today? Those knots are supposed to protect the average GPU from the FPGAs and ASICs right? Maybe what they are really protecting are developer advantages which lead to personal profits!

So, what happens when you have a coin ecosystem that is fair? An ecosystem where the decision and implementation of the algorithm creates fairness without the ability to have secret advantages? What happens when there is no premine to be taken advantage of and no governance fee giving a select few a steady income for doing no work which ends up devaluing itself? What happens when the codebase is open for all to inspect and add upon, letting the ecosystem itself decide what features should be implemented or abandoned? What happens when no device is favored, and everyone can have access to the same cost per hash excluding what your local energy cost is? (Somethings are simply outside of a developer’s control, right?) Do these characteristics build a “fair” ecosystem that would attract miners of all kinds? We think so.

All this talk of fairness sounds great, but nothing can be fair if you haven’t taken the steps to protect the underlying technology that allows your ecosystem to exist in the first place. If you look around the coin world today, you will see that most of the coins today are broken. What do we mean by this? That almost all coins are vulnerable to attack from a variety of vectors and that more importantly, their dev’s either don’t care or do not have the knowledge and skill to fix their coin. We find this to be an extremely sad state of affairs, and the fact that the general crypto populace doesn’t even consider these factors to be highly disturbing. If you are an investor in blockchain technology, how can you accept investing into a project that cannot protect the foundation of everything it builds upon? An old book talks about castles being built on sand. I think that’s quite an appropriate description for the majority of current blockchain projects.

We have touched on the three major core values that we have which are fairness, efficiency, and stability. Now we would like to discuss how we are going to achieve these objectives and what we have already accomplished to date.

Free Haven Protocol was a fork of Haven Protocol which is ultimately just a fork of Monero. However, we started with a genesis block and changed several key parameters to how the blockchain functioned in effort to begin with some basic network security. This included a custom 15 seconds block time and a custom version of the CryptoNight algorithm that we ended up calling CryptoNight Superfast because it is CryptoNight Heavy with a 2MB scratchpad and one quarter the iterations. The faster block time creates many blocks a day which allows even small pools to win blocks rather frequently. This helps with miner distribution as being on the biggest pool to get frequent payouts no longer matters as there are EIGHT times more block per day but at one eighth the reward for the same emission. Transaction fees were also increased which gives incentives to mine more than just empty blocks but overall, the transaction fee is expected to drop for the end-user due to a much smaller transaction size. At max block size, miner reward is expected to increase which makes up for the extra resources necessary to process the bulletproof transaction. Meanwhile the custom algorithm change prevented us from being Nicehashable.

Once community support started to build behind the XFH project, we quickly realized this was taking on life above and beyond our initial gag. While we had already created something interesting that beat Haven on several key points for existing technology (custom algorithm, no premine or fees, network distribution diversity and transparency), we realized we would need to step it up if we were to really make a statement as to how much shit exists in the current crypto ecosystem. This included the need for a rebranding and some rethinking of the fundamentals of our foundation.

We have decided upon the name Swap for several reasons. First, fundamentally, Swap is one of the most basic functions of an asset. Assets are held to eventually Swap for another asset. If you want to become more philosophical, you could say that Swap was chosen because people need to Swap their way of thinking about crypto. They need to realize that the fundamental principles that created the first major digital currencies have been Swapped to something that no longer fulfills a vision of fairness and consensus, real democratic principles. It’s time to Swap the greed and unfair playing fields back to what they were intended to be. In regards to the rebrand, there is no swap needed to convert your old XFH coins to the new XWP. It's simply a name change and new wallet. Your old address and keys are still perfectly valid. After the re-branding, the addresses starting with "fh" were kept to simplify compatibility with legacy addresses and as a reminder of where the project originated from.

We envision this project as a guide of what crypto “should” be. Unlike the vast majority of crypto projects, the core team associated with this project is mostly not anonymous. While none of us are actively promoting who we are, we aren’t exactly hiding it either. We are quite transparent and all decision making processes in the birth of this coin to now is readily viewable on our Discord ( We believe this is a testament to the fact that we simply want you to base your opinions not on who we are, but on the technology this project brings to the crypto ecosystem. We also put forth a call for any developers who would like to help build an ecosystem based on principles of fairness and openness to join us. This is a community project after all! Our ultimate goal is to create a stable blockchain that developers can build their products on top of without fear of some random agent bending the blockchain to their will, upsetting the desired stability necessary to take crypto to the next level of global acceptance and use. Also, differently from most of the crypto projects, Swap has ZERO premine, ZERO dev fees, and ZERO founders rewards. It's a community project after all, and that will never change.

We started with RingCT at block 0. We have version 2 transactions from block 0 along with dynamic fees. The reward tax will not change, only other taxes. Our chain is more consistent than Monero’s as we started with the majority of improvements that Monero implemented over time. At block 150k, we completed our rebase to the Monero codebase 0.13.04 and we activated our BulletProof implementation. Also, from block 150k, we can now merge their patches easily in the future yet still go our own path.

Speaking of going our own path, we are convinced that the CryptoNight algorithm (and all its variants) is garbage for anything but Monero. The algorithm promotes through its virtues of obfuscation, inequalities that cannot be compensated for. This required us to abandon CryptoNight in search of an algorithm or algorithms that more serve our needs for fairness and openness. To summarize in brief, we explored primarily Cuckaroo (same used by Grin) algorithm variants for our proof of work. The simpler the algorithm, the less advantage those with the means shall have. A simple algorithm that is open source is the first step in securing the block chain as it helps to level the playing field.

Swap has forked at block 555,555 to a new and unique variant of Cuckaroo which we have labeled "Cuckaroo29s". We have in essence smashed together CryptoNight with Cuckaroo so that we can retain the desirable features of CryptoNote but also improve our network security with a better pow than any CryptoNight variant which has been proven to be easily FPGA'd or ASIC'd. There are a tremendous amount of improvements with the changes that have been made. Cuckaroo demands also far less CPU power to validate the blocks and sync with the network than CryptoNight and its variants. We are currently targeting a 4GB memory requirement with the ability to expand that as future tech comes into play.

Join our Discord ( to learn more. Our whole history is carved there from the beginning.



● Coin ticker: XWP
● Total supply: 18,400,000 coins before tail emission.
● Tail emission: ~157,680 coins each year (starting at year 8 )
● Decimal places: 12
● PoW hash algorithm: Cuckaroo29s (variation of Grin's Cuckaroo29)
● Block time: 15 seconds
● Confirmation time: 10 blocks (~2.5 minutes)
● Maturation: 60 blocks
● Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm: Monero DAA (No Zawy BS that doesn't work!)
● Genesis block: 2018-11-16 (November 16, 2018) at 09:06:03 (UTC)

● Premine: No
● Developer fee: No
● Founders reward: No
● ICO: No

[Website] (

[Project's Github] (

[Project's Gitlab] (

[Wiki] (

[GUI Wallet] (

[CLI Wallet] (

[Web Wallet] (

[Ledger app] (

[Paper Wallet] (

[Mining your XWP Coins]

Everything you need to know can be found on the Github repository ( ( and in the Swap Mining Thread (


Swap Reference Miner: (
GMiner: (
Rainbow Miner: (
GrinProMiner: (
NBMiner: (
Awesome Miner:

More details about the mining softwares:

[Official Pool] (

[Community Pools] ( (Pool list and status) ( (Main page list) ( (Bitcointalk Pool List thread)

[Micro pool]

Solo mining pool with Windows GUI - 1-click Installer: (
Note: Can be built for Linux too.

The Micropool software was made to easily solo GPU mine Swap without the need of using any of the existing Swap pools. It was made with the intention of helping miners to decentralize the network, not depending on a pool to mine.

[Mining Rental Service] (

[Remote Nodes] (Auto-Selection) (Special thanks to Reeyon, Asia node) (Special thanks to Rixxter, EU node) (Special thanks to Leafy, North American node) (North American node) (North American node)

[Default ports]

● Mainnet P2P port: 19949
● Mainnet RPC port: 19950
● Testnet P2P port: 29949
● Stagenet P2P port: 39949

Note: Default ports can be changed by the user if necessary. Check the command-line flags of the CLI tools for more info.

[Block Explorer] ( ( ( (Backup Explorer) ( (API with current emission details)

[Social Medias / Discussion Groups]

Reddit: (
Twitter: (
Discord: (
Facebook: (
Instagram: (
Telegram: (
Medium: (
QQ: 690114865 (Chinese)

[Blockchain.raw] (Updated hourly) (Updated daily)


Citex (BTC/ETH pairs): (
TradeOgre (BTC pair): (
Graviex (BTC/ETH pairs): (
QBTC (CNYT pair): (
ZT (USDT pair): (
Bkex (USDT pair): (

More info about the current exchanges: (

[Donation Addresses for Bounties, Airdrops, and Development]



Private View key:

[Donation Addresses for Legal Issues]



(More information:

[Swap Mining Thread]

[Swap Speculation Thread]

[Swap Pools Thread]

[Swap Bounties Thread]



Español (Spanish):
Português (Portuguese):
中文 (Chinese):

*All links and info updated as of 09:04 AM (UTC) August 03, 2019.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: PharmEcis on December 11, 2018, 06:15:08 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: PharmEcis on December 11, 2018, 06:15:50 PM
Reserved 2

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: cryptbro on December 11, 2018, 08:47:12 PM
soooo this is just a continuation of the Haven rip-off?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: sebseb7 on December 12, 2018, 04:14:00 AM
history in a nutshell

- haven forked to freehaven:
  same but fee removed
  (zawy dropped and cn superfast added)
  haven broke commit history with monero, so freehaven also had no commit-integrity with monero

- freehaven rebased to monero- codebase:
  with freehaven blockchain configuration (ringct from block 0, cn-superfast, etc.)

freehaven and swap daemons and wallets worked in parallel up until block 150k

at 150k swap activated bulletproofs (which haven still doesn't have) and forked to block version 8 (and to 9 at 151k). the freehaven daemon stopped working at 150k

commit integrity with monero is restored (a set of clean and easy to review commits) and now we have a solid foundation so we can focus on cuckaroo28 mining for swap-2.0

the haven folks can use swap to upgrade to bulletproof, they only need to add their developer-fee code (and zawy). cn heavy already included.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: cryptobtcnut on December 12, 2018, 05:36:32 AM
So much hash for a Haven copy-cat :o

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: sebseb7 on December 12, 2018, 07:20:36 AM
So much hash for a Haven copy-cat :o

it's no longer related to haven.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: monkeydimi on December 12, 2018, 08:07:48 AM
Pool reserved

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: kostepanych2 on December 12, 2018, 04:11:20 PM
Should I do something with old XFH wallet? Or it will be automatically swapped to Swap?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: columbiamining on December 12, 2018, 05:42:02 PM
I read the entire description above, but I'm still uncertain as to what the purpose of the coin is. Being a "fair, efficient, and stable" blockchain is an altruistic and admirable goal, however it would be helpful to know what Swap has in mind to set itself apart from being another Monero clone.

For instance, I understand Haven has an ultimate goal of "offshoring" being its primary attractive feature, even if there exists some criticisms as to its viability. Therefore, my question is, does this project have any longer-term goals in mind? I understand it's a smaller project with a small dev team, but I'd still like to hear your perspective on how Swap can distinguish itself and become a viable competitor to more established coins.

I can respect the lack of pre-mine and the tweaked difficulty algorithm paired with Ethereum-like block times. From what I've seen, this is a first for a Cryptonight-based coin. The focus on Cuckoo is also rather interesting considering it isn't a remarkably common PoW algorithm but has some appealing characteristics. These traits make Swap distinctive, nevertheless, what is going to draw the average crypto investor to Swap, or the average person who doesn't particularly care about pre-mine, block times, or difficulty? It would be interesting to know where the team plans to take the coin so those of us interested in holding Swap for the long-term have something to look forward to.

To sum up what I'm looking for, it would be interesting to get some clarity on Swap's objectives and long-term strategy.

Anyway, great work so far! I'll be following the project closely.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: sebseb7 on December 12, 2018, 11:04:35 PM
' I understand Haven has an ultimate goal of "offshoring" being its primary attractive feature'

complete hoax

'set itself apart from being another Monero clone.'

there isn't a single monero clone which is not a total scam or not broken otherwise.

' or the average person who doesn't particularly care about pre-mine'

the people who don't care about premine please move on as quickly as you can, nothing to see here. I don't even want to talk to you.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: douinaho on December 12, 2018, 11:28:32 PM
I think your project is good with very complete details, I'm sure your project will be a big success. good luck for your team and project.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: dwaynem on December 14, 2018, 04:19:39 AM
New Public Remote Node

New Mining Pool

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: lamgztey on December 15, 2018, 03:09:48 PM
  ;) ;) ;) Hello ! My Farm for Rent ! ! Monitoring 24/7  ! Guaranteed Best Price For You ! Have Good Days !   ;) ;) ;)
  ;) ;) ;) Hello ! My Farm for Rent ! ! Monitoring 24/7  ! Guaranteed Best Price For You ! Have Good Days !   ;) ;) ;) 
  ;) ;) ;) Hello ! My Farm for Rent ! ! Monitoring 24/7  ! Guaranteed Best Price For You ! Have Good Days !   ;) ;) ;) 

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: dzkrb1966 on December 15, 2018, 05:05:28 PM
There are a lot of words about expensive electricity, a lot of words about jokes, but it’s not at all clear - but what did the author of this lengthy dictum say? Something about farms?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: xiaojeixuanxuan on December 16, 2018, 09:23:33 AM
This coin has joined the BitcoinPark ( blockchain media platform!

English: (

Chinese: (

Official Website: (

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: fonship on December 17, 2018, 05:03:01 AM
will follow to see what new this project brings.
I know why it started but all i want to know is future direction

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: extravirgin on December 17, 2018, 12:33:05 PM
Hey, is it possible that someone could write a script or please give me the direction on how to set up mining with a digital ocean account. I have a an acct that i deposited 2k to mine aro. anyway, i never got around to using it and for the little mining i did with aro, they had a script that you just inputted with your address and it auto setup and started mining. so i was hoping if the dev could create something like that for us newbs whenever he has a chance or maybe provide a direction to set it up on our own.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: dwaynem on December 17, 2018, 10:02:14 PM
Two Points:

Digital Ocean, in all likelihood, will shutdown your account if you use your VPS for mining crypto, as doing so violates their terms of use - Section 12.1 ..."misuse system resources, such as, by employing programs that consume excessive network capacity, CPU cycles, or disk IO."

You will earn very little crypto mining it on a VPS. You will definitely be paying much more for the VPS than you could ever possibly earn from mining crypto with it. If Digital Ocean could make more money mining crypto they would be in the crypto mining business, not the VPS business.

Do I understand correctly that you have a $2,000 balance in your Digital Ocean account?? If so, maybe the best thing to do is to ask Digital Ocean to refund it to you.

Hey, is it possible that someone could write a script or please give me the direction on how to set up mining with a digital ocean account. I have a an acct that i deposited 2k to mine aro. anyway, i never got around to using it and for the little mining i did with aro, they had a script that you just inputted with your address and it auto setup and started mining. so i was hoping if the dev could create something like that for us newbs whenever he has a chance or maybe provide a direction to set it up on our own.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: fonship on December 19, 2018, 04:14:46 AM
Hey, is it possible that someone could write a script or please give me the direction on how to set up mining with a digital ocean account. I have a an acct that i deposited 2k to mine aro. anyway, i never got around to using it and for the little mining i did with aro, they had a script that you just inputted with your address and it auto setup and started mining. so i was hoping if the dev could create something like that for us newbs whenever he has a chance or maybe provide a direction to set it up on our own.

come on ARO discord, i am sure someone will help you out. Many people used cloud services for CPU mining. But not so profitable as of now.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on December 23, 2018, 12:28:47 AM
6.75 MH/s

Not bad for a month coin  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: dave_bbp on December 26, 2018, 07:27:59 PM
Hello all.
I just discovered this coin today. If I understand this correctly, this is a rebrand of a fork from a fork from a fork of Monero.
Maybe this is a silly question, but are holders of XMR and XHV eligible to get their share of XWP? If so, what would be preventing them to dump their load as soon as this coin is hitting an exchange?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on December 26, 2018, 09:10:22 PM
Hello all.
I just discovered this coin today. If I understand this correctly, this is a rebrand of a fork from a fork from a fork of Monero.
Maybe this is a silly question, but are holders of XMR and XHV eligible to get their share of XWP? If so, what would be preventing them to dump their load as soon as this coin is hitting an exchange?

It's a fork of the codebase only (Monero's code -> Haven's code -> Swap), but with its own genesis block. So, holders of XMR or XHV will not get any XWP unless they mine it or buy.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: caturujian on December 30, 2018, 10:04:02 AM
Swap has been added to ( (

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Krunzy on January 01, 2019, 01:52:15 PM
Pool:                   Krunzy Swap Mining Pool    
Location:             Geolocated - auto select closest pool automatically.  For now, the locations are Central USA (serving NA, SA), Germany (serving EU, Africa), Singapore (serving Asia, Oceania). 
More here:

Pool Fee:              0.4%
Min Payout: 0.01 XWP every 60 minutes
Merged mining:    No

Happy New Year!

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Trucky on January 03, 2019, 01:01:58 AM
New pool!!! (

Happy New Year!

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on January 05, 2019, 01:09:53 AM
Reddit sub:

PS: If possible, please, add the sub link in the first post.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Sharpeich on January 14, 2019, 05:59:56 AM
Devs, are you planning to be listed on Tradeorge or Crex24 ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Flame.Exchange on January 14, 2019, 06:19:12 AM

We welcome you to get listed on Flame.Exchange!

Coin source must be on GitHub
Coin must be somehow derived from Bitcoin. (We will support tokens in the future)

★Why Flame.Exchange?★
Free listing, no fee
Very small exchange fees.
Fast and Secure
We value your privacy

★Contact Information★
Discord server:
Discord username: AtomicLemon#0001
Telegram: @AtomicLemon
Or you can message me on BitcoinTalk!

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on January 15, 2019, 07:05:07 PM
Devs, are you planning to be listed on Tradeorge or Crex24 ?
As far as I know, they'll start the exchanges listing proccess after they change the current PoW algo to the Cuckaroo (same of Grin).

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Margary on January 16, 2019, 07:22:27 PM
Devs, are you planning to be listed on Tradeorge or Crex24 ?
As far as I know, they'll start the exchanges listing proccess after they change the current PoW algo to the Cuckaroo (same of Grin).

Is it known, when this will happen? Will it be possible to follow this?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on January 16, 2019, 10:47:33 PM
Devs, are you planning to be listed on Tradeorge or Crex24 ?
As far as I know, they'll start the exchanges listing proccess after they change the current PoW algo to the Cuckaroo (same of Grin).

Is it known, when this will happen? Will it be possible to follow this?
Possibly in the following weeks.
They frequently discuss this in the Discord server:

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: punkyshungry on February 01, 2019, 02:37:11 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: aejontargaryen on February 14, 2019, 03:54:00 PM
nice to see that 0-premine still matters in the crypto community.
looks good.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on February 18, 2019, 07:39:58 AM
From the team:

Just a quick reminder that Swap will be undergoing a scheduled network upgrade fork at block height 555555, which will take place at approximately 02/20/2019 @ 10:29am (UTC). The central feature of this upcoming fork is the introduction of the cuckaroo29s PoW algorithm. A first of its kind for CryptoNote!

For end users: there's no immediate action that you must do. Your wallet balance and address will be carried over to the new version. To send coins or view your balance after the fork, simply upgrade to the new version 2.0 wallet software at your convenience. If running a node, it's highly recommended that you upgrade the daemon asap to continue supporting the network.

For pool operators: you'll need to make extensive modifications to your pool to support the new PoW algo and stratum protocol. A premade pool is available at: A concise list of changes can be found here:

For miners: the new algo requires swithcing to a new miner: An easy-to-use micro-pool is also available for those that what to take their chance at solo-mining:

Both premade Swap pool and micro-pool supports block notifications from the daemon, to ensure better mining efficiency:

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: MoonThenLambo on February 19, 2019, 08:40:51 AM
Does XWP support ASICs?

If so, someone PM/DM me for deets.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on February 20, 2019, 08:04:24 AM
Does XWP support ASICs?

If so, someone PM/DM me for deets.

It doesn't.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: pudovik on February 20, 2019, 08:41:28 PM
Hello crypto community! Where can I sell coins XWP ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: MahmudS on February 27, 2019, 07:38:38 AM
Is the topic dead? No more news or information about coin?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Luisjc69 on February 27, 2019, 08:06:50 AM
Is the topic dead? No more news or information about coin?

:) dead? no.....not important? maybe....

you can look in the discord channel :)

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: igotek on February 27, 2019, 04:02:17 PM
exchange ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on February 28, 2019, 04:50:41 AM
Is the topic dead? No more news or information about coin?

:) dead? no.....not important? maybe....

you can look in the discord channel :)
Well, apparently most of the activity happens in the Discord group.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: isildur6780 on February 28, 2019, 04:58:38 PM
Guys any idea about listing SWAP on Blockfolio? Thx! ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: yuzuak on March 03, 2019, 01:23:48 AM
I could not see your inflation rates and your mining plan. We know that there will be a total 18.4 million supply. But how many pieces have xwp in circulation right now and why not start from scratch in 150,000 blocks? and the awards will continue the same after 18 months of mining will end. If you explain this, you will attract more investors and miners.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on March 03, 2019, 07:45:01 PM
Guys any idea about listing SWAP on Blockfolio? Thx! ;)
Blockfolio was already contacted.

RainbowMiner now suports Swap mining (algo Cuckaroo29s).

Don't forget that Swap is listed at Hotdex, a decentralized exchange based in the Bitshares network, with a BTC trading pair.

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: paxis on March 10, 2019, 03:01:53 PM
is mining with AMD cards supported already? if yes, how?

thanks a lot!

Title: Re: [ANN] [POW] [XWP] Swap [REBRAND]
Post by: Initech on March 11, 2019, 10:47:29 PM
is mining with AMD cards supported already? if yes, how?

thanks a lot!

Yes, as far as I know, GMiner supports.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: PharmEcis on March 12, 2019, 04:50:40 AM
The latest Gminer 1.35 has improved performance but has caused some stability issues for some.  Usually this is remedied by reducing clocks or pumping some more voltage in.

You can mine with everything 6GB and greater in VRAM.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: Initech on March 12, 2019, 08:16:07 PM
That miner also supports Swap:

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: PharmEcis on March 13, 2019, 04:49:54 AM
Added to the list!

We have a mandatory network upgrade coming up at block 750000, which will take place on 03/26/2019 @ 1:24am (UTC), so @everyone should upgrade to version 2.8.1:

@Pool Operator will need to upgrade their node-cryptoforknote-util module prior to the fork (npm update and restart the pool module).
MicroPool users simply need to make sure they are using at least version 1.1 of the software.

There will also be a version 3.0.0 that will likely be published before the fork, with slightly better performances and a few additional features, but that will be an optional upgrade from v2.8.1 (i.e. a soft-fork with no changes in block-level consensus).
Upgrading to 2.8.1 will ensure that you will remain on the correct chain post-fork.

We have been added to TradeOgre.  If you didn't feel comfortable with HotDex and was waiting for a more well known exchange, well...   :)

However, fresh exposure comes with increases scrutiny.  We really are trying to do something different.  If blockchain is to be the foundation of future monetary systems, it must be impenetrable.  Is there a crypto project out which hasn't suffered from some form of attack?  Where profits can be made, the easy way will always be sought out.  Intelligent planning is required to produce a solid foundation that can weather attacks and keep it's core functions operating.  You fundamentally cannot swap assets if you can't trust the medium in which you are exchanging to be free from technological advantage for a few, be it in their authority or their superiority in equipment and R&D budgets.

This is a call upon anyone and everyone to do their part to help establish an ecosystem where true consensus can be had.  Only in sharing our voices and efforts can we accomplish this. 

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: Xamito on March 15, 2019, 09:29:05 AM
Congrats for the TradeOgre listing. An excellent exchange.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: paxis on March 15, 2019, 10:08:20 AM
thanks for your help with AMD miner guys. it's working good!

also congrats for the listing on tradeogre! i thought that won't happen for months.... <3

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: pudovik on March 15, 2019, 01:11:27 PM
My friends! Teach me how to mine a SWAP coin with the help of the GPU 1060 for 6 GB on Windows 10!

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: kurbeks on March 15, 2019, 08:03:46 PM
What did get rebranded?

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: pudovik on March 15, 2019, 08:11:26 PM
I can not run the miner on the GPU 1060 6 GB OS Windows 10

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: PharmEcis on March 16, 2019, 01:46:05 AM
What did get rebranded?

This coin started life as FreeHaven and then went through some changes to be what it is today.  Unique and one of a kind!

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: Initech on March 17, 2019, 04:50:20 AM
Private View key for the donation address: 84a6ac951dccea8aa5c23127f9e69bd71222d64c0b560bbec49a6e6c01df1205

Coinlib, a price tracking page has listed Swap:

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap
Post by: Trucky on March 18, 2019, 12:07:35 AM

Swap Mining pool



Low fee and payment.

Fee 0.33%
Payment interval: 1 minute
Minimum payout: 0.1 XWP
Minimum payout: 3.0 for integrated address
Denomination unit: 0.00000001 XWP

Paper Wallet Generator
Multi-language interface
EU server

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 19, 2019, 03:51:51 PM
Most of the current price tracking pages and calculators were already contacted. They'll gradually start to list Swap.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Rixxter on March 19, 2019, 07:20:37 PM

Payout Threshold: 1.0 XWP
Denomination Unit: 0.00000001 XWP
Payment Interval: 1 minute
Pool Fee: %0.5
Static Difficulty support
Worker HashRate charts
EU server (Germany)

Remote Node:

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on March 19, 2019, 07:22:03 PM
swap is now listed on coingecko!

we're also #1 in volume on tradeogre!!

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: yuzuak on March 20, 2019, 05:26:18 AM
The amount of the prize in each block is good to drop. It is highly valued in the future.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 20, 2019, 07:16:19 PM
The amount of the prize in each block is good to drop. It is highly valued in the future.

The emission curve is the same of Monero and most of the CryptoNote based projects. Differences are, obviously, when the genesis block was generated and the block time, which means proportionally a smaller block reward.

Go vote here for swap -> (only 13hrs left for voting)

 ;) ;D :D :)

1 hour left. There's still time.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on March 23, 2019, 01:56:48 PM
Swap was listed at Citex, a korean exchange.

XWP/BTC trading pair:

XWP/ETH trading pair:

NOTE: They require KYC for withdrawals.

Starting Monday you should be able to withdraw up to 0.5BTC without KYC.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 23, 2019, 07:26:58 PM
Swap has a Telegram group now:

There's a "bridge" between Discord and Telegram groups now. All the Telegram messages will be delivered in the #telegram-bridge channel at discord and vice versa.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: CoinCowgirl on March 24, 2019, 02:30:59 PM
When does the ICO get started? Or isn`t there not a date yet?

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 24, 2019, 02:44:15 PM
When does the ICO get started? Or isn`t there not a date yet?

There wasn't ICO. It's pure PoW mining since block 0.

Title: Crypto Mining Profitability Calculator
Post by: on March 25, 2019, 01:12:37 PM
Hi guys!

We have just added support for Swap to our Crypto Mining Profitability Calculator: (!

Feel free to send us some feedback.
We are open for all suggestions


Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: WhyMe on March 25, 2019, 05:11:35 PM
Fork is tomorrow. Don't forget to update to 2.8.1:
Change on algo/miner ?

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 25, 2019, 06:03:05 PM
Fork is tomorrow. Don't forget to update to 2.8.1:
Change on algo/miner ?

Just changes in the Bulletproofs.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: mgsxman on March 26, 2019, 07:48:25 AM
Swap (XWP) Mining Pool by MiningOcean

Pool Url:

Payout threshold: 1 XWP
Pool Fee: 0.4%

Key Pool Features:
DDOS Protection reducing downtime
Configurable Static Difficulty
Configurable Worker IDs
Direct mining to exchange - we support all address types
Configurable Payment Threshold for standard wallets
Recent Block Rewards functionality
Estimate Earning feature
Dashboard with individual per worker statistics
Automatic Payouts every 5 minutes
Nicehash support

Tired of the pools that cheat you and steal your hash?
On our pool we value our miners, here you won't see any deception.
Welcome and have a good profit!

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 26, 2019, 05:04:14 PM
Apparently some users are having issues with transfers because they're not updating their wallets to 2.8.1 and are still using 2.0.
So, don't forget, update to 2.8.1.

The micropool software was updated to 1.2. Don't forget to update it if you use.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Krunzy on March 27, 2019, 11:19:19 AM Swap (XWP) Cuckaroo29s Mining Pool :o

Pool:             Krunzy Swap Mining Pool    
Location:       USA
Pool Fee:       0.4%
Min Payout:   0.01 XWP every 60 minutes
  • Dashboards -- featuring individual per worker statistics (worker name, graph rate, payout)
  • Mine to Exchange
  • Paper Wallet Creation
  • Configurable Payout
  • Pool Blocks History with luck and linked blockchain explorer
  • Estimated Mining Profits Calculator

  • Telegram
  • Discord

Getting Started/ Miner Software:
More pool info here:

Good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: reeyon on March 28, 2019, 02:50:04 AM

Discord channel:

Thanks for the offer, but you should #DYOR before posting here.
SWAP is Cryptonote.

Title: Re: [ANN] Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on March 28, 2019, 02:14:37 PM
I've wrote a portuguese translated announcement for Swap:

There's a chinese one too:

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 02, 2019, 11:49:47 PM
new pool over here:

That's only for solo miners using the Micro Pool GUI?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 03, 2019, 07:28:14 AM
nope anyone can use this pool, looks pretty right?

Yep, the interface seems well polished.

The Over The Counter trading channel at Discord was deleted due to scam attempts. Trading only in the exchanges now.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: mgsxman on April 04, 2019, 07:53:06 AM
Swap (XWP) Mining Pool by MiningOcean

Pool Url:

Payout threshold: 1 XWP
Payout interval: 5 min
Pool Fee: 0.4%

Key Pool Features:
DDOS Protection reducing downtime
Configurable Static Difficulty
Configurable Worker IDs
Direct mining to exchange - we support all address types
Configurable Payment Threshold for standard wallets
Recent Block Rewards functionality
Estimate Earning feature
Dashboard with individual per worker statistics
Nicehash support

Tired of the pools that cheat you and steal your hash?
On our pool we value our miners, here you won't see any deception.
Welcome and have a good profit!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 04, 2019, 04:22:57 PM
Seems like NGminer is thinking about adding Cuckaroo29s support in their next version.

#5 most visited coin on mining pool stats.. hmmmmmm

at #5 and above #6 ETH? LMAO

GrinProMiner is considering support for Swap Cuckaroo29s.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: mgsxman on April 05, 2019, 09:29:19 AM
Yes, but at this time it is not stable

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on April 05, 2019, 11:15:35 AM
you can now calculate your swap mining profits on:

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 05, 2019, 04:10:02 PM
Yes, but at this time it is not stable

Just a matter of time...

you can now calculate your swap mining profits on:

Testing phase for now.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 07, 2019, 07:09:31 PM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!

I think I will open a Swap mining thread here in the ALtcoin Mining section.

Swap is now at the front page of WhatToMine  :D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rainbowminer on April 08, 2019, 08:15:28 AM

I have reworked the Ledger Nano S app. Send, receive and hold your Swap in Ledger's hardware wallet:

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: WhyMe on April 08, 2019, 06:45:59 PM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!
While this algo is 50% slower on AMD than Nvidia, it makes non sense to use it on AMD :(

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Docice on April 08, 2019, 08:05:19 PM
Hi, are there generous developers ready to offer SWP mining for amd RX570-580 4gb? Dev kbminer says that in their next version should support. But the developer activity on updating the miner has dropped, since 26 days have passed since the last release :(. Maybe someone digging 4gb SWP, if yes, I would appreciate the link to the miner. :D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 08, 2019, 08:59:02 PM
Hi, are there generous developers ready to offer SWP mining for amd RX570-580 4gb? Dev kbminer says that in their next version should support. But the developer activity on updating the miner has dropped, since 26 days have passed since the last release :(. Maybe someone digging 4gb SWP, if yes, I would appreciate the link to the miner. :D

As far as I know, GrinProMiner added support for Cuckaroo29s and has support for AMD cards. I'm not certain if it supports 4GB cards too.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: PharmEcis on April 09, 2019, 08:34:37 PM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!
While this algo is 50% slower on AMD than Nvidia, it makes non sense to use it on AMD :(
Sadly we are still awating on miners devs to release an improved miner to extract more juice from team Red cards  :-\

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 09, 2019, 11:47:14 PM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!
While this algo is 50% slower on AMD than Nvidia, it makes non sense to use it on AMD :(
Sadly we are still awating on miners devs to release an improved miner to extract more juice from team Red cards  :-\

I believe that GrinProMiner is the best miner Cucakroo for AMD. Am I wrong? Which is the best Miner for Grin on AMD?

If GrinProMiner is the very best then I think we may have the best graphrate we will see for AMD.

GrinProMiner is recently released for swap (just last week). It is still a "Release Candidate" and that is why WhatToMine is waiting to apply the extra graphrate for AMD.

Check out the improved graphrate for yourself ->

Does it supports 4GB AMD cards?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on April 10, 2019, 09:26:40 AM
is there an overview of which pool has the highest hashrate?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 10, 2019, 07:28:59 PM
is there an overview of which pool has the highest hashrate? updated. Now, it contains Windows building instructions.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 11, 2019, 07:39:47 AM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!
While this algo is 50% slower on AMD than Nvidia, it makes non sense to use it on AMD :(
Sadly we are still awating on miners devs to release an improved miner to extract more juice from team Red cards  :-\

I believe that GrinProMiner is the best miner Cucakroo for AMD. Am I wrong? Which is the best Miner for Grin on AMD?

If GrinProMiner is the very best then I think we may have the best graphrate we will see for AMD.

GrinProMiner is recently released for swap (just last week). It is still a "Release Candidate" and that is why WhatToMine is waiting to apply the extra graphrate for AMD.

Check out the improved graphrate for yourself ->

Does it supports 4GB AMD cards?

No not yet maybe in the future. I believe MinerBabe is the only Cuckaroo miner for 4gb AMD. Hopefully MinerBabe will support Swap soon.

Well, I've contacted them not long ago. Still no answers.
They develop that miner:
If someone can try to convinve them:

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on April 11, 2019, 03:27:57 PM
Swap has been listed on Graviex!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 11, 2019, 07:30:28 PM
Swap has been listed on Graviex!


Awesome. That'll open the way for CoinMarketCap.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 12, 2019, 01:25:03 AM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!
While this algo is 50% slower on AMD than Nvidia, it makes non sense to use it on AMD :(
Sadly we are still awating on miners devs to release an improved miner to extract more juice from team Red cards  :-\

I believe that GrinProMiner is the best miner Cucakroo for AMD. Am I wrong? Which is the best Miner for Grin on AMD?

If GrinProMiner is the very best then I think we may have the best graphrate we will see for AMD.

GrinProMiner is recently released for swap (just last week). It is still a "Release Candidate" and that is why WhatToMine is waiting to apply the extra graphrate for AMD.

Check out the improved graphrate for yourself ->

Does it supports 4GB AMD cards?

No not yet maybe in the future. I believe MinerBabe is the only Cuckaroo miner for 4gb AMD. Hopefully MinerBabe will support Swap soon.

New Gminer v1.38 added 4GB solver for grin29 and swap (will work under linux and windows 7 on 4GB cards)

Windows 10?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 12, 2019, 06:27:52 AM
Grin Pro Miner released for Swap and is "Stable". There was an issue with some pools missing stratum updates. Make sure your pool is up to date.

Stratum update for GrinProMiner

and this one for gminer

for AMD use GrinProMiner for best results:

for Nvidia use Gminer for best results:

happy graphing yall!
While this algo is 50% slower on AMD than Nvidia, it makes non sense to use it on AMD :(
Sadly we are still awating on miners devs to release an improved miner to extract more juice from team Red cards  :-\

I believe that GrinProMiner is the best miner Cucakroo for AMD. Am I wrong? Which is the best Miner for Grin on AMD?

If GrinProMiner is the very best then I think we may have the best graphrate we will see for AMD.

GrinProMiner is recently released for swap (just last week). It is still a "Release Candidate" and that is why WhatToMine is waiting to apply the extra graphrate for AMD.

Check out the improved graphrate for yourself ->

Does it supports 4GB AMD cards?

No not yet maybe in the future. I believe MinerBabe is the only Cuckaroo miner for 4gb AMD. Hopefully MinerBabe will support Swap soon.

New Gminer v1.38 added 4GB solver for grin29 and swap (will work under linux and windows 7 on 4GB cards)

Windows 10?

Apparently not, but I want to test for myself.

Strange. Must be a matter of few time anyway.

NBminer added support for Swap on version 22.1.

Swap was listed at Bittrader exchange, with TRD, BTC, ETH, LTC and USDC trading pairs.



New slogan: "No premine. No dev fee. No founders rewards. No bullshit made to enrich the creators. Crypto how it SHOULD be."

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 12, 2019, 11:12:32 PM
Yes, things are starting to move faster now. Seems like some exchanges are still benevolent to fair projects without self funding (how every project should be in my opinion).

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 13, 2019, 12:15:10 AM
Yeah really cool that some exchanges are listing Swap for free, yes for free. Swap has not paid any exchanges for a listing.   ;D

Yes, you see? THAT's what I've been always talking about. THAT's how EVERY project should be. Nowdays we see lots of exchanges demanding really big fees to list a project. The result is what we see with most of projects today: Premines, dev fees, etc. Good projects can survive (and succeed) without any of this. We MUST be one of them.

Don't forget: Follow Swap in the social medias and keep always up to date with the latest news posted there:

QQ: 690114865 (Chinese)

Also, the translated announcements:

Español (Spanish):
Português (Portuguese):
中文 (Chinese):

Does someone know if lolMiner ( intends to support Grin's Cuckaroo29?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: El_Swapo on April 13, 2019, 07:51:42 PM
I gotta poast a little "Stayin' Alive" for the ANN SWAP (XWP) thread... daily reminders work!  ;D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on April 13, 2019, 11:51:27 PM
Been a week of good news for Swap.

More mining software and exchanges every day!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 14, 2019, 12:26:07 AM
Been a week of good news for Swap.

More mining software and exchanges every day!

Yep, the word is spreading.

Can anyone confirm how many blocks for tx confirmation? 10, right?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 14, 2019, 04:58:28 AM
Can anyone confirm how many blocks for tx confirmation? 10, right?


Does anyone know where TradeOgre is based out of?

Panama, as far as I know.

Can anyone confirm how many blocks for tx confirmation? 10, right?


Does anyone know where TradeOgre is based out of?

Are you doing the exchanges section in the page with detailed info about each one of them?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 14, 2019, 09:11:01 PM
Can anyone confirm how many blocks for tx confirmation? 10, right?


Does anyone know where TradeOgre is based out of?

Are you doing the exchanges section in the page with detailed info about each one of them?

Yes, it will be finished by today.

You were doing the mining one as far as I know. Did you finished and commited it?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 15, 2019, 12:19:44 AM
Can anyone confirm how many blocks for tx confirmation? 10, right?


Does anyone know where TradeOgre is based out of?

Are you doing the exchanges section in the page with detailed info about each one of them?

Yes, it will be finished by today.

You were doing the mining one as far as I know. Did you finished and commited it?

Yeah check it out ->

It's really nice.
I've contacted Nanominer requesting support for Cuckaroo29s. Stay aware in the main email for answers.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on April 15, 2019, 05:46:05 AM
Think we can make the top 3 this month?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on April 15, 2019, 06:56:37 PM
Don't forget you can trade Swap on Graviex now also...

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: aarona907 on April 15, 2019, 08:05:59 PM
Gotta love the micro pool!  Solo mining is so easy!  Mining 3-4 blocks a day with just two 1070s!  Micro pools will make a project truly decentralized.  Great idea!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 15, 2019, 09:20:27 PM
Think we can make the top 3 this month?

Well, Swap was above ETH in March. Nothing is impossible.

Lots of miner information added to the miner selection page

Wonderful job  :)

Don't forget you can trade Swap on Graviex now also...

Remembering that having more volume there is the only thing missing for CoinMarketCap listing.

Another Bminer release without Cuckaroo29s support  :-\

Tokok answered with a 5BTC price for listing  :D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on April 16, 2019, 11:05:25 PM
We released a new skin for our micro pool, if anybody wants to check it out!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 17, 2019, 12:05:45 AM
Tokok answered with a 5BTC price for listing  :D

They can go and fu... themselves!! good project, Bittrex, Binance or even Polo will consider it in a future

Whoa, take it easy. Maybe we can convince them to not charge a fee if we explain our philosophy of a coin without premines, dev fees, or other "bullshits", how crypto should be.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on April 17, 2019, 01:39:14 PM
the micro pool is a huge advantage imo...!

no pool fees
low latency on LAN
and 100% from block belongs to me

i love it!

keep up the good work guys

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: mgsxman on April 17, 2019, 09:37:02 PM
Swap (XWP) Mining Pool by MiningOcean

Pool Url:

Payout threshold: 1 XWP
Payout interval: 5 min
Pool Fee: 0.4%

Key Pool Features:
DDOS Protection reducing downtime
Configurable Static Difficulty
Configurable Worker IDs
Direct mining to exchange - we support all address types
Configurable Payment Threshold for standard wallets
Recent Block Rewards functionality
Estimate Earning feature
Dashboard with individual per worker statistics
Nicehash support

Tired of the pools that cheat you and steal your hash?
On our pool we value our miners, here you won't see any deception.
Welcome and have a good profit!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on April 17, 2019, 09:44:12 PM
Tokok answered with a 5BTC price for listing  :D

They can go and fu... themselves!! good project, Bittrex, Binance or even Polo will consider it in a future

Whoa, take it easy. Maybe we can convince them to not charge a fee if we explain our philosophy of a coin without premines, dev fees, or other "bullshits", how crypto should be.

Exchanges are profit centered company and they will not consider a free listing for some random projects, the 5 BTC listing fees probably a fee for livecoin listing :D isn't it?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 17, 2019, 11:09:05 PM
Tokok answered with a 5BTC price for listing  :D

They can go and fu... themselves!! good project, Bittrex, Binance or even Polo will consider it in a future

Whoa, take it easy. Maybe we can convince them to not charge a fee if we explain our philosophy of a coin without premines, dev fees, or other "bullshits", how crypto should be.

Exchanges are profit centered company and they will not consider a free listing for some random projects, the 5 BTC listing fees probably a fee for livecoin listing :D isn't it?

Livecoin? Not, it's for Tokok.

Anyway, that's the problem. That's something I always talk about. Those absurd taxes are one of the main reasons why every coin has some kind of self funding (which we all know that it's taken advantage to easily make some money for the teams behind the project) or that flood of ICOs we see nowadays. That makes far more harder to fair projects that started like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Grin to succeed. Exchanges are supposed to maintain themselves and generate profit by trading taxes. TradeOgre is one of the examples. It's running since January 2018, never charged any fee for all the projects already there, never had any security problems and runs smoothly (better than most of the other ones that charge listing fees).

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 18, 2019, 08:04:54 PM
the micro pool is a huge advantage imo...!

no pool fees
low latency on LAN
and 100% from block belongs to me

i love it!

keep up the good work guys

Also 0% pool fees :)

Blocktime is only 15 seconds for Swap which makes solo mining more plausible

Looks like some volume is starting up at Graviex this morning  :P

How much volume CMC required there to list?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 19, 2019, 04:56:39 AM
the micro pool is a huge advantage imo...!

no pool fees
low latency on LAN
and 100% from block belongs to me

i love it!

keep up the good work guys

Also 0% pool fees :)

Blocktime is only 15 seconds for Swap which makes solo mining more plausible

Looks like some volume is starting up at Graviex this morning  :P

How much volume CMC required there to list?

Feel free to drop us a note again once there is material trading volume/activity on at least 2 CMC-supported exchanges.

For trading volumes, there is no specific threshold that we are looking for, as we benchmark our assessment against market conditions and other applications.
As a general rule of thumb (this is by no means a guarantee), 3-figure USD volumes and below per exchange are harder to justify.

Well, they're always changing the requirements. At least they could be faster to add other exchanges and their prices to be tracked there too. There are three other exchanges Swap was already listed that still aren't there (HotDEX, Citex and Bittrader).

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 20, 2019, 01:58:46 AM
what is the current block reward?

According to the explorer, ~3.554.


PS: Mod, I understood rules #21 and #32, but I need to wait at least 24h from a post to delete it and merge all the necessary replies. Will do it when possible, don't worry. Not necessary to delete things anymore  :'(

Edit: I hope all the other members breaking those rules everywhere in the Altcoins section (literally hundreds, maybe thousands of them) get their posts removed and merged too. Because the rules are for everyone, as far as I know... right?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 21, 2019, 11:11:39 AM
There were some updates in the micropool software (which has now a new release, v1.3.0) and in the pool code. Don't forget to update if you use one of them (or both):

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on April 21, 2019, 01:20:47 PM
Livecoin? Not, it's for Tokok.

Anyway, that's the problem. That's something I always talk about. Those absurd taxes are one of the main reasons why every coin has some kind of self funding (which we all know that it's taken advantage to easily make some money for the teams behind the project) or that flood of ICOs we see nowadays. That makes far more harder to fair projects that started like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Grin to succeed. Exchanges are supposed to maintain themselves and generate profit by trading taxes. TradeOgre is one of the examples. It's running since January 2018, never charged any fee for all the projects already there, never had any security problems and runs smoothly (better than most of the other ones that charge listing fees).

Who else is asking for 5 BTC Listing fees :D

As far as i know, TradeOgre also charge a listing fees from 0.25 BTC upto 1 BTC in fees.

Even those small newly launch exchange are asking for listing fees so there's really no more free listing nowadays., Everything is paid,

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: kurbeks on April 21, 2019, 08:21:51 PM
Livecoin? Not, it's for Tokok.

Anyway, that's the problem. That's something I always talk about. Those absurd taxes are one of the main reasons why every coin has some kind of self funding (which we all know that it's taken advantage to easily make some money for the teams behind the project) or that flood of ICOs we see nowadays. That makes far more harder to fair projects that started like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Grin to succeed. Exchanges are supposed to maintain themselves and generate profit by trading taxes. TradeOgre is one of the examples. It's running since January 2018, never charged any fee for all the projects already there, never had any security problems and runs smoothly (better than most of the other ones that charge listing fees).

Who else is asking for 5 BTC Listing fees :D

As far as i know, TradeOgre also charge a listing fees from 0.25 BTC upto 1 BTC in fees.

Even those small newly launch exchange are asking for listing fees so there's really no more free listing nowadays., Everything is paid,

I believe Ogre is free, but they don't reply to filling out their form or twitter. But yes many scammy exchanges asking for 3+ BTC for faked volume or low volume at all.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 21, 2019, 09:15:48 PM
Who else is asking for 5 BTC Listing fees :D

As far as i know, TradeOgre also charge a listing fees from 0.25 BTC upto 1 BTC in fees.

Even those small newly launch exchange are asking for listing fees so there's really no more free listing nowadays., Everything is paid,

TradeOgre didn't charged a fee. Neither the other 4 exchanges that Swap was listed so far.

But anyway, unfortunately, this is becoming a recurring practice, and the fairly launched projects are the most disadvantaged ones. I even wrote a text regarding this in the "Serious discussion" section, telling all what I think about that actual state of crypto and the exchanges:

I believe Ogre is free, but they don't reply to filling out their form or twitter. But yes many scammy exchanges asking for 3+ BTC for faked volume or low volume at all.

There are some shady exchanges (some of them even less safe than the free ones) that charge fees even higher than that. I've seen some >50BTC cases... will not mention the names, of course.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: HeyMicky on April 22, 2019, 07:12:34 AM
When CMC? u meed req!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: CoinCowgirl on April 22, 2019, 09:55:06 PM
I searched on the internet but i can`t find a lot of information....

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 23, 2019, 12:14:37 AM
When CMC? u meed req!

We need volume in two CMC supported exchanges to be listed there.

I searched on the internet but i can`t find a lot of information....

Everything you need in in the announcement and in the project's main page.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on April 23, 2019, 07:14:51 PM
finally we made it on coinmarketcap guys!

big thanks to all the supporters making this possible!!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 23, 2019, 10:31:24 PM
finally we made it on coinmarketcap guys!

big thanks to all the supporters making this possible!!

Finally, after so many requests and expectation...

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Krunzy on April 24, 2019, 11:52:55 AM Swap (XWP) Cuckaroo29s Mining Pool :o

Pool:             Krunzy Swap Mining Pool    
Location:       USA
Pool Fee:        0.4%
Min Payout:   0.01 XWP every 60 minutes
  • Dashboards -- featuring individual per worker statistics (worker name, graph rate, payout)
  • Mine to Exchange
  • Paper Wallet Creation
  • Configurable Payout
  • Pool Blocks History with luck and linked blockchain explorer
  • Estimated Mining Profits Calculator

  • Telegram
  • Discord

Getting Started/ Miner Software (GPU: NVIDIA, AMD):
More pool info here:

Good luck!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: stzcze on April 24, 2019, 08:51:02 PM
Hi, I'm trying to use micropool solo, but diff in miner is still 1, is that normal? Thanks

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 25, 2019, 04:08:09 AM
Hi, I'm trying to use micropool solo, but diff in miner is still 1, is that normal? Thanks

Is it stuck in the first block? If yes, possibly you have no connection with the daemon or with any peers.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: stzcze on April 25, 2019, 06:02:07 AM
Hi, I'm trying to use micropool solo, but diff in miner is still 1, is that normal? Thanks

the miner uses a static diff of 1 by default if you don't have anything set (using the . prefix). It doesn't have vardiff like the full pool.

Thanks for the explanation, I get it. I used a static diff  ;)

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: paxis on April 25, 2019, 09:48:56 PM
How to Mine Swap (XWP) - Cuckaroo29s by SavageMine

he starts talking about swap at 3:50

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 26, 2019, 05:19:25 AM
That new video about the MimbleWimble protocol mentions Swap for the adoption of a Cuckaroo based agorithm.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on April 27, 2019, 01:44:44 AM
SavageMine is doing a live stream showing how to use the Swap micro pool.

Swap is ideal for solo mining, virtually anybody with any amount of hash can solo mine Swap. And our micro pool makes it super easy.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on April 29, 2019, 11:40:36 PM
There's a Light Wallet fork in progress, forked from MyMonero. A testnet version is availible for now:

The forked repositories:

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: mgsxman on May 01, 2019, 06:16:25 PM
Swap (XWP) Mining Pool by MiningOcean

Pool Url:

Payout threshold: 1 XWP
Payout interval: 5 min
Pool Fee: 0.4%

Key Pool Features:
DDOS Protection reducing downtime
Configurable Static Difficulty
Configurable Worker IDs
Direct mining to exchange - we support all address types
Configurable Payment Threshold for standard wallets
Recent Block Rewards functionality
Estimate Earning feature
Dashboard with individual per worker statistics
Nicehash support

Tired of the pools that cheat you and steal your hash?
On our pool we value our miners, here you won't see any deception.
Welcome and have a good profit!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 02, 2019, 02:11:48 AM
A small preview of the Light Wallet skin:

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on May 02, 2019, 11:06:36 AM
A small preview of the Light Wallet skin:

Great work Dev!

Do we still need to sync this webwallet?

Most CN webwallet still need syncing and it eats alot of CPU resources. I hope this is one is truly a light wallet.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on May 02, 2019, 04:15:03 PM
A small preview of the Light Wallet skin:

Great work Dev!

Do we still need to sync this webwallet?

Most CN webwallet still need syncing and it eats alot of CPU resources. I hope this is one is truly a light wallet.

No this is truly a light wallet, no syncing required!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on May 02, 2019, 07:43:02 PM
Check out our updated rendition!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: rbrcpa on May 03, 2019, 04:39:58 AM
The Swap webwallet has been officially launched!

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on May 06, 2019, 07:21:19 AM
The Swap webwallet has been officially launched!

Working perfectly and loading very fast,

Just one issue, the login button after adding the seed key is not clickable (Mozilla) the only way to login is by pressing enter key and it will redirect to account dashboard,. It could be browser side issues

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 08, 2019, 04:44:27 AM
7.5 hours to block 1 million  ;D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on May 08, 2019, 12:23:43 PM
I just tried in firefox and all worked nicely for me. Anyone else experiencing this? Can you share more details?

I have an updated Mozilla Firefox, I did try again if the problem still persist and currently the login button are still not working after adding the private seed, Its only working by clicking the enter button.

I just share my experience since this will pose a problem for those mobile users that using Firefox as their browser.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 10, 2019, 06:59:25 AM
Awesome! Love the progress of this project. Not a lot of hoopla.   :)

good job

Thanks  ;D

I have an updated Mozilla Firefox, I did try again if the problem still persist and currently the login button are still not working after adding the private seed, Its only working by clicking the enter button.

I just share my experience since this will pose a problem for those mobile users that using Firefox as their browser.

So far, I've found some issues at desktop browsers. Will test soon at mobile ones.

okay thanks for the info - looks like its not optimized for mobile yet :)

As I said, found some issues with desktop browsers. Soon, I'll point them and post the images. I'll test with mobile browsers too. As soon as I find them, I'll post too.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: yuzuak on May 11, 2019, 07:46:56 PM
when will be listed on other exchange markets?
Can I get small tips.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 11, 2019, 11:55:33 PM
when will be listed on other exchange markets?
Can I get small tips.

Well, that's up to the exchanges. Unfortunately, most of them charge listing fees (some, really big fees) which the project can't pay at all, since there's no premine, no dev fees or any self-funding mean. But fortunately, there are still decent ones that list good projects for free, based on merit. Those ones are the main objective for now, but first, the project needs to grow an groom a bit more.

About the tips, there's a faucet at the discord group (, in the #botspam-faucet channel.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 13, 2019, 08:30:16 PM
Three new Swap related threads were made in the forum:

● The Swap Mining thread in the "Altcoins Mining" section, regarding everything about the Swap mining ecosystem, the PoW algorithm (Cuckaroo29s), and literally anything related with mining, the hardware, the graphrate, difficulty, or whatever else related with Swap mining, as like to ask for support, questions or make suggestions:

● The Swap Speculation thread in the "Altcoins Speculation" section, regarding everything about the Swap market, its current price, exchanges, trading, volume, predictions, TA, or whatever else related with the subject:

● The Swap Pools thread in the "Altcoins Pools" section, exclusively for pool owners to advertise their Swap pools there, since it's prohibited to advertise anywhere else in the forum (rule #22). That thread was made to serve as a Swap Pools list in the forum, so, if you have your Swap pool, you can announce it there (more details in the thread). If you have a Swap pool, remember to ask us for the @Pool Operator role too in the discord group.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 15, 2019, 03:05:50 AM
Some small visual changes are being made in the Micropool software. Tabs coming soon.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: feryjhie on May 17, 2019, 08:33:29 PM
can you share how much the rewards for translate the thread into our language?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: narking on May 17, 2019, 08:42:16 PM
We need translations for the first post of this Announcement Thread for all the other language sections of the forum:

- العربية (Arabic)
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Hrvatski (Croatian)
- Deutsch (German)
- Eλληνικά (Greek)
- עברית (Hebrew)
- Français (French)
- हिन्दी (Hindi)
- Italiano (Italian)
- 日本語 (Japanese)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- 한국어 (Korean)
- Polski (Polish)
- Pyccкий (Russian)
- Română (Romanian)
- Skandinavisk
- Türkçe (Turkish)

We currently have:

- 中文 (Chinese):
- Español (Spanish):
- Português (Portuguese):

If you're willing to help and support the project, and know one of those languages, fell free to translate and send us to be posted with PharmEcis account. It would be nice to have the entire big text telling the history and philosophy behind the project, but at least to have the other parts, like the specifications and the other parts, would be enough. But remember: Bitcointalk has a rule against translations using only Google or any other translating tools. So, it's necessary to be a native or at least a good speaker of the language and know what you're writing.

The most important thing is to understand what prices for the translation you give. I think many will be interested to know how much it costs.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 17, 2019, 10:30:12 PM
can you share how much the rewards for translate the thread into our language?

The most important thing is to understand what prices for the translation you give. I think many will be interested to know how much it costs.

Well, the translations are intended to be a voluntary work. The three translations already done (spanish, portuguese and chinese) were made voluntarily by community members, for free A fourth one (croatian) already in progress, to come soon.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on May 18, 2019, 02:04:03 PM
can you share how much the rewards for translate the thread into our language?

The most important thing is to understand what prices for the translation you give. I think many will be interested to know how much it costs.

Well, the translations are intended to be a voluntary work. The three translations already done (spanish, portuguese and chinese) were made voluntarily by community members, for free A fourth one (croatian) already in progress, to come soon.

No offense to your team but its a cheap move to ask for translation for free. But i guess if someone is willing to do it for free as a voluntary work then its fine. But then again, I guess you should alot some Bounty Funds for the translation job for speedy progress on the translation. Since there's no pre-mine or dev fee you can freely ask donation from different miners.

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 18, 2019, 09:07:34 PM
can you share how much the rewards for translate the thread into our language?

The most important thing is to understand what prices for the translation you give. I think many will be interested to know how much it costs.

Well, the translations are intended to be a voluntary work. The three translations already done (spanish, portuguese and chinese) were made voluntarily by community members, for free A fourth one (croatian) already in progress, to come soon.

No offense to your team but its a cheap move to ask for translation for free. But i guess if someone is willing to do it for free as a voluntary work then its fine. But then again, I guess you should alot some Bounty Funds for the translation job for speedy progress on the translation. Since there's no pre-mine or dev fee you can freely ask donation from different miners.

Why a "cheap move"? Can't count anymore with some community effort and voluntary work for anything to help the project?

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: pinoycash on May 21, 2019, 04:23:46 PM
Why a "cheap move"? Can't count anymore with some community effort and voluntary work for anything to help the project?

Everything here requires a bounty payment before anyone start working. You're just lucky that some volunteers work on those translation.

I suggest you start offering some bounty for translation work and im sure people will come and do the job in an instant. Good Luck :D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: CCAALP10 on May 22, 2019, 01:29:42 AM
do the first step then! as a good community member why dont you offer a bounty since there were no premine!  ;D

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: khongchacchan12 on May 22, 2019, 10:30:22 AM
I am very supportive of the forum because I think swap is the best 100%  :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: 【ANN】Swap (XWP)
Post by: Initech on May 27, 2019, 09:01:15 AM ( - Profitable solo mining pools.
We support a lot of coins on different algorithms. Dagger-Hashimoto, Equihash, Cuckaroo29s, Equihash 144.5, CryptoNightR, X16R, MTP.

Our pools have already found more than 2.5M blocks!

Solo Mining Pool for Swap -

  • The block reward goes to the miner who found it
  • Full stats with charts, rewards and earnings
  • Telegram bot (notifications of new blocks and rigs status)
  • Stable payments
  • Support NiceHash (special port)
  • Support MiningRigRentals
  • Real servers with great ping
  • DDOS protection

Welcome ;)

There's a Swap Pools thread too. Don't forget to announce there:

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: mgao6767 on June 03, 2019, 04:21:52 AM
This looks like a really interesting project. I started mining using 1 of my GPUs minutes after reading about it.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Janisalamat on June 13, 2019, 03:08:32 PM
Hi Everyone!
What's the workout of vega 64 and FE for Swap? Is this reasonable to mine?
Thanks in advance

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mobo2017 on June 19, 2019, 04:09:05 PM
quests for devs...

1) The Windows wallet program ( is very unstable, it "Not Responding" in many cases.
Are you planning to fix it ?

2) There is version 2.8 on github ( dated  15 Mar
    There is latest wallet 2.8 (?) on  dated 16 Jun

Which is stable version? Why you do not put information about new version ?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 19, 2019, 10:09:50 PM
quests for devs...

1) The Windows wallet program ( is very unstable, it "Not Responding" in many cases.
Are you planning to fix it ?

2) There is version 2.8 on github ( dated  15 Mar
    There is latest wallet 2.8 (?) on  dated 16 Jun

Which is stable version? Why you do not put information about new version ?

1) Which wallet are you using? CLI or GUI? What's triggering the unresponsiveness?

2) Those are just minor changes, small fixes, none critical, which will all be incorporated in the next release, 3.0. Until then, 2.8.1 is still fine. But fell free to use 2.8.2 if you desire.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: yuzuak on June 20, 2019, 12:47:24 PM
Is there privacy feature?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mobo2017 on June 20, 2019, 05:52:28 PM
quests for devs...

1) The Windows wallet program ( is very unstable, it "Not Responding" in many cases.
Are you planning to fix it ?

2) There is version 2.8 on github ( dated  15 Mar
    There is latest wallet 2.8 (?) on  dated 16 Jun

Which is stable version? Why you do not put information about new version ?

1) Which wallet are you using? CLI or GUI? What's triggering the unresponsiveness?

2) Those are just minor changes, small fixes, none critical, which will all be incorporated in the next release, 3.0. Until then, 2.8.1 is still fine. But fell free to use 2.8.2 if you desire.
1) GUI
 for example - start, sync, wait an hour, click to History => "Not Responding" occur

2) It's a good idea to put an anouncment about any changes of wallet application (just for security reasons).

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 20, 2019, 09:25:52 PM
Is there privacy feature?

For sure. It's forked from Monero, so, it includes every privacy feature Monero has implemented so far.

quests for devs...

1) The Windows wallet program ( is very unstable, it "Not Responding" in many cases.
Are you planning to fix it ?

2) There is version 2.8 on github ( dated  15 Mar
    There is latest wallet 2.8 (?) on  dated 16 Jun

Which is stable version? Why you do not put information about new version ?

1) Which wallet are you using? CLI or GUI? What's triggering the unresponsiveness?

2) Those are just minor changes, small fixes, none critical, which will all be incorporated in the next release, 3.0. Until then, 2.8.1 is still fine. But fell free to use 2.8.2 if you desire.
1) GUI
 for example - start, sync, wait an hour, click to History => "Not Responding" occur

2) It's a good idea to put an anouncment about any changes of wallet application (just for security reasons).

1) Very strange. As far as I know nobody ever reported such problem. Seems to be an isolated case. Anyway, seems like you're running a llocal node, correct? Could you try to use a remote one, just for testing purposes? Try also just running the daemon (and without the GUI wallet open).

2) Don't worry, we always announce all the big updates. That one, specifically, wasn't exactly announced because it was just a minor fix, nothing critical or important.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 21, 2019, 04:37:56 PM
quests for devs...

1) The Windows wallet program ( is very unstable, it "Not Responding" in many cases.
Are you planning to fix it ?

2) There is version 2.8 on github ( dated  15 Mar
    There is latest wallet 2.8 (?) on  dated 16 Jun

Which is stable version? Why you do not put information about new version ?

1) Which wallet are you using? CLI or GUI? What's triggering the unresponsiveness?

2) Those are just minor changes, small fixes, none critical, which will all be incorporated in the next release, 3.0. Until then, 2.8.1 is still fine. But fell free to use 2.8.2 if you desire.
1) GUI
 for example - start, sync, wait an hour, click to History => "Not Responding" occur

2) It's a good idea to put an anouncment about any changes of wallet application (just for security reasons).

I've been hearing about issues with the wallet and have experienced them myself recently. Here is a quick report.

When starting the GUI wallet there are 2 options on type of wallet to open. Local node or remote node.

I recommend doing the local node if you can. There have been issues with the remote node (especially the default remote node). The issues is too much traffic. Here are other options other than the default if you want to use the remote node.

Also it looks like the local node is taking a long time to sync at the moment. The next wallet release will reset this time I believe. For now there is a blockchain.raw that you can download to speed up the process. I haven't tried it personally. The raw file is over 5 GB so it is a large download.

And if you would like there is always the web wallet which is super fast. It is secure so long as your computer is not compromised (your seed is saved in cookies I believe). Good practice to clear your cache every once in awhile :)

Hope this helps yall that are having issues. As always feel free to pop in discord and holla

I've heard the next XMR release will make changes in the sync. But anyway, it's still faster than others (I made some comparisons).
But about the GUI problem, is it related with using the [] remote node?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: yuzuak on June 21, 2019, 07:55:02 PM
Is there privacy feature?

For sure. It's forked from Monero, so, it includes every privacy feature Monero has implemented so far.

very good, also because there are no securities all stock exchanges can list for american citizens. Promising project.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 21, 2019, 09:14:26 PM
Is there privacy feature?

For sure. It's forked from Monero, so, it includes every privacy feature Monero has implemented so far.

very good, also because there are no securities all stock exchanges can list for american citizens. Promising project.

Actually, one of the main objectives is to find a competent profissional (possibly a lawyer) able to issue an official document stating that the coin isn't a security. That would open the doors for some big exchanges, including the US based ones.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 22, 2019, 12:53:46 PM
It may have felt really slow for me yesterday because I switched from fiber internet back to cable internet.

As for the node.. yeah apparently too many people are using it because its the default option. Switch for a much better experience.

I think the Web Walet uses that node too, right?
In the future, maybe we should just provide more remote nodes option (or a better host for the main one).
New explorers too... So many things we have to do yet  :D
But anyway that's why I always say: It's always better to run your own node.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: yuzuak on June 24, 2019, 05:20:02 PM
 woow day $0.120412 USD (72.92%) ???
why have pump

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 25, 2019, 02:20:46 AM
woow day $0.120412 USD (72.92%) ???
why have pump

more like.. why was the price at 500 sats in the first place..

Well, the pointless rage quit and the guy market selling all his bags (huge bags, if I recall) played all the dump at that moment.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on June 27, 2019, 11:25:42 AM ( - Profitable solo mining pools.
We support a lot of coins on different algorithms. Dagger-Hashimoto, Equihash, Cuckaroo29s, Equihash 144.5, CryptoNightR, X16R, MTP.

Our pools have already found more than 2.5M blocks!

Solo Mining Pool for Swap -

  • The block reward goes to the miner who found it
  • Full stats with charts, rewards and earnings
  • Telegram bot (notifications of new blocks and rigs status)
  • Stable payments
  • Support NiceHash (special port)
  • Support MiningRigRentals
  • Real servers with great ping
  • DDOS protection

Welcome ;)

Hi. There's a Swap Pools List thread:
Don't forget to announce there ;)

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: reeyon on July 02, 2019, 07:45:19 AM
currently we have 4 explorers online:

This is awesome! ;)

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on July 02, 2019, 01:14:54 PM
currently we have 4 explorers online:

This is awesome! ;)

Yes, finally. Maybe in the future, we can better stylize the current main one,

By the way, I need to update lots of links in the announcements. Will do when I have my free time back again soon.

For everybody: Despite not being a hard fork neither a mandatory update, it is VERY important to update to the latest version, 3.0. It brings very important changes in the block sync, making it a lot faster than before, and fixing the slow sync issue, as like other changes, like the possibility of blockchain pruning (if desired by the user).

Daemon/CLI tools:
GUI wallet:

The Ledger software was updated too (special thanks to Cryptoxic for helping with it) to work on 3.0

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: JoenNL on July 07, 2019, 02:08:10 PM
Oke so what can i do with my Freehaven coins?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on July 07, 2019, 05:20:51 PM
Oke so what can i do with my Freehaven coins?

Well, only the name of the project has changed. The addresses and keys are still the same, so, the coins are still yours, they just have another name now  ;)

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on July 08, 2019, 01:04:04 AM
New guide for the Micropool is on the wiki page here ->

Would you mind if I use some parts in the mining thread?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on July 16, 2019, 11:30:58 PM
We need translations for the first post of this Announcement Thread for all the other language sections of the forum:

- العربية (Arabic)
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Hrvatski (Croatian)
- Deutsch (German)
- Eλληνικά (Greek)
- עברית (Hebrew)
- Français (French)
- हिन्दी (Hindi)
- Italiano (Italian)
- 日本語 (Japanese)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- 한국어 (Korean)
- Polski (Polish)
- Pyccкий (Russian)
- Română (Romanian)
- Skandinavisk
- Türkçe (Turkish)
- Čeština (Czech)
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

We currently have:

- 中文 (Chinese):
- Español (Spanish):
- Português (Portuguese):

If you're willing to help and support the project, and know one of those languages, fell free to translate and send us to be posted with PharmEcis account. It would be nice to have the entire big text telling the history and philosophy behind the project, but at least to have the other parts, like the specifications and the other parts, would be enough. But remember: Bitcointalk has a rule against translations using only Google or any other translating tools. So, it's necessary to be a native or at least a good speaker of the language and know what you're writing.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: cryptomaxsun on July 17, 2019, 01:17:30 PM
Russian translation -

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: yuzuak on July 19, 2019, 06:22:46 PM
miner's network shows 10x increase in a one week. Unbelievable...

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: wozzzzz on July 22, 2019, 07:15:01 AM
word must be getting out or it has moved to number 1 spot in and everyone is pointing their miners to it.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Zer0Sum on July 29, 2019, 03:21:26 PM

OP was very well written with not only proper English, but style... "Swap is like having Cuckaroo in your back pocket"  :)

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Initech on August 17, 2019, 12:51:34 AM

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: coinpricetoday on August 27, 2019, 03:54:56 PM
Check SWAP profit calculator and also review SWAP and help other trader

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Krassus on September 15, 2019, 10:34:43 AM
SWAP ( Mining Pool by (

Pool Fee: 0.9%
Default minimum payout (wallet): 1 XWP
Default minimum payout (payment id): 5 XWP
Denomination Unit: 0.001 XWP
Payment Interval: Hourly

Additional features:
  • Automatic server selection based on geo position, variable port difficulty
  • Dedicated node for your wallets. Just point them to
  • PaymentID payments for exchanges
  • PPLNS payout scheme
  • Custom payout threshold
  • Per-Worker hashrate charts
  • E-mail notifications
  • Android ( mobile dashboard
  • Discord ( channel
  • English ( and Russian ( telegram groups

Welcome and Happy Mining!

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Boardmangetpaid on October 03, 2019, 06:16:04 AM
KuCoin is giving an opportunity for the community to recommend a project (
Let's make them aware of Swap.

There's their form:

Things to fill in the form:
● Email address: The email of your KuCoin account
● Project Name: Swap
● Token Name: XWP
● Project Official Website:
● Whitepaper:

There will be one more field: "What is special about this project?"
That one is up to you to fill...

Their campaign will run from 00:00:00 on July 13, 2019, to 23:59:59 on July 14, 2019 (UTC +8).

- Swap hasn't an official unique whitepaper, but it's a mix of many existing things in the moment, so, the best to fill that field is the official CryptoNote one for now. A specific bluepaper can be eventually made in the future.
- You must have an account on KuCoin and use your account email in the form.
- Pay attention to the rules (

Will the Swap team give a reward whenever we make any successful recommendation and referrals to other people? It would be good to have that incentive.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: dgigit on October 03, 2019, 09:05:48 AM
You can check $XWP's price and stats on CoinMarketCap for a detailed overview Link (

source (

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: rowenta01 on January 29, 2020, 12:54:46 PM
What's up guys?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Spiralloop on February 28, 2020, 07:01:03 PM
I would like to help translate to couple languages kindly tell me exactly what do you want to translate.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: LordCyclone on May 22, 2020, 10:40:47 PM
what is your contract adres ?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: MeBender on February 11, 2021, 12:58:14 AM
yo this coin is sooo underrated! feels like I've found a diamond in the rough, thanks to whattomine :)

Here's why I think this coin is actually so great:

1. Active dev team and some actual innovation.

2. Low max coin supply.

3. Easy to mine with GPU with great rewards and second most profitable coin below ethereum.

4. Beautifully designed wallets, website and infrastructure.

5. Potential for the price to skyrocket so holding mined coins is desirable.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: coolmib on March 03, 2021, 06:45:54 AM
   Does any body here having problem when solo mining...??
e.g : doesn't receive any rewards for a couple hours...??

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on March 20, 2021, 04:56:35 AM
New Swap Community Discord here:

Let's get it going!!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on March 24, 2021, 12:10:24 AM
  Does any body here having problem when solo mining...??
e.g : doesn't receive any rewards for a couple hours...??

try using the on-block-notify:

with a priority node near you

Auto Node
Remote Nodes

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on April 02, 2021, 03:29:34 PM
New Swap Community Discord here:

Let's get it going!!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

and new community telegram:

come join the fun  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

community website in the works a few other fun projects to bolster the swap ecosystem

also Swap is trading in the top 10 CryptoNote coins on TradeOgre  :D

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: yuzuak on April 26, 2021, 11:00:10 AM

$xwp :o :o :o

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on May 30, 2021, 04:34:00 AM NEW & FAST!

new dev for swap Revvz who is also working on the iOS phone wallet is hosting this new web wallet!!

try it out it's speed 100% better than the old wallet and will not crash from a large load as it's on a beast server now  ;D

happy times for swap enjoy!!!

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: ConcertBil on July 28, 2021, 07:08:47 AM
Hi guys!

WTF is with mobile android wallet? Play Market said that is have virus/trojan. Is it safe? Or it is scam from developer?

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on August 22, 2021, 03:01:46 AM
Hi guys!

WTF is with mobile android wallet? Play Market said that is have virus/trojan. Is it safe? Or it is scam from developer?

It's safe. This is just a false positive from the Play Market.

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Black Hawk Mining on November 04, 2021, 07:44:12 PM
Hey folks!

It's been some time since we have seen some widespread activity from Swap. This is about to change as new members brought energy and motivation to push Swap to the next level. Most of us have been watching Swap slowly losing steam for years and we all felt terrible to see such a fundamentally strong blockchain working flawlessly yet not being used by many.

Now, let's take a moment to look at what Swap offers, which not many fully decentralized, no pre-mine, no ICO, fully-volunteer projects offer:
1. Blockchain is running smoothly without intervention for 3 years, no breaks, no chain splits
2. Swap is the fastest privacy coin with a 15 second block time, which means very fast transactions
3. Unique Cuckoo mining algorithm, means fast syncing of blockchain
4. RingCT technology for private transactions
5. Buletproofs technology
6. Desktop wallets for Mac, Windows and Linux
7. Web wallet
8. Electron wallets for Mac, Windows and Linux
9. Mobile android wallet
10. Mobile iOS wallet in later stages of development
11. Swap supports Ledger blue, Nano S, Nano X hardware wallets
12. Micropool for solo mining that helps decentralization

As you can see, Swap has a lot to offer fundamentally and technologically. What is missing is its community and constructive conversations going on throughout all of our social media channels.
Swap needs you more than ever. Every single one of you. Let's make this happen!

Our steps forward will initially focus on networking, community construction, development, and more. We will give you more detailed information about our further steps in the next few days.

Until then, stay well and keep following our socials.

Webpage :
Discord :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Medium :

The Swap Foundation

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on November 08, 2021, 05:31:40 PM
Today's stats:

Graphrate: 690 gps
Difficulty: 344

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Black Hawk Mining on November 11, 2021, 04:55:33 PM

The iOS mobile wallet is in the final stages of development. Thanks to our developer Revvz, who has been working on iOS development for months, we can finally say that release is imminent.

For Swap, this is another step in providing full support for all relevant operating systems. We are one of few community-driven, low market cap coins with full support for desktop including Electron & Qt (Windows, Mac, Linux) wallets, web wallet, and soon full support for mobile phones (Android and iOS).

The latest TestFlight build got accepted by Apple, so we would now like to ask the community to test it out and help us find potential bugs before releasing it to the general public. Both the issue link and iOS TestFlight link are below:

All issues need to be submitted using the GitHub issue link above. We will provide support on our discord #bugs-and-support channel.

Discord :

The release date of the Swap iOS mobile wallet is going to be announced soon!

Until then, stay well and keep following our socials.

The Swap Foundation

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on November 15, 2021, 05:51:38 PM
Today's stats:

Graphrate: 1,130 gps
Difficulty: 547

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Black Hawk Mining on November 16, 2021, 01:33:04 PM
Difficulty is rising... niceee  8) ;D

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Black Hawk Mining on November 17, 2021, 09:57:54 PM
Youtube channel is coming!

We started recording series of basic guides for Swap cryptocurrency. It will include wallet guides (GUI, electron, mobile, web), mining guide, buying guide and much more.

But this time we will not make it without our loyal community. Official Swap video guides should come with earth-shaking intro and outro. This is where community can jump in.

We are going to give away 1000 XWP for the best combo of intro (10s)/outro (5s) for our official videos. So if you want to earn some free XWP, send us your product on discord ( dm.

As soon as we have videos combined with intro/outro we will start uploading them to our new youtube channel - .

Until then, stay well and keep following our socials.


The Swap Foundation

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: CrayjeksAjek on November 27, 2021, 09:22:07 PM
Anybody have tested gpu settings they care to share?

According to my GTX 1070 should be getting 5.7 h/s when in reality I am getting 2.9 g/s at 130 watts using lolminer 1.33
Core Clock: +100
Memory Clock: +500
Power Limit: 85

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Black Hawk Mining on November 29, 2021, 03:25:45 PM
Anybody have tested gpu settings they care to share?

According to my GTX 1070 should be getting 5.7 h/s when in reality I am getting 2.9 g/s at 130 watts using lolminer 1.33
Core Clock: +100
Memory Clock: +500
Power Limit: 85

Basically your overclocks are you... you can play around with it a bit more if it will give any better efficiency...
But you can try Gminer v. 2.58 .. i think this miner gives best hashrate...

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Black Hawk Mining on December 03, 2021, 07:58:52 PM
Swap is progressing!

New videos have just been uploaded to our youtube channel. Swap software is advanced and easy to use, if only someone shows you how. This is exactly what we are going to do with this easy basic video guides.
Check Swap guides on our youtube channel :
And do not forget to subscribe and activate the bell as more videos are going to be uploaded soon!

Going forward into the next week our goal is to add more youtube videos, and continue development on iOS wallet, which is close to completion. You can expect some surprise in the middle of the week!

Until then, stay well and keep following our socials.
The Swap Foundation

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: abanamat on January 08, 2022, 01:07:38 PM
Anybody have tested gpu settings they care to share?

According to my GTX 1070 should be getting 5.7 h/s when in reality I am getting 2.9 g/s at 130 watts using lolminer 1.33
Core Clock: +100
Memory Clock: +500
Power Limit: 85

GTX 1070 - 5.8 g/s at 132 watts using GMiner 2.58 with -mt 5
Core +120
Memory +650
PL 80

No rejected, no stales

Title: Re: ████【ANN】Swap (XWP) 🔀 ████
Post by: Mahaprajapati on October 12, 2023, 06:12:50 PM
Today's stats:

Graphrate: 266.67 Gps
Difficulty: 126