Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Harkorede on December 12, 2018, 12:54:02 PM

Title: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: Harkorede on December 12, 2018, 12:54:02 PM
Greediness or Curiosity would make you lose everything you've ever worked so hard for in
 the crypto space in less than a blink of an eye.

All these hackers need is your Curiosity and/or Greed.
I'll try as much as possible to explain why I choose the word "Greed" and "Curiosity" with some Images.

1. Greed
You get tons of emails(Mostly), telegram posts or any post of sort offering a lot of tokens while you give nothing in return, You never took a second to verify or think about what could be at stake, you instantly give out as much information about you as possible simply because it is limited to a specific number of participants.
Things you should ask yourself:
Did I sign up for this ?
How did they get my email ?
Are they so generous to offer a lot to people who have been of no relevance whatsoever to their course ?
Then why should I expect an email with such an offering from something I never signed up for?
I'm pretty sure your answers to the above questions aren't far fetched.

2. Curiosity
More often than not, People get to know that some of these post are scam or most likely to be but, out of Ignorance or curiosity and without taking proper precautions they tend to give it a trial with the aim of not giving out private informations such private keys, passwords or even emails, without prior understanding that it takes less than a nano-second to get compromised which cannot be undone, and mere clicking of a link or installation of a software(malware) and applications could have them divulge just the right amount of informations needed to get them compromised

Here's an example I get numerous emails about these offerings regularly and you might find some tempting or at least worth trying out.

Then you get required to sign a message from a phishing website, In which all information giving there is used but the hackers to steal your hard earned assets it the blink of an eye.

Precautions that should taken:
Do not try to reap from where you did not sow...
1. Pay no attention whatsoever to unsolicited message with such offerings/giveaways.
2. If you are bounty/airdrop participant, Not everything is owrth your your time. You should be selective with campaigns partake in, doing so will make you notice if you ever get a message from something you've never took part in or registered for.
3. Never try to outsmart an hacker, a trial will not convince you, a trial will compromise you. An hacker could set several booby traps for you fully knowing you should be blinded/or pay less attention to one of it. If you're ever going to give it a trial then you should make you have not private informations that could be lost on the device or computer you'll try it with, but I'd prefer not taking unnecessary risks without proper knowledge.

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: Coyster on December 12, 2018, 02:03:18 PM
It's not so bad to be curious though IMO,at least not to the extent of being greedy,you could be curious about a lot of things and that could actually help you learn a lot about it
But once a user on this network is greedy,there is a high probability of getting scammed,as you'll no longer think with common sense,but only keep looking at the supposed larger picture and how much you're to gain
Most scams are obvious,they breathe scam,but only greed can shield ones eyes from seeing them clearly

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: Upgrade00 on December 12, 2018, 02:29:41 PM
No 3; Ignorance.
This is a very efficient tool used by hackers. When people lack a clear understanding of a particular venture they are more liable to fall into a well presented scheme.
We should all form the habit of verifying any information we come across, and always treat things with skepticism.
It is a scam, until proven otherwise

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: Screamshot on December 12, 2018, 02:47:56 PM
Well this topic has been brought up countless amount of time..

Greed is one illness that can leave someone vulnerable to invaders.. Always apply caution and be very observant

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: DdmrDdmr on December 12, 2018, 04:30:44 PM
True that this is not a new topic, but I don’t mind a certain limited amount of iterations over time, since it is important to bear in mind, especially for those that are beginners and more prone to fall for these pit traps, often out of being naïve and lacking knowledge in the matter. Knowledge help to build up one’s self-defences, and awareness should trigger the need to learn more about these kind of situations.

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: Peacemaker1994 on December 12, 2018, 05:32:12 PM
Greed and curiosity are two characters every one should try to limit these are the characters that leaves you open to scam sters they tempt you with something unrealistic and make way with your price possession

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: CryptoMobster on December 12, 2018, 06:29:40 PM
Stupidity to get you in a position to giveaway email addresses, could not be any more obvious really.

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: TheBunting on December 12, 2018, 07:57:14 PM
Greediness or Curiosity would make you lose everything you've ever worked so hard for in
 the crypto space in less than a blink of an eye.

All these hackers need is your Curiosity and/or Greed.
I'll try as much as possible to explain why I choose the word "Greed" and "Curiosity" with some Images.

1. Greed
You get tons of emails(Mostly), telegram posts or any post of sort offering a lot of tokens while you give nothing in return, You never took a second to verify or think about what could be at stake, you instantly give out as much information about you as possible simply because it is limited to a specific number of participants.
Things you should ask yourself:
Did I sign up for this ?
How did they get my email ?
Are they so generous to offer a lot to people who have been of no relevance whatsoever to their course ?
Then why should I expect an email with such an offering from something I never signed up for?
I'm pretty sure your answers to the above questions aren't far fetched.

2. Curiosity
More often than not, People get to know that some of these post are scam or most likely to be but, out of Ignorance or curiosity and without taking proper precautions they tend to give it a trial with the aim of not giving out private informations such private keys, passwords or even emails, without prior understanding that it takes less than a nano-second to get compromised which cannot be undone, and mere clicking of a link or installation of a software(malware) and applications could have them divulge just the right amount of informations needed to get them compromised

Here's an example I get numerous emails about these offerings regularly and you might find some tempting or at least worth trying out.

Then you get required to sign a message from a phishing website, In which all information giving there is used but the hackers to steal your hard earned assets it the blink of an eye.

Precautions that should taken:
Do not try to reap from where you did not sow...
1. Pay no attention whatsoever to unsolicited message with such offerings/giveaways.
2. If you are bounty/airdrop participant, Not everything is owrth your your time. You should be selective with campaigns partake in, doing so will make you notice if you ever get a message from something you've never took part in or registered for.
3. Never try to outsmart an hacker, a trial will not convince you, a trial will compromise you. An hacker could set several booby traps for you fully knowing you should be blinded/or pay less attention to one of it. If you're ever going to give it a trial then you should make you have not private informations that could be lost on the device or computer you'll try it with, but I'd prefer not taking unnecessary risks without proper knowledge.

People are capitalizing on the fact that the infant stage that Crypto is in, people are blindly diving in head first expecting to make lots of money after the big boom this time last year. They are for some reason seeing these messages that sound too good to be true (because they are!) and naively believing them and giving away vital information that leads to them being hacked of assets. I truly feel sorry for some of these people that get hacked, but others are acting with sheer stupidity in a mission to gain this mass of wealth.

This is the same as an email from a foreign person offering to pay you £50,000 as long as you type in your bank details. People need to get educated more on the tell tale signs of scams in this space because there are far too many of them going about. I mean, I look at some of these ICOs that are live and think to myself "how can someone confidently invest thousands into this and expect it to be a success?!". Absolutely mindblowing at times!

Title: Re: Greediness could make you prone to these Hacks or Phishing attacks.
Post by: Alluro on December 13, 2018, 01:29:15 AM
Yes, I have seen too many Binance giveaway messages in my spam. Just one thing we have to understand. If anyone receives Myetherwallet link via email, it's definitely phishing site. Another thing is to look twice at the address bar. The concert Myetherwallet website is You can bookmark that site.