Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: imcoltanhuehue on December 14, 2018, 12:57:17 AM

Title: Lost Bitcoin after transfer from Coinbase to Electrum. Please Help :(
Post by: imcoltanhuehue on December 14, 2018, 12:57:17 AM
Hello. This last week I transfered some bitcoin from my coinbase wallet to my electrum wallet as I have done many, many times before. This time around it made me wait three days to clear for verification purposes, which was whatever. Eventually after the three days it cleared and said it was sent to my electrum wallet. On electrum there is a transaction on the day that the coins cleared, but it says +0 with a balance of 0, when the transfer was for ~200 dollars in bitcoin... I called Coinbase and they stated that everything was fine on their end and that it said the coins were cleared. On electrum in my used "receive" wallet address the address I used to send the coins to exists, so it was not that I sent the coins to a wrong address. I am so confused what has happened to my coins and how I can get them back as it was my friends money and i'm broke as fuck right now haha :( If anybody could help i'd forever thank you with my deepest gratitude. I have the transaction hash/ID time and dates etc and wallet address and so forth, let me know what information you may need and I will post it. Thank you guys so much <3

Title: Re: Lost Bitcoin after transfer from Coinbase to Electrum. Please Help :(
Post by: imcoltanhuehue on December 14, 2018, 01:06:39 AM
Transaction on BlockCyper:

Bitcoin Transaction: 0c2b650678f4fb376e04549c473f8588dfbadd19dd7f94a437ac745faa735392

Wallet Address Sent To: 19EtRmDzBUARVfNhXr5hpgd8MtfSYw3SG6

Coinbase Transaction Info:

−0.04910162 BTC
≈ $182.65
Price per coin
0.00003602 BTC
12/5/2018 12:28 PM

In my Electrum History the transaction is:

2018-12-08 12:40
amount +0.
Balance 0.

The same day an hour or so later I had transfered money from another wallet to my electrum account successfully, but my balance was simply the 10 dollars I sent... 0.002966. The strange thing as well is I cannot right click the transaction in my history like I can with all of my other transactions. Coinbase said this is probably a problem on electrums end :/

I'm worried I won't get my lost coins back.

Title: Re: Lost Bitcoin after transfer from Coinbase to Electrum. Please Help :(
Post by: Rickorick on December 14, 2018, 01:27:43 AM
Don't worry, all is well. Just update your electrum by downloading the latest version from and the coins should show up.

Title: Re: Lost Bitcoin after transfer from Coinbase to Electrum. Please Help :(
Post by: imcoltanhuehue on December 14, 2018, 01:38:17 AM
Updated and the money updated, thank god. Thank you so much!