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Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: joseyphil82 on December 17, 2018, 06:32:44 AM

Title: Cryptonight lite beats v7 and v8 hands down
Post by: joseyphil82 on December 17, 2018, 06:32:44 AM
Alright here is another amazing discovery done by myself after few weeks of worrying about cn- v8 of Monero, any newbies reading this should know that cn -v8 is the newest Monero updated algorithm ,it was on v7 before and guess what v8 drags down the hashrate on both Amd and Nvidia GPUs e.g I was getting 380hash rates of single gtx570 using v7 algo and on v8 it drags me down to 280 ,and that's lot ,100hash difference ,even on ally Amd GPUs so I just stop mining cos all my hashrates was 2800h/s and v8 drag it back to 1900 so I was so disappointed ,I try hard to tweak it by all means but no improvement so I just decided to try cn-lite and guess what the results are huge

Every cryptonight miner out there knows that if v7 gives you 2000 h/s it will be 4000 h/s on cryptonight lite so let's get down to some comparison with my GPUs and CPUs
1) GTX 570 using v7 was 380,  on cn-lite = 900hash rates and it should be 760h/s
2) Gtx 460 using v7 was 230 , on cn-lite = 560hash rates and it should be 460h/s
3) gtx550ti using v7 was 155 ,on cn-lite = 420hash rates and it should be 310h/s

1) hd6970 using v7 was 380 to 400, on cn-lite = 930hash rates and it should be 760 to 800h/s range
2)hd6870 using v7 was 280 ,on cn-lite =600hash rates and it should be 560 h/s
3)hd7770 using v7 was 200 ,on cn-lite = 600hash rates and that's huge ,guess its because of its newer architecture

So CPU part is the most surprising
1) Intel i5 second gen 2.4ghz was getting 220 h/s on v7 ,on cn-lite its 620hash rates
2) Amd A10 6700 was getting 170- 199h/s on V7 ,on cn -lite its 600 hashrates

No doubts CPU has huge advantage over GPUs
I'm using Xmrstack for the Nvidia Gpu setups and the trick was to increase intensity up a bit e.g if was at 336 bump it up to 338
For Amd xmrstack increase strides index to 2 and memory chunk to 2
So all my hashrates combine for v7 is 2800h/s and on cn-lite it should be 5600 hash rates but I'm getting 6760h/s ,that's extra 1160h

Notice: for newbies ,as of now mining its not profitable for now I'm only suggesting this idea because I'm on free electricity so this is not financial advice ,thank you