Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BruceFenton on March 09, 2014, 11:15:23 PM

Title: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: BruceFenton on March 09, 2014, 11:15:23 PM
Speech on regulation at Texas Bitcoin Conference

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: CoinRocka on March 09, 2014, 11:39:30 PM
Speech on regulation at Texas Bitcoin Conference

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this.

Wasn't a fan, not many folks there and the guy spoke like a Southern Baptist preacher, again not a fan. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: BruceFenton on March 09, 2014, 11:57:37 PM
Speech on regulation at Texas Bitcoin Conference

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this.

Wasn't a fan, not many folks there and the guy spoke like a Southern Baptist preacher, again not a fan. 

"Southern baptist preacher"

As someone from Massachusetts, that one I've never heard before.

There were FOUR competing events and it was at 5:40pm in a huge room so the crowd was as good as could be expected.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: alp on March 10, 2014, 02:55:50 AM
Speech on regulation at Texas Bitcoin Conference

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this.

Hi Bruce,

I was there and enjoyed it quite a bit.  Glad to talk to you afterwards, too.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on March 10, 2014, 02:57:32 AM
Speech on regulation at Texas Bitcoin Conference

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this.

Good stuff.  We have to accept that there are going to be more hacks and heists in the future.  It's unavoidable.  Like you said in the video, cryptocurrencies are still in the early development and experimental stages. It's going to take time to develop the needed hardware and software as well as refine security practices and procedures.   It's unfortunate that there are so many who think more regulation is the solution.

The dependable and trustworthy bitcoin businesses will learn from the Mt Gox debacle and become more transparent and more focused than ever on improving their security in order to minimize the magnitude of the damage that results from future incidents.  The less competent businesses won't be as vigilant and will choose to try to shift responsibility to the regulators  Then they'll use inadequate regulation as a scapegoat when something goes wrong.  ("It wasn't our fault, we were complying with the regulations!")  Those who are asking for more regulation should be careful what they ask for...they just might get it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: BruceFenton on March 10, 2014, 03:18:18 PM

Hi Bruce,

I was there and enjoyed it quite a bit.  Glad to talk to you afterwards, too.


Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: BruceFenton on March 10, 2014, 08:27:28 PM
"Gweedo" that's a pretty profound amount of attacking with absolutely no basis and no evidence of any kind whatsoever.

Absolutely ridiculous and stunningly irresponsible.

It never ceases to amaze me how armchair internet warriors can so easily and flippantly make false accusations and attack others with no cause at all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: BruceFenton on March 11, 2014, 12:18:16 AM

I am far from an internet warrior for the record, I worked on Wall Street helping major firms securely hold bitcoins. I also am one of the 0.001% bracket of bitcoin wealth. I am also an accredited investor, so before calling someone an internet armchair warrior, do some research on who you are speaking to. You sir are a con-man, trying to profit off FUD of the foundation and using misinformation in your speech which I clearly laid out.

Okay "Gweedo" you are not a troll.  Sure.

What SHRED of evidence do you have for your accusations?

What is your real name?  Where is your LinkedIn profile, website etc.?

What ONE person EVER has accused me of a scam or con toward them?  Who?  Can you name ONE?   It's shouldn't be hard, I've done this for 22 years....surely there must be one somewhere.

What "misinformation" was in my speech?  Specifics please not complaints about my "body language".

You have no basis whatsoever at all in any way shape or form.   

You are a liar.   I have never attempted to profit from the Bitcoin Association -- I am a life member of the Foundation and have no issue with them and I have donated money to the association, never taken a cent from it and have no intention to.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: gweedo on March 11, 2014, 12:31:48 AM

I am far from an internet warrior for the record, I worked on Wall Street helping major firms securely hold bitcoins. I also am one of the 0.001% bracket of bitcoin wealth. I am also an accredited investor, so before calling someone an internet armchair warrior, do some research on who you are speaking to. You sir are a con-man, trying to profit off FUD of the foundation and using misinformation in your speech which I clearly laid out.

Okay "Gweedo" you are not a troll.  Sure.

What SHRED of evidence do you have for your accusations?

What is your real name?  Where is your LinkedIn profile, website etc.?

What ONE person EVER has accused me of a scam or con toward them?  Who?  Can you name ONE?   It's shouldn't be hard, I've done this for 22 years....surely there must be one somewhere.

What "misinformation" was in my speech?  Specifics please not complaints about my "body language".

You have no basis whatsoever at all in any way shape or form.  

You are a liar.   I have never attempted to profit from the Bitcoin Association -- I am a life member of the Foundation and have no issue with them and I have donated money to the association, never taken a cent from it and have no intention to.

Due to privacy why should I give you my private information, I have a target on my back for hackers and others why would I compromise that?

Wait you came from wall street, started an organization called bitcoin association with another person who is also trying to scam the community with a failing project, that is also connected to another con-man. I think that information speaks for itself.

I have clearly stated the misinformation yet you are asking me to state it again, can you not read?

You are the founder of the so how can we believe where the money is going in that organzation? That is like foundation, you don't know where the money is going. Just like Wall Street you don't know where the money goes.

I like outsmarting people like you because it shows that the wealth has changed hands to people that actually care about the little man ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: BruceFenton on March 11, 2014, 12:48:09 AM

Due to privacy why should I give you my private information, I have a target on my back for hackers and others why would I compromise that?

Wait you came from wall street, started an organization called bitcoin association with another person who is also trying to scam the community with a failing project, that is also connected to another con-man. I think that information speaks for itself.

I have clearly stated the misinformation yet you are asking me to state it again, can you not read?

You are the founder of the so how can we believe where the money is going in that organzation? That is like foundation, you don't know where the money is going. Just like Wall Street you don't know where the money goes.

I like outsmarting people like you because it shows that the wealth has changed hands to people that actually care about the little man ;)

And you think I don't have a target on my back?

I'm easily verifiable, I publish under my real name.  My background is easily reviewed.

You are anonymous and I am certain you would not have the courage to make such wild accusations if not for being able to hide behind a fake name.

So you are claiming that the Bitcoin Association is a "con" because Vitalik is a member?   Seriously?

And you jump to call someone a "con man" because you "don't know where the money is going" again, seriously?   Bitcoin Association has so far been funded entirely by me.   Even if we had taken donations and when we do your ignorance of "not knowing" where the money goes is a massive step away from anything close to evidence of wrongdoing.

No, the "misinformation" you speak of in my speech was not clearly stated.   I have no idea what you are talking about.  If there was something incorrect in my speech of like to know.

Your leaps of illogic would make you well suited to be a Newsweek reporter.

Seriously man, I'm not sure how old you are or if your intent was to be a troll -- but think logically.   It is unbelievably wrong to make such accusations about someone without evidence or backing.

You should consider using even the most very basic of objective standards --- especially when making an accusation.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on March 20, 2014, 11:04:05 PM
Here's an article I just came across that provides additional examples of how regulations are used to stifle competition and innovation.

Fortunately, with Bitcoin being open source, decentralized, and cryptographically secure, regulating BTC transactions will prove to be more challenging.

Title: Re: Bitcoin speech - regulation and Wall St, emerging markets
Post by: RealSirBitsALot on March 29, 2014, 07:13:06 AM
So this is the guy that runs the scam that is called the Bitcoinassociation.Org and now he is preaching to us about bitcoins.

You (Bruce Fenton) keep claiming that you are passionate about bitcoin as we all are. I have to disagree with that your mouths says that, but your body language and your other involvements have lead me to believe you are not passionate about bitcoin, just the money you think you can make from it. Also you start off listing how the bitcoin market is smaller than some early dot com companies. If I remember correctly that was a bubble of course the market caps are going to be large. Now you say you're passionate about bitcoin yet you compare us to a bubble, so again showing your true colors. You also say we need huge dollars to start pouring into bitcoins, I would say that is a very long ways away, we first need infrastructure to support all the money coming into bitcoins. Second bitcoin to you is investment vehicle as you are saying that we need 401K dollars being put into bitcoin, this would raise our market cap but probably not be the smartest move with the volatile that will continue. You are jumping in and out of points that you make. This is making the talk very hard to follow which side you are on? Long term or short term gain.

Are you (Bruce Fenton) against regulation because you are running a scam? And you don't want them to cage you because you are using a fraudulent organization as a means to make a lot of money ;).

As a long time member of bitcoins I have to say this guy (Bruce Fenton) is someone we don't want in our community. He is fraudulent character trying to tell us how we should be running bitcoin yet doesn't want anyone telling him how to regulate bitcoin. Fraudulent organization that is trying to use our worries with the bitcoin foundation into him making money.

Look who is in that organization...
Vitalik Buterin – Founder, Etherium

Another person that wants to save the world yet take no risk...

You forgot to mention that Bruce Fenton is also a Freemason and a pro-slavery ideologist which performs active lobbying of falsified information about the ongoing slave-market in Dubai, trying to hide the truth about slavery in order to earn money on it himself.

Bruce Fenton claims all information in these videos below are false and he claims slavery does not exist:

Aljazeera Dubai Modern Slavery

Nightmare in Dreamland pt1 DUBAI Ethiopian / Filipino Maids Slaves

Slaves of Dubai

Bruce Fenton talks about freemason

Bruce Fenton also claimed this article was 100% false:

Along with thousands of other articles Bruce also claims are false.

Shortly put, Bruce Fenton supports slavery and claims all the thousands of reports around on the web and youtube are all fake propaganda intended to hurt Dubai. He also have a lot of business-deals going on in Dubai giving him economical incentives for this lobby-work and suppression of the truth regarding slavery.

Now that being said, I support and believe in bitcoin. But I am embarrassed to see people like Bruce Fenton is supporting bitcoin too, due to his obvious anti-humanitarian ideology. I really dont like having this man on our bitcoin team, who looks at other non-Freemason  humans as cheap commodities. He obviously look at other human beings as less worth than a roll of toilet paper.

Bruce Fenton even paid off some taxi driver in Dubai recording propaganda about slavery did not exist and spreading this around on youtube for personal gain. The fact is, if that Dubai Taxi driver actually told the truth about the slavery, he would instantly be in danger of losing his job, thrown in jail indefinitely and his family would also be in danger of getting their passports confiscated and getting thrown out on the streets, if he dared to talk about the truth regarding the slavery. Bruce Fenton conveniently does not mention this fact at all in his propaganda videos. Of obvious (personal economical) reasons.

Im really not sure what the most absurd part is, the fact he so eagerly tries to hide the truth about slavery, or the fact he thinks his horribly low quality propaganda videos will be trusted by anyone at all. Only a complete moron with zero attachment to reality would believe this man`s words.

You can also read some of Bruce Fenton`s ridiculously arrogant replies regarding slavery at my twitter account @SirBitsALot