Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: SilverChromia on December 18, 2018, 07:41:15 AM

Title: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: SilverChromia on December 18, 2018, 07:41:15 AM
For so many years and in the past we already witness a lot of different events and happenings in the world history that will never forgotten like Sports like Basketball, Soccer, Football, Boxing and Etc and also goes to the Beauty Pageants and all of this is having a big competition even at this moment in every part of the world and like Bitcoin and other Crypocurrencies this things are always improving day by day and im getting curious if all these categories of differents events will also come partner officially with Bitcoin and other Crypto industries in my opinion we can build a better future for all the events that we always we are doing and we wanted to improve even we all know that there are already companies in the Crypto industries started that but as of this moment we cannot see whats good it will be the result.

Does it affect the both sides into a good way? Recently we witness a Boxing Event that promoting Cryptocurrency but im a bit sadly disappointed from what i seen because for me in that event some peoples doesnt recognized our new technology or they are not very interested to give Cryptocurrency to have an officially and elegant promotion in the event and also some television network cut some clips or they do not televise the main event that are promoting cryptocurrency but im hoping all of the different competition around the world will give also an opportunity not just in Bitcoin but in all Crypto currency in the history to spread its technology and knowledges to the Subscribers so people will be attracted and have a lot of big interest and put attention to the World of Cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: Kakmakr on December 18, 2018, 09:07:31 AM
The question is, who will be paying for this advertisements? We have a large amount of Bitcoin companies that are barely making any profits now, with the price being this low and some are even struggling to keep their heads above the water.  :P

We could crowd fund this, but Bitcoin hoarders are clinging onto their coins now and people are not using or selling their coins now. It does not make any sense to use coins, when the price is this low.

The only inexpensive way to market Bitcoin now, is "word of mouth" and "natural adoption".  :(

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: davis196 on December 18, 2018, 01:02:35 PM
So what do you want?Big advertisements on those sports events saying "BUY BITCOIN!"?This screams SCAM from 1000 miles away.Why do you think nobody promotes currencies of such events?Because nobody would buy.I assume that some crypto sports betting company might grow big enough to start promoting crypto sports betting in such events,but this type of advertising is expensive as hell...

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: dothebeats on December 18, 2018, 01:17:56 PM
I'd say no, it will only make the people curious but without any real application for the matter, or without any incentives for the people to use bitcoin no matter how many Superbowl halftime appearance does bitcoin make, it won't make anything better for adoption. Also, who would want to pay for such? They'd need to shell out a big sum of money just have bitcoin on air for a few seconds and after that, nada. I'm in for getting the word out for bitcoin but I think beauty pageant and sports events aren't great media for such.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: mk4 on December 18, 2018, 02:33:55 PM
Bitcoin rose from the ground without any marketing and advertising; pretty much just through word of mouth; and I really don't see why bitcoin should be advertised. It bitcoin is fit enough for global adoption, it will organically reach people's interests. And yea, what Kakmakr said. There's no sort of "bitcoin CEO" that's going to pay for the advertisement.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: randythered on December 18, 2018, 03:07:46 PM
Advertisement is not needed until bitcoin is fully functional for what it is being advertised. If you are aiming for mass adoption then BTC needs to be ready for that and that will require scalability as well as a willingness for adoption from the business sector before the public.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: bitfocus on December 18, 2018, 03:11:42 PM
to determine that, first we need to know who is paying for those ads, and why... then we can discuss about the motive and possible impact in market.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: Shiversnow on December 18, 2018, 04:20:36 PM
Advertising the bitcoin in a pageant and sports worldwide might be a good idea because we can spread cryptocurrency and it may attract many potential investors. If we advertise there is a tendency that the demand of bitcoin will increase so the price will increase as well. But, do you think it will possible to happen that this will happen in those kind of event.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: btyco on December 18, 2018, 04:22:43 PM
There are altcoins advertising in their respective fields, but bitcoin doesn't have an owner so in theory anyone can advertise it if they feel strongly enough about it. Perhaps the twins will start a campaign as they are well known whales

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: ngocbkcse on December 18, 2018, 04:52:19 PM
Hardly someone will advertise bitcoins for free. And who is going to pay for it? Besides now it is not the best time to do that.

Title: Re: Does being advertise the Bitcoin in Beauty Pageant and Sports Worldwide is Good?
Post by: kryptqnick on December 18, 2018, 05:03:20 PM
Ads are just ads. They make people get familiar with some words, but I don't think they help to speed up the mass adoption. Sports events can promote any business that is paying them to do so. Partnerships are different, though. They mean that there are some mutual benefits and probably care for one another. Partnerships between sports events and cryptos are probably good. Sport is something exciting and positive, so uniting it with cryptos kind of transfers these properties onto them. People have to see that cryptocurrencies are not about drugs, weapons and porn. They are also about being healthy, donating money on charity and other nice things. I don't think it will make a big difference in terms of adoption, but at least it can cast doubt on a belief that cryptos are shady.