Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: cryptohunter on December 22, 2018, 06:12:10 AM

Title: COWARDLY GANG IN META trying everything to shut people down. Need investigation
Post by: cryptohunter on December 22, 2018, 06:12:10 AM
So 2 days ago the gang tried to abuse the trust system and crush my account. I forced that scoundrel to remove it or prove it was worth a red trust.

Now these same pieces of cowardly trash are creating puppet accounts because they know it would look bad if I could prove it was them who did it and trying to get me banned and have now fucked that up because they are thick as shit, and did not notice all links for anything posted in that same post were at the bottom. So they will have a hard time proving that I was trying to claim anything in that post as my own when you click a link in the same post and see where the information came from. These scum suckers have proven my point by trying to silence me and crush my account. We need to one get rid of the cancer at the top levels of this forum before worrying about the spammers at the bottom. I mean how has it escaped the notice of everyone here that most of these if not all are wearing the same high paying sigs??? are you all blind to this?? the pharmacist just listed as him main accomplishment here or one them was to be in this high paying EXCLUSIVE sig campaign. Now I notice dark star runs it and so i believe it is legit cos he seems straight and okay. But still these shits complaining about the board turning into a financial milk cow for posters with sigs are probably milking the board with their needless posts 24/7 which are just their groundless opinions for the most part.

They did not notice because if you read their posts especially if anyone stands up to them with some simple reason, logic and demands for fair treatment you start to find out these highly regarded (by nobody much outside of this echo chamber) noobs are a bunch of actual morons whom under any scrutiny collapse and degrade into making statement that are ludicrous and they will not go back on them.

One of these imbeciles is called suchmoon who claims and has verified this statement to me several times


at first I thought he was blowing of steam at being defeated publicly in every debate I had with him and he was blowing off steam.

But no, ask him out right, he is saying that.

Also he said to me that I was incorrect and idiotic for saying that some of the 99.93% of users here could make posts as good if not better than some of the 0.13% group he is part of being a high merit cycle club member.

Then if i say something to him that you can not prove you are a liar and you will see what happens to liars on here he says

I strongly suspect it is that asshole that has made that puppet account and trying to shut my account down again. The guy is hating it that he has just realised he is a bottom feeding imbecile who hates to lose an argument and hates even being challenged on anything.

This is very dangerous indeed and this copy and paste is being used as a very dangerous tool by this idiot such moon and his goons.

Now besides the fact I have asked just a few question on legends getting banned for copy and paste infractions threads which suchmoon does not like. However his main problem is that he does not like the fact that I demonstrated merit is being cycled in tight circles on certain boards by certain people.

This gang is infesting all areas of power and influence here and are not trying to shut people down with dubious and worrying tactics.

I mean he believes he can scare me off saying it is him or them doing this with some i'll red trust your or get you banned if you accuse me. Well fuck off you little sniveling turd who has accomplished nothign of note here ever apart from play whack a mole and bully some people around. I will accuse you because it is strange how this little group of

DT trust
Merit source
Wanna be mods ( they do)
top merit buddies and hoarders (time machine involved apparently)
top paid sig club (whilst moaning about financially motivated posting)

all needs to be taken away from them

Let me list this band of cowardly moronic scum

The pharmacist - a total moron who makes a mockery of the merit system just by having any. Pretends to be humble and nice but as soon as he spot someone weaker than him (not many around) he starts to get all evil and bullying with them. Insisting some poor noob making a thread on "meta" of all places with a compilation of guides that he clearly listed he got from various places on the net... said he was claiming the work as his own and gave red trust and tried to get him banned. Tyrant piece of scum.

Suchmoon - a caustic negative shitposter that can not debate anything without getting destroyed and reduced to a blabbering imbecile that screaming most pre merit lengends are spammers and that 99.93% of active users are incapable of posting anything as good as the 0.13% - how can people with these pre conceived ideas be in such positions on this board.

LocyeV - another complete fool who is good for pulling data only any  simple conversation and he falls apart and starts crying and saying you are on ignore.  His logic if he is AI is not a threat to anyone but itself. This alarmingly dangerous moron merits the sock puppet account from his friends reporting me for ban and the link to the information posted is in the actual post 2 link at bottom that one. He is always meriting dumb stuff remove his merits and take him back to noobie.

Lauda - scam supporting self contradicting turn coat and apparent recent thief that is already removed from damaging the community from positions of trust and power - how is this devious skank still posting here anway?

Malboroza - not sure about this nutcase too much, but he looks very dubious too.

these people talk down to everyone voicing their groundless and self serving opinions and seek to silence via these disgusting tactics anyone that goes against them.

Stand up to this scum before it is too late.

How come people even allow these scabs to become such a powerful gang here going around being total assholes spamming and milking the board just as bad as anyone else.

Get these scumbags out of dt trust and anything else they can start to dominate and bully people around.

I was warned after I spoke up for people in the ban appeals they will come for me. I don't give a shit and I am not going to delete my post history to hide any little shit mistakes from these divs.

If I am not net positive here then those bunch of non achieving divs will be going too.

Also such moon thinks it is funny that he can take sentances I write in my posts and put them in his avatar - to show he can copy and paste but nobody else is allowed to ....  get this scum bag put back to junior too, or even bad this piece of shit.