Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Frink on December 28, 2018, 07:50:18 AM

Title: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: Frink on December 28, 2018, 07:50:18 AM
I can certainly think of a few advantages to cryptocurrencies such as cross border transactions, competitive transaction fees, and oppressive governments.

However, can you help me come up with a comprehensive list of specific cases where individuals have specific pain points with centralized currency that are since by currency decentralization? Also would be nice to have market size for those pain points, though I can look them up. Trying to write an article about the importance of cryptocurrency stressing that a market exists. Thanks!

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: odolvlobo on December 28, 2018, 08:15:26 AM
Some specific examples:

Operation Choke Point (
Venezuela (
Zimbabwe (
Paypal Freezes Hacker News Funds (
Wikileaks Banking Blockade (

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: Yeahpro on December 28, 2018, 08:25:31 AM
It would be quite difficult to come up with society cases as this issues are wide spread and sometimes not made public. You can do a personal survey around you locale.

But there can also be specific cases with decentralized currencies that people might have. No system is perfect, and you can promote the qualities of the blockchain technology, without contrasting it with the downsides of fiat currencies.

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: KingScorpio on December 28, 2018, 08:31:25 AM
central banks cause a ton of problems,

economic insecurity, poverty they basically force the entire population to run into a process search called "what is the perfect citizen of society x"

they are run by a secrtetiv international banker elite that prints money and lives basically as the worlds kings over the heads of the population

this is an unending story and its where bitcoins support comes from in the first place, from the problems of the central banks

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: bellamente on December 28, 2018, 09:27:48 AM
The main problem is the high transaction fees.

When I make international payments, due to weekends and holidays, the payment may pass in a few days. It is not comfortable

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: LeGaulois on December 28, 2018, 05:44:52 PM
It would be quite difficult to come up with society cases as this issues are wide spread and sometimes not made public. You can do a personal survey around you locale.

Look like you never owned/used a bank account, quite surprising in 2018 :D Any idiot with a 1-month-old bank account could give you a lot of cases.  Anyone watching the news could too. Centralization kills the society, not only in the banking industry, and it can't flourish
(How Centralization Is Paralyzing Society

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on December 28, 2018, 05:50:28 PM
You are trusting someone else with your money, privacy and that somebody is a sock puppet of the government who do not want you to become free from their control because if you become free then how will they run their empire?

Title: Re: What are specific examples of problems with centralized banking?
Post by: sorrysteve1 on December 28, 2018, 05:53:14 PM
Lack of control and inflation. Venezuela is a great example of what can happen if a countries monetary policy is out of hand. People who saved money all their lives would suddenly find it being near worthless. In BTC no one can print new money and devalue the old.