Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: dxh on January 10, 2019, 12:39:58 AM

Title: How do I get online (SOLVED)
Post by: dxh on January 10, 2019, 12:39:58 AM
So I am really frustrated.  Been trying to get online for 2 days. bitcoin core installed and synced.  Non standard location: o:\btc-core
No matter what I do I get the error in logs
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - Setting satoshi datadir = O:\btc-core\
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:171 - Found bitcoind in the following places:
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:173 -    O:\btc-core\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:175 - Using: O:\btc-core\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:340 - Called startBitcoind
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (WARNING) -- SDM.pyc:445 - Spawning bitcoind with command: O:\btc-core\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe -datadir=O:\btc-core\ -dbcache=2000
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:689 - Executing popen: [u'O:\\btc-core\\Bitcoin\\daemon\\bitcoind.exe', '-datadir=O:\\btc-core\\', '-dbcache=2000']
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:451 - PID of bitcoind: 19312
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:452 - PID of armory:   19196
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:689 - Executing popen: ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Armory\\guardian.exe', '19196', '19312']
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (ERROR) -- BDM.pyc:197 - DB error: C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming/Bitcoin/blocks is not a valid path
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 0
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode

I know it is not a valid path, the slashes are switched at the end.  It will never find anything with that path.  How do I change it?  I have created the config file armoryqt.conf with satoshi-datadir="o:\btc-core" inside it.  Placed that file in my appdata\armory, also o:\btc-core but still get that error in the logs.  I must say I should have read more before trying to send to a new armory wallet as I never actually got online and now btc are in limbo.  You guys should pull this from the list of wallets one can use or something as the little warning did not do it.  I did not know I was offline until it was too late. Perhaps a large warning that you are not online or something.  I don't know, just seems like this is an issue others hit.  

I do need help so I can get my coin.  I know I messed up by not paying attention.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: droark on January 10, 2019, 03:54:44 AM
Which version are you running?

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: dxh on January 10, 2019, 06:54:38 PM

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: dxh on January 11, 2019, 08:51:08 PM
Anyone have any ideas?  I just need to tell it how to find btc core and nothing is working.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: goatpig on January 12, 2019, 12:59:57 AM
try satoshi-datadir="o:\btc-core\blocks"

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: HCP on January 12, 2019, 01:43:29 AM
It is weird that Armory seems to accept your custom location to start with, but then looks for the blocks in another place:
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (INFO) -- - Setting satoshi datadir = O:\btc-core\
2019-01-09 16:15:29 (ERROR) -- BDM.pyc:197 - DB error: C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming/Bitcoin/blocks is not a valid path
??? :-\

I know it is not a valid path, the slashes are switched at the end.
That isn't actually a problem... that's more of a "display" issue with the \'s and /'s in the logs, than the reason it is "not a valid path".

I have created the config file armoryqt.conf with satoshi-datadir="o:\btc-core" inside it.  Placed that file in my appdata\armory, also o:\btc-core but still get that error in the logs. 
I have my Bitcoin datadir set as a "non-standard" location as well... "E:\Bitcoin". My armoryqt.conf file has the following content:

What settings do you have within Armory itself? Did you set it with "Let Armory run Bitcoin Core/bitcoind in the background"? and did you try to configure the Blockchain and DB paths there?

I have both the "let armory run Bitcoin" box UNticked... and the paths are empty... (it shows the correct paths below the text boxes):

I manually run Bitcoin Core (GUI client)... and then start Armory afterwards. It seems to find the running instance of Bitcoin Core ok... and also finds the correct blocks folder in the custom location.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: dxh on January 15, 2019, 01:34:21 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.  I am going to try them and see what I get.  I guess I just don't understand what I am doing wrong, but clearly something.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: xzarankh on January 15, 2019, 09:42:38 AM
I have the exact same issue. Bitcoin Core is all synced and running. I had to save the Bitcoin Core in another drive because the blocks took up more space than my C:/ had free.

Here's the log.

2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - Setting satoshi datadir = H:\Bitcoin
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:308 - Bitcoind could not be found in the specified installation:
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:310 -    H:\Bitcoin
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:311 - Bitcoind is being started from:
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:312 -    C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:171 - Found bitcoind in the following places:
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:173 -    C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:175 - Using: C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:340 - Called startBitcoind
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (WARNING) -- SDM.pyc:445 - Spawning bitcoind with command: C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe -datadir=H:\Bitcoin
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:689 - Executing popen: ['C:\\Program Files\\Bitcoin\\daemon\\bitcoind.exe', '-datadir=H:\\Bitcoin']
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:451 - PID of bitcoind: 11520
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:452 - PID of armory:   3896
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:689 - Executing popen: ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Armory\\guardian.exe', '3896', '11520']
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (ERROR) -- BDM.pyc:197 - DB error: C:\Users\Karan\AppData\Roaming/Bitcoin/blocks is not a valid path
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 0
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-01-15 17:38:08 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode

And my armory file settings are as follows:

What I haven't done is the conf file step but I'm not clear how to create it and where to store it.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: dxh on January 15, 2019, 07:28:57 PM
So nothing changed.  I am pulling my hair out.
Still this is the log:
2019-01-14 19:29:41 (ERROR) -- BDM.pyc:197 - DB error: C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming/Bitcoin/blocks is not a valid path
2019-01-14 19:29:41 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 0
2019-01-14 19:29:41 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2019-01-14 19:29:41 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-01-14 19:29:41 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode

I went through and made the changes, but NOTHING seems to fix the DB error. Are my coins gone?

I changed my settings to match yours. Not letting Armory run bitcoin core. home dir=what debug window lists for the directory(o:\btc-core\data).  armory db is appdata\roaming\armory\databases.

Not sure what to do at this point.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: goatpig on January 15, 2019, 08:57:29 PM
Start ArmoryDB.exe from the command line, what do you get? If it starts up fine, then run ArmoryQt.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: xzarankh on January 16, 2019, 03:00:25 AM
UPDATE: My problem seems to have resolved itself with the exact same settings I posted above.

I did a restart of the PC, started Bitcoin Core and then once all the transactions were synced, i started Armory and it auto connected and updated everything

@DXH - No your coins are not lost. You just need to somehow get online with Armory (hopefully my settings can provide some guidance) and it will sync.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: dxh on January 17, 2019, 09:15:15 PM
Ok, I think I am getting close.  After a reboot (I can't believe I did not think to do this) I am now "Building Databases".  Instead of just saying offline at the bottom, I see "Node offline (0 blocks)"
I am thinking it will switch to online after the DB is finished building?

I will update once the DB is finished building. 

Thank you all for the help so far.  I was starting to get freaked out.  This is a good reminder to slow my roll and read before I use a new piece of software.

xzarankh, thank you for the reboot suggestion.
goatpig, thank you for your help.
HCP, thank you for your time and effort helping me.

Title: Re: How do I get online
Post by: dxh on January 18, 2019, 01:49:24 AM
I am all good now. Coins show up.  Things are synced and I am happy to be done with all the troubleshooting.
Probably could have saved a lot of headache with a simple restart.  Forest for the trees I guess.

Anyways, thanks to all who offered help.  Your time and effort is very much appreciated.

Title: Re: How do I get online (SOLVED)
Post by: HCP on January 18, 2019, 07:25:03 PM
Thanks for taking the time to update. Also, just to clarify... that was a full reboot of the PC?

If so, I would guess that there might have been a "ghost" process that hadn't ended properly during all the opening/closing of Armory... I'll try and make a mental note of this as a simple troubleshooting task for any future issues users might have.

Title: Re: How do I get online (SOLVED)
Post by: xzarankh on January 22, 2019, 04:44:40 PM
Thanks for taking the time to update. Also, just to clarify... that was a full reboot of the PC?

If so, I would guess that there might have been a "ghost" process that hadn't ended properly during all the opening/closing of Armory... I'll try and make a mental note of this as a simple troubleshooting task for any future issues users might have.

For me it was a full reboot of the PC. Also, if it's of any help, the previous error I was getting the log was "Another process is using ... and Armory can't connect" or something like that. So it could very well be the "ghost" process.

Thanks anyways for all your help in the thread.