Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: Foxpup on January 17, 2019, 12:19:52 PM

Title: Re: Yogg this user is a - protector of liars and abuser of the trust system hims
Post by: Foxpup on January 17, 2019, 12:19:52 PM
Since cryptohunter has taken to using self-moderated threads to delete posts containing facts that conflict with his warped opinions, I'm reposting this here, as I feel it's an important and relevant fact that sane people might be interested in knowing and possibly discussing or debating.

If i tell a criminal that has stolen my money to give it back or else I will tell the police.

That is revealing a secret they have to do them harm.  That is not blackmail that is reporting a crime you thick turd.
Putting it in large letters doesn't make it true. What you're describing is, indeed, blackmail. But don't take my word for it: just ask the police whether it's okay to not report a crime because you talked the criminal into returning what they stole. Letting criminals get away with it in this way allows them to commit further crimes, which is why offering these sorts of deals is illegal. You're obviously not likely to get arrested for doing this, since the criminal is the only witness to the blackmail, and they can't implicate you without confessing to their own crime, but blackmail is still illegal even if you won't get caught.

Title: Re: Yogg this user is a - protector of liars and abuser of the trust system hims
Post by: TMAN on January 17, 2019, 12:31:09 PM
cryptohunter has tried to blackmail me numerous times, Using the treat of following me to every thread and harassing me until I remove my red paint.

This user has gone to far now, this is unacceptable behavior of someone who should know much better - they provide a net negative to the forum, I suggest we now form a petition for the user to be banned. Whilst the Blackmail is not against the rules surely this level of trolling, harassment and down right loonytunes antics must be stopped

I also fear for the users life, we can see the internal explosions going on in that tiny mind - IT WILL OVERLOAD, Theymos and all - can we really have the possible suicide of a user on our hands? the most humane thing to do, like when you have a poorly horse is put them down - so I suggest perma ban, for the users own mental health and longevity.

Think seriously people, mental health issues are scary, you only got to look at the US president for proof.