Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: tmfp on January 19, 2019, 09:35:55 PM

Title: The Crypto Lawyer
Post by: tmfp on January 19, 2019, 09:35:55 PM

I was reading this  ( the subject of Blockchain Terminal, CG Blockchain and their ICO.
I became interested in the role of Edith Pardo (, an executive at California-based public relations firm Estey-Hoover. She signed off their Form D.
A bit of googling led me to this

“It appears, according to the plaintiff, that Ms Pardo was involved in raising funds.
If that’s true, Ms Pardo has a lot of explaining to do. This litigation is exactly what should be expected given the press BCT received. And a lot of plaintiffs claim they have lost money in ICOs where management overpromised and underdelivered. So it will be interesting to see how this plays out as a precedent.”

It was attributed to "David Silver, a crypto-related lawyer."
More searching showed him to be an interesting character (, albeit an American lawyer.
“At the end of day, I consider myself an investment fraud lawyer. I don’t care how people lose money—crypto happens to be the crime du jour. It’s not that complicated; I just say stop stealing money,”

He certainly seems to have his hands full. Growth business.

Title: Re: The Crypto Lawyer
Post by: eminemcookie on January 19, 2019, 10:05:00 PM
On who's behalf is he working or is he an evangelist? Problem is that most lawyers will just work for whoever pays the most money and if you know you and your competitor have been up to no good, an easy way to rid the competition and divert attention away from yourself is to push a skilled lawyer against them.

Title: Re: The Crypto Lawyer
Post by: tmfp on January 19, 2019, 10:12:22 PM

He's a standard issue U.S. lawyer specializing in investment fraud, which usually means acting for customer suing supplier under Federal Law.
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