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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: hugeblack on January 25, 2019, 08:35:24 AM

Title: Arab Spring
Post by: hugeblack on January 25, 2019, 08:35:24 AM
Today marks the eighth anniversary of the Egyptian revolution[1], one of the revolutions of the Arab Spring, a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed insurgencies.
The revolutions began in Tunisia after Mohamed Bouazizi ( burned himself. Demonstrations spread to the end of the political regime in Tunisia, including Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and some Arab countries.
Some of these revolutions have turned into armed action, as happened in Libya[2] and now occur in both Syria[3] and Yemen[4].
There are some uprisings that are happening now and are not covered in the media as happens from a popular uprising in Sudan[5].
I wanted to know the opinions of others about the revolutions in the Arab countries and the extent of media coverage in their countries of those revolutions.

[1] Egyptian revolution of 2011 (
[2] Libyan Civil War (2011) (
[3] Syrian Civil War (
[4] Yemeni Revolution (
[5] The uprising in Sudan may have started over bread prices (

Title: Re: Arab Spring
Post by: TECSHARE on January 25, 2019, 08:46:20 AM
Most if not all of these events were organized by international forces attempting to soften up the region for the impending military invasion that followed by proxy forces. This is a long term plan laid out by the group known as P.N.A.C. in place before the events of 9/11/01 in order to lay the ground work for an oil pipeline through the region to counter Russia's energy stranglehold on Europe. This is essentially a battle that has been in play since World War 1.

Title: Re: Arab Spring
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2019, 10:53:18 AM
But the title sounds like some kind of deodorant, doesn't it?


Title: Re: Arab Spring
Post by: MoonCrypt on January 28, 2019, 05:30:04 PM
But the title sounds like some kind of deodorant, doesn't it?


ARAB Spring
 was not expecting to read something about wars and there you go conspirational setup by the West!!

Title: Re: Arab Spring
Post by: mayo2u on January 29, 2019, 03:15:14 AM
Most if not all of these events were organized by international forces attempting to soften up the region for the impending military invasion that followed by proxy forces. This is a long term plan laid out by the group known as P.N.A.C. in place before the events of 9/11/01 in order to lay the ground work for an oil pipeline through the region to counter Russia's energy stranglehold on Europe. This is essentially a battle that has been in play since World War 1.

I don't know if the rebellions were fostered by western governments. There's a lot of real reason to be upset by the existing rulers.  But to your point the faux outrage by Western government and the media shills regarding  in Libya led to the current destabilization of the EU. How ironic it is that the EU leaders may very well be ousted this coming May because of their involvement in Libya a few years ago.

Title: Re: Arab Spring
Post by: TECSHARE on January 29, 2019, 06:16:53 AM
Most if not all of these events were organized by international forces attempting to soften up the region for the impending military invasion that followed by proxy forces. This is a long term plan laid out by the group known as P.N.A.C. in place before the events of 9/11/01 in order to lay the ground work for an oil pipeline through the region to counter Russia's energy stranglehold on Europe. This is essentially a battle that has been in play since World War 1.

I don't know if the rebellions were fostered by western governments. There's a lot of real reason to be upset by the existing rulers.  But to your point the faux outrage by Western government and the media shills regarding  in Libya led to the current destabilization of the EU. How ironic it is that the EU leaders may very well be ousted this coming May because of their involvement in Libya a few years ago.

Please don't interpret my words to mean they started all of the conflict involved from scratch.

There were existing issues they exacerbated and utilized to achieve the desired effect. This takes less effort and resources but also gives the impression of the event being totally organic. For our western friends here I would compare it to the "Occupy Wallstreet" protests (only resulting  in less violence and war obviously). It had some organic elements but definitely had 3rd party actors driving and manipulating the situation for their own goals.

Title: Re: Arab Spring
Post by: Dumont31 on February 14, 2019, 04:15:29 PM
     You cannot stop propagating information, even if you ban its main channels of distribution. Social Media has played a decisive role in this movement. In most of the countries that have had riots, rebalancing has been achieved somehow. We must not forget that Syria is still in a tragic situation. The Arab Spring has taught us that dictators have limited days and  they cannot oppose to the masses that are fighting for a cause. Mohamed Bouazizi was a visionary for his business, but because of coruption he could not potentiate it. When you try to stop the free markets as state, surely the result will not be a good one.