Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Kakmakr on February 04, 2019, 06:47:17 AM

Title: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Kakmakr on February 04, 2019, 06:47:17 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Onuohakk on February 04, 2019, 06:56:59 AM
If bitcoin is nerd money then officially am a nerd mate ;D
Well I don't blame them for using that term on bitcoin because once you here you tend to gel more with your device or system more you might either be mining checking market cap, monitoring transcation etc

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: aoluain on February 04, 2019, 07:10:18 AM
When i first heard of Bitcoin back in 2010/2011 thats exactly what I
thought it was, a kind of token system for gaming.

I agree that its the technical aspect of bitcoin which gives the impression
that only computer geeks and nerds would be into it.

Paypal for all intensive purposes is just a website.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: KingScorpio on February 04, 2019, 07:33:58 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

being named "nerd" money would be a blessing for bitcoin, its just the money of a certain group of people

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: coinwizard_ on February 04, 2019, 07:37:47 AM
They can call us nerds now, but in a few years they will call us lucky for getting in early. This is assuming that you are buying and hodling now like sensible bitcoiners

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: avikz on February 04, 2019, 07:44:03 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

Then we all are nerds mate! I would rather feel proud about it because not everyone is capable of achieving what bitcoin has already achieved even after being called it as a nerd money. Also nerd is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just represented in wrong way.

Like you mentioned Bill Gates - A tech nerd
Warren buffet - Finance nerd

If you start looking at the actual list of nerds in specific fields, you will see that they have achieved way more than the whole mankind had achieved in their lifetime!

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Jating on February 04, 2019, 07:57:04 AM
Then I wouldn't mind people calling us Nerds.  ;D

I guess it has something to do with the "technology" behind bitcoin. It was money written in "codes" by Satoshi, that's why it can be reference as nerd money. There's a lot of technicalities behind, like wallet's, privatekeys, hashes, TX and other things that a non-tech people can't fully understand in the beginning.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: boyptc on February 04, 2019, 07:58:58 AM
Haha if ever I had a kid and asks me that, I'll say yeah I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.

Going back to that, most of the successful and intelligent people are also called 'nerds' but they wouldn't mind that. I'm fine if someone calls me that because in this generation, there's a description and belief that nerds = smart people.

So if these folks keeps on titling bitcoin as nerd money, bitcoin's for smart people who uses smart currency(BTC).

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: PlusOne88 on February 04, 2019, 07:59:21 AM
Well that could be a good call to start thinking about the opposite of how lowly it might have sound to be called nerd. The proof you have mentioned is a good example of how a person should not underestimate ones status in life especially if it relates to our intelligence. We learn soany things in life even from the unworthy person or from the most innocent in most minds. Being judgmental is not good let alone the child's thinking be an exemption, we must be fair in everything. So let us think of the opposite and call the nerds as the gifted one or something that would give the term a positive meaning one deserves.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: CoinJanitor on February 04, 2019, 08:39:59 AM
A lot of the early adopters might have been called nerds, coming from a technical background. It's thank to all of these people that Bitcoin is more in the mainstream than ever before and will continue to grow in adoption in all areas of life and commerce.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: dupee419 on February 04, 2019, 08:53:04 AM
I first heard of Bitcoin from my friends, wasn't that interested because they explained the details of Bitcoin in an odd way, but when I made research of Bitcoin a lot were saying that it was fake until I made profit, simply by investing, and I gained a decent amount of Bitcoins and basically for me I think its kind of nerd money? In a way because people face onto their computers and just simply work, can't conclude if it should be called nerd money though.

edit: In the end it does not matter, we all are working and we all are looking for ways to earn money and for us this is our way of earning.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: NeuroticFish on February 04, 2019, 10:43:53 AM
So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

Bitcoin is different from PayPal. With PayPal you link your card to your e-mail and that's it. If anything goes wrong, PayPal or the bank may even refund your loses.
Bitcoin is not made that easy yet. With Bitcoin if you are not careful you may lose your money (hack, lost seed, corrupted wallet files, or even installing the wrong software)  with no refund. The tools are not 100% (not even 80%) fool proof. And most explanations about why is Bitcoin so good need quite some knowledge which many could label "nerd-ish".

So yeah, I think that such a label is not so far from the truth. And I don't mind.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: squatter on February 04, 2019, 10:58:17 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

Haha, I don't mind the label myself. :)

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

Most people don't understand cryptography, economics, computer programming. They don't understand how Bitcoin works, and using it can be really complicated for novices. So naturally, Bitcoin seems like it's tailor-made for nerds from an outsider's perspective.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: eaLiTy on February 04, 2019, 11:13:15 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?
The main problem with bitcoin is that it confuses people. There are easier solutions like coinbase and xapo which works just like PayPal, deposit your funds and transfer world wide, in PayPal you send fiat while in the other you need to convert your fiat to bitcoin or any other coin you are willing to purchase and everyone must be aware of the risk if you are keeping your funds with a third party even if you have not invested in it as you are hearing about the hacks that is being carried out in this market. Since there are these intricate things to look after, it confuses people and come up with conclusions.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: goaldigger on February 04, 2019, 11:23:18 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

I think i know the answer in this one. The kid maybe labeled bitcoin as nerd money because its literally came from a nerd. A computer and code expert known as Satoshi Nakamoto who uses encryption to produce this cryptocurrency we use now. Thank you to this "nerd" I have extra income.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: r1s2g3 on February 04, 2019, 11:38:05 AM
People are still more comfortable in using paypay or fiat then bitcoin. Many of the user have bitcoin not for spending or using it but as an assets. Most of my friends have their bitcoins "safe" in their coinbase account.
They have no idea where they can use their bitcoins apart from sending and buying from exchange.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Lizzylove1 on February 04, 2019, 11:44:00 AM
Calling bitcoin a nerd money might totally not be bad, nevertheless, the nerds are certainly ruling our financial sector and will continue to be so. Although bitcoin is a work of highly intellectual homo-sapiens, hence the ordinary eyes call it nerd money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Lucius on February 04, 2019, 11:57:11 AM
Nerd (  is a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted or lacking social skills. Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of science fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities.

To some extent I can agree with this definition, but not 100%. I realized that people who do not understand something often attack others and called them bad names only to justify their ignorance according to something. Many of them lack the basic IT knowledge, and cryptocurrency is scientific fantasy involving strange people or even criminals.

This is actually the psychology of the mind which is largely imposed for decades or even centuries, and is deeply rooted in people. So when you say someone about Bitcoin, that person will not find a logical justification to start using cryptocurrency instead of fiat. Security offered by banks, governments, stock exchanges or similar institutions it's still too big and powerful to attract people to continue to use them.

Being a your own bank and using decentralized currency is something that most simply can not accept, and the majority almost always looks at the minority in a weird way - it is very easy to say : You're nerd, and walk away.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Potato Chips on February 04, 2019, 12:32:10 PM
Imo a "nerd" is just someone who has a heavy interest/knowledgeable to field but the media/shows portrayed them in a stereotypical way, which is someone who's again knowledgeable in some field (typically something that involves technology) but is socially awkward, fat, unattractive, wears glasses, hence why the term is derogatory to some ppl, but I do think we're way passed that. I've been seeing some ppl declaring themselves as "nerds" and there are even articles praising them. I'm pretty sure they meant "nerd" not in the stereotypical way, if not all, most.

As for the nerd money label, I am agreeing to op and it could also be the misconception that only tech-savvies are able to use it. Additionally there's more to bitcoin than paypal, one should at least understand the basics to fully utilize it, which could be overwhelming to some ppl.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on February 04, 2019, 01:16:17 PM
Nerd or what as long as I’m enjoying this technolgy no one can stop me. Bitcoin is everything now, it can really rule our system in the future so better to invest more now. Some people may find us as a greedy investors because of trusting bitcoin, maybe they don’t know yet what the real bitcoin is.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: HeRetiK on February 04, 2019, 02:45:09 PM
I'm pretty sure I qualify as a nerd based on my hobbies and interests with Bitcoin being on of them, so I guess that counts as anecdotal evidence? I guess hanging out at a forum that is mostly focused on digital currencies is kind of a nerd activity as well so if it looks like a duck...

That being said, being a "nerd" lost most of its negative connotations over the last few decades (remember that nerd chic phase?), so I'm fine with Bitcoin being called nerd money. Let's not forget that having a personal computer and hanging out on the internet used to be "nerd stuff" as well. Heck, computer games and comics used to be "nerd stuff" before they turned into the integral part of the entertainment industry that they are today.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: KingZee on February 04, 2019, 02:52:04 PM
It's mostly because a lot of people get used to having their hands held and guided through things.

Would you call someone who knows how to google minor issues with his computer and fix them a nerd? Or someone who can change the theme of his android phone? Even someone that knows how to use utorrent?

Because I'm sure that by a lot of societies' standards, anyone being the slightest computer savvy is considered "nerdy".

If Paypal was Windows, Bitcoin would be Linux (only in the context you wrote in the original post), mainly because of how user friendly Windows is, and how you can press a button to fetch a driver, press another button and "troubleshoot", which isn't the case for Linux.

Paypal and Bitcoin are both digital money, but one of them requires a lot more setup than the other. And people are too lazy to go through the hoops of basic bitcoin security.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Upgate on February 04, 2019, 03:08:39 PM
So many formulation has been made just to describe bitcoin
Some call it internet money, blockchain gold, satoshi now nerd money.
Now it's helps the publication of bitcoin and I don't have any issue with that

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Kopyleft on February 04, 2019, 03:16:50 PM
On the surface bitcoin appears to be a very complicated system, and to an extent when you delve into it. This high tech concept is the idea of it that a lot of people have, and this restricts them from getting to no more about it and doing quality research.
One does not need to be a nerd to simply own bitcoins.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 04, 2019, 03:52:42 PM
I think it's because we try to make more bitcoin and it makes most people stay in front of the computer. Maybe it looks like a nerd from other people opinion because we try to find out how to make more bitcoin. But I don't think that we are not a nerd people because of bitcoin hahaha But I don't mind if they called me like that, as long as they are happy hahaha

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: 1Referee on February 04, 2019, 04:17:28 PM
I'm not really bothered by that, because it's all related to the individual in the end.

It's partly nerd money for me, because I do like to experiment, especially when it comes to Lightning. Bitcoin being a decentralized store of value (i.e. Gold 2.0) is what got me really hooked. If I have to give it a name, then I would call it freedom money, because no one can take it away from me, it's crazy divisible, and easy to spend. Nothing left for me to wish for.

I would say that things like Ethereum more closely resemble what people see as nerd money, because they are very experimental and programmable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Matthewmorris4 on February 04, 2019, 05:14:18 PM
I think that is indeed suitable for bitcoin. Moreover, nerd money is just a term because people think that bitcoin can only be used for a number of things and will be difficult to receive from the general public. Seems i just fine with this.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: pawanjain on February 04, 2019, 05:42:18 PM
I would definitely count myself in as a nerd if bitcoin is nerd money. When I heard of Bitcoin for the first time I was really surprised and fascinated.
I am a fan of technology and computers right from my childhood and when I heard of Bitcoin I was really happy to be a part of it.
The reason behind people calling it nerd money might just be because of the technology behind it. It is obvious that an ordinary will not be able to use bitcoin.
One has to learn about it in order to make the transactions. Be happy being called a nerd using nerd money  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Pab on February 04, 2019, 05:51:29 PM
PayPal is only online wallet nothing more nothing less
There is not any PayPal money
In a case of Bitcoin nobody teach about Bitcoin and technology behind Bitcoin
Now young people in my country what are programming students has blockchain like a specialization .But naked true is that they no nothing about blockchain and his teachers know nothing about blockchain. Blockchain now very popular term but there is nobody to teach what blockchain really is

But still many people think that banks make money.They even don't know that only his Central Bank has legal rights to issue money

So kids are just a kids it is responsibility of adult to teach them about modern and past world

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: BitHodler on February 04, 2019, 07:21:18 PM
I look at what's useful for me, and so should others look at Bitcoin. People are quick to categorize everything they see and read about, while that's nothing more than an indication of ignorance.

If we purely go by the well known categories average joes believe Bitcoin fits in, then I'm sure that criminal money is right there at the very top. It was way worse years ago, but it's still something people think is a valid assumption.

The second most commonly known category is investments. Money is something most people don't even take into consideration because they don't know better than crypto being an investment tool.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: squatter on February 04, 2019, 09:33:18 PM
Bitcoiners, nerds? Impossible! :P

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Kakmakr on February 05, 2019, 05:25:17 AM
I think if you call people like Roger Ver a nerd, you might end up on your ass or in hospital. The Winklevoss twins are also not a good example of a nerd in my opinion.  ::)

Labels like this are just used by people who are ignorant and uninformed and they use this as a barrier protection method to look cool and to hide the fact that they are clueless about complex technologies.

Would you rather be the clueless Jock or the knowledgeable Bitcoin nerd with loads of money, when this thing goes to the Moon.  ???

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on February 05, 2019, 01:58:02 PM
Most people don't understand how exactly Bitcoin works, it sounds insanely complex to them, so it's no surprise that they view it as nerd money. To this day when Bitcoin is mentioned on reddit, you will see top comments being "I still don't understand how Bitcoin works", and then people try to explain and also get it wrong, because Bitcoin's technology is full of nuances. So, Bitcoin is only easy for computer scientists and programmers, because they are already familiar with cryptography, data structures and networks, which can explain why Bitcoin seems like a nerd money to the uninitiated.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: boyptc on February 05, 2019, 03:51:55 PM
Haha if ever I had a kid and asks me that, I'll say yeah I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.

Going back to that, most of the successful and intelligent people are also called 'nerds' but they wouldn't mind that. I'm fine if someone calls me that because in this generation, there's a description and belief that nerds = smart people.

So if these folks keeps on titling bitcoin as nerd money, bitcoin's for smart people who uses smart currency(BTC).
Right I agree with you, nerds people are so smart and intelligent. If someone called me nerds I don't care cause I know in myself I am successful than them, cause I know the new technologies of cryptocurrency.
Majority doesn't really care if they will be called nerd or what. It almost means nothing to us, we're all bitcoin nerds and we're minding our own business.

Unlike those people that never stops making fun of using that word, they should get a life.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: seoincorporation on February 05, 2019, 05:06:08 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

If they call it Nerd money they do it because only smarter people understand how bitcoin work... How can you explain bitcoin to someone who doesn't even understand internet? How can we explain bitcoin to people who think internet is Youtube, Google, Facebook, and Twitter? or how could we explain bitcoin to the man who saves his bills under the bed? So, bitcoin is not nerd money, that's a term who ignorants gives, we can say bitcoin is the Smarters money because our logic doesn't crack when we hear about decentralization while 75% of humans thinks that's impossible.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Groucho on February 06, 2019, 04:42:09 AM
Well you are still interested in the technology and not the fast money which I must admit is why I got into Crypto I am also an unemployed Computer Graduate who lost all interest in everything computer coding application evaluation problem solving so as I lost a few grand may as well show some interest. Anyway this bear market taught me patience and now all the projects that looked expensive no-longer are. So wear the label well and look forward to the next bull run in 2025 LOL ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 06, 2019, 05:24:50 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
I am not an IT expert and I am just an ordinary individual living a simple life with Bitcoin earnings. Though not that big as others it will still be as important as everybody has in their wallets. For me calling Bitcoin as nerd money is something that is great to hear as a Bitcoin enthusiast because it symbolizes how creative and advance we are who used it for whatever we want online or in any crypto transactions.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Kakmakr on February 06, 2019, 05:37:16 AM
It's mostly because a lot of people get used to having their hands held and guided through things.

Would you call someone who knows how to google minor issues with his computer and fix them a nerd? Or someone who can change the theme of his android phone? Even someone that knows how to use utorrent?

Because I'm sure that by a lot of societies' standards, anyone being the slightest computer savvy is considered "nerdy".

If Paypal was Windows, Bitcoin would be Linux (only in the context you wrote in the original post), mainly because of how user friendly Windows is, and how you can press a button to fetch a driver, press another button and "troubleshoot", which isn't the case for Linux.

Paypal and Bitcoin are both digital money, but one of them requires a lot more setup than the other. And people are too lazy to go through the hoops of basic bitcoin security.

Yea, I like this example.

I used PayPal as an example because most people find that easy to use. I also think you find two kinds of Bitcoiners too, because you get the average Bitcoiner that would signup with say Coinbase and buy some coins and later sell them for a profit. <No technical knowledge required>

On the other hand you find the Bitcoin tinkers who would run a full node on a Raspberry Pi with solar power as a alternative power source.  ;D  <This might be regarded as the Bitcoin Nerd group>  :P

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Pursuer on February 06, 2019, 06:46:03 AM
Paypal's first days was just as bad as bitcoin's if not worse. they even had to give away money to make people come and trust their company and use it to make payments on the internet! I don't know for a fact if it was called that but I am sure it was considered a nerd money back then too.

it is just about being young, new and different. so people have to be bothered to learn how to use it and since they are usually lazy they don't learn and instead they choose to see it as a strange thing and end up with names such as "nerd money" to explain it to themselves and justify their own laziness.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: shoreno on February 06, 2019, 12:41:25 PM
Haha if ever I had a kid and asks me that, I'll say yeah I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.

Going back to that, most of the successful and intelligent people are also called 'nerds' but they wouldn't mind that. I'm fine if someone calls me that because in this generation, there's a description and belief that nerds = smart people.

So if these folks keeps on titling bitcoin as nerd money, bitcoin's for smart people who uses smart currency(BTC).
Right I agree with you, nerds people are so smart and intelligent. If someone called me nerds I don't care cause I know in myself I am successful than them, cause I know the new technologies of cryptocurrency.
Majority doesn't really care if they will be called nerd or what. It almost means nothing to us, we're all bitcoin nerds and we're minding our own business.

Unlike those people that never stops making fun of using that word, they should get a life.

Nerd means you are smart and it makes me feel happy when someone said it to me   but deep inside im not really smart .

im just an average joe with an average i.q  and besides btc is not really that hard to operate  . it just needs basic understanding  .

even grade 1 section eleven can understand this kind of stuffs that we are dealing with right now.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Broly46 on February 06, 2019, 02:16:12 PM
Yeah gotta agree, when a lot of the same group of people use it, it become the <insert group name> money, the bitcoin mainly used by nerds? And calling it by the name nerd money seem to be very direct, but it make it clear to us, don’t know about PayPal, I think it is internet money kids will call it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: abojamal on February 06, 2019, 10:07:57 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

I think we'll hear these names a lot about currency
As long as it is not known
If someone called me **nerd** I would not get angry with him for a simple reason
Because after some time he will be nerd like me perfectly.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Ucy on February 08, 2019, 05:42:49 AM
There is really nothing nerdy about Bitcoin. If they don't want its complicated side of Bitcoin like downloading the entire blockchain, running  nodes, verifying transactions mining, etc they could use spv wallets or other simple wallets

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: aoihs00 on February 08, 2019, 05:51:53 AM
I guess its not. As you mentioned about PayPal or any forms of digital money out there, it carries no label like nerd money even though an illiterate person is using it by means of basic knowledge of handling internet (Logging in and out of account, transferring money etc.).

Guess what, there is an UPI system which is now widely used by every smartphone holder in India whether they have IT skills or not. Plus it is too far fetched and associated with IT skills, because all you need to know is how to press few buttons to transfer and receive the digital form of money.

I guess that way calling bitcoin as nerd money is also off the book definition. Its just another way of digital money platform for "Common man". The background stuff is associated with IT's and nerds who make it work smoothly, the same way they do it for PayPal, visa, or numerous other platforms.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Kakmakr on February 08, 2019, 05:55:10 AM
So, most of the people in this thread agree on one thing, Bitcoin is Smart Money and Fiat currency is Stupid Money. Also, the people who label Bitcoin as Nerd money are not that smart or should I rather say, not smart enough to use it.  ;D

A label will not deter smart people to replace Stupid technologies with Smart technologies, it will just motivate them more to prove stupid people wrong. I say again,  ---<< Nerds will rule this world >>---  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: St4yInTh3D4rk on February 08, 2019, 06:05:43 AM
So, most of the people in this thread agree on one thing, Bitcoin is Smart Money and Fiat currency is Stupid Money. Also, the people who label Bitcoin as Nerd money are not that smart or should I rather say, not smart enough to use it.  ;D

A label will not deter smart people to replace Stupid technologies with Smart technologies, it will just motivate them more to prove stupid people wrong. I say again,  ---<< Nerds will rule this world >>---  ;D
Bitcoin is not just smart,its ultimate because no one can ask you why you are using this are paying to someone only you are in the full authority of your money,full freedom.Just use #freedomofusingourmoney to label the bitcoin and trend it everywhere. :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: boyptc on February 08, 2019, 06:38:55 AM
Haha if ever I had a kid and asks me that, I'll say yeah I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.

Going back to that, most of the successful and intelligent people are also called 'nerds' but they wouldn't mind that. I'm fine if someone calls me that because in this generation, there's a description and belief that nerds = smart people.

So if these folks keeps on titling bitcoin as nerd money, bitcoin's for smart people who uses smart currency(BTC).
Right I agree with you, nerds people are so smart and intelligent. If someone called me nerds I don't care cause I know in myself I am successful than them, cause I know the new technologies of cryptocurrency.
Majority doesn't really care if they will be called nerd or what. It almost means nothing to us, we're all bitcoin nerds and we're minding our own business.

Unlike those people that never stops making fun of using that word, they should get a life.

Nerd means you are smart and it makes me feel happy when someone said it to me   but deep inside im not really smart .

im just an average joe with an average i.q  and besides btc is not really that hard to operate  . it just needs basic understanding  .

even grade 1 section eleven can understand this kind of stuffs that we are dealing with right now.
I'm not smart as well and I just adapt things that I'm with right now. But being called smart depends on how you're going to accept it, there's nothing bad to be called as that.

Kids will think that this is bad but for someone who's mature enough to understand things will never think of this as bad call.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on February 08, 2019, 07:59:53 AM
Everyone can say anything about something depending on what he knows.

Bitcoin, some people assume bitcoin to be the most successful technological concept created. You will find out why some people say that because they already know bitcoin or at least find out about bitcoin. Until finally, they consider bitcoin is a technology that can function in the future and even change the payment system instruments in the future.

Bitcoin, some people assume bitcoin is fictitious money or nerd money as you said maybe the answer is simple because they don't know bitcoin. They only give a review or an assessment of something without doing an analysis before or they don't find out about bitcoin, the function of bitcoin or maybe they read about bitcoin but from a media that doesn't like bitcoin. I guess it's normal, they can conclude what bitcoin is like and what the function of bitcoin is for, because someday bitcoin is an instrument that will be much sought after in the future IMO.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: drumamat on February 08, 2019, 08:58:36 AM
Nerd (  is a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted or lacking social skills. Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of science fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities.

To some extent I can agree with this definition, but not 100%. I realized that people who do not understand something often attack others and called them bad names only to justify their ignorance according to something. Many of them lack the basic IT knowledge, and cryptocurrency is scientific fantasy involving strange people or even criminals.
Previously, even burned in the fire of redhead women suggesting that they are witches.Stereotypes of people are very difficult to break.Everything new and unknown to people is scary but at the same time interesting.In the case of Bitcoin, people from the outside simply do not understand what it is. For them, this is some kind of abstract and non-logical phenomenon.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: VitKoyn on February 08, 2019, 09:44:11 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
I also have watched that movie last year and have seen some people on the internet refer cryptocurrency (not only Bitcoin) as nerd money. I think some people refer Bitcoin as a "Nerd Money" because it was developed by a computer programmer and they think that the technology behind this (blockchain) and terms that are being used is hard to understand that only computer nerds can only understand and maybe because it is a currency/asset that is in form of digital. But people will surely stop saying that cryptocurrency is a nerd money when it started to be adopted by more people and businesses.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: crzy on February 08, 2019, 09:51:28 AM
Yeah gotta agree, when a lot of the same group of people use it, it become the <insert group name> money, the bitcoin mainly used by nerds? And calling it by the name nerd money seem to be very direct, but it make it clear to us, don’t know about PayPal, I think it is internet money kids will call it.
So bitcoin produced many nerds nowadays? Well, I'm proud to be part of it because bitcoin makes me a better person. Being nerd is always good than having your right mindset and yet you're still not open with new technologies. Bitcoin is the money of a new investors, a younger generations that can make the financial system a way better.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: REYVAN on February 08, 2019, 10:17:36 AM
I don't really understand the definition of nerds. but I believe that those involved in creating bitcoin are intelligent people, people who have a vision of the future, people who work very hard. Current market conditions are very unprofitable, but believing about those who have struggled to create bitcoin, any designation for bitcoin, I still believe and have great hopes that this will be beautiful in time.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: iMark on February 08, 2019, 11:25:06 AM
So, most of the people in this thread agree on one thing, Bitcoin is Smart Money and Fiat currency is Stupid Money. Also, the people who label Bitcoin as Nerd money are not that smart or should I rather say, not smart enough to use it.  ;D

A label will not deter smart people to replace Stupid technologies with Smart technologies, it will just motivate them more to prove stupid people wrong. I say again,  ---<< Nerds will rule this world >>---  ;D
Bitcoin is not just smart,its ultimate because no one can ask you why you are using this are paying to someone only you are in the full authority of your money,full freedom.Just use #freedomofusingourmoney to label the bitcoin and trend it everywhere. :D
I think that does not mean that fiat is stupid money, in my opinion Bitcoin has a technology that is far more sophisticated and that is above fiat technology, but it does not mean fiat is stupid. and I will not mention that bitcoin is a nerd, so many people here are millennial people who are open to technological innovation

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 08, 2019, 11:29:06 AM
There is really nothing nerdy about Bitcoin. If they don't want its complicated side of Bitcoin like downloading the entire blockchain, running  nodes, verifying transactions mining, etc they could use spv wallets or other simple wallets

That is right. People don't need to learn deeper about bitcoin, and people only need to learn how to make a transaction in bitcoin. They need to know how to send and receive bitcoin in their wallet, and if they have an android phone, they can start to learn how to use bitcoin which is the basic lesson in bitcoin. But I don't think that people who learn deeper of bitcoin will become nerdy because some of them still communicate or discussing with other people especially with people around them and socialize with their neighbour.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: sehoon on February 08, 2019, 01:23:46 PM
I don't think there is any problem whether they call it nerd money or not. As long as we keep on earning money through it, there shouldn't be any problem. And it's up to them whether they want to join the nerd club or not.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Artemis3 on February 08, 2019, 01:54:49 PM
In the 80ies anyone touching a computer (or even computer games) was labelled that. Today even babies are given tablets to play with (most with Linux under Android HA!). Is this a compliment of something bound to become main stream even if some don't understand the insides of it?

But people don't really understand banks, or the fact that they don't keep all the money you deposit to them, but only a little fraction which could make them go bankrupt should enough people go to withdraw. If more people learned those things they would stay away from banks, but that would create a chain reaction and make the banks go bankrupt so your chance to go away from the banks would close instantly, it would be too late by the time you seriously think of moving your money off the banks (same as a Ponzi/MLM ending phase).

Were Einstein or Newton nerds? Probably. Did they not change humanity with their nerdy thinking? Certainly. If anything, its a compliment, I think...

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Indamuck on February 08, 2019, 02:10:39 PM
Video games and comic book heroes were once considered nerdy, now it is mainstream and super popular.  People of all ages play video games and watch these super hero movies.

Bitcoin has only just begun, it will take awhile to get mainstream adoption.  Right now the majority of users are adult males that have an interest in computers.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: jointherevolution on February 08, 2019, 02:17:47 PM
That will not be in the future when crypto is popular. Usually when new tech appears it is first adopted from nerds. I do not find it bad the term nerd, when it means that we know about a lot new tech. And nerds now are more main stream that 20 years back when we feared to say we are nerds.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: kucritt on February 08, 2019, 02:52:41 PM
they said nerd money because the user that use bitcoin is the geek and nerd on the technology, so ordinary people that just dont like in technology i think can't know the bitcoin. but if the popularity of bitcoin increase more and more i think we can see that the bitcoin will known by any people in the world

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: malikusama on March 06, 2019, 08:34:27 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

Layman is not aware of the technical idea behind bitcoin, it's not just about payment method but much more than that.
As my grandparents were not aware of computers but they find it useful after they came to know about its importance.
Let our teenagers grow up and i am sure after some couple of years we will see a major growth in bitcoin community.

P.S I am a proud nerd.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Indamuck on March 06, 2019, 08:50:05 PM
Its funny because all the nerds that I know (video game people) none of them own any cryptocurrency.  I consider it to be more of a gambler's money than that of a nerd.   Also a lot of it is just luck on whether or not you heard about bitcoin and had friends that used it on marketplaces.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: jak3 on March 06, 2019, 09:12:22 PM
I don't know but I think am a nerd and its just a coincidence that I found about bitcoin in around 2010 by mistake :p. I do not think everyone has to understand how bitcoin works they can easily just know how to send and receive money and that's all.just as like with the faint money not everyone knows how banks work right. If people know how wallets and the blockchain work it just gives them extra power and security over the network like they know what is public and private keys and all those different algorithms. they can sign messages and prove their ownership and a lot of cool stuff. Hey Does it makes me NERD :O

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Slow death on March 06, 2019, 09:56:03 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

I definitely do not think anyone who uses bitcoin is a nerd. People study road codes and learn to drive their cars. People open accounts at the bank and learn to use ATM to withdraw their money. And even so, these people are not nerds. I'm not nerd, but I use bitcoin, many merchants that accept bitcoin as a means of payments are not nerds

being named "nerd" money would be a blessing for bitcoin, its just the money of a certain group of people

You need to go on vacation.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: LbtalkL on March 06, 2019, 10:21:12 PM
Nerd money is much better its sounds good maybe that's what most people think about bitcoin its for techie people but its not its for all, here in my country they call it networking scam a really bad image, In previous years bitcoin has been used for scamming people here in my country like an investment scam that's why some people hate it, I don't care about them bitcoin has anonymity and it is used as medium to transfer assets and convert to money most people don't know that. For bitcoin to surges again I think we need adoption.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: pixie85 on March 06, 2019, 10:33:49 PM
Nerd isn't a negative word. It's the opposite of a jock. These people are noticed because they  are at the extremes. While jocks like sports and focus on popularity nerds are smart, shy and unpopular. That doesn't mean they are unpopular among girls. There are many nerdy girls ;)
People who are calling it nerd money don't understand it and know that it's computer generated so nerds like computers it has to be nerd money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: andreibi on March 06, 2019, 10:44:53 PM
Nerd money? Oh, the butthurt from non-techies. Haven't you heard nerds rule the world from Jeff Bezos to Mark Zuckerberg, from Steve Jobs to Bill Gates. Soon, it will be everybody's money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: muratsink on March 06, 2019, 10:45:16 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

Layman is not aware of the technical idea behind bitcoin, it's not just about payment method but much more than that.
As my grandparents were not aware of computers but they find it useful after they came to know about its importance.
Let our teenagers grow up and i am sure after some couple of years we will see a major growth in bitcoin community.

P.S I am a proud nerd.
yes, many Layman does not understand BTC, they are primitive, I see there are two indications why they do not understand BTC.
1. Do not want to study BTC
2. they don't care about technology, so they prefer primitive transactions.

not only grandparents but many teenagers people now do not know the BTC system.
every day I always socialize, sharing, or make small discussion with teenagers, and the majority of them do not know BTC.
so, nerd always gives us every knowledge.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Indrawan77 on March 07, 2019, 12:23:12 PM
Its funny to say bitcoin is a nerd money, but if you look at the technology that backup the bitcoin then probably I am going to say the same thing, its a new and quite complicated technology, but its very easy to used once you know how to used, I don't see bitcoin as nerd money, I see bitcoin as a global sub currency

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: OlympianBitcoin on March 07, 2019, 12:26:19 PM
What's wrong with it being a nerd money? Everything that's revolutionary is nerd first.

Internet was a nerd obsession too...

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: cryptomaster420 on March 07, 2019, 02:54:38 PM
Bitcoin used to be nerd money when it cost $10 and nobody cared about it.
Now the nerds are rich and bitcoin is a mainstream speculative investment.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Wildwest on March 07, 2019, 02:59:36 PM
They can call us nerds now, but in a few years they will call us lucky for getting in early. This is assuming that you are buying and hodling now like sensible bitcoiners
That's right because Microsoft, Facebook, Alibaba and other big platforms must have experienced insults before, and now Bitcoin is experiencing it but we just wait, in the future they will see and feel regret

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: xvids on March 08, 2019, 05:41:24 PM
If bitcoin is nerd money then officially am a nerd mate ;D
Well I don't blame them for using that term on bitcoin because once you here you tend to gel more with your device or system more you might either be mining checking market cap, monitoring transcation etc
Well you could also call me a nerd then ;D ,
I think they called it nerd money because of how it works there are many process if you would study it,
How it works and how we use it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Ains_sama on March 09, 2019, 05:42:35 AM
it's true that some people think that bitcoin is a bookworm, that's probably all because that bitcoin is a digital currency, and I also strongly believe that bitcoin is the currency that will succeed.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: shesheboy on March 09, 2019, 06:00:48 AM
If bitcoin is nerd money then officially am a nerd mate ;D
Well I don't blame them for using that term on bitcoin because once you here you tend to gel more with your device or system more you might either be mining checking market cap, monitoring transcation etc
Well you could also call me a nerd then ;D ,
I think they called it nerd money because of how it works there are many process if you would study it,
How it works and how we use it.

but are you smart ? do you understand other technical aspects of a crypto and blokchain aside from only working on a campaign to earn a crypto ?   nerd means verry smart  . crypto is not that hard to understand if you will be only using it as a currency or an asset  , any regular and average people can be able to do it  . therfor id say its not a nerd money   .   there is no such thing as smart or dumb money because all money are meant to work in a single and easy way  .

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: lienfaye on March 09, 2019, 11:11:03 AM
but are you smart ? do you understand other technical aspects of a crypto and blokchain aside from only working on a campaign to earn a crypto ?   nerd means verry smart  . crypto is not that hard to understand if you will be only using it as a currency or an asset  , any regular and average people can be able to do it  . therfor id say its not a nerd money   .   there is no such thing as smart or dumb money because all money are meant to work in a single and easy way  .
Indeed. You dont need to become a smart one here in crypto as long as you understand the flow and how things work here.

Other people who are not into crypto has different views when it comes to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and they dont want to involve themselves because of different reason like it seems complicated or too hard to understand.

If they think bitcoin means nerd money then let them be its not a pain anyway.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: davis196 on March 09, 2019, 01:54:44 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

Bitcoin is nerd money 100%.Women don't understand it,old people and non-technical people don't understand it.We have to do something about this issue,like providing bitcoin eduaction for free or somehow simplifying all the terms regarding blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: naufals4 on March 09, 2019, 02:16:37 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
yeah it's a nerd money cause people know about bitcoin or other cryptocurrency is really looking into technology a lot, he is always following the development of technology so he knows bitcoin and can be said as a nerd. but with that all you become one step ahead of the others

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: izanagi narukami on March 09, 2019, 02:21:47 PM
Personally I only care about bitcoin as investment.
Being nerd only if they to concentrate on the code without pay attention to their sorrounding.

It's a lucky guys for you to choose bitcoin as your investment

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on March 09, 2019, 02:25:24 PM
Well, the earliest adopters might not be the typical guy that you can easily see in the corners of the streets. I think the earliest users of Bitcoin are those types of nerds that are also socially aware of how the current financial system works. They're the rebellious nerds so to speak. But at this point in time, I guess Bitcoin is widespread enough that normal guys are already into it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: poptok1 on March 09, 2019, 02:33:21 PM
Bitcoin is nerd money 100%.Women don't understand it,old people and non-technical people don't understand it.We have to do something about this issue,like providing bitcoin eduaction for free or somehow simplifying all the terms regarding blockchain technology.
Generalisation is never a good thing. I'm more than sure there are many elderly folks that do understand crypto, so as girls.
Obviously those are in minority but is there really something wrong with this? I don't think so.
Gradual, non revolutionary adoption is the way to go. People have to get convinced to use nerdy money, not by techno-shock nor techno-terror but by observable reliability, solidness etc. As a to educational aspect you have mentioned, I fully agree.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: ribowo76 on March 09, 2019, 03:27:36 PM
Maybe that could be an illustration, that there are still many out there, people who don't really understand bitcoin. So there are people who identify us with nerds or other things that are actually outside the context of bitcoin

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: maxreish on April 10, 2019, 03:31:28 AM
What a funny word to describe bitcoin as a nerd. And i laughed when I your kid told you that. But i guess they call it that way because it was bitcoin. I mean, it is cryptocurrency and now there are so many things we can do with the use of bitcoin. One of those is the payment method.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: jakelyson on April 10, 2019, 03:44:18 AM
Bitcoin is not nerd money. You do not need to be a nerd to understand it or use it. The principle is very easy that everyone who has the interest to know it can do with very little time needed. Maybe because there are very few who uses it that when it is mentioned they thought it is for nerds only, thus calling it nerd money. But we all know it is not because all of bitcoin users I know ain't nerd.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: btc78 on April 10, 2019, 03:57:27 AM
If bitcoin is nerd money then officially am a nerd mate ;D
Well I don't blame them for using that term on bitcoin because once you here you tend to gel more with your device or system more you might either be mining checking market cap, monitoring transcation etc
And j am a proud nerd also if bitcoin is a nerd money lol

And we don’t really knows whats behind that movie because why need to mentioned bitcoin and then being retracted by others

I believe thats intentional and thres someone from the production that favors bitcoin I suppose

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on April 10, 2019, 04:15:36 AM
Nerd money, nan taxable asset, launders money and in such a way bitcoin is represented with different names. There is nothing to complicate when it fulfills basic of providing financial freedom. To restrict its growth various methods were tried, it has overcome those obstacles with ease. True user take it as the best unlike its nerd or other features.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: denzkilim on April 10, 2019, 04:30:57 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
Maybe the writers and the researchers of that movie didn't pay much attention to what does a Crypto Currency mean or what is the use of Bitcoin and just created their own concept and understanding about Bitcoin as nerd money, this shows that most of the people have a few knowledge or do not have any knowledge of what Bitcoin is. But anyways there is nothing wrong about being a nerd because most of these nerds are possessing minds that you can't find in an ordinary individual. ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: jakezyrus on April 10, 2019, 04:36:34 AM
If bitcoin is nerd money then officially am a nerd mate ;D
And j am a proud nerd also if bitcoin is a nerd money lol

lol you guys are funny . do you think its cool to be called a nerd ? nerd is a word ofently used by bullies as seen on movies and t.v's   .  anyway  . bitcoin is not a nerd money because its not a money  .

bitcoin is a crypto and being a crypto is totally different from money because cryptos are being used for inivestment and other unique usage   that a money cannot possibly  do  .  bitcoin is being called by different names but that does not mean that they are true so dont take it seriously  .

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: lyks15 on April 10, 2019, 05:36:50 AM
In our era today we cannot called bitcoin as an nerd money. Because all of us know how to use technology like cellular phones and personal computers. Long time ago the term nerd is used to the person who are so are so knowledgable in everything like in academic and technology. But know when you are knowledgable about technology you are a nerd but you are amazing. So I am not agree in that terms.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: bhabygrim on April 11, 2019, 04:40:39 AM
Well they call it nerd money because back in the early days of bitcoin only those who are really into cryptography are investing in it or those who are geeks .
For them it is too much the information and how this whole thing works so they think of it as a nerd money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Viscore on April 11, 2019, 07:37:35 AM
Nerd in my understanding is a positive statement, that means this money is for smart people.
It cannot be denied that only few of the potential users of bitcoin are using it, so people does not see this regular or normal.
I would be fine if they will call me nerd, even my kids as long as I am making money on it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: cizatext on April 11, 2019, 07:42:30 AM
Nerd money ;D if bitcoin is refer to as nerd money then we are all nerd cause bitcoin is transforming our life and I will say it lack of understanding that will.make any one want to label a great technology as nerd and at that it left for them and that is they own opinion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Hardtolife on April 14, 2019, 03:20:18 PM
Bitcoin is not nerd money. You do not need to be a nerd to understand it or use it. The principle is very easy that everyone who has the interest to know it can do with very little time needed. Maybe because there are very few who uses it that when it is mentioned they thought it is for nerds only, thus calling it nerd money. But we all know it is not because all of bitcoin users I know ain't nerd.
yes, maybe it's because of the lack of the number that uses bitcoin every day so rarely do people know the existence of bitcoin from what is called a nerdy but even though the value of nerds 1 btc is quite large. Maybe bitcoin is actually called nerdy money, but it needs to be reaffirmed, even though it's called nerdy money, users aren't nerds

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: thesmallgod on April 14, 2019, 03:40:41 PM
I wish I could have known bitcoin very well especially in 2012 when I am very much active online and finding online job on the internet. Well, this is the name you will call something you know little about or you have not taken time to understand what it is. I stumbled upon bitcoin when I was still an active crowdworker on crowdflower then. The worst part of this is that I have been redirected to bitcointalk forum through google so many time and still did not know there was immense opportunity in crypto.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: dmty.0809 on April 14, 2019, 03:53:16 PM
Bitcoin comes as one of the digital currency solutions. Bitcoin is a cash system that synchronizes throughout the internet. So, everyone can access the same cash account in real time regardless of who and where he is. So bitcoin isn't nerd money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Bowly88 on April 22, 2019, 09:34:59 PM
I don't think that we can be called or labeled as a nerd because the definition of being a nerd does not suit as all. It means that it depends on the person. Me myself, even though I am computer literate, even though I know mining, even though I know that I can join bounty campaigns so that I can earn money, even though I know the best exchange ( that allows me to trade multiple times at fast speeds, even though I know hodl and I don't sell bitcoin out of nowhere because I look at the statistics, it is still far for me to be labeled as a nerd. A nerd is someone who doesn't have a social life and it doesn't suits me. I am not a unattractive or unstylish either.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Karamabit_209 on April 29, 2019, 01:28:50 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
No, obviously people who uses bitcoin generally are not a nerd. If you will try to find the definition of a nerd, it doesn't suit as all. The biggest factor that validate my statement is that a nerd is an introvert person and lacks social skills, who surely doesn't suit as all, like me. I am a good social person. I usually talk and engage to social activities, which a nerd doesn't do. For example, when I am bored, I play on a gaming site ( . I have a great regular playmates there whom I played and talk with. When sometimes I have problems there, I usually call customer care and have no problem dealing with them, talking to them what problems I have encountering and what they or I can do to deal with that problem. A nerd can never do that, he usually weaken when he or she will talk to people even though it is only a call.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: xabre on April 29, 2019, 01:46:56 AM
Have much money is better for starting invest in bitcoin and keep it more use full than without money and needed time to get much profit with bitcoin as investment or trade, just waiting when bitcoin will raised up and have higher price again.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Yakamoto on April 29, 2019, 03:20:36 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
No, obviously people who uses bitcoin generally are not a nerd. If you will try to find the definition of a nerd, it doesn't suit as all. The biggest factor that validate my statement is that a nerd is an introvert person and lacks social skills, who surely doesn't suit as all, like me. I am a good social person. I usually talk and engage to social activities, which a nerd doesn't do. For example, when I am bored, I play on a gaming site ( . I have a great regular playmates there whom I played and talk with. When sometimes I have problems there, I usually call customer care and have no problem dealing with them, talking to them what problems I have encountering and what they or I can do to deal with that problem. A nerd can never do that, he usually weaken when he or she will talk to people even though it is only a call.
For the most part, you're right, nerds are usually relatively anti-social with a difficult time interacting with most people, but you could also consider nerds to be people who are just very technologically inclined, as most of the community is. Nerds are kind of colloquially known as people who are very good with computers in general, not necessarily anti-social.

As for whether Bitcoin is "nerd money" or not, I'd argue that it kind of is, in the sense of nerds being tech-savvy individuals. Not a lot of people without at least some kind of interest in computers will get into Bitcoin, despite the fact that it is probably easier today than it has ever been to get actively involved with Bitcoin in the past. You have apps, online wallets, basically every tool at your fingertips that you'd have with "traditional" banking. All that has to happen is for people to actually try and get involved with the community. Of course, that's somehow "too difficult" for some people.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Siren on April 29, 2019, 03:38:06 AM
If thats the case then Craig Wright and the rest of he gang is Nerd?lol

Thousand of whales are holding and using bitcoins means all of them are nerd?nag thats an absolute joke mate.

We are dealing here just to profit and benefits from what this cryptocurrency gives us in future so i dont think that it is reasonable to call us a nerd.we are not one instead we can be called as Genius because we trust this one

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: zeingrind777 on April 29, 2019, 03:46:03 AM
Bitcoin was created and developed by nerds, they are very experts in programming and IT. But, Bitcoin is not nerdy money. Whether it's a Nerd or not, anyone can use Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: btc_angela on April 29, 2019, 03:47:27 AM
Nerd in my understanding is a positive statement, that means this money is for smart people.
It cannot be denied that only few of the potential users of bitcoin are using it, so people does not see this regular or normal.
I would be fine if they will call me nerd, even my kids as long as I am making money on it.

Right, let's just look at the bright side of it and don't be offended if we are called all "nerds' here. It only means that we are smart to understand that this so called nerd money can bring a lot of positive things in our life like financial freedom and chance to get rich.  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: samputin on April 29, 2019, 05:44:00 AM
No offense taken at all.  :D For me, to be called nerd because I use bitcoin is a privilege. And maybe the reason why it was called "nerd money" is because it originated from a technology which is not easily understood by ordinary people without any interest in technology. Not everyone knows the things we talk about here. But I'd be even prouder if I know more about bitcoin in a technical sense. I just really admire those who have talent for IT thingy, or anything in relation with technology. They seem so cool.

Just because we are pertained to as nerds does not necessarily mean that we don't have any social life at all. For me, it just means that we are smart enough to understand how this new trend in technology and finance works.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Vaskiy on April 29, 2019, 05:50:38 AM
Bitcoin was created and developed by nerds, they are very experts in programming and IT. But, Bitcoin is not nerdy money. Whether it's a Nerd or not, anyone can use Bitcoin.
It might have got developed by the nerds, but the usage and beneficial people were popular personalities around the world. Another thing about them is the growth it has provided, nerd money has made more people popular just because they believed this is highly potential. Final statement perfectly fits, whether it is nerd or not everyone can make use of it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: De4ted on April 29, 2019, 06:21:06 AM
I think its just an impression that build up on peoples mind because most of the time they see us in front of out computers and they think we are just studying something or reading but its literally not, we are sitting on our computer while making money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Nawrod on April 29, 2019, 08:59:25 AM
It was. And it was beautiful.
But now, after market boom on BTC, it's unfortunately consider mostly as a way of earning money. But I think this is a common case in IT industry. What were computers before Apple, Microsoft and other giants popularize them?

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: BitBustah on April 29, 2019, 01:42:43 PM
Nerd doesn't really carry the same negative connotations that it used to.  Its like things flip flopped.

Now these things are cool:
-video games
-superhero movies
-glasses are considered fashionable now

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Romeoetin on April 29, 2019, 03:26:00 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

When I tell my friends about bitcoin sometimes and cryptocurrencies, they usually give me that weird look. Like I'm into some deep nerdy and conspiracy thing. It's quick unfortunately that a lot of people don't know that the tech is and are rather unwilling to learn. Worst of is some actually label it a SCAM  :D >:(

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Naida_BR on April 29, 2019, 03:47:46 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

Bitcoin is considered as nerd money because the whole ecosystem is run in a protocol and algorithms are written from developers.
It is totally different from the traditional electronic payment systems that people are used to them.
And additionally, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general are used from people that are tech-savvy and they understand the technology behind bitcoin. Maybe this is the reason why they characterize it as nerd money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: kk7 on April 29, 2019, 11:06:57 PM
whats up

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 29, 2019, 11:48:36 PM

To be honest, when you first explain bitcoin to someone it slightly sounds like some technical stuff that involves a computer, the internet, and some machinery stuff. They quickly perceive it as something that is for nerds due to the ongoing stigma against this type of line. Well regardless on what they say, I do not mind being called a 'nerd' or anything else on the same manner since what matters is I do not miss the opportunity to maximize its potential.

I think its just an impression that build up on peoples mind because most of the time they see us in front of out computers and they think we are just studying something or reading but its literally not, we are sitting on our computer while making money.

That is actually true but regardless on how they see us, they are missing out a huge opportunity. Quickly judging even without knowing the whole totality sounds like they are the ones who lack understanding.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: idham29 on May 23, 2019, 05:41:29 AM
Bitcoin was created and developed by nerds, they are very experts in programming and IT. But, Bitcoin is not nerdy money. Whether it's a Nerd or not, anyone can use Bitcoin.
Bitcoin was created to make payment transactions digitally, where users do it directly, namely peer to peer, and do not involve third parties such as banking.
Economically, it can be called that bicoin is money, which is used digitally. It can be used to pay for transactions or investments.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: valentin68 on May 23, 2019, 06:08:15 AM
I live near a gas station since I was born. Since I was born I have seen many good things happening and I learned many things from people that came.
Poeple come, fuel their cars and go. Some say good bye before leaving, some do not say anything. I know who has money to pay, I know who does not have money to pay.

I could say that 90% of the poeple that I am going to encounter today, do not use bitcoin.
I have a credit card from a very good bank of my country (CEC Bank). This bank is 150 years old.  In Romanian CEC = ASS
The money that I worked for until now 50 years of my life are on this card

And guess what:  every year someone from Natural Gas parks a 500 EURO car next to where I am living, enters in my room and say GAZELE! (THE FART)
They do not have money, they simply have a car come with that car and ask for 27 Euros for doing a 3 minutes verification.

70% on the people in this world do not have money. 20% of the poeple in this world have some money. 8% of the people in this world have important money. 1% of the people in this world have 90% of money.

This is why Bitcoin = Nerd money



Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: eagle10 on May 23, 2019, 06:13:01 AM
Most highly intelligence people are called nerd especially if they are wearing glasses. So those people, including me are called nerd because of bitcoin? Wow, I am highly intelligent too. hehe. Very proud I belong in the bitcoin world. If being nerd, as they call it, makes them identify bitcoin so be it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: indrakusumaindra on May 23, 2019, 03:37:08 PM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>
well i believe bitcoin is a popular coins but i think not a lot people that brave enough to buy bitcoin or even to learn about bitcoin, so i guess its true that we are the nerd and i guess my friend think im nerd cause i could stay in front of my computer like a hour just to read all about crypto stuff.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: uneng on May 23, 2019, 08:09:30 PM
Besides what you said, I think it's still called *nerd money* because btc community is currently mainly composed by the technological niche, and we know on this field there are the called nerds, because their skills in exact sciences.
There aren't many other people from another areas: teachers, medics, engineers dealing with btc yet (at least ostensibly), so it's easy to create the stereotype of bitcoin user. Anyway, in this movie case, it's more like a joke.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Finestream on May 23, 2019, 11:48:45 PM
Besides what you said, I think it's still called *nerd money* because btc community is currently mainly composed by the technological niche, and we know on this field there are the called nerds, because their skills in exact sciences.
There aren't many other people from another areas: teachers, medics, engineers dealing with btc yet (at least ostensibly), so it's easy to create the stereotype of bitcoin user. Anyway, in this movie case, it's more like a joke.
Right.Bitcoin being nerd is more like a joke so we don't have to deal with it seriously.I'm fine if people will still call me nerd as long as i have a lot of bitcoins that will give me a bright future ahead.I think we are called nerd because bitcoin is not yet totally known to other races and there are still only few members of this crypto community compared to the number of people in the whole universe.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Oceat on May 23, 2019, 11:54:32 PM
Well, it is just a movie and they can say all they want in there but i agree that Bitcoin was created by these nerdy people who's a geek in computer. So the label might be referring to them then but it is not actually referring to the cryptocurrency itself.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Initscri on May 23, 2019, 11:59:08 PM
Used to be, I find Bitcoin to be a lot more mainstream nowadays and not considered to be as "nerdy" as it used to be.

I now have family members who thought I was insane / thought I was a nerd considering it more as a value store/investment option.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: pixie85 on May 24, 2019, 12:21:09 AM
There's nothing bad about being a nerd. I'd rather be a nerd than a jock. At least 10 years later jocks from school are still morons working physical jobs while nerds are the ones with steady jobs and families.

Most modern inventions were made by nerds. It's no shame to be called one.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Astvile on May 24, 2019, 01:25:56 AM
Maybe they were saying bitcoin is a nerd money because of the nature of most bitcoin users or what they saw on other bitcoin users.Bitcoin users are techy,means some of us does not socialize well because were into communicating using computers/internet and thats what they make think that bitcoin is nerd money because what they call "nerds" are  people who is introvert in personal and techy persons

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Johnzky on May 24, 2019, 01:57:17 AM
If this is a nerd money so we are a bunch of million Nerd here?😂😂😂

Bitcoin is a money of very intelligent people,because we risk to be here and now we are progressing and gaining,this way we can prove how great each bitcoiner is

And another thing it’s ok to be called nerd if the truth is I am near to becoming a millionaire lol

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Al-e_x on May 24, 2019, 02:01:06 AM
As far as I know bitcoin is not nerd money, bitcoin is a technology that simplifies our lives in the economic field because bitcoin is used not only as a means of payment but also investment, because the price of bitcoin is fluctuating and getting higher

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: cryptocoinjohnny on May 24, 2019, 02:21:56 AM
They can call it "nerd money" all they want, but the fact of the matter is, it is money of the future and is going nowhere. I remember a time when people who used computers were considered nerds, now everyone has one attached to their hip pocket.

People who claim "nerd money" = slow learners/last to get the memo.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: libert19 on May 24, 2019, 02:27:13 AM
Not really. I don't understand much about Bitcoin or in cryptocurrency in general but I know how to use it and make transfers (thanks to wallets that simplified process much!).

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: PDAngel on May 24, 2019, 08:42:36 AM
For me Bitcoin is not a nerd money, at first it is difficult to understand and you need a lot of patience. Maybe some people call it nerd money because they don't know how it works and i don't mind them calling me nerd as long as i am happy in bitcoin and i earn money from it lol.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: NewCryptocasinos on May 24, 2019, 09:18:53 AM
Everyone that got 1BTC or more are already the coolest guys in the world.
And everyone should aim to get their hand of at least on BTC.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: CryptoBry on May 24, 2019, 01:44:01 PM
Used to be, I find Bitcoin to be a lot more mainstream nowadays and not considered to be as "nerdy" as it used to be. I now have family members who thought I was insane / thought I was a nerd considering it more as a value store/investment option.

It is human nature that if there is something new we usually view it with suspicion and some can even conclude that it is not appropriate and will not work...this is because we have to careful with anything. When bitcoin was introduced, only a handful of people truly believe on it that is why we usually hear of many horrifying stories of people who squandered their thousands of bitcoin for almost nothing. However, when bitcoin started to rise in value and price that is the time when people started to take notice and then some started hoarding for possible gain in the future. Right now, bitcoin has already achieved a popular status so there is no more that "stigma" of being nerdy or even cultist about it. Perception of the people is changing on bitcoin and this will keep on evolving as years go by.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Naughty Princess on May 25, 2019, 10:20:44 PM
If this is a nerd money so we are a bunch of million Nerd here?😂😂😂

Bitcoin is a money of very intelligent people,because we risk to be here and now we are progressing and gaining,this way we can prove how great each bitcoiner is

And another thing it’s ok to be called nerd if the truth is I am near to becoming a millionaire lol
There is nothing bad for being nerd because that means that you do a lot to make own inventions to make life easier. You can make improvements and think widely. You cannot stop until you did not find out how things are going. As a bitcoiner you have to be optimistic that you can gain from what you are doing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: iGotSpots on May 26, 2019, 03:32:37 AM
Bitcoin community started to suck a big bag of dicks when it stopped being a community of nerds and evolved into this pool of human filth that has found their way in

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on May 26, 2019, 04:45:26 AM
Used to be, I find Bitcoin to be a lot more mainstream nowadays and not considered to be as "nerdy" as it used to be.

I now have family members who thought I was insane / thought I was a nerd considering it more as a value store/investment option.
Everyone goes through those experience when it comes to family members and relatives and the advice they will give is just outrageous at time especially when they are working in the financial sector  :D , those times i have to shrug everyone off by telling, it is my money and i decide what to do with it and that happened when the price started hitting the roof, another set of advises as to sell everything off and start another portfolio with them  :o.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: stadus on May 26, 2019, 06:16:55 AM
Everyone that got 1BTC or more are already the coolest guys in the world.
And everyone should aim to get their hand of at least on BTC.
They are because they are risking a big amount for the future of crypto.
I was once owned 1 BTC, but I loss some in gambling, and I spend some in my wants and needs, hopefully I will be able to save again
and will prepare for the bright future of crypto, 1 BTC to reach 1 million usd would be an ultimate success but it should not stop at that level as we all know bitcoin's demand will continue if we consider the potential users.

But as an investor, we need to be satisfied and cash out when necessary.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Mr.Ease on May 26, 2019, 06:26:51 AM
Definitely Nerd money Bro  :P

Especially if you got one of those mining rigs. Then you can learn all about computers, maybe get into coding and be really cool.

Seriously, just look into the crypto icons... Vitalik Buterin - Yeah that dude's a jock for sure  ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: DoublerHunter on May 26, 2019, 06:38:37 AM
Definitely Nerd money Bro  :P
^ Bro whether it is nerd money or not I still appreciated on Bitcoin as a currency.
Bitcoin is very risky but you can earn more profit on it if you know how to manage it. No matter they called nerd as long as I can earn profit I am still in favor of bitcoin. My family didn't understand yet how bitcoin it works and they think that is nerd how to earn money but here trying to stand and show them what is nerd stuff on the internet that can make money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on May 26, 2019, 06:59:45 AM
Everyone that got 1BTC or more are already the coolest guys in the world.
And everyone should aim to get their hand of at least on BTC.

Most of the early adopters may be having that amount in their wallets. Even here in Bitcointalk, earlier it was much easier to earn Bitcoins. I read somewhere that the Primedice signature campaign used to pay as much as BTC2.400. But back then, the exchange rates were in three digits and no one thought that we will witness prices in excess of $20,000 per coin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: leea-1334 on May 26, 2019, 08:02:29 AM
Bitcoin community started to suck a big bag of dicks when it stopped being a community of nerds and evolved into this pool of human filth that has found their way in

Wow,,, I know there are so many elitists in the community but I thought people had gotten a bit of humility at this stage.

Yes,,, I agree there just so many idiots in the space but really to call people human filth when they are a lot of the part of reason Bitcoin got so big, means you should reevaluate your reflection of people in Bitcoin. If it was only nerd money would it be worth this much today?

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Janation on May 26, 2019, 08:30:06 AM
Can anyone tell me what does this "Nerd money" meaning?. I think I heard this word for the first time in my life.
Is it also a currency like a bitcoin? No other kind of new money.

Basically, it is money used by nerds..

I don't see or look at people using BTC as nerds since first of all, it can be used by all of the people even the normal ones. I am not a nerd and that is proof that it can be used by everyone. I don't even know where did they base that to call us nerds? Can be learned easily to use or transact so I don't think it is only for nerds.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Mr.Ease on May 26, 2019, 04:09:29 PM
Can anyone tell me what does this "Nerd money" meaning?. I think I heard this word for the first time in my life.
Is it also a currency like a bitcoin? No other kind of new money.

Basically, it is money used by nerds..

I don't see or look at people using BTC as nerds since first of all, it can be used by all of the people even the normal ones. I am not a nerd and that is proof that it can be used by everyone. I don't even know where did they base that to call us nerds? Can be learned easily to use or transact so I don't think it is only for nerds.

Well you don't see it cause you yourself, are infact, a nerd.

I'm a nerd. Screw it - I own that shit.

Got my Bitcoin wallets, private keys... I know my mining algorithms and have been exposed to cryptography.

Go to anyone not involved in crypto and ask about these words:
"Crypto Wallet"
"Private Key"
"Mining Algorithm"

And they will instantly think your a Nerd but may never directly call you out on it.

Being a Nerd is the New Cool. - Get with the times

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: fiulpro on May 26, 2019, 05:34:13 PM
Actually only people who are involved with Bitcoins and l are the ones who knows a bit about trading and are interested in online things and have a genuine Nick for these things , what I think is it's a right statement since I have not seen many people involving in Bitcoins and all and actually being non - nerdy , to be honest you know I don't think nerdy is the best word , it's more like tech savvy ones.
Whatever be the call but there is no sure shot category as such.
How does it matter though ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: acroman08 on May 26, 2019, 07:30:47 PM
well, I don't know how to respond to that since everyone with the basic the knowledge of bitcoin can use it.
knowing a thing or two about bitcoin wont make you automatically a nerd. I know they meant
the "nerd money" as an insult but I am actually kind of proud that I am part of something big
and people who don't know and what it is results to insulting just to make them feel good about

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Abiky on May 28, 2019, 09:19:29 PM
Bitcoin is different from PayPal. With PayPal you link your card to your e-mail and that's it. If anything goes wrong, PayPal or the bank may even refund your loses.
Bitcoin is not made that easy yet. With Bitcoin if you are not careful you may lose your money (hack, lost seed, corrupted wallet files, or even installing the wrong software)  with no refund. The tools are not 100% (not even 80%) fool proof. And most explanations about why is Bitcoin so good need quite some knowledge which many could label "nerd-ish".

So yeah, I think that such a label is not so far from the truth. And I don't mind.

Me neither. I don't mind if Bitcoin is called nerd money, especially when some knowledge is required to use it. Non tech-savvy people will find it difficult to understand how to use Bitcoin for their daily lives. Even with some wallets available that provide a friendly user interface, people can't seem to use Bitcoin the same way as Fiat. In contrast, Fiat payment processors like PayPal and Skrill are much easier to use for the average user with no technical knowledge required. It's not necessary to use specific tools in order to secure your money, as everything is done by the centralized payment service.

As for Bitcoin, a basic understanding of it, will not help much into securing your money against hacks or theft. Some technical knowledge is needed in order to use multi-signature addresses, cold storage, and other means to help achieve said purpose. Of course, this would no longer be an issue over time as wallets become more friendlier to the user. But, we still have a long way to go, as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not fully adopted by the mainstream world yet.

Therefore, I believe that Bitcoin will be named "Nerd Money" for a long time. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: sandra_1 on May 29, 2019, 06:38:07 AM
Well, that's just an opinion of those who don't know what is going on with this cryptocurrency world. If you want to succeed and make your investments profitable, you need to be quite nerdy. I think that people who earn really "good" money in this market, spend a lot of time on trading etc. So, that's pretty nerdy. But what is wrong in that? It only means that there are many people who don't even know what cryptocurrency is and they called us "nerds" just because they don't understand this all technology

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Mike Mayor on May 29, 2019, 08:46:27 PM
All hail nerd money ruler of all!! Goosebumps 2 ??? They made a 1?? Dude I remember reading those, they were super huge a few years before harry potter. Gosh I will have to go watch this movie now. Thank you actually.
I enjoyed reading your post I wish more people made nice posts like this. It is so much easier to come and post and reply to people and have an actual conversation.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on May 29, 2019, 10:59:31 PM
I think people consider bitcoin users nerds because they belive using bitcoin is something complicated that only intelligent people can do when in fact even grandma could send a bitcoin transaction if you spend 5-10 minutes teaching her how to do it.
Btw, if someone was already a nerd before using bitcoin does it mean now they are a genius ?  ;D  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: rdbase on May 29, 2019, 11:11:11 PM
It wont be called that once everybody is holding it and using it as their everyday currency. :)
I think back when the very first iteration of internet money was introduced. They called it just that too. :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: FlightyPouch on May 29, 2019, 11:26:46 PM
Does this mean I am a nerd? I don't think so. I am not a nerd, I am a normie, I know I am that is the reason I'm not a nerd and that can be a proof that bitcoin is not money for nerds nor currency that nerds only use. I think they are just calling that since there is a lot of things that should be learned and that they can't cope with that. Bitcoin can be used by anyone that wants it to use, it is not just for nerds.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: ghost424 on May 30, 2019, 02:02:28 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

That was a nice feat for Bitcoin because it is gaining popularity and being televised or placed in a segment of a movie will help the platform of Bitcoin to be improved. If its called nerd money, then a lot of people would be proud to be called a nerd because they are gaining money in a way of thinking. Bitcoin is not for those people who wants instant money but it is for people who also want to work hard and gain it thru hardships.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: iMark on May 30, 2019, 04:25:27 AM
Then I wouldn't mind people calling us Nerds.  ;D

I guess it has something to do with the "technology" behind bitcoin. It was money written in "codes" by Satoshi, that's why it can be reference as nerd money. There's a lot of technicalities behind, like wallet's, privatekeys, hashes, TX and other things that a non-tech people can't fully understand in the beginning.

Because bitcoin is different from currencies, generally uses code, anonymity, decentralization, etc. that makes bitcoin very unique. and they call it a nerd? I am not offended by that at all. they just feel foreign to bitcoin, they won't call it again when bitcoin becomes mainstream, and world technology is sophisticated already

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Kakmakr on May 30, 2019, 07:10:03 AM
Well, based on the majority of the responses here, it seems as though most people agree that Bitcoin is not just for nerds.  ;)  I think a lot of people said the same thing about the Internet back in the day when we used to communicate via dialup access and BBS's. <giving away my age now. ::)>

New technologies have a way of scaring away people who are just too lazy to think and to figure out complex things on their own. Spoonfeeding has become the norm and loads of people want user-friendly GUI interfaces with 1click solutions. Gone are the days when people had to spend a little effort to gain new knowledge, they want other people to do the hard grafting and then they want to sit on the side and criticize and label people.   ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: coin-investor on May 30, 2019, 08:44:28 AM
I recently watched the movie Goosebumps 2 with my kids and Bitcoin was once again mentioned briefly in this movie. The one boy mentioned Bitcoin and the other boy called it Nerd money.  ::) <My kids turned to me and said, Are you a nerd?>

So it got me thinking, why would people label Bitcoin as Nerd money, when people use electronic payment options like PayPal every day? What feature about Bitcoin gives people this impression about Bitcoin?

The first thing that comes to mind is the technical IT knowledge that people need to understand the concept about this technology and also it's origin amongst very highly skilled programmers and developers in the IT industry.

I am definitely not a nerd, but I am more than willing to carry that label, if it means that Bitcoin should be part of my skill and knowledge set in this world.  ;D

Bitcoin Nerds will rule this world! <Bill Gates is 100% proof of that>

People should not all the time believe in whatever they saw and heard in a movie, you should also teach that to your children, people who created that movie are the real nerd, in the future the producer and the director will regret calling Bitcoin money for the nerd, because all the people in the world will eventually use Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: iGotSpots on May 31, 2019, 05:50:46 AM
Bitcoin community started to suck a big bag of dicks when it stopped being a community of nerds and evolved into this pool of human filth that has found their way in

Wow,,, I know there are so many elitists in the community but I thought people had gotten a bit of humility at this stage.

Yes,,, I agree there just so many idiots in the space but really to call people human filth when they are a lot of the part of reason Bitcoin got so big, means you should reevaluate your reflection of people in Bitcoin. If it was only nerd money would it be worth this much today?

Bottom of the barrel

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Innerpumper on May 31, 2019, 06:24:36 AM
it's wrong. I sure, bitcoin is good currency. in previous time, many people use bitcoin for IIlegal transactions like, deep web or dark web. But, now bitcoin can be invesment methode, like, ICO, STO, IEO, etc. so, bitcoin not nerd money :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: bitbunnny on May 31, 2019, 06:35:36 AM
well, I don't know how to respond to that since everyone with the basic the knowledge of bitcoin can use it.
knowing a thing or two about bitcoin wont make you automatically a nerd. I know they meant
the "nerd money" as an insult but I am actually kind of proud that I am part of something big
and people who don't know and what it is results to insulting just to make them feel good about

Exactly, you don't be some super expert to use and understand Bitcoin. Just a little effort to get basic understanding how it's functioning. I don't think that Bitcoin is meant to be reserved for some kind of ellites in any sense but for broad masses and so it's should be. New technologies of all kind can't be avoided anymore in our everyday lives, including cryptocurrencies, so.I think everyone should keep the track.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Abiky on May 31, 2019, 04:19:06 PM
Well, based on the majority of the responses here, it seems as though most people agree that Bitcoin is not just for nerds.  ;)  I think a lot of people said the same thing about the Internet back in the day when we used to communicate via dialup access and BBS's. <giving away my age now. ::)>

New technologies have a way of scaring away people who are just too lazy to think and to figure out complex things on their own. Spoonfeeding has become the norm and loads of people want user-friendly GUI interfaces with 1click solutions. Gone are the days when people had to spend a little effort to gain new knowledge, they want other people to do the hard grafting and then they want to sit on the side and criticize and label people.   ::)

Somehow, Bitcoin can be considered "Nerd Money" as there are certain areas which require some technical knowledge. Of course, nowadays it's becoming easier for users to send/receive Bitcoin because developers have made wallets much more friendlier via the use of a GUI. Still though, for certain aspects like establishing a full node, or mining Bitcoin, you'd need to be tech-savvy in order to do this.

Things aside, it's true that new technologies scare people away because they're too lazy to figure out things on their own. The same thing happened with the Internet quite some time ago, but nowadays it's a mainstream technology used by nearly anyone in the world. Bitcoin needs some time in order for people to become accustomed to it. As the cryptocurrency improves over time, things will become much easier for the average Joe towards using Bitcoin more thoroughly.

Nonetheless, I hope that Bitcoin becomes as much friendlier to the user as possible in order to increase its adoption within the mainstream world. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Netnox on May 31, 2019, 05:47:11 PM
It wont be called that once everybody is holding it and using it as their everyday currency. :)
I think back when the very first iteration of internet money was introduced. They called it just that too. :D

Bitcoin is sometimes termed as "Nerd money", because for elderly and middle-aged people the concept of crypto can be a bit difficult to grasp. Internet money (Paypal, Visa.etc) is not as complex as Bitcoin and therefore there is no point in comparing them with BTC. But as the old generation dies out, this hesitation for crypto is going to vanish.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: wumBowo on May 31, 2019, 06:00:38 PM
It wont be called that once everybody is holding it and using it as their everyday currency. :)
I think back when the very first iteration of internet money was introduced. They called it just that too. :D

Bitcoin is sometimes termed as "Nerd money", because for elderly and middle-aged people the concept of crypto can be a bit difficult to grasp. Internet money (Paypal, Visa.etc) is not as complex as Bitcoin and therefore there is no point in comparing them with BTC. But as the old generation dies out, this hesitation for crypto is going to vanish.
agreed, it might be called nerd money just because not all generations can grasp it very well. I have a friends here who have the same ages with me (~20), even though they dont have any idea what bitcoin is, they still can learn and adapt it well and don't have any significant problem.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: squatter on June 01, 2019, 01:04:59 AM
Guys, please stop bumping this thread. This subject has already been authoritatively decided.

Yes, Bitcoin = nerd money. See this post for confirmation:

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: XFlowZion on June 01, 2019, 02:05:32 AM
Bitcoin does not center around the world of nerds. Bitcoin is for everyone. And we better thank nerds because most of the tech that we use are created by them. They alloted so much time studying things so they can improve our lives for the better. But if I need to choose if it is a nerd money or darknet money then I will choose nerd money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Abiky on June 05, 2019, 11:51:31 PM
Bitcoin is sometimes termed as "Nerd money", because for elderly and middle-aged people the concept of crypto can be a bit difficult to grasp. Internet money (Paypal, Visa.etc) is not as complex as Bitcoin and therefore there is no point in comparing them with BTC. But as the old generation dies out, this hesitation for crypto is going to vanish.

That's certainly true, mate. Old generations would find it difficult to adopt Bitcoin for daily use. They're not widely familiar with technological stuff, unlike millennials. Since old generations are used to paper money, they tend to trust it more than anything else. In terms of ease of use, traditional payment processors are still much easier to use than Bitcoin. But, this will change over time as developers continue to improve the user experience of Bitcoin wallets.

Within a few years from now, it'll be easier to send/receive Bitcoin without any technical knowledge involved. Given that nowadays there is some technical knowledge required to perform multisig transactions, and more, Bitcoin is still "Nerd Money" to most people in the mainstream world.

Nonetheless, the perception of Bitcoin as "Nerd Money" greatly depends on the person itself. Some people will find it easy to use, while others will have a hard time understanding it. Education is key here, in order to help drive Bitcoin towards mainstream adoption. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: CryptoBry on June 08, 2019, 04:28:29 PM

That's certainly true, mate. Old generations would find it difficult to adopt Bitcoin for daily use. They're not widely familiar with technological stuff, unlike millennials. Since old generations are used to paper money, they tend to trust it more than anything else. In terms of ease of use, traditional payment processors are still much easier to use than Bitcoin. But, this will change over time as developers continue to improve the user experience of Bitcoin wallets. Within a few years from now, it'll be easier to send/receive Bitcoin without any technical knowledge involved. Given that nowadays there is some technical knowledge required to perform multisig transactions, and more, Bitcoin is still "Nerd Money" to most people in the mainstream world. Nonetheless, the perception of Bitcoin as "Nerd Money" greatly depends on the person itself. Some people will find it easy to use, while others will have a hard time understanding it. Education is key here, in order to help drive Bitcoin towards mainstream adoption. Just my opinion :)

There is a learning curve with cryptocurrency and people of older generations may have a hard time understanding how this new thing works -- hell there are even many of them who don't have the basic model of a cellphone yet. This is the reason why I don't believe that bitcoin will be the global currency and that we can eliminate fiat money not unless a global decree will force people to use it. of course, governments will not allow that to happen. The term "nerd money" perception can be true with population who are not updated with things new and bitcoin is one of the many modern innovations that many people don't know of and don't care. But I believe that we are slowly getting into the time when bitcoin will be known as the new people's money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Ryan Dugan on June 08, 2019, 11:21:50 PM
If nerd is what they call people engaging to bitcoins, investing and making profits out of it,  knowing its advantages and taking the risks, then we totally are nerds. Hahaha. I will be proud to be called nerd specially if this "nerd money" they referring to will be the way to make me successful, to make us successful and rich someday.  ;D
Same on me, if it takes to be called as nerd to be rich I would love to be a nerd it is not actually an offending word people are just making fun of the word that makes it bad.

Nerd is such an old word. People still use geek but now geeks are cool. (cosplay, gaming, comics, movies etc etc etc) So nerd is just someone who knows a lot about difficult subjects or something? Like thick glasses fiddling with a pc like one of the people from the 70s or 80s. Back then you had to know a lot about computers. Nowadays everything has an interface and great GUI easy to use. Super fast and smooth. SO much happens in the background we don't even know about. Technology has become something we all rely on now. So I guess being a nerd has become so mainstream that the word has no meaning anymore.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Abiky on June 11, 2019, 03:42:43 PM
There is a learning curve with cryptocurrency and people of older generations may have a hard time understanding how this new thing works -- hell there are even many of them who don't have the basic model of a cellphone yet. This is the reason why I don't believe that bitcoin will be the global currency and that we can eliminate fiat money not unless a global decree will force people to use it. of course, governments will not allow that to happen. The term "nerd money" perception can be true with population who are not updated with things new and bitcoin is one of the many modern innovations that many people don't know of and don't care. But I believe that we are slowly getting into the time when bitcoin will be known as the new people's money.

That's certainly true, mate. I believe that the only way to make people use digital currencies more thoroughly would be if governments enforce their usage. Right now, that seems to be almost impossible given that physical money is in use worldwide. However, once the government eliminates physical cash and converts it into a digital currency, then people will have no choice but to begin using this new breakthrough technology.

Older generations will still have a hard time understanding this. But, future generations will become accustomed to the technology, that they will adopt the latest trends in the same. This will probably take some time, as changes happen at a slow pace. The same thing happened with the Internet, where it took some time before people began using it more thoroughly. As time went by, now the Internet has become a necessity where even our elders make use of it.

Nonetheless, Bitcoin is still "Nerd Money" until it becomes easy enough for the whole world to use. With proper education, and collaboration from governments worldwide, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may grow in terms of mainstream adoption. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Marcus yoyo on June 22, 2019, 02:28:08 PM
I will only give my view of why bitcoin is called nerdy money. I think bitcoin is nicknamed so because Bitcoin was created from intelligent people who have extensive and deep knowledge. While the knowledge itself comes from books. People who like to read books (nerds) then have broad insight and intelligent thinking. That's my prediction why bitcoin can be said as nerdy money. I am actually proud if Bitcoin is said to be a bookworm means that bitcoin was created based on mature thinking.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = Nerd money or not?
Post by: Abiky on June 26, 2019, 06:37:46 PM
The technology behind Bitcoin can be a bit hard to comprehend for the older generation individuals. I have seen people struggling to understand the difference between the wallet address and private keys (initially). Hardware wallets have made storing Bitcoin easier for them, but even using a hardware wallet needs a lot of training and a few important precautions needs to be taken.

Exactly. But even so, developers are making wallets that have user-friendliness in mind which allows ordinary people to easily make use of Bitcoin without hassles. As you've said earlier, hardware wallets have been the ones with such user-friendliness. Still, these wallets provide a seed to the individual, which could result in losses by misuse of it. However, with proper education about how Bitcoin works for the mainstream world, I'm sure that most people will use Bitcoin in the same way as any other known traditional currency to date.

Despite this, Bitcoin is still nerd money since it implements some features which are not suitable for non tech-savvy people. Multi-signature addresses, mixers/tumblers, and even the Replace-by-Fee features of Bitcoin, are not in use by the average Joe. But, the time will come when Bitcoin becomes easier enough for the mainstream world to use.

Once this happens, then Bitcoin's title of "Nerd Money" would be no more. Instead, Bitcoin will be known as the "people's currency" or a store of value which anyone around the world can make use of it without hassles. Nonetheless, it will take some time before Bitcoin becomes fully known by the mainstream world. Just my thoughts ;D