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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Quickseller on February 08, 2019, 08:00:21 AM

Title: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 08, 2019, 08:00:21 AM
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos posted ( a medium blog post alleging that Trump supporter's National Enquirer attempted to extort him with the threat of publishing "dick pics" and other sexually explicit pics (likely sent to his mistress whom he was cheating on his wife with) unless Bezos uses his propaganda newspapers, The Washington Post to say that the National Enquirer was not being used for political purposes.

This comes amid the National Enquirer exposing Bezos having an affair as a married man, publishing text messages between Bezos and his mistress, and Bezos attempting to investigate how these text messages leaked.

Bezos published what he purported to be emails from various employees of the National Enquirer.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Mpamaegbu on February 08, 2019, 05:53:09 PM
These are really interesting times for the US, everyday in the news like Venezuela now. Trump is going to make the US either sink or float. So much controversies around the White House. But I like these exposures as they go a long way to show us what the kitchen of the rich looks like.

BTW, I hope the dick will be worth wasting time viewing anyway.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 08, 2019, 05:55:24 PM
These are really interesting times for the US, everyday in the news like Venezuela now. Trump is going to make the US either sink or float. So much controversies around the White House. But I like these exposures as they go a long way to show us what the kitchen of the rich looks like.
Pun intended?

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Mpamaegbu on February 09, 2019, 06:38:30 PM
These are really interesting times for the US, everyday in the news like Venezuela now. Trump is going to make the US either sink or float. So much controversies around the White House. But I like these exposures as they go a long way to show us what the kitchen of the rich looks like.
Pun intended?
Isn't that one of the reasons we're all in love with Literature in English?  :o

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Cøbra on February 09, 2019, 07:25:46 PM
This comes amid the National Enquirer exposing Bezos having an affair as a married man, publishing text messages between Bezos and his mistress, and Bezos attempting to investigate how these text messages leaked.

There are rumors a "government entity" leaked the texts to the National Enquirer. If so, and Trump ordered this to score political points and shame Bezos, it's hard to see how he wouldn't get impeached. You think he'll survive that?

This whole situation makes a good case for encryption though, so I love it.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 10, 2019, 03:05:04 AM
This comes amid the National Enquirer exposing Bezos having an affair as a married man, publishing text messages between Bezos and his mistress, and Bezos attempting to investigate how these text messages leaked.

There are rumors a "government entity" leaked the texts to the National Enquirer. If so, and Trump ordered this to score political points and shame Bezos, it's hard to see how he wouldn't get impeached. You think he'll survive that?
If there is evidence of this, articles of impeachment will probably get filed, and the democratic congress would probably impeach if the articles said he was driving 1 MPH over the speed limit, even though Trump doesn't drive. I would suspect Trump would release information regarding his campaign being spied on by the Obama administration not long after evidence that he ordered the CIA to hack Bezos' phone, which will probably mean he survives (I wouldn't necessarily continue to support him, but that is my prediction).

The "rumors" are actually Bezos' head of security (who is investigating the hacking) saying he believes this may have happened. I would note The Washington Post (wholly owned by Bezos) has gotten many stories wrong about Trump, and have been so wrong that months after the fact, I suspect they were made up to make him look bad. WaPo is so anti-trump that one of their editorial writers blamed Trump on one of the hurricanes last year. It has been claimed Bezos lets WaPo have editorial independence, but I don't believe it.

IIRC, the head of security for Bezos previously though the brother of Bezos' mistress was the one who leaked the texts (he denied it), and has not proffered anyone else who might be responsible; in essence he said "it is either her older brother, or Big Brother"
This whole situation makes a good case for encryption though, so I love it.
This really depends on the details of how the texts were stolen/the phone was hacked. If the actual phone was hacked, encryption would not do anything because the hacker could obtain the decryption key when it is in the phone's RAM, which would be as frequent as the phone reads/accesses text messages. If the texts were intercepted between the two phones (eg via cell towers), then maybe encryption would have protected him, although I understand iMessage uses encryption the government was unable to break as of 2015. I am not sure if Bezos and his mistress were using iMessage or not.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 10, 2019, 07:58:42 AM
The President has the NI in his back pocket. The NC holds dirt for certain purposes and enjoys displaying that for profit.

Dark days ahead. It hasn't even begun to get ugly yet.

Just my 2c.


Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 10, 2019, 08:47:19 AM
The President has the NI in his back pocket.
I am not sure if you are a troll account or not....

If you believe Trump has the national intelligence in his back pocket, I would refer you to and "A Higher Loyalty (" by James Comey.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: 100bitcoin on February 10, 2019, 12:24:10 PM
This comes amid the National Enquirer exposing Bezos having an affair as a married man, publishing text messages between Bezos and his mistress, and Bezos attempting to investigate how these text messages leaked.

There are rumors a "government entity" leaked the texts to the National Enquirer. If so, and Trump ordered this to score political points and shame Bezos, it's hard to see how he wouldn't get impeached. You think he'll survive that?

This whole situation makes a good case for encryption though, so I love it.

That mistress leaked it. It is quiet obvious. Encryption would do a shit in this case. Dont look for an use case in every mess. ;)

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on February 10, 2019, 03:18:09 PM
I saw in the article the security guy "mentioned" a government connection.  I didn't see it explicitly say the US government.  WaPo journalist was butchered by MBS's crew and they have obviously been bringing a lot of attention to the issue.  It is at least worth considering the Saudi "government" have an interest in Bezo shutting the fuck up and just may have had a hand in this.

Ironically AMI may have exposed themselves to having their immunity deal with Mueller being ripped up as a result of this.  Based on the extremely limited information available it is difficult to tell if the SCO has grounds currently to kill the deal.  As a result of the immunity deal AMI signed they must not commit a crime for 3 years, AMI needs to be careful not to fuck their deal up as any good prosecutor can find a crime almost anywhere.  The smart thing to do for AMI is to stay off Muellers radar and this kind of shit is kinda the opposite of that lol!

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Spendulus on February 10, 2019, 04:13:49 PM
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos posted ( a medium blog post alleging that Trump supporter's National Enquirer attempted to extort him with the threat of publishing "dick pics" .....

Does anyone care about Bezos Dic Pics? Why is this a story?

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 10, 2019, 04:44:19 PM
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos posted ( a medium blog post alleging that Trump supporter's National Enquirer attempted to extort him with the threat of publishing "dick pics" .....

Does anyone care about Bezos Dic Pics? Why is this a story?
Bezos dick pics would be news worthy because he is the richest man in america and he runs Amazon (among other companies). He is a public figure, and the pictures would speak to his judgement.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Spendulus on February 10, 2019, 07:12:15 PM
.... the pictures would speak to his judgement.

Not at all.

They could be SAID to have been send in a context that was improper, or in similar ways used for blackmail.

By themselves such pics are simple human anatomy.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 10, 2019, 07:15:09 PM
.... the pictures would speak to his judgement.

Not at all.

They could be SAID to have been send in a context that was improper, or in similar ways used for blackmail.

By themselves such pics are simple human anatomy.
Well he was married at the time, in fact I believe it was said that some of them show him with a wedding ring on his finger. I think many would probably consider this "improper"

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Spendulus on February 10, 2019, 08:23:40 PM
.... it was said that some of them show him with a wedding ring on his finger. I think many would probably consider this "improper"

As a scandal it seems pretty lame if that's all there is. Plus obviously extortion is criminal.

Does it seem like this is a real deal or yet another attempt to somehow make trump look bad?

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 10, 2019, 09:52:41 PM
The President has the NI in his back pocket.
I am not sure if you are a troll account or not....

If you believe Trump has the national intelligence in his back pocket, I would refer you to and "A Higher Loyalty (" by James Comey.

LMAO, no, I am not a troll. (that made me smile)

But there was a typo in my post. It should have read, NE, instead of NI or NC, as in National Enquirer. It was pretty early in the morning for me.

My apologies for the confusion on my suggestion.


Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: squatz1 on February 10, 2019, 11:41:35 PM
.... it was said that some of them show him with a wedding ring on his finger. I think many would probably consider this "improper"

As a scandal it seems pretty lame if that's all there is. Plus obviously extortion is criminal.

Does it seem like this is a real deal or yet another attempt to somehow make trump look bad?

Unknown at the moment, though it does seem like a good amount of people keep citing that the NE is a source that is in bed with Trump. This to me is the media trying to make the point that Trump MUST be involved even though I doubt he would get involved in such low-level BS.

People are trying to make this out to be a Watergate-type scandal when it isn't.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 10, 2019, 11:56:56 PM
We do have to keep in mind, conspiracy or not, that the President HAS in fact spent quite a lot of monies with NE in covering up his skeletons from the past.

And yes, NE is in the business of skeletons. Published or otherwise.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Spendulus on February 11, 2019, 12:24:01 AM
We do have to keep in mind, conspiracy or not, that the President HAS in fact spent quite a lot of monies with NE in covering up his skeletons from the past.

And yes, NE is in the business of skeletons. Published or otherwise.

Got it.

It's the "hint" of a connection with Trump.

Something yet else to keep the Evil Trump Story Going.

Oh,you know. It might NOT BE TRUE but <whisper whisper whisper>

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 11, 2019, 01:35:52 AM
Well I do understand your point too, and I honestly as difficult as it is anymore nowadays, didn't intend to imply any partisanship in my reply. It really is hard to make any comment about anything anymore without getting Trump/Anti-trump accusations suggested. Not anyone's fault really, it is just how it is now.

My belief is that conspiracy is borne of partial truths, with the rest left for the reader to surmise upon the suggestion.

My other belief is in Occam's Razor.

And the brother of the mistress has admittedly as a MAGA supporter (nothing wrong with that), as well as the NE source, implied it on his own words.

I am proud of any voter no matter who the choice. Its the non-voters who should have no voice in the matter.

To attempt to keep it non-partisan, there are elements that lend credence to the conspiracy.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: theymos on February 11, 2019, 03:41:34 AM
I'm uncertain about Bezos. The Washington Post has a clear anti-Trump and left-leaning bias, but maybe Bezos purchased it because he wanted to prevent a major newspaper from dying, and he actually does give them a lot of independence. Maybe any pro-Bezos bias by the Post is more of a subconscious thing by their employees than anything (ie. if they know who butters their bread, it'll affect their thinking whether anyone realizes/wants it or not). Ignoring the Washington Post, do we actually know of many instances of Bezos personally attacking good things or promoting bad things? I remember a few things which gave me slightly negative impressions of him, but I don't remember anything major, and I can't find anything with a quick search.

Reading his Medium post makes me tend to respect Bezos more. (Which is the intent, of course.)

It's certainly within the capabilities of several government intelligence agencies to do this spying, but would they? I doubt that Trump would've given some official presidential order to spy on Bezos. Does he have sufficient personal connections within Intelligence to do it off the books? My impression is that Intelligence hates him; in fact, if they did this, I'd consider it most likely that their goal was to set Bezos against Trump.

But far more likely than a major technological attack is that Sanchez's security was shit and someone going through piles of hacked accounts stumbled across this. Or something like that. (Some sources are saying that she just gave the info to others...)

In any case, it doesn't look good for the Enquirer, having a multi-billionaire past the point of caring & out to destroy them.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: squatz1 on February 11, 2019, 04:38:34 AM
Not really sure how accurate the Daily Beast is when it comes to breaking stories, but here's something that's interesting. Seems like they have sources saying that the leaks came from the Bezos' mistresses' brother.

I don't see the connection to Trump in all of this though, and the Daily Beast is stating that as well.


I'm uncertain about Bezos. The Washington Post has a clear anti-Trump and left-leaning bias, but maybe Bezos purchased it because he wanted to prevent a major newspaper from dying, and he actually does give them a lot of independence. Maybe any pro-Bezos bias by the Post is more of a subconscious thing by their employees than anything (ie. if they know who butters their bread, it'll affect their thinking whether anyone realizes/wants it or not). Ignoring the Washington Post, do we actually know of many instances of Bezos personally attacking good things or promoting bad things? I remember a few things which gave me slightly negative impressions of him, but I don't remember anything major, and I can't find anything with a quick search.

Reading his Medium post makes me tend to respect Bezos more. (Which is the intent, of course.)

It's certainly within the capabilities of several government intelligence agencies to do this spying, but would they? I doubt that Trump would've given some official presidential order to spy on Bezos. Does he have sufficient personal connections within Intelligence to do it off the books? My impression is that Intelligence hates him; in fact, if they did this, I'd consider it most likely that their goal was to set Bezos against Trump.

But far more likely than a major technological attack is that Sanchez's security was shit and someone going through piles of hacked accounts stumbled across this. Or something like that. (Some sources are saying that she just gave the info to others...)

In any case, it doesn't look good for the Enquirer, having a multi-billionaire past the point of caring & out to destroy them.

Doubt the fact that Bezos bought the company for the good of the company, there's no way a billionaire would be spending this sort of money 'for the integrity of reporting' or some bullshit like that. He's trying to make himself and his company look good while putting down opponents. I do agree on the subconscious thing though, that has to be a large portion of it. Though I do think that at the end of the day he'll have a heavy hand if TRULY necessary.

Enquirer is going to go through hell for this, though some did say this was a way to 'kiss and makeup' with Trump -- going after Bezos, that is. Though I still don't see the connection and why Trump would really care.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 11, 2019, 06:41:26 AM
I'm uncertain about Bezos. The Washington Post has a clear anti-Trump and left-leaning bias, but maybe Bezos purchased it because he wanted to prevent a major newspaper from dying, and he actually does give them a lot of independence. Maybe any pro-Bezos bias by the Post is more of a subconscious thing by their employees than anything (ie. if they know who butters their bread, it'll affect their thinking whether anyone realizes/wants it or not).
Some have speculated The Washington Post purchase was to help with anti-trust issues it was having at the time, along as being a non-traditional way to lobby those in government in Washington.

I don't think it is appropriate for The WaPo to report on Amazon related news the way it does. For example using unnamed sources is troubling because Bezos could potentially order the identity of any confidential sources to be given to him (someone critical of him/Amazon), or he could be directing someone to be a confidential source to "leak" information it doesn't want to explicitly say (such as they are considering not using NYC as one of their HQ2 sites).   

But far more likely than a major technological attack is that Sanchez's security was shit and someone going through piles of hacked accounts stumbled across this. Or something like that. (Some sources are saying that she just gave the info to others...)
The attorney for the Enquirer was on one of the Sunday news shows today and said their source was someone known to Bezos who has been a source for a long time.

My suspicion is it was either someone in his Wife's family or his Mistresses family (or the women themselves).

The claim the Enquirer's reporting on Bezos' affair was politically motivated came from the WaPo. If it turns out there is nothing to support this, the Washington Post would then be peddling politically motivated fake news against the Enquirer to make Bezos look good. The same is true (to a lesser extent) in regards to the WaPos reporting that the source of the leaks may be "a government" although the WaPo's source on this was Bezos' head of security.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 11, 2019, 06:54:34 AM
Reading his Medium post makes me tend to respect Bezos more.

I don't disrespect Bezos at all, quite likely I admire him for his accomplishments. Most notably his AWS services being the huge cash cow that makes Amazon more than just a little online Walmart.

But most certainly the fact that he stood up and makes available to the public the disgusting aspect of his private life that was being used for blackmail, suggests to me and others he would rather make public which NE thought he was more willing to hide with a payout. Er, or more accurately, extort to hide. But when you can command a pricey payoff from the
POTUS, you can extort anyone, even the lame ol' richest man in America.

Now as far as intelligence goes, I seriously doubt that anyone expects he is as safe with his phone like a teenager might be. Yes the mistress' brother is implicated, as the mistress would have the only access to the text and images. But the premise resulting from his investigative team has brought out the NSA. I doubt that to be true myself. POTUS and NSA ain't exactly getting along.

But the brother who would defend his sister, well, brothers do not like their sisters besmirched publicly. Yes I would expect the wife soon to be ex, may speak poorly of the mistress.

I dunno. Maybe once we should believe FOX news for the very first time as accurate?
edited to add this quote from the FOX article which significantly peaks my interest in the players...

In addition, Sanchez said his acquaintance with longtime Republican political operative Roger Stone, who recently pleaded not guilty to charges of witness tampering and lying to Congress in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, is irrelevant to the Bezos matter.
Roger Stone is a huge red flag to me. I like how they portrayed Stone's "pleaded not guilty", with no other mention of anything else about him. Not even that he just bailed out of jail. Let alone any of his other past shenanigans.

The last two years FOX news have been total Trump fan boys and ignoring anything else as a fact, except but what he says.

Documents reviewed by The Daily Beast show that Michael Sanchez believed the Enquirer pursued its story about Bezos with “President Trump's knowledge and appreciation”—a chase encouraged, in Sanchez’s estimation, by Republican operatives “who THINK Jeff gets up every morning and has a WaPo meeting to plot its next diabolical attack on President Trump.”

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: criptix on February 11, 2019, 10:12:55 PM
Nevertheless what you think about trump vs bezos, the fact is that bezos was worth 70 billion before trump and 140 billion after trump  ;)

Just looking at the money trail, maybe everything is just fake.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: squatz1 on February 11, 2019, 11:06:55 PM
Nevertheless what you think about trump vs bezos, the fact is that bezos was worth 70 billion before trump and 140 billion after trump  ;)

Just looking at the money trail, maybe everything is just fake.


But this made me laugh, so thanks for that. Tough to see some regular jokes that don't 'trigger' someone.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on February 12, 2019, 04:03:24 AM
Nevertheless what you think about trump vs bezos, the fact is that bezos was worth 70 billion before trump and 140 billion after trump  ;)

Just looking at the money trail, maybe everything is just fake.

And back down to 70 billion after his divorce!

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 12, 2019, 08:18:38 AM
the fact is that bezos was worth 70 billion before trump and 140 billion after trump  ;)

I think I would attribute that more to market sentiment of the company than anything else really.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: criptix on February 12, 2019, 09:03:31 AM
the fact is that bezos was worth 70 billion before trump and 140 billion after trump  ;)

I think I would attribute that more to market sentiment of the company than anything else really.

Pumped by mr trumps new deal you mean? ;)

Nevertheless what you think about trump vs bezos, the fact is that bezos was worth 70 billion before trump and 140 billion after trump  ;)

Just looking at the money trail, maybe everything is just fake.

And back down to 70 billion after his divorce!

That indeed wasnt mr trump :P

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on February 12, 2019, 03:35:49 PM
That indeed wasnt mr trump :P

If one looked at it from a glass half full perspective you might be able to make the argument that Trump gave Bezo's a "free" divorce or IOW saved him 70 billion dollars!

I mean seriously though why the fuck would the richest dude in the world send dic pics, people are so stupid.

It now looks like more solid reporting coming out that it was the gf's brother.  I am curious as fuck as to just how a guy gets a hold of his adult siblings text's etc and also think its a pretty douchey move to steal your sisters stuff for your own benefit (although not a new thing siblings have been fighting since the beginning of time).

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: squatz1 on February 12, 2019, 03:46:46 PM
That indeed wasnt mr trump :P

If one looked at it from a glass half full perspective you might be able to make the argument that Trump gave Bezo's a "free" divorce or IOW saved him 70 billion dollars!

I mean seriously though why the fuck would the richest dude in the world send dic pics, people are so stupid.

It now looks like more solid reporting coming out that it was the gf's brother.  I am curious as fuck as to just how a guy gets a hold of his adult siblings text's etc and also think its a pretty douchey move to steal your sisters stuff for your own benefit (although not a new thing siblings have been fighting since the beginning of time).

Cause even the richest people in the world are like us normal everyday people. The guy probably sent them over text too.

Honestly though, if you're worth 140B (and lets say 70b after divorce) do you really care about the world seeing your dick?

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on February 12, 2019, 03:58:19 PM
That indeed wasnt mr trump :P

If one looked at it from a glass half full perspective you might be able to make the argument that Trump gave Bezo's a "free" divorce or IOW saved him 70 billion dollars!

I mean seriously though why the fuck would the richest dude in the world send dic pics, people are so stupid.

It now looks like more solid reporting coming out that it was the gf's brother.  I am curious as fuck as to just how a guy gets a hold of his adult siblings text's etc and also think its a pretty douchey move to steal your sisters stuff for your own benefit (although not a new thing siblings have been fighting since the beginning of time).

Cause even the richest people in the world are like us normal everyday people. The guy probably sent them over text too.

Honestly though, if you're worth 140B (and lets say 70b after divorce) do you really care about the world seeing your dick?

What I am more curious about is why anyone anywhere gives a flying fuck if he is sending or receiving dic pics and why the fuck in the world anyone considers dic pics a scandal ffs.  Also, sort of off topic but I don't understand why men send dic pics, nothing good can ever come from doing it especially if you have any degree of fame at all.

I mean the enquirer "extorting" him and the creepy brother stealing his sisters stuff on the other hand are pretty scandalous IMO

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: squatz1 on February 12, 2019, 04:17:34 PM
What I am more curious about is why anyone anywhere gives a flying fuck if he is sending or receiving dic pics and why the fuck in the world anyone considers dic pics a scandal ffs.  Also, sort of off topic but I don't understand why men send dic pics, nothing good can ever come from doing it especially if you have any degree of fame at all.

I mean the enquirer "extorting" him and the creepy brother stealing his sisters stuff on the other hand are pretty scandalous IMO

I mean I don't think dick pics are a scandal. It's the fact that it's Bezos' dick pics, the richest man in the world. Also a guy who's going through a public divorce -- and a guy who has kids. I don't know, I personally expect better from a father.

But yes, the enquirer extorting him is also a pretty big story. I do want to see what legal action comes out of this.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on February 12, 2019, 04:33:50 PM
I mean I don't think dick pics are a scandal. It's the fact that it's Bezos' dick pics, the richest man in the world.

A dick is a dick, the wallet attached to that dick is not relevant to me in terms of how many fucks I give about it!  As Bill Maher said, the thing in Bezo's pants that make women want to fuck him is his wallet not his dick!

Also a guy who's going through a public divorce -- and a guy who has kids. I don't know, I personally expect better from a father.
Like I said nothing good comes from dic pics, even the richest man in the world isn't smart enough to figure this out...

But yes, the enquirer extorting him is also a pretty big story. I do want to see what legal action comes out of this.

The real exposure for the enquirer is not the specific extortion or possible revenge porn crime but ANY crime they commit can be used to nuke the immunity AMI has with Mueller and the SDNY.  IF Mueller and or SDNY find ANY crime they can go back at AMI for all the Cohen campaign violations and whatever else AMI had to admit to during the immunity deal.  They also won't be able to challenge any of their previous admissions during the immunity deal.  In short IF prosecutors move on AMI, Pecker will end up in jail LOL.

If Pecker is smart enough to understand this, the question obviously remains why was Mr. Pecker willing to risk all of this to shut Bezo's up?

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Spendulus on February 12, 2019, 05:13:47 PM
If Pecker is smart enough to understand this, the question obviously remains why was Mr. Pecker willing to risk all of this to shut Bezo's up?
So what you need is a fake story that's good enough?

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on February 14, 2019, 05:09:43 AM
CNN is reporting ( the source of the existence of the relationship between Bezos and his mistress is the mistress' brother.

If this is true, based on the fact that the Enquirer normally publishes this type of stories of high profile people, the theory that the reporting was politically motivated is more or less extinguished IMO. This should also throw cold water on the theory that a "government" hacked Bezos' phone to expose his affair.

In theory, the source for the sexting pics may be different, but I would not count on this.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Classified: Top Secret on February 14, 2019, 08:48:28 AM
It looks like the mistress' brother is the now known bag man.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Ciscopro2000 on February 18, 2019, 07:18:34 AM
Bezos has enough money to take down the National Enquirer.  It’s no secret that the Enquire is pro-Trump, and Trump hates Bezos because he owns the Washington Post.  The Post has been critical of Trump many times.  So there was a slight political motivation for the Enquirer to go after Bezos.  The legal battle will likely bankrupt the Enquirer. 

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on March 20, 2019, 05:46:46 AM
CNN is reporting ( the source of the existence of the relationship between Bezos and his mistress is the mistress' brother.

If this is true, based on the fact that the Enquirer normally publishes this type of stories of high profile people, the theory that the reporting was politically motivated is more or less extinguished IMO. This should also throw cold water on the theory that a "government" hacked Bezos' phone to expose his affair.

In theory, the source for the sexting pics may be different, but I would not count on this.
The WSJ confirmed the source was Bezos’ mistresses brother, who was paid $200k for the texts.

It sounds like the brother really doesn’t like Bezos. He probably could have gotten 100x this much from Bezos just from asking for a favor.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: TECSHARE on March 20, 2019, 10:35:48 AM
CNN is reporting ( the source of the existence of the relationship between Bezos and his mistress is the mistress' brother.

If this is true, based on the fact that the Enquirer normally publishes this type of stories of high profile people, the theory that the reporting was politically motivated is more or less extinguished IMO. This should also throw cold water on the theory that a "government" hacked Bezos' phone to expose his affair.

In theory, the source for the sexting pics may be different, but I would not count on this.
The WSJ confirmed the source was Bezos’ mistresses brother, who was paid $200k for the texts.

It sounds like the brother really doesn’t like Bezos. He probably could have gotten 100x this much from Bezos just from asking for a favor.

Or Bezos could have had him killed for 10% of that.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on April 11, 2019, 02:35:42 PM
The national enquirer is for sale, it would be funny if Bezo's bought it and turned it into an anti trump rag instead of the pro trump rag it is now!  He could buy it cheap as it is probably not going to fetch much on the open market, while the feds are up AMI's ass for extorting Bezo's and breaking their non prosecution agreement with the SDNY!

RIP National Enquirer, you won't be missed!

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on April 11, 2019, 02:42:07 PM
The national enquirer is for sale, it would be funny if Bezo's bought it and turned it into an anti trump rag instead of the pro trump rag it is now!  He could buy it cheap as it is probably not going to fetch much on the open market, while the feds are up AMI's ass for extorting Bezo's and breaking their non prosecution agreement with the SDNY!

RIP National Enquirer, you won't be missed!
Bezos already has a anti-trump newsletter, it’s called The Washington Post.

I don’t think the DOJ will actually prosecute AMI, and if they do they will probably lose (hence why they won’t even try). The terms of the deferred prosecution agreement was they could be prosecuted with the original crime of declining to report information negative to Trump during the election, if they don’t break the law in the next x years, and if they do they can be prosecuted.

The purpose of the agreement was to make Trump look bad and to imply the law was broken. If AMI is prosecuted and wins in court, this narrative goes away.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Flying Hellfish on April 11, 2019, 04:03:54 PM

It's not up to the DOJ, it's up to the SDNY.  AMI's non prosecution agreement is for campaign finance violation (and ANYTHING else they admitted to during their cooperation with SDNY).

The SDNY is already reportedly looking into the matter with Bezo's and it is reasonable to surmise if they are able to prove a crime after the agreement took place they will throw the book at AMI (and Mr. Pecker possibly personally).

All of this makes the sale price of the Enquirer plummet, the hedge fund owner is trying to get anything they can for it at this point, if the SDNY goes balls deep into AMI the Enquirer could be worth next to nothing in a few months!

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Ciscopro2000 on April 14, 2019, 08:24:17 AM
The pics apparently were sourced from the mistress brother.  It could get very interesting at the next family gathering.  Lol.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Quickseller on April 18, 2019, 06:43:20 PM
The national enquirer is for sale, it would be funny if Bezo's bought it and turned it into an anti trump rag instead of the pro trump rag it is now!  He could buy it cheap as it is probably not going to fetch much on the open market, while the feds are up AMI's ass for extorting Bezo's and breaking their non prosecution agreement with the SDNY!

RIP National Enquirer, you won't be missed!
It looks like it ended up getting sold for $100mm.

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on April 18, 2019, 07:14:13 PM
The problem is that when people get horny, they tend to think with their dicks rather than the brain. And look at what it has done to Bezos. He lost $35 billion. For heaven's sake this is more than the GDP of Nepal (which happens to be an Asian nation with a population of 30 million).

Title: Re: Bezos allegedly extorted w/Dick pics by Nat'l enquirer
Post by: Russlenat on April 20, 2019, 11:38:40 PM
I don't think this even real, Jeff Bezos is way to smart than that.
Another extortion which uses fake data I assume.