Bitcoin Forum

Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: Jet Cash on February 16, 2019, 11:37:11 AM

Title: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Jet Cash on February 16, 2019, 11:37:11 AM
Scam email demanding payment in Bitcoin (

I've copied it onto my own hosting as a simple text file. Links and addresses have been removed. I think it is a shame that people use Bitcoin in this way.I should probably report it, and let the police try to do something about it, but which police force would be interested.

btw There is no truth in the allegation, and the mail was sent to one of my spam vetting domains.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: UserU on February 16, 2019, 11:44:08 AM
That's some next-level extortion there, with the scammer even sounding so determined to release the video.

But if it's fake, how would people fall for that if it doesn't relate?

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Harkorede on February 16, 2019, 11:52:28 AM
You should report it, but I don't think there is anything worth to follow up with this, at least It could serve for reference purposes.

You should be scared man, Lol!
Sometimes I just do wonder how these retards would expect a knowledgeable person to fall for their petty scam tricks, Oh well, except one is guilty right ? I still wouldn't fall victim should I be guilty.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Jet Cash on February 16, 2019, 06:11:41 PM
Well the email did prompt me to run a trojan and virus scan on the computer. Both came up negative. I also stuck a McDonalds promo coffee bean over the camera lens. Not that a picture from that would cause much trouble for me. Well I haven't had a shave for a couple of days, so I'm a bit scruffy, but that seems to be trendy at the moment.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Harkorede on February 16, 2019, 07:48:13 PM
^ You seemed to be taking this seriously than I'd have expected a pro to, It was an obvious bluff, really. I guess you just chose to take extra precautions since one can't be too careful.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Jet Cash on February 17, 2019, 08:03:30 AM
There are a number of elements that I take seriously, but not the basic scam - it is obviously just phishing for payments from the unwary.

I ran the anti-virus because the email coincided with a problem I had accessing the control panel for one of my hosting plans, and I suspect that was caused by yet another unwanted, rubbish update by Windows.

For the guidance of other members, these are the things that point to the fact tht the mail is of no consequence.

- There is no truth in the allegation
- The sex of the "teens" is not mentioned, if a video did exist, then this would be included.
- The name part in the mail was just a simple copy of the part of the address to the left of the "@".
- I have never used the email address. It was one that I set up to track spamming from addresses included in forum posts, and it is hosted by me on a shared server.
- It is not possible to create the video clip in the message using the camera on a notebook computer.
- I have stuck a McDonalds promo bean over the camera lens, as it is known that Microsoft, Google and others use the cameras to collect personal information about computer users.
- The sender obviously has no personal info about me, as he requested a US dollar equivalent, and I use Sterling as my fiat currency.
- The mailbox is hosted in the US, and that is probably the limit of the info he has about me.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: odolvlobo on February 17, 2019, 08:50:35 AM
Those extortion emails were common several months ago. They included usernames and passwords (that they got from hacked web sites), so they seemed very convincing.

These scammers didn't provide any info to back up their claims, so it's probably just some script kiddies that are just spamming email lists. I would ignore it. Its not worth any more of your time.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: mdayonliner on February 21, 2019, 10:47:07 AM
I received this message here twice LOL:

Hi, this account has been hacked! Change the password right now!
You probably do not know me me and you really are probably wondering for what reason you're getting this particular email, is it right?
I'm ahacker who openedyour email boxand devices and gadgetsseveral months ago.
It will be a time wasting to try out to talk to me or alternatively find me, it's impossible, because I forwarded you this message from YOUR own account that I've hacked.
I've started malware software on the adult vids (porn) website and guess that you spent time on this site to have fun (you understand what I really mean).
While you have been paying attention to movies, your internet browser began functioning as a RDP (Remote Control) having a keylogger which gave me access to your display and camera.
Next step, my applicationgatheredall data.
You entered passcodes on the websites you visited, I intercepted all of them.
Without a doubt, you could possibly modify each of them, or possibly already modified them.
Even so it does not matter, my malware updates information every time.
What did I do?
I compiled a backup of the device. Of all files and personal contacts.
I formed a dual-screen record. The first part demonstrates the film you had been observing (you have the perfect preferences, wow...), and the 2nd part reveals the tape from your own web camera.
What exactly should you do?
Good, in my view, 1000 USD is a reasonable price for our very little riddle. You will do the deposit by bitcoins (if you do not know this, go searching “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
My bitcoin wallet address:
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).
You will have 2 days to perform the payment. (I put an exclusive pixel in this letter, and at this moment I understand that you've read through this email).
To trackthe reading of a letterand the activityin it, I set upa Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (The stuff thatis appliedfor the authorities should helpus.)

In the event I fail to get bitcoins, I'll immediately direct your videofile to each of your contacts, including family members, co-workers, etc?

There are several points which makes the email 100% scam attempts and the user does not even have any idea about me.

It will be a time wasting to try out to talk to me or alternatively find me, it's impossible, because I forwarded you this message from YOUR own account that I've hacked.

This is a simple php function mail("","My subject",$msg);
Using this you can send email to anyone even it does not require a sender email.

I've started malware software on the adult vids (porn) website and guess that you spent time on this site to have fun (you understand what I really mean).
Lie which I have not done for ages. This is a common interest for all male so scammers try it in general.

I am 100% cool with these emails by the way. There are no hackers LOL

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Jet Cash on February 21, 2019, 11:04:07 AM
The real interest for me is in the source of the email address harvesting. I registered the domain name to see how risky it really was to include email addresses in posts. I had a bit of initial activity, and then things died down as I forgot about the project. I should probably have tried to tie the mail to the source, but I didn't really have time. Anyway, I've deleted the account, and I'll put the name up for sale.

Anyway I'm keeping the McDonalds promo bean stuck over the camera lens. It reminds me that I drink too much coffee. :)

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: RustyBits on February 21, 2019, 09:57:52 PM
I have received several different email variations of this same basic premise.  I have yet to have any videos of me enjoying a porn site a little too much sent to my co-workers and associates. So I hope I am in the clear!  ;)

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: SaltySpitoon on February 21, 2019, 11:06:57 PM
I've seen a number of these emails lately, with slightly different flavors. The #1 thing that gets me, is where they say that they have accessed all of your personal data and will release it if you don't pay X in BTC, and then go on to tell you how to buy Bitcoin. Come on now, why would they need to tell you how to buy Bitcoin if the know you've accessed the Bitcoin forum, exchanges, crypto news sites, etc, 27,961 times in the past two years.

If it was worth actually talking to them, I'd say something along the lines of that you are an aspiring porn star, and hope that they can help you advertise or something, maybe some cross collaboration to get your career going.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Jet Cash on February 22, 2019, 07:54:19 AM
I'd say something along the lines of that you are an aspiring porn star, and hope that they can help you advertise

I'm 77 in June, and I suspect that may not lead to a prosperous future. I was a HADLer, then I became a HUDLer, and now I'm more of a HEDLer, so I think my new career will have to be as a HODLer.

ps, I was going to say I'm a HIDLer, but I thought that could be misinterpreted.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: _Miracle on February 28, 2019, 06:28:55 AM
yes "she" even gave me advice on buying bitcoin and on how to use a wallet address


You ma​y no​t know me​ and y​o​u a​re​ proba​bly​ wonde​ring why​ yo​u a​re​ getting this e mail, right?
 I'm a​ hacke​r who cracke​d y​o​ur device​s a few mo​nths a​go​.
 I sent y​o​u an ema​il from YOUR hacke​d account.
 I se​tup a malwa​re​ o​n the​ adult vids (po​rno​) we​b-site​ a​nd gue​ss wha​t, y​o​u visite​d this site​ to​ ha​ve​ fun (yo​u kno​w wha​t I mea​n).
 While​ y​o​u were wa​tching videos, y​o​ur interne​t bro​​wser sta​rte​d o​ut functioning a​s a​ RDP (Remo​te​ Control) having a​ ke​y​logger which ga​ve​ me acce​ssibility​ to​ your scree​n a​nd web cam.
 a​fte​r tha​t, my software pro​gra​m o​bta​ine​d a​ll o​f yo​ur conta​cts a​nd file​s.

 Yo​u e​ntere​d a​ pa​sswo​rds on the website​s you visite​d, and I inte​rcepte​d it.

 Of co​urse y​o​u ca​n will cha​nge​ it, or alrea​dy cha​nged it.
 But it do​e​sn't ma​tte​r, my​ ma​lware update​d it e​ve​ry time​.

 What did I do​?
 I cre​a​te​d a do​uble-scre​en vide​o​. 1st pa​rt sho​ws the​ video​ yo​u we​re wa​tching (y​o​u've got a​ go​od ta​ste​ ha​ha​ . . .), and 2nd pa​rt sho​ws the​ re​co​rding o​f y​our web ca​m.
 Do​ not try to find and de​stro​y my​ virus! (All y​o​ur data​ is alre​ady​ uplo​ade​d to a​ re​mote​ serve​r)
– Do​ not try to​ conta​ct with me​
– Va​rious secu​rity​ se​rvice​s will no​t help you; fo​rmatting a disk o​r destroying a​ device​ will not he​lp e​ithe​r, since y​o​ur data is a​lre​a​dy​ o​n a​ re​mo​te​ se​rver.

 I gua​ra​nte​e​ y​ou that I will no​t disturb yo​u a​ga​in after pa​y​me​nt, a​s y​o​u are no​t my​ single​ victim. This is a​ ha​cker co​de​ o​f honor.

 Don’t be ma​d a​t me, e​ve​ry​o​ne​ ha​s the​ir o​wn wo​rk.
e​xactly what sho​uld y​o​u do​?

 We​ll, in my​ o​pinion, $595 (USD) is a​ fa​ir price​ fo​r our little​ secre​t. You'll ma​ke​ the​ pa​yme​nt by Bit​coin (if yo​u do not kno​w this, search "ho​w to​ buy Bit ​ co​in" in Go​o​gle).

 My​ Bit ​coin wa​l ​le​t Addre​ss:


 (It is cAsE sensitive​, so co​py a​nd paste​ it)

 Yo​u have​ 48 ho​ur in orde​r to​ make​ the​ pa​yment. (I've a​ face​book pixe​l in this ma​il, a​nd at this mo​ment I know tha​t y​o​u have​ re​ad through this e​mail messa​ge).
 To tra​ck the rea​ding o​f a​ me​ssage​ a​nd the​ a​ctio​ns in it, I use​ the​ fa​ce​bo​o​k pixe​l.
 Tha​nks to​ them. (Eve​ry​thing tha​t is used fo​r the​ a​utho​rities can he​lp us.)
 If I do not ge​t the​ Bit ​ co​ins, I will certa​inly​ se​nd out y​o​ur video​ re​cording to all o​f y​o​ur contacts including re​la​tives, cowo​rke​rs, a​nd so on. Having sa​id tha​t, if I receive​ the​ pa​yment, I'll destroy​ the​ vide​o​ immidia​te​ly​.
 If yo​u nee​d e​vide​nce​, re​ply with "Ye​s!" a​nd I will ce​rta​inly send out y​our video​ reco​rding to y​o​ur 6 conta​cts. It is a​ no​n-ne​go​tiable offe​r, that be​ing said do​n't wa​ste​ my​ pe​rso​nal time and y​o​urs by​ respo​nding to this me​ssa​ge​.

You can report spam I just don't know how useful it is

the Federal Trade Commission at --------        ------------Be sure to include the complete spam email.


Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: OgNasty on February 28, 2019, 07:39:28 PM
I'm 77 in June...

That certainly adds some spice to the video, sir.

(Serious discussion, I know...  I couldn't help myself.)

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: _Miracle on March 01, 2019, 12:21:39 AM
I'm 77 in June...

That certainly adds some spice to the video, sir.

(Serious discussion, I know...  I couldn't help myself.)

We should never miss the opportunity to be seriously funny ;D

I read yours Jet Cash,

"Anonymous hacker"   <----- cute

I've had quite a few over the years we could post them here as they come if you like
P.S.----camera stickers y'all

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: CristianOff on March 01, 2019, 12:53:13 AM
As an ethical hacker I can tell you dis iz legit. Send the dood 0.583285 BTC

At the same time, if you don't want to pay the script kiddie, have you ever considered a career "in the industry"?  ;D ;D ;D
This career usually brings you on the good paths in life. Take as example Johnny Sins, he is a teacher, an astronaut, a doctor,
a mechanic, gym trainer and everything you want

Jokes apart, there are many things you could do to this guy. Unfortunately I'm not a red hat hacker so I don't
want to be involved to do justice for you without the legal consent.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: paxmao on March 01, 2019, 06:16:04 PM
In my case a video of me masturbating could actually do good to my social life. I am far from ashamed from what you´d see there  ;D

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: _Miracle on March 01, 2019, 07:46:03 PM
In my case a video of me masturbating could actually do good to my social life. I am far from ashamed from what you´d see there  ;D

LOL no one likes a braggard paxmao!  
 ;D ;D ;D P.S. no spamming ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: tmfp on March 01, 2019, 09:08:20 PM
Anonymous Hacker

lol, would that be Dion Doe?

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: jackg on March 01, 2019, 11:35:52 PM
In my case a video of me masturbating could actually do good to my social life. I am far from ashamed from what you´d see there  ;D

I'm not alone in this camp! I think it'd be quite funny tbh if this happened to me (especially since I never go on freeporn sites intentionally).

Can I get a copy of the email jet? Better yet try to get the email header and see if you can do some reverse lookups.
Chack the address too it might have gone straight to an exchange lol.

I was having fun going through my spam folder recently and found a load of stuff. A 26 year old woman apparently uploaded "a new naked photo". They're not very good at finding the right audience, I'm more for 16-20 ish because I'm kinda young. And another one said women want to have sex in public places/parks which is a bit of a weird one since I've seen people being arrested for that crap and there's always police in parks (not to mention why would you do it anyway).

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: _Miracle on March 02, 2019, 03:03:06 AM
Anonymous Hacker

lol, would that be Dion Doe?

Right? What kind of crap ass anonymous hacker signs their name!

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: paxmao on March 05, 2019, 11:30:43 PM
In my case a video of me masturbating could actually do good to my social life. I am far from ashamed from what you´d see there  ;D

LOL no one likes a braggard paxmao!  
 ;D ;D ;D P.S. no spamming ;D ;D ;D

It is just unfair... it is one of my best mating arguments and I have to hide it due to social conventions. Free Willy! ;D

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: UserU on March 06, 2019, 03:04:54 AM

I was having fun going through my spam folder recently and found a load of stuff. A 26 year old woman apparently uploaded "a new naked photo". They're not very good at finding the right audience, I'm more for 16-20 ish because I'm kinda young. And another one said women want to have sex in public places/parks which is a bit of a weird one since I've seen people being arrested for that crap and there's always police in parks (not to mention why would you do it anyway).

At least you got free sex, all I had were fortunes stowed away by Nigerian princes and I'm already rich :c

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: jackg on March 07, 2019, 04:51:17 PM
There's still the Nigerian Prince scam? I thought that was ended in 2005? Surely no one falls for that kind of crap anymore.

I mean alright they're trying to target actually the same audience (gen X and the snowflakes - I mean millennials)

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Pmalek on March 08, 2019, 04:50:35 PM
How about the US Generals looking to offload some Iraqi gold, luckily with your help ;D
Have you gotten any of those?

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: fernandoelis1 on April 01, 2019, 03:23:55 PM
I have received some scam emails from localbitcoin, saying to me that my password has been changed.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: JohnPotterPlpl on April 02, 2019, 06:07:32 AM
There's still the Nigerian Prince scam? I thought that was ended in 2005? Surely no one falls for that kind of crap anymore.

I mean alright they're trying to target actually the same audience (gen X and the snowflakes - I mean millennials)

I think one goverment employee payed 10 000€ recently on this scam.. Not sure what country, somewhere in EU.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: jackg on April 12, 2019, 08:33:02 AM
Government employees aren't very smart. (in the nicest way I can say that some are pretty stupid at times - I guess it's nice the government gave them. A fair shot though at the job).

Anyone get an erectile dysfunction email or are they on to me :'( (lol).

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Ailmand on April 22, 2019, 11:52:26 AM
You should report it or you can just ignore it. Scammers are wise these days but you should be wiser not to believe them that fast. Well, we could consider that hacker a non-professional one. That's too obvious and I guess he should try a better way to make it effective.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Ourat on April 22, 2019, 01:34:41 PM
You should report it or you can just ignore it. Scammers are wise these days but you should be wiser not to believe them that fast. Well, we could consider that hacker a non-professional one. That's too obvious and I guess he should try a better way to make it effective.
i think wise is not a right words to describe those scammer. 'subtle' might be better  ;D
just my two cents. nothing to serious about

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: sheenshane on April 22, 2019, 03:27:10 PM
You should report it or you can just ignore it. Scammers are wise these days but you should be wiser not to believe them that fast. Well, we could consider that hacker a non-professional one. That's too obvious and I guess he should try a better way to make it effective.
I don't know what would I feel with this. It is really obvious that the scammer is stupid. Honestly, in my opionion, the people who enter this side of the field will not be able to get caught with these stupid scams.

However, you have to make sure to always protect your desktop with the antivirus to avoid these kinds of prompt and to avoid these kinds of retarded people as well. Do not get scared with this because the person who made it is only trying to victimize some idiots and we do not belong to that group.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 26, 2019, 02:19:29 PM
Scam email demanding payment in Bitcoin (

I've copied it onto my own hosting as a simple text file. Links and addresses have been removed. I think it is a shame that people use Bitcoin in this way.I should probably report it, and let the police try to do something about it, but which police force would be interested.

btw There is no truth in the allegation, and the mail was sent to one of my spam vetting domains.
I can tell you bro, there are lots of different types of scam emails circulating around all in an attempt to scam off of their money either through bitcoin or any other crypto coin, but unfortunately, I don't think the police can really do anything about it other than to warn or create massive awareness of this type of emails and warn people not to fall for it.... This is how I see it

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Jet Cash on April 29, 2019, 06:45:22 AM
Well this thread has taken an interesting turn. I'm not sure that I still have the email, so I can't help you guys with that, and the images obviously didn't ever exist, and I'm not sure any of you guys would want to see them anyway.

At the moment I picking a banana shaped tabled that I found in a lay-by. It has been driven over, so it is useless as a tablet, but, just out of interest, I wondered if any of the stored info could be extracted from it. It's a Samsung GT-P3110.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Trifixion713 on April 30, 2019, 05:02:39 PM
An older member of a music forum I browse received one of these recently and was concerned lmao The "Dion, the anonymous hacker" part cracks me up. Sadly, people fall for this crap every day.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: jackg on April 30, 2019, 07:13:39 PM
Well this thread has taken an interesting turn. I'm not sure that I still have the email, so I can't help you guys with that, and the images obviously didn't ever exist, and I'm not sure any of you guys would want to see them anyway.

At the moment I picking a banana shaped tabled that I found in a lay-by. It has been driven over, so it is useless as a tablet, but, just out of interest, I wondered if any of the stored info could be extracted from it. It's a Samsung GT-P3110.

You could probably just try pulling the screen off (from the clips not where it's shattered). Directly belie there, you'll find the motherboard and the micro sd cards that are storing the data should be there - check for an external one too that'll be pretty easy to get out. You can probably restore the ram and the cpu too.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: WhyFhy on April 30, 2019, 10:25:06 PM
The real interest for me is in the source of the email address harvesting. I registered the domain name to see how risky it really was to include email addresses in posts. I had a bit of initial activity, and then things died down as I forgot about the project. I should probably have tried to tie the mail to the source, but I didn't really have time. Anyway, I've deleted the account, and I'll put the name up for sale.

Anyway I'm keeping the McDonalds promo bean stuck over the camera lens. It reminds me that I drink too much coffee. :)

I've gridlocked this to one domain before Linkedin
1 use email that was available for linkedin/business social media's.
 You can download entire csv's of your contacts back then and do whatever with it, this was about a year ago.
Not on any platform being utilized but linkedin allowed for importing email in any way.
Now that I think about it could have been tagged via key-wording on the profile too.
or email listed elsewhere and scooped up.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Arian247 on May 08, 2019, 07:37:21 AM
Extortion at its peak, it's disappointing to see how desperate some people are to take what's not theirs, anyways to be on a safer side now is the time you protect your information better

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: xvids on May 12, 2019, 10:33:23 PM
Extortion at its peak, it's disappointing to see how desperate some people are to take what's not theirs, anyways to be on a safer side now is the time you protect your information better
Yes we should always protect our personal information .
This kind of extortion would work for those who have recorded this kind of act .
For sure those people would pay even if the scammers didn't have the real video.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Timmzzy on May 14, 2019, 10:58:21 PM
Scam email demanding payment in Bitcoin (

I've copied it onto my own hosting as a simple text file. Links and addresses have been removed. I think it is a shame that people use Bitcoin in this way.I should probably report it, and let the police try to do something about it, but which police force would be interested.

btw There is no truth in the allegation, and the mail was sent to one of my spam vetting domains.
Getting the police involved might even relate to another issues, definitely scammers are all round the globe try to bring bad image to the good citizens on the Crypto atmosphere.

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: Timmzzy on May 14, 2019, 11:02:01 PM
Extortion at its peak, it's disappointing to see how desperate some people are to take what's not theirs, anyways to be on a safer side now is the time you protect your information better
What hurt's my feelings the most is taking something that ain't theirs and secondly they won't have a second thought. If they are really doing it on to man or just for fun fact that they want. 

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: ovcijisir on May 16, 2019, 04:49:07 PM
The one thing that interests me is how much BTC did scammer collect this way ???

Did you check the balance on

Title: Re: I've just received this scam email.
Post by: cok_elat on May 24, 2019, 11:48:41 PM
Those extortion emails were common several months ago. They included usernames and passwords (that they got from hacked web sites), so they seemed very convincing.

These scammers didn't provide any info to back up their claims, so it's probably just some script kiddies that are just spamming email lists. I would ignore it. Its not worth any more of your time.
I think this case is not just on e-mail, but a lot of it also happens to some social media and even messages or telephone calls