Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: smajbr on March 18, 2019, 08:00:55 PM

Title: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: smajbr on March 18, 2019, 08:00:55 PM
Hello everyone, everything good?

Some people should already know that I am scheduling a smart contract that generates profit for all its members.
The contract will be an autonomous investment fund, the management will be done by the own quotaholders.

What can I do so the contract is not charged fraud, pyramid, scan?
because many people do not even understand some projects and they already defame them, as it does with BitCoin.

I intend to leave open source in etherscan along with a reading manual for non programmers.
In addition to making room for javascript programmers. They will be able to create their own investment platform.

In addition to leaving a field so only members can post their experience directly in blockChain.

I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?

Thank you!!!

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: avikz on March 19, 2019, 02:11:18 AM
Some people should already know that I am scheduling a smart contract that generates profit for all its members.
The contract will be an autonomous investment fund, the management will be done by the own quotaholders.

How the profits are generated? Is it through the smart contract where money makes more money? Or is it some kind of real world investment fund where the money is invested and based on the performance of the underlying businesses, a profit is generated?

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Leonardo7 on March 19, 2019, 03:55:04 AM
If you are going to tell investors to bring in their money to some portfolio for management by your software, by so doing, you have taken over the control of their fund, that to me is just another Pyramid or Ponzi scheme. Except you are talking about a software that gives signal for people to make their final decision either to pick the trade signal or not, not directly helping them, because it's going to fail as time goes on.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: mk4 on March 19, 2019, 05:35:07 AM
I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?

Probably by first telling us how you're going to "generate profit" for all your members in the first place, as that's probably the biggest factor to your project's success. The money has to come from somewhere.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Kakmakr on March 19, 2019, 05:54:37 AM
You just need to show the flow of the capital inside this project. The ultimate proof and transparency within projects like this, is when you can show proof that new investors money are not channelled to pay older users, which normally happens in traditional Ponzi schemes.

The origin of the payments has to be linked to a legitimate income source that are funding the subsequent payments. What will generate the income for the investors?

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Beerwizzard on March 19, 2019, 07:00:23 AM
If you are storing crypto assets then it should be enough just to show on the blockchain that you've got some tokens or coins in your wallet. Modern hedge funds work without any significant part of transparency and everything is fine because they are providing quarter reports and stay under control of governmental bodies.
In your case the only transparency feature that you need is to show that you own some particular assets which you can simply show on the blockchain.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Crypto Girl on March 19, 2019, 08:05:23 AM
Technically, using an open source smart contract is already transparent so what you'll need to do is how you convince people that you ain't those shittty dumb scammers. Likely, the bottom line here is how the profit generated as what the others had mention, you need a solid proof.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: muslol67 on March 19, 2019, 08:39:16 AM
There are a few ways.

1- You should make the entry into the market completely cash-free and without using a bank account.
2- You can use a set of coins that are confidential. For example, DASH is one of them.
3- There are a number of applications. They give your krypton back to you in different ways, and make the follow-up impossible. You can find it with names like Mixer or Blender.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: traderethereum on March 19, 2019, 12:57:30 PM
In my opinion, you need to tells the details of your plan in here so we can know if your project will potential to be fraud, pyramid, scam or not and we can give our suggestion to you what you should do to prevent that things.
I think it's more transparent for us to see your project while you can continue to work with your project while we can keep in touch with you and give more advice to you so your project will get success in the future.
Although you leave the open source in etherscan, you don't explain the details of your project, we still guessing and we cannot give a suggestion if you are making something wrong in someday.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on March 19, 2019, 01:12:51 PM
What can I do so the contract is not charged fraud, pyramid, scan?
because many people do not even understand some projects and they already defame them, as it does with BitCoin.

Thank you!!!
Simple, prove to people the sources of that profits you are promising to offer. People don't understand them because no one is explaining them what they are and how they work, so they just throw in their money into everything and then when it fails they call it a scam. You have to cooperate with your investors, by finding a way to prove them you and your business can be trusted.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: milewilda on March 19, 2019, 08:28:21 PM
Some people should already know that I am scheduling a smart contract that generates profit for all its members.
The contract will be an autonomous investment fund, the management will be done by the own quotaholders.

How the profits are generated? Is it through the smart contract where money makes more money? Or is it some kind of real world investment fund where the money is invested and based on the performance of the underlying businesses, a profit is generated?
Im waiting for these questions to be answered.

Transparency would really be seen completely if people do know on how the project owner would earn profits into its proposed set-up.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: jossiel on March 20, 2019, 02:59:31 AM
With this proposal, I have same opinion with the people asked you where and how you're going to generate profit. It kinda sucks when your project is being called as a scam without understanding the whole scene but try to understand too on how these people experienced devastation through scam projects which made them alike projects are going to end up the same.

I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?
If you can provide validity and transparency through answering those questions above then it will become your asset.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: smajbr on March 20, 2019, 04:09:59 AM
Thank you very much for your understanding.

I'll tell you how I came up with the project, so you'll understand.

I traded forex in mid-2017.
At that time I was trading at average prices, I got 89% of lucrative positions. maximum of 299 consecutive positions in profit. and average profit of 30% per month. In the end, the balance was zero after two mismanaged management maneuvers.
I went to analyze where I went wrong, and I saw that a serious problem was the leverage, it used 100 leverage, but it should be at the maximum in 30x.
but my profit would fall from 30% a.m. to 10% a.m.
Do not worry, in the contract there is no leverage.

And a key point. I could help people get out of losing positions in return for being helped when I was losing.

Hence came the idea of ​​the intelligent contract I am creating.

The idea created mass and now it is beyond a simple market strategy.

Have you ever entered a market knowing that if you lose, someone can rescue you? I want every trader to make real money.

I know we have the Options next to it, but you see, the traders make it Russian Roulette.
That's it guys, but I can go on talking more, for now this is it: D.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Harlot on March 24, 2019, 12:26:22 PM

I traded forex in mid-2017.
At that time I was trading at average prices, I got 89% of lucrative positions. maximum of 299 consecutive positions in profit. and average profit of 30% per month. In the end, the balance was zero after two mismanaged management maneuvers.
I went to analyze where I went wrong, and I saw that a serious problem was the leverage, it used 100 leverage, but it should be at the maximum in 30x.
You just self-admittedly told us that you are coming from two losses (that went to zero balance) and you will try to test out your new strategy with the money of your investors? Just by reading it I wouldn't be confident on putting my money behind you I wouldn't want it to be a test subject for a trader who have a history of losing profit before. Any ways if you want transparency in mind you should have a live program in which your users would see your active trades and your trade history that they can view anytime, at least in this way they can have peace of mind on seeing what is happening with their money.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: olliecrypto on March 24, 2019, 02:18:13 PM
Going to zero twice, and thinking you have the winning strategy sounds like what someone with a gambling issue would say.
You want someone else's money to bail you out if you go to zero again, but what happens if that pool of funds is spent?
The next group of investors would be required, which sounds exactly like a ponzi scheme to me.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: sheenshane on March 24, 2019, 11:17:10 PM
The moment I heard about the uptake, I never expected a project for investment scheme to interest me like uptake and I know what were the key points they have used to help the potential investors to be committed with them. The strategy they have used were so much effective. What they did was, they have honestly stated that the people who will invest to their firm will rise their coins and after that, the only thing for the investor to do is to wait for the newcomers to buy their coins that have been multiplied by their platform. It was easy to comprehend!

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: smajbr on March 26, 2019, 02:29:05 AM

I traded forex in mid-2017.
At that time I was trading at average prices, I got 89% of lucrative positions. maximum of 299 consecutive positions in profit. and average profit of 30% per month. In the end, the balance was zero after two mismanaged management maneuvers.
I went to analyze where I went wrong, and I saw that a serious problem was the leverage, it used 100 leverage, but it should be at the maximum in 30x.
You just self-admittedly told us that you are coming from two losses (that went to zero balance) and you will try to test out your new strategy with the money of your investors? Just by reading it I wouldn't be confident on putting my money behind you I wouldn't want it to be a test subject for a trader who have a history of losing profit before. Any ways if you want transparency in mind you should have a live program in which your users would see your active trades and your trade history that they can view anytime, at least in this way they can have peace of mind on seeing what is happening with their money.

zero 1 time only

Yes, I am totally transparent. I'm not ashamed of it. : D
2 points to mention.
1st point. I said my mistake and was sitting at 100x of leverage. The contract will not have leverage.
2nd point. I do not want to trade with third-party money, that's too low.
I give you the rules of the platform, you choose the time to enter. if you have a profit, congratulations, you can withdraw your money and leave some of your profit to a loser.
if you have a loss you will have to wait until you make a profit. If you buy at a top, you will have the redemption that is part of the profit of a winner. so even if the price never returns at its opening price, you will recover your loss based on the redemption.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: smajbr on March 26, 2019, 02:33:11 AM
Going to zero twice, and thinking you have the winning strategy sounds like what someone with a gambling issue would say.
You want someone else's money to bail you out if you go to zero again, but what happens if that pool of funds is spent?
The next group of investors would be required, which sounds exactly like a ponzi scheme to me.

I was only 1 time to zero.
I think the translator boycotted me :)

An insurance system has already been idealized,
in case of loss, there will be some steps to be taken so that traders can exit with winning positions even in the event of market collapse.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: smajbr on March 26, 2019, 02:37:35 AM
The moment I heard about the uptake, I never expected a project for investment scheme to interest me like uptake and I know what were the key points they have used to help the potential investors to be committed with them. The strategy they have used were so much effective. What they did was, they have honestly stated that the people who will invest to their firm will rise their coins and after that, the only thing for the investor to do is to wait for the newcomers to buy their coins that have been multiplied by their platform. It was easy to comprehend!

So I'm on the right track, but I hope to take a different route from the others: D really generate profit in the long run.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Joseph98 on April 12, 2019, 09:47:30 AM
If you are going to tell investors to bring in their money to some portfolio for management by your software, by so doing, you have taken over the control of their fund, that to me is just another Pyramid or Ponzi scheme. Except you are talking about a software that gives signal for people to make their final decision either to pick the trade signal or not, not directly helping them, because it's going to fail as time goes on. dqfanfeedback (

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: jvdp on April 12, 2019, 05:55:36 PM
By the contract address itself we could monitor the transaction you made from that to other addresses. All the address linked in your transaction will be key factor for transperancy and still for the business purposes you show the live relay about the high transactions on your site.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: aioc on April 14, 2019, 02:42:29 PM
Hello everyone, everything good?

Some people should already know that I am scheduling a smart contract that generates profit for all its members.
The contract will be an autonomous investment fund, the management will be done by the own quotaholders.

What can I do so the contract is not charged fraud, pyramid, scan?
because many people do not even understand some projects and they already defame them, as it does with BitCoin.

I intend to leave open source in etherscan along with a reading manual for non programmers.
In addition to making room for javascript programmers. They will be able to create their own investment platform.

In addition to leaving a field so only members can post their experience directly in blockChain.

I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?

Thank you!!!

You can start by doing Kyc tell us who you are, where you are working, and where do you live and what is your expertise, if you are that transparent and you can also get a license and permit for compliant, then people can start to trust you.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: olliecrypto on April 20, 2019, 11:18:04 AM
Going to zero twice, and thinking you have the winning strategy sounds like what someone with a gambling issue would say.
You want someone else's money to bail you out if you go to zero again, but what happens if that pool of funds is spent?
The next group of investors would be required, which sounds exactly like a ponzi scheme to me.

I was only 1 time to zero.
I think the translator boycotted me :)

An insurance system has already been idealized,
in case of loss, there will be some steps to be taken so that traders can exit with winning positions even in the event of market collapse.

you didn't answer my question at all...

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Remainder on April 22, 2019, 03:01:10 AM
Full disclosure on your smart contracts and how you operates. Better explain the difference of a fraudster or scammer and let your stakeholders know that your not one of those.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: cryptoangel on April 22, 2019, 02:15:48 PM
Full disclosure on your smart contracts and how you operates. Better explain the difference of a fraudster or scammer and let your stakeholders know that your not one of those.

Smart contracts is the view point for public. Most of the ICO shared their contract address at their website or somewhere.

When whale investors are looking to invest on an project also they firstly take a look at the contract address. If the number of transaction is high then investors believe that already high number investment done on that coin and they also invest towards it.

No need to worry about the scammers in this matter.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: coin-investor on May 06, 2019, 09:12:45 AM
I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?

Probably by first telling us how you're going to "generate profit" for all your members in the first place, as that's probably the biggest factor to your project's success. The money has to come from somewhere.

That's true there should be products or services attach to that smart contract, any coins is known by its products and services they offer, there should be platform like exchange, or trading site that will attract investors to use the platform, without it the coin is useless and will die eventually.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: Naida_BR on May 18, 2019, 07:33:29 AM
Hello everyone, everything good?

Some people should already know that I am scheduling a smart contract that generates profit for all its members.
The contract will be an autonomous investment fund, the management will be done by the own quotaholders.

What can I do so the contract is not charged fraud, pyramid, scan?
because many people do not even understand some projects and they already defame them, as it does with BitCoin.

I intend to leave open source in etherscan along with a reading manual for non programmers.
In addition to making room for javascript programmers. They will be able to create their own investment platform.

In addition to leaving a field so only members can post their experience directly in blockChain.

I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?

Thank you!!!

If you don't want to be characterized as scam or pyramid, fraud you have to be fully transparent to your community.
By giving information to the public about how your profits are generated or what you do with the investors' money will make people trust you. Otherwise, you will be defined as another scam in the ecosystem.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: CryptoBry on May 18, 2019, 03:31:59 PM
What can I do so the contract is not charged fraud, pyramid, scan?
because many people do not even understand some projects and they already defame them, as it does with BitCoin.

Thank you!!!
Simple, prove to people the sources of that profits you are promising to offer. People don't understand them because no one is explaining them what they are and how they work, so they just throw in their money into everything and then when it fails they call it a scam. You have to cooperate with your investors, by finding a way to prove them you and your business can be trusted.

This is all about trust. No matter how transparent is the system and the people behind the system if people do not trust it all then this can just be another missed opportunity. Start with a few people and build with them. These people can be your inner circle of investors and from there expand. It is always good to start small, grow and then fly than starting with many and then experiencing some withering later. Anyway, good luck with this project. Remember to be careful not to allow yourself to be one of the so many scammers we have in this industry.

Title: Re: What can I do to make it more transparent?
Post by: takesurveyguide on July 22, 2020, 12:13:04 PM
If you are going to tell investors to bring in their money to some portfolio for management by your software, by so doing, you have taken over the control of their fund, that to me is just another Pyramid or Ponzi scheme. Except you are talking about a software that gives signal for people to make their final decision either to pick the trade signal or not, not directly helping them, because it's going to fail as time goes on. dqfanfeedback (

How the profits are generated? Is it through the smart contract where money makes more money? Or is it some kind of real world investment fund where the money is invested and based on the performance of the underlying businesses, a profit is generated? (