Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: lioness444 on March 19, 2019, 06:20:01 PM

Title: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: lioness444 on March 19, 2019, 06:20:01 PM
The digital currency/asset market, especially Bitcoin is gaining wider attention. Even though places to exchange fiat for cryptocurrencies are growing in numbers there are only a few of them that are reliable. A much faster means to reach mass adoption has come from somewhere else. The perfect use cases are “airdrops” and “coins for actions programs”.

“Slipping money into someone’s pocket is a powerful way to get their attention.”

Spencer Bogart, a partner at San Francisco-based Blockchain Capital

Not only these programs give the potential to earn “free” money for the end-users but also gives them the opportunity to test and learn about the underlying ecosystem technology powering the token. Isn’t that the way all this Bitcoin mania began? A small group of people transferring bitcoin to each other, experimenting with the concept of transferring borderless money in few minutes. Let’s remember that not only cryptos fluctuate in value like financial assets, but unlike financial assets, they can be used to enable digital ecosystems in this way they are usable or utile!

I am sharing a list of pioneers that support the idea that mass adoption will come from a combination of education, gamification and rewards. Please share your thoughts and opinions and complete the list with the other initiatives that aren't listed here.

Earn Crypto: Programs List

Category: Forecasting Bitcoin Game
Description: Compete with your friends in a game to predict the price evolution of (up or down) Bitcoin. Share a prize pool of up to half a million dollars. Earn Badges and get rewarded.
Reward: BTC, CHSB

Coinbase - Earn
Category: Education
Description: Learn about crypto-currencies and get rewarded
Reward: ZRX, BAT, ZEC

Earn - Coinbase
Category: Micro-Tasking
Description: surveys, mass emails, and custom tasks
Reward: BTC

Category: Forecasting Bitcoin Game & Micro-Tasking
Description: Forecast Bitcoin price, read articles and complete questionnaires
Reward: BERM

Airdrop Alert
Category: Airdrop
Description: Re-tweet, email address, referral ...
Reward: ICO Token mostly

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Forecast the price of crypto and traditional assets. Compete with others and win part of the monthly prize fund.
Reward: CND

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Forecast the price of crypto and traditional assets.
Reward: STX

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Forecast the price of crypto and traditional assets.
Reward: GNO

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Choose an event to predict. Anything is fair game, from the next presidential election to the success of a company’s product.
Reward: REP

Category: Cryptocurrency Trading Simulation
Description: Compete and get rewarded with your knowledgeable trading actions.
Reward: BTC, ETH

Category: Cryptocurrency Trading Simulation
Description: Trade crypto and compete to get rewarded
Reward: ACF points

Category: Micro-Tasking
Description: Built on the back of blockchain technology, Storm’s gamified microtask platform creates opportunities for people around the world to earn cryptocurrency rewards.
Reward: Blitz

Category: iHealth
Description: Walk and get rewarded
Reward: S

Category: Micro-Tasking
Description: Get rewarded to watch curated ads on your TV
Reward: TTV

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Ebrahmos on March 19, 2019, 06:28:51 PM
Thanks for your effort. There are certainly a large number of startups and projects that offer great opportunities to earn tokens/coins. If you are smart enough, you can get in relatively cheaply and build up a fortune if you invest enough time IN the right projects. Not every product will success and not every token will be expensive in a few years but investing time to earn airdrops or rewards from all of those projects might increase your diversity and the chance of getting some good earnings in a few years.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on March 19, 2019, 06:37:09 PM

A much faster means to reach mass adoption has come from somewhere else. The perfect use cases are “airdrops” and “coins for actions programs”.

A lot of people has lost their trust in airdrops and thats because most coins offered there are worthless. No one is offering free bitcoin at airdrops so how is this going to affect bitcoin mass adoption? In my opinion airdrop is not anymore the best way to help mass adoption , at least not at the beginning of a project. Each ICO/project should first gain the trust of its users and only after that make aidrops offering free coins.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: dothebeats on March 19, 2019, 06:39:07 PM
Don't get me wrong but a lot of services and people have been paying potential users of bitcoin in exchange for simple tasks and jobs ever since bitcoin started, yet every time bitcoin receives a fall after a huge bull run, people tend to stay away and never look back. Heck, services like the now-defunct CoinLearn have been around for quite some time urging users to learn about bitcoin and get paid for doing so, yet it ultimately received not much adoption and attention for bitcoin. People need services and merchants advertising bitcoin or letting them know that they support the said crypto by accepting it on their checkouts. People follow where huge names go, and this, IMO, is one key factor into getting that elusive mass adoption that every one of us is hoping for.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: lioness444 on March 19, 2019, 07:28:16 PM
There are out there some successful projects which are BTC or other financial rewards and still have a big community despite the bear market of 2018.
Some of the rare examples: TRX, BTT, Cindicator.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Nolimitz84 on March 19, 2019, 08:06:18 PM
Thank you. Maybe someone will really work with the help of your advice.Airdrop is a very cool advertising campaign, but there are less and less participants.The fact is that no one wants to spend their time getting  penny for it.Forecasting is an interesting direction for which few people know, but agree that this type of earnings is very interesting.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on March 19, 2019, 08:16:05 PM
That's a good information to the people who wish to make some cryptocurrency earning. As different sources were provided, one can go through the earning access that gives them the interest as well the convenience. Not everyone are interested towards gaming, similar is with every category.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: franky1 on March 19, 2019, 08:33:31 PM
mass adoption of bitcoin wont succeed by giving out altcoin.. as thats promoting altcoins
EG mass adopting a mcdonalds burger by offering free KFC hotwings.. doesnt help mcdonalds

if you want to concentrate on mass adoption of bitcoin. and by adoption i mean actual adoption.
the idea's are simple

1. locally organise a meetup of local bitcoiners in your area, find 'talent' in regards to public speakers/salesguy types
2. discuss local merchants that are popular in your area that your group and outsiders would benefit from having the merchant accept bitcoin
3. approach the merchant and give them a 'bartab' upfront of fiat to cover any risk in what you are about to propose to them
4. give them a QR code of a bitcoin address and tell them when ever someone comes in asking to pay by bitcoin the merchant displays the qr code and uses a bookmarked bitcoin price calculator to convert the fiat to a btc value to mention to the customer what amount to pay. and then a bookmark of a btc explorer of the qr code address to see the amount arrive.
5. merchant then just processes transaction on thier POS system as cash using the bartab as payment and then your group just refills the bartab of fiat when depleted. and the group keep the coin.

now the merchant is accepting bitcoin without risk and without much techy knowledge jargon.

if each town done this on just a couple merchants. and then requested the towns local media to run a story on it (free publicity for merchant too) it would drive up not just local awareness of bitcoin bit also local acceptance of bitcoin.

yea point 7 is then to get merchant more involved with handling bitcoin for fiat exchange independantly. but atleast getting to show the merchant how easy accepting bitcoin is, is a good easy dip the toe in the water risk free experience

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: vv181 on March 19, 2019, 08:39:20 PM
I doubt bitcoin adoption problem would be simply solved by using those threes so simple steps, that is too good to be true. The solution is way more than about that, people aren't going to follow that kind of platform/services, and then we expect them to use it and help spread it again, no. People will actually adopt it when they find a utility in this technology, which is what the spaces currently lack off.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: shamc on March 19, 2019, 08:43:41 PM
Airdrops are a good way to promote and advertise a new coin but only if it is worth promoting. The days of getting bitcoins from a free faucet are over but you might get lucky with a good altcoin airdrop

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Ebrahmos on March 19, 2019, 09:56:36 PM
First of all. Altcoin rewards/bounty/airdrops can but don't have to be worth, but stating that they are always worthless is a bad statement IMO. It's true that most scams or low quality tokens/coins try to gain awareness through rewarding people with worthless tokens/coins. But you have projects that reward with HQ tokens that are quite price stable or have liquidity such as ETH, XRP, BTC and so on.

As example: Swissborg gonna release soon a FREE simulation game (on iOs and Android) where people should forecast btcs price fluctations. The users will get rewarded with btc. Out of official sources I  know that the prize pool will be up to 500.000 $, paid in crypto (probably btc or eth). If this is true, this might be one of the biggest rewarding/bounty projects of the crypto space, trying to attract also PEOPLE that don't want to risk their own money on the crypto market.. I gonna release soon a certain thread for this app, but unfortunately i dont have any information or graphics about it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Beerwizzard on March 20, 2019, 05:17:16 AM
Being payed for every move is not the way that leads to mass adoption. People are using their money not because someone just gave it to them. Even if you pay people for something it doesn't mean that those coins will worth something.
I've been following TV-TWO project for some time and found out that they have a working app with rewards and active community managers but their tokens still useless because of low volume and low price that makes their app worthless.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Kakmakr on March 20, 2019, 07:12:01 AM
I think once the Lightning Network goes mainstream, more applications and use cases will be built around micro payments and micro tasks and this will trigger mass adoption of Bitcoin. We will see pay-per-minute services and also micro payments that are too expensive with traditional services that will be possible with the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Gaming linked directly to the Lightning Network, will be one of the best applications for this technology. <None of these worthless counter party tokens and Shitcoins that are linked to games now.>  >:(

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Ebrahmos on March 20, 2019, 11:16:30 AM
Being payed for every move is not the way that leads to mass adoption. People are using their money not because someone just gave it to them. Even if you pay people for something it doesn't mean that those coins will worth something.
I've been following TV-TWO project for some time and found out that they have a working app with rewards and active community managers but their tokens still useless because of low volume and low price that makes their app worthless.
I don't want to advertise now, but if you look at reward programs like Swissborg do, you can't really tell me such projects  doesnt' support mass adoption! Swissborg has programmed its own app that  introduce people to crypto trading through gamification (forecasting bitcoins fluctations). As rewards, there are up to $ 500,000 paid out probably in BTC, ETH or other good crypto currenies. People who are riskaverse (and that are the most after BTC crashed)  don't neeed to invest any penny to play this game and they even earn through it. This is a wonderful project IMO.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: jseverson on March 21, 2019, 08:21:14 AM
First of all. Altcoin rewards/bounty/airdrops can but don't have to be worth, but stating that they are always worthless is a bad statement IMO. It's true that most scams or low quality tokens/coins try to gain awareness through rewarding people with worthless tokens/coins. But you have projects that reward with HQ tokens that are quite price stable or have liquidity such as ETH, XRP, BTC and so on.

The problem is you're actually hurting awareness in giving away trash coins by giving people a horrible first impression. A lot of them are scams too. It's absolutely true that there are good ones, but the fact that they're so few in number and that most of them aren't worth a working adult's time make it hard to recommend them.

Faucet-like solutions do help with awareness I suppose, but giving people amounts so small they can't spend it on anything anyway doesn't help adoption IMO. For mass adoption you ideally want consumer dependence, and one way you get that is by improving utility and user experience.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: lioness444 on March 21, 2019, 09:39:08 AM
Spreading the world to the masses and handing out free tokens in order to get people more knowledgable and get used to the technology. How is that against or hurting awareness?
Don´t get me wrong, but I don´t agree with this one.
I strongly believe that WE all together every step we  take for educating the human population about the inevitable is a good step forwards. Happy to hear your further opinions about it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: maydna on March 21, 2019, 02:23:28 PM
We don't have to give free tokens to them, but we need to teach them about cryptocurrency. We can also give them a link or sources so they can start to earn the coins or if they have money, they can start to buy the coins. But we can also give free tokens if it's related to one project because we want to attract the investor to our project.

But perhaps, if you are working on one project and you want to introduce your project to the public, you can give away your tokens to the public who you invited so they can have a free token as a start.

We need to educate them, teach them about cryptocurrency and we hope that they will understand and they want to learn by themselves. And if this is a success, we will see the adoption will increase, and the massive adoption will come to the cryptocurrency world.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: TheSisa on March 23, 2019, 01:32:08 PM
We don't have to give free tokens to them, but we need to teach them about cryptocurrency. We can also give them a link or sources so they can start to earn the coins or if they have money, they can start to buy the coins. But we can also give free tokens if it's related to one project because we want to attract the investor to our project.

But perhaps, if you are working on one project and you want to introduce your project to the public, you can give away your tokens to the public who you invited so they can have a free token as a start.

We need to educate them, teach them about cryptocurrency and we hope that they will understand and they want to learn by themselves. And if this is a success, we will see the adoption will increase, and the massive adoption will come to the cryptocurrency world.

I agree with you on the education point. In my surroundings I know many people, who think bitcoin is cool, good and that, but they're actually too afraid to risk their own money, so they don't have an interest in discovering the technology. By giving them a few dollars they can play with, you can educate them, or eventually they will educate themselves.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: r1s2g3 on March 25, 2019, 05:33:47 AM
I guess these rewards are very limited and some of them are just one time offer. Few of the option you are discussing here requires time and effort (so it is not at all free money). Yup they can be a initial step for introducing to anybody to crypto.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Mass Adoption Solution: combining education, gamification and rewards
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on April 20, 2019, 10:40:09 AM
I like your post but i have an issue with the list you put up there. i think since the topic is major about "Bitcoin" mass adoption. Then it would be nice to see major bitcoin rewarding programs or probably just generalize the topic to "crypto mass adoption" so that the other altcoins fit in too.

Also, about airdrops, yes they used to be good but unfortunately they are not worth much now. Maybe airdrops from some already established projects but i don't remember on that has really helped to improve crypto mass adoption lately.

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The digital currency/asset market, especially Bitcoin is gaining wider attention. Even though places to exchange fiat for cryptocurrencies are growing in numbers there are only a few of them that are reliable. A much faster means to reach mass adoption has come from somewhere else. The perfect use cases are “airdrops” and “coins for actions programs”.

“Slipping money into someone’s pocket is a powerful way to get their attention.”

Spencer Bogart, a partner at San Francisco-based Blockchain Capital

Not only these programs give the potential to earn “free” money for the end-users but also gives them the opportunity to test and learn about the underlying ecosystem technology powering the token. Isn’t that the way all this Bitcoin mania began? A small group of people transferring bitcoin to each other, experimenting with the concept of transferring borderless money in few minutes. Let’s remember that not only cryptos fluctuate in value like financial assets, but unlike financial assets, they can be used to enable digital ecosystems in this way they are usable or utile!

I am sharing a list of pioneers that support the idea that mass adoption will come from a combination of education, gamification and rewards. Please share your thoughts and opinions and complete the list with the other initiatives that aren't listed here.

Earn Crypto: Programs List

Category: Forecasting Bitcoin Game
Description: Compete with your friends in a game to predict the price evolution of (up or down) Bitcoin. Share a prize pool of up to half a million dollars. Earn Badges and get rewarded.
Reward: BTC, CHSB

Coinbase - Earn
Category: Education
Description: Learn about crypto-currencies and get rewarded
Reward: ZRX, BAT, ZEC

Earn - Coinbase
Category: Micro-Tasking
Description: surveys, mass emails, and custom tasks
Reward: BTC

Category: Forecasting Bitcoin Game & Micro-Tasking
Description: Forecast Bitcoin price, read articles and complete questionnaires
Reward: BERM

Airdrop Alert
Category: Airdrop
Description: Re-tweet, email address, referral ...
Reward: ICO Token mostly

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Forecast the price of crypto and traditional assets. Compete with others and win part of the monthly prize fund.
Reward: CND

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Forecast the price of crypto and traditional assets.
Reward: STX

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Forecast the price of crypto and traditional assets.
Reward: GNO

Category: Prediction - Financial Market
Description: Choose an event to predict. Anything is fair game, from the next presidential election to the success of a company’s product.
Reward: REP

Category: Cryptocurrency Trading Simulation
Description: Compete and get rewarded with your knowledgeable trading actions.
Reward: BTC, ETH

Category: Cryptocurrency Trading Simulation
Description: Trade crypto and compete to get rewarded
Reward: ACF points

Category: Micro-Tasking
Description: Built on the back of blockchain technology, Storm’s gamified microtask platform creates opportunities for people around the world to earn cryptocurrency rewards.
Reward: Blitz

Category: iHealth
Description: Walk and get rewarded
Reward: S

Category: Micro-Tasking
Description: Get rewarded to watch curated ads on your TV
Reward: TTV