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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: thegoatiest on March 21, 2019, 01:31:06 AM

Title: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 21, 2019, 01:31:06 AM
What's this got to do with trading?

Well, we all use computers a lot don't we. It's part of the trade.
In our leisure time we may also then watch TV or play computer games. Then there's our smartphones that we use for various things.

All this - staring at LCD screens creates a detrimental physical condition called; Forward Head Posture.
as many as 9/10 people in developed countries have it.
As it's name implies it's a posture where the head is further forward than it should be.

The result of this is your head gets heavier and heavier the further forward it goes... up to 4x the weight it should be. Thus putting incredible strain on your neck and wearing out the cartilage way faster than is natural.
So a life-time of that and you will have a physical disability / damaged neck.

So addressing this issue as well as preventing you from having a permanently damaged spine has some very interesting benefits.

*20% increase in testosterone
*30% decrease in cortisol (stress hormone - less stress better trading, apart from the obvious)
*30% increase in lung volume!!!!!

How do you know if you have forward head posture?
Well, your ears should be over your shoulders. So turn side on in the mirror and look at the back of your neck. If it's straight that's good... if it's at an angle, not good.
With forward head posture you also get an unattractive bump at the base of your neck. this is your body trying to keep your head from falling off and protecting your spine as best it can.

So fix it guys.
It's pretty simple - you just have to be aware that it's a problem in the first place and dedicate a small amount of time each day at correcting it.
There are videos on youtube e.t.c.
But I found this guy called Rick Kaselj. He is a kinesiologist as opposed to physiotherapist and his courses have been a game changer for me.
I highly recommend checking some of his courses out (he has many, one for the many detrimental effects of sitting too much as well - which is probably a problem for a lot of us)
So the two courses of his I'd recommend for traders:

And a guy on youtube (free) who is very good on diy fix yourself tutorials:
Perfect Posture in 5 Steps (BAD POSTURE BUSTER!)

How to Fix Rounded Shoulders (GONE IN 4 STEPS!)  - by Athlean-X

Here's a few pictures of forward head-posture.
Next time your out and about, check out the people staring down at their phones, what's going on with their neck? you want that for yourself?

Hope this helps some of you.
Take care.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: emmybd on March 21, 2019, 07:15:58 AM
This is a very useful information. I think that it would be very helpful for many people who have been using computer a lot. I believe most of us have been using computer a lot. It would also help a lot of traders who have been facing this problem.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: alisafidel58 on March 21, 2019, 07:35:33 AM

This is me when thinking about trading a specific coin.

Getting excited to gain profit.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 21, 2019, 08:32:19 AM
I was in not exaggerating; agony. pretty much 24/7 before I started addressing this.
I was a full-time gamer. Talking really obsessive, sometimes 14 hours a day. Bad times.

Since then. I have also created myself a lying down desk!. My monitor suspended from a wall-mounted pull-up bar. - I trade on a yoga mat. Life is good now.  8)

A couple tips from me:
Raise your monitor so the top of it is at eye height.
Don't lean on your desk. Your fingers just aren't so great at supporting your entire body weight.
Don't cross your legs, try have your feet below your knees e.t.c.

Learning to use a computer safely, (as bizarre as that may sound at first) I would argue is fundamental to taking trading seriously.
And phones too.

People tend to think you're taking a photo of them when you use a phone correctly as above. Something to be aware of.... ...

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: bisdak40 on March 21, 2019, 10:22:52 AM
It's not only the computer monitor that is destroying some parts of our body, gadgets and cell phones also do the same. Staring at the phone's screen causes some irritations on the eyes. That's why i see to it that whenever i am at the computer or on the cell phone i am at the right posture as much as possible.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 21, 2019, 10:39:25 AM
yehp, It really makes sense to do so.
If you're worried about your eyes - get F.lux or another red light filter for your PC and your phone. It'll help you sleep better at night and help you avoid eye-strain.

Here is a product you might like - it helps you have perfect posture. It's something you wear.... Like a rucksack / Backpack - with no bag. Just the straps which keep your chest high and shoulders back.

This blackroll company do some AMAZING FAscia equipment (self-massage) which is important in keeping good posture.
You use balls and foam rollers to break down tight knotted muscles and increase circulation allowing your muscles' tissue quality to return to optimal health.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: pundit on March 21, 2019, 11:35:19 AM
Indeed this a very useful information but its very hard to keep you away from all these gadgets as these are part of everyone's daily life now. Many of us have to use computer, mobile phone to run their professional life, yes watching TV can be avoided to some extent. It is highly recommended to devote atleast 1-2 hours daily for yoga/physical exercise. If anyone is in office job sitting all day in front of PC, he/should change posture or stand up for some seconds after every 15-20 minutes, do not sit continuously in one posture for a long time. Keep yourself busy in some physical activities during off hours. Balancing your daily routine can reduce the chances bad postures development in the body.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Naida_BR on March 21, 2019, 12:03:01 PM
I always forget that I make harm to my physical condition when I am sitting in front of my computer.
The best think that I have started doing is taking a walk once a day for at least one hour. I feel relieved when I do it and it helps my condition. Trading needs to sit a lot of hours in front of the PC and sometimes you lose track of time.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: anu1908 on March 21, 2019, 12:26:49 PM
this is why we have trading bots. another option is to not do day trading, but swing trading, which requires more fundamental analysis and using longer timeframe and market sentiment. day trading is really stressful and won't give you that much profits if you don't have lots of money.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: dark08 on March 21, 2019, 12:37:40 PM
Thanks for the remider dude!!
Now I will take care of my body after I read your post I realize my wrong moves in my life this is useful reminder for all the bitcoiner who always prone on computer and always sitting for a long time in computer desk.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Reid on March 21, 2019, 12:48:00 PM
Is this really a trading discussion or just health discussion? ;D

Well, I am guilty of not having a good position and I feel that my back aches most of the time.
Maybe this is the culprit behind all this backaches that is happening.
And sometimes it is a neck ache which takes a lot of time to heal.

Thanks for that reminder.
My wife is trying to tell me about this too. ;D
I just let her get angry.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: el kaka22 on March 21, 2019, 01:44:02 PM
Honestly, this hits too close to home. I have been working from home for the past 3 years and I have not really aged well. I gained a lot of weight, I can't move as well as I used to (don't think like old man stuff, I just mean I used to play basketball all the time but now I tend to get tired after 10-15 minutes of playing) and I feel like my knee hurts anytime I try to move. My back is killing me and I have fat all over my liver.

So, basically I can totally testify to the truth of this post, I am a living proof of what living in front of your PC can do to you, make sure you eat properly and always try to move a bit everyday, it doesn't have to be a super hard exercise, just walking a mile a day can make sooo much difference, I started doing that everyday during afternoon breaks I take after lunch and now I feel a lot better (don't know what I will do when it gets cold again though :D).

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 21, 2019, 03:25:50 PM
Very welcome.

There is a muscle that gets chronically tightened just from sitting down too much, nevermind the forward head posture from the computer/phone screen.
This muscle when tightened, causes many issues.
But if you combine the head posture and tight hip flexors....
You end up like I was. I was 26 in constant pain and barely could walk. I'm much better now. Still ways to go though.

el kaka22
That to me sounds like the hip-flexor problem over the head-posture.
Tight hips throw the rest of your posture out of whack. It reduces athletic performance and it makes your belly bulge. As this chronically tightened muscle 'pushes all the belly outwards.
have a read:

And if anyone is wandering, I'm not Rick Khaselj... lol.
The courses of his do cost. but like 10$ or something. Very worth it.
The information on the link above is free of course.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: vv181 on March 21, 2019, 03:33:07 PM
Don't forget sitting for too long is bad for your health, I've set up some reminder to get up every 20 minutes and do some walks. We need to realize that the human body isn't designed to sit, evolution designed us to move, and its well-adapt with our body, the problem is when we use our body to sit still.

Anyway, I don't think if this has any correlation with the Trading Discussion section, but thanks for reminding all of us about it.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 21, 2019, 03:35:14 PM
I was hesitant.
And I guess it's a bit of a liberty with 'Best trading practises'
But It is important if you plan to make a career of trading. Especially the day traders.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Mux@ on March 21, 2019, 04:39:01 PM
Oh, yeah! I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Back pain and tired eyes! You need to move more, do sports and do sports exercises in the morning. Cheers, crypto traders!

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: traderethereum on March 22, 2019, 11:00:39 AM
As long as we manage our time in front of the computer, we don't have to worry about our health. When we use a computer, we should take attention to the position of your body. Don't forget to drink mineral water at least one bottle in every one hour, so you don't feel tired in your back because I read some article that saying drink mineral water can give us to stay focus with our jobs. And don't forget to eat ;D

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: markstivn98 on March 22, 2019, 11:05:20 AM
It's a beautiful subject
I suffer from neck and back pain.
Sometimes headaches
You should minimize your computer usage.
Thanks for this information.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: markstivn98 on March 22, 2019, 11:07:23 AM
It's not only the computer monitor that is destroying some parts of our body, gadgets and cell phones also do the same. Staring at the phone's screen causes some irritations on the eyes. That's why i see to it that whenever i am at the computer or on the cell phone i am at the right posture as much as possible.
Add to that the study for long periods,
Reading books in transport is very harmful.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on March 22, 2019, 03:17:00 PM
Beyond some time we cannot maintain perfect seating postures. It is good to take break quite often and make a small stretch of body parts. This will help with the perfect circulation of blood. This will help with the perfect functioning of the brain. So, we need to spend time to refresh between work to maintain good health.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 22, 2019, 05:02:50 PM
I think you should always exercise your body, you should not stay alone on a pc all day, many times when you spend 30 minutes sitting, it is better to get up, stretch, walk out so that the muscles stretch.

In addition, it is more likely that the lower back, such as the cervical spine, is also affected, if the person does not have much time to practice sports, it is recommended to walk at least half an hour a day.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Kiweikoo on March 22, 2019, 05:37:49 PM
I just might have to rush to visit a doctor because I think I am already developing all these symptoms, lol. Thanks for putting this up here because on a normal day, I wouldn’t bother to take time to read something of this to help my system because every hour of my time is always spent on the system.

Recently I have been having several back pains resulting from my sitting posture on the system and yet I wouldn’t stop because I just don’t want that trade to slip off my hand, and I wouldn’t dare use a trading both since I don’t trust any of the ones available in the market but I am taking time to watch the video straight away, pausing from every single activities online to do something about my system.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 27, 2019, 11:55:07 AM
Regular breaks is definitely key, as after a while you get fatigued - when this occurs it does become impossible to sit with good posture. As a result you likely start leaning on your desk.
This is one of the worst things you can do, as your muscles then cease to support you upright, you get bent really quick.
If your feeling fatigued, reach for the sky. Literally, straight up - it'll rejuvenate your body a bit, and help you avoid crumpling forward onto the desk.

Here is a good tip Kiweikoo.
I've been trying to figure out how I can trade - with minimal time sat in front of a computer.
My main success in this regard has been utilising the TradingView app.
I set alerts on my PC, then I go do something else and wait for my phone to Buzz before going back to the PC.
As a lot of the time I'm looking at charts - I don't need to be. All that sideways action .,.....
If I'm just waiting for the price to move into a general area, I could just keep an eye on the hour charts, every hour...  which isn't too bad. But that's still 14+ times a day, Let alone smaller time frames.
Or I could set an alert and lift some weights, do some stretches, maybe some yoga. -   while waiting for my alert.

On the smaller time frames, I might set an alert below the last candle and 0.5% BTC value above current price - if that's useful to me.
Then I can close my eyes for a bit e.t.c

I know how addictive sitting in front of a computer is - all to well. I sometimes just stare at the screen for no reason..
I currently have a lying down desk. I may post some pictures at some point - it looks insane.
I did away with a sitting desk as I couldn't maintain good posture,,, (I have anxiety issues which I get very distracted by, I actually can't maintain posture looking at any screen so I only use tech while lying down on my back with gravity on my side  ;))

As trading is a dream job, for me. So making it viable, and as pleasurable as possible / removing or reducing the negatives is a big part of it.
Trying to avoid the posture related problems in the first place, including keeping your hips flexible is the right way to approach technology use. Regular breaks, mindful of how your sitting e.t.c. (lying down desk!! 8))
But putting in a little bit of work every day to correct posture misalignment will keep you well. Those courses I linked, each one takes about 10mins to go through. I try and do each one daily.
P.S: reading books in bed is the only cause of forward head posture - that isn't tech related that i know of.

So the problems we have to deal with are:
Upper crossed syndrome (It's complicated this one, 'rounded shoulders' vid below is an excellent place to start)
Forward head posture
Tight hip flexors and Psoa muscle.

All these problems can be addressed with D.I.Y physiotherapy and a change in habits; i.e moving more, being mindful of what your bodies saying e.t.c.
If you are interested in all this and don't want to pay for any courses.
This guy is AMAZING. He has many videos that can change your life. Here's one, although the first stretch is a bit advanced in my opinion (very good though). Be slow and careful when trying it if it's too tough I would instead search for a more gentle, beginner friendly 'Thoracic Mobility Exercise' before moving onto the one in this video:
How to Fix Rounded Shoulders (GONE IN 4 STEPS!)

And as for all that tension in your back. Here is a fantastic way to fix it. It's called 'thread the needle', it's a simple yoga pose. (yoga mats are cheap, or you could try it out on carpet, but get a mat for your knees.)
"Thread the Needle Pose stretches and opens the shoulders, chest, arms, upper back, and neck. It releases the tension that is commonly held in the upper back and between the shoulder blades. This pose also provides a mild twist to the spine, which further reduces tension."
There's plenty vids on youtube about this. I'd say this is pretty beginner friendly and my god does it work well. As always take it slow, no rush. Learn the technique and make sure your listening to your body / being mindful whilst performing it. That's how you get the most from these types of exercises.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: cyl2077 on March 27, 2019, 12:50:48 PM
Fortunately, my job does not need to stare at the computer for a long time.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: pavlooster on March 28, 2019, 07:35:54 AM
Definitely true, thanks for the reminder! Better to use a timer in the computer or smartphone, maybe an hour time or less, to remind us to take a break.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Jating on March 28, 2019, 08:50:01 AM
I know this one because I always got pain from my neck going down that there are days I can't fully stand without taking a pain reliever.

What I did is visit my chiro have some placement. However, it's recurring that's why the best method I discovered is just taking a break from sitting in front of your computer and working standing. Yes, I can't stressed that more, there are a lot of adjustable tables you can buy in the market that fully support a table and you can work standing. And then when you are tired adjust it again. Another thing, just go to the gym and exercise to take a way all the stress of crypto trading.  ;D

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 29, 2019, 10:00:18 PM
I plan on getting a standing desk for sure. Good to switch it up.
Ah the fabled gym. I must go one day   ;)
For real though, I'm looking forward to when I do. Exercise is so good for stress anxiety and depression.
Body likes to move. Staying static/stationary for long periods is terrible.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: NotoriousHodler on March 29, 2019, 10:44:49 PM
I agree with you, but problems with the spine - it's bad

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: lijian2019 on March 30, 2019, 07:26:11 AM
Long life is the expectation of people, but only a few people can live long. Even if you can't live to be a hundred years old, your body should be healthy and healthy. Nowadays, with the pressure of life, work and many bad habits, most people are in sub-health state.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Jating on March 30, 2019, 07:42:10 AM
I plan on getting a standing desk for sure. Good to switch it up.
Ah the fabled gym. I must go one day   ;)
For real though, I'm looking forward to when I do. Exercise is so good for stress anxiety and depression.
Body likes to move. Staying static/stationary for long periods is terrible.

[.. snip ..]

Yes mate you should try the standing and adjustable desk, I'm sure you gonna love it.

Not too late for you to go to the gym, actually if you don't like to, you can still exercise your body. Can do bodyweight training exercises, like push up, try the 100 a day a month challenge and see how it goes for you. If you can't then just do 10 and progress and eventually you can hit 100 in a day. It doesn't mean you will go and do 100 in just one push up session. Try 10 x 10 method as long as you can hit 100 (or whatever goals you set), you will be fine.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on March 30, 2019, 09:58:10 AM
Challenge accepted. 8)
I have a friend who does that. He is in pretty good shape from it.

Adjustable desk just makes so much sense. Good shout thanks

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Jating on March 30, 2019, 04:57:38 PM
Challenge accepted. 8)
I have a friend who does that. He is in pretty good shape from it.

Adjustable desk just makes so much sense. Good shout thanks

Good. Let's see how it does for you mate. I'm sure there will be pain in the beginning but if you can go through your usual day I'm sure you gonna enjoy it.

FYI though, I started with just 90 push-up. I can't do per day, I skip one day as rest day then do the same the next. So it's like 3x a week, not bad for starters. So it's 15 x 6 = 90 on 3/11, then 15 x 7 = 105 on 3/13 and so one and so forth. So there's a progression on my routine.

Currently, I can do 20 x 9 = 180 push ups already.  ;D recorded on 3/27. My schedule should be today to hit 200 (20 x 10), unfortunately, I did some variations on 3/28, push up concentrating on my biceps since this is the lagging part (since standard push up targeted mostly the chest, shoulder and triceps), but damn it was so hard that I'm still sore up to this day.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: omonuyak on March 30, 2019, 05:57:49 PM
Of a truth I am addicted to computer and internet! I find it very difficult to stay without operating computer or using my smartphone to visit some sites.  I could not meditate the way I used to do and I am finding it very difficult to visit a place were there is no internet services.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: thegoatiest on June 07, 2019, 12:03:43 AM

Yes mate you should try the standing and adjustable desk, I'm sure you gonna love it.

Not too late for you to go to the gym, actually if you don't like to, you can still exercise your body. Can do bodyweight training exercises, like push up, try the 100 a day a month challenge and see how it goes for you. If you can't then just do 10 and progress and eventually you can hit 100 in a day. It doesn't mean you will go and do 100 in just one push up session. Try 10 x 10 method as long as you can hit 100 (or whatever goals you set), you will be fine.

Standing desk rules!
My lying down desk ended up with me having bruises on my spine... (I use the computer so excessively... it's an anxiety thing as much as an addiction)

Also regarding keeping moving. Music!
Standing using the computer, and putting some lively music on will give you something to move about to when your not glued to the screen.
Makes trading more relaxing when it's tense, and less boring when it's boring.

I still have not done a single press up. ;D

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Viron on June 07, 2019, 01:32:10 AM
All this - staring at LCD screens creates a detrimental physical condition called; Forward Head Posture.
as many as 9/10 people in developed countries have it.
As it's name implies it's a posture where the head is further forward than it should be.

Never knew this was a thing, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Really puts things into perspective, how seamlessly harmless habits can affect our bodies.
Will make sure to look into it more, the links you provided should be handy.
Given how many hours I spend on the PC daily... glad luck was on my side to find this post  ;D

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: shaunonsite on June 07, 2019, 01:56:52 AM
One thing that can improve your health is to use your computer while standing. Sitting down is considered the new smoking.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: spinejoint on March 06, 2021, 05:27:39 AM
I think it would be very helpful for many people who are using a computer lot. I believe most of us have been using computers a lot and most of us facing a lot of problems like back pain, neck pain, and other problems also. If you are suffering from any types of back pain, and neck pain I think you need to visit for a Chiropractic treatment in UAE ( It helps you to provide relief from back pain.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: peter0425 on March 06, 2021, 06:30:53 AM
That is why i make sure of to have physical activities daily , Now i am enjoying cycling so instead of driving to office? now i am using my Bike each morning and afternoon .

It made me feel much younger now and my health is getting better and better.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: newwest on March 06, 2021, 06:50:15 AM
Sitting correct is so verry essential under such long working hours this day. Also need to have an agronomical chair so that your back remains straight. Also, ensure that after each half an hour you get up from chair and take a little round so that you are away from computer so good for eyes and relax your muscles by walking few metres.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: bluetreeclinics on May 14, 2024, 11:37:52 AM
Absolutely! It's crucial to prioritize our physical well-being, especially in the age of constant screen time. While computers and technology have made our lives more convenient, they often take a toll on our bodies. One effective way to counteract the strain of sedentary desk work is through chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Care  ( on the alignment of the spine and nervous system, promoting overall health and wellness. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate tension, improve posture, and enhance mobility, making it an excellent complement to a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, incorporating ergonomic practices and regular breaks into your daily routine can also make a significant difference in mitigating the negative effects of prolonged computer use. Remember, taking care of your body now will pay dividends in the long run!

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: btc78 on May 28, 2024, 03:46:03 AM
In addition to chiropractic adjustments, incorporating ergonomic practices and regular breaks into your daily routine can also make a significant difference in mitigating the negative effects of prolonged computer use.
As simple as standing up to walk just even for 5 minutes can drastically improve your physical well being. It would also be ideal to let your eyes rest as we all know screens and the light it emits cause harmful things to our eyes.
Remember, taking care of your body now will pay dividends in the long run!
You might not feel the consequences it has right now but when you get older, you will surely feel the effects on your body so better to start now than later.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 28, 2024, 10:27:10 AM
Not only our Body but most important is our mind .

This need to have a rest , and to have a good sleep.

Part of the body that must really take care off is

-- Our Eyes .

-- Our hands.

-- Our Internal organs .

how to do this?

Having exercise a day , enough sleep , and good healthy foods.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: boyptc on May 28, 2024, 08:55:51 PM
Not only our Body but most important is our mind .

This need to have a rest , and to have a good sleep.

Part of the body that must really take care off is

-- Our Eyes .

-- Our hands.

-- Our Internal organs .

how to do this?

Having exercise a day , enough sleep , and good healthy foods.
Don't forget about getting enough sunlight. This might be a lowkey to remain healthy but getting it even just for a few minutes in the morning is still a good one.

When I am not getting out of our house and not getting sunlight, I always feel tired. But then when I tried to get it at least a few minutes in the morning, I've felt significant changes in my body.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: mich on May 29, 2024, 05:46:44 AM
Well I do think you are right about that. If we just have to watch a computer screen all day then that is not good for our eyes.

And if we sit at a desk all day this is not good too. It is bad for our posture and we can have back problems from that. I do not think I am being destroyed but I am harming my body when we do this.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 29, 2024, 08:27:51 AM
I always forget that I make harm to my physical condition when I am sitting in front of my computer.
The best think that I have started doing is taking a walk once a day for at least one hour. I feel relieved when I do it and it helps my condition. Trading needs to sit a lot of hours in front of the PC and sometimes you lose track of time.

Yes one must develop a strategy to remedy situation like constant sitting or focusing on PC why working either by way if creating some time to be away from the PC, work around, also position properly when sitting because allot of body damages can be obtained for not sitting properly such as waist pain , spinal cord disorder and neck pains  in order way round our lens which is the eye may have some defects , the best solution is to allow you eye body have some rest and little exercise before continuing when working with PC to correct any defects that might have taken place in the body before it becomes worse.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Filippo Spina on May 29, 2024, 02:34:54 PM
I got put in a mental hospital one time because I had a fixation on the fact that I thought there was an "undiscovered specialization of medicine" wherein we needed doctors for people who are physically and mentally affected by smart devices. I'm talking about:

-New vocabulary words
-New curriculums
-New degrees
-New everything

One of my "vocabulary words" was "Cell-Phone Posture". It's so funny to me reading this thread and seeing the picture of the lady with the bad posture on left, and good posture on the right. I feel like I was onto something, hah!  ;)

Cardiology = study of the heart. The heart is essential to life.

Neurology = study of the brain. The brain is essential to life.

(x)-ology = study of how smart devices affect our physical and mental health.

Basically, I was fixated on the fact that our smartphones are so freaking integral to our lives, they might as well be treated as an organ. Therefore, if they are an organ essential to life, then it needs it's own specialization of medicine!

A new specialization of medicine hasn't been created since the old days of Egyptian medicine. After reading this thread, I think the Psychiatrists that locked me up in that mental hospital were wrong about me, bahahahaha. Let's see what happens when we start wiring these goddamn smart devices to our body.  ;D

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: cute nmp on May 31, 2024, 02:08:16 PM
Very useful information mate. Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: moneystery on June 01, 2024, 06:58:46 AM
that's why it's important for people who sit in front of a computer for hours every day to pay attention to their posture and always pay attention to vitamins and enough water to be able to maintain their health. because many people who sit in front of a computer do not pay attention to this and then in their old age they feel the negative impact of their bad habits. and because of that it is not surprising that many people, especially office workers, get sick because they ignore important things like that.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: Reatim on June 01, 2024, 08:33:27 AM
Don't forget about getting enough sunlight. This might be a lowkey to remain healthy but getting it even just for a few minutes in the morning is still a good one.

When I am not getting out of our house and not getting sunlight, I always feel tired. But then when I tried to get it at least a few minutes in the morning, I've felt significant changes in my body.
People tend to minimize the effects of sunlight but it really makes a huge difference. Sunlight gives off vitamin D which is responsible for a lot of processes in our body that makes us stronger, that’s why you’ll notice that you might feel sluggish or tired without exposure to sunlight.

Title: Re: Look after your Body! Using a computer all day is likely destroying you.
Post by: rodskee on June 01, 2024, 08:55:42 AM
Very useful information mate. Thanks for sharing
the information is senseless if we will not apply to our own life and daily living , what I wanted to
learn here is that how much are you sharing with your computer in daily basis and can you apply this
advise to change your health in betterment?
that's why it's important for people who sit in front of a computer for hours every day to pay attention to their posture and always pay attention to vitamins and enough water to be able to maintain their health. because many people who sit in front of a computer do not pay attention to this and then in their old age they feel the negative impact of their bad habits. and because of that it is not surprising that many people, especially office workers, get sick because they ignore important things like that.
all you said is ok but you forgot to mention about each person need to take a time for exercise
at least to make their computer job more healthy and to never experience issues being lazy in moving
their body while browsing .