Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: adaseb on March 23, 2019, 10:42:20 PM

Title: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: adaseb on March 23, 2019, 10:42:20 PM
I noticed that within the past couple of weeks there was some change that prevents old versions of electrum (3.0.5) from syncing. It's stuck on "synchronizing" forever.

Upon reading the forum it seems this can be fixed with an upgrade to the new version. However if you are using cold storage like me, then the unsigned transaction format has changed and version 2.x.x won't sign with the latest version.

So you need to upgrade the cold storage machine. However if you are paranoid like me then you also need to verify every single dependancy that is required like Python since it requires a newer version from Electrum 2.x.x. And this is very stressful and time consuming.

Wondering if it's possible to get the old version to sync somehow?

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: pooya87 on March 24, 2019, 12:24:02 AM
it is best if you upgrade your cold storage too, you also get the benefit of being able to use SegWit! it is worth dedicating some time to do it.

if you are still defiant then the easier workaround would be to manually edit the unsigned transaction hexes and add the information that version 2.x.x needs before transferring them to your cold storage so that it can understand them.
this is much safer than the following method...

the way i understand it, the servers are intentionally sending a bad reply to your client so that it kind of crashes (your client's network is disabled due to an existing bug in older versions). so you just need to find a server that doesn't do that.
go to your AppData\Roaming\Electrum and open the config file with a text editor, search for "server" and set its value to that server then open Electrum and go to your network window and disable automatic server selection.
obviously you are taking a bigger risk doing this since older versions have bugs...

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: nc50lc on March 24, 2019, 02:50:15 AM
Level it down (your paranoia).
As long as it doesn't touch the internet and every file that was sent to it is clean and verified, you're safe.

Or (risky)... manually connect to a server that doesn't participate to the DOS attack (the hacker's servers) in order for Electrum not to crash and you can now create, sign and import transactions.
Just use an online broadcaster or other wallet to broadcast your signed TXs.

You only got two options: Update or Update ;)

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: Abdussamad on March 24, 2019, 03:14:11 AM
I noticed that within the past couple of weeks there was some change that prevents old versions of electrum (3.0.5) from syncing. It's stuck on "synchronizing" forever.

Upon reading the forum it seems this can be fixed with an upgrade to the new version. However if you are using cold storage like me, then the unsigned transaction format has changed and version 2.x.x won't sign with the latest version.

So you need to upgrade the cold storage machine. However if you are paranoid like me then you also need to verify every single dependancy that is required like Python since it requires a newer version from Electrum 2.x.x. And this is very stressful and time consuming.

Wondering if it's possible to get the old version to sync somehow?

Run your own copy of electrum server or electrum personal server and point electrum client to it.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: adaseb on March 24, 2019, 04:05:34 AM
I've manually tried like 10 servers and finally found 1 that it connected to and sync'd fully.

What is the exact risk in using the hacker's server exactly? Besides privacy issues.

Is it possible for the hacker to change the unsigned transaction code and change the destination/change address to theirs? I don't think that's possible.

Even if it was, I would notice the different addresses in the cold electrum version and wouldn't sign them.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: nc50lc on March 24, 2019, 04:23:50 AM
I've manually tried like 10 servers and finally found 1 that it connected to and sync'd fully.

What is the exact risk in using the hacker's server exactly? Besides privacy issues.

Is it possible for the hacker to change the unsigned transaction code and change the destination/change address to theirs? I don't think that's possible.

Even if it was, I would notice the different addresses in the cold electrum version and wouldn't sign them.
Just really privacy, from the bad Electrum servers and the broadcaster site.

AFAIK, the Hacker's servers don't allow broadcasting transactions and will just result in the known fake error message (or successful broadcast with a fake error message).
If there's no error message, chances that it's a "good server" which doesn't participate to the attack is high.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: Abdussamad on March 24, 2019, 05:27:29 PM
Wallet file corruption is one risk with older versions. You falling prey to phishing messages is another although you have shown great reluctance in updating electrum so maybe that'll work in your favour when you do see a phishing message :) The wallet not synching is the most common problem you will face.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: HCP on March 24, 2019, 09:41:10 PM
I've manually tried like 10 servers and finally found 1 that it connected to and sync'd fully.
What is the exact risk in using the hacker's server exactly? Besides privacy issues.
It should be noted that the "DoS attack" is actually being conducted by "Good"™ servers that have updated to latest version of server code... this "DoS attack" was deliberately implemented by the devs to try to force users to update to the latest version.

Not ALL "good" servers will have updated... so the server you connected to may not be "bad"...

Is it possible for the hacker to change the unsigned transaction code and change the destination/change address to theirs? I don't think that's possible.
No, a server can't do that... as it only receives "signed" transactions when you broadcast it... only a fake client could attempt to change your unsigned transaction... So, you'd need to download and install a fake client for that to happen.

Even if it was, I would notice the different addresses in the cold electrum version and wouldn't sign them.

If you want to continue using an old version and guarantee that you can find a compatible server to connect to, you'd probably need to install Bitcoin Core and then run your own Electrum server that doesn't include the "DoS attack" patch.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: pooya87 on March 25, 2019, 04:24:52 AM
I've manually tried like 10 servers and finally found 1 that it connected to and sync'd fully.

What is the exact risk in using the hacker's server exactly? Besides privacy issues.

Is it possible for the hacker to change the unsigned transaction code and change the destination/change address to theirs? I don't think that's possible.

Even if it was, I would notice the different addresses in the cold electrum version and wouldn't sign them.

since you said you have Electrum version 3.0.5, this bug you mentioned here is not going to affect you. but if you were using any older version because of the bug in the JSONRPC features of Electrum which lacked password the hacker can easily change your send to address to anything he wants and if your wallet doesn't have a password he can even steal your seed and bitcoins.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: adaseb on March 25, 2019, 05:58:49 AM
Thank you everybody that replied.

Basically like the earlier posted suggest, I tried to broadcast the transaction but it got some server not broadcasting error and had to use an online block explorer to push the transaction.

Since most of the "good" servers will upgrade to the latest version, i'll in the meantime just run an electrum server and in the near future when I got some spare time go and upgrade both copies of Electrum on cold+hot systems.

Anyone know why when I sync now I get "Not Verified" as the status which is the transaction I just sent? Should be a green checkmark and instead it's some 3 Grey gear logo?

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: Abdussamad on March 25, 2019, 11:23:33 PM
3.0.5 probably has difficulty handling segwit transactions. this was fixed in later versions. another reason you should just upgrade.

Title: Re: Anyway to get old version to sync?
Post by: adaseb on April 01, 2019, 06:01:57 PM
Im locking this thread because I've been getting PM from some people asking how to get the old version to run. I decided for liability reasons to not post the instructions or reply to PMs.

I'm running the old version at my own risk and don't want others to get their BTC stolen in anyway.

So please no PM how to get the old version to run.