Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: lioness444 on March 24, 2019, 10:37:47 AM

Title: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: lioness444 on March 24, 2019, 10:37:47 AM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space"

Read more:

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: sheenshane on March 24, 2019, 05:10:55 PM
Well, the logic is simple, women don't risk that much compared to men because they always wanted to be secured. The reason why is that most of the time, women were taken advantage and fooled by the people.
If women are committed to the blockchain, it means that blockchain has earned enough security to convince women nature of judgment in security. If a woman joined blockchain, it doesn't mean that they are pro-feminist. I am a woman and I know that I am talking about!

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: r1a2y3m4 on March 24, 2019, 05:45:18 PM
Well, the logic is simple, women don't risk that much compared to men because they always wanted to be secured.
I don't think so, women and men are the same. They are both humans. And humans have different desires. So, it means that it is up to the person if she or he is risking too much. We cannot just generalize women from men on that matter. Actually, all genders, all personalities, all people are welcome in cryptocurrency. It's up on their desire again if they want to risk.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: TECSHARE on March 24, 2019, 07:02:30 PM
In some parts of the world "gender equality" means something, and is something to be striven for. In the Western world women have all the rights men have and more. "gender equality" is usually just code for Marxist Postmodernist policies under the guise of feminist activism. Bitcoin doesn't need "gender equality".

I see "feminists" do this in literally every single male dominated space there is. They first infiltrate, then subvert, then totally dominate the space pushing out the men who created it in a vain perpetual attempt to feel "more equal". This concept of never ending "gender equality" in all things is toxic and destructive and is nothing more than a delivery mechanism for Marxism. Blockchain in general is a meritocracy. If women want more to do with blockchain they need to do one thing. Get to work. Don't come to every male dominated and created space and demand inclusion like some kind of child.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on March 24, 2019, 08:17:22 PM
Gender equality is found everywhere, with blockchain technology women hasn't shown much interest on it. As a result right now there is very small number of markets contributed by women investors. I believe soon large number of women will get into cryptocurrency and when they gets much interested surely she'll overcome men competing in the same market.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on March 24, 2019, 08:25:23 PM
One of the best happenings that is keeping women out of the blockchain is the 2018 drop in the price of Bitcoin.

Women are practical. Having seen the big price drop is keeping them away. This means that the men will become rich when the price goes back up. Then we men will be able to use our money to keep the women hooked to a ball and chain.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: KingScorpio on March 24, 2019, 08:45:40 PM
One of the best happenings that is keeping women out of the blockchain is the 2018 drop in the price of Bitcoin.

Women are practical. Having seen the big price drop is keeping them away. This means that the men will become rich when the price goes back up. Then we men will be able to use our money to keep the women hooked to a ball and chain.


bitcoin are of course like all other 7 billion people in the world interested to use blockchain to find themselves some money earning cattle for private enrichment.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: theymos on March 24, 2019, 09:06:16 PM
Why We Need Women In Blockchain

We need women in blocks and chains? You monster!

People should do what interests them. The whole idea of forcing diversity is ridiculous. (Now, if people are being assholes, such as by making sexist attacks against women who are interested in Bitcoin, then that's different & inappropriate. But I haven't seen much of that, especially in more serious contexts.)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: r1s2g3 on March 25, 2019, 03:37:02 AM
Gender equality is found everywhere, with blockchain technology women hasn't shown much interest on it. As a result right now there is very small number of markets contributed by women investors. I believe soon large number of women will get into cryptocurrency and when they gets much interested surely she'll overcome men competing in the same market.

Then socialist will start with new question "why there are no men in blockchain".
I do not understand why you need them in blockchain? Giving them equal opportunity is all we need .
They can decide what they need to do.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: TECSHARE on March 25, 2019, 03:55:32 AM
Gender equality is found everywhere, with blockchain technology women hasn't shown much interest on it. As a result right now there is very small number of markets contributed by women investors. I believe soon large number of women will get into cryptocurrency and when they gets much interested surely she'll overcome men competing in the same market.

Then socialist will start with new question "why there are no men in blockchain".
I do not understand why you need them in blockchain? Giving them equal opportunity is all we need .
They can decide what they need to do.

Exactly. The pinnacle of equality should be equality of opportunity. Equality of outcome is only achievable with totalitarian oppression. Unfortunately most people fighting for "equality" don't know or care about the difference.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on March 25, 2019, 01:07:24 PM
The problem is that men and women are not equal.

They look reasonably equal. The have bodies with many similar members. They both say "I" when referring to themselves. But down deep, they are extremely different. This doens't mean that one is inferior to the other. It simply means different... not equal.

The differences between men and women are like the 90% of the iceberg that you can't see under the surface of the water.

The difference revolves around one basic thing. A woman has machinery inside her for making babies, and carrying them to term. This machinery affects her whole being in tremendously gigantic ways. Why? Because making a baby is not a simple thing. Women do it all the time, but it can't be easily done in the test tube. It is a highly complex process, and the complexity of it reaches over into the whole life of the woman... but in subtle ways.

This does NOT mean that men are inferior to women. What it means in this modern world is that women have extended themselves just to live in a man's world, way beyond what men have. Why? Because there isn't a gigantic push in men to strive to be successful just to live. It's easier for a man to live in the modern world, because a man does not have the great baby-making machinery distraction that is overriding women in their whole lives.

When a woman comes into the man's world, she has to fight against her natural baby-making instincts to make something else her priority. And everybody knows that when you exercise/fight, you become stronger in some ways, but less sensitive in others.

This makes a woman stronger - especially a woman who has reconciled the man's world she is adapting to, to her womanly, baby-making nature.

The man is weaker because he naturally doesn't have to struggle as hard to survive in the man's world. He is made for it, whereas the woman has to fight to make it work.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on March 26, 2019, 01:34:44 AM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality?...

That's a totally fucking stupid question.

How can a Mathematical procedure get politically correct?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: SaltySpitoon on March 26, 2019, 03:01:03 AM
I don't think there is anything keeping women out of blockchain technology currently. Some fields have been historically male dominated, and I could see why that would be off putting, but computer science and more specifically blockchain technology doesn't have the same 4,000 year history of exclusion of women as some fields. As long as we don't make an active effort to make the cryptospace toxic towards women, we should be on a fairly level playing field right now.  

Have any women came out and said that they feel excluded from cryptocurrencies? If so, I'd be curious to see what the reason is.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: zhekinsp on March 26, 2019, 12:17:25 PM
Anyone can use blockchain,so it is their responsibility to find and apply the new technology to the real life applications.

But they are busy on some other things so they spend time rarely to invent something new. ;D

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on March 26, 2019, 01:43:08 PM
I don't think there is anything keeping women out of blockchain technology currently. Some fields have been historically male dominated, and I could see why that would be off putting, but computer science and more specifically blockchain technology doesn't have the same 4,000 year history of exclusion of women as some fields. As long as we don't make an active effort to make the cryptospace toxic towards women, we should be on a fairly level playing field right now.  

Have any women came out and said that they feel excluded from cryptocurrencies? If so, I'd be curious to see what the reason is.

It's still a totally stupid and ridiculous premise, and argument.

Consider the following. EVERYTHING having to do with blockchain has to do with actions through a terminal, then over a computer network, then out to the world. None of these mechanisms knows or cares who or what the human is.

None of them.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on March 26, 2019, 02:57:57 PM
^^^ But we don't know this for sure. After all, it has been known for decades that there are tiny impurities within pnp and npn materials that sometimes make computers act incorrectly. We don't absolutely know that computers don't have a "subconscious" that is slightly manipulating everything we use them for.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: omonuyak on March 26, 2019, 07:09:36 PM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space"

Read more:
women are not really interested in blockchain technology and some of them are really not participating in some of the blockchain conference that I have attended so far.  We really need to educate them on how blockchain technology can bring equality not only in governments but also in gender.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on March 27, 2019, 01:39:39 AM
.....there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space.....

There is ...
no "dire need"
no "gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space..."
there is no "problem"

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: SaltySpitoon on March 27, 2019, 01:56:28 AM
women are not really interested in blockchain technology and some of them are really not participating in some of the blockchain conference that I have attended so far.  We really need to educate them on how blockchain technology can bring equality not only in governments but also in gender.

How does blockchain technology bring equality to anyone? Its transparent, which is certainly a good feature for a lot of things, but I don't see how it has any effect on gender whatsoever. If women by percent are less interested in blockchain technology than men, that isn't a problem. You don't need to forcibly educate someone if it doesn't interest them, just so we can make the statics pretty. Its only a problem when there is some sort of exclusion going on that makes it that way. There is genuine systemic gender inequality in certain fields/hobbies, but those typically stem back hundreds of years. Blockchain Technology came about during a time where gender equality is a norm, so there shouldn't be any preconceived notions that women aren't allowed in cryptospace.

I'm absolutely for equal opportunity for all ages/races/genders to get into crypto, but I feel its sort of patronizing to start a crypto awareness campaign aimed towards 48-57 year old inuit women because they are the least prevalent group in the space. Just welcome anyone who wants to join, and things are how they should be. I can't say I've seen any behavior here anyway that would make anyone feel excluded.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on March 27, 2019, 03:38:29 PM
Creation of the blockchain is simply the way things work in supply and demand.

What happens to oppressive governments? They collapse after a while. In fact, they only become strong in the first place because they weren't oppressive in their beginnings. Consider the USSR (Russia). It became oppressive, and around 1990 it collapsed into a much freer government that we have today.

Smart business people understand this. So, they give at least the appearance of no-oppression to their slaves... but maybe some real freedom.

The blockchain came about because of the freedom and then the oppression. Freedom allowed technology that could produce such a thing like a blockchain to come into existence. Oppression brought about the need to make the blockchain so that people could regain freedom.

Then the blockchain was used to make profit for some, and to damage others - the 2017 rise in Bitcoin price, and the 2018 fall. So, some people became freer from the blockchain while others became enslaved.

Most people don't really think about this. All they do is attempt to maintain their freedom, and remain at least comfortable in their life.

The point? The minute a woman sees an advantage in getting into blockchain usage in some way, she will do it, or at least try. Some women have done this already. The rest simply aren't interested in the potential loss the blockchain might bring them.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: markstivn98 on March 27, 2019, 03:46:10 PM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space"

Read more:
There is no balance between the number of men and women in this field
Very few women in this area.
But they had a big role in investing.
This role is constantly evolving.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: vanegl on March 28, 2019, 05:17:24 PM
the female potential in Blockchain is huge! maybe there is no balance yet but more and more women in the space do awesome stuff. I don't see the direct relationship of "blockchain help gender equality", but I know, I'm sure, that blockchain has space for women  :) 8)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: okala on March 28, 2019, 07:34:09 PM
Gender has inequality have been a contending issue even outside blockchain most time both male and females have segregate them self's to some activities and making it one gender job, and the blockchain has witness minimal involvement of woman why it so I can't even answer may be because of the high risk involved in cryptocurrency related activities because woman lack that confidence to take risk but men are more of risk taker's.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on March 29, 2019, 01:06:14 AM
....woman lack that confidence to take risk but men are more of risk taker's.

Women perhaps may by nature not take stupid risks that men take.

Of course that disproves the PC concept of "gender equality."

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Ezenwanyi1 on April 19, 2019, 09:27:32 AM
Some one just said on the thread that the reason why there are few women in cryptocurrency is because"they lack the confidence to take risk" .
I want to respectfully disagree to that statement.
There's no one who takes risk the way a woman does.
What is more riskier to pushing out a baby through a small hole.
There are women in cryptocurrency , it's just that they are not that Loud.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: semobo on April 19, 2019, 01:14:47 PM
We never know how much of women involved in blockchain developement,if you think less women are there in this field just based on attending a conference then it is kind of stupidity as well.Might be less women in this field but they do have same amout of skills as men do,there is no gender here.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Odessit_ya on April 19, 2019, 02:12:00 PM
Women are more pragmatic and not as prone to risk as the male half. A different point of view that differs from the male will always benefit.
P.S. a woman needs a man everywhere ... ;)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 19, 2019, 03:49:43 PM

A reminder of what is the ultimate objective of the OP is.

At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space.

Working for SwissBorg, a crypto wealth management platform on the Blockchain, I realised after researching the subject, attending conferences & meetups, and talking to colleagues, that the paucity of women in the field is so obvious it is worrisome. Women account for only around 5% in the crypto space and/or market. Oct. 2017, a survey conducted by Reddit user loveYouEth, found that 96% of Ether users are men, and MyEtherWallet reported that 84% of their wallet holders were male. So the need to raise our numbers is necessary not just for women but for the space as a whole. In order to do so, we have to start with some old-fashioned networking and gathering. Strength is in numbers and only when we come together can we be counted.

Search P&S for: Gamergate. We need to learn how to detect the spread of that virus called intersectionality, and destroy it with radiation early on. This is not about video games or crypto. This is a cancer.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on April 19, 2019, 04:01:22 PM

A reminder of what is the ultimate objective of the OP is.


Search P&S for: Gamergate. We need to learn how to detect the spread of that virus called intersectionality, and destroy it with radiation early on. This is not about video games or crypto. This is a cancer.

Can we move on to the truly interesting diversion and hijacking of the OP?

Why we need Women in Blocks and Chains

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 19, 2019, 05:59:48 PM

A reminder of what is the ultimate objective of the OP is.


Search P&S for: Gamergate. We need to learn how to detect the spread of that virus called intersectionality, and destroy it with radiation early on. This is not about video games or crypto. This is a cancer.

Can we move on to the truly interesting diversion and hijacking of the OP?

Why we need Women in Blocks and Chains

Destroying the Bloke-Chain...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Fortify on April 19, 2019, 07:28:50 PM
Being online, it can be much easier to avoid even identifying your gender and it sort of becomes irrelevant. There aren't any obstacles that I can see that stop women from setting up cryptocurrency related companies and that is how it should be. There does seem to be a trend towards "geek is cool" at the moment, which can only help to break down barriers.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on April 19, 2019, 07:53:03 PM
Being online, it can be much easier to avoid even identifying your gender and it sort of becomes irrelevant. There aren't any obstacles that I can see that stop women from setting up cryptocurrency related companies and that is how it should be. There does seem to be a trend towards "geek is cool" at the moment, which can only help to break down barriers.

If you listen carefully you'll catch the joke..."I'm so glad you share mine with me."

And then..."I can see it crystal clear..."

From the very, very early days..."You'll come to this party fashionably late..."

These women saw the vision and ran with it. Many, many others.

Zipping back to today, there's Naomi Brockwell....


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: akeegan on April 19, 2019, 09:47:32 PM
I think women in general bring a lot to blockchain and crypto. not only does it make sense in a fair and equal world but women also have a bigger picture view everything from process to outcome. UX. partnerships.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: erikalui on April 20, 2019, 01:25:38 PM
I don't even know why such a question was even asked? What does gender have to do with blockchain? And how can it even help gender equality? It's not sexist.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 20, 2019, 02:23:30 PM
I don't even know why such a question was even asked? What does gender have to do with blockchain? And how can it even help gender equality? It's not sexist.

Because, wait for it, it has nothing to do with gender equality and everything to do with intersectionality. Once you do your homework on the subject you'll understand why such creature will ask a panel with women on it how come they don't exist.

Should more women from Iran, S.A, Venezuela, etc, etc have more access to cryptos? This is not the question asked. The question seem irrational until you understand the real motivation.

The good news is they are not into making babies, so in the short to long run they + their ideas will be Thanos'd...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 20, 2019, 02:32:47 PM
Being online, it can be much easier to avoid even identifying your gender and it sort of becomes irrelevant. There aren't any obstacles that I can see that stop women from setting up cryptocurrency related companies and that is how it should be. There does seem to be a trend towards "geek is cool" at the moment, which can only help to break down barriers.

If you listen carefully you'll catch the joke..."I'm so glad you share mine with me."

And then..."I can see it crystal clear..."

From the very, very early days..."You'll come to this party fashionably late..."

These women saw the vision and ran with it. Many, many others.

Zipping back to today, there's Naomi Brockwell....


It felt good. Classic songs :D

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: raymondspeaks on April 20, 2019, 02:44:20 PM
I wish I could dish out merit like candy. So many good answers on this thread.

The only reason there is gender inequality in the blockchain is because women CHOOSE not to be interested in it. You know how many times I've tried getting my wife into my techy stuff only to be patted on the head and told, "That's nice dear" as she goes away to get on with the stuff she enjoys doing? Countless times.

This feminist bollox is cancer.

Damn, in the few discords I am in do you know how many men would give their right nuts to see a few more women in our community? There you go :)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 20, 2019, 03:32:33 PM
I wish I could dish out merit like candy. So many good answers on this thread.

The only reason there is gender inequality in the blockchain is because women CHOOSE not to be interested in it. You know how many times I've tried getting my wife into my techy stuff only to be patted on the head and told, "That's nice dear" as she goes away to get on with the stuff she enjoys doing? Countless times.

This feminist bollox is cancer.

Damn, in the few discords I am in do you know how many men would give their right nuts to see a few more women in our community? There you go :)

The danger is to look at this SJW pandemic and seeking answers from an engineer's rational brain. This is a political move on our crypto chess game. The goal is control, not logic, not giving power back to the people away from the banksters.

To be be clear: this SJW plague is not feminism. Just cancer. Get Woke! Go Broke!

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: bhabygrim on April 20, 2019, 05:59:22 PM
What would be the difference if we have more women in blockchain?
I don't think that it would really matter if the blockchain user is a women or men ?
Are there any specially features that would only be shown to women or men?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: raymondspeaks on April 20, 2019, 07:06:05 PM
What would be the difference if we have more women in blockchain?
I don't think that it would really matter if the blockchain user is a women or men ?
Are there any specially features that would only be shown to women or men?

I think you nailed it there. The difference being that it doesn't matter. If women choose to be in the blockchain then they are free to do so at their perusal.

This is nothing more than politically motivated identitarian bollocks sold to us under the guise of equality.

Like the guy who quoted me earlier. It's not about men and women, rationale or logic, it's about power.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Artemis3 on April 21, 2019, 04:50:43 AM
Well, the logic is simple, women don't risk that much compared to men because they always wanted to be secured. The reason why is that most of the time, women were taken advantage and fooled by the people.
If women are committed to the blockchain, it means that blockchain has earned enough security to convince women nature of judgment in security. If a woman joined blockchain, it doesn't mean that they are pro-feminist. I am a woman and I know that I am talking about!

I will leave this video here for reference. It does agree with you:
50 REAL Differences Between Men & Women (

And, i think every one in this thread should see it...

Um, Should i also mention MyCrypto ( somewhere too?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: arpon11 on April 21, 2019, 07:35:31 AM
Well, the logic is simple, women don't risk that much compared to men because they always wanted to be secured. The reason why is that most of the time, women were taken advantage and fooled by the people.
If women are committed to the blockchain, it means that blockchain has earned enough security to convince women nature of judgment in security. If a woman joined blockchain, it doesn't mean that they are pro-feminist. I am a woman and I know that I am talking about!
That is it,  I have tried to speak with some women on blockchain technology but the first thing that do come out of their months is how secure the cryptocurrencies is?  It is very difficult for women to takes financial risk and very few are giving that grace.  I do believe that cryptocurrencies market will actract women when it has become a bit more stabilize and many social media and news sites started to speak good of it.  We are also at the level were governments has not spoken in favour of bitcoin and women do believe that whatever governments is against is not good for our society but blockchain technology is not for governments to legalize but to see how good the system is and adopt it into our financial system.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 21, 2019, 03:03:30 PM

I was randomly looking into hardware wallet reviews. She got a new subscriber. Then I thought about that insane thread right here...

Only 18K subs?  :)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on April 21, 2019, 04:54:29 PM


Only 18K subs?  :)

Here's another.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 22, 2019, 04:57:24 AM


Only 18K subs?  :)

Here's another.

She needs to be put back in blockchain now! (According to the OP).
Did the author even tried to interview any woman in Crypto before pushing an idea?

I need to put my Anti SJW thread back in blockchain!

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: darklus123 on April 22, 2019, 06:29:44 AM
Well, the logic is simple, women don't risk that much compared to men because they always wanted to be secured. The reason why is that most of the time, women were taken advantage and fooled by the people.
If women are committed to the blockchain, it means that blockchain has earned enough security to convince women nature of judgment in security. If a woman joined blockchain, it doesn't mean that they are pro-feminist. I am a woman and I know that I am talking about!

It is all about in the interest. Even you will say that women wants more security you can't guarantee that if there will be more women who will join the industry we can have a better security. I see no exact difference if women will dominate towards this industry or maybe we will have a slower progress but more efficient I guess?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: shimbark123 on April 22, 2019, 06:55:51 AM
If this is  another talk on feminism or some sort of gender equality I'm out of here. Rather than focusing the contribution of women in blockchain. Why don't we look at the contribution of each people in blockchain not just women. I am not degrading the ability of women in blockchain but I know that they could contribute equally as what men contributes in the society.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Splatters on April 22, 2019, 11:05:45 AM
I don't think it's a need, they're human too with their interest, surely woman interested in tech are less than men. Like less men are interested in fashion compared to woman. But having women around here is good, make some men become less rude maybe

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: ZPW on April 22, 2019, 02:28:29 PM
This is undoubtedly necessary. This leads men to feats: D

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on April 22, 2019, 02:42:03 PM
There is no female on this list of crypto millionaires:

some girl should start to change this.. ;)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on April 22, 2019, 02:46:58 PM
There is no female on this list of crypto millionaires:

some girl should start to change this.. ;)
Elizabeth White made it:

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 22, 2019, 04:55:57 PM
We need ALL women in the blockchain. Why? Women are practical. They'd figure out a way to make Bitcoin zoom to the moon. (And then it would be out of our reach until Musk...)


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: r1a2y3m4 on April 22, 2019, 05:16:25 PM
We need ALL women in the blockchain. Why? Women are practical. They'd figure out a way to make Bitcoin zoom to the moon. (And then it would be out of our reach until Musk...)

Women aren't practical. They're materialistic ;D. But even though they are, they are the kinds of people that will not lead themselves into trading with a lot of loss, gambling with a lot of loss and etc. They are playing safe in crypto.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 22, 2019, 05:34:16 PM

I hope you understand the author of article does not care about women in Blockchain at all. That person cares about power and submission.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 22, 2019, 09:32:51 PM
We need ALL women in the blockchain. Why? Women are practical. They'd figure out a way to make Bitcoin zoom to the moon. (And then it would be out of our reach until Musk...)

Women aren't practical. They're materialistic ;D. But even though they are, they are the kinds of people that will not lead themselves into trading with a lot of loss, gambling with a lot of loss and etc. They are playing safe in crypto.

Materialistic? Must be that scientists aren't practical either. After all, they are so materialistic that they don't even suspect that people have souls and spirits, practical or not.

Some women have a lot of spirit. We need them to move the blockchain.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 22, 2019, 09:33:58 PM

I hope you understand the author of article does not care about women in Blockchain at all. That person cares about power and submission.

Women in power? Men in submission?     8)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 23, 2019, 04:01:39 AM

I hope you understand the author of article does not care about women in Blockchain at all. That person cares about power and submission.

Women in power? Men in submission?     8)

The mental disease called intersectionality doesn't care about men, does't care about women. No it doesn't care about anyone in a 'spectrum' either.
Its ultimate goal is the auto destruction of the human race, no less. It is a very cleaver and stealthy virus... No wars. No bombs needed.

First step: Destroy God.
Second step: Replace God with 'Reason'.
Third step: Destroy 'Reason'.
Forth step: Replace 'Reason' with Clown World Honk Honk!


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 23, 2019, 04:22:01 AM

Bitcoin London meet-up recap: Moving forward with the original Bitcoin

I see women in Blockchain...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 23, 2019, 04:57:21 AM

I hope you understand the author of article does not care about women in Blockchain at all. That person cares about power and submission.

Women in power? Men in submission?     8)

The mental disease called intersectionality doesn't care about men, does't care about women. No it doesn't care about anyone in a 'spectrum' either.
Its ultimate goal is the auto destruction of the human race, no less. It is a very cleaver and stealthy virus... No wars. No bombs needed.

First step: Destroy God.
Second step: Replace God with 'Reason'.
Third step: Destroy 'Reason'.
Forth step: Replace 'Reason' with Clown World Honk Honk!


You just described the "Flat Earth" thread over in the Off Topic section.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 23, 2019, 01:48:02 PM

I hope you understand the author of article does not care about women in Blockchain at all. That person cares about power and submission.

Women in power? Men in submission?     8)

The mental disease called intersectionality doesn't care about men, does't care about women. No it doesn't care about anyone in a 'spectrum' either.
Its ultimate goal is the auto destruction of the human race, no less. It is a very cleaver and stealthy virus... No wars. No bombs needed.

First step: Destroy God.
Second step: Replace God with 'Reason'.
Third step: Destroy 'Reason'.
Forth step: Replace 'Reason' with Clown World Honk Honk!


You just described the "Flat Earth" thread over in the Off Topic section.


I don't know about that thread. I never visit off topic, unless I am forced to when my thread is moved over there.


Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. While few philosophers would claim to be nihilists, nihilism is most often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche who argued that its corrosive effects would eventually destroy all moral, religious, and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the greatest crisis in human history. In the 20th century, nihilistic themes--epistemological failure, value destruction, and cosmic purposelessness--have preoccupied artists, social critics, and philosophers. Mid-century, for example, the existentialists helped popularize tenets of nihilism in their attempts to blunt its destructive potential. By the end of the century, existential despair as a response to nihilism gave way to an attitude of indifference, often associated with antifoundationalism.

It has been over a century now since Nietzsche explored nihilism and its implications for civilization. As he predicted, nihilism's impact on the culture and values of the 20th century has been pervasive, its apocalyptic tenor spawning a mood of gloom and a good deal of anxiety, anger, and terror. Interestingly, Nietzsche himself, a radical skeptic preoccupied with language, knowledge, and truth, anticipated many of the themes of postmodernity. It's helpful to note, then, that he believed we could--at a terrible price--eventually work through nihilism. If we survived the process of destroying all interpretations of the world, we could then perhaps discover the correct course for humankind.


This is the disease I am describing. Crypto is a bet on the future, on moving forward. The concept of Crypto is anathema to intersectionality. The author from the OP needs to destroy its host, the Crypto world from within, just like a cancer.

The same thing happened to Linux. SJW Attack on the Linux Kernel. Look it up.

I just hope the Bitcointalk Gods will keep an eye on this threat. Again, the OP does not care about 'women in blockchain'.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 24, 2019, 01:57:21 AM


Women in Blockchain...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Vaskiy on April 24, 2019, 03:05:56 AM
Women in blockchain is a must in my opinion, because they find it hard to understand it and when they've learned and understood it perfectly they'll easily master it. As we're in need of the technology to grow and spread around women's contribution is required in large scale. Right now the ratio of women in blockchain and cryptocurrency usage seems to be around 15:100.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 24, 2019, 03:50:44 PM

Only 13252 views for this Women in Blockchain masterpiece? What a shame! We can do better!

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 24, 2019, 04:14:16 PM
^^^ Give a monkey a typewriter, and he's bound to type a word sometime. You are going to find a few anomalies among everything, even women... a few who understand the blockchain.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on April 24, 2019, 05:03:05 PM


Only 13252 views for this Women in Blockchain masterpiece? What a shame! We can do better!

only 18,455 for this one....

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on April 24, 2019, 05:11:25 PM
Women in blockchain is a must in my opinion, because they find it hard to understand it ....

I have not seen that to be true at all.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 24, 2019, 07:28:42 PM

Women In Blockchain...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Chikitita2004 on April 24, 2019, 08:06:54 PM
Another answer to that is, women by engaging in blockchain technology made themselves equal with men in this matter because we have this notion that these things like, blockchain, cryptocurrency and tradings are the things for men, if women breaks this notion by dipping their hands into these then that signifies equality with men in this matter.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 24, 2019, 08:38:42 PM
Another answer to that is, women by engaging in blockchain technology made themselves equal with men in this matter because we have this notion that these things like, blockchain, cryptocurrency and tradings are the things for men, if women breaks this notion by dipping their hands into these then that signifies equality with men in this matter.

So... Before the invention of the Blockchain women were not equal to men?

Dipping their hands or their brain?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 28, 2019, 08:57:16 PM

Women In Blockchain... 49K subs.

We have a Women In Blockchain Winner, literally:   :D  :o Twitter: @blockchainchick  :o  :D

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 29, 2019, 01:05:49 AM
Another answer to that is, women by engaging in blockchain technology made themselves equal with men in this matter because we have this notion that these things like, blockchain, cryptocurrency and tradings are the things for men, if women breaks this notion by dipping their hands into these then that signifies equality with men in this matter.

So... Before the invention of the Blockchain women were not equal to men?

Dipping their hands or their brain?

Since you can't find even one person that is equal to another person, anywhere, why would you think that women should be equal to men? Or don't you?


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: teddyelwyn on April 29, 2019, 06:23:12 AM
I attended a women in blockchain conference today and I will say it is interesting the perspective they bring to the space versus men.

Women tend to see how can we make tech easier and more readily able to adopt while men over engineer something and expect everyone to be on their level of understanding

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Johnzky on April 29, 2019, 07:37:25 AM
Well for me women is more specific and more accurate in each thing they venture so having woman here will give fhe crypto and blockchain more competence than all man gang.but this was only my thoughts  since all of us has their own outviews in regards the equality of different genders

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 29, 2019, 02:56:48 PM
Another answer to that is, women by engaging in blockchain technology made themselves equal with men in this matter because we have this notion that these things like, blockchain, cryptocurrency and tradings are the things for men, if women breaks this notion by dipping their hands into these then that signifies equality with men in this matter.

So... Before the invention of the Blockchain women were not equal to men?

Dipping their hands or their brain?

Since you can't find even one person that is equal to another person, anywhere, why would you think that women should be equal to men? Or don't you?


Obviously, since we are both not brain dead leftists, we understand the concept of a context, and replying to someone greatly in need of a joyful guidance toward The Light...
If I may, the question should be more about the original poster and their total lack of participation in the thread they created. But what do I know. I am but a humble simpleton noob on bitcointalk...


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 29, 2019, 11:56:34 PM
^^^ You should really give yourself more humble credit, and move over to the center.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 30, 2019, 12:45:06 AM
^^^ You should really give yourself more humble credit, and move over to the center.


Good idea. I shall create a wallet called 'Center' and a ERC20 token called 'Humble Credit'...


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 30, 2019, 02:33:11 PM
robbylove, I think no need to make these fast movements  :)  Couple of weeks ago, when I ordered the testimonial from a third party of writers, company called ivoryresearch (, one pretty smart lady has done it for me. Before that, my paper was doing a man, who didn't match my expectations. So, is it a reason to make far-fetched tags? I don't think so.

I don't understand what you mean by fast movements and by far-fetched tags.
Someone created a thread with a link to a lie, in my humble opinion. Please read post #1

The Blockchain tech cannot know if you are a man or woman. Do you agree? To be good in Blockchain tech you need a working brain. Do you agree? Anyone can participate in Blockchain tech. Do you agree?

I think we do.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on April 30, 2019, 03:02:09 PM
robbylove, I think no need to make these fast movements  :)  Couple of weeks ago, when I ordered the testimonial from a third party of writers, company called ivoryresearch (, one pretty smart lady has done it for me. Before that, my paper was doing a man, who didn't match my expectations. So, is it a reason to make far-fetched tags? I don't think so.

I don't understand what you mean by fast movements and by far-fetched tags.
Someone created a thread with a link to a lie, in my humble opinion. Please read post #1

The Blockchain tech cannot know if you are a man or woman. Do you agree? To be good in Blockchain tech you need a working brain. Do you agree? Anyone can participate in Blockchain tech. Do you agree?

I think we do.


(Thought I'd just toss in a completely politically incorrect mod of a Trumpian joke just to drive the SJW nearby into a fit of rage)

This is getting too complicated.

I thought the question was ...

Do Pussies grab crypto too?


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 30, 2019, 05:31:41 PM
robbylove, I think no need to make these fast movements  :)  Couple of weeks ago, when I ordered the testimonial from a third party of writers, company called ivoryresearch (, one pretty smart lady has done it for me. Before that, my paper was doing a man, who didn't match my expectations. So, is it a reason to make far-fetched tags? I don't think so.

I don't understand what you mean by fast movements and by far-fetched tags.
Someone created a thread with a link to a lie, in my humble opinion. Please read post #1

The Blockchain tech cannot know if you are a man or woman. Do you agree? To be good in Blockchain tech you need a working brain. Do you agree? Anyone can participate in Blockchain tech. Do you agree?

I think we do.


(Thought I'd just toss in a completely politically incorrect mod of a Trumpian joke just to drive the SJW nearby into a fit of rage)

This is getting too complicated.

I thought the question was ...

Do Pussies grab crypto too?


The answer is yes...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on April 30, 2019, 05:40:06 PM
^^^ Bitcoin pussy. (


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on April 30, 2019, 10:16:21 PM
^^^ Bitcoin pussy. (


Bitcoin Bloke-Chain wallet...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: FFrankie on April 30, 2019, 11:06:58 PM
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anomity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on May 01, 2019, 02:04:25 PM
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anomity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt

Because it is not about 'gender equality, 3rd feminism, etc'... It's about the submission of us. All of us. They know exactly what they are doing: spreading their cancer.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Siren on May 01, 2019, 02:16:34 PM
In some parts of the world "gender equality" means something".

I think it is not just something instead it was a big thing in some countries ,because they believe that what male can do,also woman are capable though Mem are more dominant in terms of Strength yet in all fields womens are present
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anomity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt
Thats it because this community is created for one thing and that is to bring help and profit to everyone in here so why need the gender to be an issue?it wasn’t appropriate at all

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: okala on May 01, 2019, 03:54:21 PM
In some parts of the world "gender equality" means something".

I think it is not just something instead it was a big thing in some countries ,because they believe that what male can do,also woman are capable though Mem are more dominant in terms of Strength yet in all fields womens are present
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anomity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt
Thats it because this community is created for one thing and that is to bring help and profit to everyone in here so why need the gender to be an issue?it wasn’t appropriate at all
To me all this gender issues are in relevant because the blockchain is an open environment which any one can have access to and at that if there is any gender differences then it left for the gender either male or female to take advantage of this young growing industry, as we all know men are always quick at taking risks because of they responsibilities and women are always slow to taking risk and this is the reason the blockchain have been mojarly occupied by men.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on May 01, 2019, 04:08:58 PM
It's the Devs and the big Miners who control Bitcoin. Are there any women who are Devs or big Miners? Are there any Devs or big Miners who are controlled by their women?


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: newbie0506 on May 01, 2019, 04:39:21 PM
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anonymity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt

I agree on this. Women should be included -- even educated -- to this new environment. They will be the ones who will give a push for a better future. It's like the old days, isn't it?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on May 02, 2019, 01:44:34 AM
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anonymity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt

I agree on this. Women should be included -- even educated -- to this new environment. They will be the ones who will give a push for a better future. It's like the old days, isn't it?

By force?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on May 02, 2019, 02:21:22 AM
I think the better question is why do we need gender in the blockchain. This was created with the idea of anonymity. Sounds like there are special snowflakes who are getting hurt

I agree on this. Women should be included -- even educated -- to this new environment. They will be the ones who will give a push for a better future. It's like the old days, isn't it?

By force?

The SJW know best and they have opined that women must be in blockchain.

We'll need special calming-down rooms for women who don't understand why they must be forced this training. After being locked in these rooms for a while I am sure that the women will meet the standards imposed by the SJW. And who would manage this process of purification of thought? How many different rooms would there be in each Processing Center?

Obviously separate but equal for blacks, hispanic and white women. And it'd be mandated that trans and lesbians could not be segregated but must be put in their proper subpopulation.

Another really obvious issue would be — for their own safety of course — the need to lock these rooms, preventing just anyone from walking in while the women were being thought processed.

What about those women who are Trumpians?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: AppliedOptimal on May 02, 2019, 07:17:16 AM
The great thing about crypto is that you can be anonymous if you want, and the culture is that almost everyone is anonymous.
Women or men can be equal in this space and I think it should attract many women here.
The only thing preventing more women is that it is related to technology, and unless the women interested in this are tech savvy, they tend to keep away from the crypto space. Women who are interested in gaming could be interested in crypto also.
What do you guys think? What does crypto has to offer to women who are interested in shoes?

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Airbuxf on May 02, 2019, 09:04:09 AM
More women will be in crypto if this will become more mainstream than now, it's like in any other phenomenon. We have to wait more time.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on May 02, 2019, 04:29:54 PM
Actually, it is stable women that we want in Bitcoin. Why? Because they will bring stablization to Bitcoin.

Who are stable women? Aren't they women who are solidly hooked up to stable men, usually in marriage, or a relationship that is as strong as marriage?

So, what else do you find in a stable besides stabled people? :D


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on May 02, 2019, 07:26:00 PM
Actually, it is stable women that we want in Bitcoin. Why? Because they will bring stablization to Bitcoin.

Who are stable women? Aren't they women who are solidly hooked up to stable men, usually in marriage, or a relationship that is as strong as marriage?

So, what else do you find in a stable besides stabled people? :D


Some mariages end up in divorce.
A mariage with Blockchain is forever. Until someone stills the crypto key of your heart...


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on May 02, 2019, 10:26:44 PM
Actually, it is stable women that we want in Bitcoin. Why? Because they will bring stablization to Bitcoin.

Who are stable women? Aren't they women who are solidly hooked up to stable men, usually in marriage, or a relationship that is as strong as marriage?

So, what else do you find in a stable besides stabled people? :D


Some mariages end up in divorce.
A mariage with Blockchain is forever. Until someone stills the crypto key of your heart...


Some men become jealous and end the marriage when their wives get married to a blockchain... other than the ball and chain at home, doing housework.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: robbylove on May 02, 2019, 10:32:13 PM
Actually, it is stable women that we want in Bitcoin. Why? Because they will bring stablization to Bitcoin.

Who are stable women? Aren't they women who are solidly hooked up to stable men, usually in marriage, or a relationship that is as strong as marriage?

So, what else do you find in a stable besides stabled people? :D


Some mariages end up in divorce.
A mariage with Blockchain is forever. Until someone stills the crypto key of your heart...


Some men become jealous and end the marriage when their wives get married to a blockchain... other than the ball and chain at home, doing housework.


Blockchain loves everybody. No need to be jealous. Ball and chain in Blockchain. Men in Blockchain too.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on May 03, 2019, 01:56:31 AM
Actually, it is stable women that we want in Bitcoin. Why? Because they will bring stablization to Bitcoin.

Who are stable women? Aren't they women who are solidly hooked up to stable men, usually in marriage, or a relationship that is as strong as marriage?

So, what else do you find in a stable besides stabled people? :D


Some mariages end up in divorce.
A mariage with Blockchain is forever. Until someone stills the crypto key of your heart...


Some men become jealous and end the marriage when their wives get married to a blockchain... other than the ball and chain at home, doing housework.


You're right. Even in Heaven there will be no marrying or giving in marriage.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Goodmorningem on May 03, 2019, 06:58:18 PM
woman are powerful and woman are unique in their own special way. i joined blockchain because of a lady friend of me whom has stick with blockchain for years and has made it.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Spendulus on May 03, 2019, 11:50:39 PM
Actually, it is stable women that we want in Bitcoin. Why? Because they will bring stablization to Bitcoin.

Who are stable women? Aren't they women who are solidly hooked up to stable men, usually in marriage, or a relationship that is as strong as marriage?

So, what else do you find in a stable besides stabled people? :D


Some mariages end up in divorce.
A mariage with Blockchain is forever. Until someone stills the crypto key of your heart...


Some men become jealous and end the marriage when their wives get married to a blockchain... other than the ball and chain at home, doing housework.


Blockchain loves everybody. No need to be jealous. Ball and chain in Blockchain. Men in Blockchain too.


The True Social Justice Warrior will not fall for your foolishness. Blockchain algorithms must be changed to notate blockchain transactions as male or female. A government agency can oversee this, and check the credentials of those previously anon persons or bots posting.  If the ratio isn't fair, transactioning for the male sex will simply be refused until fairness is certified as achieved and maintained. For details on the ways that past injustice shall be repaid in blockchain rationing see Legislative Section 39.D.(a3).1.

The initial four years, three months, two days and fourteen hours of SJW_blockhain_correctness have been projected at allowing one male transaction for every nineteen female transactions.

Personal attesting as to personal sex will be used as defining male and female. Disputes will be adjudicated by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: bobsav2121 on May 04, 2019, 07:51:27 AM
There are actually A WHOLE TON of women leading in the blockchain space... People just don't know how to look beyond BTC, ETH and XRP.

Elizabeth Stark - (

Laura Shin - (

Meltem Demirors - (

There are many more... Those are just 6 or 7 that I found.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on June 04, 2020, 09:03:39 PM
How to be Successful in Blockchain Gaming - Women Series:

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Cryptobd24 on June 05, 2020, 10:59:16 AM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help ? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space"

Read more:

I think now women can work with blockchain and crypto space. If you see many crypto project and team members where already many Women's working.
Maximum countries accepted   gender equality that's why I think women can part blockchain and crypto space.   

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on June 05, 2020, 06:53:28 PM
Creativity in Blockchain Games: Art and Narratives — Women Series — Part 2 (June 11th, 5PM CEST)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Timmzzy on June 05, 2020, 11:12:28 PM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space"

Read more:

I rather not say much, on this but let's be rest assured women are into blockchain but the nature or the facts always remains the same that women don't endoge into any form of stress in life except those who really knows where they are headed or what goals they want to archive.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Renampun on June 05, 2020, 11:54:22 PM
Well, the logic is simple, women don't risk that much compared to men because they always wanted to be secured.
I don't think so, women and men are the same. They are both humans. And humans have different desires. So, it means that it is up to the person if she or he is risking too much. We cannot just generalize women from men on that matter. Actually, all genders, all personalities, all people are welcome in cryptocurrency. It's up on their desire again if they want to risk.
Men & women are the same?...
male and female instincts are different even though we are human, The male instinct is to protect while the female instinct is to take care. I am a wife and I often give advice to my husband when he gets into trouble at work, without a wife who has the nature of caring then the household will fall apart. women are needed in the world of Blockchain to complement the nature of men who only think logically and without feelings :P

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on June 06, 2020, 01:13:34 AM
Gotta make a crypto where you can place messages right in the address... like h38945t99r935rytMyWifeCynthia934r0h0tny9yt3948. Maybe this way we could get all the women into the blockchain after a while... some of them more than once.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: bits4books on June 06, 2020, 02:50:45 PM
Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Very good question! I also do not understand why we need them in the blockchain. And I don't understand why men should be in the blockchain. Why white, black, Asian? Is it not enough to be just a human to use blockchain? What about equality? This is completely surreal and delusional guys

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on June 06, 2020, 04:53:07 PM
The REAL question is, why do we need blocks in the women-chain?

Because women can't procreate without them.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: Guryon_master on June 09, 2020, 07:17:30 PM
Written by Setareh Sabety (Wordsmith at SwissBorg)

"At a recent Blockchain conference, a panel of women was at a loss for an answer to the question, how can blockchain help gender equality? The question and the answers, or non-answers the panellist gave, made me, an old ‘analogue’ feminist, realise that there is a dire need to raise awareness of the problem of gender inequality in the blockchain and crypto space"

Read more:
In the first place blockchain has no gender restriction which means it bears gender equality. The only thing that girls are not much in it because of there personalities the thing that is not suitable to get involve in blockchain.

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2020, 01:07:03 AM
Why We Need Women In Blockchain?

Somebody needs to do the cooking for us blockchain men.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on June 11, 2020, 11:41:51 AM
Why We Need Women In Blockchain?

Somebody needs to do the cooking for us blockchain men.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on June 11, 2020, 11:42:10 AM
Creativity in Blockchain Games: Art and Narratives — Women Series — Part 2 (June 11th, 5PM CEST)

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on June 11, 2020, 04:50:32 PM
Why We Need Women In Blockchain?

Somebody needs to do the cooking for us blockchain men.



And do the laundry.

And do the dishes.

And clean the house.

And have the kids.

You know. All the menial tasks.


Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: pangu on June 11, 2020, 08:10:56 PM
Why We Need Women In Blockchain?

Somebody needs to do the cooking for us blockchain men.



And do the laundry.

And do the dishes.

And clean the house.

And have the kids.

You know. All the menial tasks.

#fishingfordrama :D

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: dentolas on June 11, 2020, 08:24:40 PM
I think the trick is to treat everyone equal, does it really matter your gender? being a feminist, a macho, a female or a male should end up in the same thing... they will both be investors, traders, writters, coders, developers, entrepeneurs, etc...
I am sure there are a lot of women dealing with blockchain, maybe the reason why so many males show up around here is because in a lot of countries the access to technology and free time is still not the same for both genders...

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: BADecker on June 12, 2020, 11:05:27 PM


And do the laundry.

And do the dishes.

And clean the house.

And have the kids.

You know. All the menial tasks.

#fishingfordrama :D

No. Fishing for mermaids.     ;D

Title: Re: Why We Need Women In Blockchain
Post by: igor171717 on June 25, 2020, 08:31:20 AM
We cannot just generalize women from men on that matter. - I support