Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: TalkStar on March 25, 2019, 07:17:35 AM

Title: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: TalkStar on March 25, 2019, 07:17:35 AM
Hello Guys,

Welcome to my thread. Today I am going to share my own knowledge about the necessity of reading forum post. Let me ask you something

Which one you like most?

1. Do you like to make your own post ?
2. Do you like to spend time on reading forum post?

Honestly I will go for number (2). Personally I believe without gathering enough knowledge from this forum its not possible for a user to make quality posts. I always prefer to spend much time on reading forum posts rather than making new one. You can't imagine how much valuable information you could gather by reading many sections useful thread. you will be able to enrich your knowledge shelf with better information. Its not only a place to learn & share about bitcoin or other crypto currencies. As an example you can learn a lot about worldwide politics from  Politics & Society ( section. IMO its a complete community where you will be find most of the answer that you are looking for.

From my own experience I will specially suggest our new members to spend much time on reading forum post and I believe it will help you to build your own forum profile. As a signature participant I never try to fill the post count to get full weekly payments because I believe its better to read forum posts rather than making useless one.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: mk4 on March 25, 2019, 08:55:56 AM
1. Yes. But only when really necessary. (e.g. when sharing something, or when I'm warning people from visiting a certain website).

2. Yes. Though I mostly spend a bit less time here on Bitcointalk, but slightly more on Reddit; as the topics that more interesting are easily sorted to the top. Whereas as we know, there's a significant amount of spam posts here. Reddit is also crap most of the time though; it's pretty much a shill-your-bags community most of the time.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Lucius on March 25, 2019, 10:28:52 AM
Reading posts is very important, not just because of the fact that something can be learned from that, but also because by reading what others write we can reply in a better way, and avoid to repeat what has already been written.

Unfortunately, a large number of forum users do not spend any time for reading, they mostly read the titles and the first / last post, and their replying are largely based on that. That's why we have a huge amount of repeating / beating a dead horse posts.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: UserU on March 25, 2019, 10:50:11 AM
I prefer #2 since it takes loads of time just to create a possibly redundant thread that'd slowly sink anyway.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: markstivn98 on March 25, 2019, 11:03:46 AM
Hello Guys,

Welcome to my thread. Today I am going to share my own knowledge about the necessity of reading forum post. Let me ask you something

Which one you like most?

1. Do you like to make your own post ?
2. Do you like to spend time on reading forum post?

Honestly I will go for number (2). Personally I believe without gathering enough knowledge from this forum its not possible for a user to make quality posts. I always prefer to spend much time on reading forum posts rather than making new one. You can't imagine how much valuable information you could gather by reading many sections useful thread. you will be able to enrich your knowledge shelf with better information. Its not only a place to learn & share about bitcoin or other crypto currencies. As an example you can learn a lot about worldwide politics from  Politics & Society ( section. IMO its a complete community where you will be find most of the answer that you are looking for.

From my own experience I will specially suggest our new members to spend much time on reading forum post and I believe it will help you to build your own forum profile. As a signature participant I never try to fill the post count to get full weekly payments because I believe its better to read forum posts rather than making useless one.
I customize time for reading topics.
Especially if the topic is important and contains useful information.
I see some responses.
I love short themes that offer a lot of information.
I hope there is a topic summary.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: kooboat on March 25, 2019, 11:07:00 AM
I prefer reading from from the forum than creating my own topics unless it become very necessary for me to create my own topics. This forum has existed for quite a number of years now hence there are more interesting topics to read  and learn from well experienced members of the forum. Reading is always good if you want to play smart in the cryptosphere.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: madrogue on March 25, 2019, 11:35:29 AM
I like both, but i always do number 2. Because before post anything you need knowledge about topic what do you want to post. And you can get knowlegde by Reading other post and find good information.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: lobcmt2 on March 25, 2019, 11:59:40 AM
1. Do you like to make your own post ?
2. Do you like to spend time on reading forum post?
Before going to answer the question of the OP, that which one among those two options, users would prefer during their time in the forum, let's go back to the users' activities in the forum.
Which one you will do first, reading or writing?

The answer is simple, Reading.
First, new users have to read to register account, LOL, it's the fact.
Second, new registered users have to spend their first minutes or hours to read forum rules (most of new users skip this step), read to get the forum structures (boards, child boards, local boards, etc.), read to see what senior and current users discussed.
Next, they will write for some purposes:
- Creating a topic to ask for help (a)
- Creating a post to discuss (b)
- Applying to join campaigns (c)
- Creating a post to spam, or hunt for bounties  (I don't recommend this step, LOL).
The cycle between reading and writing repeat (due to it is a cycle, LOL) for every user, regardless of spammers.

For (a):
Before creating a new topic to ask for help, please use Google search or Forum search with key words to find available topics or posts on your issues.

For (b):
Before composing a post to discuss, please spend several minutes to deeply think that what you will write is worthy and constructive or not. If your ideas don't contribute nothing, due to it is boring or already given above by others. Stop at this.

For (c):
Before applying to join campaigns, users have to read first, at least read the titles, and payment rates. If bounty hunters say that they don't read titles and payment rates, they are liars. They likely ignore rules, or something else, but they will do read titles and pay-rates.

In a summary, it is not a matter that users like which one, reading or writing.
They have to read first, before start writing.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: bitmover on March 25, 2019, 12:31:03 PM
I think more important than spending time reading forum posts is to spending time reading information elsewhere.

Go read books, newspapers, Twitter comments of influent and knowledge people

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: sheenshane on March 25, 2019, 01:32:13 PM
In a summary, it is not a matter that users like which one, reading or writing.
They have to read first, before start writing.
Well, that is a very organized statement.
Read first before writing, that is right. For me, it takes a few minutes to read in a single topic because there are some topics that already answered by the previous replies. It will cause redundant if you didn't read the previous reply.

I like to go there in meta, scam discussion, and reputation, watching and learning some dramas.
Reading news and updates will probably give you more knowledge to do the writing and posting.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: HODL2090 on March 25, 2019, 02:11:03 PM
Well, am in a bounty campaign and that requires me to reach a minimum requirement weekly, but I love reading knowledge shared by others and also following relevant arguments. I sometimes surpass the bounty requirements so I can say I also love sharing when necessary.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: leowonderful on March 25, 2019, 03:14:28 PM
I enjoy both making and reading posts on here. There's very few places elsewhere on the internet with more knowledge on Altcoin and Bitcoin mining than on this very forum, and though I do not post on the Bitcoin mining parts of this forum anymore, this forum helps keep me up-to-date with the most recent miners and other speculation related to mining. Crypto's always growing and expanding in new ways, and you're going to fall behind if you do not read. I find Reddit's better for other non-mining-related information most of the time.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Adriano2010 on March 25, 2019, 07:20:23 PM
Yes, only when need some to find something and i can't find anywhere on net.
I like to read other posts and find usefull info, here on forum is a lot of info but i don't have time to read them all, in weekend always i read more.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Kopyleft on March 25, 2019, 07:56:21 PM
Both reading and writing are very important in the forum, one needs to write for others to have something to read and learn from, and the knowledge gained could be applied in some other form and presented as a post. They both function together, majority would say they prefer reading but I prefer actively contributing to the forum and being helpful to other where I can.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Kakmakr on March 26, 2019, 06:09:29 AM
I spend almost 3 hours a day just reading comments on people's posts and also new threads being created on this forum. I also have to go back to my previous posts to see if someone posted a reply or question on something that I posted, to give prompt reply to their question or comment.

Some people might think that this is a tedious task, but when you like what you doing, you never get frustrated with the task at hand. It also helps that you getting a small reward for your effort in the form of the signature campaign payments.  ;)

In my opinion "reading" is the most important part of this forum and I just love to read.  ;)

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: DdmrDdmr on March 26, 2019, 08:51:38 AM
If merit is somehow correlated to topic interest, there are a couple of ways to get a glimpse at the most merited threads and browse them based on the amount of merits the threads have received:

a)   Use @LoyceV’s thread to see the most merited topic:  Most merited topics (SUM of OP + posts) (UPDATED!) (

b)   Use the  Merit Dashboard (!/vizhome/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/GlobalSummary), by selecting the "Rankings" Tab. The Tab contains a table with the most merited threads ("Top Merited Thread Ranking"), whose names can be clicked to go to the thread itself. You can also filter the ranking by date range (to delimit the threads to awarded merits in a certain timeframe) or board (by using the subsection filter i.e. for a setting it to a Local board or Bitcoin Discussion).

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: lobcmt2 on March 26, 2019, 09:14:41 AM
In my opinion "reading" is the most important part of this forum and I just love to read.  ;)
There are not many users have habits to do backwards reading like you, but it is good.
And, I agreed with you at this, as I raised same point above that:
Users have to read first, before they start writing.
No matter how they read, solely forwards reading, or combinations of forwards and backwards reading, they have to read first, before they can write.
There is no option for all, no exception.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: LTU_btc on March 26, 2019, 09:27:39 PM
Well, I like both things, but I prefer reading. Every day I spend 2-3 hours on Bitcointalk. Same like @Kakmakr I also trying to follow topics where I have posted recently. There are several reasons why I prefer reading instead of writing. I don't see any reasons to post if I don't have good knowledge about certain subject. There are so many members who have better knowledge about crypto in general than me and they can make more professional, informative answer to question. I'd rather just read their posts and trying to educate myself.
Another reason - Bitcointalk is very active forum and usually when I visit certain topic question to OP question was already answered, so I don't see any reasons to repeat what was already said.
Another thing - sometimes I'm having problems to express myself, and it's not about language skills. I'm not writer neither in English, neither in my first language and I'm not good at communication. Most of people can write same stuff in better style than I do.
And another aspect. For example it's interesting to read stuff in Meta or Reputation sections, but personally, I prefer to stay aside from all drama there.
On the other hand, posting is also very important for me. Damn it - I have made over 5100 on Bitcointalk in total! But I must admit that some of these posts probably can't be considered as quality posts, especially these which I made in my first years on Bitcointalk. Now I'm trying to focus on quality, but usually quality posts requires some time. And unfortunately I don't have enough time, so sometimes I can't reply in some topics just because I don't have enough time.
Well, it's long post, sorry if it was boring to read :D. But today I have some free time and this subject is interesting for me.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: TalkStar on March 27, 2019, 07:47:30 AM
Well, I like both things, but I prefer reading. Every day I spend 2-3 hours on Bitcointalk. Same like @Kakmakr I also trying to follow topics where I have posted recently. There are several reasons why I prefer reading instead of writing. I don't see any reasons to post if I don't have good knowledge about certain subject. There are so many members who have better knowledge about crypto in general than me and they can make more professional, informative answer to question. I'd rather just read their posts and trying to educate myself.

Gathering knowledge is always a better idea than start posting early. Yeah obviously we are really blessed to have so many genious person on our community. If a newbie follow their creative threads and ideas then its probably going to help them to enrich their own knowledge vault.

I always prefer to develop myself by reading other posts from many sections of the bitcointalk. Honestly I believe that everyone should earn proper information and knowledge before posting something. As an example if you open a thread and readers don't feel it necessary or found nothing interesting then your thread got no value IMO. Its nothing but a waste of time.

Basically some users think that if they make so many post they will get merit. I am completely disagree with that because I think getting merit doesn't depend on making a big number of posts. Anyone will be happy to give you merits if you are able to make quality posts.   

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: LTU_btc on March 27, 2019, 09:41:19 PM
Basically some users think that if they make so many post they will get merit. I am completely disagree with that because I think getting merit doesn't depend on making a big number of posts. Anyone will be happy to give you merits if you are able to make quality posts.   
I absolutely agree with you. People should focus on quality, not on quantity. By making one quality post you have higher chance to get Merit than by making 10 generic posts. But it's not all about merit. More posts means bigger payment from signature campaign/bounty. As long as we have signature campaigns on Bitcointalk, there will be lot of such kind of people who came here just for money, and they aren't interested in crypto and self-development at all.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: romelitounknown on March 28, 2019, 02:23:08 AM
I love reading different posts here especially about cuptocurrency . I am a newbie and needs to learn more from the experts in here. It so easy to learn in BTT threads because you could find almost all of the answers here.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Baofeng on March 28, 2019, 04:28:10 AM
Which one you like most?

1. Do you like to make your own post ?

Sometimes I shared post which I think can help the community, specially PSA's. My last post was about a Youtube advertising fake or a malware version of Electrum. But to my surprised, it was deleted . :(

2. Do you like to spend time on reading forum post?

Definitely. Everyone should really spend a lot of time here reading around the community because you can really learn a lot, specially those members who have so much experience technically and I admire those guys. Usually before I go comment on certain topic, I click "All" and read the previous post to learn more about the subject matter and just add a few of my own in the discussions.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Sharon121212 on March 28, 2019, 09:31:20 AM
Let's say every one shares the same opinion as you then the forum would have a drastic reduction in new post and an increase in reply to post which can cause huge reply pages to a particular post.
I think as some one else shares and contribute to the forum it's right that once in a while every member try to also be productive as well.
Making post sometimes can be tasking but if you have
*a good idea
*be precise and direct(quality and not quantity)
*in an at least understandable English(or local board language as the case may be)

Let's try to give the forum as we take

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Tushar Ramani on March 29, 2019, 11:00:00 AM
I spend less time surfing bitcointalk nowadays. Bear market may be the prime reason. But bitcointalk is really a quality forum where newbies can gather quality knowledge. I personally prefer reading something I don't know instead of just diving with a brand new topic. Bounties used be my one of favorites topic but now it altcoin and serious discussion is. When it comes to the signature, I hardly participate in such campaign but agree with your last point though.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: gentlemand on March 29, 2019, 12:15:23 PM
I do much more reading than posting, mainly in the hope of being enlightened. It doesn't happen as often as I want.

One of the most bizarre habits that's constantly replicated here is the painfully obvious sign that whoever is posting hasn't read the thread at all. You see people asking questions that have been answered one inch above them or clearly not taking the 1 second that's required to digest the headline.

I've no idea how such people get through life.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: ryzaadit on March 29, 2019, 12:32:25 PM
Basically went someone makes it about Post/Thread i try to reading first, then if the thread/post was really interesting i will find some references to reply that. I will focus on reading went i want really learn about something, from google/youtube i will try to find a lot of information that's i want. by reading you will make more knowledge and will be wort in the future.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Simple_Plan on March 29, 2019, 02:31:27 PM
I created this account for quite a long time but I only focus on it for a couple of weeks til now. I agree with OP that new members should spend more time reading forum post to get knowledge and I'm currently doing so. To some point, when knowledge is enough, one can create topic to share his opinion about a problem. I personally set a goal of 3 months. After 3 months from now, I'll start making posts to contribute to the forum.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: jademaxsuy on March 29, 2019, 02:45:44 PM
I am not fan of reading but I do like watching pictures especially Memes in line with cryptocurrency. I often seen a lot of pictures and memes on telegram and most of it were really funny.

However some topics are worth it to read like users arguing each other. There are many of that here especially in meta section. The usual topic that is trending and so hit was all about the merit system and the DT trust users. Some DT usets giving negative trust that led to the conflict. LOL

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: EdenHazard on March 29, 2019, 05:58:02 PM
These two points are important, in one side you have to read for your knowledge. And for the another side you have to make thread or even commenting to thread that was made by other people in order to still active in this forum. A comprehension for each people are different when he reads some information, he will have a different illustration with other people, so as when he makes a thread or commenting in the thread will give a new colour as his understanding.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: TalkStar on March 29, 2019, 06:05:48 PM
I am not fan of reading but I do like watching pictures especially Memes in line with cryptocurrency. I often seen a lot of pictures and memes on telegram and most of it were really funny.

However some topics are worth it to read like users arguing each other. There are many of that here especially in meta section. The usual topic that is trending and so hit was all about the merit system and the DT trust users. Some DT usets giving negative trust that led to the conflict. LOL
You can't learn proper knowledge without putting your intention on others topic IMO. Absolutely new topic will give you the chance to explore your knowledge vault where its really important for building your own profile.

Topic about merit system and DT trust system is honestly an interesting thing for all the forum user.     

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: emulsifryer on March 30, 2019, 03:44:15 PM
I am not fan of reading but I do like watching pictures especially Memes in line with cryptocurrency. I often seen a lot of pictures and memes on telegram and most of it were really funny.

However some topics are worth it to read like users arguing each other. There are many of that here especially in meta section. The usual topic that is trending and so it was all about the merit system and the DT trust users. Some DT users giving negative trust that led to the conflict. LOL
It also gives us furthermore knowledge to know more about this forum especially to those who are new and aside from that the opinion and point from other people may help not only to give information but it also has a purpose to learn and get interested the readers.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: julius caesar on March 30, 2019, 04:45:40 PM
Basically went someone makes it about Post/Thread i try to reading first, then if the thread/post was really interesting i will find some references to reply that. I will focus on reading went i want really learn about something, from google/youtube i will try to find a lot of information that's i want. by reading you will make more knowledge and will be wort in the future.
Just be careful with regards in using your reference cause if you'd used it exactly how it's said without properly linking your reference, you would be banned immediately. On the other hand, feel free to share what you can share that you think is relevant to this forum and useful at the same time.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Betwrong on March 31, 2019, 11:55:30 AM
Basically went someone makes it about Post/Thread i try to reading first, then if the thread/post was really interesting i will find some references to reply that. I will focus on reading went i want really learn about something, from google/youtube i will try to find a lot of information that's i want. by reading you will make more knowledge and will be wort in the future.
Just be careful with regards in using your reference cause if you'd used it exactly how it's said without properly linking your reference, you would be banned immediately. On the other hand, feel free to share what you can share that you think is relevant to this forum and useful at the same time.

Plagiarism is a disgusting act, I agree. It is so disappointing sometimes when you read a decent post made by a newbie, and you going to merit it, but after googling a piece from it you realize that it is 100% plagiarism. If you want to quote a good idea, no problem, go ahead, but do it properly, provide the source.

In regards to the OP's question, I mostly read other posts here because although there is a lot of garbage around, there are also great posts I can learn from. Every day I can find several of such posts. To save time, I tend to read posts made by highly merited users of the forum, and I rarely read posts made by Legendaries with exactly 1000 merit or by Heroes with 500 merit, some posts made by newbies are much more interesting to read.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: opg777 on April 03, 2019, 06:32:44 AM
Yes until recently I was in hospital and could not to read forum, posts. When I got first started the forum . It is very interesting and informative! Sometimes I write my posts, mostly for beginners because you can tell I'm still a beginner  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: alexsandria on April 03, 2019, 07:09:52 AM
Although I've known a lot about cryptocurrency, I still believe that it's nothing compared to people here. Thus, tend to spend time on reading forum post. Through this, I can learn more about crypto which I can say that I can't learn it by searching on google or even reading such books.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: TalkStar on April 03, 2019, 06:06:38 PM
Although I've known a lot about cryptocurrency, I still believe that it's nothing compared to people here. Thus, tend to spend time on reading forum post. Through this, I can learn more about crypto which I can say that I can't learn it by searching on google or even reading such books.

Being a listener is sometime better than a speaker IMO. In every stage of our life we learn something new. Its a good thing to have thrust for gathering knowledge's. Yeah its completely true that here on this forum there's so many people who have vast knowledge about crypto currency. We can learn a lot from their thread and discussion. So its always better to concentrate on reading their valuable topics. After getting healthier with own knowledge vault we could start to help others by sharing.

I am not suggesting only for reading but its necessary to have enough knowledge before start posting our own topic. I believe as much as we spend our time for reading forum post as much as we will be able to learn. You can easily detect yourself as a good quality poster when you will start to get better responses from readers.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: pixie85 on April 03, 2019, 10:47:12 PM
If you're asking about posting in a thread vs making your own thread I always prefer to answer other people's questions and reply to their posts instead of making my own.
If the question is about reading posts in a thread vs posting in it I have to admit that I always read OP and only a handful of answers not all of them. There's so much spam in some thread that reading everything would be a major pain in the ass.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: lobcmt2 on April 03, 2019, 11:26:56 PM
Reading usually brings ideas for me, to solve my problems, to help others who raised questions, or to improve what I am lack of, such as knowedge, skills.
In fact, I can not write if I don't read.
In general, in my estimation, I spend around 60 to 70 percent of my time in the forum to read, and 30 to 40 percent of my time to write.
Writing consume less time because even when I start writing, I have to go backwards to see posts/ topics I read before to organize my ideas; or I have to search what I need for my writings.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: 50 Cent on April 04, 2019, 10:47:11 AM
1. every 06.00 morning when wake up i am read this forum search information how price bitcoin will go today, about wallet and something news about forum. on Computer only 30 minutes
2. some time when break lunch while smoking read this forum on my phone
3. at night, 08-10 before i get a sleep read article on forum here about developmet project, bounty, etc
I thing a day i spend 2-3 hours to this forum because i very interested bitcoin

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: therhslv on April 04, 2019, 10:50:36 AM
Im more like a reader than poster . But sometimes i like to get in conversation . I remember in 2015 i was reading forum everyday and only in 2016 i did register to post something . Same with Crypto , i did know about bitcoin and other coins , but decided to buy some only after 1-2 year of following . The best thing i like about this forum , that you can find almost everything related to crypto here and ofcourse news about crypto most of the time starts here .

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: bustedsynx on April 06, 2019, 06:28:24 PM
In my case, I am an altcoin holder and I hold 15 to 20 different types of altcoin. The Bitcointalk forum is the first stop for reading updates about the coin I hold. And then I move on to the coin's Telegram chat. I rarely visit their Reddit pages since I prefer chronological posting and not lists that prioritised popular posts.

So around one hour to three hours a day.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: btc-facebook on April 07, 2019, 11:06:10 PM
I also prefer point number 2, I'd like to spend time on reading forum post rather than making a new one, I also realize I'm not that good enough to create a high quality post/thread, but I also not aiming to gain some merits anyway.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: jademaxsuy on April 08, 2019, 11:47:46 PM
I am not against on reading posts OP since this is the basic way to learn and earn here in the forum. However, we have images also that conceptualize a certain message depending on what the images portray.

In my own way as a visual learner, I do learn more watching than reading tons of posts here. But here in the forum I can't help myself to learn but to read and I will just scan on important posts that are worth it to read. One can easily spot a good posts by seeing the user who posted it. Usually high merited users are good posters that usually posted interested replies or create new thread.

I have often seen good posters in meta or in this section. Luckily, not all users came to visit this section and make a good discussion with them. So grateful to contribute in a little way by not just reading but also participating in an active discussion.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: Velkro on April 08, 2019, 11:57:37 PM
Which one you like most?

1. Do you like to make your own post ?
2. Do you like to spend time on reading forum post?

I think it belongs more to a discussion section rather than beginners section. I prefer both, i like to take part in discussion but also like to read.
I spent ton of time here, mostly reading but also posting. It depends on mood also if i want to participate more or read more.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: TalkStar on April 10, 2019, 06:10:31 PM
I also prefer point number 2, I'd like to spend time on reading forum post rather than making a new one, I also realize I'm not that good enough to create a high quality post/thread, but I also not aiming to gain some merits anyway.
If we gather enough knowledge by reading other members post then I believe it will obviously help us to improve our own. Honestly there is no age or time limit for learning because its a process which starts during our birth and continue until death. Every single quality post have got valuable information to build our knowledge vault.

Yeah its true that most of the new user get crazy to find the way of earning merit and i think getting merits isn't an easy task if you don't have the ability to make quality post. Merit will come easily when others will find your post enough good and helpful. We should change the mentality to earn merits from the very beginning where its really necessary to help others by sharing our creative ideas and knowledge. A quality post will earn its merits easily so its no need to be crazy for it. Its better to concentrate on making quality post rather than begging for merits.   

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: kingpin4321 on April 10, 2019, 09:41:36 PM
Well I like to do more of reading and commenting to others post but when ever I have something I feel is important and helpful to the forum I do not hesitate to air my mind by composing my own post

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 11, 2019, 11:43:21 AM
Hello Guys,

Welcome to my thread. Today I am going to share my own knowledge about the necessity of reading forum post. Let me ask you something

Which one you like most?

1. Do you like to make your own post ?
2. Do you like to spend time on reading forum post?

Both options are very crucial and one should not supersede the other.

For the first option, making your own post is the first step in communicating with the community. You get the opportunity to share your knowledge, to give your opinion on something, have the chance to get merited, and to layout your platforms if you are promoting your business, services/products. In other words, constructing a post connects you with the people in the forum.

For the second option, browsing through the forum and reading posts from different subsections essentially render you the necessary knowledge about cryptocurrencies, in general. For newbies who are relatively new to this term, they get to learn all the basics and fundamentals (given that they utilize the search bar effectively!).

Well I like to do more of reading and commenting to others post but when ever I have something I feel is important and helpful to the forum I do not hesitate to air my mind by composing my own post

Sharing anything is appreciated by everyone, regardless on how small or big it is. Just prevent spamming the forum and re-stating what most people said as it only contributes in flooding posts.

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: motun01 on April 21, 2019, 08:06:29 PM
I spend a good amount of time on this forum but most of my time I spend with reading rather than typing or creating content because I believe there is a lot to learn here and sometimes it can get frustrating with the multitude of irrelevant post but there are a lot of educating topics especially in this sub topic.

I like to educate when i do create original topics of my own. Its also a way of learning

Title: Re: How much time you spend to read forum post ?
Post by: pangu on April 21, 2019, 08:35:23 PM
I spend about 90% reading post here in the forum to learn and stay up to date, but topics i like and can share some knowledge i want to participate posting there then, too.