Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: AnotherBTCNoob on March 28, 2019, 11:57:20 PM

Title: Looking for a loan of around £1k ($1300 approx)
Post by: AnotherBTCNoob on March 28, 2019, 11:57:20 PM
As per the title states, I am looking for a loan of the above amount. Of this I want to utilise 75% of it on clearing some debts and the remaining amount (say £250 approx) towards the £750 that I owe Parodium (reputable member from this forum). The £250 can be paid direct to Parodium (if acceptable to all parties).

In terms of collateral - I don't know if this could work but I have an ebay business that is doing ok (100% feedback) and I would absolutely hate to give this up but am prepared to offer this as part of the deal.
Numbers below:

I am prepared to pay 10% interest on the loaned amount and can pay this back in 60 days (maybe a couple of weeks before this). I start a new job on Monday so along with my ebay business, I can comfortably pay back £1100 (£1000 + £100) in the quoted time frame.

Also, I am happy to have this loan funded through Paypal and returned via the same way.

Thanks for reading.  :)


Title: Re: Looking for a loan of around £1k ($1300 approx)
Post by: ThatRandom8543 on March 29, 2019, 03:39:16 AM
As per the title states, I am looking for a loan of the above amount. Of this I want to utilise 75% of it on clearing some debts and the remaining amount (say £250 approx) towards the £750 that I owe Parodium (reputable member from this forum). The £250 can be paid direct to Parodium (if acceptable to all parties).

In terms of collateral - I don't know if this could work but I have an ebay business that is doing ok (100% feedback) and I would absolutely hate to give this up but am prepared to offer this as part of the deal.
Numbers below:

I am prepared to pay 10% interest on the loaned amount and can pay this back in 60 days (maybe a couple of weeks before this). I start a new job on Monday so along with my ebay business, I can comfortably pay back £1100 (£1000 + £100) in the quoted time frame.

Also, I am happy to have this loan funded through Paypal and returned via the same way.

Thanks for reading.  :)


An ebay account is not valid collateral because one it can be socially engineered to have the account recovered and given back to you (and ebay is really strict when it comes to security), and two, even if you couldnt recover it, you cannot liquidate an ebay account so it is pretty much worthless. You would need to provide valid collateral that is 120% of what youre asking or just lock this thread if you dont have anything. Since you have an "ebay business", why not go try a third party like kabbage and get a loan there?

Title: Re: Looking for a loan of around £1k ($1300 approx)
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on March 29, 2019, 07:04:44 AM
Someone is claiming you scammed them as reflected on your trust page:
Quote from: Parodium, 2018-12-10
Defaulted on a loan. Had to reverse to payment to get a refund, still owes me almost £1,000.
There is no reference link, but I would ask if this is true. If so, I don't think anyone should do business with you until it is resolved.

Title: Re: Looking for a loan of around £1k ($1300 approx)
Post by: AnotherBTCNoob on March 29, 2019, 07:08:19 AM
Someone is claiming you scammed them as reflected on your trust page:
Quote from: Parodium, 2018-12-10
Defaulted on a loan. Had to reverse to payment to get a refund, still owes me almost £1,000.
There is no reference link, but I would ask if this is true. If so, I don't think anyone should do business with you until it is resolved.
Try and read what I intend to do with the loan before posting here.

Title: Re: Looking for a loan of around £1k ($1300 approx)
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on March 29, 2019, 09:38:52 AM
As per the title states, I am looking for a loan of the above amount. Of this I want to utilise 75% of it on clearing some debts and the remaining amount (say £250 approx) towards the £750 that I owe Parodium (reputable member from this forum). The £250 can be paid direct to Parodium (if acceptable to all parties).

In terms of collateral - I don't know if this could work but I have an ebay business that is doing ok (100% feedback) and I would absolutely hate to give this up but am prepared to offer this as part of the deal.
Numbers below:

I am prepared to pay 10% interest on the loaned amount and can pay this back in 60 days (maybe a couple of weeks before this). I start a new job on Monday so along with my ebay business, I can comfortably pay back £1100 (£1000 + £100) in the quoted time frame.

Also, I am happy to have this loan funded through Paypal and returned via the same way.

Thanks for reading.  :)


You just need to wait for the salary you will get from the new job. Also keep doing your eBay business. Once you have enough then pay the due of Parodium and come up clean before you ask for another loan.

Do not get much ambitious to get another loan to pay the previous loan. Also here, you are asking for some more money. This is not good. I will leave you a neutral feedback for now. The feedback will be changed to Negative after a month or so if I find out you have not repaid the outstanding due.

@Parodium can you provide a reference link of the loan you sent for the OP? Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: Looking for a loan of around £1k ($1300 approx)
Post by: AnotherBTCNoob on March 29, 2019, 11:34:33 AM
I am going to close/lock this thread. I have been here some years - the only negative comment about me is the Parodium pay back (he had the loan amount returned but not the interest but I have already spoke to him about this). This is a genuine request and I wanted to pay this user back a percentage from this loan so to do the right thing but never mind, I will have to pay him back in the near future via other methods.
Some people jump into this thread and comment without knowing what the full story is.