Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: avxchange on April 18, 2019, 12:33:06 AM

Title: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: avxchange on April 18, 2019, 12:33:06 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: BlackPanda on April 18, 2019, 12:48:28 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

it is certain that in the next 10 years there will be a huge change in the development of digital currencies. the application of digital currencies will be increasingly widespread because of the development of facilities and infrastructure used to conduct financial transactions with digital currencies. At least that in urban areas will begin to implement digital currencies and I am sure that the online market industry will be increasingly aggressively implementing digital currencies.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: anu1908 on April 18, 2019, 02:18:56 AM
i don't believe fiat will be gone completely in our future, they might co-exist but not completely disappear. there's too many system that depends on fiat like government monetary policy, and so on. erasing them completely will render government to lose its power especially if they want to 'conquer' other countries economics. on top of that, crypto is not really suitable for daily transaction in local place imo, fiat or coins is quicker and better for that, no need for node and so on.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: minersday on April 18, 2019, 02:52:32 AM
In the next 10 years, the crypto ecosystem will a lot of real people who truly understand the purpose and the benefits presented by cryptocurrency. A lot of the current crypto coins which are very volatile in 10 years to come will become some how stable and about 40% of the world population will be using cryptocurrency for their daily transactions for goods and services. I also believe that in 10 years to come,  cryptocurrency will be very easy to use compared to now.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: mk4 on April 18, 2019, 03:01:30 AM
1. Higher prices on the more reputable projects
2. More shitcoins
3. More bitcoin forks(whether we like it or not)
4. More adoption
5. More bans
6. More exchange hacks
7. More FUD

It's pretty much very difficult to have a guess on when bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general will be globally accepted. It could be in 5 years, and it could be in 50+ years.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: dothebeats on April 18, 2019, 03:08:55 AM
I can pretty much see it booming and being used in a majority of transactions whenever possible and just existing side-by-side with fiat and not literally revamping the whole financial system. Merchants would soon realize that cryptocurrencies are in fact a viable payment method and governments would have then created regulations and provisions for the betterment of the cryptomarket and its relations with e-Commerce and the financial markets as a whole. Though the future in my opinion is bright, I just couldn't see it (cryptocurrencies) being able to compete against fiat for financial services such as loans etc.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Erickan on April 18, 2019, 03:25:58 AM
Although I believe crypto will develop in about next ten years, it is only subjective thinking, everything can happen. I also don't think fiat will completely disappear in the next ten years, it is a blatant thought and a lack of basis. Fiat has existed for centuries, removing it completely is very difficult, I think fiat is also very good if it and crypto support each other.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Ailmand on April 18, 2019, 03:30:00 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


10 years from now, we can expect that cryptocurrency adaptation is higher compared to how it is today. We can see more innovations and development in the blockchain and the whole crypto market. I don't see crypto replacing and completely erasing fiat, it might be accepted as an alternative mediun of exchange like debit/credit card.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: traderethereum on April 18, 2019, 03:50:10 AM
It will depend on the government itself. If they don't try to accept cryptocurrency, then I think we need more than just 10 years, and we can't see cryptocurrency will become the next payment method.
But if this year or in the next year, all government decide to accept cryptocurrency, then it will no need to wait for long to see cryptocurrency will be used as the new payment method beside of fiat.
And I don't think that fiat will disappear because of cryptocurrency, but I think fiat and cryptocurrency can work together to support the country itself.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: tegarp90 on April 18, 2019, 04:19:14 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


It must be the only digital currency alive in this world, because the decentralized system which is loved by many people.
But i'm not sure it will be bitcoin on the top of the list, i feel something new and more useful will coming at the future

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: MMS2017 on April 18, 2019, 04:21:17 AM
In my opinion cryptocurrency is the new modern era currency and just like paper money we can use it for various purposes and not just this but we can withdraw this cash as we need where we want so in future this currency will be more competitive currency than fiat.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: senin on April 18, 2019, 04:25:25 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Cryptocurrency will undoubtedly continue to evolve over the next ten years.
 It needs to be very easy to use in order to bring it closer to being used by an ordinary person. While it still represents a certain difficulty in use, and especially in need of professional protection. However, it is still impossible to say what will happen to cryptocurrency in ten years. This is too long. Cryptocurrency changes very quickly every year.
While it can be said that cash during this time will not disappear. It is unlikely that they will disappear in fifty, and in a hundred years. In any case, the cryptocurrency will not cause the disappearance of cash. Cryptocurrency can not force cash out of circulation.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Caladonian on April 18, 2019, 04:27:45 AM
For me, it will be depends on how the community acceptance will be, if crypto currency will be supported by many people the existence will continue and the popularity will make the difference, adoptions and usable system can be determined when more establishments and businesses will start supporting this new ways of crypto currency, we will continue to see the never ending sways till we see mass adoptions all over the globe.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: The Cryptovator on April 18, 2019, 04:42:33 AM
You can imagine it easily, just think about TEN years back, how had you seen crypto-currency? Then you will get answers how will you see crypto-currency after TEN years. There will more advanced technology and we can expect more improvements & revolution after TEN years. We have seen current technology is more advanced and faster from beginning. So I am thinking positive, crypto-currency will gain financial revolution upcoming days. We would see a strong crypto-currency community and supporters. So I will suggest, hodl as much as possible for upcoming days.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: jakelyson on April 18, 2019, 05:12:27 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


Ten years is too quick. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will need more time to be able to erase fiat. See, it is not just fiat that you are fighting here. If it was not backed by a government, yes, ten years is more than enough. You will be fighting governments here. And they will not easily give up their precious fiat.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: kamBlanV on April 18, 2019, 05:38:36 AM
we can't be sure of that. the crypto trip just started. so. the public must learn to adapt with crypto volatility. some people are still afraid of crypto. negative assumptions about crypto still spread in the public.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Yaunfitda on April 18, 2019, 05:41:06 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


I don't think that fiat will be obsolete in the future. Crypto's objective is not to bring a demise of fiat, but to help people gain financial freedom and to get away from any third party.

That's why I still believed that both of them can co-exist in a environment wherein the people will be in a win-win situation. So I don't think that fiat will be gone and be replace by crypto, imho.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: MostafaGamal on April 18, 2019, 05:41:44 AM
Certainly the expectation is difficult
But based on what has been seen before, digital currencies can disappear in return for the emergence of new technology more flexible and easy and have special currencies
and it is possible that digital currencies will continue and eliminate paper currencies
But my expectation is that the currencies will continue but we will see only 200 or 300 currencies only who have projects

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Haunebu on April 18, 2019, 07:17:38 AM
Another thread stating that BTC will replace FIAT. Seriously people? How in the world do you expect everyone to simply abandon FIAT and move on like it is nothing? This will never happen.

Bitcoin and other crypto were developed as alternative payment sources and nothing else.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Bitinity on April 18, 2019, 07:48:18 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


I answer is still the same, it wont happen till the end of this world. Crytpo wont replace fiat globally, there are many countries does not accept crypto as real money because of its volatility while some countries has their own rules that a currency should have stable value to be accepted as real money.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Ains_sama on April 18, 2019, 09:50:27 AM
to see crypto currencies in the next 10 years I really believe that it will be very good, but I don't think it will be able to delete fiat currency in this world.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Red-Apple on April 18, 2019, 09:51:27 AM
there will surely be a lot more growth but to be honest i don't think in 10 years we are going to see that much of a difference in the "cryptocurrencies" of course innovations don't alarm you before happening but with the way the market currently is, i only see bitcoin growing and the same pump and dumps in altcoins grow more nothing else.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: De4ted on April 18, 2019, 10:05:49 AM
Its not clear whats your real question here.

How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
No one could say but we all hope here that after 10 years bitcoin must have reach its new ATH and also at least double its user or believer right now.

How long do you think can it take?
As I said on the first question "NO ONE COULD SAY" what will happen but we all know that it is not impossible for bitcoin to reach that.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: okala on April 18, 2019, 10:23:48 AM
Cryptocurrency may gain general acceptability and use by most civilized members of the society since the world economy is moving towards cashless economy bit to say cryptocurrency will replace faint currency that sims impossible to achieve because the traditional financial institutions support paper money as the legally accepted currency.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Hardtolife on April 18, 2019, 11:45:46 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

10 years more because in my opinion in the next 10 years there must be a lot of advanced technology and more and more people who know CRYPTO and have crypto money. And it cannot be denied that it can be faster than 10 years because modern times can receive something quickly.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Kemarit on April 18, 2019, 12:27:08 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system.

May I know what documentaries did you watch? I'm just curious.

I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


No, it won't erase fiat system. It was not Satoshi vision if you are going to look at the whitepaper. What he wanted to was a alternative payment system. So I don't think that crypto will accomplished that in the next 10 years. Maybe there could be tip of the balance in favor of crypto. But I don't think that institutions who have been with us for hundreds years will simply disappear because of crypto.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Vaculin on April 18, 2019, 01:00:03 PM
there will surely be a lot more growth but to be honest i don't think in 10 years we are going to see that much of a difference in the "cryptocurrencies" of course innovations don't alarm you before happening but with the way the market currently is, i only see bitcoin growing and the same pump and dumps in altcoins grow more nothing else.
Yes. More people will come to understand cryptocurrency and there will be growing number of countries who will definitely adopt cryptocurrency in their monetary system. But replacing fiat totally i think it will not really happen. Surely there are still a lot of people who will still prefer to use fiat than cryptocurrency but as years go by,they will learn to accept cryptocurrency as a reserve currency.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Siren on April 18, 2019, 01:19:56 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

For how many times this has been asked here but still its been happy answering those

Firstly Fiat will never be erased in this world as we will be still needing those for othr form of transactions offline

Second thats true that future currency will be bitcoin and thats what i am certain about so we are confident on what is our future can bring from cryptocurrency

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: antisocial77 on April 18, 2019, 01:52:58 PM
You will post this message after you order stuffs from mobile with crypo and after that you will remember the bills and will pay them with crypto :)

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Bdstar on April 18, 2019, 04:26:27 PM
I want more development and crypto spreading  to worldwide Because It's important for crypto to known by all countries over the world.It not only increase investors but also crypto will be developed more and some countries which banned crypto will accept crypto currency.Ten year's is long way to go and I wish for crypto will be take over on fiat.                  

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: jony35490 on April 18, 2019, 05:28:45 PM
I've no doubt about cryptocurrency future. I think the future of cryptocurrency is very very bright. If every government accept crypto coins then it will be huge success for crypto economics. I think after 10 years there will be big changes in our whole world.       

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Daniel91 on April 18, 2019, 05:53:35 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


In my opinion crypto will become main alternative to the fiat money and many merchants will accept bitcoin payments (it's happening already).
This is inevitable but I don't think that fiat money will disappear.
Surely, governments and banks will not allow it and they have power.
Authorities will have no choice but to accept crypto but they will not give up from fiat.
They don't want to give up from their control over us.
At least tax office in my country is wise and they accepted bitcoin and treats it as money.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: gentlemand on April 18, 2019, 05:54:39 PM
Huge or dead. There's nothing in the middle.

I'll be impressed if anything other than BTC is still alive. And BTC itself may bear little resemblance to its current form.

And I think 'blockchain' will be doing things we never expected it to and be nowhere near what people are touting it for now. It's still a solution looking for a problem in most cases and it's going to take some finding.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: faceoff97 on April 18, 2019, 09:59:50 PM
Bitcoin will surely be in the mainstream. Mass adaptation is happening and value is more stable than now. The price also is even more higher reaching more than the highest peak it has reached before. Knowing how the continue is ever growing, we can be sure that the Bitcoin's future is so sure and bright.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 18, 2019, 10:12:36 PM
Expect cryptocurrencies to be relatively accepted in terms of legality and perspective. As time passes by, countries become lenient into viewing cryptocurrencies as alternative payment. Maybe there would be some developments and improvements that would unleash the potential of the blockchain technology and further enhance the dynamics of bitcoin.

I want more development and crypto spreading  to worldwide Because It's important for crypto to known by all countries over the world.It not only increase investors but also crypto will be developed more and some countries which banned crypto will accept crypto currency.Ten year's is long way to go and I wish for crypto will be take over on fiat.                 

That is actually true. Countries start opening to the idea of accepting a payment method which adheres to the elimination of a third-party unit. Maybe the price of each cryptocurrency (especially bitcoin) to skyrocket and still be the top of the food chain in terms of hierarchy.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Finestream on April 18, 2019, 10:57:53 PM
Bitcoin will surely be in the mainstream. Mass adaptation is happening and value is more stable than now. The price also is even more higher reaching more than the highest peak it has reached before. Knowing how the continue is ever growing, we can be sure that the Bitcoin's future is so sure and bright.
Definitely yes.Bitcoin's future will be brighter than today.There will be a large number of people who can utilize bitcoin properly because their knowledge on bitcoin had increased already.Unlike today that majority of the people are still naive about bitcoin and can't cope up with the fast changing technology.Although millenials can relate to bitcoin now but most of the elders cannot.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: MonsterV on April 19, 2019, 02:44:49 AM
I agree that crypto is the future currency, but I don't think that fiat will be deleted. Every government has its own monetary policy, crypto is a decentralized currency that conflicts with the government. Maybe in the future fiat will be replaced with digital currency or e-money

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Gaff on April 19, 2019, 03:14:17 AM
Bitcoin will surely be in the mainstream. Mass adaptation is happening and value is more stable than now. The price also is even more higher reaching more than the highest peak it has reached before. Knowing how the continue is ever growing, we can be sure that the Bitcoin's future is so sure and bright.
Definitely yes.Bitcoin's future will be brighter than today.There will be a large number of people who can utilize bitcoin properly because their knowledge on bitcoin had increased already.Unlike today that majority of the people are still naive about bitcoin and can't cope up with the fast changing technology.Although millenials can relate to bitcoin now but most of the elders cannot.

Technology upgrades will make people to eventually realize the essence of bitcoin's progress, as we continually learn by process. The knowledge doesn't stop of being just naive or whatsoever simplicity may brought us up. Every person has to move forward and with that span of 10 years, I think all of us will become more aware that digital currency is very importantly more than fiat physical money. For the millenials whose been part of this advanced technologies that crypto was more transparent, I am confident that we will soon witness the biggest market transaction will take place.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: pushups44 on April 19, 2019, 03:20:53 AM
I definitely see cryptocurrencies becoming mainstream, with tokenization of securities common on Wall Street and the financial system. I see a proliferation of Dapps and phones geared to crypto enthusiasts. I see a much more user-friendly experience. Also, I would not be shocked if a country has declared bitcoin a reserve or national currency by then.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: lyks15 on April 19, 2019, 03:29:30 AM
I don't think it will not happen that bitcoin or cryptocurrency will totally reolaced fiat money as a currency because I think even the government will see that fiat money will replaced all of us will be affected especially more of business stablishment and product price will be also affected because crypto's price value is not consistent. And more employee will loss their job.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: iqlimasyadiqa on April 19, 2019, 04:13:35 AM
10 years is a long time, I see this as a very significant change. the development of digital currencies will grow rapidly and changes that will occur so drastically. In the next 10 years there will be more facilities and technology growth will be more rapid. thus the growth in the use of digital currencies can be concluded that it will experience a very significant increase compared to the present.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: EdenHazard on April 19, 2019, 04:14:30 AM
It will happen if government hasn't been capable to take care of the economic system in its country. As you can see know when many governments always fight to the grow up cryptocurrency especially in my country. They fight when some people try to use cryptocurrency as payment system because money papper has been made by them as state identity. I'll have a bit confidence that cryptocurrency to be use as legal payment system in all countries and even change the utilize money fiat because government will never allowing it happens.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Falgorn on April 19, 2019, 05:49:30 AM
So far we can not definitely say what the cryptocurrency will look like in ten years. For ten years, the cryptocurrency should change greatly. On the one hand, it now continues to develop very rapidly, and on the other, it is still far from perfect and universal in connection with its relative complexity of use.
During this time, states should have already decided on its legalization and establishing the order of its circulation on the territory of all states. Therefore, the infrastructure for using cryptocurrency as a means of payment will already be sufficiently developed. There are, of course, other scenarios.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: carlisle1 on April 19, 2019, 06:09:05 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


10 years from now probably there will be a huge change not only in the cryptocurrency market but also with the adoption of most country with crypto. also there might be new cryptocurrencies that could enter the competition with other popular coins. the development of cryptos will sure continue up to the future but I still don't think that fiat will be gone at that moment. I believe that crypto and fiat will still coexist because people will still have a different perspective and there will still be a community that will be against our community.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: PlusOne88 on April 19, 2019, 06:39:02 AM
Perhaps there is a chance that money will be gone as it needs trees for the paper that is probably if the world is deforested of trees. Cryptocurrency or digital money might rise to replace it. But think of these, it wil not be because bitcoin or any other altcoins have replaced it, there is little chance that a decentralized system will be under the governments rule. People who want to be anonymous would opppose it. The possibility could be that the digital money at that time will be the value that the paper money holds and it will be regulated. The government is always monitoring movements of money as it may affect the national economy. So for this reason there might be a new cryptocurrency to represent physical money. And it might not be just ten years from now. Maybe far into the future.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Wilhelm on April 19, 2019, 06:53:04 AM
I saw a thread that most currencies need 100 years to mature.
In 10 years we will be at close to a quarter of maturity.

I believe that Bitcoin will still mostly be interesting for traders.
However it will also start to become one of the major payment systems for international online trade.
Volatility will still be there but it will cost you less than going through the banking system.

Old fashion cash will be replaced by bank based digital currencies (more debet/credit cards) however not Bitcoin.

Legislation around Bitcoin (and crypto) will be clear to everyone making it as normal as having physical gold.

In 10 years Bitcoin will hopefully be moving towards $1M :)

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: kateycoin on April 19, 2019, 08:29:19 AM
Maybe after 10 years cryptocurrency are more development, the price in the market is good and more company, country and people will adopt the cryptocurrency in their lives. We all know that the technology now is more useful in every people and I think cryptocurrency is also will be more useful after 10 years from now.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: TalkStar on April 19, 2019, 08:50:34 AM
Basically crypto currencies future development totally depend on its community. If worldwide crypto community spread its use, acceptation, adoption then its easy to say for anyone that crypto currencies have a bright future. From my vision i hope within next 10 years cypto currency will take a major place on our everyday life. World most of the investor and companies will continue their work by accepting crypto on each and every sector of their business. There is a huge chance to see a crypto surrounded strong economy in next 10 years IMO.

At least we are going to see massive crypto acceptation within a short time which is gonna change the whole scenario very soon.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: shesheboy on April 19, 2019, 10:05:31 AM
I saw a thread that most currencies need 100 years to mature.

100 years ?  No i dont think so  .  its been over 10 years and alot of cryptos are now doing a good job  . i can safely say that they are already mature most especially bitcoin because bitcoin is already recognize by most countries and most people  .

Volatility will still be there but it will cost you less than going through the banking system.

Yes the volatile nature of cryptos wont be remove because that is what makes crypto unique and attractive  but when the demand is high , the price also rise and the transaction fees will be slightly expensive as well

In 10 years Bitcoin will hopefully be moving towards $1M :)

Its possible to some countries that has a high exchange rate ( usd to local currency )   but from others , no idont think that it will be equivalent to 1m usd   

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Jeka73 on April 19, 2019, 10:10:38 AM
If you were asked 15 years ago what the internet will be like, you wouldn’t have even guessed it.
And with the cryptocurrency situation is even more incomprehensible.
Perhaps we are pilgrims in this matter. And maybe losers.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Slow death on April 19, 2019, 10:55:53 AM
I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

I agree that in the distant future we will not see paper money, but this is something that will take many years, maybe 50 years or 100 years, let's give an example of my country:


it will take many years for my country to be very developed and have formal markets with very good conditions for sellers, and it is only after that that the sellers of my country began to adopt the new technologies. This is a long process. I do not know if in 50 years or in any year bitcoin will be used more frequently by all the people of the world as the best payment method

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: maxreish on April 19, 2019, 12:21:03 PM
I have a positive outlook for the cryptocurrency after 10years. Cash will be less priority and digital payments are most prioritize that time. But this is just my own opinion, we can still can not say what will happen in the future since there are so many critics of cryptocurrency. They said that it cannot replace fiats because it lack of characteristics.
But i have a strong grip that cryptocurrency will have a better future.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Clark05 on April 19, 2019, 04:18:34 PM
It will not erase because money is we need still for sure after 10 years. Crypto is good for me but money is really needed to use everyday and we know that and we cannot replace it and they have many disadvantages of that even they have a lot of advatanges but we need to know first the result incase that happen. Thing better for the crypto is not good as long as we cannot having problems in the end.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: matchi2011 on April 19, 2019, 04:42:33 PM
Maybe after 10 years cryptocurrency are more development, the price in the market is good and more company, country and people will adopt the cryptocurrency in their lives. We all know that the technology now is more useful in every people and I think cryptocurrency is also will be more useful after 10 years from now.
It will surely be more developed and more adopted after 10 years, with how we see the market growing, it's giving us the directions where to follow
the economic growth of this currency, we will expect more people to be involved both from all the sectors of people around the  world, we do witness
the success and not for being an investment tools but a system that will help the society.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: djsugar on April 19, 2019, 07:39:28 PM
Cryptocurrency definitely have a future. Fiat are going away within a decade or so. With technologies and advancement, in future, we will change the way we transact and none other than cryptos will replace it. But in what form, cant be said at this particular moment. It could be government backed or our good old bitcoin.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: hahay on April 19, 2019, 07:50:46 PM
In the next 10 years, it seems that the growth of cryptocurrency will grow further, but to erase the fiat currency I think it will happen in the future and still need more time. If digital payments have become the main thing in the future, which means there is no more cash to use in each transaction, then it seems like cryptocurrency will take over in such a system which has far better advantages.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: crzy on April 19, 2019, 09:58:02 PM
It will be available in every country, more people are getting involved in this market and its price will become expensive. 10 years is too long, maybe in the next 5 years we will start to see a more open minded people where they easily adopt cryptocurrency. We are far from this but it will going to happen if we continue to believe.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: exstasie on April 19, 2019, 11:36:49 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


This is a really difficult question. Fiat monies haven't existed very long (only a matter of decades) so it's difficult to say how things will end up exactly, and on what timeline. Surely currencies like the USD appear unsustainable but if it collapses, it's not immediately clear whether the fiat system will be scrapped entirely or the currency gets relaunched.

Currency collapses are essentially crises of faith and we can't know for sure whether faith in fiat money will be shattered entirely. Gold bugs and the like are always so confident fiat money will go the way of the dodo (and quickly too) but I never underestimate the ability of the financial system to keep sustaining. After years of expecting doomsday to happen tomorrow, I realized the gold bugs were totally wrong about how long it would take.

And when fiat monies are replaced, it'll be interesting to see whether we see a return to commodity-backed money like the gold standard, or a move towards cryptocurrencies, or something else. Who knows?

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: gamer4156 on April 20, 2019, 06:07:42 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


No doubt crytpo currency will be the future but crypto currency needs BTC and ETH like currencies. I think only top 50 crypto currencies are real and they have real investment, remaining currencies have fake or time being investments in them. I know many crypto currencies they were very active in coinmarketcap but now they are not even in the list. RKT is on of them. Solid project like BTC and ETH will be more helpful to replace the fiat.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Shinpako09 on April 20, 2019, 09:05:55 AM
I agree that crypto will be the future but I disagree that fiat will get erased soon. Also 10 years is still short for such erased thing. Fiat will always be here eventhough the adoptation grows in the near future. What I expect 10 years from now is a higher bottomed will be recorded as the price sets a higher ATH.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: bamboylee on April 20, 2019, 09:53:04 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


They will  co-exist in my opinion. Fiat will always have the backing of the government. Maybe crypto will replace all online payment methods but it will not replace fiat. The government will protect it. And there will be regulations and laws that will limit the use of crypto, so it will be hard to erase fiat.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Wexlike on April 20, 2019, 11:21:01 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


They will  co-exist in my opinion. Fiat will always have the backing of the government. Maybe crypto will replace all online payment methods but it will not replace fiat. The government will protect it. And there will be regulations and laws that will limit the use of crypto, so it will be hard to erase fiat.

With so much pessimism and with so many selling their coins bragging how they are geniuses, they are now waiting for the Big Dip. What if it doesn't come?. Bull markets are born in Pessimism and die in Euphoria. Are we Euphoric yet? No we have an abundance of pessimists waiting for a dip to 4500 some even a retest of the low at 3200. Talk about waiting for a water truck in the desert. Now we have used gold as a comparison before.

For nearly 5 years Gold traded between 260-330 not really doing much, but towards the end of the 4th year it started rallying. I remember when gold hit 400 again and everyone was selling, thinking "I'll buy the dip back at $300, after all you sell the highs right? But was it really a high? Nope the previous high in 1980 was nearly 900 and for years I heard "gold is dead, just a shiny pet rock. Thank God they sold in the nick of time, or so they thought. It proceeded to move higher and I heard, it will pullback, nothing goes straight up. Sure there were some minor pullbacks or pauses, but guess what it didn't pullback.

The same thing applies to cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Yamifoud on April 20, 2019, 12:05:17 PM
I agree that crypto will be the future but I disagree that fiat will get erased soon. Also 10 years is still short for such erased thing. Fiat will always be here eventhough the adoptation grows in the near future. What I expect 10 years from now is a higher bottomed will be recorded as the price sets a higher ATH.
Believing that even cryptocurrencies will be accepted as a mode of payment in all types of business but I've never think that we deplete fiat for these.
For that long (10 years) it probably a lot of changes and possible to happen than prices today may x3 at that time. And I'm afraid that it wont be fair to all levels in the society.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: samputin on April 20, 2019, 12:51:00 PM
"Erase" is kinda big word. And I don't think fiat will be totally gone for good for the next 10 years. There are still a lot of acceptance from all over the world regarding cryptocurrency. It may be more accepted in the next 10 years than it is accepted now. It may even have higher value by that time. Changes will surely happen, tons of it. But we would still be here supporting crypto but not necessarily 'erasing' fiat. We both need them for some reason.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Lucius on April 20, 2019, 01:03:14 PM
I'm sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume.
I see Bitcoin the same as Satoshi almost ten years ago, or it will be very successful, or will not exist at all. Time is something that can not be bought or skip, everything else is only in the domain of speculation. Since bitcoin is something unique, we can not compare it to fiat, gold or stocks, and on the basis of something known anticipate unknown.

The first ten years have passed, they were really exciting in terms of the price itself, but also in terms of developing crypto infrastructure. Every beginning is usually difficult, and next 10 years will not be less exciting or less difficult.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Che454010 on April 20, 2019, 01:34:00 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


I don't think that in the 10 years time fiat currency will be erased, but crypto would be aggressively adopted in the most parts of the world and most governments would also adopt crypto in their financial systems.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: snipie on April 20, 2019, 02:51:03 PM
Ten years ago, bitcoin was almost nothing for everyone except for few people. Nowadays, the adoption is rising but very slowly, millions of people use bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general and the double at least heard about it. We need to see more companies using it and why not receiving salaries with it.
So yes, I think in the next years bitcoin specifically will be more important than now!

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: richjohn on April 20, 2019, 03:03:18 PM
I believe crypto has great future ahead. According to me 10 years down the line, we will see marketcap of a few trillion dollars. Btc might or might not be the top coin, but most of altcoins will disappear and maybe we end up with better and useful coins with potential.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Febo on April 20, 2019, 06:44:13 PM
I believe crypto has great future ahead. According to me 10 years down the line, we will see marketcap of a few trillion dollars. Btc might or might not be the top coin, but most of altcoins will disappear and maybe we end up with better and useful coins with potential.

Bitcoin will be top coin. It is only one to replace money. Only competitor is fungible Monero. They are one of rare crypto currencies with a use case. The rest are just noise.  Diferent dentacoins and similar crap will not exist simply because of uselessness. So as the asset platforms where those tokens were issued.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: ChrisPop on April 20, 2019, 07:09:48 PM
I believe that if we teleport 5 years from now over 90% of stores will accept some kind of cryptocurrency as a payment method, most if not all of the nations will have reserves in bitcoin and maybe their own stable cryptos. In my opinion the next 5 years will be critical for crypto. We will see major changes in the world and a great upgrade to all the industries especially on the financial one. The banking system will be transformed from the ground up and satoshi will be a usual word in our vocabulary.  ;D

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: ricardobs on April 20, 2019, 08:55:58 PM
10 years is so far for us to start experiencing the what is coming to the world, I am talking about the fall of the monetary system, a lot of government of the world are already seeing it falling this is why they are trying to do everything possible to make sure they are able to control the Crypto world so that they will still be in power even if fiat is no more, because without them having controls over the money system of the world, then they are powerless.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: serjent05 on April 20, 2019, 10:27:13 PM
I believe there will be an exponential growth of adopters.  Government are now recognizing the important of blockchain technology and they are starting to accept it, aside from that finance institution are also thinking to participate in cryptocurrency market and many investors are looking at it because of the volatility where they can possibly get profit.  It will be a long road for cryptocurrency ahead but with lots of cryptocurrency projects that are trying to connect with merchants and normal people, and making it easy for normal people to use cryptocurrency especially in their mode of payments, it is very possible that cryptocurrency will be used by more than 30% if global population.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: shoreno on April 20, 2019, 10:39:25 PM

10 years from now . ill see that cryptos will still be cryptos , yes nothing wont change because they are still volatile no matter what . the adoption can grow but the price is not guarantee to increase because at some point cryptos will still experience a dip/bear . i guess the only change that we will notice is that the acceptance for cryptos will be wider . more merchants or more stores will add cryptos to their service  and more countries/people will recognize it .

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: daniel08 on April 21, 2019, 12:55:06 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Fiat currency will not be erase because fiat is what most people use in paying and buying their needs , in future fiat and cryptocureencies will be the source of payments of billings of people. In the next 10 years of cryptocurrencies , i think the future of it will be good to people and the lives of people will be easy and more convinient.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on April 21, 2019, 02:56:11 AM
Ten years ago, bitcoin was almost nothing for everyone except for few people. Nowadays, the adoption is rising but very slowly, millions of people use bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general and the double at least heard about it. We need to see more companies using it and why not receiving salaries with it.
So yes, I think in the next years bitcoin specifically will be more important than now!
The next 10 years will be different because more companies are already supporting the blockchain technology and because of bitcoin we will enjoy a brighter future. I see cryptocurrency to have their own market where they can easily move without having any pressure from the government, and every country will support it and bitcoin will remain the leader of all.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: joshy23 on April 21, 2019, 03:08:41 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Stop.being stupid that think fiat will gone forever because this will never happen.yeah i agreed about the popularity and the future of cryptocurrency because we are in tech world now and we are sooner bw computerized in every part of the world, but never forget that fiat is a currency of every living country's ans they will never allowed those to be erased so the thing here is both fiat and crypto will.merge in future to serve the whole universe

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: BeGoods on April 21, 2019, 03:16:50 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


I don't think that in the 10 years time fiat currency will be erased, but crypto would be aggressively adopted in the most parts of the world and most governments would also adopt crypto in their financial systems.
I think a funny imagination if you think that fiat will disappear, fiat will continue to be managed to continue to be used by the community and it will continue to be supported by the government. and for cryptocurrency there are certainly a lot of things that might happen in that period, but I hope the legality of all countries

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: omonuyak on April 21, 2019, 07:04:33 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

It might not be possible to erase fiat currency completely and ten years might not be enough for government to be convinced to used bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies as a mode of payment and money!  It is going to be a very difficult thing but in terms of pricing bitcoin is going to pump and in 10 years to come it might be above $500,000.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Clark05 on April 21, 2019, 12:08:57 PM

10 years from now . ill see that cryptos will still be cryptos , yes nothing wont change because they are still volatile no matter what . the adoption can grow but the price is not guarantee to increase because at some point cryptos will still experience a dip/bear . i guess the only change that we will notice is that the acceptance for cryptos will be wider . more merchants or more stores will add cryptos to their service  and more countries/people will recognize it .
That's true many countries will be recognize and accept bitcoin or cryptocurrency. Crypto will become more popular after 10 years now and many people will know cryptocurrency and they use it different store in real world because many people will suggest as payment I think. The connection of the crypto will be larger and maybe the coins will be high if the investors now support cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: acharias on April 21, 2019, 12:19:32 PM
I believe that Bitcoin will be used on a daily basis by many people 10 years from now. Most altcoins will have probably disappeared since 90%+ of all altcoins have no purpose besides trading them.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: wuvdoll on April 21, 2019, 03:07:55 PM
Yeah, considering fiat to go away is not really that smart, we are not ready to get rid of it right now and we probably won't be ready in 10 years neither. Fiat is doomed to fail for sure because in reality there is way too much debt and way little possessions to keep it up but crypto is not like that, you either have it or not and that is the end of that.

We need much more time than 10 years to actually get rid of all fiat system we have right now but for the next 10 years I think the "coexisting" is the right word, we will get bitcoin higher and higher both in price and adoption but we will also keep using fiat for things that bitcoin hasn't reached yet (like taxi fare in most countries). If we can manage that for a while it will give bitcoin enough time to cover all exchange.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Deborah Christine on April 22, 2019, 01:08:50 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


I think that in the future cryptocurrency will be used by many countries compared to fiat money but for how long it will happen I cannot be sure.  but indeed it will definitely require a considerable amount of time maybe over 20 years.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Michael_McGraw on April 22, 2019, 08:33:49 AM
You should read Joseph Stiglitz’s works. He predicted the fall of Bitcoin. Stiglitz is the Nobel Prize winner in economics. His most famous books are the Price of Inequality and the Great Separation. He predicts that by 2020 Bitcoin will stabilize to a price of 5000 and will start to grow again.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Insanity on April 22, 2019, 08:46:26 AM
I believe that Bitcoin will be used on a daily basis by many people 10 years from now. Most altcoins will have probably disappeared since 90%+ of all altcoins have no purpose besides trading them.
Exactly bitcoin will have a good purpose in all over the world it would be use to everywhere in many things!!! and that’s great

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: kentrolla on April 22, 2019, 10:43:04 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


I think that in the future cryptocurrency will be used by many countries compared to fiat money but for how long it will happen I cannot be sure.  but indeed it will definitely require a considerable amount of time maybe over 20 years.

 I think the future of crypto currencies are going to boom the market and attract majority of investors towards crypto or digital currencies. It might take 10-15 years to widely accepted and recognized by government agencies and among banking systems.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: bitbunnny on April 22, 2019, 10:56:42 AM
The use of Bitcoin changes how Bitcoin is developing and how the bigger and bigger number of users are coming to the market.
Nowdays spending and using Bitcoin is much more easier than few years ago because there are many convenient services that enables that. With time I only expect progress. But I don't think that in the future cryptocurrencies will replace fiat but they will exist together and people will use both.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Apes on April 22, 2019, 11:04:57 AM
the way I see the crypto future is from developers and the government. if there is no convenience from the government and developers it is difficult to realize the projects they are working on I think cryptocurrencies can die. the global trend from each country that rejects Crypto is to create digital currency managed by banks. so if the social trend are change from fiat becomes digital. the government and the bank are ready to facilitate.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Wexlike on April 22, 2019, 12:09:52 PM
the way I see the crypto future is from developers and the government. if there is no convenience from the government and developers it is difficult to realize the projects they are working on I think cryptocurrencies can die. the global trend from each country that rejects Crypto is to create digital currency managed by banks. so if the social trend are change from fiat becomes digital. the government and the bank are ready to facilitate.

If we close this weekly green in one more hour, be ready. No one knows what the fuck can happen once we pass $6k. I’ve been trembling with excitement like a crackhead all day. There are so many people waiting on the sidelines right now because of the 2014 fractal. If we rocket past $6k, and those $3.6k pullback ideas are put to rest, we will have a great fomo. Mark my words, the fomo will be legendary once we pass $6k.

Edit: This forum is more dead, right now, than our $2.9k China Ban low in 2017. So much money sitting on the sidelines right now, I giggle thinking about it.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Febo on April 22, 2019, 03:37:12 PM
I believe that if we teleport 5 years from now over 90% of stores will accept some kind of cryptocurrency as a payment method, most if not all of the nations will have reserves in bitcoin and maybe their own stable cryptos. In my opinion the next 5 years will be critical for crypto. We will see major changes in the world and a great upgrade to all the industries especially on the financial one. The banking system will be transformed from the ground up and satoshi will be a usual word in our vocabulary.  ;D

I agree with you. Next 5 years. We will have an economic crysis in this period of time. A huge debate of Cryptocurrencies will appear just in any part of society. Of course some will dismiss it but other not.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: guoyu78 on April 23, 2019, 04:47:35 PM
I believe that Bitcoin will be used on a daily basis by many people 10 years from now. Most altcoins will have probably disappeared since 90%+ of all altcoins have no purpose besides trading them.
Exactly bitcoin will have a good purpose in all over the world it would be use to everywhere in many things!!! and that’s great
The whole focus is already shifting back to Bitcoin as this altcoins are already losing it, with the attention Bitcoin has gradually gained now and continue to gain, 10 years of from now, Bitcoin will really be the top of all digital payment worldwide, by that time, the whole world will be talking more of Bitcoin and less of cash.

And the most happy part of it is that, in 10 year’s time, many of us will be smiling out of our banks with the drama BTC would have performed with our investment now, and no matter the withdrawal from BTC, it will never crash, since the spending

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: TIDOVEE on April 23, 2019, 05:00:40 PM
i see cryptocurrency in the next 10 years as a highly popular currency dominating larger part of the world. one thing im not sure of is, if the bounty and ico will still be on. because the way bounty was when i started is not the way it is now.
1.users are just so many, competing for the token now
2. the upgrade has even made gaining a new status more difficult.
with that i feel bounty may not work again.but the world would accept it more.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: KennyR on April 24, 2019, 10:32:59 AM
From now on when we take ten years into consideration for growth it'll be big. The reason what strikes my mind on the growth were the increased adoption, ongoing increased marketplace acceptance, and importantly two halving happens between the specific time period. Apart from this at least 10-20% of the people can be seen using cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: xvids on April 24, 2019, 10:48:15 AM
From the past 10 years we have seen such great movement of adaptation.
So I think in the next 10 years we could use it as a regular payment method and we could pay anything with crypto currency.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: 2chase on April 24, 2019, 06:11:43 PM
It seems to me that in order for the whole world to fully use all the advantages and opportunities that the cryptocurrency gives us, at least 10-15 years must pass. And maybe even more than 20. Because everything in the world is quite slow. Especially when it comes to finance.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: raven7886 on April 25, 2019, 03:19:58 PM
From the past 10 years we have seen such great movement of adaptation.
So I think in the next 10 years we could use it as a regular payment method and we could pay anything with crypto currency.
That is the right thing to say, the adoption of digital payment using cryptocurrency will be on the rise but may not successfully displace fiat of its position, although the position fiat will occupy then will almost be as tiny as needle, because the attention of 60% of the whole world would have been diverted to cryptocurrency by then.

The awareness is so high that all the people that I have asked around me has heard about cryptocurrency, and especially bitcoin and it is not a strange thing to them, the next stage will just be how they can apply it to their financial system for us to get to the peak of adoption which will happen fast within that 10 years.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: omonuyak on April 25, 2019, 05:23:14 PM
I believe that Bitcoin will be used on a daily basis by many people 10 years from now. Most altcoins will have probably disappeared since 90%+ of all altcoins have no purpose besides trading them.
That is right and it means bitcoin will go mainstream before the next 10 years.  I think, our governments are playing with the future of money by be against the development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in resolving our financial problems.  Ten years to come many citizens eyes must have open to what bitcoin is and we would began to use it for transactions.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: sj2199 on April 27, 2019, 05:41:07 PM
what I see about cryptocurrency in the next 10 years is very simple, cryptocurrency will be accepted by many people and more people will be using crypto as an investment and alternative payment.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Johnzky on April 27, 2019, 05:47:53 PM
Cryptocurrency will be adopted in total,the world will accept this as currency.

In 10 years we witnessed the ability of this virtual currency to serve the world so what more in another 10 years when we have already popularized the universe with this great innovation?

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Adriano2010 on April 27, 2019, 06:26:00 PM
I think in 10 years crypto will be used daily, most of people will use it for shoping, and even if will use bitcoin on lightning network for fast transfer, and on 10 years the price will be much higher.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: bitcoin31 on April 28, 2019, 03:51:57 AM
I think in 10 years crypto will be used daily, most of people will use it for shoping, and even if will use bitcoin on lightning network for fast transfer, and on 10 years the price will be much higher.
Yes maybe in the next 1 decade bitcoin will use like a money when otherpeople use it to buy for their daily needs to the different atores in online world and in the real world also.  The two things maybe happen happen to the bitcoin maybe yes the price become higher compared to this value now but remember bitcoin old now is 10 years old now and maybe it will down or become die after 1 decade.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Cherylstar86 on April 28, 2019, 08:15:52 AM
I believe that Bitcoin will be used on a daily basis by many people 10 years from now. Most altcoins will have probably disappeared since 90%+ of all altcoins have no purpose besides trading them.
That is right and it means bitcoin will go mainstream before the next 10 years.  I think, our governments are playing with the future of money by be against the development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in resolving our financial problems.  Ten years to come many citizens eyes must have open to what bitcoin is and we would began to use it for transactions.
  Ten years from now is very difficult to predict, as the market carried high volatilization and the value of some coins are fluctuant. As the current phase of market is heading a gradual pump, the innovation of a bountiful growth of cryptocurrency can be visionize to the people around the field and its popularity will exceed constantly that may lead to gain mass adoption and be illicit to other country.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: sirohige on April 28, 2019, 08:20:12 AM
I think in 10 years crypto will be used daily, most of people will use it for shoping, and even if will use bitcoin on lightning network for fast transfer, and on 10 years the price will be much higher.
Yes maybe in the next 1 decade bitcoin will use like a money when otherpeople use it to buy for their daily needs to the different atores in online world and in the real world also.  The two things maybe happen happen to the bitcoin maybe yes the price become higher compared to this value now but remember bitcoin old now is 10 years old now and maybe it will down or become die after 1 decade.
I don't think this can be confirmed correctly because we all know the movement of bitcoin is unpredictable and I see also no sign of good news saying that bitcoin will be used for transactions in the real world, but if what you say is true then no intentionally you have predicted the development of bitcoin.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Dr.Osh on April 28, 2019, 09:49:55 AM
the current development of cryptocurrency really does look very good. however, some ICOs have now seen a decline from their development, and now the IEO has emerged. well, I think crypto development will continue to grow for the next 10 years. there will always be new things offered from this technology.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: South Park on April 30, 2019, 09:03:11 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Fiat currency will never disappear because governments are too happy with it to give up their monopoly without a fight, and even if cryptocurrencies are somehow able to become the most used currencies around the world you can be sure that banks, governments and even private businesses will release their own coins and eventually they will begin to gain acceptance once again among the population because they do not really care about the principles of freedom in which cryptocurrencies are based, they only care about how easy is to use and spend a particular currency.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: 2chase on April 30, 2019, 10:05:32 PM
It seems to me that we should not expect that everything will happen very quickly. Most likely it will take another couple of decades. But this is not a problem, if everything is so long, then for the time being we will have the opportunity to increase our capital at the expense of several bull runs.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: imstillthebest on April 30, 2019, 11:35:18 PM
crypto 10 years from now ? uhmm i think cryptos will increase but not high enough because the unstability is still there  . other than that i see that cryptos will now be accepted on most countries  .

the number of countries that rejects cryptos will no be lessen drastically while the number of stores and merchants that will accepts cryptos will probably increase  . laslty  , crypto will still be remain to be an alternative payment system and fiats or local currencies will still remain to be dominant  .

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: gilangIDR on May 01, 2019, 12:24:28 AM
crypto is a phenomenal thing in recent years, with its various benefits and functions, crypto is widely used by the world community. it can be ascertained that in the next 10 years when technology has increased, support for crypto will definitely improve. I am very confident that there will be a huge crypto application and crypto technology will be applied to various sectors. In addition, crypto transactions will become the majority in the financial system in the world.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: BeGoods on May 01, 2019, 02:11:13 AM
I think in 10 years crypto will be used daily, most of people will use it for shoping, and even if will use bitcoin on lightning network for fast transfer, and on 10 years the price will be much higher.
Yes maybe in the next 1 decade bitcoin will use like a money when otherpeople use it to buy for their daily needs to the different atores in online world and in the real world also.  The two things maybe happen happen to the bitcoin maybe yes the price become higher compared to this value now but remember bitcoin old now is 10 years old now and maybe it will down or become die after 1 decade.
it can occur more quickly if legality and regulation occur. 10 years is a long time. Bitcoin can reach $19k in just 8 years,
a very remarkable development right? of course in the next 10 years, maybe the development has been very advanced.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Juggy777 on May 01, 2019, 03:41:25 AM
It seems to me that we should not expect that everything will happen very quickly. Most likely it will take another couple of decades. But this is not a problem, if everything is so long, then for the time being we will have the opportunity to increase our capital at the expense of several bull runs.

At current rate it could easily be up to $50k in 10 years time or even more, as I feel people are adopting bitcoins at a faster rate. Then there is always a possibility of countries adopting bitcoins as a legal tender in coming years, which shall further boost bitcoin prices. Last but not the least no one can give you an accurate picture, as bitcoins is not controlled by anyone hence each one will give you a different opinion.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Cherylstar86 on May 01, 2019, 06:34:02 AM
It seems to me that we should not expect that everything will happen very quickly. Most likely it will take another couple of decades. But this is not a problem, if everything is so long, then for the time being we will have the opportunity to increase our capital at the expense of several bull runs.

At current rate it could easily be up to $50k in 10 years time or even more, as I feel people are adopting bitcoins at a faster rate. Then there is always a possibility of countries adopting bitcoins as a legal tender in coming years, which shall further boost bitcoin prices. Last but not the least no one can give you an accurate picture, as bitcoins is not controlled by anyone hence each one will give you a different opinion.

   Absolutely, it is hard to predict the future on how will the market surpass the high volatility that may also affect the value of some coins. Though, some coins has started to pump even in a gradual way, the possible massive growth will occur soon. And being optimism will give a way to engage people with different vision on market phase.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: perla on May 01, 2019, 07:05:53 AM
It seems to me that we should not expect that everything will happen very quickly. Most likely it will take another couple of decades. But this is not a problem, if everything is so long, then for the time being we will have the opportunity to increase our capital at the expense of several bull runs.

At current rate it could easily be up to $50k in 10 years time or even more, as I feel people are adopting bitcoins at a faster rate. Then there is always a possibility of countries adopting bitcoins as a legal tender in coming years, which shall further boost bitcoin prices. Last but not the least no one can give you an accurate picture, as bitcoins is not controlled by anyone hence each one will give you a different opinion.

   Absolutely, it is hard to predict the future on how will the market surpass the high volatility that may also affect the value of some coins. Though, some coins has started to pump even in a gradual way, the possible massive growth will occur soon. And being optimism will give a way to engage people with different vision on market phase.
10 years, anything can happen and maybe no one can' predict about crypto like what you said. Because crypto not only can grow, but also dead if problems keep happen and a lot of countries start to make it illegal to use in their country and no community can make it safed.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: South Park on May 02, 2019, 08:47:57 PM
It seems to me that we should not expect that everything will happen very quickly. Most likely it will take another couple of decades. But this is not a problem, if everything is so long, then for the time being we will have the opportunity to increase our capital at the expense of several bull runs.
I also think like this, even the internet which was one of the greatest inventions of the last century took decades to become what it is today and I do not see why bitcoin should be an exception to this, in fact bitcoin is still in development and it has not reached its definitive form yet, we still need to see if the lightning network will work as intended and if the developers can add a way to make our transactions more private without losing scalability in the process.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: zee11225 on May 03, 2019, 06:41:44 AM
crypto 10 years from now ? uhmm i think cryptos will increase but not high enough because the unstability is still there  . other than that i see that cryptos will now be accepted on most countries  .

the number of countries that rejects cryptos will no be lessen drastically while the number of stores and merchants that will accepts cryptos will probably increase  . laslty  , crypto will still be remain to be an alternative payment system and fiats or local currencies will still remain to be dominant  .
I see crypto in the next 10 years will be an important digital currency, because people have made digital a part of life so they do their activities through digital, including payment of transactions or investments.
An indication has now been seen that crypto currencies have been used in more than 100 countries in the world, especially developed countries. As a means of payment predicted it will be easier and faster because everything happens digitally.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: klaaas on May 03, 2019, 01:54:23 PM
Bitcoin will still be the biggest since it would have the most trusted blockchain, if the services and companies around it keeps growing like the last few years it can be tough competition for the current fiat systems.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: BigBos on May 03, 2019, 03:18:51 PM
Bitcoin will still be the biggest since it would have the most trusted blockchain, if the services and companies around it keeps growing like the last few years it can be tough competition for the current fiat systems.
well, 80% of this is still possible, because bitcoin is the best crypto for now, and I think this will continue to last for the next 10 years. besides, in terms of prices, I think the price will also increase.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: el kaka22 on May 03, 2019, 07:16:32 PM
I have seen a commercial yesterday that showed that if you use your banks app you can actually pay anything via QR code on the POS machine which means instead of carrying your credit card or debit card with you all you have to carry is your phone which we already carry anyway.

Now that really changed my perspective on bitcoin as well, if we have that technology for banks today why not have the same thing for bitcoins as well, there was just few exchanges for bitcoin at first but almost all countries have their own exchanges today, so if someone actually makes an app that pays with bitcoin thanks to QR code thing and the receiver gets fiat to their bank account than that app will be SUPER hyped and everyone will start to use it everywhere which will make adoption super fast and all other countries will see how that was done and replicate it as well.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Bit.Rich on May 03, 2019, 07:38:27 PM
I have seen a commercial yesterday that showed that if you use your banks app you can actually pay anything via QR code on the POS machine which means instead of carrying your credit card or debit card with you all you have to carry is your phone which we already carry anyway.

Now that really changed my perspective on bitcoin as well, if we have that technology for banks today why not have the same thing for bitcoins as well, there was just few exchanges for bitcoin at first but almost all countries have their own exchanges today, so if someone actually makes an app that pays with bitcoin thanks to QR code thing and the receiver gets fiat to their bank account than that app will be SUPER hyped and everyone will start to use it everywhere which will make adoption super fast and all other countries will see how that was done and replicate it as well.

Would you like to make it?

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Ngemmeng on May 03, 2019, 10:25:03 PM
that can happen but I don't know how long it will happen, maybe for 10 generations after I still used fiat currency instead of crypto currency. I am not too sure that this will happen because in my country the government prohibits crypto money as a means of payment.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: goaldigger on May 03, 2019, 11:32:54 PM
Hopefully, we will get over with the fiat or paper money and convert it into paperless. Technology would take over the world and we will be using one cryptocurrency which is bitcoin that doesnt need any conversion in every country. 10 years is so long that even we can produce new model of phones every month. This can be happen soon.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Johnzky on May 04, 2019, 07:06:45 AM
Hopefully, we will get over with the fiat or paper money and convert it into paperless. Technology would take over the world and we will be using one cryptocurrency which is bitcoin that doesnt need any conversion in every country. 10 years is so long that even we can produce new model of phones every month. This can be happen soon.
Why aiming for the total disappearing of Fiats and Paper money?can you give one best reason why this must happen?

Fiat do cryptocurrency no harm instead its cryptonians always saying this nonsense even the truth is impossibility is what they looking for lol

Fiat and cryptocurrency will be to the last,and serve the people until the end

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: incomefromcoins on May 04, 2019, 02:00:32 PM
crypto currency will be major internet currency most of merchants will use and more applications will come for enhancement for internet commerce

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Siren on May 04, 2019, 02:44:30 PM
crypto currency will be major internet currency most of merchants will use and more applications will come for enhancement for internet commerce
Not only for internet but for utility purposes also

Cryptocurrency from bitcoin leadership wi be used by the world as major currency and every.transactions to payments of.products will surely use bitcoin and also other altcoins the legitimate and the shit coins will die

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: 2chase on May 04, 2019, 09:14:50 PM
I think that this film quite likely describes the future structure of world finances. In 10 years, of course, there will not yet be a total Bitcoin expansion to all countries of the world, but in 15-20 years, this may well happen, I think. Why not assume that this is exactly what will happen? Are there any more acceptable alternatives? I think they are not!

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Oceat on May 04, 2019, 10:58:13 PM
Why not let these two used as a currency instead of wishing to disappear the fiat currency, don't you know how useful it is to some other people? I think it will take more than a decade before we will eventually see the cashless society which i think it just happens only in the movie.

I think there will be a different place for fiat and digital currency on how they should be used, although i find it more favorable to the richest people and not with the third world country people.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: UNOE on May 04, 2019, 11:07:07 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

I think something similiar like you. I think that in 10 years fiat currencies will still be counted as money, but they will be inflated for sure. Also, I think that most people have faith and value of fiat is in that faith. Fiat currencies are based on debt, but they should not be. Longer we wait to debt bubble burst, it will be harder for normal peoples. I see cryptocurrencies as second choice for that scenario.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: huhhuh18 on May 04, 2019, 11:11:51 PM
The major fact is that in some time to come in the future, advancements in the use of digital currencies will rise and paper money will become obsolete but the issue here is that will the big men allow cryptos to downplay their cherished fiat?? Anyways in the long run, i believe cryptos are gonna survive coz we've tested every failure exams possible and we're still here.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: fullhdpixel on May 05, 2019, 04:01:16 PM
crypto currency will be major internet currency most of merchants will use and more applications will come for enhancement for internet commerce
Correct mate, this is why I believe more in the future of cryptocurrency to now, once every merchants starts accepting cryptocurrency as alternative form of payment to cash or any other form of payment, it will bring boost to the economy of those merchant’s country, a lot of merchants are limited to the ends users within their country alone because of the payment barrier, but now that crypto payment has made it easy for anyone to receive payment anywhere in the world without any form of delay or long processes, merchants will be able to extend their sales to other parts of the country.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: South Park on May 08, 2019, 08:54:59 PM
Hopefully, we will get over with the fiat or paper money and convert it into paperless. Technology would take over the world and we will be using one cryptocurrency which is bitcoin that doesnt need any conversion in every country. 10 years is so long that even we can produce new model of phones every month. This can be happen soon.
Several countries are trying to encourage their population to leave paper money behind and only use debit and credit cards but that is a mistake, to begin with only the richest countries can do that so it is impossible for fiat in electronic form or cryptocurrencies to be used by everyone, so we will need a physical form of money for the foreseeable future, and second if the form of electronic money that is the most prevalent is still a form of fiat then you will lose all privacy since the governments and banks will know everything in which you spend your money, and finally you are overestimating the speed in which all of this can happen.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: zee11225 on July 21, 2019, 08:14:39 AM
Hopefully, we will get over with the fiat or paper money and convert it into paperless. Technology would take over the world and we will be using one cryptocurrency which is bitcoin that doesnt need any conversion in every country. 10 years is so long that even we can produce new model of phones every month. This can be happen soon.
I predict that another 10 years cryptocurrency will become a digital currency that is commonly used in many countries, where people view cryptocurrency as part of the world currency that is used digitally so that transactions can be done peer to peer and can occur 24 hours a day.
Money transfers between companies or between families of different countries do not need to go through the bank but can use cryptocurrency so it is very simple and very cheap, besides that it can be done anywhere as long as there is internet access.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Rooster101 on July 22, 2019, 07:59:59 AM
I think thousands of cryptocurrencies and tokens will be added in the market within the next 10 years and the so called cashless transactions that includes cryptocurrencies might be fully implemented in almost all wealthy nations. Some countries and big banks might already created their own centralized virtual currencies at that time and people started using it. I think fiat will not disappear because many people still prefer to use it rather than the virtual coins.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Polar91 on July 22, 2019, 09:55:38 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

I don't think it will erase the fiat but still we can't ignore to consider this scenario to happen. On the other hand, I see cryptocurrency 10 years from now as our secondary mode of payment next to fiat or it can be the major and fiat is the secondary. It could replace banking transactions including debit, atm cards and people will tend to use their smartphones instead for making payments.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: SquallLeonhart on July 22, 2019, 06:21:20 PM
If the adoption gets higher that would be awesome. Right now you can spend your bitcoin on places that accepts bitcoin and those are limited in number in most countries. You may go to New York and find plenty of places that takes bitcoin but most of the civilized world still has very few places that accepts it.

I don't know if bitcoin debit cards will get more famous where you spend bitcoin and not dollars with your debit card like coinsbank does or if more places will start to accept bitcoin but in the end all I know is I want to be able to spend my bitcoins without turning them into fiat. That is what I want for bitcoin in 10 years, not price, not volatility, not exchanges, just pure adoption where we can spend bitcoin anywhere, if that happens rest will take care of itself.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: khimer_rangers on July 24, 2019, 11:31:12 AM
for the next 10 years I think fiat cannot be replaced by digital currency,but bitcoin adoption will be increasingly widespread because bitcoin is a new technology and most likely in some countries will accept payments using bitcoin then fiat will shift by itself but that is not enough in 10 years.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: romero121 on July 24, 2019, 12:32:23 PM
Ten year from now there will be big change in the market and the usage of cryptocurrency. Just thinking the year 2009 what we've been experiencing in 2019 is very big. This way there will be assured growth in the next ten years of time in terms of users, adoption by large scale firms and acceptance level. Moreover can expect good increase in number of countries legalizing the use of cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: LimLims on July 24, 2019, 03:13:26 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


There is a huge possibility that, this will happen in the future.
It's really surprising that now popular sites are accepting cryptos as their source of payment.
This is no doubt indicating that Cryptocurrencies have a huge bright future.
Also now a days many people are getting to know about it.
So everything will be fine and we should accept it.
Good luck to us.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Wilhelm on July 24, 2019, 03:22:18 PM
Crypto will replace cash not all banking.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Siren on July 24, 2019, 04:27:11 PM
Crypto will replace cash not all banking.
Maybe not totally replaced instead the crypto will be used as main currency and will backing up by fiat Incase there’s some instances that crypto wasn’t available

Banks is what we need to be abolish because we don’t feel secure and confident having them specially everything that the did to us in past before cryptocurrency come to rescue us

In 10 years time?crypto will respected and people will be very thankful to Satoshi Nakamoto for bringing us this great creation

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: pishite on July 26, 2019, 04:03:42 AM
Cryptocurrency will develop at a rapid pace and we will probably be paying in online stores for 10 years. As for fiat money, they will switch to blockchain technology and the state will control them, a lot of interesting coins will appear during this period, and many old ones will go into oblivion. That's how I see a cryptoworld 10 years later.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: aan001 on July 28, 2019, 11:16:19 PM
10 years more surely the development of cryptocurrency will be increasingly widespread and accepted by many people, but crypto remains an alternative and will not be able to delete / replace the fiat function.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: dat.ho12492 on July 29, 2019, 07:35:55 AM
I am pretty sure that most people around the world will start using and trading cryptocurrencies within the next 10 years, the prices of BTC, ETH and the similar powerful coins will increase highly as well, and this will encourage more people to hold them as well.
Briefly, we expect a shining future for cryptocurrencies in the coming 10 years.
Similar to other people, you only give ideas that come from random, more accurate, you are in the role of a user and you are encouraging, create a sense of security with your investment but the nature of the words of encouragement, these ideas are just events in the imagination, it is not a real story. The future is something that we cannot draw, we can only wait for it to come, and regardless of whether crypto's future is good or bad in the next 10 years, we should prepare for us different ways of retreat, not too confident and not too negative

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Mihaylovic on July 30, 2019, 08:00:57 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?


i believe in blockchain technology solutions and cryptocurrencies. in the near future blockchaşn technology will be much more popular but i dont think that it will eliminate the fiat currency totally. Because there will always be people that wants the old traditional ways.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Botnake on July 30, 2019, 11:08:03 PM
I know it is a long wait for us to see crypto been legalized all over the world. But seeing that fiat could be wiped out and replace by crypto is something not to happen especially those areas who are limited access into the internet.
It is not important that fiat could be replaced, but the most important is we find crypto as a currency not just only an investment.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: bering on July 31, 2019, 03:34:34 PM
I know it is a long wait for us to see crypto been legalized all over the world. But seeing that fiat could be wiped out and replace by crypto is something not to happen especially those areas who are limited access into the internet.
It is not important that fiat could be replaced, but the most important is we find crypto as a currency not just only an investment.
You says it's true rather than attempts to eleminating fiat i think we all should be more focus to makes governments around the world legalize crypto and admit crypto as the currency so we as crypto users can use bitcoin or altcoins regularly for our daily life and this is also my wishes for next 10 years and besides that i wish too there will be no more countries who consider crypto illegal on that year

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: proudhon on July 31, 2019, 03:57:32 PM
Cryptocurrency's growth will slow dramatically as it becomes apparent that -- despite providing a practical solution to an intellectually stimulating academic computer science problem -- most people simply have no good use for it and simpler and less academically interesting solutions will work just fine. By 2029 or so it will have already become clear that cryptocurrency's impact on the world didn't even come anywhere near that of the fax machine's or even beanie babies.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Oilacris on July 31, 2019, 04:51:07 PM
I know it is a long wait for us to see crypto been legalized all over the world. But seeing that fiat could be wiped out and replace by crypto is something not to happen especially those areas who are limited access into the internet.
It is not important that fiat could be replaced, but the most important is we find crypto as a currency not just only an investment.
You says it's true rather than attempts to eleminating fiat i think we all should be more focus to makes governments around the world legalize crypto and admit crypto as the currency so we as crypto users can use bitcoin or altcoins regularly for our daily life and this is also my wishes for next 10 years and besides that i wish too there will be no more countries who consider crypto illegal on that year
I don't think so that we would able to hit up that kind of situation knowing that each government do have corresponding views towards crypto even we do go 10 to 20

years we cant still assure into their acceptance.It would be still a long process to take on or debates would be made but i would like to see a crypto-friendly government worldwide.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: machinek20 on August 01, 2019, 04:32:20 PM
10 more years there will be more adoption, and if the governments from all over the world could have the same mindset then we will big revolution to the world, I believe one day btc could be used globally, 10 years we might see the mass adoption already taking place

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Reatim on August 03, 2019, 02:14:53 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Another 5-10 years I guess.

Cryptocurrency is being hindered by some governments that don’t wanna have decentralized system in which people wanted to be,

Most of them are stopping their people to get their chance to have privacy on their money

But I know we are closer from being adopted worldwide.instead of rushing let’s just take time to let the market become mature and be acknowledged by the whole world

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Nazmul012 on August 08, 2019, 12:56:09 PM
Hey guys, I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take? Thanks!
I answer is still the same, it wont happen till the end of this world. Crytpo wont replace fiat globally, there are many countries does not accept crypto as real money because of its volatility while some countries has their own rules that a currency should have stable value to be accepted as real money.
Probably That may happened  within 8-10years.  With Due respect, Let you know that If ETF get approved for bitcoin,  then bitcoin will be more polupar & trusted than now. Although many countries does not accept crypto as real money but nowadays world is being digital as well as many countries already does unrestricted bitcoin. So it's not impossible that world will accept crypto as real money.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: freedomgo on August 09, 2019, 04:47:24 AM
10 years more surely the development of cryptocurrency will be increasingly widespread and accepted by many people, but crypto remains an alternative and will not be able to delete / replace the fiat function.
I'm gonna expect that 10 years from now we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our investment.

Whatever coins we are holding now as long as it's legit and we see that the team is working, it has a chance to grow many times as that's the trend in crypto. In addition, as the adoption increases and crypto market more regulated, people would be confident to invests not only in bitcoin but in altcoins as well, so that gives us a for altcoins to grow and knowing they are very cheap now, they might grow 10 times or more over that long period of time.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: btc78 on August 09, 2019, 08:27:19 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

I agreed on you about the crypto is the future money but erasing the fiat will never happen.cryptocurrency are virtual while the Fiat or paper money is physical

We are humans that has physical needs but we are also living in virtual world so for me these two are perfect combination to serve people.what needed to have is a right management and good governance for those two be working together today and the future

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: RealMalatesta on August 11, 2019, 10:18:55 AM
Probably That may happened  within 8-10years.  With Due respect, Let you know that If ETF get approved for bitcoin,  then bitcoin will be more polupar & trusted than now. Although many countries does not accept crypto as real money but nowadays world is being digital as well as many countries already does unrestricted bitcoin. So it's not impossible that world will accept crypto as real money.
And the question is, would they ever approve it? They understand the benefit of bitcoin to them and their economy, but the thing is, they cannot have their cake and eat all, bitcoin replacing fiat will completely collapse the dollar system which the United State has been using as one of the tools to remain strong and relevant in the market and despite that their fiat even does more harm in terms of corruption than cryptocurrency, they would not want to fully approve it.

So, what you see them do is just to remain silent over it and allow the bitcoin to play by its own rule, and seems satoshi already knew this too, that is why he created a system that will serve as alternative to fiat and not a system that would replace fiat completely, we are just the ones making it look like it would replace fiat.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: sarmrakib on August 11, 2019, 03:21:54 PM
Cryptocurrency is growing so fast .We are using it as a currency almost all over the world .Just think it how bitcoin has recovered from 3000$ to 12000$ in this year .It shows cryptocurrency is still a popular way of transaction .Not only as a transaction method lots new feature are adding here .So that the future of the cryptocurrency are quite shine. So i think after 10 years crypto will be the most usinng platform in the world for sure .Let's see what happen in the future.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: FanEagle on August 12, 2019, 06:31:46 AM
What I am hoping right now is that bitcoin should be getting a more common payment processing system, Libra could be totally like that but we have no idea. For example, I want to have a debit card that would allow me to spend bitcoin anywhere but I would be keeping my money in bitcoin without exchanging, the shop I am purchasing something is getting the fiat currency they want but I am spending only bitcoin.

Right now, very few places are doing that (or there are plenty of prepaid debit cards) however I want this to be a common practice, the more we get this around the people then the more everyone will start to realize bitcoin is not just a thing you buy and try to make a profit from but also a thing where you can earn/spend like a regular currency as well.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: AjithBtc on August 12, 2019, 06:04:55 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

I agreed on you about the crypto is the future money but erasing the fiat will never happen.cryptocurrency are virtual while the Fiat or paper money is physical

We are humans that has physical needs but we are also living in virtual world so for me these two are perfect combination to serve people.what needed to have is a right management and good governance for those two be working together today and the future
expect crypto to be the currency of the future is quite good, moreover it is supported by the number of online transactions today. but, I agree with you. of course we still need fiat money as a tool for direct transactions. Well, we need to interact clearly for this. I think crypto will be popular in the future, it's just that I don't think it will get fiat money removed.
Without fiat bitcoin is valueless, because the value of each Satoshi is calculated in terms of fiat. Upon the reality bitcoin won't get into removal of the fiat from usage. There will be integrated usage, and bitcoin will be more popular among people as an investment same as that people give importance to gold by this time. Importantly the generation will be completely dependent to technology and this makes the growth of bitcoin to be very high than other form of long-term investments.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: lixer on August 13, 2019, 06:40:24 PM
Without fiat bitcoin is valueless, because the value of each Satoshi is calculated in terms of fiat. Upon the reality bitcoin won't get into removal of the fiat from usage. There will be integrated usage, and bitcoin will be more popular among people as an investment same as that people give importance to gold by this time. Importantly the generation will be completely dependent to technology and this makes the growth of bitcoin to be very high than other form of long-term investments.
The value of bitcoin is calculated in  fiat because we are still the one calculating it in fiat, just like you have it here, you are tying it to invests, but bitcoin is actually supposed to be a currency on its own, when you spend bitcoin, it should be bitcoin, but the problem which people have just seen with bitcoin is because of its limited supply, and people wonder how such limit could really supply the billions of people we have in this world if bitcoin is to succeed as the global currency, I don’t know how it will but till it becomes global currency before we would be able to figure that out, but as you said, we still tie the measure of bitcoin to its fiat equivalent because we have not fully accepted the use of cryptocurrency as means of payment whole heartedly.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Bezobraznike on August 13, 2019, 07:43:42 PM
Without fiat bitcoin is valueless, because the value of each Satoshi is calculated in terms of fiat. Upon the reality bitcoin won't get into removal of the fiat from usage. There will be integrated usage, and bitcoin will be more popular among people as an investment same as that people give importance to gold by this time. Importantly the generation will be completely dependent to technology and this makes the growth of bitcoin to be very high than other form of long-term investments.
The value of bitcoin is calculated in  fiat because we are still the one calculating it in fiat, just like you have it here, you are tying it to invests, but bitcoin is actually supposed to be a currency on its own, when you spend bitcoin, it should be bitcoin, but the problem which people have just seen with bitcoin is because of its limited supply, and people wonder how such limit could really supply the billions of people we have in this world if bitcoin is to succeed as the global currency, I don’t know how it will but till it becomes global currency before we would be able to figure that out, but as you said, we still tie the measure of bitcoin to its fiat equivalent because we have not fully accepted the use of cryptocurrency as means of payment whole heartedly.

   You can look Bitcoin value from different perspective. Before you need 10k BTC for two pizzas, now with 1 BTC you can buy at least 500 pizzas. In 10 years maybe we
will be able to buy much more pizzas with 1 BTC!
   You can apply that analogy on almost everything. If value rises you will be able to afford more things with the same amount of your tradable good, in our case Bitcoin.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: sana54210 on August 13, 2019, 07:59:39 PM
I know this is speculation and everyone is wondering and writing about the price of bitcoin in 10 years but I have an indirect response to it. Its still about the price but its also adoption.

Adoption is the key element to make bitcoin high in price too because the more people use it the more people will buy it as well, in order to use bitcoin you need to buy it but you do not have to sell it, you can keep it, even though 90% of it will be sold (lets assume) that means 10% will be left in the market so if 100 dollars is bought and 90 dollars is sold than 10 dollars stayed in the market, that is exactly why we need adoption. In the last 10 years there has been a lot of increase in adoption but it was something quite new, now in the next 10 years there will be more and more so its gonna be awesome.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: sammyp on August 13, 2019, 11:25:53 PM
The state of cryptocurrency in 10 years will not be totally different from what we have now. I believe the system has already evolved and not too much will change. The only difference I anticipate is its legalization by the countries considered to be powerful.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Distinctin on August 15, 2019, 10:51:26 AM
The state of cryptocurrency in 10 years will not be totally different from what we have now. I believe the system has already evolved and not too much will change. The only difference I anticipate is its legalization by the countries considered to be powerful.
Let see what will be the future, but I would not think that way because I'm holding for long term hoping in the future the value will increase and I believe everyone who holds will think of the same, and experts are also predicting an increase of value in the future as bitcoin when regulated well will result to increase of adoption. 

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: guoyu78 on August 16, 2019, 03:04:31 PM
The state of cryptocurrency in 10 years will not be totally different from what we have now. I believe the system has already evolved and not too much will change. The only difference I anticipate is its legalization by the countries considered to be powerful.
Let see what will be the future, but I would not think that way because I'm holding for long term hoping in the future the value will increase and I believe everyone who holds will think of the same, and experts are also predicting an increase of value in the future as bitcoin when regulated well will result to increase of adoption. 
The awareness that bitcoin has gotten is still little and the more we extend into more years, the more bitcoin news will keep spreading across many countries, I know that we still have some countries that has not even heard of bitcoin or cryptocurrency at all for now, and they don’t even know that such thing do exist, as people gradually use it, they will start having clue to it and asking how it can be used by them too, and this is how the adoption will be spreading till Bitcoin’s last coin is mined.

So, there is still a very interesting future for bitcoin, and the next 10 years will be much more better than the last 10 years that we have spent in the cryptocurrency industry, most especially that of bitcoin because there would have been so many institutions and even governments supporting the system of crypto then.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Ajprotocol on August 19, 2019, 01:40:45 PM
Just like any technology with good prospects,  i see cryptocurrency creating disruptions in all major industries, sectors and systems,  it will be the new wave of the moment with massive adoption from the global world

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: SirLancelot on August 23, 2019, 07:53:04 AM
Just like any technology with good prospects,  i see cryptocurrency creating disruptions in all major industries, sectors and systems,  it will be the new wave of the moment with massive adoption from the global world
All I see cryptocurrency creating is a better system for those industries and everyone that applies it to their system, cryptocurrency is not meant to disrupt any system, and this is usually why government are always trying to work against it because they feel that it will disrupt the system of their economy, but as planned and created, bitcoin is only meant to help fix the things that are quite not right in any system that it can fix.

In that 10 years time, I see government would have fully understood cryptocurrency and I can see already they are accepting it when we look at the way that the United states is now trying to regulate everything from exchanges to different platform, they are starting from exchanges first, within that space of 10 years, there would have been a great development.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: freedomgo on August 26, 2019, 11:06:41 AM
Since we are starting to adopt crypto payments, some are now using blockchain technology in their system. So, the fact that this kind of technology has started to grow, expect fully adoption in the next 10years. Governments will reconsider this cryptocurrency as a new currency that will not replace the current currency of a country hence, will give other options as digital money.

That's my vision, 10 years from now is a long years to wait, but if that time the adoption is good, then it's worth waiting.
When we invest, we look at the potential, and that's the potential I see for bitcoin, for now, it's very volatile because a lot of people are still buying to invest, but as soon as the adoption rate is good, I'm expecting the price to just have a consistent and stable growth.

Hopefully all I mentioned above will be realize so all of us who believe will be able to achieve a financial freedom which is the greatest success in financial world.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: YOSHIE on August 26, 2019, 01:53:27 PM
From 2009 until now there have been many changes to crypto, it can be seen from its current development.
From one company there are 100 companies every year using cryptocurrency.
So for the next 10 years I think crypto will be ranked number 1 in the investment world, everyone will switch to digital currency.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Wilhelm on August 26, 2019, 02:09:40 PM
In 10 years I hope crypto in general will replace all money.

Bitcoin will replace some currency but not all due to the lack of customer protection and the things governments must do to keep their inhabitants happy (anarchy doesn't work).
Countries however will all have their own coins so they can automatically gain taxes and use it for purposes like welfare, defense, etc.. It will also allow them to generate money if needed (like they do now) and track and tax the f**k out of your private life  ;).

You can transfer those coins to and from Bitcoin. Bitcoin will be the only real free coin (leaving out the many shitcoins). Bitcoin will replace all international person-to-person transactions.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: peter0425 on August 26, 2019, 02:26:40 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Everything will come to its time but not this soon.

Governments from around the world are against- crypto currency as they think it will ruin their country because of decentralization

But also everything will come to its place when world are ready to face and accept new currency and this is crypto

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Wilhelm on August 26, 2019, 02:34:09 PM
Hey guys,

I was watching some documentaries the other day about our monetary system. I'm convinced that crypto currency is the future money and fiat currency will be erase in the future. How long do you think can it take?

Everything will come to its time but not this soon.

Governments from around the world are against- crypto currency as they think it will ruin their country because of decentralization

But also everything will come to its place when world are ready to face and accept new currency and this is crypto

How do you go about helping people? mortgage? insurance? stimulating the economy? etc...
Crypto is basically monetary anarchy which is as good as cash money. We don't live in a cash-only society for good reasons...
So I am for using crypto where it is an asset to society (like international and person to person transactions)

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Pab on August 27, 2019, 11:25:37 AM
I am very optimistic
I see it is possible for bitcoin and blue chip crypto to be mainstream currencies from 2023 even
I see that dollar will lost his dominance around 2024
All that tensions what we have now.Trade war conflicts are early birds of beginning of the  end of dollar dominance
But if crypto will be mainstream currency then we will have more regulation that we have now

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 27, 2019, 12:04:09 PM
I am sure in 10 years from now, and there will be good news for every people who are involved in the cryptocurrency. We will see a new era which cryptocurrency being used for the payment system. Although we cannot see it clear from now on, I think that will happen in the future, and we will see cryptocurrency will be live for a long time from now. There is a big chance for the cryptocurrency to be accepted by all countries because the cryptocurrency brings freedom to people to manage their own money without any interfere from another party.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: iv4n on August 27, 2019, 06:31:06 PM
In 10 years from now crypto market will be measured in trillions of dollars, top 100 on coin market cap will look much different than now. I think in next 10 years we will see the beginning of the real adoption, real using of crypto for many things. First 10 years are behind us, invention and rise of crypto, we survived that, now we are in the next faze! This faze will be about big names entering in crypto, using crypto, and that will be the beginning of adoption of crypto in all countries around the world.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: Oyarebu on August 27, 2019, 06:59:16 PM
In reality, in ten years to come in this cryptocurrency industry, we will be seeing some drastic change in respect to the price of the coins and tokens. Possibility in ten years to come, the whole world might.have adopt the cryptocurrency and create the world reserve cryptocurrency, the future of cryptocurrency is actually very bright.

Title: Re: How do you see cryptocurrency 10 years from now?
Post by: fullhdpixel on August 28, 2019, 04:48:12 PM
Everything will come to its time but not this soon.

Governments from around the world are against- crypto currency as they think it will ruin their country because of decentralization

But also everything will come to its place when world are ready to face and accept new currency and this is crypto
That is because they were blind to it before, but I guess that their inner eyes is beginning to open to see the real thing that crypto is and they are beginning to see that it’s technology is not a bad one, but the issue they would just have is to accept just one single cryptocurrency to be used generally.

We have some governments that are already using the existing popular one which is bitcoin since they don’t know how to create their yet while we have some large countries that are already creating their own coin based on their own knowledge, so I don’t think that it is the cryptocurrency itself is what they are fighting but the use of it as a global coin which I don’t think bitcoin is even interested in making it serves that global purpose through its limited supply.