Bitcoin Forum

Local => Deutsch (German) => Topic started by: 1miau on April 18, 2019, 08:24:44 PM

Title: Statistiken im Bitcointalk
Post by: 1miau on April 18, 2019, 08:24:44 PM
In Meta werden immer wieder großartige Statistiken präsentiert und da einerseits nicht alle immer in Meta reinschauen bzw. die meisten Beiträge bereits auf den hinteren Seiten verschwunden sind, habe ich alle relevanten Forums-Statistiken einmal aufgelistet, damit man alles auf einem Blick hat. Zum Suchen von bestimmten Themen eignet sich die Liste auch sehr gut.

Die von den Erstellern darin investierte Zeit ist es denke ich wert, dass man sich vielleicht die ein oder andere ältere Statistiken noch einmal ansieht, auch wenn sie vielleicht mittlerweile überholt ist, da sie nicht aktualisiert wird.
Weiterhin sind insbesondere die größeren Statitsiken und Visualisierungen sehr sehenswert und auch hilfreich, wenn man Regelverstöße entdecken, analysieren und beweisen möchte.

Die Liste selbst habe ich nach Kategorien (Merit / Trust / Mitgliederzahlen / anderes) sortiert und mit Autor, Thema, Bereich und Datum der Veröffentlichung versehen.
Um die besten Statistiken hervorzuheben, habe ich auch die Summe der erhaltenen Merits für jedes Thema hinzugefügt. Manchmal ist die Anzahl des Merits im Vergleich zur Qualität des Inhalts etwas ungenau, sollte aber einen allgemeinen Eindruck vermitteln. Aktive (regelmäßig aktualisierte) Themen habe ich als solche markiert.

Werde neue Statistiken zeitnah einfügen und die Liste aktualisieren.



List Of Most Deleted Posts/Threads For The 100 Most Active Profiles ( 17, 2019PmalekMeta7+


Analysis – net posts created/destroyed in a month per rank ( 07, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta5+
Time Series on monthly statistics of forum (new users, new topics, new posts) ( 19, 2018tranthidungMeta3+
Analysis - Bitcointalk Accounts – Date of Register vs Last Active per Rank ( 15, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta15+
The real activity of + full stats ( 08, 2018mazdafunsunMeta25+
Forum chronicle - UP Rank List - Congratulations! (BPIP Merit stat, Trust) ( 09, 2018NikisaMeta90+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Statistics of 2,312 million bitcointalk users ( 09, 2018mazdafunsunMeta10+
2 MILLION users and their STATS  ( 15, 2018mazdafunsunMeta35+
[LOG] The ranked up members - Congratulations! ( 08, 2018Coin-1Meta40+
BPIP - The Bitcointalk Public Information Project! [Announcement] ([Website overview] ( 25, 2018VodProject Development110+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Bitcointalk – Posts per Day - evolution during past six months ( 23, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta25+
Statistics of user registrations on Bitcointalk 2017-2019 ( 16, 2018Alex_SrMeta10+
Truth about bitcointalk users 2.0 (Distribution of ranks) ( 11, 2018mazdafunsunMeta5+



Observation on interquartile range of intra-day merits with time series plot ( 09, 2019tranthidungMetanewregelmäßig aktualisiert
Merit Era Newbies are starting to reach Hero Member rank ( 29, 2019DdmrDdmrMetanew
Analysis – Net Post evolution in (some) Local Boards ( 28, 2019DdmrDdmrMetanew
Who and when will hit 10k merits??? ( 20, 2019cryptovigiMeta10+
Merit Champions from the local boards ( 17, 2019cryptovigiMeta20+
Stats on the Rank pipeline - How many are we on the way to ranking-up (II) ? ( 19, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta15+
How many banned users have you merited? ( 06, 2019LoyceVMeta25+auf Nachfrage aktualisiert
Analysis – sMerit awarding habits – overall and individual ( 26, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta20+
[Proposal] Enhance the requirements for ranking up to Member position ( 22, 2019Coin-1Meta5+
Beginners & Help – sMerit Distribution Summary ( 19, 2019DdmrDdmrBeginners & Help15+
Analysis - Reciprocal trust, distrust and asymmetries + all trust all subgraphs ( 15, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta55+
So.... on which board did you earn most of your Merit? ( 10, 2019LoyceVReputation60+regelmäßig aktualisiert
[parody] Merit Backstabbers: who stabbed who in the back the most? ( 28, 2019LoyceV Meta10+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Tracking the difference of merit circulations with Default Trust Changes ( 27, 2019tranthidungMeta00+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Merit Backscratchers: who scratched who's back the most? ( 23, 2019LoyceVMeta30+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Top 200 Active Members who have earned most Merits but have sent 0 sMerits ( 20, 2019PmalekMeta10+
LoyceV vs DdmrDdmr (and get your own Merit graph: up to 10 users per graph) ( 18, 2019LoyceVMeta20+regelmäßig aktualisiert


Top 200 Merit Receivers without Merit from the Top 200 Merit Receivers ( 14, 2018LoyceVMeta30+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Analysis – Merit per post per Section/Subsection  ( 11, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta60+
[TOP-200] Members who have a lot of earned sMerits ( 05, 2018Coin-1Meta5+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly) ( 14, 2018tranthidungMeta40+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Ranking based on Merit received by distinct users + stats requested by users. ( 11, 2018r1s2g3Meta20+
[LOG] sMerit HODLers who sent merits for the first time ( 25, 2018Coin-1Meta10+
Most merited topics (SUM of OP + posts) (UPDATED!) ( 19, 2018LoyceVMeta5+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Analysis – Sender’s Merit Network – How does it evolve? ( 17, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta40+
Percentage of Merit received on old posts, deleted posts, and average per post ( 16, 2019LoyceVMeta30+regelmäßig aktualisiert
MYTHBUSTERS: Only high ranked users are rewarded with merits ( 10, 2018cryptovigiMeta35+
Analysis – The Merit Path – Where we start off and the path we follow ( 10, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta30+
[TOP-200] The most trusted members (DT1, DT2, DT3) ( 09, 2018Coin-1Meta2+regelmäßig aktualisiert
[Merit Analysis] How many Merit received Top 200 and Top 400 ( 05, 2018kirreev070Meta10+
Newbies restrictions, pattern from the aftermath - data and few cosiderations ( 03, 2018PiggyMeta25+
Analysis – Personal merit per day, merit per post and ranking-up projections ( 03, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta15+
[MERIT][NSFN] We're destroying more merits than we're sending. Like, way more. ( 02, 2018suchmoonMeta35+
Users with custom title ( 02, 2018kirreev070Meta2+
[Merit Analysis]How many Merit received users ( 02, 2018kirreev070Meta15+
[Merit Analysis] Users ranked Sr. Member & up that have not earned any merit ( 01, 2018vlad230Meta15+
[Merit Analysis] "Self Made" Jr. & Member users that have earned merit ( 29, 2018Vlad230Meta5+
[Merit Analysis] "Self Made" high ranked users based on earned merit ( 28, 2018Vlad230Meta25+
Analysis - Ranked up Newbies in the new Era ( 23, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta10+
sMerit participants – A quick follow-up after the changes – 20181021 ( 21, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta35+
[TOP-200] Members who support newbies - Thanks! ( 21, 2018Coin-1Meta40+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Number of Merits generated (mathematically) ( 20, 2018r1s2g3Meta10+
The new rule (1 Merit for Jr. Member) is already reducing spam ( 18, 2018LoyceV Meta30+auf Nachfrage aktualisiert
sMerit participants – a worrying descending trend (!/?) ( 15, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta70+
Analysis - Ranked-up Users – Section/Subsection profile (& Local Boards) ( 06, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta10+
Received Merit - Top Streaks (merited days in a row)  ( 30, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta40+
Analysis - Merited on multiple Subsections and the Correlation Matrix ( 21, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta80+
Analysis – Posts per month average for Merited members ( 09, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta20+
sMerit Senders & Receivers – Weight of top 100 and 200 weekly contributors ( 07, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta20+
Interact & Explore the Merit Network ( 02, 2018PiggyMeta70+
Analysis- sMerits per transaction and sMerit transactions per post-Are they low? ( 28, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta20+
Tool to run online SQL queries over Full Merit Data ( 27, 2018PiggyMeta115+regelmäßig aktualisiert
[TOP-200] The most generous users giving merits ( 23, 2018Coin-1Meta60+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Swiss army knife Tool to query Merit data online - Full History ( 11, 2018PiggyMeta30+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Full merit transaction history for any user - now with GRAPHS! ( 09, 2018LoyceVMeta40+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Bitcointalk Merit Dashboard ( 06, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta70+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources ( 01, 2018PiggyMeta80+
Is it true that we only send sMerit to our “buddies” ? ( 30, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta25+
Forum Merited Messages- Does size count? ( 23, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta25+
User's sMerit Network size – Data to select possible Merit Sources ( 16, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta70+
Eigenvectors in merit network space ( 14, 2018snccMeta80+
100 Days of Merit ( 13, 2018zentdexMeta75+
Merit network analysis: merit rank distribution and satellites ( 12, 2018snccMeta80+
What Section/subsections do we award our sMerit to and vice-versa – Interactive ( 10, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta1
Global structure of merit networks ( 08, 2018snccMeta80+
Analysis of Deleted Posts with sMerit ( 08, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta70+
Forum Metrics - Section/subsection sMerit breakdown in detail ( 04, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta20+
Our very own sMerit Network Picture - enhanced with access to all sMerit TXs ( 25, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta85+regelmäßig aktualisiert
For forum nostalgics - how data show forum evolution ( 20, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta20+
Stats on the Rank pipeline - How many are we on the way to ranking up? extension ( 17, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta20+
Number of Posts per Rank ( 14, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta5+
Merit: data visualization storytelling - Full interactive data ( 13, 2018PiggyMeta45+
Analysis of users after Merit kick-off - What the've been up to ( 12, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta5+
Rank composition by Forum Structure - Where a Rank gets sMerit from ( 03, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta5+
Which Ranks send sMerit to which Ranks - and who ranked up ( 29, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta50+
LoyceV's Merit data analysis (full data since Jan. 24, 2018; not just 120 days) ( 06, 2018LoyceVMeta45+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Merit Stat from theymos data ( 01, 2018zentdexMeta55+
Merit stat & all transactions more than 40 Merits ( 01, 2018snccMeta40+
3 Merit Stat After a Month of Merit ( 24, 2018zentdexMeta30+


Analysis -DT Depth 2 view- Score distribution for those that are on a trust list ( 07, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta25+
[scenarios]Changing Merit and Activity requirements for DT1-voting ( 03, 2019LoyceVMeta20+auf Nachfrage aktualisiert
Analysis - Is there a relationship between our Custom Trust List and Merit? ( 24, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta15+
[Updated] DT1-election: Rank up pipeline ( 07, 2019LoyceVReputation30+regelmäßig aktualisiert
[Updated] LoyceV's Trust list viewer ( 25, 2019LoyceVMeta100+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Analysis – A quick glance at the current Custom Trust Networks ( 20, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta10+
Customized Trust Network – Interactive tool to see who we trust/distrust ( 12, 2019DdmrDdmrMeta125+regelmäßig aktualisiert
The new DT system, updated ( 11, 2019coinlocket$Meta50+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Analysis - DT Depth 2 - Profile Distribution  ( 13, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta7+
Tool it may help spot abusers/alts  ( 04, 2018 PiggyReputation8+
A picture of what our Trust/Distrust Network looks like ( 29, 2018DdmrDdmrMeta3+


[Chart] Bitcointalk statistics on impression counts for ads ( 03, 2019Coin-1Metanew
Anal-isis – KYC Process status ( 01, 2019DdmrDdmrMetanew
Updated List of Bitcointalk Hidden Pages/Post ( 20, 2019Crypto-DesignServiceMeta15+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Patrol custom URL guideline + list of active Forum boards ( 02, 2019Crypto-DesignServiceMeta10+

Interessante Zusammenstellungen

Top "why I should not be banned excuses" & "it is not my alt excuses". ( 10, 2018xtraelvMeta10+
The bitcointalk academy awards - best shit-poster fables to obtain merit ( 20, 2018xtraelvMeta10+
[GUIDES] on Bitcointalk. Index thread (until there is a dedicated subforum?) ( 20, 2018LoyceVMeta10+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Bitcointalk trolls, dysfunction and all out flame wars. Guide to the scandals. ( 24, 2018xtraelvMeta55+
Bitcointalk history - index to first 200 topics ( 21, 2018xtraelvMeta5+
History on Bitcointalk - Mining equipment scams, shams and failed deliveries. ( 18, 2018xtraelvMeta10+
Wall of fame / shame. Shit posts so bad that they are actually funny ( 29, 2018xtraelvMeta20+regelmäßig aktualisiert
Index to popular bitcointalk threads ( 05, 2018xtraelvMeta5+
Bitcointalk history of hacks and vandalism. ( 02, 2018xtraelvMeta35+
The most iconic bitcointalk threads. History on Bitcointalk. ( 28, 2018xtraelvMeta70+

Title: Re: Statistiken im Bitcointalk
Post by: 1miau on April 18, 2019, 08:25:05 PM
Deutschsprachige Statistiken

Interessante Seiten für und im Forum ( 12, 2019frontiDeutsch(German) / Off-Topic15+aktualisiert
[Neue Auswertungen]Wir deutschsprachigen und die Merits ...  ( 28, 2018Lakai01Deutsch(German)25+aktualisiert

Title: Re: Statistiken im Bitcointalk
Post by: 1miau on April 18, 2019, 08:25:19 PM