Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: superbotolo on April 23, 2019, 09:38:09 PM

Title: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: superbotolo on April 23, 2019, 09:38:09 PM
I am sure we would all have loved to be involved with bitcoin technology from the beginning. Not just because of money, but because it would have been super cool to discuss matters with Satoshi, and participate in the evolution of the network.

Which other emerging technology (outside the cryptocurrency area) are you currently following and finding interesting?

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 24, 2019, 02:04:52 AM
self-driving cars.

i'm not sure if elon musk is realistic with his timeline (driverless taxi fleet by next year). given the two fatalities by driverless car collisions last year, i think we're still a ways off from his dreams. maybe in a decade?

i sure as hell won't be getting in an uber with no driver anytime soon. :D

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: Beerwizzard on April 24, 2019, 09:04:48 AM
self-driving cars.

i'm not sure if elon musk is realistic with his timeline (driverless taxi fleet by next year). given the two fatalities by driverless car collisions last year, i think we're still a ways off from his dreams. maybe in a decade?

i sure as hell won't be getting in an uber with no driver anytime soon. :D
As I remember those accidents happened not because of driverless car fault so people that suffered from it can't sue those companies. In this case the same accident could happen also with normal cars. it seems like pretty soon many drivers would lose their jobs.

I'm also trying to follow some news about oil production and any green substitutes.
There is still a huge amount of oil on our planet but people can't get it because it is too expensive. Someone is talking that green energy would become dominant soon but every time it becomes expensive to dig some oil people are inventing some new technologies that would allow them to dig this oil in new places.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: daneal stev on April 24, 2019, 09:20:36 AM
I am sure we would all have loved to be involved with bitcoin technology from the beginning. Not just because of money, but because it would have been super cool to discuss matters with Satoshi, and participate in the evolution of the network.

Which other emerging technology (outside the cryptocurrency area) are you currently following and finding interesting?
Most of what I personally follow these days is the robotics technique, although I think it will be dangerous to our future lives
Add to that I follow the latest news of natural energy sources.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: markstivn98 on April 24, 2019, 11:01:19 AM
I am sure we would all have loved to be involved with bitcoin technology from the beginning. Not just because of money, but because it would have been super cool to discuss matters with Satoshi, and participate in the evolution of the network.

Which other emerging technology (outside the cryptocurrency area) are you currently following and finding interesting?
I am currently following a lot of topics about other technologies such as modern cars. And the most important discoveries in the world. I am also interested in modern medical techniques and new treatments for diseases.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: alisafidel58 on April 24, 2019, 12:08:48 PM
Way back in 2017 I saw a video of a Honda motorcycle that has no driver in it. Here a cool video of what a self-driven motorcycle looks like.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: semobo on April 24, 2019, 05:30:33 PM
It is about health care,I forget about the name of the technology but it is to give life to the died people by transferring the organs from donors until that they will reserve the body which may take centuries to complete but which is something interesting I got to read today.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on April 24, 2019, 09:34:10 PM
self-driving cars.

i'm not sure if elon musk is realistic with his timeline (driverless taxi fleet by next year). given the two fatalities by driverless car collisions last year, i think we're still a ways off from his dreams. maybe in a decade?

i sure as hell won't be getting in an uber with no driver anytime soon. :D
I think self driving cars can't work well in such a world that we are living in today. This technology is to advanced for this period and it doesn't fit our streets at least not in most of the countries. Maybe in the future, when everyone will use electric cars and the streets will be safer but right now I wouldn't get into such a car even if you pay me.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: Artemis3 on April 25, 2019, 02:40:18 AM
self-driving cars.

i'm not sure if elon musk is realistic with his timeline (driverless taxi fleet by next year). given the two fatalities by driverless car collisions last year, i think we're still a ways off from his dreams. maybe in a decade?

i sure as hell won't be getting in an uber with no driver anytime soon. :D
I think self driving cars can't work well in such a world that we are living in today. This technology is to advanced for this period and it doesn't fit our streets at least not in most of the countries. Maybe in the future, when everyone will use electric cars and the streets will be safer but right now I wouldn't get into such a car even if you pay me.

Interestingly if humans were forbidden from driving, you could get rid of traffic lights completely and reduce traffic delays A LOT.
Perhaps such a day will come when humans won't be allowed to drive on public roads...

Driver-less cars are almost here, of course Uber doesn't count, but there are far more serious efforts. Still that Uber fatality could have probably occurred to a human driver given the circumstances. No, there are far more serious efforts by Google (or Alphabet) and Tesla, and i think Volvo and others too.

There is a problem of interaction of AI and human pedestrians, but even that is being improved. Humans that follow the rules are not the problem, but its because humans can ignore the rules bad things happen. The AI needs to learn defensive driving as well as minimizing damage in unforeseen events. For the couple of unfortunate Uber deaths you can also watch a ton of youtube videos of Tesla saving their drivers from nearly impossible to avoid by a human driver crash situation. Machines react faster and sense better, don't get tired (or drunk) etc.

Give it more time and fatalities by car accidents are going to dwindle, ironically because of taking the humans away from the wheel (or what i think, no wheel/pedals, like the original Waymo concept).

And not too long later, the planes will do the same thing. Its taking longer, but we will see. More than pilots and drivers, there might be an operator at most, or even a single operator for various vehicles from a remote facility. No one will be able to hijack a plane again because there won't be any way to change its course internally, just like UAVs are remote controlled and AI assisted. Suicidal pilot/copilot in a commercial aircraft? Never again.

This is also happening to ships, those giant ships moving containers or tanker ships are going to drive themselves soon.

So yeah, count self-driving self-piloting among the technologies i'm following. AI is deeply related to it.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: pavlooster on April 25, 2019, 04:01:58 AM
I'm mainly interested in technology related to renewable energy. But I following other tech topics such as AI, machine learning, robotics. They often came up when we discuss about self-driving car.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: Ucy on April 26, 2019, 11:51:32 AM
self-driving cars.

i'm not sure if elon musk is realistic with his timeline (driverless taxi fleet by next year). given the two fatalities by driverless car collisions last year, i think we're still a ways off from his dreams. maybe in a decade?

i sure as hell won't be getting in an uber with no driver anytime soon. :D

Self driving car would be OK if humans aren't stopped from driving in the future. Or we will go back to horses and donkeys  (stuff we can control) riding.

My favorite tech besides blockchain technology is probably Virtual Reality technology due mostly to the ability to do heavy multi-tasking without having many physical screens in front of me.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: Ciscopro2000 on April 26, 2019, 03:12:06 PM
Artificial Intelligence.  It has the ability to make a big impact to the world.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: bonker on April 27, 2019, 05:08:21 AM
self-driving cars.

i'm not sure if elon musk is realistic with his timeline (driverless taxi fleet by next year). given the two fatalities by driverless car collisions last year, i think we're still a ways off from his dreams. maybe in a decade?

i sure as hell won't be getting in an uber with no driver anytime soon. :D
I think self driving cars can't work well in such a world that we are living in today. This technology is to advanced for this period and it doesn't fit our streets at least not in most of the countries. Maybe in the future, when everyone will use electric cars and the streets will be safer but right now I wouldn't get into such a car even if you pay me.
You have to accept what the other people using,because we are living as a community so we can't refuse to accept driverless cars for your fear.Google also developing their technology for self driving cars so people will choose that instead of the real drivers to cut out the expenses.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: Alpinat on April 27, 2019, 09:49:32 AM
Artificial Intelligence.  It has the ability to make a big impact to the world.
Yes I agree. I am also a fan of artificial technology especially the AI Robot "Sophia" just search it on google and you'll see that it is the firsts social humanoid robot AI that has been made. I am very excited to the next update in AI technology.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: markstivn98 on April 27, 2019, 10:15:04 AM
I'm mainly interested in technology related to renewable energy. But I following other tech topics such as AI, machine learning, robotics. They often came up when we discuss about self-driving car.
Robots are the foundation of the future,Everyone is interested in this subject,
May come to mind the future We almost think only of robots and machines.
Will make human life a lot easier ,But everyone fears that they will control the human.

Title: Re: Which other emerging technologies are you guys following?
Post by: Snowwy on April 27, 2019, 02:16:10 PM
Blockchain technology and augmented reality