Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: Aurik on April 24, 2019, 02:41:58 PM

Title: Raspberry Offline Version
Post by: Aurik on April 24, 2019, 02:41:58 PM
I still have an old Armory Build (v. 0.93.3) installed on my Raspberry (for offline sign)
but i would like to update so it supports Segwit and all fixes like fragmented backup and so on.

Im not quite familiar with Linux in general so my questions are:

1) Is there any new Offline-Bundle available? At  I can only find a Raspberry-Package for 93.3

2) How can I update without a new Packet and without an internet connection to the Raspberry? I tried to download the new Ubuntu-Release on an online computer and transport it with a usb-stick to the offline-Raspberry, but could not install it there...

Title: Re: Raspberry Offline Version
Post by: PhoenixFire on April 24, 2019, 06:18:11 PM
As you found out... the Ubuntu release won't work: The Pi uses an entirely different processor architecture to a normal pc.

I can provide a build but frankly you shouldn't trust it. If you ask goatpig very nicely he might compile an up to date and official build for Raspberry Pi - it has been a while since we had one but you could be waiting a while longer.

Unfortunately you'll likely need to compile it yourself, ideally on a more powerful box than a Pi.

Title: Re: Raspberry Offline Version
Post by: goatpig on April 25, 2019, 12:31:48 PM
My issue with RPi packages isn't compiling the binaries. Rather, it's creating the .deb. The deb is built with dpkg-makepackage, which itself attempts to configure the project before building. Since moving the project from plain makefiles to autotools, dpkg-makepackage won't play nice with the cross compiling arguments that yields arm binaries.

The crux of the issue is I don't have enough expertize with autotools, nor do I have the time to bang my head against it to figure it out right now. If someone wants to take on this and submit a patch and/or instructions, I'll put out RPi builds for 0.96.5. Otherwise, it's gonna have to wait.

Title: Re: Raspberry Offline Version
Post by: PhoenixFire on April 26, 2019, 02:20:39 AM
My issue with RPi packages isn't compiling the binaries. Rather, it's creating the .deb. The deb is built with dpkg-makepackage, which itself attempts to configure the project before building. Since moving the project from plain makefiles to autotools, dpkg-makepackage won't play nice with the cross compiling arguments that yields arm binaries.

The crux of the issue is I don't have enough expertize with autotools, nor do I have the time to bang my head against it to figure it out right now. If someone wants to take on this and submit a patch and/or instructions, I'll put out RPi builds for 0.96.5. Otherwise, it's gonna have to wait.
Many hours later and I now know a lot more about debian packaging and dpkg-buildpackage than I ever wanted to.
I have something that compiles with light changes to and the debian/rules. Autotools config untouched.
I'm assuming you're not planning on submitting this to the Raspbian/Debian repo? :) I set the bar at getting it working, rather the rabbit hole of debian multiarch packaging requirements!

Title: Re: Raspberry Offline Version
Post by: goatpig on April 26, 2019, 04:30:30 AM
I'm assuming you're not planning on submitting this to the Raspbian/Debian repo?

Hell no! Do you have any idea how miserable it is to get a package approved? This stuff is high up there with patent drafting and contract law on the list of the most needlessly convoluted procedures.

I have something that compiles with light changes to and the debian/rules. Autotools config untouched.

Great, submit a PR please.

Title: Re: Raspberry Offline Version
Post by: PhoenixFire on April 27, 2019, 12:34:36 AM
Hell no! Do you have any idea how miserable it is to get a package approved? This stuff is high up there with patent drafting and contract law on the list of the most needlessly convoluted procedures.
Ha! I got enough of a taste of the requirements when I was digging for information and trying to understand the tools. When multiarch packaging was described as self inflicted pain, by the docs themselves, I did my best to avoid it!

Great, submit a PR please.
Hope it is okay, or at least a good starting point.