Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: vermigerous on May 06, 2019, 08:34:58 AM

Title: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: vermigerous on May 06, 2019, 08:34:58 AM
I want you to be careful, If you holding a big amount of bitcoin you need to be careful learn from this tragedy so will not become a victim later on.

Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Ailmand on May 06, 2019, 08:42:24 AM
It's alarming to see that others would even go that far just to get easy money. As long as money is involved, your security will always be at risk. That is why it is best to be anonymous and be silent if you are a crypto bag holder. Most people I know in our country have their pseudo names and pseudo profiles on social media to protect their identity.

The reason why such attack happens is when, someone knows, or you publicly/ or even online announce that you are involved, holding, earning a lot on crypto. Always protect your identity.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: pushups44 on May 06, 2019, 08:58:47 AM
It's nice to see that in the U.S. one robber was shot during an attempted robbery involving bitcoin and subsequently arrested. I said before that guns are great for self-defense, and people have reacted with skepticism. Here is the proof:

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: samputin on May 06, 2019, 09:07:36 AM
I really don't understand why there are people who can do things like that. It's just, where's their humanity? Technology wise, they seem to know very much about crypto. Why they can't just use their intelligence on worthwhile things without having to degrade and hurt people knowing that others worked hard for it? *sigh*

Seems like money, really, is the root of all evil. We should always be on guard on every circumstances that we may encounter. And I hope that those people will soon realize that their actions are unjust. Hope they still have even the slightest conscience.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: pushups44 on May 06, 2019, 09:25:22 AM
I really don't understand why there are people who can do things like that. It's just, where's their humanity? Technology wise, they seem to know very much about crypto. Why they can't just use their intelligence on worthwhile things without having to degrade and hurt people knowing that others worked hard for it? *sigh*

Seems like money, really, is the root of all evil. We should always be on guard on every circumstances that we may encounter. And I hope that those people will soon realize that their actions are unjust. Hope they still have even the slightest conscience.

A lot of these robberies are actually committed by boneheads who are trying to steal cash during a face-to-face transaction. Hence, their stupidity will reach unbelievable depths in some cases. So, one lesson to learn from this is to avoid doing major transactions in places where you can be vulnerable - and yes, a weapon can be handy.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: darklus123 on May 06, 2019, 09:39:02 AM
I see no differences with this issue. As long as involves money then there will surely be an attacks that are going to happened.
You know good thing about bitcoin tho? No one knows that you own a lot of it. Unlike banks in which your name is pretty obvious.

The key is to always be vigilant (whether it is crypto related or not).

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Haunebu on May 06, 2019, 10:29:34 AM
I really don't understand why there are people who can do things like that. It's just, where's their humanity? Technology wise, they seem to know very much about crypto. Why they can't just use their intelligence on worthwhile things without having to degrade and hurt people knowing that others worked hard for it? *sigh*

Seems like money, really, is the root of all evil. We should always be on guard on every circumstances that we may encounter. And I hope that those people will soon realize that their actions are unjust. Hope they still have even the slightest conscience.
Sadly, this is the world that we live in. Everyone wants shortcuts and are not willing to take the long route to success in life. These robberies and murders happen around the world(Crypto or Non-Crypto) since money is involved as you stated.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to how smartly we safeguarded our assets. If you observe these cases properly, you can see that majority of them lost money due to their own stupidity.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: pakhitheboss on May 06, 2019, 12:29:38 PM

There are so many of them. These are those that have been reported. Just imagine how many unreported incident have occurred.

It is always good to remain anonymous and silent, but still in case you have been discovered then you need to re-think about your own security.

Stay away from Social Media, avoid talking about crypto in public, Secure and safeguard your wallet are some of the steps that can be taken by you now.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: tomahawk9 on May 06, 2019, 01:08:14 PM
The key is to always be vigilant (whether it is crypto related or not).
The key is to also know when to shut up and not let the everyone know that you're holding a significant amount of BTC. There were several users on r/bitcoin over the past few weeks (and more over the last few months) proudly saying that they finally joined the "21 million club" (those who own 1 BTC)...You can't just go around telling people (online and in real life) that you're holding 1 or more BTC, you're bound to become the target of robbers.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Indamuck on May 06, 2019, 01:32:20 PM
Why aren't people going after public figures like Mcafee, Ver, Vitalik?

I believe a lot of these robberies are staged so people can write it off on their taxes.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 06, 2019, 01:37:58 PM
Plausible deniability is the only real defence against the $5 wrench attack. (

Both Trezor and Ledger will allow you to create secondary hidden wallets by the use of additional passphrases. You can find instructions on doing so here:


These secondary wallets are impossible to detect provided the attacker does not know they exist. This means both not publicizing the fact that you are holding large amounts of crypto, and making sure they are not obviously linked to your main account via blockchain analytics. If you are physically attacked, you can give up your main wallet (with a small amount of crypto inside), while your secondary passphrase protected wallets are undetected and untouched.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: smartbitcoininvestor on May 06, 2019, 01:44:09 PM
Mt. Gox is the most prominent one: (

The most effective thing you can do to protect your self is to move your cryptoassets into a cold or hardware wallet.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Genemind on May 06, 2019, 02:20:59 PM
Money is known to be the root of all evil and it destroys humanity. It's just painful to know that people could really destroy lives just to get what they want.
This must also serve as a warning for huge holders.
Better be lowkey and keep your identities in private.
Exposing your identity might attract attackers so you guys should be observant and careful all the time.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: xvids on May 06, 2019, 03:52:22 PM
I want you to be careful, If you holding a big amount of bitcoin you need to be careful learn from this tragedy so will not become a victim later on.

Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
The only thing that you need to know is to keep it to yourself don't brag about your crypto.
It is hard to track you if you won't brag about it and it is like asking them to do it to you.
People wouldn't know about how much crypto or if you are into crypto if you wouldn't tell them or post it on social media.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: traderethereum on May 06, 2019, 03:58:10 PM
I want you to be careful, If you holding a big amount of bitcoin you need to be careful learn from this tragedy so will not become a victim later on.

Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
You can send your bitcoin to me, and I will make sure that it will be safe from anything ;D
We need to protect the bitcoin we have from any attacks that might happen, and that is why saving bitcoin on the other wallet which we can control will be important because we can manage the amount of bitcoin and we don't have to worry about anything.
I am sure that people who have a large amount of bitcoin already aware of the attacker and I am sure that they already secure their bitcoin from the possibilities to get hacked.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: dothebeats on May 07, 2019, 03:49:54 PM
That is why one must be discreet in order to not get eyed on and later robbed when the moment is opportune. Keeping a low profile and not shouting to everyone that you have a huge bitcoin/crypto holding is possibly the only way to not get robbed physically. A great internet habit such as not visiting malicious and questionable sites is also recommended too. If bitcoin can be taken from us virtually, how sure are we that we won't get held for it at gunpoint?

Stay discreet, stay low and stay safe.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: sopanbmp on May 07, 2019, 04:28:25 PM
It realy hard to keep silent and private in the internet. those robber must have conection with the victims in real life or internet like Facebook, twiiter, etc. if I was the victim I would do the same thing, better to give what the robber want instead try to fight them and losing our lives. most of that crime must be in developed country, I live in small country and the people who knowing Cryptocurrencies only a few. So the percentage of the Phisical Bitcoin attacks is 0,001%. But keep in the mind the crimes are always around us , I believed praying to the God it will protect us from that crime.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Beerwizzard on May 07, 2019, 04:58:36 PM
This kind of articles only tells us that if we are getting some wealth we shouldn't live in a shithole country (or even part of the city) and should pay more attention to his own private security. In other cases there is nothing new in treating someone in order to get his money. I can walk around my neighbourhood, find the most wealthiest house, which owners would probably have well-paid jobs. So if someone needs to pick a wealthy victim he can start from well known rich people instead of searching for someone with a BTC wallet.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Wildwest on May 07, 2019, 05:28:41 PM
I really don't understand why there are people who can do things like that. It's just, where's their humanity? Technology wise, they seem to know very much about crypto. Why they can't just use their intelligence on worthwhile things without having to degrade and hurt people knowing that others worked hard for it? *sigh*

Seems like money, really, is the root of all evil. We should always be on guard on every circumstances that we may encounter. And I hope that those people will soon realize that their actions are unjust. Hope they still have even the slightest conscience.

A lot of these robberies are actually committed by boneheads who are trying to steal cash during a face-to-face transaction. Hence, their stupidity will reach unbelievable depths in some cases. So, one lesson to learn from this is to avoid doing major transactions in places where you can be vulnerable - and yes, a weapon can be handy.

Bitcoin is a decentralized currency and cannot be traced by anyone, so when you do a transaction it is better to remain anonymous so as not to cause crime against you.
Now people have gone crazy because of bitcoin, all of them can become criminals in an instant for the sake of money.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 07, 2019, 06:56:12 PM
It realy hard to keep silent and private in the internet. those robber must have conection with the victims in real life or internet like Facebook, twiiter, etc.
It's really not that difficult, it's just that people are far too willing to give away all their personal details. Sharing every intimate detail of their life on Facebook, regular updates as to where they are and what they are doing on Twitter, multiple photos a day on Instagram, etc. Combine that kind of behavior which gives away your real identity with talking constantly about crypto, and you make yourself an easy target. If you want to have more privacy, the first step is to stop constantly and voluntarily violating your own privacy.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Artemis3 on May 07, 2019, 11:17:43 PM
I want you to be careful, If you holding a big amount of bitcoin you need to be careful learn from this tragedy so will not become a victim later on.

Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks

This is one more reason to exert caution and make sure people can't associate a certain Bitcoin address with you.
Originally people were supposed to use an address only once. This is why many wallets will produce a new address once any coins are sent to it.
Stay low i think the the smartest move, don't go buying Lambos and mansions even if you are rich now, just don't let anyone know.

Else you are going to have to burn your fortune in security...

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: BitMaxz on May 07, 2019, 11:46:36 PM
I'm afraid that it might happen to me or in my friends who also use bitcoin.
That is why I always keep my withdrawal secret and use other friends or family name when withdrawing bitcoin into fiat to keep my self safe on like these attacks.

I think the best thing to do here if you are planning to withdraw big amount of bitcoin into fiat you should directly transfer it into bank because if you carry a big amount while going home you are in danger and maybe someone will find that bag you carrying is full of money.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: ene1980 on May 08, 2019, 09:48:34 AM
I want you to be careful, If you holding a big amount of bitcoin you need to be careful learn from this tragedy so will not become a victim later on.
Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
If you boast about your wealth in the public the risk are real and you could get in all sorts of trouble and especially with crypto currency people might go to any lengths to steal your coins, have seen similar cases in UK where people were blackmailed at gun point and asked to transfer bitcoin and we have seen many extortion case from Russia and India where they kidnap people and demand bitcoin in return.

Detailed news about the incident (

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Moiyah on May 09, 2019, 06:22:50 AM
I appreciate your warning. I didn't know Hal Finney was a victim from 2014, too but I guess the website has some mistakes since Hal Finney died at August 2014 and the incident written in your link was December 2014. But anyway, back to the topic. It is better not to reveal how much bitcoin you owned to prevent this kind of attacks. Sometimes, being silent will save you from evil actions. There are so many cases like this and only to find out that an immediate relative or a personal connection was involved in this kind of issues.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Ucy on May 09, 2019, 03:46:12 PM
I wonder how the robbers get to know that their victims own bitcoin. I guess they monitor the victims social media or other online platforms.
People should try to avoid having huge amount of bitcoins in a single address. There should be wallet that automatically split coins into multiple addresses with multiple private keys , so that if a user is in a situation where a bitcoin thief asks for his private keys, he can send him only the coin in one private keys

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: tegarp90 on May 09, 2019, 06:54:45 PM
I want you to be careful, If you holding a big amount of bitcoin you need to be careful learn from this tragedy so will not become a victim later on.

Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks

That's why KYC in crypto activity is quite dangerous.
The special thing of crypto is we can hide our wealth without knowing by others

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: thirdlight on May 09, 2019, 07:03:35 PM
You should always be very careful.  Because you have to understand that the attacks will not stop because bitcoin is a virtual coin.  And if you do not protect yourself, then no one will protect you.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: bitart on May 09, 2019, 08:50:42 PM
These secondary wallets are impossible to detect provided the attacker does not know they exist. This means both not publicizing the fact that you are holding large amounts of crypto, and making sure they are not obviously linked to your main account via blockchain analytics. If you are physically attacked, you can give up your main wallet (with a small amount of crypto inside), while your secondary passphrase protected wallets are undetected and untouched.
Are these secondary wallets are restored if you restore your seed on a brand new device after the attack? If yes, it's a really good thing to know.
I'm afraid that who attach you because of bitcoin will know about this secondary attack and can use the same $5 wrench to get the information... or you should be absolutely convincing that you have no clue about that secondary wallet thing at all...

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: cheng07 on May 09, 2019, 11:51:59 PM
I really don't understand why there are people who can do things like that. It's just, where's their humanity? Technology wise, they seem to know very much about crypto. Why they can't just use their intelligence on worthwhile things without having to degrade and hurt people knowing that others worked hard for it? *sigh*

Seems like money, really, is the root of all evil. We should always be on guard on every circumstances that we may encounter. And I hope that those people will soon realize that their actions are unjust. Hope they still have even the slightest conscience.
Sadly, this is the world that we live in. Everyone wants shortcuts and are not willing to take the long route to success in life. These robberies and murders happen around the world(Crypto or Non-Crypto) since money is involved as you stated.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to how smartly we safeguarded our assets. If you observe these cases properly, you can see that majority of them lost money due to their own stupidity.

I totally agree, whether we like it or not, a lot of those people are with us. They just can't take off there hands to easy money. All we have to do is to be very vigilant and not to trust anyone right away. I guess those people doesn't have conscience anymore that they don't care about others, all they care about is how to get those money and live a luxurious life without doing any hard work.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 10, 2019, 05:35:40 AM
Are these secondary wallets are restored if you restore your seed on a brand new device after the attack? If yes, it's a really good thing to know.
Yes, provided you also remember your passphrase.

If you restore your seed on a new device, you will have access to your main accounts. To access the secret accounts, you will need to enter your passphrase in the specific menu. Until you do so, there will be no trace of your secret accounts.

The secret accounts require both the seed and the passphrase to access. If you forget or lose either of these, you will lose access to your coins.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: Herbert2020 on May 10, 2019, 05:46:14 AM
there is a general rule that you never publicly announce your wealth! but when it comes to bitcoin sometimes people are too excited and forget that rule and also forget some of the security precautions that they should be taking. for example i have read multiple cases of armed robbery where people were trying to sell their bitcoin face to face but instead of meeting in a public place they did it in a secluded place where nobody could even hear them let alone see them! and that led to the robbery.

Title: Re: Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks
Post by: okala on May 10, 2019, 07:01:53 AM
I really don't understand why there are people who can do things like that. It's just, where's their humanity? Technology wise, they seem to know very much about crypto. Why they can't just use their intelligence on worthwhile things without having to degrade and hurt people knowing that others worked hard for it? *sigh*

Seems like money, really, is the root of all evil. We should always be on guard on every circumstances that we may encounter. And I hope that those people will soon realize that their actions are unjust. Hope they still have even the slightest conscience.

A lot of these robberies are actually committed by boneheads who are trying to steal cash during a face-to-face transaction. Hence, their stupidity will reach unbelievable depths in some cases. So, one lesson to learn from this is to avoid doing major transactions in places where you can be vulnerable - and yes, a weapon can be handy.
Apart from the report of the stolen bitcoin ATM containing €2,000, I don't think there is any other that has to do with face to face transactions. Most of the crime are carried out using an insider or working with information. Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is anonymous and at that it hard to no who is a big holder so criminals don't work alone they get information from close persons before they attack they victims.