Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 12:53:32 PM

Title: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 12:53:32 PM

I am not a expert, but this guy is kicking a hornets nest that entire U.N. could not defend.

It will result in foot vs foot and we lose in that case
and in the case of nuke vs nuke, we all lose.
actually in both cases we all lose.

China + North Korea, Will fuck all of us up.

It says something when I am playing a game of PUBG (its like fortnite but ww2 style) and there is 100 people in every lobby and I say "Hello" then 50 of them are yelling "FUCK AMERICA" "FUCK AMERICA" "FUCK AMERICA" "TONIMAHH" (I think this means fuck your father) "CHINA NUMBER 1" "CHINA NUMBER 1"

I say: "I love China, I am Canada not America, CHINA NUMBER 1 CANADA NUMBER 2"
they say: "ok ok ok ok I lover you!, no no no CANADA NUMBER 1"
I say: "I love China, I love you"
they say: "I love you to"

They only hated me because they thought I was American because of my voice.

Please note: this is not some put down to Americans, but China ain`t you buddy pals, I can see it in every PUBG lobby on the NORTH AMERICAN SERVER.

I agree trump needs to lay down the law with these unfair trade deals, but he needs to really watch what he says. He may spark ww3.
I agree we should not surrender to China because of numbers, but something needs to happen those people over there have some real hostility to the western world.


I had another tweet from trump I wanted to post here but he removed it. He was really poking the bear. I mean I don`t want war either but when one leader says to another the things trump says to them, I could see them retaliate.  I wish I screen shooted it before he deleted it, it had to to do with the original tweet but in a much more arrogant way, Probably why he deleted it.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: yeosaga on May 14, 2019, 01:16:54 PM

I am not a expert, but this guy is kicking a hornets nest that entire U.N. could not defend.

It will result in foot vs foot and we lose in that case
and in the case of nuke vs nuke, we all lose.
actually in both cases we all lose.

China + North Korea, Will fuck all of us up.

It says something when I am playing a game of PUBG (its like fortnite but ww2 style) and there is 100 people in every lobby and I say "Hello" then 50 of them are yelling "FUCK AMERICA" "FUCK AMERICA" "FUCK AMERICA" "TONIMAHH" (I think this means fuck your father) "CHINA NUMBER 1" "CHINA NUMBER 1"

I say: "I love China, I am Canada not America, CHINA NUMBER 1 CANADA NUMBER 2"
they say: "ok ok ok ok I lover you!, no no no CANADA NUMBER 1"
I say: "I love china, I love you"
they say: "I love you to"

They only hated me because they thought I was American because of my voice.

Please note: this is not some put down to Americans, but not China ain`t you buddy pals, I can see it in every PUBG lobby on the NORTH AMERICAN SERVER.

I agree trump needs to lay down the law with these unfair trade deals, but he needs to really watch what he says. He may spark ww3.
I agree we should not surrender to China because of numbers, but something needs to happen those people over there have some real hostility to the western world.

You are taking the minds of children on video game chats and trying to make it into real politics. I don't think anyone should take that stuff seriously. It is funny to imagine the leaders talking like that to each other, though.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 02:21:44 PM
it shows how the average Chinese person feels, these are not kids, they are grown men playing pubg, the kids play fortnite.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Indamuck on May 14, 2019, 04:13:57 PM
We won't see another world war because of how strong our weapons our.  It will be total destruction if an all out war broke out and they started dropping nukes.  Its a lose-lose situation that everyone should be trying to avoid at all costs.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 04:15:46 PM
We won't see another world war because of how strong our weapons our.  It will be total destruction if an all out war broke out and they started dropping nukes.  Its a lose-lose situation that everyone should be trying to avoid at all costs.

True dat

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: omonuyak on May 14, 2019, 04:34:38 PM
We won't see another world war because of how strong our weapons our.  It will be total destruction if an all out war broke out and they started dropping nukes.  Its a lose-lose situation that everyone should be trying to avoid at all costs.
This world cannot afford another "dropping nukes" and it might lead to the end of every thing under the heavens.  We cannot afford to witness another World War as the technology that has been developed are going to be used.  I pray this should not happening again.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: davis196 on May 14, 2019, 05:25:51 PM
it shows how the average Chinese person feels, these are not kids, they are grown men playing pubg, the kids play fortnite.

When it comes to Player Unknown Battlegrounds a.k.a PUBG and Fortnite,I think that kids and teenagers are the major demographic.Grown men are a minority there,but how mature are they is a completely different topic.
Well,USA isn't a very liked  country.That's for sure(and it's not because of Trump alone)...

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Astargath on May 14, 2019, 05:47:51 PM
This isn't the first time a trade war happens so I don't see any reason to believe there is going to be a world war 3 lol. World wars happen for a lot of different reasons and variables, it's not just one particular thing, they are very complex and this certainly isn't.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: KingScorpio on May 14, 2019, 11:56:24 PM
trade wars have no winners, usa cant win a trade war with china, china will dominate us economy and deindustrialise it, like germany did with britain, the american simply are to hedonistic to be competitive, with a socialist country like china.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: unocash on May 15, 2019, 06:19:49 AM
I think so. There's a book called The Thucydides Trap. In most of such conflicts between a rising power and the status quo (in this case, China and USA), there will be war and the status quo will lose.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 15, 2019, 06:28:05 AM
I think so. There's a book called The Thucydides Trap. In most of such conflicts between a rising power and the status quo (in this case, China and USA), there will be war and the status quo will lose.

They both will buy into bitcoin in the end lol

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Naida_BR on May 15, 2019, 05:47:41 PM
A war between China and The USA is not going to happen and I will explain you why.
Indeed, they have the strongest armies in the world, but China has its dog, Russia to bark and cause the trouble to the US. Thus, they are introduced as the silent power that wants the stability in the region and not as the power that can cause trouble.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: unocash on May 16, 2019, 06:35:22 AM
A war between China and The USA is not going to happen and I will explain you why.
Indeed, they have the strongest armies in the world, but China has its dog, Russia to bark and cause the trouble to the US. Thus, they are introduced as the silent power that wants the stability in the region and not as the power that can cause trouble.

The chance is 75% that there will be a world war between USA and China.

"In 12 of 16 past cases in which a rising power has confronted a ruling power, the result has been bloodshed."

The Chinese leadership wants global dominance, to subdue the "barbarians", but the US (led by Zionist globalists) isn't willing to give it up. Both nations have long been investing in military bases and weaponry. No one in the Western leadership positions will be surprised about war with China.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: okala on May 16, 2019, 08:29:39 AM
We won't see another world war because of how strong our weapons our.  It will be total destruction if an all out war broke out and they started dropping nukes.  Its a lose-lose situation that everyone should be trying to avoid at all costs.
This war will not be a war of weapons but just like the cold war it will be a war of ideology which has to do with trade agreements and economic development. China has gone far in terms of technology but even America and Canada are not lacking behind too.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Airbuxf on May 16, 2019, 10:36:24 AM
I think nobody wants war from this countries. People in politics want to have stable situation in their country and war like that would not give any of them any profits. My opinion is there will be only "economic war".

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 16, 2019, 10:49:05 AM
I think nobody wants war from this countries. People in politics want to have stable situation in their country and war like that would not give any of them any profits. My opinion is there will be only "economic war".

I had another tweet from trump I wanted to post here but he removed it. He was really poking the bear. I mean I don`t want war either but when one leader says to another the things trump says to them, I could see them retaliate.  I wish I screen shooted it before he deleted it, it had to to do with the original tweet but in a much more arrogant way, Probably why he deleted it.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: darklus123 on May 16, 2019, 02:06:05 PM
There will be no nuke wars I am 70% sure of that. They know how futile would that be for the both party and both countries will never risk acting such a thing. If there will be a war between the two country it will be happening on the product end.

As you can see Donald Trump supports banning of Chinese Mobile Phone brands. If that is the case China might also start to ban some products from US or even exporting from US.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: yesiam6 on May 16, 2019, 03:05:17 PM
LOL @ the ""TONIMAHH" (I think this means fuck your father) "" in the OP post
I don't think that we'll ever experience a nuclear war, mutually assured destruction is the thing that keeps that option off the table
Only a State with "nothing" to lose like iran or pakistan could start some kind of a nuclear warfare, imho
What would be the point of destroying the whole planet over some politics i don't think that even the most hardliner politicians are capable of that

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: KingScorpio on May 16, 2019, 11:02:16 PM
the first dutch englisch war, was actually caused by a trade conflict, the englisch were pissed of, of the dutch trading with their colonies and their island.

that was a complete nazi attack

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TECSHARE on May 17, 2019, 02:30:28 AM
If you don't realize the US and China are already at war you aren't paying attention. The difference is this time both sides are highly intertwined giving both sides incentive to not just jump right in to a hot war. If you have been paying attention you will remember plenty of strategic manufacturing facilities "randomly" exploding, as well as lots of naval "accidents" over the last few years. This is just the early covert stages of war.

Title: 0
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on May 17, 2019, 01:52:18 PM

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: coolcoinz on May 17, 2019, 03:23:28 PM
I always thought that China was more interested in expanding their border towards Russia. China has a lot of nations that it hates and I'd say the Japanese are one of the most hated in China. It's like that attitude between India and Pakistan or Poland and Germany. Some countries just don't get along.
There will be no war between the US and China, they are just too far away from each other, have other problems and enemies and many US companies wouldn't exist without cheap Chinese labor.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 17, 2019, 03:28:38 PM

we are gonna have serious explanation about this quote. so please change your title to reflect the real status of the players engaged in this deadly match. We are just slave, goyims, cattles... we ain't deciding anything, we just OBAY. we conform.

"In the end what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses... a slave obeys.” – Ken Levine

I am a Man, not a Slave. I been a slave my entire life, someone else can feed millions this year.

All religions believe they are the chosen people


You do not get chosen biased off your beliefs, but your thoughts and actions will lead you to total awareness no matter what deity you wish to worship. I know what they did these people, they killed there own kind and brought them back and asked what did you see? and they responded "nothing" haha, what a good trick. They saw nothing because they picked total oblivion.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: r1a2y3m4 on May 17, 2019, 06:27:55 PM
You know what my teacher told me on his Chinese kid that he's tutoring? These Chinese kids are being taught by their parents that Americans are bad. This marks on the brain of the child that American people are not to be trusted and that thing is normal to them.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Vaskiy on May 17, 2019, 09:19:14 PM
Already some form of trade war is going on between the two countries. Anytime this can explode, already this has been taking place big with taxation on goods imported. Recently USA has stopped the usage of Chinese electrical components stating it has got security issues and following the same China too have imposed tax on US products.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: KingScorpio on May 18, 2019, 05:30:49 AM

I am not a expert, but this guy is kicking a hornets nest that entire U.N. could not defend.

It will result in foot vs foot and we lose in that case
and in the case of nuke vs nuke, we all lose.
actually in both cases we all lose.

China + North Korea, Will fuck all of us up.

It says something when I am playing a game of PUBG (its like fortnite but ww2 style) and there is 100 people in every lobby and I say "Hello" then 50 of them are yelling "FUCK AMERICA" "FUCK AMERICA" "FUCK AMERICA" "TONIMAHH" (I think this means fuck your father) "CHINA NUMBER 1" "CHINA NUMBER 1"

I say: "I love China, I am Canada not America, CHINA NUMBER 1 CANADA NUMBER 2"
they say: "ok ok ok ok I lover you!, no no no CANADA NUMBER 1"
I say: "I love China, I love you"
they say: "I love you to"

They only hated me because they thought I was American because of my voice.

Please note: this is not some put down to Americans, but China ain`t you buddy pals, I can see it in every PUBG lobby on the NORTH AMERICAN SERVER.

I agree trump needs to lay down the law with these unfair trade deals, but he needs to really watch what he says. He may spark ww3.
I agree we should not surrender to China because of numbers, but something needs to happen those people over there have some real hostility to the western world.


I had another tweet from trump I wanted to post here but he removed it. He was really poking the bear. I mean I don`t want war either but when one leader says to another the things trump says to them, I could see them retaliate.  I wish I screen shooted it before he deleted it, it had to to do with the original tweet but in a much more arrogant way, Probably why he deleted it.

in capitalism wars are inevitable, egypt, rome and the aztecs, and even nazi germany attacked other nations in order to enslave their poplation into their economic workforce, a nation that doesnt go to war to enslave other nations wont have a strong currency in the long term, so they all are doing war, or they are burning their own population (so called human right abuses)

thats why i doubt a iran war with the usa is avoidable.

the strong currency is always a mixture of the product of people being burned or brainwashed by capitalists

thats how it is, these mutuality and agreement and lets be all friends is all just trash talk in capitalism the greed for capital and money is unlimited and so it is unending. the conflict eternally continues

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Sithara007 on May 18, 2019, 08:51:34 AM
The United States is currently headed by Donald Trump, who is very aggressive and right wing. China's president (Xi Jinping) is also a very aggressive man and he has taken quite a few hawkish steps regarding defense (South China sea dispute, North Korea.etc), trade and religion (crackdown on Muslims and Christians). Hopefully things will calm down once some Democrat wins the POTUS elections next year.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: TimeBits on May 18, 2019, 09:46:15 AM
The United States is currently headed by Donald Trump, who is very aggressive and right wing. China's president (Xi Jinping) is also a very aggressive man and he has taken quite a few hawkish steps regarding defense (South China sea dispute, North Korea.etc), trade and religion (crackdown on Muslims and Christians). Hopefully things will calm down once some Democrat wins the POTUS elections next year.

Why not the people win and the people vote on issues @ hand, rather than paying people to vote for you? You yourself vote and have a universal job now. You the tax payer, get to decide where you taxes go, instead of paying for golf trips and hamberders for someone else and them telling you where the money goes, you vote where the money goes. <- is here

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: Astargath on May 18, 2019, 12:24:37 PM
The United States is currently headed by Donald Trump, who is very aggressive and right wing. China's president (Xi Jinping) is also a very aggressive man and he has taken quite a few hawkish steps regarding defense (South China sea dispute, North Korea.etc), trade and religion (crackdown on Muslims and Christians). Hopefully things will calm down once some Democrat wins the POTUS elections next year.

Well, I don't see him as that aggressive to be honest with you. He is certainly trying to have a better relationship with Russia and even North Korea. Obama might have seemed passive but he was pretty aggressive too when it came to war.

Title: Re: ww3 soon? China vs America? (I hope not)
Post by: eddie13 on May 18, 2019, 01:26:57 PM
The USA is beating and will beat China in a trade war or any sort of war handily because China sucks at war and the USA is the best at war, simple.

Not the least bit afraid of China at all..

Also, people's great fear of nukes ending the world is blown out of proportion IMO. We have detonated like 2,000 nukes and the world is just fine..