Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: CryptoBry on May 21, 2019, 07:58:39 AM

Title: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: CryptoBry on May 21, 2019, 07:58:39 AM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: fiulpro on May 21, 2019, 09:31:42 AM
Doubling the money would directly double up the prices , it means if you used to have x amount of money and now you have 2x and if you wanted to buy a new house and it's value was x before it will now be 2x , so in both cases you have nothing at last , now the bad part is the price , price in case 1 could be controlled and can go down but since inflation is on in case two the price will of course go up and will cause a lot of loss .

We aren't solving any problem we are just adding another that is inflation to it.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 21, 2019, 09:38:47 AM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
Printing more and more money doesn't make any changes but the governments can hide themselves from doing this when the inflation is under control but places like venenzuela faced hyper inflation and it made their currency into nothing due to excessive printing and all the other countries are facing the same shit under silet and for the years.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Ailmand on May 21, 2019, 12:43:58 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
Printing more and more money doesn't make any changes but the governments can hide themselves from doing this when the inflation is under control but places like venenzuela faced hyper inflation and it made their currency into nothing due to excessive printing and all the other countries are facing the same shit under silet and for the years.

Well, this resulted to the economic problem of Venezuela.  Excessive printing of money leads to hyper inflation. I agree that there this action by central banks and government is not something new, but as long as the amount of money printed does not reflect the economic growth of a country this will only hurt the economy it self as it lessens the amount of the currency, which makes it's buying power lesser.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: elda34b on May 21, 2019, 01:11:52 PM
Fix your quote everyone, no need to keep quoting the image from OP.

Ten years ago my country faced the same thing. Our national currency depreciated in value and inflation was crazy high. It pushed people to act crazy and blame the minority for their problem. This is an inherent risk in the fiat system, if the government can't manage their inflation, disaster will happen. I hope Venezuela can recover, and other countries won't have the same problem. Let's use sound money, or at least, make sure the government don't do something stupid.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: hugeblack on May 21, 2019, 01:14:57 PM
The only beneficiary of such rapid solutions that will distort the economy in the future is the government and the biggest loser is the next generation.
This policy has immediate effects and is not useful to the financial return of individuals, especially those who work in government/inside jobs where the value of salaries will decline as the rise of price of goods and services.

Disconnecting gold and paper money was the beginning of such practices so unless there is a real link to gold or any other real assets, we will see this problem but will vary from country to country.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: 1Referee on May 21, 2019, 01:28:41 PM
I hope Venezuela can recover, and other countries won't have the same problem.

We all hope for the best, but the governments in these countries don't ever undergo a drastic change in their fundamentals. Bad dictators get replaced by one of their buddies pretending to do things differently, then later on (when it's too late) people figure out that nothing has changed at all.

I would love to see them use Bitcoin as currency, but it's not even remotely capable of serving millions of people at the same time. The only option for now is to have a Bitcoin backed fiat currency, where there can't be more fiat units in circulations than satoshis in their reserves. The volatility shouldn't be that much of an issue with how their native fiat currency has gone through more of it than Bitcoin itself.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: mirawantirinjana on May 21, 2019, 01:46:08 PM
Does not printing money only worsen the economic condition of a country?
big inflation will occur and make their currencies no longer valuable.
how do they think about that?  ??? ???

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: goaldigger on May 21, 2019, 02:00:22 PM
Printing huge amount of money without considering inflation or any ither economic aspects will do nothing but bad effects. Its like the more you print money, the lesser the value it will. Law of supply and demand. If you have over supply of fiat that it cant stand its own value, you could buy a bread with a bucketful of your local currency. So government know all of this thats why they make it balance.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Beerwizzard on May 21, 2019, 02:03:10 PM
We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run.  
No. Money printing either results as a disaster in a short term, just as we see this uncontrolled money printing in 3rd world countries, or it wouldn't have any serious threat in future. There is nothing bed in money printing until it is controlled and performed in a smart way. At least no one yet showed a stable working economy example with deflative currency that push prices of everything that was made in that country.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Gozie51 on May 21, 2019, 07:02:42 PM
Yes, some government see printing of more money as a final solution if they have tried out what they think they can do but definitely, with economic explanation, printing of more money into circulation will cause inflation. For me I think borrowing is usually better. Stronger economies hardly print money, I have observed this but I don't know how much my observation is correct.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: dothebeats on May 21, 2019, 07:48:23 PM
Print more money, what could go wrong? The current generation and older ones wouldn't be able to live long enough to see the blunders of their past come out and get them. The band-aid solution offered by quantitative easing has always been the go-to of people who are actually not looking deeper into the problem and see a genuine solution. Also, the 'freedom' offered by fiat is also what makes these regulators get the hang of just printing money to soften the economy for a short while, and if that freedom isn't present, I don't think QE would even be a thing.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: mindrust on May 21, 2019, 08:00:23 PM
Venezuela and Argentina isn't the same as the US.

USD is reserve currency. Bolivar and Peso are not. Being a reserve currency has one advantage: The demand for it is infinite.

The demand for bolivar only comes from the people who live in Venezuela. But the demand for USD is coming from all over the world. It is endless demand.

When your product has an endless number of buyers, the most sensible thing to do is, manufacturing it endlessly.

That's how USD manages to survive.

Is it going to go forever?

No. China and Russia are trying to find ways to use gold in international trades. Europe tried to make deals with Iran by using the EURO as a currency. It is happening everywhere. People are bored as fuck.

That's the only thing which can kill the USD: the diminishing demand.

What'll happen when the demand for USD is gone? Hyperinflation.

All those printed USD will be as powerful as a goddamn Venezuelan Bolivar.

What to do? Buy Gold and bitcoin. Or get rekt.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: exstasie on May 21, 2019, 08:33:23 PM
In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

I think this points to the primary problem of representative politics. The people in power only care about retaining their power. That means maintaining the status quo and preventing the economy from immediately falling apart. It's the proverbial "kicking the can down the road." When elections are held every 2-4 years, you just need to perpetually band-aid the problems to keep your career intact. Legislators have no interest in rocking the boat when central banks and cabinet members are telling them the economy needs saving.

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.

It's also possible we're exaggerating the situation. The US government has engaged in QE-like policies ever since the Great Depression. Is it possible they have prevented another Depression from happening by doing so? What would have happened in 2008 if not for QE? It's hard to say......

Just playing devil's advocate. ;)

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Harlot on May 21, 2019, 08:51:40 PM
We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
Nope, economic damges from overprinting money is instant and can be seen within a quarter or so, that is why we are seeing countries rise up woth their inflation on double digits faster compared to other countries taking another route with their money problems. I don't even know why governments opt out in this way where they think printing more money is some kind of band-aid solution in a crisis when what they are just doing is digging their grave deeper into the ground.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Twinkledoe on May 21, 2019, 09:45:31 PM
We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
Nope, economic damges from overprinting money is instant and can be seen within a quarter or so, that is why we are seeing countries rise up woth their inflation on double digits faster compared to other countries taking another route with their money problems. I don't even know why governments opt out in this way where they think printing more money is some kind of band-aid solution in a crisis when what they are just doing is digging their grave deeper into the ground.

Maybe they are just giving a consolation for themselves. Seeing huge amount of paper money with very little value rather than nothing will make them feel better. But the ordinary people under them is the one suffering the real consequences of their actions.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: shield132 on May 21, 2019, 09:53:22 PM
Doubling the money would directly double up the prices , it means if you used to have x amount of money and now you have 2x and if you wanted to buy a new house and it's value was x before it will now be 2x , so in both cases you have nothing at last , now the bad part is the price , price in case 1 could be controlled and can go down but since inflation is on in case two the price will of course go up and will cause a lot of loss .

We aren't solving any problem we are just adding another that is inflation to it.
Good point, in reality what we do is masking problems, it's just a matter of time when it will explode. Now even Argentina wanta to print money.
In reality deal is following: set limit on how much money one person can own. Why the hell do someone owns billions when he/she can't use it during his/her life? There must be a limit on net profit on person.
And also, do you know what breaks us? Money that is spent in military, we don't like piece, we war, we rob, we steal, we damage, we break, we do all shit.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: LeGaulois on May 21, 2019, 09:57:07 PM
The money is based on debt. What I got is if it wasn't possible to borrow money from banks the economy could not even exist. Too easy for governments and central banks to print money when its the population that will suffer from the result. I don't think people in Zimbabwe have a great life there. Too easy to charge people more taxes and to ask them to work longer. (to get almost nothing for your retirement as a 'bonus'))
At least with Bitcoin & its limited supply, you can't create unlimited bitcoins and can't produce counterfeit bitcoins.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Mahanton on May 21, 2019, 10:11:58 PM
That's the only thing which can kill the USD: the diminishing demand.

What'll happen when the demand for USD is gone? Hyperinflation.

All those printed USD will be as powerful as a goddamn Venezuelan Bolivar.

What to do? Buy Gold and bitcoin. Or get rekt.
Possibilities are there but USD had been rooted too deep and which I cant see a possible scenario that its demand would come to a point
that goes to the floor this is why its being considered to be the most powerful currency as of this moment.Well, we wont know on what
would happen on future but it wont really come to a point that it would dragged out to hyperinflation.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: creeps on May 21, 2019, 10:53:57 PM
Does not printing money only worsen the economic condition of a country?
big inflation will occur and make their currencies no longer valuable.
how do they think about that?  ??? ???
So much money out in the market is too risky for every country and that is why they can’t print money for the whole year they have limit it as well and if the money is too much circulating around government will make way to get back that money becaue if not big inflation will occur. Cryptocurrency is a good option if we don’t want to feel the inflation, investing makes you effective and makes your money grow even if the value of your fiat decreasing.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: BitHodler on May 21, 2019, 11:06:53 PM
At least with Bitcoin & its limited supply, you can't create unlimited bitcoins and can't produce counterfeit bitcoins.
Bitcoin might be limited, but what if governments build an unlimited fiat token like USDT on top of Bitcoin? It will still allow them to print money out of nothing, and debt will still be part of people's lives.

If they don't want to build on top of Bitcoin they can set up their own centralized network. Governments can benefit from this crypto revolution just as much as we do, which some people haven't really thought about yet.

Another thing is that people love to buy things they don't have the money for, so even with all the best intent in the world, if people themselves don't stop buying things with debt, it just won't stop debt at all.

Supply and demand kicking in again. There is what seems to be an endless demand for debt, and there is a lot of fake money in circulation to meet it, and in case there isn't enough in circulation, more will be created to even it out.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: exstasie on May 21, 2019, 11:27:05 PM
At least with Bitcoin & its limited supply, you can't create unlimited bitcoins and can't produce counterfeit bitcoins.
Bitcoin might be limited, but what if governments build an unlimited fiat token like USDT on top of Bitcoin? It will still allow them to print money out of nothing, and debt will still be part of people's lives.

If they don't want to build on top of Bitcoin they can set up their own centralized network. Governments can benefit from this crypto revolution just as much as we do, which some people haven't really thought about yet.

How would they benefit? I suppose from a surveillance perspective they would since the GovCoin would naturally entail some sort of KYC aspect, applied to a public blockchain. Sounds quite Orwellian, actually.

But I'm hoping people aren't so stupid that the launch of GovCoin would seriously hamper Bitcoin adoption. The promise of decentralized programmable money with predictable seems too great to be obscured by some bait-and-switch government scheme. 

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: LeGaulois on May 21, 2019, 11:34:10 PM

No matter, It will still remain a centralized currency that works the same way as it is currently. Just a new (digital) currency that uses cryptography. But it will remain the currency of the government and not of the people.
Government budgets are so complex that you need several doctorates in everything just to find how you will maintain your economic plan for the next year.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: pushups44 on May 22, 2019, 01:06:58 AM
Yes, the over-reliance on monetary accommodation or easing to stimulate economies is good for bitcoin given that bitcoin has a fixed rate of inflation. Investors love stability and predictability, which bitcoin provides due to its mathematical nature. So as fiat currencies are devalued, investors will flock to bitcoin, precisely because its supply is fixed.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: mu_enrico on May 22, 2019, 05:13:20 AM
That's why I said Bitcoin >> fiat :)
Bitcoin is a non-debased currency without central (bank) control, A.K.A decentralized.

At least with Bitcoin & its limited supply, you can't create unlimited bitcoins and can't produce counterfeit bitcoins.
Bitcoin might be limited, but what if governments build an unlimited fiat token like USDT on top of Bitcoin? It will still allow them to print money out of nothing, and debt will still be part of people's lives.
That's true, but people could still track the total supply of tokenized fiat, and there is a high chance that fiat would be pegged to Bitcoin. USDT is not a good example of tokenized fiat.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Thanasis on May 22, 2019, 05:46:40 AM
But we still trusting those paper money and running for it all of our life,when it going to change. ???

EVen if we are earnig more and more money we will go into the debts again because our governments will print more money,so pathetic.We have the solution already but we made the bitcoin into asset rather than using as currency.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Kemarit on May 22, 2019, 01:14:38 PM
Does not printing money only worsen the economic condition of a country?
big inflation will occur and make their currencies no longer valuable.
how do they think about that?  ??? ???

I don't know how young you are, or if you have been in the economic crisis in 2008 but printing money out of thin air will not solved any problem, on the contrary it will just it make worst, it's one of the reason of causes of inflation.

But we still trusting those paper money and running for it all of our life,when it going to change. ???

EVen if we are earnig more and more money we will go into the debts again because our governments will print more money,so pathetic.We have the solution already but we made the bitcoin into asset rather than using as currency.

That's why it's about to change with people know that crypto is better than fiat. I mean government's enslave us will all this money around and putting more people in debt.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Decksperiment on May 22, 2019, 01:59:42 PM
If im not wrong, printing money continously is quite analogous to generating unlimited useless tokens or coins and exchanging it to BTC and other major cryptocurrencies and is being done by malicious actors - in this case, money is traded to USD and other major international currencies. I think you will have ideas on which countries are benefiting from this scheme. :)

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: juperos on May 22, 2019, 02:06:43 PM
printing too much money will certainly affect many areas of economics as well as politics. The biggest lesson from printing money is Venezuela. now people have to take advantage of buying lots of Bitcoin and have to migrate through other countries to live.
Inflation has risen too high and it has gone out of control, I think Venezuela needs more than 50 years to begin to restore the financial situation.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Apes on May 22, 2019, 02:30:14 PM
Venezuela has printed money without consideration of a mature monetary economy. now they are get the consequences, escaping from monetary economy is very difficult and many countries has experience it.
printing large amounts of money without any money reserves in the form of USD and without having a lot of gold reserves, would be a disaster for that country.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: kryptqnick on May 22, 2019, 05:28:44 PM
When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
Inflation is indeed very tempting. When the country has to pay the debt or someone decided to increase popularity by giving people something a country cannot really afford, it is easy to print more money, conceal the traces as good as possible and enjoy a temporary positive effect. You are right that eventually, it leads to a disaster. That is why I believe that fiat will become the past. Humanity can either make a slow transition to cryptocurrencies or learn it the painful way when currencies like the dollar and euro collapse. Either way, I think the outcome will be a decision to turn to the kind of money that cannot be controlled and manipulated like that. And this money is crypto money.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on May 22, 2019, 06:35:48 PM
Governments know very well what they are doing when they are just printing more money and that's creating more inflation until everything will blow up. I think they do this because they are out of options and don't know what to do anymore so they are just delaying the inevitable. That's what happens when people choose shitty people to control their government

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: KlepZ on May 22, 2019, 06:51:35 PM
Does not printing money only worsen the economic condition of a country?
big inflation will occur and make their currencies no longer valuable.
how do they think about that?  ??? ???

I don't know how young you are, or if you have been in the economic crisis in 2008 but printing money out of thin air will not solved any problem, on the contrary it will just it make worst, it's one of the reason of causes of inflation.
When a whole country tries to get richer by printing more money, it rarely works. Because if everyone has more money, prices go up instead. And people find they need more and more money to buy the same amount of goods.
This happened recently in Zimbabwe, in Africa, and in Venezuela, in South America, when these countries printed more money to try to make their economies grow.  When Zimbabwe was hit by hyperinflation, in 2008, prices rose as much as 231,000,000% in a single year. Imagine, a sweet which cost one Zimbabwe dollar before the inflation would have cost 231m Zimbabwean dollars a year later.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: bonker on May 22, 2019, 08:50:04 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
this type of things will definitely end with the difficulties for the country's the cost if they continuously put the money to be printed again and again then their economic situation will really going to be down and down again so it makes the country to be in low valuable situation that's why the printing money is really need to be controlled.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: STT on May 22, 2019, 09:01:25 PM
Doubling the money would directly double up the prices

No and this is the reason why they keep printing.     Its a tactic favoured by non democratic countries especially because when the money is doubled in amount to create 'new wealth'  the prices do not react immediately.   Its like insider dealing on shares, its very attractive to trade a price operating on old data rather then what you are aware of.

Because of this lag in price changes and how government as the primary and sole source of new money, it always has an advantage over the people and users of its currency.  

One of the difficulties with real investment or any type of spending is to know whether today is the best price or will the best price come with a better harvest or a new flow of oil or whatever resource you are buying, each has their own market and dynamics that can make prices higher or lower.
Printing the money gives certainty to those in possession of this new quantity, they have made everything cheaper for themselves but they must spend it as quickly as possible to beat the wave of price rises.     Ultimately what they have done is destroy the system of business and exchange within that country, most countries will try to exclude alternatives and outlaw the idea of freedom, competition and capitalism.   

I think all of us have to respect freedom is part of what helps to create wealth.    When laws appear to outlaw personal and private non violent actions I know society is growing poorer even if some believe they are in a better position now, populism is behind alot of what starts these policies I think and we forget the freedom because it appears to be a profit at the start.    It takes more then one person to destroy a country

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Reid on May 22, 2019, 10:25:43 PM
And that is also copied by some of the ICO tokens.
Got 10M tokens and then suddenly they needed more so they will adjust it like forking their own token. Voila! You got yourself billions of token without any value.
Then suddenly they lose supporters because of what they did.

Fiat have been around for quite some time, it needs changes. Something where they cannot create another anymore. This is also to keep the country from being sold into the world bank.  ;D
Something like bitcoin is a good option.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Xampeuu on May 23, 2019, 03:09:16 AM
And that is also copied by some of the ICO tokens.
Got 10M tokens and then suddenly they needed more so they will adjust it like forking their own token. Voila! You got yourself billions of token without any value.
Then suddenly they lose supporters because of what they did.

Fiat have been around for quite some time, it needs changes. Something where they cannot create another anymore. This is also to keep the country from being sold into the world bank.  ;D
Something like bitcoin is a good option.
I agree, increasing supply will result in a reduction in value. this happened as you explained that the token investor became uninterested and finally left him one by one, until the project fell asleep himself

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Ozero on May 23, 2019, 05:07:01 AM
Governments of various countries also understand that excessive printing of paper money directly affects inflation and therefore does not always use this method in difficult situations with the economic development of the country. Therefore, international loans and other economic instruments are used. Minor inflation is even useful for the economy, as long as it does not exceed the permissible limits.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: joniboini on May 23, 2019, 06:21:45 AM
Therefore, international loans and other economic instruments are used.

As long as the loans wouldn't result in debt-trap policy, it's good. However, loans should never be the main priority. They should increase the economic power from their own country, by doing something like human development, encouraging youngsters to run their own business, help the small & medium business to grow and so on.

At one point or another, it still doesn't change the fact that fiat buying power will eventually decrease, and it's not a really good instrument to store your asset imo.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: iMark on May 23, 2019, 11:32:47 AM
But we still trusting those paper money and running for it all of our life,when it going to change. ???

EVen if we are earnig more and more money we will go into the debts again because our governments will print more money,so pathetic.We have the solution already but we made the bitcoin into asset rather than using as currency.
Because we live in a country that has rules, thats why we still use paper money, and that won't change.
but in my opinion every country will not do anything stupid by printing millions of banknotes for no reason right? of course printing will be tailored to the needs and mutual agreement in a government.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Indrawan77 on May 23, 2019, 01:24:51 PM
When inflation happened, its not wise to keep on printing the money, it will makes the situation become worse and the money will lose more value, the government need to think other idea to save the country maybe by loaning or selling some assets, printing money is not a solution look at Venezuela that become worse and worse

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Naida_BR on May 23, 2019, 05:40:52 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.

This is the vicious cycle of the fiat currencies that sadly will blow in the next years.
Already there are a lot of economies that print money without adding any value in the global economy, pushing the debt crisis in a red scale. These money will go to rich countries and not to poor ones, thus they will enforce inequalities in the globe.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: exstasie on May 23, 2019, 06:55:14 PM
Fiat have been around for quite some time, it needs changes. Something where they cannot create another anymore. This is also to keep the country from being sold into the world bank.  ;D
Something like bitcoin is a good option.

It could be, although to be completely fair, we haven't exactly tested Bitcoin's deflationary model yet.

Right now the Bitcoin supply is still inflating at a pretty fast rate. That keeps miners strongly motivated to secure the network. In the future, mining revenue will only be composed of transaction fees. Will the network remain as secure as today?

I've read some compelling opinions from respectable people (Peter Todd comes to mind) who think a predictably low but perpetual inflation rate is a more reliable economic design. Time will tell, I guess!

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Bezobraznike on May 23, 2019, 07:28:18 PM
   Uncontrolled money printing is working well only in the USA. I really do not know how they managed that, but it works.
   In the case of other countries everything starts with raising of taxes which the government takes to cover their needs. Then prices for goods and foods raise. As the result minimal salary got increased. And after begin a new circle.
   As you can see the problem in the head of the country, government. In the case of fast raising inflation and uncontrolled money printing the head should be changed. But it is really hard to managed, because of people on the top are taking for their position with all teeth.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: oseikuf44 on May 23, 2019, 07:32:09 PM
The continuous printing of money will never stop since it forms part of the function of central government but the problem is when the government fail to control the supply of money in the system.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Shenzou on May 23, 2019, 08:14:44 PM
Well obviously printing money is not going to help the economy at all, i mean it is going to lead to inflation and the local currency becoming useless and its value will go down significantly, i mean haven't they really learned from what happend to Zimbabwe  where they have a 1 trillion dollar bill that is worth 1 usd, that mean the the economy is domed and government issued currency is dead, now they are trading with currencies like usd and euro and other neighboring countries currency in order to keep the wheel going.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Nellayar on May 23, 2019, 09:56:53 PM
Like what happened in Venezuela wherein Mr. Sachez printed a lot of paper bills in order for his citizen to have money, it may lead in inflation. Making paper bills out of control may lose the economic stability. In order to stabiliE the economy, the government need also to adjust their monetary policy. In short, having a scarce amount of fiat will help the economy to prevent inflation.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: adzino on May 23, 2019, 10:10:15 PM
We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
Yeah, it will bring a disaster in the long run if everything is made in an unplanned way. If you keep on printing money, the total money that will circulate in the economy will increase. This means more purchasing power for the people. But, in this case, the purchasing power has increased, but the production is still the same. Thus, the seller will be bound to increase the price of the goods to keep up with the demand. This in turn causes inflation in the country. Again, it also (most of the time) weakens the currency value.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: uneng on May 23, 2019, 10:13:54 PM
That is the economical model of those who don't want to fix things, but to make the eternal maintenance of the problems. It's not a surprise Venezuela is making these mistakes as they chose a leftist party to rule the country. That is a total artificial economy with the sole purpose of keeping the appearences and to promise free (or very cheap) stuff for the people. Seems Argentina went through the same way and refused to fix the problems in the country, although Macri promised to be a liberal.

The only solution is to reduce public expenses, decrease the number of public jobs and to no centralize the country too much. Let the states, provinces, villages have more autonomy and incentive private initiative to invest on the country decreasing taxes and regulations.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: STT on May 23, 2019, 10:16:41 PM
Whats happening now is the first time its ever happened in history.   We have a united effort to print money in excess of growth or justification of trade increasing not just in one country but across the majority of the worlds most dominant economies.
So we have printing in USA, UK, Japan, EURO and much of the rest of the world who dont want to fall out of line and suffer any idea of a problem with trade vs these weaker currency standard countries.

What should eventually result is that it is found that a strong currency is beneficial to at least one country with a vital product it can export regardless of consumers ability to afford.   The normal status of demand exceeding supply and demand or production of goods in demand being the most important component to a growing economy.

The confusion stems from politics and agreements between countries to work together no matter what.   Thats a positive force except where all parties agree to do the wrong thing, which is the case with increased debt that is never repaid.   We should see this fall over at some point as money is better directed elsewhere, but I dont know how that happens exactly and how much pain might occur with that upset and reorganisation.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: BitHodler on May 23, 2019, 11:09:02 PM
The only solution is to reduce public expenses, decrease the number of public jobs and to no centralize the country too much. Let the states, provinces, villages have more autonomy and incentive private initiative to invest on the country decreasing taxes and regulations.
In my case that's already happening. The city I'm living in booked a positive net result, and that without excessive taxation, while the country as a whole is performing considerably worse.

Local governments are much closer to the people and the local economy than the politicians are trying to figure out what the heck is going on with the country as a whole. It's quite a shitshow to be honest, and the situation hasn't changed one bit.

If local governments are easily outperforming the rest of the country that's lead by a bunch of idiots totally disconnected from the average person or the economy, then why not look at what they do right and adopt the changes?

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Daniwahyu007 on May 24, 2019, 06:26:39 AM
it's true that printing money is not an easy matter that can cause problems, of course this might have to be considered because their politicians are very cunning and greedy. for that the government is better off adopting crypto with a supply that is clear and cannot be multiplied

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Whosdaddy on May 24, 2019, 06:32:11 AM
Sorry, but you don't know what you're saying. Printing lots of money doesn't mean that you will get a lot of money to solve your monetary problems just like you have said, sorry but you're very wrong. Because printing lots of money means that your country's money will be losing its value and that means that the purchase power will be dropping.

Every product in the country will be expensive for an average man to buy, cause they won't be able to afford it. So printing money doesn't make any sense. When there isn't excess in circulation, the value of the money goes high.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: fidelium1 on May 24, 2019, 06:44:21 AM
Printing more money is never a good solution to economic problems, in fact on the long run, it worsen the situation. I will encourage that in the face of social and economic challenges, meaningful policies should be made rather than printing more money.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: el kaka22 on May 24, 2019, 07:35:46 AM
Debt-trap policy is not there to keep the country in a debt forever to make them go even further into debt and continue like that.

It exists because if a country doesn't have a debt at all then they would be capable of going back into problem again and will be needed to bail out however if a debt-trap type of issue is given then they will have to fix their situation in order to keep paying the debt, if you have debt then you will be fiscally responsible and as long as you have a debt you will continue to be fiscally responsible, that is why debt-trap is great for countries that do not have governments that realize whats wrong with their own country and try to fix it.

Being in debt then getting out of that debt and then ruining it and going back to debt will create a problem on that country that result with many people becoming poor than rich then rich than poor and continue like that, instead be in debt forever and have people who are neither poor nor rich but just alright.

Look at Greece, they have been in debt forever but they are at least working on fixing it, that is how everyone should handle debts. They are in far better situation than 2008 and aftermath even though they have been in debt for over 10 years.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Ranly123 on May 25, 2019, 04:20:33 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.

I think it's not that easy to just print paper money from nothing. Of course the country needs to have deposits in the world Bank to justify the total money circulating in a country. It's easy to print but it also needs deposits.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: dimonstration on May 25, 2019, 07:37:46 PM
When inflation happened, its not wise to keep on printing the money, it will makes the situation become worse and the money will lose more value, the government need to think other idea to save the country maybe by loaning or selling some assets, printing money is not a solution look at Venezuela that become worse and worse
I remember reading articles on how Venezuela suffer in hyperinflation that they even call their currency worthless that they make those printed money into bags since it will be hard to purchase  goods due to high inflation Velenzuela experience.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: engrshu on May 25, 2019, 10:09:27 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.

That is why printing lots of money is not actually a solution but rather a continuous problem that they are keeping. As the number of printed money increases its value then is decreases, so technically they're just printing bunch of papers that they cannot use cuz for its smaller value.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: FlightyPouch on May 25, 2019, 10:59:30 PM
it's true that printing money is not an easy matter that can cause problems, of course this might have to be considered because their politicians are very cunning and greedy. for that the government is better off adopting crypto with a supply that is clear and cannot be multiplied

Well, we can't stop the government. All I know is that they are printing money based on the number they needed. If they will be printing money, as far as I know, the value of that currency will go down hence inflation will happen. I don't think the government will even consider btc or any other crpyto currency to use, they will never control it and people will be able to transact money without them knowing and they don't want that too.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: cok_elat on May 26, 2019, 04:53:49 AM
if the financial coming worse and solved by printing with more money, it is a very bad decision because it will worsen the situation. More money will make the value of money decreasing

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: wahyu wida on May 26, 2019, 05:44:42 AM
it's true that printing money is not an easy matter that can cause problems, of course this might have to be considered because their politicians are very cunning and greedy. for that the government is better off adopting crypto with a supply that is clear and cannot be multiplied

Well, we can't stop the government. All I know is that they are printing money based on the number they needed. If they will be printing money, as far as I know, the value of that currency will go down hence inflation will happen. I don't think the government will even consider btc or any other crpyto currency to use, they will never control it and people will be able to transact money without them knowing and they don't want that too.
to print money does not have anything to do with bitcoin or cryptocurrency as a consideration. but it does have to have gold reserves. with continuous money printing, it will certainly cause inflation, so the value of the money becomes more worthless to buy an item

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: izanagi narukami on May 26, 2019, 12:51:27 PM
Inflation also make me think hard to make another investment that profitable and less risk.
Crypto become the answer and for some how, it's really proven profitable although most crypto have the volatile risk.

So what to stay away from inflation ?
Invest is the best way, not just save it into the bank !

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: sheenshane on May 26, 2019, 08:44:08 PM
I can tell that a moment will come where the Venezuelan will cry out loud and will regret its decision of printing more money from a central bank. I don't really understand or are they lacking financial and economic education?

Did they elect and chose uneducated people to become their executives and President? I can find them poor with this. Even if I don't live in Venezuela, I can feel the hurting feeling as some of their people does not even know what's happening. I can also tell that there will be a moment where the people will blame themselves by not going to school and take education.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on May 26, 2019, 09:45:15 PM
if the financial coming worse and solved by printing with more money, it is a very bad decision because it will worsen the situation. More money will make the value of money decreasing
It can also make the inflation more worst if the government continues to print money. Continuous printing is bad at all, they can’t do that everyday and because of this cryptocurrency are more expensive than the fiat money because of the limited supply.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: XFlowZion on May 27, 2019, 05:18:05 AM
it's true that printing money is not an easy matter that can cause problems, of course this might have to be considered because their politicians are very cunning and greedy. for that the government is better off adopting crypto with a supply that is clear and cannot be multiplied

Well, we can't stop the government. All I know is that they are printing money based on the number they needed. If they will be printing money, as far as I know, the value of that currency will go down hence inflation will happen. I don't think the government will even consider btc or any other crpyto currency to use, they will never control it and people will be able to transact money without them knowing and they don't want that too.
to print money does not have anything to do with bitcoin or cryptocurrency as a consideration. but it does have to have gold reserves. with continuous money printing, it will certainly cause inflation, so the value of the money becomes more worthless to buy an item

I disagree because cryptocurrency exists for that reason. To be an alternative currency for those countries who always abuse their powers in their government. Even a 1st world country like US can still be in chaos when just one of their future leaders becomes greedy. Decentralization is the best because power sometimes can really make you uncontrollable.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: tonyvo2017 on May 27, 2019, 05:36:40 AM
Yes, and Venezuela is one of the best examples. But it seems that the world knows how to fight inflation. they will invest all their money into Crypto or gold. This is one of the great ways to be able to make a profit for them despite the country's economy being degraded.
If this is a trend, we will easily see the price of altcoins growing strongly in the future! This is really a great effect.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: adamlillian on May 27, 2019, 05:41:29 AM
This is really a big problem and an example for other countries to follow. Venezuela actually made a very wrong policy and they paid the price. I really feel so sorry for the people of Venezuela. they have to migrate to other countries and some stay behind to live in riots. This is truly a memorable event in history.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Carreuh on May 27, 2019, 07:01:19 PM
Printing that will continually cause inflation in countries that do excessive printing of money, maybe in that country money will be worthless again so that all expensive prices become expensive and this will create chaos in the state itself starting from economic, social, political and  so, therefore, excessive printing of money makes the country more and more left behind

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: 1Referee on May 27, 2019, 11:28:06 PM
I can tell that a moment will come where the Venezuelan will cry out loud and will regret its decision of printing more money from a central bank. I don't really understand or are they lacking financial and economic education?
I think it's a combination of ignorance in the economics field, and greed. Some governments choose the easiest way out, which is to keep printing money to fill up gaps, but with how poorly lead their economies are, there are too many gaps to fill. For every gap you fill there are a few other gaps that also need to be filled, and this endless cycle will absolutely trash the value of your fiat currency.

It's like you are trying to fill up a bucket with water while there is a hole in the bottom of the bucket. No matter how often you try to fill the bucket, it always ends up empty.

I can also tell that there will be a moment where the people will blame themselves by not going to school and take education.
The situation there is hard to fathom for most westerners. These people have different priorities due to the poor circumstances they live in. Their main priority is to have food on the table, which requires even the youngest in the family to collect plastic or paper to earn a few bucks.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: betty11 on May 28, 2019, 02:49:14 AM
Government that does nothing but to collect tax from the people to meet expenses, when the tax is not enough, they simply borrow to finance budget, and they keep printing more money with plans to pay back (they don't pay back in the real sense, because they are going to borrow), why not run a better economic? they prefer the economic slavery policy. Look at Zimbabwe today, fiat has failed there.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: South Park on May 28, 2019, 06:58:28 PM
Doubling the money would directly double up the prices , it means if you used to have x amount of money and now you have 2x and if you wanted to buy a new house and it's value was x before it will now be 2x , so in both cases you have nothing at last , now the bad part is the price , price in case 1 could be controlled and can go down but since inflation is on in case two the price will of course go up and will cause a lot of loss .

We aren't solving any problem we are just adding another that is inflation to it.
If you double the amount of currency in a system the prices can go even higher than that, this may seem odd but it is not, if people have gotten used to the idea that their central bank will keep printing money then once they double the money supply the price of everything will go higher than that since people are now expecting the printing to continue, no only that a supply of money that is expanding so quickly is bad for the economy and will eventually damage it creating a scarcity of products and driving their prices to even higher levels.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on May 28, 2019, 10:58:53 PM
The economy where they constantly print money will always have inflation problems, in Venezuela it will always have that kind of problems because the economy is a total disaster, it does not matter if they continue printing or not, the problem has no solution.
In Argentina inflation is happening that can be redeemed, but the pertinent investments must be made so that it does not go to the floor like Venezuela's economy.

 It should be noted that no economist has ever contemplated the scenario of events that Venezuela has, it escapes from the hands and the solutions that could have been studied, it is simply madness.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: ecnalubma on May 29, 2019, 01:25:44 AM
Well many countries might be doing that secretly printing money but the long term effect is very disastrous. Money is corrupted for centuries,  physically its its not enough and needs transparency. We've been fooled before we exist,  monetary systems need to be revised unless if the government is concerned about the issue.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Gaff on May 29, 2019, 02:20:31 AM
Well many countries might be doing that secretly printing money but the long term effect is very disastrous. Money is corrupted for centuries,  physically its its not enough and needs transparency. We've been fooled before we exist,  monetary systems need to be revised unless if the government is concerned about the issue.

Really? If they're doing it secretly without transparency to the people , then the government have to take actions if there's subjections to towards financial conflict. I think there's a regulation on printing money, and I don't believe that these people doing it cannot be traced if such. If there's a continuos printing, it must be within controlled by the central bank of a certain country and it should be based on their financial capability to produced paper money to be circulated for global exchange. Same with crypto, some project we'rent able to be circulated to the market when there's no enough funds to shoulder the entire trading transactions because of capability issues.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: syamster on May 29, 2019, 10:49:24 PM
Well many countries might be doing that secretly printing money but the long term effect is very disastrous. Money is corrupted for centuries,  physically its its not enough and needs transparency. We've been fooled before we exist,  monetary systems need to be revised unless if the government is concerned about the issue.
Many counties are doing this but I don’t consider paper money anymore because we know now we have much better option to use for purchasing goods and we can make money with it, we can use alternative of paper money, it is fast and safe to use, so I think in future need of paper money will be almost zero people are moving forward to digital currency now.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: LeGaulois on May 29, 2019, 10:54:57 PM
Funny you mention Venezuela, did you read the news about its inflation? The government hasn't published any information related to it for 3 years and now claim its inflation is at 103,000%. IMF replied the percentage is a lot undervalued and the real rate is surely at 1,000,000% approximatively and will go up to 10 million. How crazy it is, see, printing more money and citizens now can't even buy a bread.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: DoublerHunter on May 29, 2019, 11:13:08 PM
Continue printing money is not prohibited as long as the money had used with the same value. You actually print more money but it becomes worthless if the money was printed too much. There must a circulation supply of the money in what country you are and we can put a value on it. We don't need to print more money if the value has the same on buying goods it's totally worthless.
More and more money will reduce the value of buying goods.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: SinisterS on May 29, 2019, 11:36:50 PM
What I always wondered if there's a way for the US in particular go back to 1990s prices. What would have to happen for that to happen? It was just more convenient buying certain small items.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: iv4n on May 30, 2019, 07:15:39 AM
What I always wondered if there's a way for the US in particular go back to 1990s prices. What would have to happen for that to happen? It was just more convenient buying certain small items.

Inflation eaten your paycheck. With rising inflation your paycheck worth less and less, if inflation is less than expected, creditors benefit and debtors lose. Creditors receive dollar payments from debtors that have a higher real value than was expected. Who are creditors? Banks, governments, some institutions, corporation, handful of people is controlling the rest of the world.
That`s about to change very soon I think. Now we have something we never had before, weapons to fight back, now we have crypto.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 30, 2019, 07:28:40 AM
Well many countries might be doing that secretly printing money but the long term effect is very disastrous. Money is corrupted for centuries,  physically its its not enough and needs transparency. We've been fooled before we exist,  monetary systems need to be revised unless if the government is concerned about the issue.
How do you determine a change then? Bitcoin is also money. It is not a prime solution to money. It has a deflationary system and that is what makes it different from printed money but it is still a mode of payment.

If you think money is fooling you then bitcoin is also fooling you. What you saying it driven by a delusional concept that the government is promoting use of fiat just because it fools people - that is wrong and a misconception. Government likes fiat true, but that is being used for a reason. The economy of a bitcoin based so-called uptopia is not feasible. There needs to be a fiat crypto balance to make it feasible.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: STT on May 30, 2019, 05:08:38 PM
Fiat ( is mostly based around taxes and the national resources under control of a government and enforced taxation and tariffs levied on a population for consumption and in exchange for their production.   So government has a way to tax people no matter what they do, this is a massive positive for Fiat ( vs Bitcoin which is entirely voluntary and just relies on providing a market globally to match buyers with sellers free of normal restrictions especially online digitally.

They both have a case in their favour and to continue.  The problem FIAT ( money has is the over use of debt to leverage that advantage held.   Production in a country can be replicated elsewhere and people can even choose to move and do better outside that regime.
FIAT ( has many alternatives possible if it ever becomes inconvenient and restrictive to business or production populations

Bitcoin has not many negatives to its name which is a necessary feature as it is such a new unsupported standard, the main obvious negative is transaction fees I think.   Again convenience is key and any difficulty in handling, processing or holding Bitcoin would impact on its worth far more severely then FIAT ( which has legal enforcement to back its value.

In the end I see FIAT ( as doomed to fail, because it has such a strong hand and it has been over played.   We live in a world with super powers and governments like titans but they will bend the knee to natural dynamics, that is the true order of the world and even in economics phenomena true for thousands of years will come to bear (    Its like an ancient Greek tale, something like King Midas and how too much of one thing is a negative.    The modern world has far too much debt and seemingly it has no way to stop itself from distorting all prices from false value

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: omonuyak on May 30, 2019, 06:26:17 PM
A country that what to be stable financially must control the inflow of money y and interests rate and in time of difficulty  they will be a need to build productions systems that renew the value of the money or currency in international markets. Many countries are in financial mess today because of printing of money to solve economical problems.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Boh manok on May 30, 2019, 09:52:59 PM
If there is a large-scale or continuous money printing, this will be very dangerous for the economic stability of a country that does this because there can be a significant inflation, a decline in currency prices which will increase all prices of basic commodities.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: South Park on May 31, 2019, 02:06:45 AM
Funny you mention Venezuela, did you read the news about its inflation? The government hasn't published any information related to it for 3 years and now claim its inflation is at 103,000%. IMF replied the percentage is a lot undervalued and the real rate is surely at 1,000,000% approximatively and will go up to 10 million. How crazy it is, see, printing more money and citizens now can't even buy a bread.
This is what happens when countries believe they can violate basic accounting principles, they believe that just because they are so big that they do not need to do it, but the truth is that they need to follow those principles like any other person would and the moment they begin to spend more money than what they get in taxes they get in trouble, while it is true that the low price of oil is a factor in the fall of Venezuela any economist knew it was just a matter of time before this happened.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: tonyvo2017 on May 31, 2019, 03:24:19 AM
Fix your quote everyone, no need to keep quoting the image from OP.

Ten years ago my country faced the same thing. Our national currency depreciated in value and inflation was crazy high. It pushed people to act crazy and blame the minority for their problem. This is an inherent risk in the fiat system, if the government can't manage their inflation, disaster will happen. I hope Venezuela can recover, and other countries won't have the same problem. Let's use sound money, or at least, make sure the government don't do something stupid.
I don't understand why governments like to print a lot of money, especially in some Middle Eastern countries, it seems that their economic knowledge is quite limited. But for people like us, we need to protect our money before letting those stupid people print more money.
We should use money to invest in crypto, its value will certainly increase over time and our money avoids inflation.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: DigitalCyberius on May 31, 2019, 04:19:39 AM
A long history of fails. Free printing of paper or otherwise worthless money allows unprecedented growth at first, but then the currency inevitably declines to nothing, often causing chaos. Interesting article about China's first attempts at it: 

Even the Romans, though they had coins, would debase them through lowering the valuable content over time, or also by clipping the coins (I believe), which also proved economically detrimental, though temporarily advantageous for the Emperors.

Have a great day,
The Cyberius team.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: haidil on May 31, 2019, 01:36:44 PM
If there is a large-scale or continuous money printing, this will be very dangerous for the economic stability of a country that does this because there can be a significant inflation, a decline in currency prices which will increase all prices of basic commodities.
of course there will be inflation if there is a large-scale printing of money that might affect all currencies and this is not good for economic stability.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Yutikas_11920 on June 01, 2019, 08:20:17 AM
If there is a large-scale or continuous money printing, this will be very dangerous for the economic stability of a country that does this because there can be a significant inflation, a decline in currency prices which will increase all prices of basic commodities.
of course there will be inflation if there is a large-scale printing of money that might affect all currencies and this is not good for economic stability.
well, there are already several countries that have gone bankrupt and have lost money because they have printed too much money, it is better for all countries to learn from that mistake so that it does not happen in their country.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Dontme on June 01, 2019, 12:09:05 PM
Printing a lot of money can not result to better things at all. If people knows that the country is printing a lot of money then the price of every goods will also rise a lot, and the buying power of money will go down. There is no benefit on printing too much money.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: indrakusumaindra on June 01, 2019, 05:35:56 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
yes its true that printing the money is one of the flaw on our economy system, but i do think inflation is caused by so many factor such as export and import of goods and services.i do think we should not blame the printing of money but we should take a big picture what might cause it more widely.
Printing a lot of money can not result to better things at all. If people knows that the country is printing a lot of money then the price of every goods will also rise a lot, and the buying power of money will go down. There is no benefit on printing too much money.
I do think sometimes printing money could help the economy of a country but they do need to do it with so much cautious cause it do could impact the economy in negative way.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Thanasis on June 02, 2019, 01:10:36 AM
What I always wondered if there's a way for the US in particular go back to 1990s prices. What would have to happen for that to happen? It was just more convenient buying certain small items.
It will never happen becauseevery year the money value keep decreasing due to more money printed by the government which causing the inflation and even we have inflation rate bacteria and it keeps increasing as well.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: magneto on June 02, 2019, 11:03:13 AM
When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.

Printing money per se isn't necessarily a bad thing, just like how lowering interest rates in itself may not be a bad thing but rather, intended to stimulate the economy.

However, if a nation's printing currency completely out of control, has no real economic backbone to rely on in terms of exports other than oil (whose value is extremely volatile), and the country's political regime is quite dysfunctional, then you've got a huge problem led by hyperinflation. And that's why Venezuela is in such deep trouble at the moment.

In order for an individual to protect themselves against these types of abusive policies, traditionally one would look at precious metals as a long term store of value independent of any fiat - but now increasingly, I think people are turning to BTC for the convenience, and this trend will only continue.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 04, 2019, 01:12:29 PM
It will never happen becauseevery year the money value keep decreasing due to more money printed by the government which causing the inflation and even we have inflation rate bacteria and it keeps increasing as well.
Thats is the bad effects of inflation. But the problem here is that there is no practical alternative to it. We may think like kids who dont understand how economics works and how a country is run, but we still talk about crypto becoming a mode of transaction in the global scale. Thats very much unlikely even if one country is set as an example.

There is no taxation system of bitcoin making it a nice tool for some people out there but looking out in the broader scale, who is going to run the country with the tax money is no tax money is coming in? There is literally no explanation to this unless some consensual body is going to collect taxes from bitcoin transactions.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: whirlcoin on June 04, 2019, 05:07:50 PM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
when we printed the money continuously it will not been giving any success for the country it only give the list point of economy to be decrease deal negative side when we see the changes in our country only the price increases and also the good price also increases because of the government printed it again and again the result will be huge problem at the end

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: South Park on June 06, 2019, 05:26:10 PM
A long history of fails. Free printing of paper or otherwise worthless money allows unprecedented growth at first, but then the currency inevitably declines to nothing, often causing chaos. Interesting article about China's first attempts at it: 

Even the Romans, though they had coins, would debase them through lowering the valuable content over time, or also by clipping the coins (I believe), which also proved economically detrimental, though temporarily advantageous for the Emperors.

Have a great day,
The Cyberius team.
That is why printing money without any restriction is so dangerous, at first it may give the impression of great prosperity and everyone is happy with the results but instead of accepting that temporal good fortune those that have the power to print money keep doing it, and then after some time they begin to see the consequences of what they are doing but by the time they do it is too late, now they are immersed in this new reality and if they stop printing money then the economy collapses, I would think that after so many historical examples of this happening people will avoid this path as much as they could but the temptation of free stuff seems to be too strong.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: DigitalGemToken on June 07, 2019, 12:44:38 AM
Yes, great post, I believe that is one of the reasons why people are into physical gold or Bitcoin.

Both of these are great stores of value precisely because they can not be printed out of thin air.

Physical gold can only be physically mined and Bitcoin has a set inflation schedule and also digital miners.

Digital Gem Token - Mainnet 100% Live

A decentralized open source store of value cryptocurrency that is more environmentally friendly and scale able than Bitcoin.

The inflation rate is 0.25% per year and uses the Delegated Proof of Stake consensus mechanism.

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Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: DigitalCyberius on June 07, 2019, 04:14:32 AM
A long history of fails. Free printing of paper or otherwise worthless money allows unprecedented growth at first, but then the currency inevitably declines to nothing, often causing chaos. Interesting article about China's first attempts at it: 

Even the Romans, though they had coins, would debase them through lowering the valuable content over time, or also by clipping the coins (I believe), which also proved economically detrimental, though temporarily advantageous for the Emperors.

Have a great day,
The Cyberius team.
That is why printing money without any restriction is so dangerous, at first it may give the impression of great prosperity and everyone is happy with the results but instead of accepting that temporal good fortune those that have the power to print money keep doing it, and then after some time they begin to see the consequences of what they are doing but by the time they do it is too late, now they are immersed in this new reality and if they stop printing money then the economy collapses, I would think that after so many historical examples of this happening people will avoid this path as much as they could but the temptation of free stuff seems to be too strong.

I think you hit the nail right on the head: the temptation of free stuff is too strong (as the Bible says, the love of money is the root of all evil). Then there's the fact that with the so-called "Federal Reserve" (which is neither), the whole system is based around monetizing debt, with the government ending up owing the FED (and as the Bible says again, the borrower is servant to the lender). There's a section in this article (subheading: "How the Fed Monetizes the Debt") that seems to explain it well:

Have a good day,
The Cyberius team

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 10, 2019, 01:07:32 PM
when we printed the money continuously it will not been giving any success for the country it only give the list point of economy to be decrease deal negative side when we see the changes in our country only the price increases and also the good price also increases because of the government printed it again and again the result will be huge problem at the end
Increase in the amount of money being minted increases the inflation. This is a basic problem in the traditional monetary system but you have to learn to accept it as a necessary evil. You are not seeing the other side of the problem. The governments need to run a country on the basis of this currency. Now making a system of deflationary currency will be taken with a widespread panic and distrust and general disputation from the public.

This will throw everything that country has created into chaos for a certain period of time. Nobody wants that to happen and neither do the government officials want to act like gods, in fear of assassination by their own men.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Nhebu on June 10, 2019, 10:57:52 PM
Hope its the solution for poor countries to become rich, but it will just create a problem than solve it. will simply spread the value of the existing goods and services around a larger number of dollars. This is inflation. ... If everyone has twice as much money but everything costs twice as much as before, people aren't better off. Having the government print money will not increase wealth.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: BitHodler on June 10, 2019, 11:54:53 PM
The governments need to run a country on the basis of this currency. Now making a system of deflationary currency will be taken with a widespread panic and distrust and general disputation from the public.

This will throw everything that country has created into chaos for a certain period of time. Nobody wants that to happen and neither do the government officials want to act like gods, in fear of assassination by their own men.
Governments don't have to run a system based on a deflationary currency, but they at the same time shouldn't be so trigger happy to print money left and right just because they see it as the easiest way out.

Printing money is an indication of incompetence. If you as government were to be competitive and profitable in functioning, the amount of money printing can be reduced by a lot.

Having a 2% inflation rate, which is somewhat of a standard globally, is still way too high. We also don't know of central banks actually respect that 2% mark because no one will figure out when it's 4% instead of 2%. There is no transparency.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: BitcoinGuruOne on June 11, 2019, 01:54:18 PM
You have mentioned 2 countries where their economies are relatively small and " printing money " has immediate consequences. Also their product shortages are a big factor.

That being said consider US which indirectly is doing the same thing only with help of financial instruments, for example, fractional loans. Fractional loans means that bank CAN give out 10 times !! the money they have . This does not have  immediate consequences but shows how fu**ed up the financial system can and is.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: South Park on June 11, 2019, 05:37:12 PM
A long history of fails. Free printing of paper or otherwise worthless money allows unprecedented growth at first, but then the currency inevitably declines to nothing, often causing chaos. Interesting article about China's first attempts at it: 

Even the Romans, though they had coins, would debase them through lowering the valuable content over time, or also by clipping the coins (I believe), which also proved economically detrimental, though temporarily advantageous for the Emperors.

Have a great day,
The Cyberius team.
That is why printing money without any restriction is so dangerous, at first it may give the impression of great prosperity and everyone is happy with the results but instead of accepting that temporal good fortune those that have the power to print money keep doing it, and then after some time they begin to see the consequences of what they are doing but by the time they do it is too late, now they are immersed in this new reality and if they stop printing money then the economy collapses, I would think that after so many historical examples of this happening people will avoid this path as much as they could but the temptation of free stuff seems to be too strong.

I think you hit the nail right on the head: the temptation of free stuff is too strong (as the Bible says, the love of money is the root of all evil). Then there's the fact that with the so-called "Federal Reserve" (which is neither), the whole system is based around monetizing debt, with the government ending up owing the FED (and as the Bible says again, the borrower is servant to the lender). There's a section in this article (subheading: "How the Fed Monetizes the Debt") that seems to explain it well:

Have a good day,
The Cyberius team
By nature most people are lazy, after all working is hard and if possible we would like to avoid the toil, so we are always trying to find the way to do the less work and get the best results, this has a positive side in the form of the technologies humans have created to make their lives easier but it also has a negative side and printing money is one of them, many people think that the more money in circulation the richer is the economy but we know that is not true, the true value of an economy comes from the products and services it generates and a bigger money supply just generates inflation and more money available to chase for the same products and services.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: RivAngE on June 11, 2019, 09:06:22 PM
Funny you mention Venezuela, did you read the news about its inflation? The government hasn't published any information related to it for 3 years and now claim its inflation is at 103,000%. IMF replied the percentage is a lot undervalued and the real rate is surely at 1,000,000% approximatively and will go up to 10 million. How crazy it is, see, printing more money and citizens now can't even buy a bread.
This is what happens when countries believe they can violate basic accounting principles, they believe that just because they are so big that they do not need to do it, but the truth is that they need to follow those principles like any other person would and the moment they begin to spend more money than what they get in taxes they get in trouble, while it is true that the low price of oil is a factor in the fall of Venezuela any economist knew it was just a matter of time before this happened.

Oh you mean this?

It's very likely that whoever was saving their monthly payment for the last years, this monthly payment is now worth about as much as a toilet paper.

I wonder if their banknotes are at least burning up well, they could use them to warm up on winters! ::)
It's the common folks who pay for the stupidity or green of the few in the end.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Mike Mayor on June 11, 2019, 10:39:35 PM
All you need to do is look at what happened to Germany during WW2 and what happened to zimbabwe a few years ago. Maybe at first, it seems like a good idea until hyper inflation and then you trading a wheelbarrow full of money for some milk and bread.

I read the article and didn't see anyone compare this to cocaine or cannabis. Comparing printing money as being addictive as cocaine is ridiculous. Why listen to some fool who compares cannabis to cocaine in the first place.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: FanEagle on June 12, 2019, 06:16:48 AM
The mathematics of constantly printing money is because the government usually has debts to pay and they fail to do so and there is literally no other way to pay the debt but print money. What you think as printing money is not depending on the amount or economics or that country but it is about the power of that country.

Just to give an example USA printed about 800 billion dollars just 10 years ago, literally 800 billion dollars which is more than most countries GDP but nothing major happened to them, hell most of the companies recovered thanks to it and now they are back to square one, the past decade helped them get better (nowadays they are getting worse because of trump but that is irrelevant).

So, you can print money as much as you want, you can print money at the height of 800 billion dollars and nothing would happen. Its not about printing money and nothing would come bad out of it if you are powerful enough, its about how weak your country is, when Venezuela does it then they get much worse but when USA does it everything is fine.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: SirLancelot on June 12, 2019, 11:04:46 AM

When your economy is not doing well, the inflation is beyond control and the people are demanding for changes...what will you do? Of course, you will print billions and billions of paper money so you have the budget for anything you want and to solve many monetary problems your country is facing today and into the future. Now to make things spiced up and politically correct, you are going to call the printing of more money as "quantitative easing" a term pregnant with many possibilities, opportunities and threats depending on which of the equation you are located.

In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.

Further Read:

We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
I don't think any country in their right senses would be doing that kind of sh#tty stuffs, cause it's very bad is going to ruin their economy. What's the need of printing more money when you already know that it is going to cause the value of that currency to be dropping and all those money you have printed will just turn to become worthless and nothing else. Countries do print money and it can either be to renew the ones in circulation or for a good reasons. So don't think that anyone in their right mind would just be printing money anyhow.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: salty on June 12, 2019, 12:06:36 PM

Disconnecting gold and paper money was the beginning of such practices so unless there is a real link to gold or any other real assets, we will see this problem but will vary from country to country.
Perhaps because of this problem, very smart people began to promote a new trend in the form of cryptocurrencies.Without gold peg, paper money simply does not cost anything. Cryptocurrency really can be an alternative to paper money.The current financial system requires an urgent change of the rules of the game.In addition to Venezuela, there are a number of countries with similar problems.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: desticy on June 12, 2019, 04:07:23 PM
The more money is printed, the more they depreciate it called inflation. As a result, prices become higher, less money for something to buy due to higher prices, unemployment is rising, the government has to print more and more money to correct the situation. Vicious circle.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Boh manok on June 12, 2019, 04:38:29 PM
Indeed, printing money continuously can cause economic chaos in the country, by that government will never print money excessively because it can reduce the value of the money so that all food ingredients and so on will experience a massive increase, thus making  the community becomes troubled

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: thehun on June 12, 2019, 08:56:19 PM
Once an Argentinian friend told me: "if you want to be successful in Argentina, you save in USD and you take loans in Pesos". And he was doing quite well with this simple rule. Sure, he was relatively wealthy and in a position to apply this, but also some lower-middle class people took advantage of the rampant inflation by maxxing out their credit cards (in many places they were offering 0% loans if you purchased certain stuff) buying things with a value that doesn't depreciate, paying the instalments (the last ones were a lot easier to pay) and at the end reselling the item at its original value + inflation.

I have never seen so many highly creative people (financially speaking) as in Argentina. I guess they don't have a choice and grow up with these things.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: South Park on June 13, 2019, 05:33:54 PM

So, you can print money as much as you want, you can print money at the height of 800 billion dollars and nothing would happen. Its not about printing money and nothing would come bad out of it if you are powerful enough, its about how weak your country is, when Venezuela does it then they get much worse but when USA does it everything is fine.
Comparing the US against any country when it comes to printing money will always be unfair for one reason, the dollar is the reserve currency of the world so the US can get away with printing such huge amounts of money because of it, even if the economy of the US was as large but if the dollar did not had its reserve status then you could see the bad effects of printing money in a faster fashion, however that does not mean they can get away with it forever.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 18, 2019, 02:38:31 PM
The more money is printed, the more they depreciate it called inflation. As a result, prices become higher, less money for something to buy due to higher prices, unemployment is rising, the government has to print more and more money to correct the situation. Vicious circle.

So what do you suggest should be done even though your opinion means nothing to your government? Ban all fiat money and issue some crypto that is deflationary?

Might seen pretty good to you but dont forget that not every person in the world is as wise as you are and you are literally going to be making it very risky for those who have little understanding of how to keep crypto safe. Moreover a crypto economy is not sustainable if there is no taxation system and if you ask crypto users to pay taxes then you are not going to get anything out of them because that was the only reason they moved to crypto.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: Argoo on August 19, 2019, 05:20:57 PM
Paper money has existed for many centuries, and governments have long developed certain rules for their circulation in society, so that they benefit the state economy. They are generally very useful for any economy, however, as elsewhere, moderation is always needed. In terms of printing extra money, I do not see big problems. The government sometimes prints extra paper money, but it also knows that this can lead not only to big inflation, but also to the political death of this government.

Title: Re: The Continuous Printing of Money
Post by: RivAngE on August 22, 2019, 07:20:08 AM
Paper money has existed for many centuries, and governments have long developed certain rules for their circulation in society, so that they benefit the state economy. They are generally very useful for any economy, however, as elsewhere, moderation is always needed. In terms of printing extra money, I do not see big problems. The government sometimes prints extra paper money, but it also knows that this can lead not only to big inflation, but also to the political death of this government.

The thing is, that metals as a form of value for trading has existed for much longer than fiat paper.
Ofcourse we can't keep using physical metals in our age... I don't know how much gold one mobile case bought from ebay is but it'd probably cost more to transfer a tiny amount of gold to china than bringing in the case from there! ;D

But Blockchain should be the next step that bridges the best of both worlds (the fairness of physical metals and the comfort of fiat transactions).
It doesn't have to be Bitcoin, just any well organized blockchain with fairness in mind would be great.