Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: padarjohn on May 21, 2019, 06:47:38 PM

Title: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win7)
Post by: padarjohn on May 21, 2019, 06:47:38 PM
I've always had "issues" getting Armory started under Windows. Sometimes restarting it works, sometimes it leaves hanging processes that I have to kill from Task Manager and then running again works. Pretty sure the issues are all related to connecting with bitcoind, but usually it eventually comes up stable after enough tries.
This time I've been stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" for over 24 hours now. I've tried quitting/restarting multiple times. I've tried running bitcoind separately. I've updated to the latest versions of both Armory and Bitcoin Core.
If I start bitcoin-qt it appears that bitcoind is caught up with transactions, but I don't know how to verify that. From the bitcoin-qt Information window:
Current number of blocks   577119
Last block time                 Tue May 21 11:45:44

Interestingly, I don't see bitcoind in the task list when I run bitcoin-qt. I could have sworn it was there the last time I did.

I'm using the default installation settings. The system is a core-i7 with 12GB RAM.

And this time when I restarted Armory, AmoryDB crashed.

Title: Re: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win7)
Post by: droark on May 21, 2019, 06:52:09 PM
To verify the # of blocks, the easiest way is to check against a block explorer ( As of this writing, 577121 is the latest block, so you're essentially up-to-date.

Regarding getting stuck, try the "Rebuild and Rescan Databases" option under "Help". After years of not having to do it, I finally got bit recently and had to do it myself. It takes a little while on a system similar to yours (~20 min., IIRC) but I found it relatively painless.

Title: Re: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win7)
Post by: padarjohn on May 22, 2019, 07:15:32 AM
I did the "Rebuild and Rescan Databases" . It took most of the day. Now I am "offline". <sigh>

I guess I'll quit and restart and see if there's any improvement.

edit: When I quit Armory, the ArmoryDB process doesn't exit. I have to kill it from Task Manager.

Title: Re: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win7)
Post by: PhoenixFire on May 22, 2019, 01:51:07 PM
I did the "Rebuild and Rescan Databases" . It took most of the day. Now I am "offline". <sigh>

I guess I'll quit and restart and see if there's any improvement.

edit: When I quit Armory, the ArmoryDB process doesn't exit. I have to kill it from Task Manager.

Definitely stick with running bitcoin-qt yourself, not having Armory run bitcoind. You will want to config bitcoin-qt to run RPC in this case too.
In my experience, ArmoryDB not exiting gracefully usually means either the scanning isn't finished or ArmoryDB is choking on some part of the blockchain.
In those rare cases where Armory rescans have failed like that I've had to reindex the blockchain in bitcoin-qt, which isn't exactly fast.
Before you do anything like that, please post your logs files (via pastebin or similar)
armorylog.txt and dbLog.txt are probably the most useful. They will contain paths that have your username in them - feel free to find/replace the username.

Title: Re: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win7)
Post by: padarjohn on May 22, 2019, 09:17:38 PM
The orphaned ArmoryDB process wasn't using any CPU, so I assumed it wasn't doing any scanning.

Restarting went fine. Armory is back up and online.

Thanks for the pointer to the logfiles. I'll look there first next time.

Title: Re: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win10)
Post by: Silversurfer20 on November 05, 2021, 08:40:36 PM
Having the same problem.

It stops at 98 percent. Scan Transaction History.

It used to be online but now It also shows to be offline.

Anybody knows what to do?

Title: Re: Armory stuck on "Scanning Transaction History" (Win10)
Post by: nc50lc on November 06, 2021, 03:39:26 AM
Anybody knows what to do?
As usual, the issue might be noted in the logs, goatpig (the Developer) will ask for those anyways.
"armorylog.txt" and "dblog.txt" are located in Armory's data directory, then you can paste them in pastebin ( and link it to your reply so it won't clutter this thread.