Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Searing on May 21, 2019, 07:53:19 PM

Title: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on May 21, 2019, 07:53:19 PM

Ok. Craig Wright filled out a form stating he is Satoshi. Paid the $35 fee. He also is playing 'Patent Troll' and registering lots of those as well..

What is the endgame?

1) He was part of a Satoshi Group with say, Hal Finney, Dave Kleiman, and himself. They did set up, as he states a 'Tulip Trust' of the early

Bitcoin 'test mined' as he said, that he can access, (as the last man standing now), thus getting Billions and proving he is Satoshi as he states.

(or at least the last part of the group alive). I don't buy it, but stranger things have happened in the World. (Trump as President). So it is out there.

2) He does the Copy Right USA stuff and using that the same in other countries along with the patent trolling of applications in the 100's. Help him

in any manner, even if he is proven NOT to be Satoshi?

So even if NEITHER of the above is true, or if any of the ABOVE is true...I can't see what he hopes to gain from all this, except publicity.

Enlighten me on how the scam or in his words, process, plays out with either 1) or 2) above or just plain...not either.

Again, don't get it. If he HAS access to such funds Jan 1st, 2020. Why all this other smoke and mirrors and drama? What advantage?

Anyway, for better minds than my own.

I SUPPOSE I could point out the other possibility in that it is just to hype Bitcoin SV and the price (it did more than double today) and play

patent troll and use the copyright to confuse many and make scammer $$$ (IMHO) that way. Get paid off for being a pain on such things in the future.

But I just don't get how his 'scheming' is supposed to work. Either if he DOES have access to Tulip Fund or that too is a lie. Any of his actions seem

to be purely for attention. Indeed, I see nothing in his antics to improve his lot as either 1) proving he is Satoshi or 2) Getting copyrights and patents

across the world to use as some kind of 'payoff' lever?. Anyway, after the fact, stating he is Satoshi.

As far as 'evil genius' goes, he seems to be lacking the skills to pull this off in either manner.

Well, let me know what you think all this drama, in whatever scenario above, hopes to accomplish. (makes my head hurt)

better minds than me and all that

Take the Poll



Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on May 21, 2019, 07:53:43 PM

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: squatter on May 21, 2019, 08:01:36 PM
I can't see what he hopes to gain from all this, except publicity.

I used to ponder this same question. If it's an elaborate con -- perhaps having to do with his tax evasion case with Australia -- then it doesn't outwardly make sense. But maybe we don't have all the details?

At this point, I think it really is all about the publicity and the guy has psychological issues. I think he's a megalomaniac and is seeking out ways to inflate his sense of social importance by injecting himself into the media any way he can.

Maybe he is heavily invested in BSV and thinks this sort of notoriety is good for the price. That's one alternative explanation.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: vycl87 on May 21, 2019, 08:04:04 PM
Let's put everything aside. You're Satoshi. If you had thought to come out one day, would you try to stay that much? I do not think so. And it's easy for Craig Wright to prove all his claims.

Everyone knows that Satoshi owns many Bitcoins. If Satoshi wants to prove that he is, he can transfer all these Bitcoins to a wallet where he will create it and then redistribute it. I guess that could convince us all.

After all, this is resolved to be Satoshi, he can tell us what he wants about these issues. Let's think about endgame when those times come.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: franky1 on May 21, 2019, 08:04:36 PM
1) no, he had nothing to do with bitcoin 2008-2011

2) yes, he is doing it to fake his way to privelidge without actually owning the bitcoin collateral
one reason is to get money from others like any ponzi guy would
one reason is he still has the aussie government on his back so is trying literally anything to fake his claims to try getting them off his back

either way. he does not own the satoshi stash of coins that made up his 'tulip trust' so civil courts will still pursue him.
he just hopes to get rich enough to pay them off, inclding other investors he duped.

but putting aside his personal legal issues. by putting his name to claims of patenting the bitcoin whitepaper can lead to him filing new patents and making it a lil harder for others to contest his claims even when its obvious he is a fake. which could lead to him using patents to then sue people frivolously(for nonsense reasons) and mess with the bitcoin community, which could cause alot of negatives and affect peoples utility of bitcoin through official institutions and legit businesses

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on May 21, 2019, 08:05:21 PM
Add another option:
=>Stupid, no brain

Anyway here I made this post on WO. It explains:

Watch this video. Watch watch watch.

Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto? - "How Many Wrongs Make A Wright?" (

The entire industry is misguided. Save it! Stop buying (pumping) this BSV shit. It's gonna crash soon.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Ailmand on May 21, 2019, 08:12:45 PM
I'm wondering what would be the best thing that he could benefit from that? Is he really that frustrated to seek attention in that way? No one in the right mind would believe that he's the real Satoshi. I think he needs phychiatric help for doing such thing. Maybe he has a hidden agenda or he might be earning something by faking and pretending that he's Satoshi.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: BQ on May 21, 2019, 08:29:13 PM
Is 1) impossible tho? he is educated in computer science, math, and he was in crypto early?

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Genemind on May 21, 2019, 08:45:38 PM
I guess he was just too frustrated that Bitcoin Sv just ended up as trash from being a potential coin. He did a wrong move which ruined the standing of his coin.
He's just trying to prove something but his inconsistency is actually visible.
The good thing about Bitcoin is it ignores this kind of issue and it is still soaring high. I think it's about time to ignore and not even spare single attention for Craig.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: franky1 on May 21, 2019, 08:49:16 PM
no one outside of craigs circle jerk ponzi club cares about bitcoinsv. its just a pump and dump coin.
dont give bitcoinsv another thought.
all that should be thought about is how craig can mess with btc

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: TimeTeller on May 21, 2019, 08:58:17 PM
I'm wondering what would be the best thing that he could benefit from that? Is he really that frustrated to seek attention in that way? No one in the right mind would believe that he's the real Satoshi. I think he needs phychiatric help for doing such thing. Maybe he has a hidden agenda or he might be earning something by faking and pretending that he's Satoshi.

Definitely, he's getting some sort of compensation from all this drama and stunts.
And since he's filing a registration for bitoin's wp and code, he might be after for the money again.
If no one contests his filing, he will get the copyright under his name even if he's not the original one.
I hope the Copyright Office will not approve such filing.
He's making this move because his BSV coin is going down anytime soon.
But I still don't understand what he wants in his life. For sure, he has the money already for his retirement age.
Is he hungry for power or money or recognition?

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: xvids on May 21, 2019, 10:47:31 PM
Let's put everything aside. You're Satoshi. If you had thought to come out one day, would you try to stay that much? I do not think so. And it's easy for Craig Wright to prove all his claims.

Everyone knows that Satoshi owns many Bitcoins. If Satoshi wants to prove that he is, he can transfer all these Bitcoins to a wallet where he will create it and then redistribute it. I guess that could convince us all.

After all, this is resolved to be Satoshi, he can tell us what he wants about these issues. Let's think about endgame when those times come.
That is one of the best solution and a proof that he is fake.
He should have done it in the first place to prove to all of us that he is the real creator but most of his stance are purely drama.
I also have the same question as OP because I don't see any benefits from being Satoshi unless you just wants publicity and fame.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: coin-investor on May 22, 2019, 01:56:39 AM
I'm still wondering why he had to go through all this, and just do the easiest thing and this is my signing one of the addresses associated with Nakamoto address, or just login in here and interact with us, this will end everything and we will be hailing him as the real Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, now everything is just a publicity stunt to hype his coin.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: vit05 on May 22, 2019, 02:09:13 AM
Crazy people sometimes repeat so much a lie that they end up believing it to be true. And believing it to be true, they end up dragging some followers by the passion with which they defend these lies.

Not Satoshi. No Fund. Chaos!

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: pushups44 on May 22, 2019, 02:22:37 AM
At this point, given that he is putting his weight legally in the U.S. and the UK, I expect he will be forced at some point to prove he is Satoshi under a court of law and will fail. By then, he may have dumped all of his BSV. It's hard to say what his goal is, but this charade can only continue for so long.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: avikz on May 22, 2019, 02:46:52 AM
I can't see what he hopes to gain from all this, except publicity.

I used to ponder this same question. If it's an elaborate con -- perhaps having to do with his tax evasion case with Australia -- then it doesn't outwardly make sense. But maybe we don't have all the details?

At this point, I think it really is all about the publicity and the guy has psychological issues. I think he's a megalomaniac and is seeking out ways to inflate his sense of social importance by injecting himself into the media any way he can.

Maybe he is heavily invested in BSV and thinks this sort of notoriety is good for the price. That's one alternative explanation.

Initially I used to think in similar ways but the recent turn of events also turned my thinking process to a different avenue. I can think of some possibilities and please let me know if you have the same feeling.

1. Satoshi was shot dead by US agents and now they are trying to capture the entire cryptospace by awarding copyright to their agent Craig. (Another fellow member already mentioned it)

2. Blockchain will be copyrighted which officially marks the end of the blockchain technology.

3. Craig is an evil (I won't say genius) and has a bigger plan which is yet to be revealed.

Frankly, I can just guess the possibilities, but not sure how the things will turn out!

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: pooya87 on May 22, 2019, 02:57:21 AM
no, he is not Satoshi.
no, he had nothing to do with bitcoin in early years or even afterwards apart from maybe buying some after many years
he is simply scamming and so far he is (legally) getting away with his scam although it is one of the most obvious scams! and doing that he is trying to make a lot of money through different ways from his shitcoin BSV to scamming a bunch of companies.
as far as i understood this it not a "patent" but only a "copyright" claim which anybody could make just as easily and have it listed on that .gov website and it doesn't mean anything since it is not even approved. it is just showing such submission (claim) exists.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: figmentofmyass on May 22, 2019, 03:21:22 AM
1. Satoshi was shot dead by US agents and now they are trying to capture the entire cryptospace by awarding copyright to their agent Craig. (Another fellow member already mentioned it)

2. Blockchain will be copyrighted which officially marks the end of the blockchain technology.

3. Craig is an evil (I won't say genius) and has a bigger plan which is yet to be revealed.

Frankly, I can just guess the possibilities, but not sure how the things will turn out!

but why would a copyright registration help to capture the whole cryptospace or end blockchain technology? the entire space is built around FOSS ethics and free software!

satoshi already distributed the source code under a free software license that allows anyone to freely use/change/distribute it. why does craig wright seem to believe registering a copyright now will change anything?

it's true, he could have bigger plans and we're only scratching the surface. right now, he just looks like a madman to me. :D

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: dothebeats on May 22, 2019, 04:37:37 AM
Is 1) impossible tho? he is educated in computer science, math, and he was in crypto early?

Being 'early' in the game doesn't secure you a spot in the circles of Hal Finney and Satoshi. Also, he may be literate in the field of Computer Science but even Andreas Antonopoulos doubted his capabilities in understanding the intricate technicalities of bitcoin and blockchain during the BCH forks. He's just a con artist at best, and is only doing all of these in order to gain privileges for himself and also profit purposes, obviously.

Copyright or not, bitcoin will never be controlled by a single entity, and if comes up to that, another hardfork might come and therefore render CSW's patent useless. $35 fee for the copyrights is too small a price for a multi-billion dollar industry. Idk what the US had in mind when they approved the application, but I can see that they can use CSW in what ever purpose they may see him fit in the future (hint: a puppet).

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 22, 2019, 07:42:42 AM
I can't see what he hopes to gain from all this, except publicity.

I used to ponder this same question. If it's an elaborate con -- perhaps having to do with his tax evasion case with Australia -- then it doesn't outwardly make sense. But maybe we don't have all the details?

At this point, I think it really is all about the publicity and the guy has psychological issues. I think he's a megalomaniac and is seeking out ways to inflate his sense of social importance by injecting himself into the media any way he can.

Maybe he is heavily invested in BSV and thinks this sort of notoriety is good for the price. That's one alternative explanation.

Initially I used to think in similar ways but the recent turn of events also turned my thinking process to a different avenue. I can think of some possibilities and please let me know if you have the same feeling.

1. Satoshi was shot dead by US agents and now they are trying to capture the entire cryptospace by awarding copyright to their agent Craig. (Another fellow member already mentioned it)

2. Blockchain will be copyrighted which officially marks the end of the blockchain technology.

3. Craig is an evil (I won't say genius) and has a bigger plan which is yet to be revealed.

Frankly, I can just guess the possibilities, but not sure how the things will turn out!

Or that he really is Satoshi doing a social engneering attack on himself, and by claiming that "he is Satoshi" without providing actual proof, the more everyone reacts in a way that he has always wanted. Not to believe that he's Satoshi.

Satoshi had always made the proper measures to protect his identity.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: BitcoinFX on May 22, 2019, 09:31:41 AM
* Satire *

Kopyright Liberation Front - activated ...

Trying to get a No. 1, via the back door?  ;D

Tony Wilson interviews Bill Drummond

I'm not going to tell you I told you so, but I told you so ...

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: tortic25 on May 22, 2019, 09:38:27 AM
if he converted his bitcoin holdings to his shitcoin. and if his shitcoin reaches a million per instead of btc from fooling enough people, he would be the richest man alive. this is very unlikely, but it's clear what his plans are.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on May 22, 2019, 02:20:19 PM
I'm still wondering why he had to go through all this, and just do the easiest thing and this is my signing one of the addresses associated with Nakamoto address, or just login in here and interact with us, this will end everything and we will be hailing him as the real Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, now everything is just a publicity stunt to hype his coin.

Even if he could not sign the private key and it was all 'development BTC was put into a 'tulip trust' because he was part of the 'supposed' Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman 'Satoshi Group', in

which they have both passed and he has 'supposed' access to on Jan 1st, 2020. The whole works...all those billions of $$$.

Why all the drama?

Does he expect if this is true that all the shenanigans he has done with copyright and patent accumulation if he can prove by his (supposed) access he has to

these billions of $$$ in BTC that all will be dandy?

Dave Klieman's brother is suing for 1/3 of a billion $$$ on that premise now, due to his actions of the past years, everyone in the Australian Tax Dept is after his ass,

he is a 'laughing stock' at this point in time...etc, etc...and most of the Crypto Community hates his ass, again I just don't get it???

UNLESS by access to this 'tulip trust' (supposedly) after all this copyrights and patents he can then take over BTC by dumping the price to $1,000 by selling massive

amounts and then using his copyrights and patents ...sell the blockchain of bitcoin SV at whatever value it has to the banks as he owns the intellectual property of

bitcoin SV, which would then be at say parity with BTC and BTC cash at say $1,000 due to him dumping all that tulip trust BTC in mass. Privatize the works?

If he can prove he is last man of the Satoshi Group...he can thus make the intellectual property that is open source, now closed source and turn it over to the banks?

Again, seems impossible to me and such...but again, as the thread states, I am completely befuddled on his 'endgame' even if it is all a scam...this duck just don't fly.

Lastly, if he is the last man standing from the Satoshi group and he does have access to this fund on Jan 1st, 2020,

why the hell would you do anything until Jan 1st, 2020? Why not stay anonymous and humble and deny, deny, deny like Hal Finney did, until full access to Tulip Fund?

He could have announced then with NO baggage/opinion by anyone...this would have made him more money by 'shutting up' in the tulip trust bonanza then he has made in the last

3 years with all his manipulation. Just the announcement at say $10k Bitcoin..that 'Satoshi is Found" would have pumped the price up by 1/3 at least, IMHO.

hen do whatever scam he is trying to do with intellectual property and copyrights after the fact you can prove you are last man standing

in the Satoshi Group. (If it exists). Thus having the 'standing' to prove you have access to the Tulip Fund as the 'last man standing' of the Satoshi Group.

If there is the 'real Satoshi' out there alive yet, IMHO, he would have cracked and shown himself at this point in time, just to shut up

FakeSatoshi that is, Craig Wright. Thus, my view now is the 'real' Satoshi has passed away also.

This is just massively depressing, but likely after watching this 'clusterf**k' and all this drama and angst of Craig Wright and his 'supposed wrongs' and ramblings.


It is just screwy...the hoops you have to jump thru logically to figure this guy out is just plain odd....his 'evil genius' skills suck....his 'scamming skills' are in disarray and even if

he does have access to the 'Tulip Trust' he has pissed away any pump in price should that become known one day, indeed, it would probably tank whatever Bitcoin Price by 1/3

(of any flavor BTC cash, BTC SV or BTC Core). If he does have access to the Tulip Trust.

So again, his 'evil genius skills' suck under any scenario, fiction or factual.

Thus I remain befuddled and flabbergasted...

anyway end of rant


Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: chek2fire on May 22, 2019, 03:05:43 PM
You have not add to this poll the obvious and most logical answer.
Remember my words.
This guy will go soon to jail.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: CryptoBry on May 22, 2019, 03:49:42 PM
I can't see what he hopes to gain from all this, except publicity.

I used to ponder this same question. If it's an elaborate con -- perhaps having to do with his tax evasion case with Australia -- then it doesn't outwardly make sense. But maybe we don't have all the details? At this point, I think it really is all about the publicity and the guy has psychological issues. I think he's a megalomaniac and is seeking out ways to inflate his sense of social importance by injecting himself into the media any way he can. Maybe he is heavily invested in BSV and thinks this sort of notoriety is good for the price. That's one alternative explanation.

I see something wrong with Craig Wright but he is good in hiding his real persona with all the drama that he is getting into. He claimed to be the real Satoshi Nakamoto yet he can't move the very valuable bitcoin he should have by claiming that he had already forgotten the details. Oh well, he must be the most entertaining JOKER the world of cryptocurrency has produced so far. Amazingly, he has some supporters too and in the process they can be making good money...that is what you get when you know how to play with the media.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Red-Apple on May 22, 2019, 04:00:04 PM
the end game has always been to make more money and people like Craig Wright are choosing to scam others to make their money. their scam doesn't end at bitcoin either, we are just seeing the bitcoin part of it because we are involved in that and the online drama reaches us, otherwise his scam runs deeper.
the place of such people is eventually behind bars.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: erre on May 22, 2019, 04:28:22 PM
Here a very well written article about Craigh Wright, worth reading:

About his purpose, it's blantantly to make more money (and maybe feeding some personality traits), but the end of the game will come and will be a jail sentence. I hope asap.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: fabiorem on May 22, 2019, 08:45:39 PM ( (

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: squatter on May 22, 2019, 09:18:05 PM
PR hype so more people buy into BSV.

That's my guess, too.

The tulip trust story further creates a narrative where presumably Craig Wright will sell the BTC (and buy BSV) once the trust is released. That will probably dupe people into buying BSV for some time to come.

US copyright is only valid in the US, so the rest of the world could care less.

That's not entirely true. Lots of other countries comply with US copyright requests because they are member states of the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of the UN. There are 192 member states who have signed WIPO treaties that enforce copyright law internationally. This is why websites in many foreign countries regularly respond to DMCA takedown requests despite the DMCA being a US law.

None of this matters, though, because the source code was distributed by Satoshi under a free software license. He doesn't have any rights or means to extract rent. Even if a copyright registration granted those rights, he would be vigorously fought in court regarding the copyright ownership and I strongly believe he would lose.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: tippytoes on May 22, 2019, 10:19:40 PM
Here a very well written article about Craigh Wright, worth reading:

About his purpose, it's blantantly to make more money (and maybe feeding some personality traits), but the end of the game will come and will be a jail sentence. I hope asap.

And reading today, US Copyright Office does not recognize Wright as Satoshi after all. I hope they will not grant approval to his filing. Wright is a fraud in the making. He doesn't care about the truth but the money that he will generate from all this fiasco.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: kamBlanV on May 22, 2019, 10:46:54 PM
I don't want to hear his name anymore, if he is proven to have deceived the public by claiming to be Satoshi, then he must accept the risk, he can get a criminal sentence.

finally, it will attract crypto user responses to punish him as a crime.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Hueristic on May 22, 2019, 11:49:22 PM
I don't wanna say what I really think and get back on a watch list.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Oceat on May 22, 2019, 11:55:52 PM
I'm too tired to hear his drama anymore can someone please make a new scene please to stop this faketoshi act?
I would believe him if he can open his account on this forum and activate the address of Satoshi Nakamoto that has more Bitcoin left.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 23, 2019, 06:31:21 AM
But if Craig Wright is really Satoshi, and it was proven in the court that he is not Satoshi. Then hiding, and protecting his true identity through a social-engineering attack on himself was a stroke of genius?

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on May 23, 2019, 02:11:58 PM
But if Craig Wright is really Satoshi, and it was proven in the court that he is not Satoshi. Then hiding, and protecting his true identity through a social-engineering attack on himself was a stroke of genius?

If by some chance, he is the last man standing from the 'supposed' Tulip Trust with Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman (who have passed away) then we are beyond royally screwed on

the 'supposed' date of Jan 1st, 2020. He will play the same game as he did with Bitcoin Cash. Sell BTC Core, as fast as possible to dump price and get $$$ and then push his

Bitcoin SV, driving the price, IMHO down for both around 2K total or less is my guess.

Man, that would suck, beyond measure. (Hell, maybe I should get some more Litecoin, at least Charlie Lee is not completely crazy)


Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: squatter on May 23, 2019, 05:30:05 PM
If by some chance, he is the last man standing from the 'supposed' Tulip Trust with Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman (who have passed away) then we are beyond royally screwed on

the 'supposed' date of Jan 1st, 2020. He will play the same game as he did with Bitcoin Cash. Sell BTC Core, as fast as possible to dump price and get $$$ and then push his

Bitcoin SV, driving the price, IMHO down for both around 2K total or less is my guess.

I think we can gather from his fraudulent behavior and utter lack of evidence for being Satoshi, that there is no tulip trust.

The narrative you just laid out is exactly the one he's trying to build. It'll convince gullible people to buy BSV for the inevitable flippening. :D

I can see that he's trying to pump his altcoin, but I still have to think there's more to the story because it looks like he's building himself a world full of legal troubles. All these frivolous lawsuits really show contempt for the court systems; some judges don't take kindly to that.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on May 23, 2019, 06:59:47 PM
If by some chance, he is the last man standing from the 'supposed' Tulip Trust with Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman (who have passed away) then we are beyond royally screwed on

the 'supposed' date of Jan 1st, 2020. He will play the same game as he did with Bitcoin Cash. Sell BTC Core, as fast as possible to dump price and get $$$ and then push his

Bitcoin SV, driving the price, IMHO down for both around 2K total or less is my guess.

I think we can gather from his fraudulent behavior and utter lack of evidence for being Satoshi, that there is no tulip trust.

The narrative you just laid out is exactly the one he's trying to build. It'll convince gullible people to buy BSV for the inevitable flippening. :D

I can see that he's trying to pump his altcoin, but I still have to think there's more to the story because it looks like he's building himself a world full of legal troubles. All these frivolous lawsuits really show contempt for the court systems; some judges don't take kindly to that.

Yeah, it just pisses me are correct. But 'supposedly' if this all comes apart as a 'house of cards' it will happen on Jan 1st, 2020. We will see his excuses then.

But sh*t will hit the fan if he is the 'last man' standing from the 'supposed' Satoshi Group. What a sh*tstorm that would be. :(

Odds in my view are him having access to the Tulip Fund is one out of 20 at best. Hopefully, this will all be just a 'scary' BTC story in Feb 2020.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: franky1 on May 23, 2019, 07:02:31 PM
my opinion of his endgame

1. no one cares about bitcoinsv. its going nowhere and wont succeed. no one needs to social drama or care about it. its just an altcoin. so forget about it.

2.bitcoinsv is just CSW's thing he made and he will use as his 'i dont scam i made my money using transparent audited blockchains' in short. all bitcoinsv is for is the subterfuge to hide how CSW is really making money (patent/ponzi scamming)

now lets talk about his scamming
3. the tulip trust is just a text file of public keys that got notarised years ago. thats it. its not a encrypted wallet of privatekeys.
4. he scammed the aussie government out of millions of tax benefits. and then used the fake collateral to scam other private businesses to invest in him.

5. he CANT spend the 'satoshi stash' so now neds to earn funds elsewhere to hope to settle his aussie/private company debts of yesteryear

6. we all know that he is not satoshi. but h does not care about that. by him having a flimsy government database record that shows his name beside and associated to satoshi. he can now cause mischief.

7. even though no copyright has been granted. the registration with his name on it alone can now be used as a scammer tool to send out frivolous C&D letters to people he dont like. again. he dont care or doesnt want to win court cases with proof, thats not the point.

8. his game is to just get people to buy him off to shut up and go away as its cheaper than taking him to court to prove he is a fraud... its how many patent scammers work. they dont have to own a patent. all they want is a quick money grab settlement from someone they C&D.

9. with hopes all the scamming and ponzi things he does will pay off his old legal disputes and pretend the money is clean by saying it came from blockchain sources

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 24, 2019, 06:17:29 AM
If by some chance, he is the last man standing from the 'supposed' Tulip Trust with Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman (who have passed away) then we are beyond royally screwed on

the 'supposed' date of Jan 1st, 2020. He will play the same game as he did with Bitcoin Cash. Sell BTC Core, as fast as possible to dump price and get $$$ and then push his

Bitcoin SV, driving the price, IMHO down for both around 2K total or less is my guess.

I think we can gather from his fraudulent behavior and utter lack of evidence for being Satoshi, that there is no tulip trust.

The narrative you just laid out is exactly the one he's trying to build. It'll convince gullible people to buy BSV for the inevitable flippening. :D

I can see that he's trying to pump his altcoin, but I still have to think there's more to the story because it looks like he's building himself a world full of legal troubles. All these frivolous lawsuits really show contempt for the court systems; some judges don't take kindly to that.

Yeah, it just pisses me are correct. But 'supposedly' if this all comes apart as a 'house of cards' it will happen on Jan 1st, 2020. We will see his excuses then.

But sh*t will hit the fan if he is the 'last man' standing from the 'supposed' Satoshi Group. What a sh*tstorm that would be. :(

Odds in my view are him having access to the Tulip Fund is one out of 20 at best. Hopefully, this will all be just a 'scary' BTC story in Feb 2020.

But if he was really "the Satoshi", he won't do anything. His endgame is to be considered a fraud, and "not Satoshi" by the communty, by the developers, and his real true endgame, not considered as Satoshi by the CIA. 8)

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: jseverson on May 24, 2019, 06:49:58 AM
Personally, I believe he just painted himself into a corner and is simply doubling down on his lies in an attempt to save face. I mean, he's obviously just grasping at straws at this point. No one believes him, he can't show any solid proof, so he's trying to validate himself in other ways. His end game is probably just looking for a way to end this shitstorm with his reputation intact, and possibly make as much money as possible along the way.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 25, 2019, 08:43:16 AM
Personally, I believe he just painted himself into a corner and is simply doubling down on his lies in an attempt to save face. I mean, he's obviously just grasping at straws at this point. No one believes him, he can't show any solid proof, so he's trying to validate himself in other ways. His end game is probably just looking for a way to end this shitstorm with his reputation intact, and possibly make as much money as possible along the way.

Save face for what? He knows his claims won't be believed, and can't be proven. There is no "face" to save. He will continue doing social-engineering attacks on Bitcoin for as long as he is given a platform to do it. That's his only endgame.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: fortunecrypto on May 25, 2019, 10:40:28 AM
He is an evil genius it's because the real one doesn't want to come out, he wants  people to believe that he is the real one, so far his plan is working his own version of Bitcoin is now moving up, but he will soon be exposed and he will crumble and so is his own coin. :-\

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Hueristic on May 25, 2019, 01:47:06 PM
If TPTB actually believed he was then he would have been disappeared a long time ago, instead he is being used.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Netnox on May 25, 2019, 02:42:44 PM
A lot of people sold their BSV coins when decided to end support. A lot of the exchanges were also delisting BSV. At that time, Craig Wright would have accumulated a lot of it through various exchanges. I strongly suspect that he is now waiting for a perfect opportunity to dump these coins and this copyright drama will go on until he is able to do that and vanish.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: gentlemand on May 25, 2019, 02:55:27 PM
I was under the impression that nchain were racking up as many patents as possible to start trolling or packaging and offloading them. I'll guess that they're counting on most blockchain type operations to roll over due to lack of knowledge or funds.

They're out to game the system to maximum advantage. It'll need some bigger fish to squash them flat for good. They're probably waiting for him to knock at the door.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on June 12, 2019, 02:33:28 AM

Well, since I started this thread, it seems by doing the copyright (that means nothing, but I guess was a 'big deal' to Chinese crypto folk and went full FOMO)

He has managed to 'double the price' of his Bitcoin SV. So he may be mad as hell and a megalomaniac but he seems to be doing quite well 'pissing' everyone off.

Again to my fear, the 'endgame'? With the trial by Dave Kleiman's brother over stolen bitcoin and the 'supposed' Bitcoin Trust that also included 'supposedly'

Craig Wright and Hal Finney. Again, the endgame at this time the prospect...that he is the 'last man standing' and could get access to this

'supposed Tulip Fund" the above mentioned made...again....supposedly. That he claims he will have access to on Jan 1st, 2020.

So NOT wanting to believe the above..I just wrote...(which scared the crap out of me)

I come again to the question. What is Craig Wright's endgame?

IF he is NOT Satoshi and all the above is a lie and not true, how can he gain anything from this? Ridicule and Ruin? He has to do so because he 'lied' his way into

a corner? He is trying to keep creditors and the Australian Tax Authorities at bay? Does he have a 'self-destructive' 'delusional' behavior disorder on a massive scale?

I see no way out for him, only the scary part in that he IS the last man standing of this 'so-called' Satoshi Group and thus really does have access to such

a Tulip Trust on the date 1/1/2020.

Give me some hope guys, find other angles, the logical conclusion of someone 'sane' saying this stuff is that he would eventually be proven right and show all

the naysayers.

scary sh*t


options, other than my worst fears above please....a mental 'lifeline' is needed on my end....the guy is nuts..

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Hueristic on June 12, 2019, 02:57:05 AM

Well, since I started this thread, it seems by doing the copyright (that means nothing, but I guess was a 'big deal' to Chinese crypto folk and went full FOMO)

He has managed to 'double the price' of his Bitcoin SV. So he may be mad as hell and a megalomaniac but he seems to be doing quite well 'pissing' everyone off.

Again to my fear, the 'endgame'? With the trial by Dave Kleiman's brother over stolen bitcoin and the 'supposed' Bitcoin Trust that also included 'supposedly'

Craig Wright and Hal Finney. Again, the endgame at this time the prospect...that he is the 'last man standing' and could get access to this

'supposed Tulip Fund" the above mentioned made...again....supposedly. That he claims he will have access to on Jan 1st, 2020.

So NOT wanting to believe the above..I just wrote...(which scared the crap out of me)

I come again to the question. What is Craig Wright's endgame?

IF he is NOT Satoshi and all the above is a lie and not true, how can he gain anything from this? Ridicule and Ruin? He has to do so because he 'lied' his way into

a corner? He is trying to keep creditors and the Australian Tax Authorities at bay? Does he have a 'self-destructive' 'delusional' behavior disorder on a massive scale?

I see no way out for him, only the scary part in that he IS the last man standing of this 'so-called' Satoshi Group and thus really does have access to such

a Tulip Trust on the date 1/1/2020.

Give me some hope guys, find other angles, the logical conclusion of someone 'sane' saying this stuff is that he would eventually be proven right and show all

the naysayers.

scary sh*t


options, other than my worst fears above please....a mental 'lifeline' is needed on my end....the guy is nuts..

He is an inside man used to sow chaos and distrupt and he is doing a pretty good job.

So all you need to ask yourself is, who is his handler?

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: pooya87 on June 12, 2019, 03:16:48 AM
IF he is NOT Satoshi and all the above is a lie and not true, how can he gain anything from this? Ridicule and Ruin? He has to do so because he 'lied' his way into a corner? He is trying to keep creditors and the Australian Tax Authorities at bay? Does he have a 'self-destructive' 'delusional' behavior disorder on a massive scale?

there is no IF in my opinion, to me it doesn't get any clearer that he is a scammer and has been lying all this time. it is not just that he never provided any proof but also because of the way he is going at it with babbling things that seem complicated enough to discourage people from looking into their correctness.
and all of this has been done to make money. look how his shitcoin got pumped!

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Searing on June 12, 2019, 03:32:12 AM
IF he is NOT Satoshi and all the above is a lie and not true, how can he gain anything from this? Ridicule and Ruin? He has to do so because he 'lied' his way into a corner? He is trying to keep creditors and the Australian Tax Authorities at bay? Does he have a 'self-destructive' 'delusional' behavior disorder on a massive scale?

there is no IF in my opinion, to me it doesn't get any clearer that he is a scammer and has been lying all this time. it is not just that he never provided any proof but also because of the way he is going at it with babbling things that seem complicated enough to discourage people from looking into their correctness.
and all of this has been done to make money. look how his shitcoin got pumped!

I really, really, agree. But just can't figure out his strategy. He has a 1/1/20 deadline with the Tulip lies. He has patents that mean nothing unless he can prove he was at least

part of the Satoshi group. He seems awful sure the real Satoshi won't pop up and bust his lies. If it all goes to crap, some of his partners will likely break his legs.

A self-destructive, pathological lying, con man makes perfect sense. But they usually have a 'way out' and I don't see how, if he is NOT part of the Satoshi 'supposed' group

how in the hell as a con man, he can get the $$$ he is trying to scam and actually have a life after his deeds are exposed. Death wish maybe? Delusions?

The end game of a 'real' con man would convince folk in the background you are Satoshi, then after accumulating funds...change name and disapear....if he is working

a con that he will be exposed on ...well...thus the thread...the endgame is mysterious to me how he plans to survive the scrutiny or infamy if he can't follow through on

his claims. It is NOT like he can fade into obscurity anymore. The whole thing is baffling on so many levels.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: pooya87 on June 12, 2019, 03:48:55 AM
He has patents that mean nothing unless he can prove he was at least part of the Satoshi group. He seems awful sure the real Satoshi won't pop up and bust his lies. If it all goes to crap, some of his partners will likely break his legs.

some people are like that, they are gamblers. so it is not about knowing whether Satoshi is going to pop up or not. we know that Satoshi went dark years ago and the chances of him coming back are nearly zero so it is a safe or calculated bet to say he won't. besides, someone who has the audacity to pull an identity fraud of this size will come up with some crap even if real Satoshi came out!

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: Yakamoto on June 12, 2019, 03:52:14 AM
IF he is NOT Satoshi and all the above is a lie and not true, how can he gain anything from this? Ridicule and Ruin? He has to do so because he 'lied' his way into a corner? He is trying to keep creditors and the Australian Tax Authorities at bay? Does he have a 'self-destructive' 'delusional' behavior disorder on a massive scale?

there is no IF in my opinion, to me it doesn't get any clearer that he is a scammer and has been lying all this time. it is not just that he never provided any proof but also because of the way he is going at it with babbling things that seem complicated enough to discourage people from looking into their correctness.
and all of this has been done to make money. look how his shitcoin got pumped!
Craig Wright has been nothing but a cheat who's been trying to pump his "claim" to fame since he was mistakenly identified as Satoshi proper. Considering he went from "Yeah no I'm not Satoshi" to someone who's hell-bent on claiming the exact thing he tried to distance himself from, you gotta think that something isn't right. Someone must have told him that he should try and milk the mistake for all it's worth, and I'm convinced that he's doing just that. I'm pretty sure that his personal shitcoin was pumped because of the cult of personality and not because it actually contributed anything.

Either way, he's somehow getting money for it despite the fact he has no irrefutable proof of him actually being Satoshi. His patent will have no bearing because the blockchain is essentially public domain now. He should have filed it the first time around if he actually owned it, because you can't really copyright/patent something after the fact. I don't know what his plan is, but he seems to just be along for the ride and listening to sleazy lawyers who want to grab at some of his cash.

Title: Re: Craig Wright, BTC USA Copy Rights/Patent Troll: What is his 'Endgame'?
Post by: BitcoinFX on June 12, 2019, 06:44:27 AM
~ Off to Antigua perchance ...


It is however increasingly amusing to watch BSV proponents assert that 'Bitcoin BSV' is the original Bitcoin - when historical reference sources from all over the internet prove otherwise, along with the timestamps in the original Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain.

CSW could (supposedly) make all of this nonsense 'go away', by simply signing some original Satoshi mined blocks, considering that he still claims to be 'Satoshi', however he still hasn't done this.

You should all be asking CSW to fully prove (unequivocally / without doubt) ... that he is 'Satoshi' ... otherwise everything is completely baseless. It is way past that time already. To date CSW has only ever provided false proofs. More evidence is mounting in this regard.

Again, ....

"... definition of knowledge: S knows that P if and only if:

    S believes that P;
     if P were false, S would not believe that P;  <<<<< HINT: YOU ARE HERE <<<<<
    if P were true, S would believe that P. ..."

I trust that you all understand Preposition and Supposition. Lawyers do.

"The judge in the Kleiman vs Wright case is making Craig's lawyers sweat."

Filing 210 - Exhibit 1 - Kleiman v. Wright


"You are here you say, hearsay you say ..." !?! - SWIM - Lolz



Tichborne case ...
- (

Give me liberty, or give me death! ...
-,_or_give_me_death! (,_or_give_me_death!)


"Craig S. Wright has been ordered to appear in-person in Florida on June 18th. Will he?"