Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: cb327 on May 22, 2019, 10:33:20 PM

Title: Electrum Wallet 12 word seed not working
Post by: cb327 on May 22, 2019, 10:33:20 PM
Thanks for your reply

I checked BIP39 and followed that through. It generated a wallet but the balance was 0.

I have retried with older version (3.03 which i think is what the wallet was originally generated with) and 3.01 but they wont get past the synchronising stage..

Thank you again.

Title: Re: Electrum Wallet 12 word seed not working
Post by: BitMaxz on May 22, 2019, 10:49:05 PM
Can you check the circle bottom left of Electrum if it is red or green?
You might be having a synchronizing issue that is why the transaction and balance don't show.

This is what it looks like below.

If it shows red try to change the server by clicking the circle or tools>network>server tab then choose any server by right click and use as a server test them one by until you find a working server.

Title: Re: Electrum Wallet 12 word seed not working
Post by: pooya87 on May 23, 2019, 01:36:40 AM
based on your posts all over this board i think you must try and remember how you created this set of words. that way you can have a better chance of knowing what rout to take. there is a lot of possibilities with 12 words, maybe it is recovery phrase of some service that had custom seed implementation, maybe it is your brainwallet that you have forgotten,...?

one question: do you have any of your addresses?

Title: Re: Electrum Wallet 12 word seed not working
Post by: cb327 on May 23, 2019, 12:21:51 PM

Really sorry for not keeping it in one thread, i tried to delete this one but couldnt.

When i set up the wallet i am pretty sure i let Electrum generate the seed as i wouldnt have had a clue how to do this.

I dont think i have any of the addresses.