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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Mpamaegbu on May 24, 2019, 01:55:41 PM

Title: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 24, 2019, 01:55:41 PM
Now that Theresa May has agreed to resign on June 7th as the Prime Minister of the Great Britain for falling to deliver Brexit after over two years of negotiations, what is next for her country?

Are we going to see a Boris take over?

Are we going to see an upsurge in the Pound Sterling (this is my major concern actually as a trader)?

What are your thoughts, folks?

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: squatz1 on May 24, 2019, 02:03:08 PM
HA. Just noticed we literally just posted the same topic, but it doesn't really matter so I put my comments here.

I think that Boris Johnson may win the vote for the party, he's one that is able to rally voters and MP's around him to be able to win votes. Something that party loyalists like in a PM.

The Pound is going to take a beating, it's not going to have a good time in the coming days as people are going to think that 'no deal' may actually happen.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2019, 02:21:48 PM
Now that Theresa May has agreed to resign on June 7th as the Prime Minister of the Great Britain for falling to deliver Brexit after over two years of negotiations, what is next for her country?

Are we going to see a Boris take over?

Are we going to see an upsurge in the Pound Sterling (this is my major concern actually as a trader)?

What are your thoughts, folks?

brits are just so damn stupid, they live mentally so far away from reality, next is uk being divided into scottland wales, northern ireland and then england into european england and the savage and feudal "independent" england

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2019, 02:22:28 PM
HA. Just noticed we literally just posted the same topic, but it doesn't really matter so I put my comments here.

I think that Boris Johnson may win the vote for the party, he's one that is able to rally voters and MP's around him to be able to win votes. Something that party loyalists like in a PM.

The Pound is going to take a beating, it's not going to have a good time in the coming days as people are going to think that 'no deal' may actually happen.

boris johnson will make uk an even bigger laughing stock

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: Daniel91 on May 24, 2019, 02:24:11 PM
Now that Theresa May has agreed to resign on June 7th as the Prime Minister of the Great Britain for falling to deliver Brexit after over two years of negotiations, what is next for her country?

Are we going to see a Boris take over?

Are we going to see an upsurge in the Pound Sterling (this is my major concern actually as a trader)?

What are your thoughts, folks?

It seems that Boris will take over the party and country but nobody knows what's next.
Can the UK decide whether to leave or not?
Make a decision about new referendum?
I think the UK will not come out of the EU for long and the only option will be a new election or a new referendum.
I do not think that Boris will stay for a long time prime minister.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2019, 02:33:05 PM
Now that Theresa May has agreed to resign on June 7th as the Prime Minister of the Great Britain for falling to deliver Brexit after over two years of negotiations, what is next for her country?

Are we going to see a Boris take over?

Are we going to see an upsurge in the Pound Sterling (this is my major concern actually as a trader)?

What are your thoughts, folks?

It seems that Boris will take over the party and country but nobody knows what's next.
Can the UK decide whether to leave or not?
Make a decision about new referendum?
I think the UK will not come out of the EU for long and the only option will be a new election or a new referendum.
I do not think that Boris will stay for a long time prime minister.

we all know what will be next boris johnson will basically be a protest crying crying on tumb ears in the EU commision and further make uk a laughing stock

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2019, 02:35:45 PM

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 24, 2019, 04:53:56 PM
The Pound is going to take a beating, it's not going to have a good time in the coming days as people are going to think that 'no deal' may actually happen.
The Pound has been on a steady decline since this month. It's around 1.2700 now after falling from 1.3170 earlier. It's really a May in May to remember.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: Jet Cash on May 24, 2019, 05:51:21 PM
A reduction in the Sterling exchange rate will be good, and will help our exports. One reason for the growth of China was the selling of Renminbi to purchase US dollar bonds and assets. The Euro was created in part to avoid the revaluation of the Deutsche mark, and to merge the weaker Greek, Italian and other economies with that of the German.

What will happen after May goes? Hopefully there will be some analysis of her activities, and some attempt to undo the damage she has done. Hopefully the Chagos Islands will be returned to Mauritius, and some sanity will be introduced into the British Steel insolvency. The money needed was less than a quarter of the cost of the EU elections, and those may be annulled because they weren't administer correctly.

Britain voted to leave the EU, and to enter a 2 year negotiating period to establish new deals with Europe and the rest of the world. The Eton/Oxford elite that controls Westminster has spent 3 years trying to block that process. Business is ready and has planned for an exit under WTO terms, and so is the population - 80% of the country voted for parties that promised that. The Brexit party is attempting to create  the new horizontal split in politics that was predicted by Jacob Rees-Mogg, but will the elite administration allow this? My fear is that the banking remainers will continue to stall our exit to allow the EU to leech funds to mitigate the damage caused by the moribund Deutschebank and European Union.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 25, 2019, 02:59:41 PM
A reduction in the Sterling exchange rate will be good, and will help our exports. One reason for the growth of China was the selling of Renminbi to purchase US dollar bonds and assets. The Euro was created in part to avoid the revaluation of the Deutsche mark, and to merge the weaker Greek, Italian and other economies with that of the German.

What will happen after May goes? Hopefully there will be some analysis of her activities, and some attempt to undo the damage she has done. Hopefully the Chagos Islands will be returned to Mauritius, and some sanity will be introduced into the British Steel insolvency. The money needed was less than a quarter of the cost of the EU elections, and those may be annulled because they weren't administer correctly.

Britain voted to leave the EU, and to enter a 2 year negotiating period to establish new deals with Europe and the rest of the world. The Eton/Oxford elite that controls Westminster has spent 3 years trying to block that process. Business is ready and has planned for an exit under WTO terms, and so is the population - 80% of the country voted for parties that promised that. The Brexit party is attempting to create  the new horizontal split in politics that was predicted by Jacob Rees-Mogg, but will the elite administration allow this? My fear is that the banking remainers will continue to stall our exit to allow the EU to leech funds to mitigate the damage caused by the moribund Deutschebank and European Union.

your cheaper currency will not help you anyhow, first is that you cant produce quality products, and second is that you will not get anyone investing in uk anymore because you have no market to sell to, because you left EU.

in fact british steel has died recently and thats just the beginning.

enjoy your chlorinated chicken, from usa, trump will flood you with low quality food from america till your currency is even more worthless then ever before.

time to split up like soviet union, you will be europes polish plumbers.
in europe.

a cheap currency means you will live in poverty too without ability to invest

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: BADecker on May 25, 2019, 08:35:09 PM
Boris is a Turkish name, borrowed by many Slavic countries, and Russians. I he even English?


Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 25, 2019, 08:51:01 PM
Boris is a Turkish name, borrowed by many Slavic countries, and Russians. I he even English?


uk is one of the most mixed european countries, borris johnson had a grandfather who was a ottoman empire official

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: IIV on May 26, 2019, 07:21:34 AM
She should have resigned the first time her proposal failed.
It's a democracy, someone would stand up as a leader.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: Juggy777 on May 26, 2019, 07:54:49 AM
She should have resigned the first time her proposal failed.
It's a democracy, someone would stand up as a leader.

May’s resignation is not a surprise it was bound to happen, she had miserably failed to get more concessions from EU and lost support of her party members too. Whoever will succeed her will only have one option Brexit at any cost, even if it means a no deal Brexit from the EU. If there is a no deal Brexit then Britain’s economy might completely collapse, and it’ll take years for them to rebuild it.

Read More Analysis here:

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: Naida_BR on May 26, 2019, 08:52:21 AM
Now that Theresa May has agreed to resign on June 7th as the Prime Minister of the Great Britain for falling to deliver Brexit after over two years of negotiations, what is next for her country?

Are we going to see a Boris take over?

Are we going to see an upsurge in the Pound Sterling (this is my major concern actually as a trader)?

What are your thoughts, folks?

The British government should have thought or a Plan B, before deciding for a Brexit referendum.
A better planning would have avoided all these bad situations that exist right now in the UK. I think that Nigel Farrage is going to be next, and he wil lmake things worst because probably he will chose a hard Brexit that will cause a lot of problems and tensions between the UK and the EU.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: stfN2128 on May 26, 2019, 09:00:24 AM
Resigning was the only way for her. She loses trust but she tried to go on which makes no sense to me. There are so many leaders who better had resigned long time ago... France..Germany.. and many more. They are just to greedy and trying to make things in the same way as they have failed before.

So back to UK, i guess in the end we will see an exit of the Brexit.

Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: BADecker on May 26, 2019, 03:24:21 PM
May's Resignation: What Next?


June 7, that is. That's the date she will resign -


Title: Re: May's Resignation: What Next?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 28, 2019, 01:27:49 PM
Resigning was the only way for her. She loses trust but she tried to go on which makes no sense to me. There are so many leaders who better had resigned long time ago... France..Germany.. and many more. They are just to greedy and trying to make things in the same way as they have failed before.

So back to UK, i guess in the end we will see an exit of the Brexit.

it doesnt matter what face of government the uk government has, the political gravity stayes the same, the EU does countless heuristics.

you can only change your position through economic work. towards the eu so it changes its oppinion